The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 01, 1906, Image 3

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"BROTHER BOB" HEARD FROM AGAIN. Mr. Editor:-Your readers, you say, Want to see mo? Tell them to come up and join me in the fray against Gen. Green. I received a kind letter from Tin: Advertiser recently soliciting a ^resumption of my correspondence to her ^columns; also, stating that a number of leaders had been making inquiries as to my whereabouts, some suggesting that I bo advertised after, and that a reward be offered. Mow, I write to acknowledge my ap preciation of and gratitude to my friends who hold me in pleasant remem brance, and who take an interest in my ploasantrios and sayings, foolish and -^otherwise. But beg to say I can't come. The farmer this year who has a p^pll crop has seen sights, and the one Who has over a full crop is still seeing them. It frequently occurs that we have a two weeks' wet spell in June, but this is one of the few years, occurring only about once a decade, in which we have six weeks' rain in June. I have often spoken of such Junes to an intelligent neighbor of mine who is himself a farmer of eighty summers, and one who is observant of occurring and recurring i incidents. But he always insists that he never saw a July without two weeks' drought. So July has to wait over a few weeks in a year like this till June gets through with weather. Now, boys, let us rally wjth renewed energy and clean up things before August, since that month has to wait her turn to come in. No, I can't write. You don't know nothing! 1 have to plow. To put it in thi language of Dave Harris, whom I fcaught not long since in a grassy field \>f cotton plowing, perspiring and sweat ing: "I just have to work or perish?just one or the other." I guess he felt that way. I do. As the days grow hotter and the grass offers more anil more resistance I have taken occasion to consult with my wife over the situation. She has about de cided, after some persuasion, and a full statement of details touching the prob lem, that it is dangerous for me to prosecute my labors further, and that 1 had better rest up a little. Of course I had told her of a few cases of fever I had heard of, and that I was even ap prehensive of small pox, going on as I had been--working and fretting and foaming in this hot sun. She thinks a lot of me, and if I can manage to in timidate her in this way and got her to let me stay in a little longer during the heat of the day I shall with groat pleas ure respond to the call of my dear read ers, and thus give expression to the gratitude swelling up in my heart and seeking utterance at the point of my pen toward the boys that are flattering me by their repeated encores. Other wise you will find me down in the creek patch, the shop field, the barn piece, or over in that cotton on the other side the branch anent Wade's house (it's grassy right) struggling with the tuss ics and committing suicide by degrees. In case you do not see me out soon come and see me die. Yours for the fray, Bkotiikk Bob. July 27th, 1906. P. S.?But say 1 In dating this I am reminded that this is the day Tilhnan is to speak at Laurcns. I had forgot it. I wanted to go down and cro^s lances with the gentleman from South Caro-! Una on the dispensary question ? the | best solution, etc. I understood that the last time he spoke at Laurens he made some personal allusions to Brother ! Bob and his article then just published ? in The State. I'm loaded for the gen-' tlcman from South Carolina. m. LYON AT BENNETTSVILLE. Candidate for Attorney General Received Ovation in Marlboro County. Benncttsville, July 25. ? About 800 good citizens of Marlboro board the candidates In the Court House here to day. The feature of the meeting was ^ the great ovation given Frazer Lyon, I No Candidate .has received such a recep tion here since the days when Tillman ijan for Governor. Mr. Ragsdale spoke first. He was ap plauded when he complimented the late C. S. McCall. He twitted Marlboro fori its jug trade, and said; "If Marlboro wants prohibition, in the name of God let her have it!" (Applause.) "I know bat there was rottenness in the dis ensary before the investigation com ittee created all this stir and turmoil, knew it before Bristow and Davis ve their testimony. That's not evi nce to convict, but I know that there I s been rottenness. Do not listen to i appeal of partisan newspapers. Do "let frisinuations and unworthy mo ves influence you." (Applause.) When Mr. Lyon came forward to J '.peak he was greeted with a tremen dous round of applause. When it sub sided, he said: "We have just witnessed J the spectacle of a man declaring that] be knew of corruption in the dispensary before the committee brought it out, and yet who has never raised his voice or lent a hand to help the committee in its work." (Great applause.) Mi-. Ragsdale stood up to interrupt Mr. Lyon, and when he could be beard he said with feeling: "I don't want any i personalities in tins campaign, and I ta^n't propose to have you say any Hrtqg personal about me, sir. I did not say that 1 knew of any specific instance of corruption, but only that there was general rottenness." "Sit down!" cried a voice, and there *was a storm of applause and hurrahs for Lvon. Continuing Mr. Lyon said: "He said be knew it, and yet. he has no evidence to substantiate it Then why does he stand here and accuse? Be knows, and they all know, that the dispensary stands convicted before the bar of pub Cnion. They try to wriggle out of j laying there is no legal evidence which to convict. (Applause.) onfession of a criminal is consid ood evidence. The chairman of the board showed a hatful of money thousand dollar bills, which he said he received as graft. (Applause.) He told of threats upon himself and wit nesses, and said he intended to prosec ute graft whenever ho saw it. He con gratulated Marlboro upon never having declared for the dispensary. There was ^pfto'longcd applause when he closed. ? A Mealing Gospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, Ga., sa.ys of Electric. Bitters; "It's a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physi cal collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bot l h s of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have just walked 3 miles in 50 minutes and feed like walking 3 more. It's made a new man of me." Great est remedy for weakness and all Stom ach, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold Jtnder guarantee at Palmetto Drug Co. d Laurens Drug Co. Price 50 cents. Inced Rales via C. & W. C. Railway. To Washington, D. C, account Negro foung People's Christian and Educa fonal CoiigrttoS. one first-class fare plus /enty-fivc cents round trip. Tickets JeJ^uly 27th, 30th and 81st, with return limit August 8th, 100?; ex that by deposit of tickets .vith ?cial agent at Washington and pay fee Of fifty cents an extension Imit to September 8th, 1906, "obtained. To Asheville, N. C, account Commer ial Law League of America, one first 8 fare plus twenty-five cents round . Tickets on sale July 28th, 29th and Ih, final limit August 8th, 1906, ex pt that by deposit of tickets with special agent at Asheville and payment f a fee of fifty cents at time of deposit an extension of the final limit to Sep tember 30th, 1906, may be obtained. C. H. Gabq'jk, Agent, Laurons, -S. 0< V I'arnkst Williams, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Augusta, Ga. STATU FARMERS INSTITUT To be Held at Clemson, August 7th to to 10th?Exercises Will Begin at 2:00 P. M. Tuesday. PROGRAM: tuksday. august Tth, 2:00 r. m. Address of Welcome and Preliminary Exercises. The Importance of the South's Pro- j ducing Its Own Meat-Col. R. B. Wat son, Ridge Spring, S. C. Experiences on this subject by farm ers present. Farmers' Union-J. C. Stribling, Pendleton, S. C. 8:00 P. m. Agricultural Opportunities for the , Southern farmer?Hon. Harvie Jordan, Monticcllo, Ga. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8TII, 9:00 a. m. Sheep Raising in the South T. I.. ( Bulow, Ridgeway, S. C. Experiences on this subject by farm ers present. Dairying in the South and Markets for Southern Dairy Products- Pi of. John Michels, Clemson College. Experiences on this subject by farm ers present. 2:00 l*. m. Horse and Mule Breeding for Profit. Subject discussed by farmers present. Dairying Adapted to the South ? B. ! Harris, Pendleton, S. C. Experiences on this subject by farm ers present. Proper Treatment for Common Dis eases of the Horse and Mule?Dr. I.. A. Klein, Clemson College. 8:00 r. m. The Cattle Industry in the South Dr. C. A. Cary, State Veterinarian and Di rector Alabama Farmers' Institutes, Auburn, Ala, thursday, AUGUST 9TH, 0:00 a. M, A Talk on the Honey Bee Col. M. I.. Donaldson, Greenville, S. C. Experiences on this subject by farm- j ers present. Marketing Crops -E. D. Smith, Zir conia, N. C. Care and Selection of Farm Seed Prof. C. L. Newman, Clemson College. 2:00 i\ m. Cotton Raising?A. J. Tindal, Man ning, S. C. Experiences on this subject by farm-1 ers present. The Diseases of Cotton and How to Prevent Them - Prof. II, D. House, Clemson College. 8:00 p. m. Increasing the Yield of Corn ?E. Mc.Ivcr Williamson, Darlington, S. Experiences on (his subject by farm ers present. fhiday, August I?TII, 0:00 a. m. Orchard Fruits, Their Care and Cul ture? Prof. C. C. Newman, Clemson College. Experiences on this subject by farm ers present. Our Common Insect Pestsand How to Destroy Them Prof. C. E. Chambliss, Clemson College. How to Make the Country Home and Farm Life More Attractive?Capt. Chas. Petty, Spartanburg, S. C. 2:00 7\ m. Demonstrations, judging horses, cat tle, sheep and wine. Labor saving machinery. ? i NOTE. Ample provision will bo made by the authorities of the college to assist the visitors in examining the college,station and all the interests belonging to the Clemson Agricultural College. Lodging will he furnished free to the capacity of the institution. Apply for tickets at the entrance to the Barracks, where your name will be registered, and a bed furnished if pos sible. Meal tickets can be secured, 25 cents each. He Was In Trouble. "I was in trouble, but found a way out of it, and I'm a happy man again, since Dr. King's King's ;.'ew Life Pills cured me of chronic constipation." E. W. Goodloe, 107 St. I-ouis St., Dal las. Tex. Guaranteed '? ftf R< story. Price 25 cents at Palmetto Drug Co. and Laurcns Drug Co. New Real Estate Brokerage Firm! Wc announce to the public that we are now in llic Real Estate and Brokerage business, and respectfully solicit any business you may have in this line. WE WANT HOUSES TO RENT. We will vent them for you, collect the rent and remit to you at stated periods. WE WANT OPTIONS on any property you may wish to sell. Wc will find a pur chaser for you, and save you the trouble and worry of closing a trade yourself. IF YOU WANT TO BUY come to see us. Let us tell you what we have to offer, and show you the properly. QUICK SALES IS OUR MOTTO. We want your Insurance. We represent some of the strong est companies, both in Tue and life insurance. Let us tell you about it. Anderson & Blakely Real Estate Dealers and Insurance Agents. Next Door to Express Office, Laurens, S. C. i im ii.ii it ill i iiii mum i i iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiwi t nil mini ? We would like to call your attention again to the Case Traction and \Vre would like to impress on you the vyondcrful values offered in these two lines. We do not mean merely in the matter of price. Price is not the only lest, nor the- best test for a line of Kn gines. There is the question of material, of design, of reputation. All these things the wide-awake buyer considers when purchasing. Knowing, as we do, the leal worth of CASK BN GINKS, we do not hesitate to let you examine them from any standpoint. We are willing to let the work speak for itself, and we stand back of it with a guarantee that if it does not do all that is claimed for we will make the matter right to your satisfaction. Won't you send us your name and address so that WC can mail you out catalogue? We know that if wc can get you in touch with our proposition you will give CASK BN? (ilXKS a trial. The result wc can con fidently leave with you, Hudgens Brothers LAU RENS, SOUTH CAROLINA LITTLE BANKS If you feel anyways timid about bringing small sums of money to the bank, wo ran loan you a little; nickel plated safe. This safe may bo kept at home whore von can drop in small maountfl from time to time. When you have accumulated any sum you can bring all to the bank, ("all at the bank and inquire about the mat ter. The Bank of Laurens. The Bank For Your Savings. if00* Ii MCKIiROY-SHANNON BlUtlNO- B2SDS. MolELHOY-BHANNOM srniNo IIKIIH. VICTOR SPECIAL NO. I. nothki ,l.?8-WTriL NTTVKn. h.a < j You Will Rest Better and Feel Fresh for your day's work if you have a good com fortable Spring on your bed. Se our line that i j* 1.111 j i.j /? ? n 11 VICTOR. NO. 1. are made ot the best quality of wire for both moibelbbb.will nkvhu sag. Wood and Iron Beds, and on account of buying them in large quantities we can sell you the best quality of Springs for what you would have to pay . for a cheaper quality. Call and Examine Our Line of Bed Springs. Notice. All those interested in Duncan's Creek graveyard are urged to meet at the graveyard on Wednesday, August l.r>tli, with teams for hauling, imple ments for cleaning up underbrush and hauling sand and provisions for dinner on the grounds. Mrs. Emma Little (denn has untaken the supervision of this work and she will be on hand that day. Going to Rock Mill. Mr. L. D. Pitts has accepted the position of secretary of the new cotton mill being built at Kock Hill. He will leave Laurens about the first of Sep tember to enter upon his new duties. For the past two years Mr. Pitts has been in charge of the Watts Mills stsre and is a very capable oflice man. He will be succeeded at Watts Mill by Mr. Fleming M. Smith, present manager of the Union Cotton Mills store, at Union. S. C. His many Laurens friends will bo glad to know that ho is to return to this city. Frightfully Burned. Cbas. W. .Moore, a machinist of Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace. lb1 ap plied Bucklcn's Arnica Salve with the usual result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25 cents at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. County R. F, I). Association. The regular monthly meeting of the Laurens County Rural Letter Carriers' Association will be held in the court house Saturday afternoon at i o'clock. At this meeting a president of the county association will be elected, Mr. s. G. McDaniel, who has been the president for several years, having been chosen president of the Stute asso ciali< n at the recent convention of let ter i an iers in this city. A woman worries until she gets wrin kles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Hollistcr Rocky Mountain Tea she would have neither. Bright, smiling face follows its use. '?'?> cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. Death of Former Citizen. Mows was received in the city Wed nesday of the deflth of Mr. J. R. Peterson, a former Laurens citizen at his home; at Gunlson, Missis sippi. Death came suddenly and Mr. Peterson was found dead in his bed by members of the household. Mr. Pe terson was fifty-three years old and went west at the age of twenty. He was a most highly regarded citizen and had been engaged in farming for a long time on a large and successful scale. He was a brother of Mr. .1. W. Peter son of this county and of the late Mr. .1. Wofford Peterson of this city. NOTICE. The National Bank of Laurens, lo cated at Laurens, in the Stale of South Carolina, is closing up its affairs, its. Corporate existence having expired at (dose of business on the loth day of .July 11?UI). All noteholders and others, creditor.', of said Association, are there fore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against, the As sociation for payment. jno. Aim;. bark8dalf., Cashier. Dated, Laurens, s. ('., July I Uli '06 2m WOFFORD COLLEOE FITTING SCHOOL Three new brick buildings. Steam beat and electric lights. Head Master, three teachers and Matron live in the buildings. Individual attention to each student. Situated on the Wofford Campus. Students take a regular course in the College Gymnasium, and have access to the College Library. $125.00 nays for board, tuition, and all fees. Next session begins Septem ber I'.Hh. For catalogue, etc., ad dress a. mason in pTlE, Head Was ter, Spartanburg, s. c. Aug. 1-td. Limestone College FOR WOMEN. GAFFNEY, South CAROLINA. Points or Excellence High Stand' aid. Able Faculty. Thorough Instruc tion. University Methods, rinoequip ment. Splendid Library. Excellent Laboratories. Beautiful Site. (Jnsur pai cd Hoalthfulnoss. Honor System. Full Literary, Scientific, Musical and Ar tistic Coures. Degrees of a. it. and a. m. Winnie Davis School of History. Next session opens September HUh, 1008, Send for catalogue. LEE DAVIS LODGE. A. M., PH. I)., pro ildont Aug. Ml. Side and Back COMBS are still in the height of fashion, and will also be worn this spring and summer. We have the latest styles of fancy Combs from $1.25 to $7.00 per set of three. Also the newest do signs in Bracelets, Hat Bins, Cuff Pins, Fobs and Crosses. Give Us a Call Before Purchasing. Fleming, Bros and WHISKEY HABIT0 cured at home with' out pain. Hook of par ticulars sent FICKK. _I I?. M. WOOI.I.KY. M. 1 >. Atlanta, Un. Oflice 101N. l'ryorstreet. UNIVBRSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1906. 1 lead of the State's Educational System. Dkpartmknts: ('ollcgiatc, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. Now water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormito ries, gymnasium, V. M. C. A. building. <iSl Students. VI in Faculty. The Fall term begins Sept. 10, 1906. Address FRANCIS I'. VENABLE, President ClIAPI-X IIl?L, N. C. Simpson, Cooper cc Babb, Attorneys at Law. i\ ill practlco in all state Courts f'rompt attention given to all business Charleston & Western Carolina Railwaj (Schedule in effect April 16, 190&\) No. 2 Daily I ,v I ,aursns 1! 50 pm Ar (ircenwood 2- 'H'? Ar Augusta 5: L!<) " Ar Anderson 7: 10 " No. -12 Daily Lv Augusta 2:36 pm Ar Allendale 4:30 " Ar Fairfax 4:41 " Ar Charleston 7:40 " Ar Beau ford 0: 30 " Ar Port Royal (1: 40 " Ar Savannah <>: 16 " Ar Waycross K):U0 " No.l Daily I ,v 1 .aureus 2:07 pm Ar Spartanburg 3: :'<> " No. 62 No. 87j r Daily Ex. Sudday Lv 1.aureus 2:09 pm 8:00nm Ar Greenville 3:26 " 10:20 " arrivals:- Train No. I, Daily, from Augusta and intermediate stations 1: 45 pm; No. 62,daily, fromGrconvilloand in Lormcdiatostations 1 ;35pm; No.87,daily, except Sunday, from Greenville and intermediate stations C>: 1(1 pin; train No. 2, daily, from Spartanburg and interm ediate stations I j 30 p in. <'. II. Gasquc, Agt.. Laurens, S. C. iG.T. Bryan.Gen 1 Agt. GrenevilloS.C Ernest Williams, Gen. Puss. Agt., Auguata, Ga, T. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. ' Tri weekly through parlor-car ser vice between Augusta and Asheville on trains Nos. 1 and 2. Car leave Augusta Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays; leaVO Asheville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." WOFFORD COLLEGE. HENRY N. SNVDRR, I I.. I>., Picsldent. Two degrees, A. B. and A. M. Foui courses leading to the A. B. Degree. Nine Professors. Library and Librarian. The W. E. Burnett gymnasium under a competent director. J. B. Cleveland Science Hall. Athletic grounds. Course of lectures j)V the ablest men on the platform. Next session begins September 19th. Bonrd from $12.00 to $16.00 a month. For catalogue or other information, ad dress - J. A. GAMEWELL, Secretary, Spartanburg, S. C. Aug. l-td. Attention! Citizens of Sullivan Township, The taxpayers of Sullivan township are earnestly requested to meot at Tumbling Shoals on Monday, August 0th, at 11 o'clock a. in. Questions of vital importance to the j township will he considered. FRRQUSON Hi FBATHRRRTONB. July 24th 8t, SCHEDULES C.N. .V L. Railroad Schedule In effect November No. 52 No. 21 Passenger Mixe?! ox I>aily copl Sun dny LvColumbia 11 10 am 516 pm ar Newborry 12 'Mi p m 7 03 p m or Clinton l 22 i> m 8 15 i> in ar Laurons 142 pin 846 i> m No. 63 No. 22 2 02 p m 7 00 a in Ijv Laurons ar Clinton ar Novvlx'rry ar Coluinliia 2 22 p in 3 10 p in 4 13 p ut C. 1 7 ;t0 a m H 35 a id lo 30 am .CAKQUI Co. 21st, 1004 : No. ar, ? Freight ox - copl Sun day 1 00 a in 3 46 a in r> 25 a in 0 00 a in No. st 5 20 p in r> oo p in 7 05 p m li 16 p in 3, Agont. DIL CLIFTON JONES Dentist OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING Phone: Oflice No. KG; Residence 219. DR. G. C. ALBR5?HT, DENTIST. Oflice over Peoples Loan and K.\ changc Bank, Laurens, S. ('. N. H. Dial. A. (J. Toni). DIAL & TODD, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law. Enterprise Bank and Todd Oilico Bui Ing. La u it j:x s . s. U. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE To Savnnnah.Wnycross, Jacksonville and all Florida Points, via Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad. Leave Laurens, 1:50 p. in. Leave Augusta, 10:80 p. m. Arrive Jacksonville, 8:40 a. in. Close connections made at Jackson ville for all points South. Round trip Winter Tourist Excursion tickets to Florida points on sale. GEO. T. BRYAN, General Agent, Greenville, S. ('. C. II. Gasquo, Agt., Laurens, S. ('. Ernest Williams, (i.i'.A., Augusta, Ga. Ai rive Savannah, Arrive Waycross, 2:50 a. m. 6:05 a. m. May Go Up or Go Down 1 ml the Trust Fighter down <>u the Branch in our City known ;ts JUST KEEPS ON SELLIiNO Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Houldings, Laths, Lime, Cement, Hard Plaster for Specially Fine Work, Varnishes. This Trust Fighter and Combination Busier lias recently added o> the old line of Roofing, known as the No. l and No. 2 Shingles, a Metal Shingle that is not only first-class in every particular, but is lire-proof and will present a fine appearance to the building on which they are used. Besido the Metal Shingle, he is now carrying in slock Standard Vulcanite and Restold Roofing", put up in rolls of one square to the roll complete, with all nails and fixtures to make a perfect finish; easy to put on and cheap. Also, Gravol Roofing of two grades, and two classes; price owing to thickness and value. For anything to build with he will be glad to figure with you. Call and see me tit the ssune old stand, and see what can hi- done for you in the way of building material. I thank my friends for their patronage in the past, and hope to merit their continued favors in the future. Respectfully, 11. E. GRAY, LAURENS, S. C, .Inly l( I ;. I Kit The extremely low mainte* W nance cost, and its great durabil m i' y, <1 re the result of the light touch, 0 the easy action, and the perfect 3 mechanical construction of the Fox. All of which are greatly in advance of any other typewriter. We solicit a trial in your office. I b:;-.l tormj .iiul machines of other kindt? taken (n pail payment. FOX TYPEWRITER CO. rHE Executive Office anil 124, K.ictory, Grand R\pid3, Mich.