THE ADVERTISER. Subscription Price-12 Months, $1.00 Payable in Advance. Kates lor Advertising*?Ordinary ad vertisements, per square, onn meer t Ion, 11.00; oaeh subsequent Insertion, 50 oents. Llbora) reduotlon uiade lor large advertisements. Obituaries: \ll over 60 words, one oeut a word. Notes of thanks: Five cents tho line W. W. BAU/, Proorlotor. K tercd at th<- postoffloe at Laurens, S. C. as s com!1 class mall urn* tor. LAURENS, S. C, Dec. 13, 1905. About one year ago the price of cot ton dipped to a point below seven cents. The ginner'8 report showed a crop bor dering on fourteen million bales?by far the largest ever made. We confess that we thought then that the notion of the price climbing to ten cents before the coming in of an other crop seemed to us foolish. We were mistaken. It is just as reasonable, more rea sonable perhaps, for cotton to sell at 15 cents the pound in June 1906 than it was for it to sell at 10 cents in June 1905. Nevertheless, if we had cotton we would take eleven cents for it. However, if there is a man in Lau rens county who thinks he knows more about cotton than The Advertiser, we entirely agree with him. We are sure he does. * Laurens is about the only town of importance not scheduled for a court house in the bills that have been intro duced Congress, providing for the establishment of a United States Court in the Western District of South Caro lina. One of the first bills passed at the present session of Congress was the voting of an appropriation of eleven million dollars toward the construction of the Panama Canal. The amount, it is said, will carry on the work until the first of March. President Roosevelt's annual message to Congress, containing twenty-two thousand words, was read, last Tues day. PATENT MEDICINE ADS. Our able brother of The Laurens Ad vertiser, whose head is so level that quick silver wouldn't run off of it, may depend upon the Press and Banner agreeing to what that paper has to say of the mistakes which country editors make in publishing patent medicine ads. This office has a regular price for its space, and those who cannot pay it cannot get the space. We try to treat every customer fairly and justly. To do this, it is better to lose an ad now and than, than to be unjust to our neigh bors. This editor is not now running the business department of the office, but at the time we sold out there was not, with a single exception, an ad that did not pay ten cents an inch. In that exception it was a big ad and the usual agent's commission was conceded. The above from the Press and Ban ner is good hard sense. It took us quite a while to learn it, but we have adopted a Hat rate of ten cents per inch, and the foreign advertiser who gets in our columns must pay the same rate that is paid by our home people, and he can no longer have special position, even if he pays for it, because if such a contract is made with the foreign advertiser he will always find some technical excuse for avoiding payment. Another rule which we have adopted, and which we expect to follow, is that no display ad vertisements can have place on our first page. We believe it is best for the advertiser and best for the paper. ?Newberry Herald and News. Product of Mills. The product in one day of the Long man & Martinez great works is enough to paint every house and everything made of wood in a city with the L. & M Paint. In use thirty years; several houses painted with L. & M. L. & M. costs about $1.20 per gallon. The L. & M. is the best and cheap est, because the L. & M. Zinc, hardens the L. & M. White Lead, and makes it paint more surface and wear a longer time than any other paint. L. & M. costs about $1.20 a gallon. It only requires 4 gallons of this cele brated and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at 60 cents per gallon to paint a moderate sized house. Therefore a property owner ought not pay $1.50 per gallon for Linseed Oil, which he must do when a ready-for-use paint is bought. L. & M. costs about $1.20 a gallon. W. L. Boyd, Laurens, S. C. Noiicp of Election. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurens. Office of County Supervisor. By H. B. Humbert, County Supervisor of Laurens County. Whereas, a petition has been filed in my office purporting to be signed by one-fourth of the qualified voters of Laurens County asking for an election under and according to the provisions of Act No. 276, approved the 25th day of February A. D. 1904, entitled "An Act to Amend Section 7 of An Act Entitled An Act to Provide for the Election of the State Board of Control, and to fur ther Regulate the Sale, Use, Consump tion, Transportation and Disposition of Intoxicating and Alcoholic Liquors or Liquids in this State, and Prescribe Further Penalties for Violation of the Dispensary Laws, and to Police the Same" Approved March 6th, 1896, found on pages 485, 486 and 487 of the Acts of 1904. upon the question of "Dispensary" or "No Dispensary"; and Whereas, upon a canvass of trie said fetition I have found that the said pe ition does contain the signatures of one-fourth of the qualified voters of said County of Laurens, Now, therefore I, H. B. Humbert, Supervisor of Laurens County, South Carolina, by virtue of the authority in me vested by the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly already cited, do hereby order an election to be held according to law in said County of Laurens, South Carolina, upon the question of "Dispensary" or "No Dis yensary" on the second Tuesday of anuary, being the 9th day of the month, A. D. 1906, the said election to be held and conducted according to the laws governing other Special Elections. Made and dated at Laurens, South Carolina, the 27th day of November, A. D. 1905. [L. S.] H. B. HUMBERT, Supervisor of Laurens County. j. D. Mock, Clerk. 17r~4t. ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT FIGURES. Some Interesting Pacts and Figures From the Report of the County Su perintendent of Education. The following extract* are taken from the annual report of County Su perintendent of Education, R. W. Nash, which he has forwarded to the State Superintendent's office in Columbia. Number of pupils enrolled during the year, white, 3,297, colored, 4,858; total 8,150. Average attendance, white, 2,615; colored, 3,090; total 5,705. Total revenue, $39,760.26; total ex penses, $33,950.84. Amount expended on white schools, $27,622.31; colored, $6,328.53. Amount paid white teachers, $25, 462.38; colored, $6,156.50. Amount paid out for other purposes, white, $2,159.93; colored, $172.03. Number of white schools, 72; colored, 78. Number of teachers, white male, 23; female, 84; colored male, 30; fe male, 51. Average salary paid white teachers, $238; colored, $76. Number of public school buildings for whites, 67; private, 5; colored, public, 58; private, 18. Total value buildings, $28,800. Average school term, white 25 weeks; colored, 12 weeks. Dying of Famine Is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consump tion, from the beginning to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stage," writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying differ ent medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured me. Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Price 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bot tle free. Workman?Spearman. Miss I,alia Workman and Mr. R. G. Spearman were married on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Mr. A. C. Work man, of Kinards. Rev. G. A. Wright performing the ceremony. Miss Workman is a handsome, popu lar and accomplished young woman in Newberry. Mr. is manager of the Bell Telephone system in New berry, and one of Newberry's most popular and promising young men. Mr. and Mrs. Spearman arrived in New berry on Wednesday afternoon, where they will make their future home. They will be at home to their friends at Mr. W. F. Ewart's on Boundary street.? Newberry Herald and News. L. & M. Paint cost only $1.20 a gal Ion. Seven gallons paints a moderate size house. Sold by W. L. Boyd, Lau rens, S. C. I4-13t. Bean the The Kind You HayB Always Boogfe ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The Auditor's office will be open from the 1st day of January to the 20th clay of February, 1906 to receive returns of Personal Property and Real Estate for taxation in Laurens County. For the convenience of the Taxpayers the Auditor or his deputy will attend the following named places to receive returns for said year, to wit: Tylersville, January 8th, 10 a. m. to 2 p.' m. W.L. Lynn'.. January 9th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Renno, January 10th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Clinton, January 11th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Duck Youngs' residence, January 12th, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Carroll, January 12th, 1 to 4 p. m. Cross Hill, January 13th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Waterloo, January 15th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. J. D. Culbertson's store, January 16th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Daniel's Store, January 17th, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Brewerton, January 17th 1 to 4 p. m. Sharp's Store, January 18th, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Princeton, January 18th, 1 to 4 p. m. D. D. Harris, January 22nd, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Tumbling Shoals, January 19th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Abner Babb, January 23rd, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. V. A. White, January 24th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Cook's Store, January 25th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. Ml. Youngs Store, January 26th, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Pleasant Mound, January 27th, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Lanford, January 27th, 1 to 4 p. m. Real Estate and Personal Property in Laurens Special School District No. 11, and Hunter Special No. 5 must be listed separate returns from from other prop erty in the townships. It is always required that the Audi tor get the first given name of the tax payer in full. Under the head of "place of resi - dence" on tax return, give the town ship. All male citizens between the ages of twenty one and sixty years, on the 1st of January, except those who are in capable of earning a support from be ing maimed, or from other causes are deemed taxable polls, Confederr'.e vet rans excepted. And all taxpayers are required to give the number of their school dis trict. They are also requested to state whether the property is situated in town or country. After the 20th day of February next, fifty per cent penalty will be attached for failure to make returns. C. A. POWER. County Auditor. Dec. 5th, 1905-tf. FINAL SETTLE/nhN i. Take notice that on the 30th day of December. 1905, I will render a final account or rny acts and doings as Ad ministrator of the estate of Adele A. Martin, deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County, at. 11 o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apyly for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment by said date, and all persons hav ing demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or be forever barred. G. M. Boyd, Administrator with Will annexed. Nov. 28th 1905-td. A LAURENS CASE. Many More Like It la Laurens. , The following case is but one of many similar occuring daily in Laurens. It is an easy matter to verify its correct ness. Surely you cannot ask for bet ter proof than such conclusive evidence: Lee Bishop, of Laurens, S. C. pro frietor of a general store, on Mill St., 'actory Hill, says: "I can from ex perience recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. My back and kidneys have given me great trouble for a long time, not only costing me untold misery, but costing me a great many dollars. There was a dull toothache like pain con stantly across the small of my back and after sitting for a bit I could scarcely get up. Sharp shooting pain sometimes ran down to first one knee and then another, and I never knew when it was going to strike me. The secretions from the kidneys were too frequent in action and disturbed my night rest so that I would arise in the morning feeling worse than I did the night before. Y tried numerous reme dies, but did not get any positive relief from anything until I learned about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured them. The next day after using them I felt better, and I continued taking them until the kidney secretions become regu lar. I could go bed and get a good night's rest, and the aching in my back disappered. For sale by ali dealers. Price 50 cts. Foster-Milburn Co., Ihiffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. For Sale 105 acres land on South Kabun Creek, dwelling and outbuildings at a bargain. Eleven room house fronting on North Harper, lot 64 feet front, 87 feet back; well and city water, cheap. One 10 room house, 4 halls and bath room, with 13 fire places, good well of water; also water works and electric lights. On corner of Laurel and Hamp ton streets. At a bargain. 82 acres of land, nice dwelling, good out-building, good water, 45 acres nigh state of cultivation, balance timber, near Dials' Church. At a bargain. One seven room house in the city of Laurens. 400 acres at Madden Station, 250 in cultivation and balance in forest, with good 7 room dwelling, good outbuildings and six tenant houses. 400 acres one mile from Madden, good dwelling, three tenant houses ana out buildings. 178 acres, 7-room dwelling, good out buildings, mineral spring on place, two miles of Ora, S. C. Three lots, 32 acres, 85 acres and 58 acres within the incorporated limits of the town of Laurens. Will sell lots separately or the three as a whole. Terms made easy. 446 acres, beautiful 8-room dwelling, good outbuildings, 5 tenant houses; 160 acres in cultivation, fine bottom lands, balance in forest; within 2 1-2 miles of Lanford Station; a beautiful county home; easy terms. 500 acres in four miles of the city of Abbeville Court House with good im ()rovements and a fine brick yard, at a >argain. 502 acres of land, beautiful residence and eight tenant houses, with 20 acres within the incorporated limits of town of Woodruff. 140 acres in one mile of town of Wood ru If. One modern residence, on Peachtree St., in town of Woodruff. One dwelling and two acres of land in town of Woodruff. Beautiful eight room house on Main Street of WoodrulF. One dwelling, on Main Street, with nine bed rooms, parlor, cook room, dining room and closets, 70 acres of land, good outbuildings in town of Woodruff. 17 1-2 acres on Beaverdam Creek, near Lanford half mile from rail road, with corn and wheat mill in Rood runn ing order, casacity 200 busnels a day; good rock (marry, and survey for yarn mill has been made on place. 247 acres with good 4 room house, good out buildings, 125 acres in cultiva tion, lot of oak and 1500 cords of pine, two miles Enoree M'F'G. Co. 2 lots 1-4 acres each, dwelling on lot no. 1, in town of Fountain Inn. 178 acres of land with two good dwell ings and splendid well of water near Mt. Olive Church, Waterloo township. 2 acres suitable building lots, located in Jersey, city of Laurens. 1 lot acre, granite store house, town of Milton. 3 acres land dwelling and store house on Sloan street, town of Clinton. 1 six room house and 3-4 acre lot, main street Clinton. 1 five room house, 3 1-2 acres land on sloan street, Clinton. One 2 acre lot, suitable for building lots, on East Main street, in Laurens at a bargain. One house and lot, 4 acres, in town of Woodruff, on Sawmill Street. 112 acres, with dwelling and out buildings, 70 acres in cultivation, 10 acres fine bottoms on Reedy River, near Rabun Creek Church. 20 acres on North Rabun Creek, 20 horse water power, with wheat and corn mill, gin house and outfit; known as Nasli's Old Mill place, at a bargain. 2 acre lot and nice 5 room house, at a bargain on Conway Avenue, Laurens, One nice six room dwelling, good building, 2 acres, 1 acre fronton Peach tree street, in Woodruff. 2 1-4 acres, suitable for building lots, on Sullivan street, City of Laurens. 424 acres at Hobbyville, Spartanburg county, good dwciling, tenant houses, store and post office, at a bargain. A beautiful 5-roorn house and 4 acres of land in Gray Court. J. N. LEAK Gray Court, S. C. THE " BOSS" COTTON PRESS I SIMPLEST, STRONGEST. BEST Thi Murray Ginnino System Gin?, Feeders, Condensers, Etc. OIBBM MACHINERY CO. Columbia, .V. C. DR. CLIFTON JONKvS Dentist OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219. Make Christmas Money Count Those items we have in our lines of Holiday Goods are sensible, pleasing ones; the kind that give full returns in usefulness and enjoyment for every cent of cost. We have made an extra effort this year to get practical as well as the newest and most attractive gifts in our lines; and we have put prices on them that will appeal to those who want worthy goods at the Lowest Possible Cost. In justice to yourself and those you buy for you should see what we have before making selections. We have told you previously something of the articles carried, but telling is largely in vain, you will have to see them to ap preciate the goods and prices. We want you to see them and save. The STORE that has it. - - - - Dodson's Drug Store. IW. Q. Wilson & Co. Have replenished the Dress Goods tozk this weak with new Broad cloths including the Alice Blue Shade. Very wide all-wool Sack ings. Inspection will prove that the price is within the margin of present market value?quality considered. Duplicates in Special numbers of Hosiery and Under wear, these are rapid sellers?it is not necessary to explain the reason why at -. W. Go Wilson & Co. Xu-;,'* li\bk Prcpnca'.ionforAs si slBiitftting ihcFoo?nniincgula f? tin:* the Stomachs and Dowels or j Promcte.*? LVigcaUon.Cheerrui 11 nc-?? Hi>st .Contains nclllKT II] OjVi ix m u pluno nor Mineral, sh Not Xa.-jc otic. Kb ft ..- Of, :. .... :VLLfiKHSR . ' 0 years. Commutation Road Tax $1.00, in lieu of working the public roads, to be paid at the time as stated above. J. IL COPELAND, County Treasurer. Laurens, S. C, Sept. 26, 1905?td. Charleston & Western Carolina Railway. (Schedule in effect April 16, 1905.) No. 2 I >aily Lv Laursns 1:50pm Ar Greenwood 2- 46 " Ar Augusta 5: 20 " Ar Anderson 7: 10 " No. 42 Daily Lv Augusta 2: 36 pm Ar Allendale 4: SO 1 Ar Fairfax 4:41 " Ar Charleston 7:40 " Ar Beau ford 0:30 " Ar Port Royal 6: 40 " Ar Savannah 6: 45 " Ar Waycross 10:00 " No.l Daily Lv Laurens 2:07pm] Ar Spartanburg 3:30 " No. 52 No. 87 Daily Ex. Sudday Lv Laurens 2:09 pm 8:00 am Ar Greenville 3:25 " 10:20 " ARRIVAL8: Train No. 1, Daily, from Augusta and intermediate stations 1: 46 pm; No. 52, daily, from Greenville and in termediate stations 1:35pm; No.H7,daily, except Sunday, from Greenville and intermediate stations 6: 40pm; train No. 2, daily, from Spartanburg and interm ediate stations 1: 30 p m. C. H. Gasquc, Agt., Lauren??, S. C, G. T. Bryan, Gen7l Agt. Greneville S.C. Ernest Wilhams, Gen. Pass. Agt., Auguata, Ga, T. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager.