The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 08, 1908, Image 1

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'Wim Jpi? nun vtttmtt. VOLUME XXIII. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1908. NUMBER 49 CROSS HILL W.O.W. UNVEIL MONUMENT Exercise* to We Held on August Sixth. ; JULY 4 OBSERVED. Presbyterians Pound Pastor?Children Given Delightful Party?Rev. Hol lingsworth and Family Arrive. Cross Hill, July 7.?Woodmen of the World Camp 1G8, Sylvania, Cross Hill, S. C, will unveil on Aug. 6th the monu ment of Sovereign Duke Crisp. Sov ereigns J. J. McSwain and R. A. Cooper are speakers for the occasion. Sover eign W. T. Slaughter, State organizer, is expected to be present and make an address. Three years ago this camp had only nine members, but the camp now has ninety members. They hope to consolidate with Waterloo and Mount ville and when that is done it will have the largest W. O. W. camp in Laurens county. All W. O. W. camps are in vited to be present at the unveiling of Sovereign Crisp's monument. The pub lic is also invited. Services will begin at 11 o'clock. The Fourth passed off very pleasantly here. A large crowd witnessed a line game of ball between Ninety-Six and Cross Hill at U a. m. and again at 4 p. m. The first game resulted in a tie ?1 to 1?and the sec ond game Ninety-Six beat our boys pretty badly by a score of 11 to 4. Most of the merchants closed their stores and gave their clerks the holi day. Mrs. R. A. Austin gave a party to the children of the Presbyterian Sun day school last Thursday afternoon. Fruit and other refreshments were served. The little folks certainly had a fine time. The Presbyterians here pounded their preacher last Tuesday. The Methodists and Baptists also took a hand and the preacher caught it on every side. The preacher said he did not object, but he really thanked the people and said he n<>t only was prepared to live better but could take hoarders. .".Irs. M. E. Hart, of Miami, Florida, is spending the summer here with her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Wharton. Mr. Albert Lott, of Johnston, S. C, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. J. C. Workman. The Presbyterians here were glad to welcome Mrs. Hollingsworth and chil dren, family of Rev. Mr. HollingS WOl'th, here last Wednesday. Mr. Hol lingsworth had preceded them and had his home in readiness for them. CAMPAIGN OPENING OSE WEEK EARLIER. County Executive Committee Decides to Atove Dale Up One Week on Account of Confcderale k'e union. Hon. R. A. Cooper, county chairman, after conference with the members of the executive committee, announces that the date of the campaign opening will bo moved up one week in order not to interfere with the Confederate re union to be held in Greenville on the first three days of the week beginning With August the 10th, Then one week will he skipped and the dates resumed as published. As revised the opening day will be August 4th al Langs ton church. Wednesday, August fith, at Sardis, Jacks township. Wednesday night, August .r>th, at Clinton Cotton Mills. Thursday, August 6th, at Clinton. Thursday night, August 6th, at Lydia Mills. Friday, August 7th, at Hopewell, Hunter township. Saturday, August 8th. at Cross Hill. Then the week Is skipped and the campaign resumed at Moore's, Water loo township, on Monday, the 17th, and the dates carried out as previously pub lished. Death of a Child. Little George, aged 1 year, 1 month and 26 days, son or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Moore, died Friday morning at 1.80 o'clock and was buried intheJCity Cem etery Saturday morning, July 4th, at lo o'clock. Both Pumpkin and Squash. Mr. R. G. Wallace, of the southern section of tho county, exhibited in this office Tuesday a curiosity in the way of a vegetable. It was half yellow pump kin and the other half white squash. The seed from which the vine sprung was secured from Mr. W. P. Turner, who got them from Texas. All the fruit of the vine is similar. STATE CONVENTION OF lt. EVP. CARRIERS. The Fifth Annual Meeting of the As sociation Was field In the Cily of Aikcn. The annual session of the South Car olina Rural Letter Carriers' Associa tion was held last Friday and Saturday in the city of Aikcn. Twenty county associations were represented, about fifty delegates being in attendance. The convention was presided over by Mr. W. G. Peterson, of Newberry, vice-president, the State president, Mr. S. G. McDaniel, of Laurens, having re tired from the service since the last annual meeting. On Friday morning the convention was addressed by Congressmen A. V. Lever and J. O. Patterson, both speeches being largely devoted to the benefits of Rural Delivery throughout the country. At the afternoon session the associa tion was treated to a very excellent and practical address on good and bad roads by Mr. Thos. E. Wicker, delegate from Newberry. Mr. Wicker is an enthusi ast on the subject of improving the public roads. He wants the system of working the roads abolished as now ob tains in most of the counties and urges that each county delegation to the next General Assembly be impressed with the importance of securing a change in the road law whereby sufficient funds can be raised for road improvement and the taxation for this purpose be made just and equitable. Mr. Wicker, as has been stated, is greatly interested in this subject and he has evidently given it much thought and study. Mr. Brown, of the postollice depart ment, as the personal representative of the Hon. D. G. McGraw, fourth assist ant postmaster general, was the guest of the association and added much to the interest of the proceedings in the way of practical talks and suggestions. On Saturday the convention heard the various committee reports, elected offi cers for another year and delegates to the National convention and adjourned at noon to meet next year at Rock Hill July 6th and 7th. Mr. Peterson, of Newberry, wast elected president by acclamation, as was Mr. Comer, of Rock Hill, for vice president. Mr. Ernest Brown, of Aiken, was chosen as secretary while Mr. .1. E. Johnson, of Gray Court, was re elected treasurer. Mr. Wicker was se lected as delegate to the National con vention which meets in Omaha, Nob., next October. Mr. Clark, of Rock Hill, is t he alternate. Mr. S. G. McDaniel, tin; retiring president, attended the Aiken conven tion and as a mark of its high esteem the association unanimously elected him as an honorary member. DEATH OH A YOUNG MAN. Mr. Lather Abercroinbie, of Rnbun, Sue Climbs to Typhoid Lever. A very sad death occurred in this county Monday night when Mr. Luther Abercrombie, an excellent young man of only twenty-nine years died of ty phoid fever. Mr. Abercrombie lived near Hickory Tavern, in the Kahun Creek neighborhood. He had been ill for some time. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon by I la Rev. E. C. Watson, pastor of Rnbun Creek Baptist church, of which Mr. Abercrombie was a member. The death of this young man is peculiarly sad. Just seventeen months ago ins young wife died, and it was hut seven teen months previous to that lime that the couple were married. Mr. Abercrombie was the son of Mr. Anderson Abercrombie, one of the most highly respected citizens of the county. One sister, Mrs. W. A. Bald win, and three brothers, Wellie, LlK?D and Evan, survive the deceased. * Canning factory at Sedalia. The following item from The Union Times is of interest in Laurens: "Mr. J. E. Mintor has opened up a canning factory at Sedalia. This is a move in the right direction. It should mean the keeping of thousands of dol lars in the county that, have heretofore gone elsewhere We sincerely hope this enterprise will be a 8UCC0SS." Two Teachers F.lccted. Miss Kate Glenn, of Chester, s. c, was elected Monday afternoon to the position of assistant teacher in the High School in place of Miss Maggie Hudgens, resigned. Miss Daisy Brockington, of Winns bore, S. C, was elected teacher of the seventh grade in place of Miss Mamie Connor, who died some days ago of typhoid fever at her home in Branch ville, S. C. Both these ladies have had considera ble experience, Miss Glenn in the Ches ter schools and Miss Brockington in Johnston schools. FURMAN MEN GATHER AT BANQUET BOARD. Laurens Alumni and Former Students of the Univer sity Hold Re-union With About Fifty Men in Attendance?Event Great Success. The re-union of the 1/aureus county Furman men and tho banquet at Gray's hotel last night was in every respect a SUCCe88 and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. About fifty men sat down together, revived the memories of past days, heard with pleasure the several speeches delivered and partook with relish of the refreshments provid ed. Some of the fifty who wore pres ent were not Laurons nu n. but invited guests; they received a hearty welcome from the men of Laurens and evidently were pleased with tho opportunity to meet with their fellows of a ncighbor county. Among these guests were: C. F. Haynesworth Esq. of Greenville, n recent law graduate of llavard univer sity; Mr. Allison P. Hicksonof Gaifney; Rev. E. I'. Basterling of the executive Staff of Furman; and Dr. E. M. Poteat, president of Furman university The evening was most pleasantly spent, all seeming to have a good time, and every man coming away impressed with the greatness of the work being done by bis Alma Mater, and his sym pathies more with the institution. The COmittees, of which Mr. C. A. Power was chairman, deserve credit for their efforts in bringing together such a body of men and for their success in providing for the entertainment. After the address of welcome by Dr. II. K. Aiken, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and the response by Prof. C. B. Martin, of Furman university, the following menu was served: Cold Virginia Ham Chicken Salad Sliced Tomatoes Saratoga Chips Mixed Pidklcs Olives Cheese Straws Snowfiuko Crackers Nut Sandwiches Salted Almonds Peach Cream Cake Ice Tea Coffee Cigars The responses to tho various toasts were the pleasing and entertaining President Edwin ML Poteat, I). D, feature oi tho evening. They were as] follows: The City of Laurens Hon. ?'. C. | Feathorstono; The Citizen's Attitudoj toward Education Hon. It, A. Cooper; Tho Ministry's Relation lo Education Rev. E. P. Eastcrling; Tho Function of the Small College Prof. G. VV. Cun? ninttham; The Alumni Alive l'rof. c. P. Ilayncsworthi Our Alma Mater Prof. R. A. Dohson; Fur man Univor* ; sity Dr. Edwin M. Poteat. Mr. S. E. Bonoy, editor of tho Lau rens Adverti80r, acted as .Master of Ceremonies. All the responses were thoroughly en joyed. President Poteat talked at length concerning t he work of FurUinn and h?r progross during tho years since the war between the states. Following is the text 01 his address with many of the pleasing and entertaining incidents omitted: I "At tho commencement in June, 1907, [an alumnus who had not visited tho in stitution tor a number of years said, ' Tilings do not look ns they did when I was a student here.' Then he pro I cccdcd to remark. 'We had only this old building and the boys lived in hoard ; ing houses oil' the campus.' "At t'ne end of the Civil War Cap tain Patrick taught u preparatory de partment in the largo room under tho I laboratory, and Dr. Furmnn and his three or four professors taught the col lege classes in the other rooms of the main building. They could not foresee the development of the succeeding forty years. Indeed there was almost no expansion until 1885, when by the successful agency of R. II. Griffith a ? considerable endowment fund was ! raised. In 1888 the first additional building (Judson Collage) was put up, and a short while after this Griffith I Hall, which for several years was the ; home of the Filling School boarding students. Today there are sixteen I buildings on the campus, including sev eral small collages, and nine of these are in constant use in the work of tho university. Since ls'.'T live important buildings have been erected, and two of these in the last year, viz.. the Library building and tho new Fitting School dormitory. SOME OK TIIK DISTINCUISIIHD ALUMNI. " This extended enlargement of the material equipment does not necessarily ensure belter work than was done in the earlier days. A glance at the list of the alumni will show that from the beginning Furman I'Diversity has main tained an exalted ideal of scholarship. The Very Urat class to graduate gave to Southern Baptists their veteran hero missionary, Bev. J. B. liar'.well, and to the South Carolina brotherhood the incomparable John G. Williams. It will not hi' considered invidious to name these men, or others who from the ear lier days by their achievements and general worth have added to the luster of Furman's name. Tho class of 185(5 gave to us Col. It. D. Watson, of Ridge Spring. S. C, the apostle of sunshine, and the pioncci poach grower of South Carolina; Jas i!. Mash, attorney and teacher, of Atlanta, Ca.. and w. II. Porry, who represented his district in Congress. Space will not allow us to comment upon the classes year by year, but it will bo nows to many among ua to know tliat Kurmnn University has furnished professors to Cornell, Kut [! > , Chicago (Jnivorsity, Johns Hop kins University, Richmond College, Wake Pores I College, Clcmson College, the SlfttC Normal School of Washing ton, .Mercer University (including its president), Judson College (its presi dent), Howard College, Mhcrly College (its president), I lay lor (Jnivorsity and the Southern liaptist Theological Semi nary. Probably tho foremost living Sanskrit scholar is an alumnus of Kur man University Maurice It loom Meld, of Johns Hopkins University; while another alumnus, John M. Manly, of Chicago University, stands at tho head of English scholarship in the United States. Editors, lawyers, physicians, ? missionaries, teachers, preachers, leg i lators, civil engineers, merchants and planters the time would fail us to up (t i.niInucd on eighth page.) SIR. CROUT PREACH ES DOCTRINAL SERMON. Pastor of the First Methodist Church Makes His Position Clear on Sale of Alcoholic Liquors. Last Sunday morning at the First Methodist church of this city the pastor, Rev. John I), ('rout, preached his an nual doctrinal sermon,which,it might In stated by way of parenthesis, was pre pared some time ago. hut because of numbers of circumstances was not de livered until the Sunday morning past. The sermon without doubt was of force, revealing the fact that the Methodist church of this city will hew strictly to the line in matters of private and pub lic conduct, if the membership follow the leadership of the able Christian man who is their pastor. Mr. ('rout, of course dealt with all the rules gov erning the conduct of the church mem hers, in both their -private and public lives. The part of the sermon, how ever, that demanded so much attention from tho congregation and that has at tracted such wide spread comment was the stand taken by the minister on the whiskey question, both as to its sale and its drinking. As well might be judged, considering that he is a conscientious Christian man and minister, Mr. Crout is opposed to both the sale and drinking of any alco holic liquors. In his sermon it was made plain that either was not only a violation of the spirit of the Methodist church rides hut contrary to the written law. The Inference therefore was that Mr. Crout holds it against the rules of the Methodist church for any member of that church to authorize the sale of whiskey by casting a ballot for an in stitution organized for that purpose. Here is an extract from Sunday morn ing's discourse that will give a fair in sight to the position held by the Rev erend Mr. Crout: "There is only one position that a Christian can take on the question of whiskey drinking and any thought to i he contrary is preposterous. The Word tells us that no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of Cod. If I were a drunkard going to the judgment from Laurons county I would appeal to Cod wlmUicr or not I had wrecked my lifo according to law. I would tell him that the in fluence and support of the members of the church was behind the law by which ! my hie was ruined." While the minister did not employ j words directly applying to the dispcu sary in Laurcns, it is obvious that his reference t > the law providing for tho saleof whis'toy was the county dispen sary law. The sermon Sunday morning was both a call and a challenge: ii call- | ed Upon the Methodists to 1)0 faithful to i he rules and regulations id' tho .hurch, audit challenged their rieht to support an institution that might possi bly cause the downfall of a fclloW-nUin. j Ii was clear that Mr, ( rout takes the] position '.hat a Christian cannot consist- j etillv t'phold a law that, is so ruinous in ' it - effects as the dispensary law . The sermon, as stated, Was forceful and in altogether unequivocal term , tho people of L ?nens know whore Iho Methodist minister stands mi tho vital question of tho day hero, and his atti tude as regards (ho conduct of his mom bors Will be watched with much interest and concern. Ucv. Kicliaril Carroll in Speak. Rev. Richard Cdrroll, the negro Ice : lurer and editor ol Columbia, will make an address in the eo?rl hon e Thursday night, Jllly Ott), his subject being "The ' Opporl unity of the Negro in t he South. " I Concerning thO Reverend Carroll the Suintcr Item says; "lie has the rare gift of entertaining and amusing a crowd while he leaches. Ito is earnest, humorous, eloquent and forcible and a 'dear and lucid talker, with a well developed appreciation of the dramatic." No admission will be charged Thurs day night and the people of both rUce are cordially invited. Union Delegates Elected. I he Farmers' Hxecutive Committee Operative Union held an interesting meeting on Friday with R. 1). Hoyd acting president and c. a. Power ? < c retary. There were representatives from twelve sub-unions. Tin- usual routine of business was transacted and the the following delegates woreeloclcd to attend the Slate Union, Which con venes at Columbia fourth Wednesday in this month: R. 1?. Hoyd, .I. II. Whar ton and H..I. C. Curry. A call mccl Ing will be hi Id July 17th to consider a question that is of much importance to the members Of sub-unions and they are earnestly requested to send a full delegation to same. REORGANIZATION OF BAILEY'S BANK I Will Become tlio People's Hank of Clinton. JULY DIVIDENDS PAID Celebration of the Fourth"?DoaOi <?f Mrs. W. M. Sumerol Sad Evcnl of the Week. Clinton, July 7. Tho first of July was signalized l>y tin* nay tuen! of a I per cent, semi-annual dividend by tho Clinton Cotton Mills on a capital of $1100,000 ami a semi annual dividend of .U per cent on $0(1,(100 by the Pirat Na tional Hank. Both these concerns are doing well. There is a movement on fool to reor ganize Bailey's Hank into the People's Bank of Clinton. This bank is the property of Mr. M. S. Bailey and Mr. W. .1. Bailey and they have announced their intention of winding it up in order to devote all their time to their large cotton mill interests. The shares of the ne.v bank will lie $100 each and no one holder will 1)0 allowed more than twenty. The probability is thai Mr. Hutler II. Boycl will be president. Sev eral names have been prominently men tioned for the position of cashier. Sub script ions are coming in well and if is the plan to open up for business the first of ? ictober. A sad funeral held hero on Sat urday afternoon in the worst, part of a heavy rain storm wan that of Mrs. Rosa Tyndalo Sumerol, wife of Mr. W. M. Sumerol. The sor \ ice was held in the Baptist church, of which Mrs. Sumercl was a prominent, member, a member of the choir and a teacher in the Sunday sc hool. Tin: pas tor, the Kev. <'. Lewis fowler, con ducted the sad service and the inter ment was made in the Presbyterian cemetery. Mrs. Sumercl had been critically ill for several weeks, the physicians pro nouncing her disease gastritis. There were some complications which ren dered her recovery doubtful from the first. Her father, Mr. P. It. Tyndalo, of Atlanta, and her three brothers, Mr. Ollie Tyndalo and Mr. Lovi Tyndalo, of Atlanta, and Dr. Eugene I*'. Tyndalo, of Indiana, wore with her at the end, as was also her sister, Mrs. John Fer guson, of Clinton. The Fourth of July is always, ob served in Clinton and this year was no exception to the rule. All hough it was Sat unlay all business suspended until <> o'clock. People celebrated the day in various ways, such as fishing, hunting, picnics, barbecues, skating, and so forth. \ large crowd attended the I ,\ dia mills cclchral ion. The skating rink here has been ex ceedingly popular and everyone stands a good chance of meeting his or her best friend at it. Ml . J. I). Jacobs entertained the lit lie folks in honor of Mr . B. F. Town send's children, of Anderson, last, week. Miss B. Copeland entertained her III tie friends one afternoon recently. Mrs. J. A. Bailey entertained tho Friendly Dozen last. week. There are si ill a number of visitors in town. KOUKTII OF JULY AT WATTS MILLS. Junior Order United American Mechanics Raise Mflg and Present School Willi Bible. Although t he fourth of July was a \ try rainy, disagreeable day, ii was celebrated in some manner at a number of places iii this county. There were no exercises of any kind in the city of Laurens, but a very interesting and entertaining! program was carried out. at Watts Milis, in the suburbs, the chief feat in. of which was the Hag raising by the Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics, accompanied by the speech of the lion. R. A. Cooper. Mr. Cooper dolivorod a very appropriate, well-timed address and presented tho I Watts Mills School a bible, the usual form and custom of tin- Mechanics on such occasions. The bible was accepted in a speech delivered by Mr.B.W.Nash, in behalf of the school. A barbOCUO dinner was served and two games of base ball helped to make up the day's ! entertainment. The ball games were between Clinton I and Watts Mill . In tho first contest ; linton Mill was victorious by a score? of >> to 1, while in the afternoon the Watts Mills boys took tin- game, shut ting out the Clinton team, the score l>' ing ? to o. A InrgO crowd of people j spent the day at the mill village, and ' from reports it was an all-around en joyable occasion. Death of fl Voting Woman. News was received here yesterday of the death of Mrs. Luki Coleinan Red tlick, wife of Dr. M. K. Roddick, at. Fountain Inn Sunday night. Mrs. Red dirk had he. n ill for several weeks. The body was interred in the cemetery lilt Beulah church Monday afternoon,