The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 17, 1906, Image 2

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Tlifc ADV I KTI8ER. Subscription Price-12 Months, $1.00 Payable In Advance. Kates Tor Advertising.?Ordinary ad vertisements, por square, one inser tlon,tl.OO;oach subsequent Insertion, 50 ooats. Liberal reduction made ..r large a ivertisements. Obituaries: All ovtr 60 words, oue ceut a word. Notes of thanks: F?vv cents the line. W. \V. Ball, Proprietor. Entered at the postoflioe at Laurcns, S. C, as s cond class mall matter. LAURENS, S. C, Jan. 17, 1906. NOW ENFORCE THE LAW. We have refrained from taking an ac tive part in the campaign leading up to the Brice law election for the reason that we believed that the people of the county should not vote the Dispensary out of existence unless it was their well considered and unbiased wish to do so. The attitude of The Advertiser as an uncompromising opponent of the Dis pensary system was and is well known, but we did not care to urge even those of our own political way of thinking to activity in this matter. It was our judgment that the Dispensary should be retained unless the people were earn estly determined to enforce Prohibition. To enforce it is the important proposi tion soon to be before them and one of more serious consequence than that of expelling the grog-shop by votes. We are glad that the vote has shown this determination to exist. Whether or not the Prohibition laws shall be enforced in this county depend upon the disposition of the 3,500 good white men in the county to see that the 50 or 100 white men and negross in the county who are disposed to violate the law shall be prevented from doing it. The main trouble will arise at first in this town, but we have no doubt that Mayor William R. Richey will very soon, by the imposition of the severest punishment, teach the "tigers" that the locality is not healthly for them. He has, we believe, an efficient police force and he and his council will have no difficulty in knowing whether or not the policemen are vigilant in doing their duty. If they should neglect their duty, they will be dismissed, we think, and others will be employed in their stead. "Blind tigers" will appear from time to time in other parts of the county but they will not give serious trouble in any neighborhood where one brave and watchful citizen will take the pains to insist upon the law officers arresting them. The sheriff, the various magistrates and the constables, each and all of them, have taken a solemn oath to en force the laws. We suppose they are able to enforce them and if blind tigers should become numerous in Laurens it will be for them to give the people the reason why. A confession that they cannot prevent saturation of this county with illicit whiskey should be extremely humiliating to self-respecting officials. We do not mean that no such thing as a blind tiger is to be heard of in the county. Occasional violations of the law must occur, but the law officers will have no excuse for a failure to nake whiskey selling a dangerous, un pleasant and expensive business. Meanwhile we have firm faith in our brave old sherifT and we believe that he will receive the zealous co-operation of other officers. A TRIPPLE ALLIANCE. It seems highly proper that the Hon. Coleman L. Blease, of Newberry, should be the Dispensary's candidate for Governor just as Mr. B. R. Tillman will bo*the Dispensary's candidate for the United States Senate in the coming campaign. Senator Tillman, indeed, commenced his campaign last summer, delivering within a period of two or three months a number of strong speeches pledging anew his loyalty to the Dispensary idea and coupling with it the declaration that he would make at least one more cam paign in its defense. Senator Tillman has lost numbers of his able lieutenants since the beginning of his career. A score of those who are dead either abandoned him or found themselves flung by him upon the polit ical junk-heap before they died. Many others, such as the Hon. W. Jasper Talbert and possibly the Hon. Asbury Latimer, who are still living, no longer bask in the warmth of his benevolent protection. Mr. C. L. Blease is an ex ception. He became aTillmanite in his early youth, he has learned his political lessons from Senator Tillman and he through good and evil report has stood by the Tillmans and their political in terests. Certainly no man in South Carolina except Senator Tillman is so intimately and sympathetically identi fied with the Dispensary as is Mr. Blease. We do not believe that a com bination has been effected by candidates Blease and Tillman for the coming cam paign but they will be natural and in evitable allies. We are, of course, unfriendly to the Dispensary and to the political aspira tions of both Mr. Blease and Mr. Till man, and we shall as usual endeavor to defeat the three, but we are compelled to admit that if Mr. Blease shall be elected Governor, Mr. Tillman deserves a re-election to the Senate and that the Dispensary will thereby be vindicated. It seems that the links that bind the three arc by nature indissoluble, and that neither in life nor death should they be divided. * VAQRANCV. We hear conplaints on every side against vagrancy. Some people assert that the law is not enforced and others that the law itself is not stringent enough and the so called vagrants are not liable to it. It is impossible for the editor of this paper to investigate the apparent cases but it does seem to us that the law is comprehensive enough to cover any case of vagrancy and if the officers will keep tab on the movements of some of the loafers of this city cases could most assuredly be made out. In tho meantime there is certainly work for every one to do. MAKING AMENDS. Nearly three years ago Senator Till man went to Charleston upon the invi tation of a number of gentlemen to a dinner given in his honor. He made a spectacle of himself, so it was said, ? taking occasion after accepting this hospitality in a speech at the dinner to abuse the City of Charleston, to hold it up to ridicule and snort around gener ally in an unseemly way. Last week he attended the banquet given to Secretary Bonaparte and the officers of the Cruiser Charleston. His acceptance of this invitation was in ef fect an humble apology to Charleston and will be so interpreted. We believe that the Senator is entirely sincere in his expressions of regret at having been offensive on the former occasion, but it is unfortunate that no opportunity for their utterance should have been pre sented or found until now, when the campaign for the choice of his successor in the United States Senate is soon to open. The people of Charleston have a right to feel good over this sign that their support has at last come to be worth seeking even by that Ben Tillman whose habit for years was to make capital with the country people by heaping upon them coarse and bitter abuse. The politicians aro polite even to Charleston nowadays. In these days when the people of the country vote against the Tillman dispensary, the Charleston vote is worth having. a Laurens county rejected the dispen sary in spite of the warning and the be lief that such action would involve a considerable financial sacrifice. We are glad the election was held before the decision of the Supreme Court was rendered, eliminating the county pen alty clause. COMMENTS ON RECENT ELECTION. THE FAME OP JACKS IS GREAT. In view of Tuesday's vote?What is dry as a day in Laurens? So they voted out of existence the only oasis between Newberry and the North Carolina line. We beg for time. We require twenty four hours to fully absorb the state ment that Jacks Township has been un true to the dispensary. For the pres ent we stand mute. Perhaps the South Carolina General Assembly will investigate the revolu tion in Jacks Township.? News and Courier. "BY THE SKIN OF THE TEETH." Laurens county rejected the G. M. I. by the "skin of the teeth," as it were, but it has been done all the same, and the vote was about as representative as any so far held. Jacks Township came to the front. The vote was small but the dispensary lost out all the same.?Spartanburg Herald. UP TO THE LEGISLATURE. The vote in Laurens demonstrates for the sixteenth time that the people of South Carolina are sick of the dis pensary. This is true irrespective of the former political standing of these counties. "Reform" and "conserva tive" counties alike have expressed themselves against the dispensary.? Will the legislature still hesitate in taking action to remove the abomina tion?-The State. ALMOST GONE. Laurens county has joined Cherokee, Pickem?, York, et al., and voted out the dispensary. Well, who'd a thunk it! The first thing the advocates of the dispensary know they won't have a leg to stand on.?Gaffney Ledger. WARNING WAS UNHEEDED. Laurens county has joined the ranks of the anti-dispensary counties. The majority is not large, but nevertheless it is a majority. We give a cordial welcome to our neighbors. Much has been done recently to help out the dis pensary forces. The people of Laurens were warned of the dire consequences of voting out the great moral institu tion from their county, but we are sin cerely glad that the manhood of Laurens has asserted itself. Even Jacks town ship voted against the institution. Good for the people of Jacks. The vote cast was proportionately larger than has been cast in most of the counties when this issue was at stake. We are glad the vote was so large. In Laurens township, especially, a good vote was polled. One by one the counties have repudiated the institution; now let the legislature do likewise. The thing can't stand any more patching.?Greenville Mountaineer. SENATOR TILLMAN'S SCHEME. Gives Members of the General Assembly His Views on Dispensary Issue. Columbia, Jan. 11.?The dispensary folks are active. They are organizing and defeating things in a systematic, and businesslike way. Senator Tillman was here today and gave members friendly to the dispen sary his views. He said he had not prepared a bill but simply offered those interested the suggestions he made at Gaffney, Anderson, Edgefield, Lancas ter, Yorkville and other places. He suggested that purchases be made by annual contract by some committee. A legislative or special committee is agreeable. He would have such a com mittee purchase by contract from the lowest bidder spirits and then whiskey from bond, then he would have the state dispensary rectify or mix the liquors, blend or fix them to suit. He would buy no case goods of any sort or description, and then have the com missioner order out such liquor as was actually needed under the contract and contract price agreed upon for the year and limit the orders to actual needs un der penalty. A number of the friends of the State dispensary have been talking ovor the situation and it is likely that one bill will be presented as a result. In the meanwhile there are a score of bills in opposition and this is likely to mean confusion and complication and stickling for pet measures, while the State dispensary advocates are working for one and only one bill. Bent Her Double. "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., and when 1 got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when 1 walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my nealth and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guar anteed to cure stomach, liver and kid ney disorders, at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Price 50 cents. For Sale 256 acres of land near Durbin creek church, 7 room dwelling, 4 tenant houses, good out buildings. Fivo horse farm in cultivation, remainder in tim ber. Will sell cheap. 105 acres land on South Rabun Creek, dwelling and outbuildings at a bargain. Eleven room house fronting on North Harper, lot 64 feet front, 87 feet back; well and city water, cheap. One 10 room house, 4 halls and bath room, with 13 fire places, good well of water; also water works and electric lights. On corner of Laurel and Hamp ton streets. At a bargain. 82 acres of land, nice dwelling, good out-building, good water, 45 acres nigh state of cultivation, balance timber, near Dials' Church. At a bargain. One seven room house in the city of Laurens. 400 acres at Madden Station, 250 in cultivation and balance in forest, with good 7 room dwelling, good outbuildings and six tenant houses. 400 acres one mile from Madden, good dwelling, three tenant houses and out buildings. 178 acres, 7-room dwelling, good out buildings, mineral spring on place, two miles of Ora, S. C. Three lots, 32 acres, 85 acres and 58 acres within the incorporated limits of the town of Laurens. Will sell lots separately or the three as a whole. Terms made easy. 446 acres, beautiful 8-room dwelling, good outbuildings, 5 tenant houses; 160 acres in cultivation, fine bottom lands, balance in forest; within 2 1-2 miles of Lanford Station; a beautiful county home; easy terms. 500 acres in four miles of the city of Abbeville Court House with good im Erovements and a fine brick yard, at a argain. 502 acres of land, beautiful residence and eight tenant houses, with 20 acres within the incorporated limits of town of Woodruff. 140 acres in one mile of town of Woodruff. One modern residence, on Peachtree St., in town of Woodruff. One dwelling and two acres of land in town of Woodruff. Beautiful eight room house on Main Street of Woodruff. One dwelling, on Main Street, with nine bed rooms, parlor, cook room, dining room and closets, 70 acres of land, good outbuildings in town of Woodruff. 17 1-2 acres on Beaverdam Creek, near Lanford half mile from rail road, with corn and wheat mill in good runn ing order, casacity 200 bushels a day; good rock quarry, and survey for yarn mill has been made on place. 247 acres with good 4 room house, good out buildings, 125 acres in cultiva tion, lot of oak and 1500 cords of pine, two miles Enoree M'F'G. Co. 2 lots 1-4 acres each, dwelling on lot no. 1, in town of Fountain Inn. 178 acres of land with two good dwell ings and splendid well of water near Mt. Olive Church, Waterloo township. 2 acres suitable building lots, located in Jersey, city of Laurens. 1 lot acre, granite store house, town of Milton. 3 acres land dwelling and store house on Sloan street, town of Clinton. 1 six room house and 3-4 acre lot, main street Clinton. 1 five room house, 3 1-2 acres land on sloan street, Clinton. One 2 acre lot, suitable for building lots, on East Main street, in Laurens at a bargain. One house and lot, 4 acres, in town of Woodruff, on Sawmill Street. 112 acres, with dwelling and out buildings, 70 acres in cultivation, 10 acres line bottoms on Reedy River, near Rabun Creek Church. 20 acres on North Rabun Creek, 20 horse water power, with wheat and corn mill, gin house and outfit; known as Nash's Old Mill place, at a bargain. 2 acre lot and nice 5 room house, at a bargain on Conway Avenue, Laurens, One nice six room dwelling, good building, 2 acres, 1 acre front on Peach tree street, in Woodruff. 2 1-4 acres, suitable for building lots, on Sullivan street, City of Laurens. 424 acres at Hobbyville, Spartanburg county, good dwelling, tenant houses, store and post oflice, at a bargain. A beautiful 5-room house and 4 acres of land in Gray Court. J. N. LEAK Gray Court, S. C. There Are Styles In Watches As well as in clothes. The lat est in women's watches are now here, including some daintily beautiful chatelaine styles. In wo men's watch and lorgnette chains, we are showing a finevariety of Artistic Patterns -OK TUB Simmons Chains. Although they arc what are called GOLD-FILLED chains, they are in every essential particular as good as the more costly all-gold. Your inspection of these is especially invited. : : : : : : : : Fleming Bros. DR. CLIFTON JON KS Dentist OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING Phono: Offico No. 86; Residence 219. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says: "For 20 years I sufTered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, bo painful, sometimes, that 1 could not eat. After vainly trying else, I cured it with Buck len's Arn'oa. Salve." It's great for burns, cuti and wounds. At Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co, IT'S THE FIRST DOLLAR deposited in our Savings Department?which lays the foundation of ample means for future needs. It will be a real pleasure to add to it weekly or monthly?to see it grow week by week, by the month or year. Let us talk it over with you. Have money in the bank at 4 per cent. $1.00 $5.00 $25.00 $75.00 $100.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 MONEY BURNED UP will not be your sorrowful answer if you let us keep it for you. Our Fire-proof Vaults insures against Fire and Safe Crackers; and bonded oflicers who handle the money. The Bank of Laurens A Happy Home To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking WINE OF CARDUI Woman's Relief It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflam mation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, telling us all your troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "DUE TO CARDUI and nothing else, is my baby girl, now two weeks old," writes Mrs. J. F. West, of Webster City, Iowa. "She is a fine, healthy babe and we are both doing nicely." I Notice to Planters dL^ At this season of the year all eyes arc turned (f) to sowing, for therein lies the success or fail ^ ure of every Planter. Poor seed will never 1?- make a good crop, hence we have expended (Y5 every effort to secure the best that money jjfc can buy, and have on hand seed that we are IS. justly proud of and can reconmmend, such as ifc Wheat, Rye, Barley, Rape, Lucerne, Vetches Red Rust Proof Oats, and Red and Crimson ^ Clover, and also a great variety Garden Seeds If you want seed that will yield results and increase your Rank account, try these. PRICES are right for small or large buyers at Kennedy Bros. WIND ??? WEATffEfr work havoc on xinpnintcd or badly painted buildings. Everything exposed to rain and sunshine, to wind and weather, ought to be painted with tho best possible paint that money can buy. Years of ex perience havo proven that Mastic Mixed Paint "Tho Kind That Lmmta" is the best paint on tho market for ovcry sort of structure exposed to all of theso damaging elements. Mastic paint combines the best materials in the beat proportions to withstand wear, to givo a beautiful finish and to retain its appearance, no matter what the expos ure ? low or high, damp or dry. Uso Maslic Taint and your buildings will always look now, and your paint invest montwill be a source of pleasure and profit. Manufactured by PEAS I. EE?G A U hIi E RT CO., (Iiicoroorn(on) LOUISVII.MKENTUCKY r'?Aue hv Dodson's Drug Store We TaKe tKis MetHod to THanK Our Customers For their liberal patronage during the year which is now drawing to a close and we hope by renew ed effort to merit a continuance of the same. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New Year. - - x Respectfully, W. Q. Wilson & Co BARGAINS Furniture, Jewelry and China Call and Ask for Prices Bargains in Every Department The New Furniture Store Caine & Moorman Laurens, South Carolina gggggggggggggggj Don't Let Your HORSES AND MULES Get Poor and Boney! White's Purgative Medicine, This puts them in good or der to get the full benefit of White's Worm and Condition owders Continue the Powders for eight days and you will be astonished at the results. Follow directions on the packages. White's Colic and Kidney Cure! The Great Combination Kidney and Colic Remedy for Stock. Directions on Package. White's Black Liniment! j|The only absolutely perfectly balanced sub-cutaneous counter irritant. Especially recommended for the human family. Fine for Stock also. Give Each One a Bottle of 25 and 5o cents sizes. sah? by Dodson's Drug Store. The extremely low mainte nance cost, and its great durabil ity, are the result of the light touch, the easy action, and the perfect mechanical construction of the Fox. All of which are greatly in advance of any other typewriter. \V<! soli'.-:! a fiia! layout' office, Liberal tenny, ami machines OfolhCl HrwZs Ir.'.tcn In p.irt payment. FOX TYPEWRITER CO. i:d 1, TJHTIC ;\cc?:lvo Cfiicc. Ff.clory, Mich SOUTHERN SCALE & FIXTURE CO. State Agents, Columbia, S. C. W. P. HUDGENS, Local Agent, Laurens, S. C. "Oh, I AM SO TIRED!" Is heard daily from old and young, rich and poor. Did you over atop and consider tho cause of this remark? We will venture to say nine cases out of ten, are caused by improper digestion. This, or other symptoms of Indigestion such as nervousness, nausea, heart-burn, sour stomach, flatulency and despondency, should bf; a warning to you who arc in danger of having indigestion, the great .... enemy of American health to-day, fasten its merciless fangs on your health. Remember, "A Stitch in time saves nine", and a bottle of the celebrated Kcllum's Sure Cure for Indigestion has saved untold misery to people in many p:?rts of this broad land, by curing them permanently of this miserable disease. Yes, not like the pepsin digestives that help for a time, but cures permanently by causing the digestive organs to perform their functions. Nature being such a great rectifier of its own ills, with the assistance of this powerful medicine, gives you a hoalthy stomach and removes indigestion and its symptoms perma nently. Sold on a $5.00 guarantee. GO cents and $1.00 per bottle at Laurens Drug Company. Money to Loan. Loans negotiated on improved farms in Laurens County at 7 per cent inter est on $1,000. and over, and 8 per cent on smaller amounts, Hecured by first mortgage. Easy annual payments. No commissions. Borrower to pay for ab stract of title. C. D.? Barksdai.k, Laurens, S. C. Simpson, Cooper & Babb, Attorneys at Law. Will praotlce In all State Courts. Prompt attention givon to all business. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law, LAUKBNS, 8. C. i SAW MILLS. I LIOHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WORKINQ MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENOINES AND BOILERS I AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ? ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PLACINO YOUR ORDER. HGIBBES MACH IN ERY COMPANY' B_ COLUMEI!A,S. C. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The Auditor's office will be open from the 1st day of January to the 20th day of February, 190? to receive returns of Personal Property and Real Estate for taxation in Laurens County. For the convenience of the Taxpayers the Auditor or his deputy will attend the following named places to receive returns for said year, to wit: Tylersville, January 8th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. W.L. Lynn's January 9th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. \ Kenno, January 10th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. ni Clinton, January 11th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Duck Youngs' residence,January 12th, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Carroll, January 12th, 1 to 4 p. m. Cross Hill, January 13th, 10 a. in. to 2 p. m. Waterloo, January 15th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. J. D. Culbertson's store, January 16th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Daniel's Store, January 17th, 9 a. m. W to 12 m. ^ Brewerton, January 17th 1 to 4 p. m. Sharp's Store. January 18th, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Princeton, January 18th, 1 to 4 p. m. Tumbling Shoals, January 19th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. D. D. Harris, January 22nd, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Abner Dabb, January 23rd, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. V. A. White, January 24th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Cook's Store, January 25th, 10 a. in. V to 2 p.m. ' Youngs Store, January 26th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Pleasant Mound, January 27th, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Lanford, January 27th, 1 to 4 p. m. Real Estate and Personal Property in Laurens Special School District No. 11, and Hunter Special No. 5 must be listed separate returns from from other prop erly in the townships. It is always required that the Audi tor get the first given name of the tax payer in full. Under the head of "place of resi dence" on tax return, give the town ship. All male citizens between the ages of twenty one and sixty years, on the 1st of January, except those who arc in capable of earning a support from be ing maimed, or from other causes are deemed taxable polls, Confederate vet rans exeented. And all taxpayers are required to give the number of their school dis trict. They are also requested to state whether the property is situated in town or country. ? After the 20th day of February next, fifty percent penalty will be attached for failure to make returns. C. A. POWER, County Auditor. Dec. 5th, 1905-tf. Notice of County Treasurer. The County Treasurer's Books will be open for collection of State, County and Commutation Road Taxes for fiscal year 1904 at the Treasurer's Office, from October 15th to December 31st 1905. Tbose who prefer to do so can pay in January. 1900, with one per cent, addi tional; those who prefer paying in Feb ruary, 1906, can do so with 2 per cent, additional; those who prefer to pay in March, 1906 to the 15th of said month can do so by paying an additional 7 per cent. After said date the books will close. All persons owning property or pay ing taxes for others in more than one Township are'Vequested to call for re ceipts in each township in which they live. This is important, as additional cost and penalty may not be attached. Prompt attention will be given those who wish to pay their taxes through the mail by checks, money orders, etc. Persons sending in lists of names to be Uiken off, are urged to send them early as the Treasurer is very busy during the month of December. The Tax Levy is as follows: State Tax, 5'.. mills County Ordinary, :? mills Special County, 2 mills Public Road, 2 mills School, 3 mills Tot-.], 1 r.',. mills Lair.ens Special School 3} mills Cray Court-Owings, 2 mills Fountain Inn, 4 mills Ekom, 2 mills Waterloo, 2 mills Cross Hill, 3 mills Mountville, 2J mills Clinton, 3 mills All able-bodied male citizens between the ages of 21 and 60 years are liable to pay a poll tax of $1.00, except old soldiers, who are exempt at 50 years. Commutation Road Tax $1.00, in neu of working the public roads, to be paid at the time as stated above. J. H. COPELAND, County Treasurer. Laurens, S. C, Sept. 26, 1905-td. Correct Dress The "Modern Method" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, O., satisfies good drcfyers everywhere. All Garments M^do Strictly to Your Mef\-.ure at moderates prices. 500 style? of foreign and domeiti?. (ioric? from which lo choose. A=lc your <ti Alcr to show yen cur line, or if no! roi>rr:ciite<l, wrlt-j to ua fcr particulars, L. E.. HAYS (2i CO. CINCINSJATi, OIJIO. Whiskey, Morphine and other DRUGS, and nervous diseases treated. Charges more reasonable than other like institutions. $25.00 per week pays for treatment, remedies and board Result a', lolutoly the same. L. G. CORBETT, M. D. THE CAROLINA SANITARIUM. Greenville, S. C. n. B. Dial. a. O. Tonn. DIAL & TODD, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law. Enterprise Bank and Todd Office Build tng, Laukrns, s. 0.