THE ADVERTISER* Subscription Frlce-12 Months, $1.00 Payable In Adrance. Rates for Advertising. - Ordinary advcrtisements^er square, one inser tion, $1.0Q;jgAclffiubsequent insertion, 50 cents, j Liberal reduction mado for large advertisements. Obituaries: All over 60 words, one cent a word. Notes of thanks: Five cents the line. W. W. Ball, Proprietor. Entered at the postoffice at Laurens, S. C. as second class mail matter. LAURENS, S.C., May 16, 1906. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. A healthy sign in the Laurens County Convention was the number of resolu tions offered. The people are thinking and it is always gratifying to observe that they have their eyes open and are studying political questions. The resolutions about government ownership and kindred matters are novel at this time, though they would have excited no surprise had they been adopted ten years ago. They are not wide departures from the spirit of the other Ocala and Alliance platforms, which were incorporated in the State Democratic platforms of those days. These principles have been deserted by Senator Latimer, Senator Tillman and others, and we have no idea or they keep mighty still about them, that those gentlemen, loud as they once were in advocating them, or most of them, would stand for them now. The fact that the resolutions create a smile in some quarters and cause some of the minions of the "subsidized press" to try to show off their smartness is of no consequence and the Democrats of Laurens may be depended upon to stand by their convictions. The County Democray is committed to these resolutions now and we hope that it will not permit the politicians to dodge them. To bring about most of tne results called for, action by con gress will be necessary. There arc few if any railroads and no telegraph lines in South Carolina that are not inter State; hence only congress can enact the legislation suggested. The Democ racy of the county should see to it that they are presented to our United States Senators and the member of congress for the Fourth District especially and those gentlemen should be forced to ac cept or repudiate them. None of the South Carolina members of the Bower House has ever been pledged to such principles, we believe, but they are not new to the United States senators. The latter swallowed everything that the Alliance offered in former times and they cannot consistently go back on the Democracy of Laurens?for Laurens County has stood nobly by both at all times. Merely because some of the demands arc not now fashionable is no excuse for brave and honest men to repudiate J them and the self-respect of the Lau rens Democrats who have endorsed these | resolutions will, we suppose, cause them to see that their views arc given a re spectful hearing and if bills are not in troduced in congress and in the legisla ture to carry them into effect, the poli ticians will know the reasons why. Of course The Advertiser is op posed now as it always has been to most if not all of these proposi tions, but we have the highest respect i for the Democratic County Convention, we are glad to see it boldly and j fearlessly put itself on record, and we are glad that it is not blown hither and thither by every wind of changing political opinion. Tin: advertiser stands by the convictions it held ten years ago and therefore it cannot but admire others who are true to theirs and so we hope that they will show the politicians that they cannot play fast and loose with principle.! of far-reach ing importance. We shall watch with interest to see whether or not our senators and con gressman will attempt to ignore and thereby insult the Democracy of Lau rens when its speaks through its highest representative body. MR. CUNINGIIAM'S LETTER. The letter of Mr. Clarence Cuning ham of Waterloo, printed in the Her ald last week, was full of good, sound common sense. Some of its expres sions we do not endorse but the general purport of the letter was well calculated to do good. Fifteen cents cotton alone, as Mr. Cuningham says, will not cause prosperity, the farmers should raise t'icir horses and mules, particularly mules, and they should make the farms self-supporting and learn to take care uf themselves, regardless ol prices of commodities raised in the West. In this connection, we may add that we hope that Mr. Cuningham will con tinue to write on the line of his letter to the Herald. We think he is wrong in many of his political views Jntt it is very generally conceded in this county that The Advertiser is tee-totally wrong in political matters, so Mr. Cun ingham's opinions are all the more valuable. We repeat that we hope that Mr. Cuningham will persist in his preaching. He is a broadly and thor oughly educated man, a man of uncom mon attainments in scholarship, and he in in a position to do a world of good. Moreover, Ik; is not afraid to speak out on any subject and it is worth much to the farmers and others that they have a man who not only has information but is willing to use it for the benefit of his fellows. Have you weakness of any kind ? stomach, back, or any organs of the body. Don't dope yourself with ordin ary medicine, flollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea Is the supremo curative pow er. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. Teachers' Examination. Tie next regular examination for Teachers' Cert ideates will be held at Laurens C. H., Friday, May IHth, 1900. Questions will be on hand forthoae who havo been taking the Teichers' Read ing Circle course. R. W. Nash, County Superintendent Education. 88-4t WISE AND OTHERWISE. **** * m **# ********** * *?-*** in the valley. If you're down i* the valley 'Tain't no use to sigh; It's better than climbin' The hot hills on high! It's a good place to rest you When Sorrow's oppressed you: The good Lord has blessed you? 'Taint no use to sigh! good training. Miss Sightseer (in Egypt)?Mr. New rich, you scale up these rocks as if you'd been climbing pyramids all your life! Were you bred in the mountains? New Newrich?Oh, no; but I carried a hod up a ladder for a good many years before I struck oil.?Detroit Free Press. "I recken Bill must have been cut out for one o' these geniuses that writes for the magazines," said the old Geor gia farmer, "'because he can't make cash enough to have his hair cut, and would ruther watch a star than dig a well!" A man who had been accustomed to be late at church arrived first on one occasion. He soliloquized: "First at last, I have always been behind be fore!" "Why are you pouting, Ethel?" "Jack said I was beautiful. 1 told him he must be short-sighted." "What did he say?" "Why, the horrid thing said perhaps he was. " ? London Tit-Bits. gilt-edge CRUELTY. "You know," said Miss Kreech, af ter her solo, "I intend to go abroad to finish my musical education." "Why not finish it right now," sug gested Miss Cadley, "and save the ex pense?" THE times have changed. In Eden, once a rib became A woman, so they say; But now its ribbons that become The woman of to-day. ?Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. a telephonic danger. Paterfamilias (who has just rung up the call-oflice, and has his attention di verted by his little daughter): "Hullo, dear, coming to kiss me good-night?" Voice of Female Telephone Clerk (severely): "I beg your pardon?" ? Punch. COTTON KILLED BY FROST. Necessary to Replant Crop in Many Sec tion of the Piedmont. Bickens, May 10. ?The frost last night killed at least one-fourth of the cotton crop of Pickens county. Farmers from ( ten miles of the court house report all of theirs gone. Cotton seed is in great demand for replanting. Greenville. Greenville, May 10.? Effects of the recent cold have been far reaching in this and adjoining counties. All low land cotton has been either killed or badly injured in many localities. Farm ers have already gone to work to plow up the damaged crop, and will plant the land in corn and some will replant in cotton. The terrific hail storm of last Sunday so injured the crop that it could not stand the cold and frost following. Cotton planted on the high lands has fared much better, but all has been in jured to some extent. Yorkvillc. Yorkvillc, May 10.? There was con siderable frost last night throughout the county, and cotton was badly dam aged. Some farmers are plowing it up and will replant. Having disposed of their surplus seed a good many are short, and will not have enough to re plant. The thermometer stood at 38 here this morning and Tuesday night. Union. Union, May 10.?There was a very heavy frost in all parts of the county this morning, and reports from differ ent sections say that in most of them the cotton crop was badly hurt, many acres being entirely killed, necessita ting replanting. Considerable damage was done to vegetables, and some to fruit. GRAND LODGE ODD FELLOWS. Officers Elected and Installed?Meets Next in Charleston. Greenville, May 10. ? With the elec tion and installation of officers this af ternoon, the Grand I cents. Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. Winthrop College Scholarship and En* trance Examination. The examination for the award of va cant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new student., will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 0th, at9 a. m. Appli cants must not be less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July 6, they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarship should write to President Johnson before the exami nation for scholarship application blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 19th, 1906. For further in formation and catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, South Carolina. 40-td. STATEMENT Of the Condition of Enterprise Bank, Located nt Laureus, S. C, at the Close of Business May 4th, 1906. resources. Loans and Discounts $160,359.38 Overdrafts 3,798.16 Overdrafts, (Secured) 7,392.97 Furniture and Fixtures 935.94 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,666.58 Currency 3,276.00 Gold 115.00 Silver, nickels and pennies 2,074.58 Checks and Cash Items 703.79 Total $180,221.40 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid In $50,000.00 Undivided Profits 10,704.07 Duo Banks and Bankers 2,093.01 Dividends unpaid 49.00 Individual Deposits subject to Check 88,921.97 Cashier's Checks 519.70 Hills Payable, including time Certificates 27,500.00 Remittances 433.65 Total $180,221.40 State of South Carolina, County of Laurens. Before me came C. II. Roper, Cashier of Enterprise Bank, who being duty sworn, says that the above and forego ing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of fdc in said bank. C. H. Roper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of May, 1900. Albert C. Todd, (L.S.) Notary Public for S. C. Correct Attest?N. B. Dial, M. J. Owinus, C. E. Kennedy, Directors. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 5th day of June, 1906, I will render a final ac count of my acts and doings as Admin istrator of the estate of Hattio M. Miller, deceased, In tho otlice of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County at 11 o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apply for a final dis charge from my trust as Administrator. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment by said date, and all persons hav ing demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or be forever barred. C. M. MILLER, Administrator. Mav 2- 1 m. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE To Savannah,Waycross, Jacksonville and nil Florida Points, via Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad. Leave Laurens, 1:50 p. m. Leave Augusta, 10::i() p. m. Arrive Savannah, 2:50 a. m. Arrive; Waycross, 6:05 a. m. Arrive Jacksonville, 8:40 a. in. Close connections made at Jackson ville for all points South. Round trip Winter Tourist Excursion tickets to Florida pjints on sale. GEO. T. BRYAN, General Agent, Greenville, S. C. C. H. Gasque, Agt.. Laurens, S. C. Ernest Williams. G.P.A., Auglfeta, Ga. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice, that on the 16th day of May, 1906, we will render a final ac count of our acts and doings as Execu tors of the estate of .lames II. Parks, deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County at 11 o'clock a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust as Executors. All persons indebted to said estate arc notified and required to make pay ment by said date, and all persons hav ing demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or bo forever barred. J. B. PARKS, JNO. A. BARKSDALE, Surviving Executors. April 10. 1000.-1 month. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to tho House of Representa-I lives from Laurcns County, subject to] the Democratic primary election. J. H. MILLER, M. I). 1 respectfully announce myself to the citizens of Laurens county as a candi date for the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to the Democrat^ primary election. Clarence Cuninoiiam. I hereby announce myself to the voter:, of Laurens county as a candidate for the Legislature, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. J. C McDaniel. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. 1 announce myself a candidate for | the office of Treasurer, subject to the rules of the Primary Election. A. s. Riddle I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary election. Ross D. YOUNO. At tho solicitation of friends I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the otlice of County Treasurer, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary. J. I). Mock. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Treasurer Laurens County and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic Primary. Walter A. BALDWIN. FOR SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Super visor for Laurens County and pledge myself to abide the result of the Demo cratic Primary. J. B. Cosby. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Coun ty Supervisor subject to the rule of the Democratic .Primary. Respectfully, H. H. Humbert. I respectfully announce myself as a I candidate; for the office of Supervisor of Laurens County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary election. Jas. M. Sumerel. FOR AUDITOR. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the'office of County Auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. C. A. Power. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the office of Count y Superintendent of Education of Laurens County, and pledge myself to abido the result uf the Democratic Primary. R. W. Nash. JUDGE OF PROBATE. I hereby announce myself for re-elec tion to the office of Judge of Probate, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary election. O. G. Thompson. Qray Court, S. C. Offers the property named below Buy your property now. Do you know of a single instance of where property intelligently purchased can be bought back at the price paid? 203 acres of land, 2J miles east of the town of Laurens on road to Clinton. Price $40.00 per acre. 75 acres of land 1) miles east of the city of Laurens. Price $2,000. I want immediate purchasers for the following property: 82 acres land near Dial's church, well improved. $25 per acre. Two lots in the city of Laurens, Nos. 14 and 35 Simpson property ?the two for $125. 202 acres near Mt. Olive church, Waterloo township, well improved. $2,100. 3 acre lot, 7 room house good out builbings, well in yard in town, of Gray Court, $2,000. House and lot, two acres land, 5 room building, good barn in town of Gray Court $2,100. 400 acres at Madden Station, good dwelling and out buildings and other improvements. Price $25.00 per acre. 400 acres in one mile of Madden Sta tion, good improvements. Price $12.50 per acre. One house and lot in city of Laurens, between Laurens hotel and Merchants and Faamers Bonded Warehouse. Price $2,200. Five lots in town of New Cordell, Washita county, Oklahoma Territory, lots Nos. 4, 5, 6. 9, 10, block 12. Price for all live lots $1100.00 cash. 212 acres located on Jimmie creek, Spartanburg county, with good dwelling and one tenant house, price $1,250. 190 acres five miles north of Laurens, with dwelling and three tenant houses, price $25 per acre. 440 acres, with 8-room dwelling, 5 tenant bouses, up-to-date farm, line bottoms and timbered land; located two miles from Lanford; $40 an acre, easy payments. 20 acres of land, wheat and corn mill, gin house and saw mill complete; located in Greenville county and known as the old Nash Mill. Bargain at $1,500. 5- room cottage and two-acre lot on Garlington street, city of Laurens, $925. 6- room house and 3-4-acrc lot, good outbuildings, Main street, town of Clin ton, $3,000. 5-room house and 8 1-2-aare lot, Sloan street, town of Clinton, $1,200. 178 acres, near Mt. Olive church, two good dwellings, fine farm land, $10 per acre. Two lots, 1 1-8 acres each, town of Fountain Inn, $250 per lot. 112 acres and dwelling, on Reedy Kiver, cheap at $12.50 per acre. 178 acres, 7-room dwelling, mineral spring, one mile from Ora, $5,000. 11-room residence, with waterworks, fronting on North Harper street, $3,500. 225 acres, 7-room dwelling, 4 tenant houses, near Durbin Creek church, $30 per acre. 10-room house with four halls, hath rooms, city water and lights, also good well water and servant house, in city of Laurens, $3,500. Granite store building in town of Mil ton. $350. 3-acre lot, store room and dwelling, on Sloan street, town of Clinton, $;{,()()(). 2 1-4-acre lot on Sullivan street, in town of Laurons, $337.50, cash. 17 1-2 acres on Beaverdam creek, 1-2 mile from Lanford, wheat and corn mill in perfect older, survey made for yarn mill, bargain at $1,500. Two acres specially suitable for build ing lots, Fast Main Street, City of Laurens-$1,500. 40 acres, East Main Street, town of Woodruff-$2,000. ? 424 acres, 7-room dwelling, store house and postofiice, at Hobbyville, Spartanburg county ?$20.00 per acre. 1-acre lot, 8-room house, reception hall, bath room, in town of Woodruff - - $2,500. 500 acres with splendid improvements and brickyard on place, 4 miles of town of Abbeville $10,000. 7:5 acres, 9-room dwelling, good out buildings, town of Woodruff?0,000. 1 1-2 acre lot, 7-room residence, hand some barn, in town of Fountain Inn $4,000. 502 acres, beautiful dwelling, 8 tenant houses, up-to-date farm; improvements, including 20 acres of land, located in town of Woodruff - $25 per acre. 4 1-2 acres, nice rcsidende, in town of Fountain Inn?$2,500. House and 4-acre lot in town of Foun tain Inn-$1,600. 7-room house and halt-acre lot in City of Laurens?$826. 12 1-2 acres in town of Fountnin Inn -$400. Can locate two practicing physicians in very attractive localities. J. N. LEAK, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Gray Court, S. C. Wood's Evergreen Laws* Crass. .The beet of Lawn Grasses fo? the South; specially prepared to withstand our Bummers and to give a nice green sward the year round. Special Lawn Circular telling how to prepare and care for lawns, mailed free ou request. Plant Wood's dardei* Seeds for superior Vegetables and Flowers. Our Desorlptlve Catalogue tells you liow and when to plant for best success. Mailed free. Write for it. ^ T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . VA. Ifyou want thoMveotestnud best Water Molons und Cnntnloupos grown, iilmit Wood's Soutlioin.firowit seed. Out Domoriptivo Catalogue n-iis an about tho best kinds to plant, IT DOES THE WORK! Boyd's Cough and Cold Mixture. Read what Mr. Holt says of it: Laurens, S. C., March G, 190G. Mr. S. S. Boyd, Laurens, S. C. Dear Sir:?I have been trou bled with lung trouble for ten years, and with catarrh for about fifteen years. I have taken two bottles of your Cough and Cold Mixture, and I now seem to be perfectly well, and 1 recommend it to all who may bo so unfortu nate as to suffer from these troubles. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. M. Holt, Laurens, S. C. Coughs and Colds. Laxative. SAI.K BY and at LAU RENS COMPANY. What is Bromonia? Read the following carefully: If you have consumption or some of the contagious forms of blood poisoning we cannot cure you. We don't pretend to cure you. You need the individual treatment of some .skilled specialist; but if you are run down in general health, if you have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting spells, a victim to insomnia, bilious ness, kidney or liver trouble, catch cold easily, *if your system is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the disease germs of pneumonia, la grippe and the vari ous epidemics, if you are bothered with constant headache, loss of memory, generally impaired vitality, we can help you, and, if you follow our directions, render you immune against sickness. Most skin disease can be cured by the use of "Bromo nia. '' "Bromonia" is to the human sys tem what the scrubbing brush and soap are to the dirty washbowl. It aids Nature to resume normal ac tion. We don't ask you to invest a cent until you have tried "Bromonia" at our expense. A single bottle often times works wonders. Cut out the Coupon at the bottom of this column. Write name and address plainly. Be careful to address The Bromonia Co., " NEW YORK. Free Bromonia Coupon. Name City State Street Address My disease is If you think Bromonia is what you need and do not care to send coupon, you will find it at all first-class druggists 25 and 50 cents the bottle. SPECIAL SALE MY THE I/AURENS DRUG COMPANY, Exclusive Wholesale Agents for Laurcns and vicinity. Dealers elsewhere desiring agency apply to MURRAY DRUG COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. Something to Eat! Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily. Kennedy Bros. Laurens, - South Carolina. n?wroraara troy rm The Best Place TT TO PUT YOUR MONEY is in a reliable savings bank like the RANK OF LAURENS. Do posit when you like; withdraw ^ when you please money with in terest always yours. All sums accepted. Wire, write, 'phone or call - The Bank of Laurens. The Bank For Your Savings. THE Quickest Sellers Are the lines of goods recognized by the purchasing public to possess a higher grade of merit apart from others, cither in style, quality or price. We have reference to the following goods that are constantly coming in contact with the scissors here: The wide Sheer White Persian Lawn at IGc. Those four grades White Linon l()c, 12 l-2c, l?c and 20c. White and Printed Madras Cloth 12 I-2c and 15c, Also the Mercerized Waistings in White, the 20c and '.:.">