ISP POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum9 No Lime Phosphate WILLIAM BOLT. w. i). s. {; .i?.: m ilt????****!? iMk I'm - k k .- * He was raised near the old Burnt Factory. He married Keren Happuch Reid. I don't suppose another woman in Laurens county bore this name. He was a night hawk and Dr. Happy Holt had an extensive practice as large as any of the doctors of today. Hilly Holt enjoyed farm life and the pleasure of looking after a large family of children. Ho made his own tobacco, and one day a revenue officer came alone; and tried to buy a twist of home-made tobacco from him. He refused to sell but prof fered to give the man a twist. No he would not have if unless he could pay for it, so he thrust a quarter of a dollar in William's hand and put the tobacco in his pocket and rode oil*. Maloney goes right down to Laurent; court house and swears out a warrant and had the old man arrested. They carried him to Lau rens, his friends bailed him out of jail and every lawyer at the court house was ready to defend the old man in court. There wa great indignation expressed against Maloney for tolling the old man in such a rascally way. The night before this occurrence Ma loney and .Jim Moon captured a whiskey wagon with a full barrel and brought iL down to the shoals and deposited the barrel in Miller Wood's shed room. Both men Idled up on the whiskey and went to sleep. Woods hunted up all his jugs and Idled them up out of the captured barrel then went down to the tttore and woke up the clerk for more jugs. They could not lind any vessel but a five gallon can that once had copal varnish in it. He carried it on and filled it up. Never since that day has Hasting bought a jug of whiskey that lasted him as Ion;;' as the copal can did. I guess it had a peculiar whang to it. Lonfj; i.'s William Holt lived he bore the soubriquet of "Lilly" Maloney Bolt. V. S. See the book of .lob 42d chap. 14th vorse and you will lind the name of Keren llapouch. Whooping Cough. "In February our daughter had the] whooping cou^li- Mr. Lane, of Hart land, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and gave his customers the best of satisfaction. We found it. as he said and can recom mend iL to any?Yie having children trou bjed with whooping COttgh," says Mrs. A. Cos:;, of Durand, Mich. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. Be sure to see opr line of Refrigera tors, lee Cream Freezers and Water Coolers indifferent si/.os before you buy. S. M. & 10. II Wilkes & Co. SOLICITOR R. A. COOPI-R. Young Prosecuting Officer is a Candidate for Re-election Tins Year. The fact that Mr. R. A. Cooper, so licitor of this, the Eighth judicial cir cuit, will he a candidate this summer for re-election, has been noted in The Advertiser and pretty generally un derstood by the voters in the circuit. For some years it was Mr. Cooper's ambition tobe a circuit solicitor of the State. When the State was redis trictcd three years ago ho was chosen solicitor of the Eighth and is therefore completing his first .term. The work in this circuit has been ex-| ceedihgly heavy, embracing five, coun ties until the first of April this year. Yet the records show that convictions resulted in seventy-live per cent, of the cases brought to trial. This is re garded as a very excellent record and Compares most favorably with thill of tiny of the other circuit solicitors in the State. His duty has been discharged faithfully and diligently. Always strong in Laurens Mr. Coop er's popularity bus steadily extended until today there is probably not a man in the county who has more steadfast friends and supporters than he. More over, he is 11 young- man of affairs, pub lic spirited and identified with the vari ous interests of the town and county. No Use to Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King s New Discov ery," says Mrs. J. P. White, of Kush boro, Pa. "I would not be alive today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than any thing else, and cures lung disease? even after the ease is pronounced hopeless." I This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness is sold under guarantee at Laurens Drug- Co.'s and Palmetto Drug Co.'s drug stores. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Located nt Sandy Springs. Dr. W. E. Goddard, of Laurens coun ty, after prospecting various sections for a new location in which to pursue his profession, has finally decided on Anderson count v and Sandy Springs as his future home. Dr. Goddard arrived at Sandy Springs last Saturday and his present home and office are at Mr. S. M. Johnson's residence. Dr. Goddard has had sixteen years of active and suc cessful practice as a physician. The people of Sandy Springs have received numerous letters from his former pa tients and friends commending him.? Anderson Mail. We can supply your wants in plain Plower Pots in all sizes. Also a beau tiful line of Jardiniors in different de signs and sizes. s. M. & K. 11. Wilkes &Co. Weak Women frequently suffer great pain and misery during the change of life. It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by thoaei who find that it relieves their distress. It Will Help You Jt5 Mrs. Lucinda C. Hill, of Freeland, O., writes: "Before I began to take Cardui, I suffered so badly I was afraid to lie down at night. After I began to take it I felt better in a week. Now my pains have gone. I can sleep like a girl of 16 and the change of life has nearly loft m<\" Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES I LOCAL OBSERVATIONS. | Mr. Cole L. Blease, of the NNewberry i bar, was in the city Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Gray, of Gray Court, was in the city Friday shopping. Messrs. T. C. Turner and Karle Wil son went to the music festival Friday. Mr. Edgar W. Boyd, of Greenville, is spending a few days in the city with relatives. Misses Josephine Fuller and Dorcas! Calmes went to Spartanburg Friday for Ute festival. Mr. J. B. Henry, one of the foreman on the electric line construction works, spent last Sunday at his home in Green ville. Rev. W. E. Callender left Friday for Greenville, where he lectured at the American Spinning mill on Friday eve ning. Miss Fronde Kennedy, the excellent Clinton correspondent for THE ADVER TISER, was in Laurens Saturday shop ping. Messrs. R. E. and W. G. Hollings worth, two former Laurens county boys, were in the city Friday. The Messrs. I Hollingsworth arc farming now in New berry county, about nine miles south of l Mountville. Editor Thos. B. Stokes, with Mrs. ! Stokes, was in Laurens last Wednesday en route to Spartanburg for the festival. I They were among those delayed here ; about six hours. Mr. Stokes has a number of friends here, he having at one time lived at Fountain Inn. Mr. York Briddell, cashier of the paving company now at work here, went to Augusta Saturday and returned Sunday with his mother, Mrs. F. C. Briddell, and sister, Miss Marie, who have been spending the winter at Palat ka, Florida. At present they are at Gray's Hotel. The Eden school, fourteen miles from Laurens, closed last Friday with appro priate exercises and a picnic. Miss Lillie Armstrong, of this city, is the teacher of this school, and the past ses sion, under her able management, was very successful and pleasing in its re sults. Pointed Paragraphs. Cleave to the good and use a cleaver on the bad. It is all that some men can do to keep from being done. A lie must travel with some rapidity in order to avoid being nailed. Anyway, the self-made man hasn't any one to blame hut himself. Isn't it funny how funny some come dians think people think they are? The politeness of some men causes them to be looked upon with suspicion. Life is too short for a man to do all the things his wife wants him to do. What this world needs is an addi tional supply of men and women who talk less and say more. If a woman can't say anything mean of a rival she is pretty sure to remark: "Well, she'll bear watching." Every time we hear a man abused behind his back it reminds us of the fact that we all catch it when we are I not present. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con ditio? of the mucous lining of the Bus tachlan Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in (lamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY # CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7fic. Take Hall's Family Pills for eonstipa t ion. The fertilizer tax in South Carolina is no small item. For every ton of fer tilizer sold in this State the manufac turers pay a tax of 25 cents, which tax produces the principal revenue of Clem son College. Last year, from January 1st, 1007, to December .list, HK)7, the amount of tax paid in this Stato was $150,084.81, representing the sale of 603,080 tons. Up to May 1st, 1007, there was paid in the sum of $131,458.48 for the fertilizer tags. Of all the fruits there are in the land, That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. ? Palmetto Drug Co. The South Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs meets in Greenville May 5-8. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physi cal weakness when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea would p)ake them well. The greatest tonic known. 86 cents, Tea or Tablets. Palmetto Dnig Go. See our line of polling Swings. They are so made that they swing from the ceiling. They are well made and would be enjoyed by t-ho children. S, M. * |?; H. WMkos * Cp, Silver Aluminum Jell/ Moulds Free, Individually Mold. (I ilc?.rrt? nro mi\f CAfllidtred tli* |ir<>|.. r thing. TtM ntOUldl lire liurd to gel nnl-idr llii'l Ait^e Cltin, but un-rt of .11.1.l.-O, Tin Dninly DoMCrl, c*u thorn absolutely free. Clrciilnr In *icli pttktg*. ?iplulnlng ??d tiic (UftVrenl pMt?tM. JKI.L-0 in told by id I good grncori m Iftc. |?ei nnck>g( Dn not nrccpi a iui> itiluK or ton wiiiin dltt|i|;olnttd Much Concern Felt. Ordinary Methods for Treating Catarrh Prove Unsuccessful. Written statistics that show an in crease in catarrh have shaken confi dence in the usual prescriptions to safe guard human health from the ravages of this disease. When stomach dosing was proven in effective it was natural to look for some other treatment, and it is believed that in Hyomie an absolute cure for all ea tarrhal troubles has at last been found. Inhaled with the air you breathe, its healing medication reaches every part of the nose and throat and soothes the irritated mucous membrane so that re lief is almost instant while lasting cure is practically sure to follow. The complete Hyomie out lit costs but $1.00 and is sold by I,aureus Drug Co. under an absolute agreement to refund the money if it does not give satisfac tion. START NOW and get your stable in order for the summer. You un doubtedly want a new buggy and we want you to know that we can supply your every want, one that is easy running and perfectly made in every way. We have buggies and carriages in solid and rubber tires. We also carry a complete and well selected line of Harness, Whipsand Wagons. Get our Prices and see our Stock before buying else where. Barksdale & Franks Laurens, S. C. FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER try (lie following lU'ltulitfiiHt'dM-rl : Xrui> English Wuinni meats. X dor. Age, cut nil imr. l 10c. package .11:1.1.-1?, miy flavor, Dissolve Hu- >TK|,l/-0 lna|iiul nf Imiliisg writer. When cool and just commencing iu thicken ntlr In Ihn Aga and nuts. Serve wlih Wlitpiietl I'rnam. i?< ; The walnuts, flgs mid .'1:1.1 <> csin lie houghtat nny good ;.i nvry. Till inn ken enoili'li desert for n large family mid if vci y economical. DR. CLIFTON JONES Dentist OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING Phone: Office No. s<>: Residence 219. Notice to Creditors. All persons holding claims against the estate of W. W. Lowe, deceased, are hereby notified and required to pre sent them, duly proven, to the under signed at Waterloo, S. C, on or before the 13th day of May next ensuing or be forever bai red. .1. M. LOWE, Executor. April 10, 1MIK 38-.'lt ************* I Garden * Seed I THAT WILL GROW! I ??==- * All kinds of % Rubber Goods % Consisting of House- vfc hold Syringes, Foun* ?J tain Syringes, Bulb T Syringes and Rubber *? Gloves. Big line of Station- T ery, Pencils, Inks, etc. 2 Choice line Cigars I and Tobaccos. I Posey's The Old Reliable Real Estate Offerings One- 50-horae power engine with boiler .j acr08 \IUU\ n,Mj n\tw ,.ooni (hvolling, complete, only used two seasons. Price servant's bouse, in town of Gray Court. $250. This is a rare bargain. Price $2000. 00 acres of half mile from Dial's church with dwelling and outbuildings, with 40 acres in cultivation, 10 acres of tine bottom laud. Price $1,800. 17.'? acres of land in Dial's Township, known as the Wham place, bounded by lands of W. M. Deck, Wm. Wham and It. A. Nash, witligood dwelling, tenant houses and three horse farm in cultiva tion. See this property for there is a bargain for you. Price $4,000. ?IS acres of land, bounded by lands of Miller Curry, David Barton and others, with a beautiful eight room cottage, tine well of water and good outbuild ings. In one mile of Green Pond church. Price $47.50 per acre. 53acres of land in one mile of Green Pond church, bounded by lands of E. C. Stone, Robert Woods and others, with (I six room cottage, tenant house, line wircd-in pastures. $;t5 per acre. 45.62 acres, bounded by lands of l>. Woods, Clarence Curry and others, with a four room cottage and good out buildings, hall mile from Green Pond church. Price $27 per acre. ."in acres of land near Green Pond church, bounded by lands of Miller Curry, Rufus Babb, Abner Babb, with a six room dwelling, good barn and nice outbuildings. Price $45 per acre. 500 acres of land within six miles of I,aureus, live miles of Clinton, with dwelling and four tenant, houses, 250 acres in cultivation, balance in wood land. Terms made easy at $20 per acre. 22J acres of land near Sbiloh church, bounded by lands of .lohn WollV and Dratc Manaffoy, with dwelling and other improvements. Price $11.50 per acre. ifi} acres of land near Green Pond church, bounded by lands of Robt. Hry son and .Jasper DuPre, with dwelling and outbuildings. A bargain at $."52 per acre. 70 acres land, 2 miles east Cray Court, bounded by L. Z. Wilson, S. M. Hall, W. R. Cheek, 5 room dwelling, good barn and outbuilding. Price $2.:{oo. ISO acres land, bounded by Henry Mills and .1. (). ('. Fleming and others, seven room dwelling, 1 tenant bouse, barn and good outbuilding. Price $3,350. 51J acres land in town of Lanford, (5 room dwelling and outbuilding. Nicely situated. Price $4,Olio. 100 acres land in town of Ora, S. C. Price $:?,0(HI, easy terms. '.is acres land near Watts Mills, bounded by S. O. Leak and M. A. Knight, 1 tenant house. Price $40 per acre. 70 building lots in Laurens, in Jersey. Cheap. Apply lor description and price. Four acre lot with 10 room dwelling with cook room and pantry, bounded on north by C. & W. C. Ry, east by north Harper street, sou thand west by Joe Williams and others. Has beautiful (?rove, good barn and outbuildings; one of the finest locations in the city. Price only $7,500.00. 84 rcres near Friendship church, good dwelling and outbuildings. Bounded by lands of W. R. Cheek. D. Wood; and others. Price $2,500.00. One lot with four room house on Car lington St., nicely located. Price $1,050, 56 acres at Gray Court. I room house and out building, bounded 1 y lauds of B. T. Shell and M. 11. Burdinc. Price $00 por acre. 240 acres land, 2 milesof Fountain Inn known as the Tom Harrison place, good dwelling, '.! tenant houses, barn und oul buildings. Price $8,500.00. Seven room bouse and I wo acre lol ?., town of Gray Court, modern build, Price 2,500.01?; OS acres land 2J miles Gray Conn, bounded by luudsof.l. II. Godfrey, John Armstrong and ot hers. Price$1,650.00, 488 acres land, bounded by .1. II, Abercrombie, ICnoroe River, J. P. Gravi O. C. Cox and others, known as the old Patterson home place. Price $7,500.00 112 acres land bounded by land ol W. P. Harris, Bnorce nv c ??. II Abercrombie and others. Price- $2,000.00 200 acres land, Waterloo township, bounded by lands of estate ol W. T. Smith, J. R. Anderson and Saluda riv er. Price $2,500.00. One hit. in city of Lauren.;, nicely located, six room collage, conluiniuj; 6-8 acres. Price $2500.00. 20S acres in Waterloo township, nice dwelling, two tenant houses, good oul building, bounded by lands <>f .1. p. Anderson. D. C. Smith ami others, known as the home place of the late Dr. J. It. Smith. Price $11,500.00. 200 acres land, hounded by hinds of Mrs. Jesse Tongue. Iii". Walls, Dr. Fuller, dwelling and lennenl hoti . . i cultivation. Price horse i arm $5,000.00. 200 acres in Chcsnul Ridge section, bounded by lands of Mrs. .!