The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 29, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Uli i: AnVKRTISKK. alrnm"? mimn sabifrir>i!on prm n jnm fear] ? 'PitWhIc WAkvU ?Wo! 1 1 to1 \jaiibibniij /m ooni/oiinu oJ jiod I lim; yua-ii'i .Mj. .'>ni,<| J|riir('JllO'l(J fillJ loSj fJONWV.i KWJ VHul i oiitlri aiff l to h*ioJo7 filUiv ' ??:Tf^Hlt ir-tt .MmWiiWhHY ioH I ...y.h.m ,*'<M|nflN.Vs. C,;?,|| ,il ID. I Im I i|i>7 ?nil .'I lll'l Ii I i ? ? nvTJIi IlmlH l JllllJ oIiiJk ol /lim?.-* --?:?? llArrib?''.>(;Ml I AnVIWIURIN?.N'<<l)rVllilftl\V . ^^^?^^^(^??liiie/q^t'iuplAr^.'oi^rmKOi^ itionyWvOoi djtfhiwbsequbwt ih?r?rtl*tn, nOHNjntii, t.oVMil Tcduefhm iMnde'Yor ?llirgitvadiOetlsonienth? noi Jn-ilo*?! >i< Nott^'olf VliHnWsV 'tf Ivo feoWJ fob" JlM ??viril Inn; ii'(i';<|ini;'i /im ??/lau <>' lVh\X' in:. 1 I.. ?bjUiUJ (juUM_liiLl tlLttllil . / Iiiiii EriCtirM'nf fitfo'^?Wofflc!? ftl: lAoiiVns, S. ?. us second class mail maller. . ? fi;|idnn. i <; II'?HY.lli IfOlirlil /iPirnl I -kA [mannt) odJ lo (hi)oii 'lawol '?ni v ??Ml 'l<> '.?lin Ulli -I I'ViyllW .V.lilnl ???l.'AURI'.NS, S. C;, JULY 2<)v;IW^.'? '? I/. / I I 1 i.' i .-t_L-i. ? II. I'll IUI; si:naiu!<iai.( situatio.v,,,,, ,, Frldiiy morning l*ho> '(jkrtllld?ltfA ?'Mr A^eod)V i'iYwfcr p,)!,y,o,t.(y b^rdj.,t|>flifi, claims mlb forth/:oanhi spooklcfl ? buii?gl UdiittrfidUt ftfttlectftif aVal put"r^Vtt hoiir-J ii ai.'d '/lyy.-j^irva'/.Y l'wDv^'V'l. a?^.i'J>NlfV wnsinotjliog utiuitunl oi) Htaidluig.o;n tho day'?'proceeding*. Hwa? whhti'people call i."[tl;mi.: alfair!" CM. ...mnpUin's \vi't,aiu|,p.l<M|iH iH'.c. Mi- Miirljii'.>iij.ql>?.'s.,i Mr. JiltObtft?fIdloav<fl|AL Hpucuh i arWI. Mr. (;race's aee'.isat ioiM Wort11 flu":btAly'1 Wo-'I ticcablg^Viayre.^'i.^thb liiee^mv Previous In their coming Uns npwsn? papri-1 ^rf?4ull ..piniim on '; the chances for election of the. various ..?8-, piranflSi bo: lhl- effect thai Smith and KtyVktifflMN M*fl .loaders,..TIb\( ,<H>PM?M> ha.) not been r,h:uigod.'' The. AdvbrUsor has '!|n<jiiujit)eil right' to bxpresstln opin ion, one ' df' the 'candidate's' I ??*??>k\\V.. I'A'-irrfr'V 'fiV : IrSl?rf*i ^HMSqir^ lUPJ" t<? IrJmtWM ???' .UlViJW.Vf no; f- i ?.l , Wo ?UN believe, that. Smith anthKdieUiJ are t,'lv?': Midevs, 1 tK/lt??RjltetH is the' stinger of ili,. two and that I'Xanj* has, lost groundi Wlli Ie. ,\Vf} a,r 15, ,?>llw9411 i-; lite tiHerfot UVAUlVi newspajier or man, WOihttfcJ ilonthoje 1 vieWH' holitHHitflidbom UOtV?OllI when Mio sifdaliini ohane.e^ anil otiV'ijpjn'i'ort' j?*V?ffl...W^^a.'tW^' will have' no liv?^ian?\v',. ini .'aa^'iw ?0^ Thu.i J'mf we have no reason t<> altur our viitWM.-'"I-"' I t "'i .<?' view;; i/X Hjfl,, r^Jf^ivp bl,aialn?jff of M?f candUUtcsi 'VVoVliallitb go further and say thai this paper has looked with fa vor U|ioh the caiidiiVncV of Mr. Khett II te ' s-,V. jyqt. ? ? m ^dvek-t-ise?1;, ;!!.:} deui\ic.i;atic'jaipei, hart been and waya tee. no far a.t iLs preMimCinnariajft* ment is concerned/ Its HUp'po'r't 'Hvlll ever lie td only dohi?cratic candiilates. Mr'/Whelr':- democracy b.a.s. ,(.<vn' chat' h-n^U l^v .Mr. U>'HH^? uuture ?if Mr. 1 tilace's odhlOn (filing forbids us giving much cv?;ileriiM> to'bfi words. A candidacy tmlnneVI upon spiti? and ac tuated by a spirit nf-ttiialeyott'iice is not a safe thing tOitlopcnd ?uponm; W*" are afraid to put any dcp^idenc?1'?n t'fie tit teranees of a man actjng, on. ?ucTi im pulsi;s. Hui. if it is proven irontilU siveiy that Mr. Ithett is a republican, thifl pkfkft would most cevlainly with draw its_ support, ;is would any other dt'inociutic. jiew.sjia.p?'r in the , State. 'That is all a consistoat democratic pa |KJr could do. :\W are sitf>pf)rting Mr. lihetl i?ocausi< )v,\'|byjmAvrt|i>ini ,tt> be the hest-litted nuu\ in . Vll.o r;W(i, tl)ApC4lC moit tJioroughly ei|uip|Hid in intelh>(d to cope with ?fliestion<! tif the (lay, ii man ?>f Integrity attd 4 g.Miuine democrat. We say those things simply and solely because wc believe their truth ami arc not afraid to express an opinion, confi dent that the people of l.ut?'ens cotlhty are .\yj\|luj;' to. credit. Ut^with 1H)nL ESTY and concede the right of THEIR newspaper to support its choice. The\>t*A*^v.lhat time will prove all .halt see and seeing, our W iy^lai; pursued, and the ff I thin) usus pool Mi be' iwin L<$ m ?nforce flrallt tit.v. mm Po\y it, hc? \,tr)es roaHy.kucvisaVy | etjitof al,so refuse toaccopt the of, private fwcretitry Xo MfteUa-. n...M(utin. n rti?tl ^t*o:- ji >auii ?od 1 In m .tveofp1!" of Thr (Sdlcfon' nd the Fountain Inn News and t wo new coMmAi^pKhd I he Advcrlrsciy.veicoi^s the in ? ranks JMl**!*.?^ ^>kW^ Jltfl^ v|Klj.X::?--. Idl I I Olflrtj ave ft niftti' in Anderson wlio ^k^li*?^ djdtnTOV-n. -?nnin avd :t ?ili(ti MaUMOn who psc.l t,. CetflWes fV<Mii Mi-. KOTnTa sister. 1 Times. " '' ' VVWU *A ave a rrtmrfTl Ifraiiehvi'lle thai I us is Mt Kernel flfBt COUsllV hville*lournal. * \r |>*| I IVO f/'mftn in "^.n^iirena vvhose <h?ug?iiV'; Iiiv-1 cousin's wife has b< u>'.l^ y^etttbles just like loose sold by Kern s sTs^f, dorn It. thaj posij tor' Ne\ Not| Stat Intol wolll kno^ Mail w ,?,v v the hi BRYAN CAMPAIGN FlI^D. ccelvcd mt L? the: present date the following contributions to. the Bryan campaign runt .'j|fwrj2 olid^ 'jiU to'l TfWt?wmm-- WWW" in Staitli .CA? this State willjgO for him Solidly. The ?PhJ&i "'J tnat '8 tho cohiimtteo tshouikh igety itja/OOO.iifinona I,aUrirtH7/e(Ainty/. ^H>'k>bJWri'1Hh'(>ul/l' k/iyM^ thv:lrulj's.,uj t^*1Mp*rty( (o,rl)M??M>-.P?1i ccive a contribution of overi $d?,?()Oyi t?o act rtWdingly1' 0 .i\ BraMiWd hi^^.mnfi^cqs.,,^ wwtipgfc, ThOinownpapetisI luce btoeti rbquasted 6V nusl/tn^tSi/ittb,, Ahd we are doinfc-?Ur' l.tluUtlupt'i n ii-'^vrri 'j'jitiiottfta v.<if>Tbn I fBiWYSnFl lo fiti.-io?_> ).. ooirio oril to ?ofl .ill lo lliw oif] ..I looiduH ./ttiii'i UliH;tU<i/b<wnden duty veryhr?tim Jen to support existing laws no matter if (hey art- bad W^flt?lcf|hlito. We are just Mi-miifh epH^e\f,HV?'lVluml?dh',olf ehe, bvrtt>l<ir(g.,MViM .piT>luhjtiV>mjil?iv; lif: Imch weru'wow-iirfflOKJot'io ?>< I bias lo lie J ,HM(iT?H ;-:on r JL; tint tiHiwtinr ainapiif)itiimetuon^"CVt?v.. ? rnor''' lllhutstds?staffyd*>r 'dftefflto hope 10 be, made /.'His Exgojloncy?,"i'p^iVhfte j'epXfi?i. ("m^WiliHIh^H^il I <p:-iiii i,i v.JaoTiD-RTroiriakl lo tihodtt "to .Just such'wet #Mtntio?,<as luau'rehs4 .ipiiicc 'it' difficult-1 to' 'ertforc"?jIhn J Mfiws ip,dtjy,',CiOUt}ifie8<,j[(YCo are a source 011 our.iueighbojrsV.ti.*oubl?3>.i Bu?t otir people are begihniltg to'r^ah'/le tt??'tfri?' their titfrift? jOr^>^V^^T^^f/^f^1^ sel,tle the.n'ia^ter aright,.. ?J \ma i-tcntiii 11 u-u'llo otfl oi ytili'lR O'/l JooJoli ijnul I The llAttvonA -poofnVgavo good audi i ejp?ingj our, gwd,breeding| and; aenqe of. jpivncasd ? itm li'iq ?>iJni.,M)nt!?( I jtnidoiio*! ; PAW W .tl ttHOI. Jcftnu? V?V Mil, the Itt'fcM'rtoMry'ptib1 lie mWrmli^r^M the same, negro, w]^ i*>w,,lud<k> itrluii Po sition of postmaster at tKlordnce. i.toi-i get bei'With'his comtniMsion from Till man. He is the "negro republican'* who is sd JWjh6m\WJto:,VfU.J VM re nee penile ?M-^ 10 that tftt.V, . .... ,, !?.... ) -.. Illiul I --" V ii!' i !>U?1 Why should Mr. (Avaeo's charges hurt Mr. lthe,fct?> Mt\ Utobb explicitly danrea t hem. Mr."?nice makes 'atlidn'v'It that they are (rue. \)j^nWW altera jffJsuhoou,j(or jlhe purpose of in j li ry, l,o i a MO t b or .w.qidd , AVM.,, tocs? UU<e,, it?) ninhu the somOlotjioafchl iThe 1 affidavit} dbiVs not strengthen tlit" c-aso'oP HAlr?' t.raee ;it,al|. jf ^'?'c'nKfges ai^,1'true' why ditl Grace support Khett for five .years afterwardtfufigu^ d^fnocrat and Ofjily briw thjw ,nvtHer?up at, this.! jaite. day'.' There alui .those V?ho think "that Mr Kindt HlioUkr' Krrtho 'iM' ^Utgi-? with the "hV ?lirf:t'VVY,,#V'(';racc, This would not add any strength to hlS denial but would only indh-.U<j had lost.his.temper. We aio glad Wflt he has adopted VthOI more dignified course. ii? A i labibuu') n ma I i . ii |;>i.iofi -ur? ni- vinilOO KHOIUJ Oaadldatt* ? MaVHn WWWMyP Y^vy I naughty last Friday and ' t?|Ului^j present cUite has nQfr ajifde-gizotl to us, but despite .all wo. Jrqody (forgiye. diiln.] Why? bech?sethe had the good judg<-' men! to nittri'v ft Tailrens trftMt^ j^rV That fact Would ^^jfti^^ 'it^e ?a^'^'. the catalogue .^or pnyiapanrv >,. Governor |^J^.J^iUina?,?piiHii?teil a (negro to the plflqe oJf j?otory nVMbtteiarfdJ 'no one wOuld ever'Hfcuso.'the* great'He-'1 1 former of bemg a "nlggcr-lover." But then. Tilhnah has never looked. ,^itlV mmh favor on (.Vie BleaHu^rthay tttS) Of a different sort, and' right hero in ilau^ |retis two years aco ^etiftfor Tilhnan warned the people against Please. Malicious perversion of fact is as groat, if nold.greaUrjty crirjgB^against tri'th than an open lie. ? - . -??^??iWq If there were a vacancy be constrained to olTer.Mr?^ tin a position on The'Tjaiif*.? tisorafter Uie election in Augttall wo?ld t'nake a good "ad writer.' recouunend him to a?y/.firat^et hal in the suit* that m^vil?^ *??-?,??. ? Kein?HKdr (^ndidftteiiaw^spl !candi<ktfes, NV^la^v/AJ^ti^^B^I, last day for /fj^c yolNEledf A very djjar friend of The A?lf e>lisf mm h alarmed about the ,nv?r?l dtge| eracy and tleterioration of tb?.: miit< dtes^*^?tt '''HjVHil^ were good tl IOI*^1b" lrf*ity ?te hot weath 1 dofi1M4*tch Unng laligtSage." That rigid? b'aUie .tbyi \s eat I mi ; lx- idf didn'L use but one "cuss" wOi?d aij ^i^was spdlvil ffrORgy.^va-at TaTions to our editorial self." , , n Id -I > iw R JI itlCM J o i ?, , ' ' >?dl Some one handed us theallidavWred ^j\Mr.\*^racc Kriday. with a re<piest publish. The substance and purport W>o^Pi^vfUfi'C|^yvi4hlthc InS* a4 Jomtt I* fci^iirtefftt^V Ii f;!*c? Mi ('?race is given his due space. thing further or extra may n? advertising 'natter. pent out from Atlanta to the Houston [Post, of Toxas, to t^i- effect that the Georgia Lcgislatunt^ad been caught gambling, and MiajTyind tigers had been discovered ri^nt there in the State House. It seems impossible to locate the originate fie* ci organs ... credence Uo*t*rw Upon it. The Lcgi^ture ,ofr ftcorgin indig nantly an(if^H?elurtA AWrtlncca the tale as altogether and wholly false. Applying a little reason to the incident, j it seems that if such fey^s) A\'ti\\ SbvD'Vl true, there would be some record of it^ and that Atlanta officials weiWfVHoV' something about the matter. ^yfo^ijCv truth of things doesn't seem to count much in political scheming theseUli^h*. and the whiskey crowd will jump at anything. ?> Following is what the Georgia I.cgis h#l!?;^<tpls?yjiW4t fflM1 -heading of a 'SpdcJaHtfr?fn)I/Ulanta,' is absolutely and unqualifiedly false! That no occurrence of tins kind happened in tho somite olyihibfrpl!i<teorgia;, vi;il ?// ton ?Tex.) Daily Post, on pagt^lO, ditto1 July Kith, 1908, as being a fabrication I ViyHS^Lefche ?tt*cftSl>9 hilh/ lout debate and by a unanipmus vote. , . J?,WlgfSE MBT?P^fi?M U ln-H-newn article on the first page of this issue are given seycral letters^ all j proving tlur dX^^ver?4rtU?vv South Carolma* Arrelatetf to Cne Ap pointment of negroes to the oflice of J notary pu?Jlfc^?Ke fatftyijht fuJl^Y"^ the custoniwfts not generally Known." | iSome of Hlease*8 lieutenants taking advantage <>C-thesj j^pirorAOce quietly 'told a few voters that Governor Ansel had compiiMfdjthej Htrqejous crime/r of appoiirong >a liegM 4ti^Gre?nvflre *as notary public, at the same time crea together unprecedented act, wliolly un wqrJhjj(|of aj^en^ goT^pjj and! a ? jtra | ?trayal of the white voters in the Siate. lt|W?s hii^i)y <ad epfp,!^ )toiiprcjudiqe people against. Mr. Ansel and cause thqipi j t|q-,f pjtjej ?wo#Ms?j tf* /mqtiliQdi wholly unworthy of men with any re gard for truth and justice, used "on the quig>#6tby^ytofti\V&/tei?m-f'jrf?pc Jvjine telegraph. The editor of this paper was told abUH ftl?f*< lifcvfllbV Uct>oJf Mtt'gcWtf&cV.' Believing that the matter of appointing negroes dW'liaWia^riWetfkWtl tlfafeiU* was all right, and that it was unfairly used to hurt the repulttttojIKifl fi 'dfeteat; respectable man, the governor of the State, and influencing votes against him, w^ft^l? ^fj4wl3?F l,is secretary, Mr. He then, for facts on the case. We shon^l[$&|$ IdA/ifeJfhis, for the sake of fairness and right, had Blgaaa "r wybodY fflae Ken the pv?? Accused. We believed it right that the tbey jhouui not be misled by tune-serv ing jroliticians who find which thejjppu-, lar swfo in their respective countifel lotf ,distf$ts and Hop accordingly. Many of the aj^tft men in the county Jiad ibeen ''qujjgUy informed" oF l hinget hat. Governor Ansel had done ijind^fre led totjeliev.? 4^ ali PVdf??e I on tlfe white pe^jllt M>tne< Sf?t*?l4ur' intcfsj)ton and act were simply to get information, fyf [the. peopjp and tq-shqwi up tfc^i methods employed by the Blease , workers.' 'The'full case is before you, tfhe voters of this cdiinty1; give' it cdn-' side rift ion, > : ? >:i U u l L Tl^pi^im^n^f rWftPff like *put of notary public is. perfectly all rlffct, qtdte a1 ^ohvimie'nce',' VrmoWta p??!tv sometimes, and a custom v.frU'xpreccdent worthy of following. cicveR?is... JlicMrd?oru_ X?il '(lerb#D ~ Gpvi r |_W 3 these employed in hol^liyif : ajC$adidji|tf( ardhy political scnefners is unfit for Ol r tnleraliun-If ja qnrl^rhnnrl, Inuf, contemptible, unworthy the tolerance of f^t&iftiijijt>Mkaiwiti'ibitdiw^ W>?*. aro you going to doal>out it? Will you, is voters, who are striving to put in otli^' tl l.wMf! will administer the afTairs of pOUjpty and State in fairness and jus put up wit Iff sucJj tlffngM? jf?^ an unshakeifi am-JabirTin? ??nfi i#t^^ii^gtTty?an(V r>tr of people; we l>elieve in them; and so we believe that when tl\py go to bolls, thkf M&igflWW'Bfc djrffi aright and truth and honesty . i_iL' .1_ Iis issue ends the twenty-third year ie Advertiser's existence. ^mbers of good people in the^coufttV surprised to hear that GoveiWr |l had appointed a negro to office iad almost, if not wholly, decided I n t't el? firnf oTft ntnffl ^U^P^C^ acU indeed, thev wprc led so toJ ' J4B ttleaaaU W?rk^J he^5] I'd act^ indeed, they, pipre le<| 80 tOvJ fc, ._q>irit of fairness that has always lAkHuterized our people will resent row "misrepresentations" that hjfTPj s(^>^U^* th.^Qull^hien retAletl in this matter 1he"re is but one 11>Ajiiiiiwpaspi11 a11 ?iniwi nan ?? ****************** * AMONO-?|l^p|i^r\Af5oES. | We agree vytl^hyCyYp^^lUj Enquirer ] that Smith. Rhett and Johnstone seem to be leading in the rare fWtW*'senate. ? Pee Dee Advocate, r mi . . ri3 ?:?;?>' t . "? '>n+*~d?toih.-> ni ?< '?dt h Hy the People's'Vole'. ' .J: T'jii ? r\ ni uitMlfiiou uoissinibj I ,C0le HleuM laid hitt defeat atrtibeilasb eleetion toa'lacfc'Of Ben,'TillmAvW,# eW*l this time? Clinton (Jiromcle,,,,.,,,,;,,(, . Good gpah,, Wo?^ j^JjgpAV 'a',,f''x with,T^U^|the White House, J. G. Evans in the senate chamber and Cole BTease in the governor's mansion in~| Columbia! ^Jut the wood LowL-tomne*a the ^?oW?oft1anlE|^^: wilHMnd us Bryan, Rhett and Ansel Our trinity of PMr^ ^Uliski?ifi^B v be vv^Jl. -Sene?S#lJiili>?aidJfIcro^ .Khstt's. Bejnocac: SiljjSe fcM WnVer^onvidtfon CandU dates John Gary Evans and John I*S Gra?4;> should npologiwe for???????ging^ thatL&andidate R, Goodwyn Ithett'ft currencyanil baukiu^ views aro, repulj^ l eanjgn. 1 Tlley fehduki'nnta'Vhb mania 'rjess"lo a^k^\flcdi^f|Hli^t^lu^y,xWerc either' endeavoring to deceive thf^ masses, 9r(.ihltb?irrift9qr{icc,(fcifpi^. notf Avhat' they were talking abovit. Thaj, national (hmtoCrUic plitfoflti i.ruvtJior- , ^ughjhecord with Mr. Rhett's banking, and WrreHdy* Idfe^.^iiHd'W/UbM?H^ to genc4U>f the people. We are not es?j . pousmg MiJtftfibtf's ttluJ&| ouY'Ave are; opposed to deception, to .win votes. ; 5 Maninng-Tihics. ?0?> W J ^ ?mW. KnoSe^t. 4 Joiyt Gary Evans put an .eyfoy lasting"11 quictfta on E. D. Smith at Greenwood^ .whepflje asked, "If it were possible for^ j a UrdTed Status sunatur to put up- the pricef>f cotton don't you know that* Ben'Ttllman i^Uj^b^ve^uul "h?J the* price^to 50 e^tlUt^dkiof]Kr^a/j?''--* Anda|aon MaTT ere s Luck, BrQj^Oe The esteemed Laurens Advertiser isi soon to install a HootYpe macbme^Xhe' ClintW ?WlWnlrvW itq chickens and eggs .this summer and fall, will install a wife, by gum. Clin ton Gazette. g.f, jiaiJJOH A carapajgn, scanda\ 'fund lias 'r'or.Qjcen out in Laurens, the Laurens? Advert iser ! ann?Upbi^'thai,it 'Starts off.tjhfiCam paign subscription:to Jhe Jlrya'rt- c^hn- J pair.a fmul with its Ifalh The lAdvor UsMtonemW WfevWpa^lh'fffe dflko to contribute to the fund, but the Ad vertiser" t9~TT 575fp^r^TT6n" ^ganTzetl 'tWfiJjlvfroiue^nft BE a^ftfwf^Tis well known that the Democratic party Bahs. The Advertiser's dollar is. not that contributed by any other newspa? per in this State so farfpariil jt is equal1 ^pfth|**>cnt^1?fi'J>( Ithti Jmly&Uo* Timpson, Texas, who draws eight ancL one-third cents a month. The Adver-, tiser cannot be trusted'.' It very well knows'that the money of1 a corporation, especially of a p?OfM"'orwH,corporation of swollen fortunq, canpot, be acceptedf 'It' Vs 'merely hi fling and betraying the <people*U6w, as' it1 hrfs'beert' betrayingJ them, for the, lost itiw?nty-tbree yoarsT] M it had been .unincorporated, it would j have offered $10,001, knowing that sub-' jscriptions of more than $10,000 are*' ^tjfoenei! ^VehsjjA^fl 17 H)l hioM<.Kile '?il'Ju. My little boy, four years old, had a two physicians; both of them gave him l^hv yls H&P JE^v^rnberlaw** Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured him and believe that saved khiH lilo;, ?\V%i.uAi?lft Stkoi.ino, Car-j WKfli Hffr/Ara. TWre?is no doubt but this remedy saves the lives of many children each year. (Jive it with castor oil according to the/rtain fftinted direc tions %)dj cuj^is @2rt?n^f4ror sale by ? ? ? Laurena" IXru "In a Breath of Air" Health Cdmes Prom Knowing How and Both health and disease come breath-ftf air." JftuflFraden with the germs of con mpWen or other disease is inhaled on [#jtaMK?Ct, but disease does not de velop unless the germs find conditions suitable for growth. In the catarrhal condition there is an I bed where the germs thrive and multi simplest and quickest cure, the direct j method of Hyomei, whose wonderful i medicated air destroys germs and4 vatarrh and ?pr^n, " iinei s ^i*hI in Urnf* lb* fwi evwy $1.00 outfit Laurens Drug Co. give 'THfs^^uTer ?I .:<'tJLJL\ \o vfiBinwoH .vjJniw on*J 10I )i ^> brm ifin: I B??-itauA ni KlidclnH' vhov/ oJjnowofl OVaH line Bp jjfljjj Court HWk-??di+y. -;'THeW 1^?,)l||tMn j d4mand)for/AWi^ock?)vrhieH<iodv&tl^ l.hjei for> eai^y.""Prte# Vt?ryfifr?isorla?!ef.llll Wjritaior ?urtheriirifc?TOabion^!ii) jiaiv a< 12b.aoiK;Bibxt^2),,ciiirail?8!d5rom) Borkst fejOOwj?" yab-Ho ioHio bna solntdq no 0>jj -60; -a'ci-efl'-bf uhali>nfhU9ufft?fei "toi?Ptt'"4, chuwib wjtAvdw.ellin?r.arid oulbuihim$8;>l' ;R. A. Nash, with good dwelling. tertaYrt1?! houses r.naN*b#s? /h9rf?p:la*m^ 1 48 acres ^f?nd, bounded by .JajM^.pjf . Miller Curry, lJUvid Barton ana others, .with a beautiful.eight, room .cottai line well df'water ?ight, room .cotta mat gw bm? . f-;,J' In. one"miie^ ^G^eW'Vf' icTiurcb. .<We,'?y{W'|ferva^W" , n jwT (tiaJryjoWI ysooJT WYnnolup*// ti'<l . 53 aoreSiOffl la?W,in,ope mile of Green Pond church, bounded by lands of E. C. Stone, Robert.Woada atid jptbera, with . e? six roonlWtt? \(MiWM%, fine wjr^'Md^rtWO^I ^5,?er.flar? .Ji 45.02/nrposf' boundod djyiu!*ls(tbfrjD//o w.WlrV'J Clarence Gurfiwa(pn4iMhflrfi)-i(> ?with a four room,cottage and,good.QUt-.v buiidingy, H&tFpft mWIPrlr "chtfrchv 11 iPriee W f/er-acreV ''"1 ?? ^'5d;J ' SO afci es"!of lahaKWeU'rb Gr^k'*t^ndH< church;" bounded ?'fcv daftds WuMfllHtw Cuttry/ RutffUs iBhbb^Abnoirl #abb* Iwithi'li a six; roop'vd. wellbigy.gwd OHWll ou.^b:^.?- JhHm ufwm, ojjiadJ acres ?Invrftul'tlvatiofl; balttrice",iri: Avbdll"1 land. Terms made easy at $20 per acreU'i iShyabif&wihi ! m vjff'S) will ^Ir'odonbaoll ?midion oiueaoin i 1?0< ? airoa d ]ahdd ? - bonded "by^'flfeAlf y*1" j - M i 1 Ih i and i j j < 0. GV Semite' m& <<dtner*;1'J seVon'lrodm''dwelling, t^fl&nftt nH8^ye;'1' barn"mid ?'' goott" o^tbli?ldingl^lu'Pri?^1'' ?$ft,?50. "ii;<| mot! v.awa si usaoiq boola ftldd jjjjw #bohr>q luliiiall .8*10 by John Terry, Clyde Willis, John Ped-' ri murj/ Jiiv/ Jiborioq zp/Jiaeres in Fajryaew-fown .ville county, near Cedar,V.a ?en and others, three..dwellings cio .churclvxaW flh^-?otil. '-'TOce* WttO pe$,ocre, t,.|j(,no|. oriJ lo tohoJrti oilT ' 8TO ffe^WlJattVin'sHotyrf^ -ed;by/c.hin!?3i<>0(?'''Wl' A;*: Mttl^J'-'Wi"'A'.l,: Siu\pson ; Lwly Mill*; iaml othees,? jutmu ?d mto f>0 attW!"l?Wrlf 'sW: de\W?;,:-,??'figW''tlV0' priae fTqir>? $?3o/toll$50>peri<tcfO'WVili 11'? sellj thw,wbolqjfQr.$tJ2,Q00(00:d <,dl no !>om 9S acres land near Wattsii J^lbTv"' nl>v?lin(i !>rfj tlnw lovol n no dobibtnoec J uni aili jaoal acR'.1""! ? ?'i moil baiaiaqi -iilr.-j vlin'lilij/iod . noiJibbn ogia! bno ^nibliud fid i, . ,qu (\ >Av.) nooa i rl mi >..ii)rx ?>dJ l)fu; Jfiot .bnnin >mmoa Haq i m obi ?qaotq orfJ iefftnti'8 Real lEstateySfeooks-and'^B " ' fi'):l.;-?d?io A .-m-iv v-< >r,m SWv iHl?; Kid r uhT bfiA ^llJib bdvlosdi jnlad mu hIJi -/?> Jnc?K0*jq )a einAoilqqn lo "lodm ; 'nil Ju Ja^jq id) ni anidJvna nh't^ .is in', bad oyolioo adJ .oJ hid Iii- ? //>m. I-rf>J^/)-m 'Ug&Jtnlu Inl '< MICHAELS'STE RN'' FINE ?C'Lp.TH^Nla,,: ',M" ? ifWVli *Vr. ' 7'! "n oil '.dt gfirau rtonw nxpdi yjaaiup II ivMni ovha I ? -This" cdt>Jpr^eMl!A'vito-bf!iAa'Fl( '? "Marl??*! ld6m'?,n ^\'u. "?""?f .I. ! T. i .tfODnlViioo On Inn; a^ $15.00. ') >tUI<l Oil ,We have spnj^^ MAenv,,iW?l many henper suita, just as ^tylish^ ] .(( ( f| i H ilnx < rfalilw on*) JmlJ IIOOS hi li 1' tj ini n t eI oil. t>ro?i -in ipl - ilm oriT ,l4:.tTC,&I| lo ,.iii( The ^?lafei? St?r'e.1 , " |".,'a jt^iiii^ui ?umin.i jmii uiimuum Ihaniherlaiirs COugh Remedy Tfrtof, Salt l^lircHrtf S^rti^,,,. .i.n rt'lii' <?> tie. itcliiug iiikI txitttiiiK scuKHtiuu ?boHoqfni-fmw i liddai ov/J . (VfMtn??* iYwwe,Jft*atj>WY>t1Wi(y' eMWtft. 'r**jtt .Jaaqtoorrg ? oia bar noil 4*i>!^e?Weae?'"f^V]fchliy^ jlo o3kt o/Tj Ik mnmiri? BUOiXOn OflJ ' 1 but out. building, .boupded, bv ,l;uuis of I^p^r^^?ftS^ioiii f.nuKKo? v.mai Oft) ill : welling, 2 tenant houses, barn and colt* hU?dingS.' Price ^8,|OOJ)I). jSoVernqooiTi house Ydul'CWo^hWg'lch in lo$H}ta0? JtoNSuJ?oKWUy/tJhAlertI tbuikl. 'WHina'i ?iU ni taoqqji rb 68 acres land 2J miles Gray Court) bounded by lands of J. II. Godfrey' John uftttltftoflg mQwfo W?e$fWSo! .00 , ,JlMltT:K>pT, . t ., 488 acres land, hounded by J. II, /ibdfcifombicviJnoroe Rivoy, Jl'U'^'tii'Ay, D.. Vd )Go^;Rnd(^Aber^i ' bhoo'ld V1oW^^e ^' niSw^ieVilflOiPP +l?*iCres'^:r?iVf^(?m^l ''bV1 tetAs'J0f WoJ Iba (fattflkqp iltobmii?rw?iv-d(i H. ^bpriwwn^/f; qnrtotJi?r^.fii^-ifjftfitsoiio.oo B09>acB9#3 Ilthd, -WYtbiW1 ftojhto; Latfnddd;by>hu*ip of/Jcstater.iffl Wl A'i ^Wjthujjl. ^iA^)r*o^(dnd(?Sji(l0da,,r.iv ^VlnP^F'? not >loo? j ^jaam^M>^rb^^%wn^p,\loik:G A fMi*soif,9J PJ11 t'cP^ SSwth ;%h'll ' Btfii us. wnovTOU asyf hunhoaiclJ phuu! bfln tshe'l Ult'6 l)?frfH- ?I SmiWw jKflivrt SH<f?UfciW..i ?K)*cWi MnW^aMhcleW' Wi"rani?s! of tyrsulJIeSH*: -iTeafette^Ufindi?! Watttyhf>r. , 4M9.V ^WPl^^n?diii?4p>io?j<,vlH>uw'sv 4 OT0 jBF^wfrii ceWY8J10AV. hPwP i '.noos Jon. lliw vf?dt ;Ik'>I bluod? I)w?Hiogiinlnd tenlintmrtioudos.. . -.Kmr harse farpj^.ifiU, t^T^Vc? eK#?WW1 l ?8 r. ie Fannie nudgens place. Price per a:re, $25.00. .BMAiUf MAO ut ! ?V?Mfc ?fllfTfl'ttidf'?itO' of''iUViri u.s, p VJBaa*'?Main^<ft?tttJ, btUliided' by*'-Orb p ?^'ittfo^rduf?ntliaoiue Ibjjiluj? aVuiloth ^t.t toef?od50ir9w moriJ levon oJ 88lde^ck?>wtY>(>ttris'ftHbtohftffU Wtitlih 1 tdW ,-ilyft*ltt<i(*Cd J^obibr.l <??de.Uo, I tfn fl\ a . 103 acres near 'W?WoT Church, V rbterleoo tcawihMp,1 ?ktow'lt ' pari, of tMfiWas))jngtj?jLj)W-eijA\%'(t.dwi*llic?g.and "f ona .. .id llaai? ni .i/o "loqqoq l> n 4?.?WP?>bKou?j^l.-^yn(.lan<ks;.ofr khp Price f2(260.0a,9^!>9',li" MV,,,1l! " * * Ut , L .glnsnibnarnmoJ uoT aril I -tot k'din bii-Ki'ot v/'A fl 8n'1' ' ' ^<?di-ni iiMU?? J! f.'^UmilJ UUlU'A Mio? vl|llJ_KKf>'JDIJK o) y/O/i IQttVtill 09ub9b bnii o) Y.iKHa9*>on i ,: doKol ln|ujj<f'/rug io**. eni ')d I ,91Ub00O"Iq* 'l(f* %fi^#in ?lr>;.( 7' )'l hnsmntoD fioT odT" hol na 0 ftWWq lh?)^ept Jkoi?4noh. I^rth tomta) booy a 'id v,srfi narn j; Ii iiTljijjl k lllA/l'tl'Tr ?', 1 M T ' ' ' 1 i I ill IPO 1 9 o J^M I IO JTK.nilVf "I , rt^r^ .?nutlii.'ii iy/. io >yill > ) -.?.iriWioAiaue in ?h>cl{<hkkoti n: feed, good comports,hay, ^i-.'i-n^fTm'uinWJllPWUPVi poNy"* i ?.\ i SI f^r?l {V ?}h'qf^VM?(^(ifidd" -mi fWriWP.V?.)?'''^!! Qfl%SWW4 ii lioRo^onV^ich^WllipWnta ab ?dlMllft'^io^Vf? )UW iMttu fresh Pp^:,;pKaL|,vo;(xM? . -ni .WAkO"'^?! %U?Wb4lj)Po .b'.iHW^jliy/ilrirdi.V^wiwi M>-/l In H>HY '.?)/;.^)(l!s?-.wl>?i?V-JW.ll<>0:iM\\ ? ? ?il ) tiW^nm'lUP^H^i.iW*}., .,(i .,! Will sell everything in 4lHi?MM'?'.,?njKhty,JMW.j;v,>-.1 cash. ?p. i i ni i 1o hoil9l| Humun In Jno.tno'j d^iil n tnwy gftari .n;jf(H)?|L'l ??ow-?^it.t yddo ?lonimoo hriK oriAoi ntia\ ,0'innn/t w mm BJOI iJ'.'Cil'hau ? B^J.. lun rfjuoe i^lo^'i'i'lli-A'itiii ^ ? Kffl'l t y.nb in A low oiom riBiitpnoTj/ Sullivan" okj oIkkw oriJ II?; sni?lliJu 1?> ti^>l io"! b'>iitip-n boot nlJ IIk o iiihoi'! . FrtiAl bin no Rlsffllnfl bnn rnrm 1 d:?K'.i lo ^mo^Km^o')!'! .?? UoTI vT?T .thi And CURB the LUNGS New Discovery