THE ADVERTISER. Subscription Price-Pi Montlis, $1.00 Payable in Advance. S. E. HONEY, Editok. PUBLISHED by ADVERTISER PRINTING company i.auhknh. 8. c. KATES kok ADVERTISING. ? Ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 00 cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertisements. Obituaries: All over 50 words, one cent a word. Notes of thanks: Five -rents the line. Entered at the postoffiec at Laurens, S. ('. as second class mail matter. LAURF.NS, S. C, JUNE 17. 1908. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Chamber of Commerce of the city hold? its annual meeting tomorrow, Thursday. June 18th. Secretary Mc Cuen requests a full attendance as si strong elfort for some forward and ag gressive work will be made. Just one year ago this body was or ganized for the purpose of unifying in dividual efforts, consolidating energies and concentrating them upon the growth and upbuilding of our city. The busi ness men recognized the fact that there must be a unity of elFort if this work should be accomplished; that no one man could materially advance the inter ests of the city; but that concerted ef fort could work wonders. The purpose in orgstnizing the Chamber of Com merce was to bring the scattered ener gies together and marshal them into an active, operating force for the advance ment of every branch of the city's life. At the meeting torn rrow the time would be opportune for a review of the past year's work; a summing up ami stock taking. What has the Chamber of ('ommerce accomplished? Now there may be some of our people who, through lack of information or merely from the habit of knocking, would at once an swer, "nothing." We would beg these to investigate or to put up their ham mers, as the case might be. The Cham ber of Commerce has accomplished something; there is no man in Laurens who can know just how much or how little; some results of their work are not visible and some of their activities have not fructified yet, but are still in process. Now, the point we would stress here is that we should make the next year's work surpass that of the year just gone. Right here, citizens of Laurens, the writer wishes to remark that he is as sured of the sympathy and endorsement of the people of the city who, he is con fident, are thoroughly convinced of the spirit that actuates his active interest in affairs pertaining to the public good. With this assurance he has no hesitancy in bringing matters of public concern before the readers of this paper. Re turning to the subject, we repeat that during the coming year the Chamber of Commerce should strive for a closer or ganization and put forth greater elfort for the good of our city. That would come under the general laws of growth and progress; tendencies are backward if not forward. Such an organization as our commercial body could be made the greatest of all forces in pushing the enlargement and growth of this city. Every man in Laurens should be a mem ber, and an active member too. Half hearted support to any enterprise does not count for much in these strenuous days. There never could he a better time for the Chamber of Commerce to get in some very effective work than right now. If we are at all capable of In terpreting signs, offreading aright the, tendencies of time and the trend of events, now is the time in our city. We have the possibilities here of be coming a great COMMERCIAL and IN-' DUSTR1AL CITY. There is one way: uniting efforts and concentrating forces. The spirit of growth and improvement has taken hold here and all it needs is proper handling. Note the amount of money I sing spent here right now ? that is significant. The whole trend is upward, There are several matters we would suggest for the considersition of our Chamber of (.'ommerce; we have no doubt but tint they are already being thought of by numbers of citizens. Among these the matter of a new rail road station is of vast importance. One of the best men in South Carolina remarked only last Friday: "Consider* ing the number of trains and the amount of travel at and through Lau rens it has about the |k>orest station in the State." We are satisfied that the Chamber of Commerce can do some thing in this matter. Another is re garding free city delivery of the mails. Concerted effort can get this for Lau rens Upon this fiscal (|>ostoffice) year's record; we t.peak with positive assur ance. Still another is the matter of express ratc-t on money. Another the disposition of the court house and grounds after the paving is completed on the public square. We are assured that the city can come to some agree mentor effect Bomo nrran which the court housi cai I or removed if possible. NVh be, something for th<- beautifyi the public square! Thero aro of other matters that del rv< and, we feel sure, will reeeiv? The Laurens Advertiser it) dc\ ' the interests of Laun I ing, improvement, enlarge men gross and prosperity, 'I the Chamber of Commerce, our hearty support We wish for you an ;. li\ ing, prosperous, productive Badly Sprained Aukl ( Three years ago our duughlci -, her ankle and bad heel bly for two days and nigl slept a minute. M r. ler, Tenn., told us <>i Chan Pain Halm. We went II ?? night and got a bottle of it and hi I her ankle two or three um went to sleep and had a rest. The next morning i better and in a short time around and had no inor her ankle. K. M. Bui ill TT, Tenn. 25 and 51) ecu; i. I.aureus I >rug < !o. PAIN Mn In the heed?pain .ti Pain Iscongcstlon, pain i-1 eis? usually. At feast, so - 1 prove it he has created a litt i< i : tablet?called l?r. Shoop's II I coaxes blood pressure nwnj i. Ittcffectlscharrnlng. pl< tnougn safely. It surely cqualu latioti. If you have a headai h It'i I ? If It s painful j.. di I \ ll Il*you nre sleepless, r i congestion? blood pr? ? I certainty, for Dr. Shooi lion l It In -20 minutes, nnd 111 ?. ! the unnulurul blood it Hruioe your in'I swell, ami paill FOU'i Of jtestiou. blood pri -sir. Voll fr?always. Itsstlllplyl Wo ?oll at 1? cento, and cheerfully rccoms Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets PALMETTO DRUG We have just put in I I made of the bo it and beautifully finish) I. Wo glad to show yon our you prices at any time. S. M. & Ii. Ii. \\ Cambs Embroidei match. One lo1 Towels, at a bargain. w.o. Excursio Char: Via. C Leave La tire I ton p. m. Round Ti Prom I .aun; ris Tickets good to rotlJI Including A.c. i.. morning a! 6 a, In,., ! This will be a season of Tan Footwear in Low cut models. Tan Oxfords, Ties and Colonials. lie new creations are very handsome and different from any* hing shown heretofore. The colorings are n \v. The shapes of the shoes are new and the i Immings are new. Golden Brown is the favorable .-hade. Prices moderate as they always are here. $2, $3, $3.5J. $4, to $5 When a Woman warns the correct thing in Footwear, she is very to c< me here for it. She knows that we know what's right and that Fire sure to have it at a reasonable price. OPELAND'S The One Price Store Customers1 Shoes Shiued Free, Ir?ck you? The news Of i. iho ciufitity of our H?g eve is no heed for us to dilate bh thefti for li querry to any II bring us a better advertise i we could possibly frame. line of Harness, Saddles, d Bridles. Call and see us arksdale Franks .aureus, S. C. .; ittlement. ? ite; an I all persons hav aid ' date will pro before said date, duly n ? yer barred. S A BELLA GRAY, Administnat rix; 43-Im .. M. IRBY , K N U I N i: K It bver i aureus Drug Co. Ohio, < ity ok Tolijdo, / ?. ,i ' as County. ( s' . ( beney makes oath that he ? or of the firm of K. .1. Co., doirig business in the ?1 ?lo, County and State afore ?: i1 ai l lirm will pay the ' HUNDRED DOLLARS uid every oaseof Catarrh that i i by the use of Hall's ; ' PRANK .1. CHENEY. 0 beforo mo and subscribed in ice, this 6th day of Decent* a. w. oleason, Notary Public, Catarrh Cure is taken inter ireclly on the blood and irfacca of the system. Send imials frcO. HENE^ & CO., Toledo, o. 1 '! Druggji ts. 76c. ail's Family Pill:, for constipa* Grand ianos Piayer Pianos, . after McCord, the Piano Man, will use this space to present attractive piano propositions. If I you desire t-> be informed about pianos, or to pur chase a Pian > at the very LOWEST PRICE and on the very best terms, it will pay you to see or write him, I Notice the names of a few of His Valued Patrons in this immediate section; Many other purchasers throughout South Carolina could be mentioned, but a few home purchasers are mentioned, and it is hoped, they will not be offended by this presention. I?r. L. S. roller, Mrs. M. A. Kike. .). Walter Gray, C. I.. Fuller, * Mrs. S. I.. Nelson, Mrs. Mat tie Medlock, Miss "S cargin, ? I. .1. Dunn, Mrs. .1. w. Clark, Miss Corrinho Martin, Mrs, Mary Gage Miss Nannie HramleU, Messer Babb, R. M. Hill, W. II. Drumm >nd, .1. W. Garrctt, T. V. Babb, Dr. I Season, Augustus I lull", (!. C. Hopkins. T. .). Weathers, Rov. E. C. Watson. W. c. Hipp M. II. Fowler, It. W. Nichols, Mrs. Luinor Roper, ('apt. J. M. Philpot, B. A. Sullivan, .1. A. Austin, i. A. Franks, Miss Agnes I'.ovd, Mr.-. A S. Enstorby, I). A. Davis, T. 1). I rake. T. Mack Roper, M. A. Sumniorol, T. B. Brown, Mrs. .1. Warren Bolt, .1. W. A. Boyd, l'>. C. Burns, Adolph Shayer, .1. I.. Hopkins, Mrs. Mat tie Lindsay, S. .1. Rasor, .1. 1.. Boyd, Mrs. L. A. McCord, Mrs. Albert Burns, Mrs. Willie Walker. W. M. Myers. J. Lei? L?ngsten, .1. 1. Coloman, Mrs. ,1. M. Hampton. Miss Lyde Milam, .1. T. Brown, Miss Irene Ray, First Presbyterian Church S. S. Mayor ('. M. Babb, (). C. Con. .1. W. Thompson, B. C. Crisp, W. F. Cleveland, Mrs. Monte 1 )agnall. City Graded Schools. And others, beside* many scores of organ purchasers which will he mentioned at another time. Write to him if yon Want a Piano; it is to -your interest. L. A. McCORD, The Piano Man. April J2, 1908. LAURHNS, S. C Littleton Female College One of the most successful and boat equipped hoarding schools in the . outh with lad water heat, electric lights; other modern improvements. 258 boarding pupils last year. 27th anhUAl session will begin Sept. Id, 1908, For catalogUO address .1. M. RllODRS, President, Littleton, N. C. f PHtml Ar 'id^ti-i*/ A htgh-grado Preparatory School centra I /VCaUemy for boys nnd young men, wii-b in do trial and agricultural cqulpmont. Located on 700-nerc farm one mile ; from Littleton Collcgo and under the management, of the same Hoard of Trustees. For new. illustrated catalogue addresH ?I. B. AlKRN, Principal, Littleton, North Carolina.