KEEP YOUR EYES FIXED ON US Our Mr. D. A. Davis and Mr. W. H. Anderson are now in New York selecting the greatest Line of Spring Goods that will be brought to Laurens this Season. There are New Goods out. Be sure we will get the newest. DAVIS ROPER Famous Outfitters for all Mankind Laurens, & CO. South Carolina THE "DODGING PERIOD" of a woman's life, Is the name often given to the "change of life." Your menses come at long intervals, and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire change lasts three or four years, and it Is the cause of much p n and discomfort, which can, however, be cured, by taking WINE OF Woman's Relief It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, Irritability, miserable ness, forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weak ness, tired feeling, etc. Cardui will bring you safely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your life. At all druggists In $1.00 bottles. Try it. WRITE US A LETTER freely anu frankly, toiling us all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (In plain, sealed envelope). Address: La dies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I suffered," writes Virginia Robson, of Easton, A\d., "until I took Cardui, which cured me so quickly it surprised my doctor, who didn't know I was taking it." SOUTH CAROLINA HAPPENINGS Briefly Paragraphed For The Advertiser's Readers. B. V. Chapman has been chosen to represent Newberry College in the state oratorical contest. Mr. G. H. Charles ha? resigned as Secretary to the State Dispensary Board of Control. Rev. Wm. A. Pittman of Greenwood has accepted a call to the Baptist Church at Wards. A polo tournament will be given at Camden in March. The team from Or lando, Fla., will meet the Camdenites. Chas. G. Sherman, an operative in the Huguenot mills, Greenville, has brought suit for $15,000 against the mills for injuries received by a falling elevator. Suit was fded in Greenville on Tues day for $2f>,000 damages against the Southern railroad for the death of Brakeman .7. J. McKenzie, who was crushed between ears it Williamston. Wade Cothran, who shot and killed State Constable J. C. Holstein in a street fight at McCormick 22nd of Jan uary last, was acquitted of the charge of murder at Abbeville. The new owners of the Greenville News have decided to spend $20,000 in a new press and other improvements to the plant. Dubois Sellers, aged 10, son of a prominent citizen of Dillon, was run over by a freight train and horribly mangled last Thursday as he attempted to cross the track in a top buggy. At Spartanburg last Thursday the corner-stone of the federal building, which will bo the new homo of the Spartanburg postotllee, was laid with very fitting Masonic ceremonies. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. We, the undersigned of the firm of Caine & Moorman, beg to advise the public that the firm of Caine & Moor man, furniture dealers, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. G. L. Pitts having purchased the inter ests of Mr. .). H. Moorman in said firm the business will be continued under tho firm name of Caine & Pitts Furniture Company. Wo thank the public for past favors and bespeak for the new firm a gener ous share of your patronage. w. P. Caine, J. II. Moorman. Laurena, S. C, February 28, 1906. M-Il IUlfe aud WNiSKtY hauit6 ? H Qua cured ut home with I a aWm u,lt pain. 11? >V ? f par V Bffl ticul:ns sent I ill. K, I B. M. WOOI.I.KY, M. V. Atlanta,iln, office 104N. imyor street. Uladstonc'M Early .Yoyw. When Mr. Gladstone was quite an old wan It chanced that ho and Mr. Chaplin wero staying nt the same coun try house together on a visit. One night after dinner tho Grand Old Man asked Mr. Chaplin whether his grand mother had not lived In a certain street In Mnyfalr. Mr. Chaplin replied Unit she had done so. "Well," Bald Mr. Gladstone, "1 remember it distinctly. I lived next door to her for awhile when I was a child. Slio used to give even ing parties. When the carriages were assembled to take up, my brother and I used to creep out of bed?it was in tho summer time -softly open tho win dow, get out our squlrte and discreetly lire away at the coachmen on the boxes. I remember tho intense delight with which we used to see them look up to the sky and eall out to ask each other whether it wasn't beginning to rain," Notice to County Boards. The County Hoard of Equalisation is hereby called to meet at the- Auditor's ollico Tuesday, March trie 6th at 11 o'clock, to attend to such business as may come before them; and the Town ship Boardc, of Assessors will also meet at their respective places of meeting in the townships March 7th to perform the duties imposed upon thein by thestatute. c. a. Power, HO-It County Auditor Noticeof Application for Charier. NotiCe is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to the Secretary of Stale, for the State of South Carolina on the 31st of March, 1?0G, at 12.00 o'clock M., at his office in the Capitol, at Columbia, South Caro lina, to grant a charter for a railway to be known as "Spartanburg & Glenn Springs Southern Railway;" tho line of railroad of which proposed company shall extend from the City of Spartan burg, to the City of Aiken, through the City of Spartanburg and the Townships of Spartanburg, Pacolot. Fair Forest, Glenn Springs, Woodruff and Cross An chor, in the County of Spartanburg, and the townships, of Jonesville Bo gansville, Union,Cross Keys andGoshen Hill in the County of Union, and the townships of Scufllelown, Laurens, Jacks, Hunter and Cross Hill, in the County of 1 .aureus, and townships No. 1, No. 4, No. 5, No. G, No. 7 and No. 8 in the County of New berry, and town ships No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 0 and No. 7, in the County of Saluda, and the townships of Hlocker, Eltnwood, Moss, Pickens,. Johnston, Shaw, Wards, Wise and Merriwether in the County of Edgefleld, and the townships of Chinquapin, Wards, McTier, Shaws, | Aiken and Gregg in the County of Aiken, nil of said counties being in the State of South Carolina, by the most! feasible route. The total length of which road shall bo about 100 miles; which corporation, if said charter is granted, will have the power to con demn lands for rights-of-way. A writ ti-n declaration and petition in accordance with Section 1917 of the Code of South Carolina, will be filed at or before the time of the making of said application. Witness our hands this 24th day of I February, A. D., 1906. ' .1. h. Lee, V. M. MONTCOMKUY, A. L. White, w. s. Montgomery, Am;. W. Smith, T. B. Thackston. :io - it. THIRD ROAD FOR CLINTON. .Will Add to the Peculiar^ Railroad Ad vaotagcs of theTowa. Clinton, Feb. 26th.?The surveyors of the new road from Spartanburg to Clinton have almost completed the work to this point. Their camp Is only a short distance from town now, on Mr. Waters Ferguson's place. If the new road is put through, Clinton's rail road advantages will be superior to any place near. The D. A. K.'s gave a recital on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Bailey, the proceeds to be used in commemorating the brave deeds of South Carolina Revolutionary sol diers. Rev. N. J. Holmes has been In town for the past few days, holding services in Copeland's Hall. Mrs. Holmes ac companied him and they arc the guests of Mrs. Workman at the Hotel. Messrs. W. D. Copeland and J. R. Copcland attended the K. of P. ban quet in Columbia last week. , Mrs. Goo. Fllis and little daughter have returned from an extended trip in Georgia and the lower section of South Carolina. Messrs. Ales Powell of Kock Hill and C. Wileox and Alexander of Georgia, old College students, were among the visitors last week. Prof. A. V. Martin visited the Capi tal Friday and Saturday. ~Miss Grace Martin entertained the Nation Club on Thursday evening. Mrs. W. B. Owens and Mrs. Edgar Owens paid a short visit to friends in Columbia last week. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. % Kind You Have Always Bough) "Sh/i.aturo of QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE To Savannah, WaycroRs, Jacksonville and all Florida Points, via Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad. Arrive Jacksonville, 8:40 a. m. Thrugh Pullman Sleeping Car Service between Augusta and Jacksonville. Close connections made at Jackson ville for all points South. Round trip Winter Tourist Excursion tickets to Florida points on sale. GEO. T. BRYAN, General Agent, Greenville, S. C. C. H. Gasque, Agt., Laurens, S. C. Ernest Williams, G.P.A., Augusta, Ga. Consumers of Incandescent Lights must have meters placed by April 1st next, as flat rate will be prohibited af ter that date. By order of Council. L. G. Balle, Leave Laurens, Leave Augusta, Arrive Savannah, Arrive Waycross, 1:60 p. m. 10:30 p. m. 2:50 a. m. 6:05 a. m. Notice! 29-2t. Clerk. Iii The Fertilizer tor Big Crops with Less Acreage Fewer acres. lighter labor, larger yields?a happy combination secured with FARMERS' BONE, the feri.iiixcr proved perfect by twenty-one years of great crops froi? Southern soil. Farmers' Bone Is richest in balanced food for every stage of plant growth from planting time till harvesting, and is suited to a great diversity of crops, from cotton to corn, wheat to small truck. iV5<3ci<3 with Fish Fish scrap is used in every ton of Farmers' Bone, insuring nourishment under all crop conditions and making it famous as a crop saver. Look for the Royster trade mark. IIICRIC'S TIE HC SA I.ES RECORD THINK ?XA TIDE CROP RECORD Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S.C. 1885-250 TONS I89O-I.5O0 TONS 1895?12,000 TONS 1900 58,455 TONS 1906-130,091 TONS SB ROYSTER GUANO GO. Tarboro, N. O. Macon, Ca. 3% i I 1 i i ? IKS FURNITURE C Successors to Caine & Moorman. The New Furniture Store! Mr. Q, L. Pitts has purchased the interest of Mr. J. H. Moorman in the firm of Caine & Moorman, and the business will hereafter be known as Came Sz Pitts Furniture Company. All kinds of Furniture and Jewelry will be sold cheaper than ever known in Laurens. To introduce the new company to the pub= lie we will make the following spe= cial prices on the lines named be= low, beginning1 Monday, March 5th: $ 2.25 Beds reduced to $1.98 12.50 Dressers reduced to 9.48 8.50 Dressers reduced to 6.98 5.25 Wash Stands reduced to 3.23 Qo-carts reduced to cost so as to make room for our large spring stock. Now is the time to purchase Japanese and Chinese Mattings while they are go= ing so cheap. We have some very beautiful Couches in genuine and imitation Leather and Velour Sofas and Folding Lounges we would like to show you before you buy elsewhere. ? CAINE & PITTS FURNITURE COMPANY. 8 8 8 I I i Ben-Delia Block Between Dodson and Palmetto Drug Stores. Laurens, South Carolina