The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 18, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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l LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. | Mr. C. II. Peake. Master of Pnlon County, was in Laurons Friday In connection with tho recent Macbeth Young land sah-. Mr. A. ('. I .on?' of Kock Mill, for merly president of Waits Mills, was h?>ro Thursday. Mr. w. w. Ball of Charleston was In the City Thursday for the Waits Mills directors' meeting, returning to Charleston Saturday, Mr. Joe B. sh ine of Oreenvllle was in LaurOllS Thursday on business. Dr. Isadore scnayer returned from Columbia Friday, much improved be cause of bis recent operation. Mr. Du pout Guerry of Boyd's mill spent Sunday in the city. Mr. w. l'. Blackwell of Brskino col lege spent a few days in the city with his brother. Mr. Homer Blnckwell. Mr. K. Y. Kibbler, a young lawyer ol Columbia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. T. P. Poole, at Tylersvllle. Kev. A. A. Merrltt, filled bis lasl ap polntmcnl Sunday at the Sandy Spring MethodlSl church. Croup Quickly Cured. Don't Lei Hie Child Choke to Death While Waiting for the Doctor. Ilyomei. the miraculous, antiseptic dry air treatment, will i ure croup hi either the lirst or second stages, Basil} inhaled, even when Ibo breathing h irregular, it reaehes more prompt!) than any other remedy Ibe terribly in limited membrane of the windpipe. It* soothing balsams act Immediately, tin InflainntlOII is allayed and the swell i n ^ reduced "Not long Ogo our little boy. Waltet awoke in the night with a bad attacl of cl'Ottp. We allowed him to inhab llyomci; be began to breathe easier and III halt an hour was last asleep I am glttd to speak a good word lor ; remedy that will rob croup of its ter rors." Rev. Ceo. Sisson. pastor of M B. Church. South Londonderry, Vt. llyomel (pronounced lllgh-o-nie) i: guaranteed by the 1.aureus Drug Co. to < ure catarrh, coughs, colds, asthma bronchitis and croup, or money back a complete oittlit, including a neat in haler, costs only $1.00. An extra hoi tie of llyomci, it' afterwards needed costs but 50 cents. Klovcu (?amblers trrcstcd. Chief Bagwell, assisted by Privat? Dodson and Deputy Owings ran in sever, negroes Saturday afternoon who wen caught gambling in the woods back ol Mr. .1. S. Dennett's residedec. Assist Chief. Jernigan arrested four whit< men on the same charge, caught ovei on the Mill Hill. m:Ait pi: \ i irs book. "I was near t< ((b ath's door. Tin doctor said he Inn done all he could that my stoinacl' was old and won out. I was so weal I could not walk I look Ml-o-na lab lets and have been eating hearty ever since, and I an able to work lik< a tiger, I wish I could go and thank you myself. I seni you my picture ami you can use m. words ami my picture, and I thani you again." Mrs. Nelson Lucier, 111 Fisk St.. Athol. Mass. Mi-o-na cures dyspepsia. If an. of the readers of the Advertiser on suffering from stomach trouble of an; kind, the Laureiis Drug Company wil SOU you a box of Mi-o-na for centi with an absolute guarantee of relief or money back. In many cases on< box will effect a permanent cure; i: chronic conditions more is necessary But one thing is certain; one box <? Mi-o-na will make you feel :..;<?. better ami brighter so much more eri ergotIc, that you will not give it till Cured, ? and IT The best line of Fancy 'V.; Dresser and Wash Stands i:i digerent de? - ami sizes, beautifully vnished and <?? prices that will be money saved to you if you will >.??? our lint \ < buy elsewhere S. M A: K H kVHke* .v ? Notice Kariner? I'nloii. The (?aureus l.pcal Culon will i again at the Court house on every .-'..? uiday afterlion at ll:ih:i o'clock ? ...< we get matters in proper shape. ^_.1. Wade \ Citation. The St.He of south Carolina County of Laurens. By O. G. Thompson, Probate Judge: Whereas, lohn F. Dolt. 0, C. C. P..1 Laurens county, made suit to 111? - t< main him Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Guy S Car nil. These are therefore to cite and ail monish all ami singular the klndivd and creditors of the said Cuv S. Car red. deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Courl of Probate, to be held at Laurens C. 11 . S ('.. on the IlOtll day of December. 1008, next alter publication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any Hoy have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my band this 17th day of November. Anno Domini 1008, 0, c. Thompson, fG-2t Probate lodge Von can get two of the latest disc Records SOtlgS or band pieces for Q5o, just live cents more than the price of one. it is something new call ami see them. S. M & K. 11 Wllke . ,x Co J. L. M. IRBY CIVl h KN O I N V. K It Office over l.aurcns Drujf Co. Simpson, Cooper ?& Babb, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all State Courls Prompt attention given 10 all business Can't be Separated. Sonic I,aureus People lire Learned Hun to (Jet Hi<l of Both. Backache and kidney ache aru twin brot tiers. You can't separate them. And yon can't ??'i rid of the back* achu uniii you care the kidney ache. It the kidneys are well ami stronn. the rest of the sysiein is pretty sure to in- in vigorous health. 1 loan's Kidney Tills make strong, healthy kidneys. Mrs. It. L. Motes. Gai'ltngton street. Lain tins, S. C. says: "1 have used Doan's Kidney Tills tor some time and have been greatly benefltted by them, Before I began taking theni I BUgered a great deal from backache. I also had frequent dizzy spells and my kidneys were .very inactive. The secret ions were annatural in appear ance and disordered in other ways, so that I knew my kidneys must he a' fault. Learning of Doan's Kidney Tills 1 procured a supply from the Pal metto Drug Co. and as before said, jlnce using them I have had much less pain in my back. The kidneys are also gradually returning to their nat ural condition and I feel heiter in every way." For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Post er* Mil burn Co.. Buffalo. New York, side agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's - and take no ?alter. 16 and Is OUR SPECIAL NOTICES. For Sale A tine lot of Cabbage Plants; Charleston-Wakefleld. Karly lersey-Wakelleld, Winningstadt, vari ables; $1.50 per thousand or 20 cents i hundred, ,1. \V. Donnan, I.aureus 8. C. II. F. D. No. 2. 13-51 For Sah* One thoroughbred Red Tolled Bull, two years old. Address .1. s. Crnig. R. F. D. No. Lumens, s C. I6-2t. Ilojs This is your chance. A nice '.-year old "Donkey" for sale. T K lludgens. 501 13. Main St. |?-2t For Sale at Sacrifice?One new l.n terprise Stereoptican outfit complete; consisting Of one stereoptican. one moving picture machine, one calcium ll^ht outfit, three lecturing sets (The life Of Christ. The Old and New World, and The Life of Intemperance and its Effects.) besides eik'ht of the very best Illustrated songs. Address Lock box 14, I.aureus. S. C. Ifi-lt Tor Sale Single seat buggy In good repair. T. K. llUdgetlS, .'.??1 F.. Main street. 16-2t See our pianos at New Lauivns hotel ?.luring conference week. Holland Brothers Telegraph) ?Ambitious young men and ladies should learn Telegraphy; for. since the now 8-hour law became effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from $50 to $70 per month to be ginners. The National Telegraph Institute of Columbia. S. c ami live other cities is operated under super vision of R. R. Officials ami all stu dents are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars l6-2t If Interested in a Piano don ' : see our instruments at the New reus hotel during Conference week Holland Brothers. I?-2t Our Mr. .lohn \. Holland glad to show you our pianos at .New Laureus Hotel during Conference week, and explain their good qualities, etc Holland Bros. Greenwood, s <\ Land Sale. The State of South Carolina. County of Laurens. In the Court of Common Piean Dora Madden. Delia Garr^tt. #-r al PlantifTs. K. H. Madden. Mary Mailt-:; I defendants. Pusuant to a decree of the c, the above stated caA*. r i Lauren- c H r on Sales D*-f*rnb*-r next, b*>ing Monday i day of the month. ' in* h??rs for strich *ai>-M. ihe fol I otlir-.-. ance to be pal: . ~ date of sal*, (he ' :-<'..t, port paid twelve month* fror.. the credit portion <,,, bond ami mortgage </ . ,.-r over the said premises bearing Interest from date n-ri. leave t/ chaser to pay his '-titir* , rj Tin t baser to pay for pa - terms of sale are not P.oftl . ? ?: the land to be resold on same ot subsequent Salesday ot. name at risk of former purchase JOHN f BOL C. c C. T. & c. s Lauren I>atd, this November 10 in tue District Court of the l'nlte? States, lor (In- district of South Carolina, hi Ha' matter 01' Mrs. S. I.. Nelson, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Mrn. S. I. Nelson, of I.aureus, in ihe County of Dnu rons und district aforesaid, a banki ui?t: Notice is hereby given thai <in tin loth day of November, 1008, the said Mrs. S. L. Nelson was duly adjudicated a bankrupt and thai the flrsl meeting of her creditors will he held in tin' othees of Simpson, Cooper & Babb, at Laurens. s. C . on the 27th day of No vember. 190S, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee. oxamin tin bankrupt and transact such otlu I us iness as may properly come before said meeting. John .1. Carle. Referee in Bankruptcy. November 17. 1908. IG-2t You will lind here the largest and best line of Art Square and Butts in different designs, colors and Also a beautiful tin.' Mailings in, digerent designs and colors, all ai money saving prices. s. M. & K. II. Wilkos & Co. See <>ur line of fancy china, a beau tiful line In digereni detdgm < dors and decora! Ions. S. M. \- E. 11. Wilkes .x Co. Keystone Traction Water Well Drillers Are Honey Makers. Everybody uses water. A drilled well is the only mean- of obtaining a pure, cold and unfailing supply. Dug wells and tprings are simply cess p< Is for collecting disease breeding surface drainage. 85 per cent, of i ; Fever is contracted from bad water. A Keystone Drill will penetrate the bed rock and tap the pure, unf ng streams betow. All surface wai is securely cased off. A drilled well rarely goes dry in the most protracted drouth. It is safe. There is more money in a Keystone Drilling Outfit than fn a Threshing Machine and you work all t!.- year round instead o':- three months of twelve. Machine is the most coi on the market and must n it 1 founded with cheap and flimsy outfits. Drills a 6-inch hole through ar'y forma tion to anv desired depth -v'- the 50-feet a day in ordinary :' ri Usual price" for drilling is per foot. Costs a day to r^n it, fuel and labor. Will go anywhere 1 ? iti own steam and can be set up and | to work in 30-minutes. ?? Write for catalog No. 1. Keystone Driller Company Beaver P^all.s. Pa. Sullivan's STORE stock of HEAVY GROCERIES at lowest price . Flour ail grades ftorn the \'- c Second Patent to the f mnA ? . f',c: the ad ? inco . Orleans SyrUp ?-,r 500 Und Mc, . ? ?. Finest Mocha and.fav? . .-. ?esr. f'$rt-t'T. ?'.'otf-';??? . ' ?l .. . J, H, Sullivan K?perlall- iiorj "NalQfe'l K?rr.*?J/" T?ilv\ Dlntlmn Ottl "t tli^lr J'.ltiX?; n?cd II to fc??> I Ami BowelI In K"?l Ofd? r; n> < ?'. !??,'?..' Ill OLD FOLK /T NATURE'S REMEDY" Be Tour Lv,?v I'nk- a ?btet nOW nixl then: It ?III V?'p I condition ti.Ht dUontei < Minot ink* bold I glvo ?mUf?< Hull, or Iii? purt-hai? priCO r<:f'i .?!??!. Bettei\Than Pills For Liver! CET A 25<S. BOX..,i. 7 F:or Sale by Palmetto Drug Co. ? TEMPTING PRICES ON Seasonable Merchandise g ?AT- O Minter's Big Storeh Clothing Values ]],:-. For Men and Boys [we showing a great line of Suits, Pants and Over coats at Prices that will interest the closest buyers. In Suits. ' A grand line cd* the very iatests in cut. in material, in finish front the best tailors in the country. $18.00, $20.00 and $22.50 I A l>ig line of as stylish Suits as can be found $12.50, $15.00 and $16.502 If you want to put only $10.00 in a suit we can show you a line of styles that are up to date in goods that will wear to vour satisfaction. Special Overcoat Values We call attention to a special line of Overcoats which includes many great bargains and a big range of styles. Prices $7.50, $io.(mi. $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 Elegant Line of Pants All the new materials in the latest patterns and the newest cuts. Can tit any size pocket book. Prices $1.50, $2.00, $4.50. $5.00. $6.00. S7..->o Look at Our Boys' Suits All that's new in all grades and at prices $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $<1.C0, $5.00 Shoes! Shoe:-.! Shoes! If you ever need good Shoes, the $1 kind that will wear and Keep the feet dry. you need (hem now. When you want these kind of Shoes come to us and you will always find them. ? W*0 also have a elegant line of the best makes in "The Tip of Styles" and all the new Pattent, Kid. Tan and Ox ford. Staple Shoes for Men $1.10 to $2.00 Staple Shoes for Ladies $1.(10 to $1.50 Staples Si.i es forchildrdn.50to$l.00 Elegant line Men's Custom made Shoes $1.50, $3.00, *:!..">'?, $1.00, $5.00 i COPYRIGHT teoo to* THC UAKCRS Of M ICH A E LS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MIOHACLS, STERN & CO. j ROCHESTER. N. v. A great line Ladies' Dress Shoe; ffi $2.00, $2.50, s:i.i);t, $3.60, $1 <?? \\M l?g line of Children's Dross Shoes c\<y 7-Vts. si,00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 SS0 '?????-??I- * Ladies' Ready-to=Wear Department Is full of Bargains in Suits, Cloaks and Skirts. Wc have had a big business in Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, and all wc need now to make a perfect season is to clo?e out what wc have left which includes some of the most stylish Garments wc have had. If vou waul ;i stylish Suit at a bartrain. Sec our line. n Too Many Cloaks=?Deep Cut in Prices. Wc- bought too many Cloaks and in order to reduce the slock nit the most economical buyer: $ 7-5'? Values for s 4.98 10.00 Cloaks for 8.50 12.50 Cloaks for 1 .><><> Cloaks for 12.50 20.00 Cloaks for 10.50 , 25.00 Cloaks for IQ.50 will make prices to IS W9 8 Voile Skirts in all that's new $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $!().{)() Elegant line Panama Skirts to go at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 J. E. Ml NT ER & BRO THE RELIABLE STORE. For all the New School Books CALL AT Posey's ' iJIIIl gr^ Qua ^/ Everybody known what that moans the staunchest* best N 1>uilt, lightest running, b< st material wagon on tho markoti t<> handle it !>? cause it costs them a 1 it11 ? m< ? ai '. llv yhavoto Bell it for a llttlo more than Otho? ww n ? life ?&?os? To SeSS The Wagon of Quality \ 11!!??. ; v a I now what the. people of ; community want. While it co ts iilllllo taoro than othora it la woi lit a great doal inoro< Every EtiMfoUPil Bs Worth Mob*? Thau It Costs. It's worth white lo buy right while you an; nl It. Got the wagon that ii pot ! lo boihot yon with tiro Boltingi breakdowns) etc. We have that \ agori* COM/SIN AND LET US TALK MILDVKN TO YOU, H. Douglas Oray& Co