The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 06, 1906, Image 2

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THE ADVERTISER Subscription Prlcc-12 Months, $1.00 Payable In Advance. Rates for Advertising. ? Ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 60 cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertisements. Obituaries: All over 60 words, one cent a word. Notes of thanks: Five cents the line. W. W. Bam., Proprietor. Entered at the postoffico at Laurens, S. C. as second class mail matter. ' LAURENS, S. C, June 6, 1906. The Newberry Observer says: "It is going to be a close race bo tween Messrs. Jones and Walker for the office of comptroller-genoral. Both are capable men. They were oppo nents four years ago, and Jones won by only five hundred and seven votes out of ninety thousand. It may be re marked in passing that this i3 one of the most important offices in the gift of the people. Four years ago we supported Mr. Walker solely on personal grounds, al though at the time we had a high re gard for Mr. A. W. Jones as a manly fellow, with plenty of hard sense. This year wo are in favor of his re election. We do not favor him because he is a poor man and a working man; that has nothing to do with the case; but because we believe he is a compe tent man, and is not afraid to express opinions that may be unpopular. As we have heretofore intimated, we have no special admiration for the State House gang generally, but we regard Mr. Jones as of another and better grade. * CHRISTENSEN AND LYON. No two young men in South Carolina have done more for the people than Senator Neils Christensen and Repre sentative Fr?ser Lyon in a quarter of a century. One can think of no more unpleasant and no more thankless task than that of the dispensary investigating committee. Mr. Christensen is the editor of a weekly newspaper in Beaufort. He is a young man of upright life, a gentle man every inch, tho son of a Danish gentleman who came to Beaufort many years ago. He was never in politics until he was elected senator, and he was chosen by his fellow citizens because they respected him and valued him for his brains and character. Mr. Lyon, a gentleman of the same stamp, is a young lawyer of Abbeville, and a graduate of Wofford College. Hi3 father is a one-armed Confederate veteran, who has a clerkship in the State treasurer's office. He is a Wof ford College man, and, we are informed, was a nronounced dispensary man until after his discoveries as a member of the investigating committee. Person ally we scarcely know him, but we have always heard him spoken of in the high est terms by those who do know him. No man can charge that he cherished any prejudice against Senator Tillman, and our impression is that he and his father have been in former days at tached to the Reform faction, though the factional bitterness had perhaps dis appeared for the most part when Fraser Lyon came to manhood. Certainly, neither of these gentlemen had any motives to break down the dis pensary. Both live in dispensary coun ties. Abbeville was always a strong Reform county, and Beaufort in recent years has been controlled by those who were Reformers. Lyon and Christensen are fighting the battles of the decent and honest people of South Carolina, not less of those who favor the dispensary than those who oppose it. If the dispensary is to be pre served, it must bo cleaned. Its best friends, such friends as Senator Raysor and Senator Manning, agree in this. These young men who at great per sonal sacrifice are doing this work, who are exposing themselves to threats from persons who are or have been connected with the business of buying and selling liquor, at least ought to have the sym pathy and the moral support of the law abiding, the self-respecting, the Chris tian men, the men who want their little girls nnd boys to grow up in a country where honesty and clean living prevail. Sometimes we doubt if it pays for men to do as Christensen and Lyon are doing. We have seen more than one good man throw away services which cost him years of his life and thousands of dollars only to be misjudged, miscon strued and blamed and abused by the people for whose benefit his endeavors were freely given. Sometimes you who read this wonder why your neigh bor who is an earnest, honorable and uncommonly intelligent man does not offer for the legislature. "He is self ish," you say, "his heart is set on mak ing money, and he is too much wrapped ( up in himself to mingle with the people and serve them." Perhaps that man reflects that his efforts would not be ap preciated. Perhaps he understands that unless he swallowed his convictions of right and joined in the clamor for some passing political hobby in which he could not believe, he would be hooted at and insulted. We have known men here in this county of the highest char acter and among the foremost in brains, leaders in their churches and leaders in their businesses and professions, who would not go to a county convention because they did not care to undergo the extreme discomfort of speaking their opinions against majorities not in clined to yield them a respectful hear ing. Your strong, clear-headed, educated man can generally take care of himself outside of politics. It has few rewards for him. He can always, under any conditions, whether tho trusts rule, whether the money power is oppressing or not, earn a living and laugh in his sleeve at the crowd howling and whoop ing for some flashy politician loaded with a stock of stale anecdotes, mis shaped and half-baked ideas. Yet these are the men needed in public life, these are the men able and willing to help the poor and the struggling, these are the men who can put into legislation the same force and energy and power to achieVe results that lift them to the highest places in professional nnd in business circles. There are mighty few really leading thinkers pf this. State who could be elected to public office, and still fewer who would accept it un der existing conditions. Even our nine congressmen will not average with the men of tho first class in ability in South Carolina; though one of them is one of the ablest of the senators. Now and then a promising man, moved by one motive or another, per haps it may be honorablo ambition for political position, does go into public life and give all that is in him to tho service of the people. Of such type we honestly and sincerely believe are Neils Christensen of Beaufort and Fraser Lyon of Abbeville. They ought to have the encouragement of the men who love their State, and we wish that every man who reads this article would write to them, even if the letters or postal cards bore no other words than "Well done, we are with you!" and the signatures of the writers. ? **** ************ ******* v; 4 I WISE AND OTHERWISE. <| ************************** Remember. Grasp not at the shadows In thy lonely sorrow; ' Gather up the sunshine For the coming morrow. Louder chirps the cricket When the daylight fadeth; 1 Brighter shine the star-lamps I When the moon forsakcth. I Sweeter smell the roses i After drenching showers; I And the bee for clover i Often leaves the flowers. ? Olive M. Durlin. The Roads of Laurens County or the Calf-Path. One day through the primeval wood, A calf walkt home, as good calves should; But made a trail all bent askew, A crooked trail, as all calves do. Since then two hundred years have fled, And, I infer, the calf is dead. But still he left behind his trail, And thereby hangs a moral tale. The trail was taken up next day By a lone dog tiiat passed that way, And then the wise bell-wether sheep Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep And drew the flock behind him, too, As good bell-wethers always do. And from that day, o'er hill and glade, Through those old woods a path was made, And ninny men wound in and out. And turned and dodged and bent about, And uttered words of righteous wrath Because 'twas such a crooked path: But still they followed?do not laugh? The first migration of the calf, And through this winding woodway stalk t Because he wabbled when he walkt. This forest path became a lane, That bent and turned and turned again; This crooked lane became a road,. Where many a poor horse, with his load, Toiled on beneath the burning sun, And traveled some three miles in one. And thus a century and a half They trod the footsteps of that calf. The years passed on swiftness fleet, The road became a village street, And this, before the men were aware, A city's crowded thoroughfare, And soon the central street was this Of a renowned metropolis. And men two centuries and a half Trod in the footsteps of that calf; Each day a hundred thousand rout Followed the zigzag calf about; And o'er this crooked journey went The traffic of a continent. A hundred thousand men were led By a calf near three centuries dead, They followed still his crooked way And lost one hundred years a day; I For thus such reverence is lent To well-established precedent. A moral lesson this might teach Were I ordained and called to preach, For men and prone to go it blind Along the calf-paths of the mind, And work away from sun to sun And do what other men have done. They follow in the beaten track, And out and in, and forth and back, ^And still their devious course pursue, To keep the path that others do. But how the wise wood-gods must laugh, Who saw the first primeval calf; And many things this tale might teach But I am not ordained to preach. ?Sam. Waj/tpk Foss. Thornwcll Orphanage College. The thirty-first annual commencement of the Thornwcll College for Orphans, Clinton, S. C, will take place June 17th to 20th. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached in the First Presbyte rian Church at 11a. m. Monday, June; 18th, by the Rev. Richard Orme Flinn, D. D., of Atlanta, while the baccalau reate address will Ivj delivered by the Rev. Dr. Samuel M. Smith, of Colum bia, at 8.30 p. m. Wednesday, June 20th. FINAL SETTLEMRNT. Take notice that on the 19th flay of June, lflOfi, I will render a final ac count of my acts and doings as Admin istrator of the estate of N. M. Maddox, deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County at 11 o'clock A. M. and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay" ments by said date, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or be forever barred. M. C. Cox, Administrator. May 16- lm. 1785 1906 COLLEGE OF CHARLETON, Charleston, S. C. Entrance examinations will be held in the County Court House on Friday, July 6, at 9 a. m. One Free Tuition Scholarship to each county of South Carolina awarded by the County Super intendent of Education and Judge of Probate. Board and furnished room in Dormitory, $11. a month. All candi dates for admission aro permitted to compete for vacant Boyce Scholarships which nay $100. a year. For catalogue and information, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. We have in stock a car load of ma chine-made Fruit Jars, and our prices are as low as they can be bought any where. S. M. & E. ft. Wilkes & Co. To the Trustees of First Baptist Cburch. Gentlemen: We want to donate some L. & M. Taint to your church whenever they paint. The largest Methodist church in Geor gia expected to uso 100 gallons of the usuid kind of paint, they only used 32 gallons L & M. mixed with 24 gallons Linseed Oil. It costs less to paint a house with L. & M. than with other paint, becauso painter mixes Linseed Oil fresh from the barrel at 00 cents a gallon with L. & M., and doesn't nay $1.50 per gallon for Linseed Oil as done if ready-for-use paint is used. Also because the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the paint wear like iron. Sold by W. L. Boyd, Laurens, S. C. and Clinion Pharmacy, Clinton, S. C. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 19th day of I June, lOOt), I will render a final ac count of my acts and doings as Admin istrator of the estate of E. C. Maddox, deceased, In the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County, at 11 o' clock A. M. and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment by said date, and all persons hav ing demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or be forever barred. M. C. Cox, ? Administrator. May 16 ? 1 m. Winthrop College Scholarship and En* trance Examination. The examination for the award of va cant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, .July 0th, at 9 a. m. Appli cants must not be less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July 6, they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarship should write to President Johnson before the exami nation for scholarship application blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 19th, 1900. For further in formation and catalogue, address President i). B. Johnson, Rock Hill, South Carolina. 40-td. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the solicitation of many friends 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Laurens county and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic Pri mary. D. F. HAI.ENTTNE. After having announced myself a candidate for County Treasurer some time ago, I felt it my duty to with draw, as 1 found that office would not suit my circumstances that I am now placed, health of my wife not being good. So I now ask the support of the voters of Laurens County for re-election to the office of County Commissioner. This office does not take me away from home so much as if I had been elected Treasurer. 1 thank all for their sup port in last election, and I feel better qualified to till the office now if I be elected than I was before. Respectfully, W. F. Bailey. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representa tives from Laurens County, subject to the Democratic primary election. J. H. MILLER, M. D. I respectfully announce myself to the citizens of Laurens county as a candi date for the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to the Democratic primary election. (!larence cuninqiiam. 1 hereby announce myself to the voters of Laurens county as a candidate for the Legislature, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. J. C. McDaniel. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the rules of the Primary Election. \ A. s. Riddle. |? I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary election. Ross I). Voi.'no. At the solicitation of friends, I )<?>?,.) v announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary. J. D. Mock. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Treasurer Laurens County and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic Primary. Walter A. Baldwin. FOR SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself to the vot ers of I.aureus County as a candidate for the office of county supervisor sub i ject to the result of the Democratic Primary election. John d. Mills. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for * the office of County Super visor for I-aureus County and pledge myself to abide the result of the Demo cratic Primary. J. B. Cosby. I hereby announce? myself as a candi date; for re-election to the office of Coun ty Supervisor subject to the rule of the Democratic Primary. Respectfully, 11. 15. Humbert. I respectfully announcer myself as a candidate for tho office of Supervisor of Laurens County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary election. Jas. M. sumerel. FOR AUDITOR. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Auditor, subject, to the rules of the Democratic primary. C. A. Power. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OP EDUCATION. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for reelection to tho offlco of County Suporlntendenl of Education of Laurens County, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic Primitiv. R. W. Nash. JUDGE OF PROBATE. I hereby announce myself for re-elec tion to the offlco Of Judge of Probate, Subject to the result of the Democratic Primary elect ion. 0. <:. Thompson. holl! ST er' 3 Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Bir.y People. Firings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A npoclflo for Constipation. Indigestion, T.Ivov nnd Kidney troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Imparo niood. Bad Breath, Slucnrtan Bowels. i lend no no, nnd Bit ok ache. Its Rooky Monntnln Ten tn tiib lot forni. :t."> rents it box. Genuine made by Dnua ( oMi-ANV. Mndlson, Wtfl. S?LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE* Gray Court, S. C. Offers the property named below Buy your property now. Do you know of u single instance of where property intelligently purchased can be bought back at the price paid? 18-room building, the Leatherwood House and 1-2 acre lot in town of Wood ruff. Price $6,000. Gin and seed house, a complete Mun ger system, consisting of three 70 saw gins, revolving press, suction, one 40 b. p. engine, and half acre land at Good gion old mill. Price $i,boo. 1 acre of land and gin house complete, with two 70 saw gins, one revolving press, one 40 h. p. engine, located in one mile of Enoree. Price $2,000. 203 acres of land, 2* miles east of tho town of Laurens on road to Clinton. Price $40.00 per acre. 75 acres of land 1* miles east of the city of Laurens. Price $2,000. I want immediate purchasers for the following property: 82 acres land near Dial's church, well improved. $25 per acre. Two lots in the city of Laurens, Nos. 14 and 35 Simpson property?the two for $125. 202 acres near Mt. Olive church, Waterloo township, well improved. $2,100. 3 acre lot, 7 room house good out builhings, well in yard in town, of Gray Court, $2,000. House and lot, two acres land, 5 room building, good barn in town of Gray Court $2,100. 400 acres at Madden Station, good dwelling and out buildings and other improvements. Price $25.00 per acre. 400 acres in one mile of Madden Sta tion, good improvements. Price $12.50 per acre. One house and lot in city of Laurens, between Laurens hotel and Merchants and Faamers Bonded Warehouse. Price $2,200. Five lots in town of New Cordell, Washita county, Oklahoma Territory, lots Nos. 4, 5, 6. 9, 10, block 12. Price fo>- all five lots $300.00 cash. 212 acres located on Jimmie creek, Spartanburg county, with good dwelling ai d one tenant house, price $1,250. 19(5 acres five miles north of Laurens, with dwelling and three tenant houses, price $25 per acre. 140 acres, with 8-room dwelling, 5 tenant houses, up-to-date farm, fine bottoms and timbered land; located two miles from Lanford; $40 an acre, easy payments. 20 acres of land, wheat aud corn mill, gin house and saw mill complete; located in Greenville county and known as the old Nash Mill. Bargain at $1,500. 5- room cottage and two-acre lot on Carlington street, city of Laurens, | $925. 6- room house and 3-4-acre lot, good outbuildings, Main street, town of- Clin ton, $3,000. 5-room house and 3 1-2-nare lot, Sloan street, town of Clinton, $1,200. 178 acres, near Mt. Olive church, two good dwellings, fine farm land, $10 per acre. Two lots, 1 1-8 acres each, town of Fountain Inn $250 per lot. 112 acres and dwelling, on Kcedy River, cheap at $12.50 per acre. 178 acres, 7-room dwelling, mineral spring, one mile from Ora, $5,000. 11-room residence, with waterworks, fronting on North Harpcrstrcet, $3,500. 225 acres, 7-room dwelling, 4 tenant houses, near Durbin Creek church, $30 per acre. 10-room houso with four halls, hath rooms, city water and lights, also good well water and servant house, in city of Laurens, $3,500. Granite store building in town of Mil ton. $350. 3-acre lot, store room and dwelling, on Sloan street, town of Clinton, $3,000. 2 1 l-acre lot on Sullivan street, in town of Laurens. $337.Ro, cash. 17 1-2 acres on Beaverdam creek, 1-2 mile from Lanford, wheat and corn mill in perfect order, survey made for yarn mill, bargain at $1,500. Two acres specially suitable for build ing lots, East Main Street, City of Laurens?$1,500. 40 acres, East Main Street, town of Woodruff?$2,000. 424 acres, 7-room dwelling, store house and postoflice, at Hobbyvillc, Spartanburg county - $20.00 per acre. L-acre lot, 8-room house, reception hall, bath room, in town of Woodruff $2,500. 500 acres with splendid improvements and brickyard on place, 4 miles of town of Abbeville?$10,000. 73 acres, 9-room dwelling, good out buildings, town of Woodruff-0,000. 1 1-2 acre lot, 7-room residence, hand some barn, in town of Fountain Inn ? $4,000. 502 acres, beautiful dwelling, 8 tenant houses, up-to-date farm; improvements, including 20 acres of land, located in town of Woodruff?$25 per acre. 4 1-2 acres, nice residence, in town of Fountain Inn -$2,600. House and 4-aere lot in town of Foun tain Inn-$1,G00. 7-room house nnd halt-acre lot in Citv of Lnurcns-$825. 12 1-2 acres in town of Fountain Inn--$400. Can locate two practicing physicians in very attractive localities. J. N. LEAK, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Gray Court, S. C. Sanders' Bottling Works. A. H. SANDERS, Prop. WHOLESALE ONLY! MANUFACTURER OF High Grade Qinger Ale and Soda Water.? Celery Cola a Specialty. Prompt Attention Given all Orders. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAURENS. Whereas, R. J. Franks made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administra tion of the Estate of and effects of Luther Franks. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and Creditors of the said Luther Franks, deceased, that they he and ap pear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Laurens C. H., S. C, on the 15th day of June, 1906, next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the. said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 29th day of May Anno Domini, 1906. O. G. THOMPSON, 43-3t J. P. L. C. Notice. I hereby forbid any one fishing or hunting on my lands, and all machine agents, book agents or agents of any kind, and all persons are notified not to make paths through my farms or tres pass on me in any way. M. 13. Pooi.B, 43-3t. Dr. Chas. A. Ellett Dentist. Office, Law Range. 'Phone 189, Laurens, S. C. See our line of Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and Fly Traps before you buy. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. What is Bromonia? Read the following carefully: If you have consumption or some of the contagious forms of blood poisoning we cannot cure you. Wo don't pretend to cure you. You need the individual treatment of some skilled specialist; but if you are run down in general health, if you have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting spells, a victim to Insomnia, bilious ness, kidney or liver trouble, catch cold easily, if your system is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the disease germs of pneumonia, la grippe and the vari ous epidemics, if you are bothered with constant headache, loss of memory, generally impaired vitality, we can help you, and, if you follow our directions, render you immune ugainst sickness. Most skin disease can be cured by the use of "Bromo nia." "Bromonia" is to the human sys tem what the scrubbing brush and soap are to tho dirty washbowl. It aids Nature to resume normal ac tion. We don't ask you to invest a cent until you have tried "Bromonia" at our expense. A single bottle often times works wonders. Cut out the Coupon at the bottom of this column. Write name and address plainly. Be careful to address The Bromonia Co., ! NEW YORK. Free Bromonia Coupon. Name City State Street Address My disease is If you think Bromonia is what you need and do not care to send coupon, you will find it at all first-class druggists 25 and 50 cents the bottle. SPECIAL SALE BY THE LAURENS DRUG COMPANY, Exclusive Wholesale Agents for Laurens and vicinity. Dealers elsewhere; desiring agency apply to MURRAY DRUG COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. I Something to Eat! Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily. Kennedy Bros. La ure ns, South Carolina, Save the Pennies. and it won't be long until you will have dollars to put int<> this bank?won't be long after that before your dollars will multiply. tCasy to explain: we invest and re-in\;est depos its, and so can afford to pa> depositors?afford to pay you /j per cent, interest. Tell you more if you inquire of us. CO?VftlCHf The Bank of Laurens. The Bank For Your Savings. THE Quickest Sellers Are the line? of goods recognized by the purchasing public i<> possess a higher grade of merit apart from other", either in style, quality or price. We have reference to the following goods that are constantly coming in contact with the scissors here: The wide Sheer White Persian Lawn at 15c. Those four grades White Linon 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 20t\ White and Printed Madras Cloth 12 l-2c and 15c. Also the Mercerized WalstingS in White, the 20c and 25c qual ity, are tho quick sellers. "Iis only to wait a moment to decide the colorings of those handsome 10c printed Organdies then the order is promptly given to cut. Where the Scrssors Remain Silent. The ends of White Madras and very wide soft, finish plain White Nainsook. These co no direct from .the manufacturers with the correct length marked on each piece, and can be easily delected ns being much below market; value at W. Q. Wilson & Co. I Ballard & Ballard's ft FAHOUS i Obelisk Flour AT ? $5.00 per barrel. o The Quality of this Flour is Known the World Over. o w Watts Mills Store. I A piece of Japan leather inside the lining of a shoe on both sides gives the laces a horizontal and a vertical "pull" that draws the sides of the shoe snugly to the ankle, and keeps them there. Not true of any shoe without the "Good" sign Patented and Exclusive. Isible evidence of visible superiority eternal comfort. Vouched for by us. R. E. COPELAND'S Shoes, Hats and Furnishings Customers' Shoes Shined Krkk. This Onk-Prick Store The Hi* Franklin Typewriter! The "Franklin" leads them all. Typewriter operators have pronounc ed it king of all visible writing ma chines. It's a time-saver, simplicity itself, and for durability and speed it it has no equal. ?ice $75.00. Terms to Suit. rp FRANK H. TUXBURY, 4- Southern Representative. ?fi Roanoke, Virginia. TYPEWRITER Some of the largest and most critical users of typewrit ers in this country, use Fox Typewriters ex_ clusivcly. Here are a few of them: Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Eattle Creek, Mich. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago, 111. Fred Macey & Co., Ltd., Grand Rapids, Mich. Regina Music Box Co., New Vork, N. V. National Sewing Machine Co.. Belvidere, 111. C. G. Conn, Klkhart, Ind. C. B. & Q. Railway, Chicago, II!. These people have only purchased the Fox after a most careftil investigation. We wouid be pleased to place one w your ofnce on free trial. Other machines taken in part payment FOX TYPEWRITER CO. Executive Office and Factory Grand Rapids, Mich, x Branch Offices and Dealers in Principal Cities. 125