"The Just as good as ours, are not as cheap as ours; the just as cheap as ours, are not as good as ours." Davis, Roper & Co.'s Clothing is preferred by virtue of Tailoring excellence and good Fit and good Style and honesty of cloth Fabric."' e nent Stores is the We believe that ours is the best saving" spot 5n Laurens. We know that you cannot buy Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Trunks, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Si: iouk Suits, Millinery, or anything in our line cheaper than we sell them. Value: Did you ever stop to think of this little word?its me ? it is a small word but it is a big thing when you get value for your money. All should seek it, and we can say without fear of contradiction, that we give Value in every article we sell and for every dollar you spend with us. Money back if not true. Read all we have to say, and then have a look at the goods and see if what we claim isn't true. Clothing and f Departnien 11 Davis, Roper & Co.'s Clothing is preferred by virtue of Tailoring excellence and Good Fit and Good Style and Honesty of Cloth 1 'abric. Fashion is arbitrary to a certain exten yes, is a man who asserts a cheerful independence. We prove that every day by fostering personality. Its the flavor of individuality which; pr< tominates. Flex ibility of style conscientiously and consistently maint tin id to h ? point where good taste over-rules is a Davis, Roper Co. stands ab solutely on the merits of what you buy. Men's Sack Suits $10.00 Top Coats 7.50 00 Of course we have all grades of values in ?0 $10.00 in gr< variety. >py up-to Boys' and Children Our Boys'and Children's Dapartment is full to over date, stylish Suits for school and dre Knee Suits $1.00 to $6.00. Youths' Suil ?$12.50 It will pay the mothers to bring their boys id to gel their fall outfit. Neckwear. Here we show you all the latest shades u ilks. The Ascot, Four-in-hand and Strings for men. he boys. All beautiful colorings, 25c to 50c Underwear. We have the best selected line of (Jnderweai o ] turens. Wool Underwear for men $1.00 to $3.00 for the g ced Un derwear 25c and 50c. Men's Hats and Caps. We are certainly up to the minute in style and q i's Mai in all the newest shapes $1.00 to $5.00. Boys'Hats 50 [en's Caps 25c to 50c. Hosiery and ??o We keep the best line made and you can alw getting the best. Suit Cases and Club bags for the travele Shoe Departi neia t. We cannot say enough tor our Shoes. They were all bought with a view of giving wear, as well as being stylish and up-to-date. La-lies will do well to examine our shoes before placing their ordei Ladies'Dress Shoes $2.00 to $3.50. Ladies' Hard service 1.00 to $2.00. LOO to L00 Children's Shoes .25c to $2.00. All of our shoes were bought befor< leauie Our Millinery Department We can show you the correct Styles in Ladies' Ready to wear and Dress Hats. Our prices are not high for the style and quality we show. We are exclusive agents for Gage Bros.' famous line of street and dress hats. We have a great line of Veil ings, Ribbons and everything in the fiillinery line. We want you to come and see our line whether you wish to buy or not, we can #ive you the correct thing at the right price. Ladies' Department. Superb Silks and Dress Goods. We cordially invite the people of Laurens and surrounding country to visit our Dress Goods Department and see the new fall styles in Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings. Our Broadcloths. The finest quality ever shown for the price is here, and broadcloths are leading all other weaves in dress goods. We have all the shades, Plum, Red, Alice Blue, Wine, Brown,Castor, Navy, Royal, Garnet, Tan, Cream and Black. Priced from $1.00 to $2.50 a yard. Our Black Goods. Values are here in this line that cannot be suprassed in a great variety of cloths that are exceptionally good for this season, Aeoliennes, Prunellas,Henri ettas. Poplins, Serges, Cheviots and a great assortment of plain weaves. We have them at prices from 25c to $1.50 per yard. One of Our Best Sellers. 27 inch changeable Silks in several pretty colors, the kind that sells every where at $1.00, we have a special lot we are selling at 75c. Special Umbrella Values. $1.50. A beautiful line of fancy handles and good quality taffetta cover, worth $2.00. Special for this lot, $1.50. Our Line of ladies' Cloaks and Skirts. Ladies' Cloaks in the greatest line of styles and values ever shown in Lau rens. Rain coats, long coats and short coats. We have the line that you should select from; our prices are moderate, we think lower than elsewhere, cloth and make considered; priced from $1.50 to $25.00. Ladies' ready to wear skirts in a great many beautiful styles; we can please you. Priced from $1.00 to $15.00. A Beautiful Line of These. Flannels, Flannelettes, and Outings. Teazle Downs, a great collection in beautiful dress styles; 10c. A beautiful line of fancy Flannelettes at 10c. Splendid heavy gray Outings for skirts at 10c. Woolen and Cotton Blankets? 10-4 Gray all wool at $3.50. 10-4 Heavy cotton at $1.00. Belts for the Ladies. Beautiful designs, q-iality the best, 25c, 50c - $1.50 Ladies' Hosiery. Best values that can be found for the price, 10c to 50c. Corsets. "W.-B." and *'American Lady" are taking the lead. In all the new shapes, $1.00. Ladies' Silk Waists in all shades and sizes $3.50 to $7.50. Come to Laurens9 Great; Store und the best of everything:, all at prices that cannot help but please you ROPER & COMPANY The best things in Hats and Shoes. At a 1<>\\ ours the quality must siiffei LA.URENS. c. The best school hose for boys and girls. Black Cat is the kind that give satisfaction. In both weights.