LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1908. NUAIBER 46 CLINTON COLLEGE CLOSES GOOD YEAR Commencement Exercises Held Last Week. GRADUATING CLASS. Eloquent Sermon mid Addresses Deliver ed?Debating Contest and Some Interesting Announcements. Clinton Juno 1G. ?The college com mencement began last Sunday morning with a most excellent sermon by the Rev. Dr. 1 S. McFlroy, of Columbus, Ga., on "Character Building," taking his text from First Corinthians, third chapter, 10th verse, "But let every man take heed how he buildeth there upon." The speaker held his audience's close attention nearly an hour. There must have been a thousand in the congrega tion. In the evening the Rev. F. W. Gregg, of Abbeville preached to the Y. M.C.A. on personal Christian work. . The public exercises on Friday even ing consisted of a debate on the subject, "Resolved, That the United States Novy Should be Increased." One of the debaters appointed stopped college just before the close of the session and this necessitated the dropping out of another. The two remaining were Mr. J. B. Frozier, of Blairs, S. C, repre senting the Philomathcan Literary So ciety, and B, M. Schlotter, of the Thornwell Orphanage, representing the Bukosmlan. The debate was close but the judges' decision awarded Mr. Fra zier the medal. On Tuesday evening was held the Declaimers' contest between the two societies. The speakers with their sub jects were: W. W. Sprouse, of Fair view, S. C , "Constantius and the Lion;" W. L. Latham, Joncsville,S.C, "The Cross of Gold;" R. Frank Cun ningham, Lancaster, S. C, "Napoleon Bonaparte;" Daniel Crawford, ol Lin colnton, N. C, "The American Flag;" W. W. Addison, of the Thornwell Or phanage, "The Heritage of the South;" M. M. Sellers, of Latta, S. C, "The Confederate Girl Wife." The decision of the judges was close, both the last speakers having made strong impressions. Mr. Sellers was awarded the medal on a majority vote and the judges announced that they were unable to make it unanimous. Following the exercises Tuesday even ing the . lumni reception was held in the Jud(. dining hall. Wednesday morning the regular com mencement exercises were held in the college chapel. The members of the hoard of trustees, the faculty and the graduating class were seated on the platform. The exercises were opened with prayer by the liev. S. C. Caluwell. Only one of the three graduates spoke, the Valedictorian, Mr. Sidney Brooks, of the Thornwell Orphanage. His sub ject was "International Arbitration." The other graduates were Miss Essie Young, of Clinton, and M. E. L. Power, of Abbeville. Diplomas were presented by Prof. Spencer, who spoke very ap propriate words of advice and counsel for the future and commendation for the past. The Kev. Dr. Adams announced the election by the Board of Trustees of the Rev. Dr. S. C. Byrd as president, and the Rev. Dr. W. L. MePheeters as vice-president. He also announced that the degree of Doctor of Divinity bail been conferred on the Rev. E. L. Fra zior, of Anderson, and the Re". J. K.G. Frasier. of Charleston. He then pre sen ted Dr. J. K. G. Frasier to the audience. Dr. Frasier delivered an ad mirable address on "The growing sen sitiveness of the public conscience as shown by criminal statistics, our treat ment of criminals today as compared with fifty years ago, the modern spirit f this place, some years ago and a num ber of children have blessed this union. The deceased was an excellent Chris tian woman, a true friend and loving wife and mother. Her place will be hard to fill. The burial services occurred Thurs day morning at Mt. Pleasant church, near her home, in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. Air. Carl Wharton Nominated. Editor Advertiser: As several candi dates have already been suggested for the legislature, we would add to this list the name of Mr. '.V. Carl Wharton, of Waterloo. He is a gifted speaker, a graduate of Purman University and thoroughly in touch with the needs of the masses. He is young, ambitions in the laudable, with an honorable desire to be of ser vice to his people, making friends with out effort and holding them with hooks of steel. In his veins good old I.aurens county blood Hows and no one questions his ability. While not a politician, yet he would make one of the most useful and popu lar member from this grand old coun'.y, with all its wealth of princely men, and he should ho sent l>v all means. CITIZENS. Waterloo, June 13th. BAKBRCUE GIVEN AT WATEKLOO. Excellent Address by Col. Wharton-East Game of Ball. Waterloo, June 16.?-The Long barbe cue given Friday in Anderson s park was a complete success. Col. J. H. Wharton delivered an excellent address on "Woodcraft," which was very much enjoyed. In the afternoon there was a fast game of ball between Laurens and Wa terloo, the home team defeating the visitors to the tune of 11 to6. Puckett, of Waterloo, was the twirler for the locals and he kept the Laurens boys from touching the leather only in high places. The visitors did their best but were not in the game at all. They are all splendid looking young men but sim ply can't play ball. Come again, boys, when you practice up. Mr. L. L. Dendy is in '< 'umbia this week on business. Mrs. Rex W. Lanford, ?. .Ireenville, is visiting her parents, M . and Mrs. H. I). Winn. Miss Marie Compton is the charming guest of Miss Sunie Pearce. Misses Marie and Lola Henderson left last week for a visit to relatives in Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith have gone to Glenn Springs. There was an enthusiastic meeting of the local camp, W. O. W., Friday night in the Woodmen hall. Visitors from Laurens, Cross Hill, Ekom and Friend ship camps were in attendance. This camp is now in a very flourishing condi tion, new members being added every month. Baseball at Gray Court. Cray Court, S. C, June 15. ?A good game of ball was witnessed by an in terested crowd Saturday afternoon be tween Landford and G. C. O. I. boys, the score standing 6 to 2 in favor of Landford. The game was the best that has been played on the home diamond and it was ours until the sixth inning when Moore, for the locals got weak and let the Landford boys get away with him. Misses Mary Vermillion and Lydia Dodson, Mr. Walter Razor and Furman Vermillion, of Donalds, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Willis,Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Willis and Mr. J. R. Willis are on an extended visit to relatives in Birmingham. They arc ex pected to return Tuesday. Mr. M. H, Burndine has just returned from the reunion in Birmingham and reports a grand time. A large crowd of the W. O. W. at tended the unveiling of the monument erected to Mr. L. R. Roper at Rabun Sunday. This is a very appropriate and impressive ceremony which the W. O. W. give as a last tribute to their dead brothers. Laurens County Institute. I wish to call the at ten'ion of teach- j ers and prospective teachers to the fact [ that the Laurens County Institute will I open Monday morning, June 22d, at Laurens City School building. On behalf of the teachers in this In stitute I wish lo say that every means will be used to make this session of the Institute a thorough success in every way. We desire as large an attendance as possible so that much good may be derived from the work and the schools of Laurens county be benefited. The work will be made as practical as pos sible, considerable attention being given methods of class inspection and devices for improving same. All who attend will have an opportunity to take part in t he discussions, and we desire that all I who at tend may find it beneficial. Come and join with us in elforts to improve educational conditions in our county. R. A. DOBSON, Principal Laurens County Institute. Nominating Mr. J. I). Watts. Realizing that what the General As sembly of South Carolina needs is men of intelligence, g character, far sightedness in publ affairs and with the real interest of he state at heart, the friends of Mr. .>. Duncan Watts do hereby make this call upon him to enter the race for the legislature from Lau rens county. We believe in his Inte grity and are convinced that he would well and truly represent Laurens county in the General Assembly of South Caro lina. Lacked Only One Cent. At the close of the recent revival meeting at the First Baptist church here a call was made upon the member ship to give $110 to pay the expenses thereof. Envelopes were issued and when the collection was gathered the amount was exactly $1.19.00, one cent short of the mark. Needless to say that penny was very easy to secure. This collection certainly came nearer to the proposed figure than any ever re ported here. Lydia Mills Beats Cross Keys. Clinton, June PL In the fastest game ever played on the local grounds Lydia mill defeated Cross Keys 3 to 2 Satur day afternoon, the game going 16 in nings. It was a pitchers' battle from start to finish. Bailey struck out 10 and Hetsill 21. Doley Barksdale's base running was a feature, stealing five bags. Lydia..1 8 3 Cross Keys.2 8 .'1 Bailey and Young; Hetsill and Steph ens. Time, 2 hours. Umpire, WofTord. Watts Mills Defeated. In an 11-inning game at the Watts Mills park Saturday afternoon between Watts mills and Saxon mills the local team was defeated by the score of 5 to 4. M~ DEATH OF P. B. LANOSTON. Well Known I.aureus Mau Claimed by Death in Columbia. News of the death of Mr. P.B.Langs ton, a former I.aurens man, but muri' recently a citizen of Andersen reached here Thursday. His death occurred in Columbia on Wednesday morning, the 10th. Following is a brief sketch taken from the Spartanburg Journal of .Inno 11th: "P.B,L?ngsten, who was well Known in Spartanburg, where he lived for several years, died in Columbia yester day morning, after an illness "i' a few days. The no\VS of his death will be learned with regret by his many friends here. Mr. Langston was formerly < oiinected with the Spartanburg herald ami later was agent of the Metropolitan Life In Buranco Company. Ho was also book keeper for S. B. F./.ell. Several years ago he moved to Anderson, where he was manager of the circulation depart ment of the Anderson Daily .Mail. About two weeks ago ho wa.1 taken id and was carried to Columbia and placed in the hospital for the insane. Mr. La lgston was in his i33rd year. His first wife was Miss Emma Mol'.lroy, and of this union are four children. They are: Mrs. .1. K. Cart, r, of Green ville; Larry L?ngsten, of San Antonio, Texas; Miss I.alia L?ngsten, of Spar tanburg, and Bonner Langston, of An derson. His second wife wi ? Mis 1'al mirah Ramsay, of Williamston, and she with one son, Law ton Lam' ton, l\ ivej him. Yancoy L?ngsten, at Senaca,\vas a half brother of tne d< coast il Mr. Langston was a prominent Ma son, having been Worshipful Master of the Williamston and Spartanbui 1 i Iges for several years, lie was also promi nent in the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Red Men, etc., lodges. The body will be taken to Anderson and interment will be made jn that county. He was a member of the Cen tral Presbyterian church of Anderson.'* Passion IMaj I In.; day. So numerous have been the requests that the Passion Play be reproduced here that Manager Roman, of the Eloc trie Theatre, has consented to give this admirable entertainment again on Thursday, afternoon and evening, of June 18th. When shown hero befon this beautiful picture was seen by hun dreds of people who were well plea i. No doubt many of these will nll< >. again anil those who failed to see i| should by all means take advantage ol this opportunity. The picture consists of five films, In all, over a mih' and a half long. The work is exquisite and shows up in line effect. The regular prices prevail for this entertainment. Remember the date- Thursday, June 18th, Death of Infants at Kalma. Rabun, June 16. Last Thursday the infant of Mr. L. R. Brooks was buried at the old church yard, Mr. \V. \. Haid 1 win conducting the funeral service. On Sunday morning the death angel entered the home of Mr. Waller A. Baldwin, the beloved sup< riub iul< nl of the Rabun Creek Sunday school, and bore away the spirit of little Mayo, his ten-months-old daughter, who had I.n' sick for several weeks. The burial look place Monday at Rabun ' ircl Heavy rains fell in t his secti the past week, in many pla< - v\ the lands pretty badly and inju crops. All fruit crops are plentiful around here. A Sunday nn etltfing. A very happy homo wedding took I place at the residence of Mr. P.- njamiu Coley, near Boyd's mill, on ! after noon of Sunday, Jure 1 Ith. In the presence of many relatives and invited guests Miss Mattic Coley was married to Mr. Thomas J. Pitts,' of Bivwi rlon. The handsome bride was . attired in pale blue silk and the I couple were much admired as the mm ister made them man and wife. The marriage corcmony was performed h\ the Lev. J. Max'w. 11 Walla . 0 Presbyterian church. Tin pic are both well known in I.aurens county and belong t<> two of th< and honored families in the community HARRIS SPRINQS OPENS SEAS Experienced H?fel Mau In Clinrgi ami Everything Now Most Inviting, Harris Springs, Juno 15. I i o 1 '? ' hen; formally opened foi imm (tors this morning. Mr. I lean, '/. Lies, an experienced hotel man, recent I;, of the Jefferson hotel, Richmond, Va., hn leased the properly iu re for II period ol years and it is his purpose to make it one of the best of Its kind in the Mr. Rees has been here himself two weeks and with a large forcoof carpen ters and painters has gotten e . ei , tl in first-class condition, lie will enter* tain his visitors royally this nunmcr, Ho has arranged with II magnificent Philadelphia orchestra to furnish the music during the hotel season. The grand opening ball, nlway n great so cial event, will occur Friday night, July 3d. Magistrate Hellanu in the City. Magistrate P. M. Hollnms, of Dial's township, was in the cit\ Friday oil a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. lb Ham have the sympathy of their many friends over the county in the lost of their Iii tie two-year-old daughter, whose death occurred on the last day of May. She was a bright, sweet little girl, the pride of nor parents and ihopci of the i 1 neighborhood. GENERAL SESSIONS COURT CONVENES. \ Number of Cases Disposed t)f--Tlic Conviction of Lawrence Hunter. Judge Klugh, of Abbeville, arrived in the city Monday morning and the Court of Genera) Sessions convened at 10.30. Alter the preliminary work ot organiza tion and the findings by the grand jury the following eases were disposed of up to press time: John Brown, on the charge of larceny, wn found guilty and sentenced to two years on the public works or in the state penitentiary. Bonnie Johnson, housobreaking and larceny, found guilty on both counts. , Attorneys Cannon and Blackwell gave notice of appeal, so sentence was de-) I erred. Trod Fllodge, colored, on the charge of assault with intent to ravish, pleaded guilty and received asentenceof twenty ;> < ui'H at bard labor in the penitentiary. , Jim Little, assault and battery, pleaded guilty and was given live years in the Stale penitentiary. Lawrence Hunter, a young while man of I aureus Cotton Mills, on the charge if assault with intent to ravish, was found guilty with a mercy recom mendation It is remembered that in February of this year the arrest of young Hunter, accused of attempting to ravish the young daughter of a Mr. .Moore, also of the cot ton mill, at t raided a great deal of attention. Messrs. Itichey & llichey represented the de fense and will doubtless make an ap peal. 1 hinter hail not. been sentenced up to the hour of going to press. CROSS HILL NEWS BUBQBT. Death of an Aged Woman -Miss Annie Austin Wins Medal at Clinton. Cross Hill. June 15. There was quar terly meeting at the Methodist church la l Saturday. Rev. Mr. Roper, pro : idingelder, preached for Rev. Mr. Kin ard at the big tent on Sunday to a large congregation. Mrs. July Simms died last Friday at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. I). II. Ii III, and was buried Saturday at Bit lhabara. She was nearly'.'S years old would have been 98 in September. Messrs. W. R. Kuller and G. M. ; llanna stopped over at Cartersvillo, '?a., on their way home from Rinning-! ham and visited friends there a few days. They report a splendid lime ad i he way around. Row Mr. Kinard will continue the meeting at the tent during the week. Services at 10 o'clock a. m. and at 8 in t'ne evening. At ihe commencement of the Presby terian College of South Carolina last week Miss Annie Austin won the essay ist medal offered to the student in any college class on some subject connected with tho history of South Carolina. Her subject was "Uosomont." In 1002 the lato Col. 11. W. Rail offered a prize lor the best composition by a pupil in the county schools under I" years of age. Miss Annie won that prize and her paper was printed in The Adver tiser. She was then a pupil in the I ro Hill School under Mrs. L. S. McSwain, teacher. Mr. Fnoch I'inson has the contract to build an addition to the dwelling of Mr. , It, A. Austin. Mr. W. T. Austin will have his house r< modeled, repainted and otherwise im proved. Misses Co t rude and Leonora Leaman are at Clinton a few day., attending t onimenccmenl. Miss Theresa Davenport has. been quite ill for several days. Scholarships for Oiris. Vacant scholarships of free tuition iir? .initiations to be la Id July Huh, 1908. Applicants must file their names with the chairman of the department before ? Inly 1st. Students must be at least if teen years of age and prepared to inter Freshman or any higher class and . : t inform the chairman which col I . lie desires to enter. !' r further information apply to , I S THKODOSIA OA KG AN. ( h'n Dopt. Ed. S. C. F. W. C, Dnlzell, s. c. Rev. J. M. Shell, who was stricken with paralysis three weeks ago, is Steadily improving. Misses Josie and Sadie Sullivan en tertained a large number of their friends Tuesday evening complimentary lo thou* guests! Messrs. Clarence Cuningham and .). Wade Anderson today announce them selves as aspirants for oflico, the for mer for the legislature and the latter for I reasurer. < mgrossman Joe Johnson spent Sat nr.;.i, an I Sunday night in the idly. He is a candidate for re-election without 1 opposition. Mr;. J. F, Tolbcrt, who was operated on last week at the Pryor hospital in Charleston, is improving rapidly. The operation Was quite successful. The following young ladie; are the popular guests this week of Misses Josie and Sadio Sullivan: Misses Kate McSwoon, of Timmonsville; Alma Ran*, ? >i Leesville; Frances Finloy, of York vilie; Gladys and Vclma Smith, of l a lev, and lOmmio MeCrary, of Clin 1 Ion. UNVEILED SUNDAY Woodmen <>r World Pay Tribute. two fink, Ai)i>iu:ssi:s Ceremonials Meld ;u tlx- Rabun Creek Church-, - immense Crowd in Attendance, On Sunday morning at Rabun Creek church Hie handsome monument erected to tho memory of the late I.. Ruther ford Roper by Ihc Woodmen of the World was unveiled with Otting and in t eres ting ceremonies. The crowd was estimated at liftoen hundred and In eluded two hundred and fifty Woodmen, representing liftoen camps located in I.aurens, Greenville, (iroenwood and Abbeville. The oxorcises of tlio occa sion consisted of the unveiling eer< mo nies, appropriate music and t wo admira ble addresses. Promptly at 11 o'clock all the Wt od nu n present assembled near the church and, forming in line, marched to |t?o cemetery, each camp carrying its hi nor, with liftoen members of the Tray n bam (Suards, under (he commaiul of First Sergeant .lohn Arthur Taylor, as honorary escort, the entire procession being in charge of John W. Kellett, master of ceremonies, ami Paid .1. Roper, captain. Tho regular unveiling exercises were conducted by C, A. Power as con,id commander, assisted l>y I.. I?. 101 ledge, adviser lieutenant; W. K. (.'lardy, bank er; J. Lee Langston, clerk; R. C. < >w lugs, escort; J. W. Kellett; master of ceremonies; P. J. Roper, captain. At. thi- conclusion of (he en remonios tho crowd repaired to the chin ch, where Congressman J. T. John on and Solici tor R. A. Cooper, the invite.I speakers for t he occasion, delivered eloquent and admirably appropriate! add re ? a feature of the day's e.xel ? wti the fine vocal music by Mi r . ("list .Micks, M. Ii. Roper, W.'P. I hotna ion, Jr.. R. (J. Franks, of I,aureus, au I Prof. .1. I . Thomason, of North Augusta. Thons scmbly was dismissed by II. II. Mahoii. 'I'hus. ended a very impressive occa sion, held in honor to '.he memory of a deceased sovereien wll i Wll a loyal member of Laurcns camp. No. '.?-, \V. <). W. Mr. Koper died I., .i September in this city. Ids body was carried out to Rabun Creek church, which i near the former home of hi, parent . wliei'e t he deceased spent his child a ltd early manhood days, lie! was .the eldest son of Mr. and Mr . 'I'. Vic Ropi r, now of this city, and id the time of his death he was assistant chief of police and first sergeant of Company !'? tTrnyii ham (Suards), First liifuiitry, N, (i S. <'. lie was also a veteran of t Is- Span ish-American war. In all po itioris of hon?- and trust he vv.'is lailhfill and t rue and at 11h? t ime of hi ijnlihi ily death tiiore Was no more popular young man in I.aurens than Ford Roper. Personal Mention. Or. J. Ii. Fe.Ii. of Waterloo, wa , in the city yesterday. Mr. J. A. Fowler of " asp nt Satur day in t he city. Mrs. J. F.. ('ark. lo ?. Roland. Miss Noll Chil Ins . i vi lliiig in (iroenwood. Miss Harriet And? r On ol !pai tan burp, is visiting Mi Aiiiii' II t f. Mrs. M. Ca. selbary, of A ugusfa, is the guest this v.eel. of Mri . Adolph Shay or. I wood, pen' a few diiv Hi ? ? soii oh. Miss Robin Arthur, < t' i ? ? stun, is visiting at the hohie of Mr. J Si, Phil . yelher they Will spend some tithe; with friends in the i ' [ A party of young people from Lau rcns went to Clintor- last Wednesday . evening for the dahco. i. . Were: .Messrs. V. S. Ciiki r on, Fai l Wil on. ! F. K. Sunlit, J, W. Ihinkliii; Ml ju i I Lena ( ahtiou, and Zolin u Cray. I.aurens had fohr young me: to grad uate in thi" various departments at I Clem on last week. T|l0\ were. Mr. Frank W. <'risp, in agriculture and chemistry; Mr. L. v. (Jarrctt, in civil I engineering; Mr. T. (1. Robinson, in agriculture and chemistry, and Mr. W. L. Riser in civil ongincori Our proof render overlooked ,m error in J. F. Minier ? llros.' advertisement in this issue ai.d wa.-. printed before it was discovered. "Sau o colored suits" should have boon "'om coloro<| sultrt'* but the price- remain ju i as low. Se(; if you can find ihe error.