The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 30, 1905, Image 4

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SERIOUS LOSS BY FIRE. Bare of J. L. Milam was Burned on Last Sunday Night. Last Sunday night between nine and ten o'clock the barn and stables of Mr. J. L. Milam. a farmer residing five miles south east of the city, were com pletely destroyed by fire, together with three mules, one cow, four fine hogs and a quantity of fodder and other pro vender. Mr. Milam estimates his loss at $1,000 to $1,200 on which there is $640 insurance in the Carolina Mutual Insurance company of Spartanburg. Tho fire had made considerable head way when discovered by Mr. Milam, too far to be extinguished by the means at his disposal, and his efforts were di rected to saving his stock and cattle in which attempt he was seriously burned :ibout, his face, neck and hands, ilia horse and six head of cattle were thus rescued boforo he was forced to retreat. The fire appears to have started up among some hay and fodder near one of the windows in the second story of the barn and Mr. Milam is strongly of the opinion that in was tho work of an incendiary. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 30th day of September, 1905, I will render a Anal account of my acta and doings as Ad ministrator of the estate of W. P. Rich ardson, deceased, in tho office of the Judge of Probateof LaurensCounty, at 11 o clock A. M. and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment by said date, and all persons hav ing demands against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven or be forever barred. J. P. DlI.LAKD, Administrator. August 28th-td. LYCEUM ATTRACTIONS SECURED. Under Auspices of Laurens Cotton Mill Management"-Will be Put on in Oct. The management of the Laurens Cot ton Mills have arranged a Lyceum Course for this Fall and Winter, the at tractions to be given in the Auditorium of the Laurens Cotton Mill School build ing.The Course is primarily fortho ben efit of the Mill village, but the co-opera tion of the city and surrounding county is desired and solicited. The Course will be equal to any pro? viously given in Laurens and the price of Season tickets will be $2:00 instead of $.'}.00 as heretofore for two tickets. The price is given thus low for the pur pose of putting the Course within the reach of a greater number of persons and the additional number of sales is expected to make up for the difference in price. The school auditorium will seal 100 person* and is ideal, for such purposes. The attractions are: Dr. Frank Dixon, for October. S. M. Spedon, for November. Montauk Ladies Quartette, for De cember. E. Maro & Co., for February. Southern Trio & Mart King, for March. These are all artists of distinguished ability and of wide reputation and no one in Laurens should fail to take advantage of the opportunity to see and hear them. Notice. Sealed bids for repainting Watts Bridge, on Saluda river, will be received at Laurens, S. C, until August 24th, inst. All bids to be deposited with J. I). Mock, Clerk, and to be accompanied by cash do|H>sit of Fifteen dollars as security for closing contract. Specifications may bo seen at my oilice. h. B. Humbert, 2-2t Supervisor Laurens County. New Oi leans Fever Situation. Cool weather had a depressing effect on the yellow fever situation in New Orleans through Sunday and Monday, Ihough the Federal authorities seem to have a firm grip on conditions. This is the period which is usually the most critical in fever epidemics, but there iB no indication that those in charge will lose control. The medical forces are succeeding well in the treatment of cases reported promptly and where the patients follow the advice of the doctors. The majority of the deaths appear to be confined to the foreign population. Tho whole number of deaths up to Monday night, 260; total number of cases, 1,788. The Overall MTg Enterprise. The Crescent Comyany, organized a few months ago for the purpose of man ufacturing overalls is about ready to begin work. The machines aro to be placed at once and all of tho other ma chinery haa arrived. Mr. Samuel Jones of Savannah who will be the superin tendent has arrived and is looking after the preliminary work in getting things in shape. The plant will he located in tho Ball building, occupying the first floor and basement, both of which have just been fitted up for this purpose. Negro Woma?l(ilicd. Laura Crawford, colored, was shot and killed by John Carter, also colored, down in the Milton section last Thurs day afternoon. Coroner Watts held the inquest Friday and issued a war rant for the arrest of Carter who, how ever, had skipped out when a deputy from the sheriff's office arrived upon the scene. Carter is about 17 years old and of medium size. <j ja. m 'jr.1 xv. X s. I.. Bcara tho 1 Kind You Have Ala ijfS Boufibi Committee Meeting Yesterday. A meeting of the committee recently appointed to look after tho work of se curing signatures to tho petitions for an election on "the dispensary" or "no dispensary" question, was held in the oflice of the Clerk of Court yesterday at noon. It is stated that tho com mittee has almost the required number of signatures,that is, nearly a sufficient number was reported at yesterday's meeting, and it is understood that two of the townships were not represented or reported. Another meeting will be called in the near future at which time tho lists will probably bo completed and turned over to the County Supervisor. New Cotton. Quite a number of bales of the new cotton crop have been sold in Laurens since last Wednesday, Mr. W. B. Motte selling the first that day. The prevail ing price is 10 1-4. Death of a Uood VYomau. Clinton, August 29th.?Mrs. Nancy B. Phinny died at her residence in this city at 3 o'clock on Monday morning after a protracted illness. Her re mains were interred at the Presby terian cemetery this morning at lo o'clock. Mrs. Phinny was 54 years of age and was twice married. Her first husband was Geo. Duckett Copeland and she was afterwards married to the late Joseph H. Phinny. She is survived by four sons and a daughter, Geo. A., Jas. R. and T. D. Copeland and Joseph Phinney and Mis. E. W. Ferguson. Mrs. Phinny possessed a devoted Christian character, and was conspic uous in her earnest, zealous work in all Church undertakings. She leaves a large circle of friend who sympathize with her bereaved family in their affliction. Same Qoods FOR Less Money More Qoods FOR Same Money Clothing for all sizes, latest styles and Lowest Prices. Six Special Bargain Days Each Week at Red Iron Racket. Read this Price Sheet carefully and Figure out Yourself the Difference. You save 15 to 35 per cent in buying your Goods at Red Iron Racket. Buy your Qoods at Red Iron Racket and when you get home if you are not delighted. Your money back for the goods. if"'-' Ladies Shoes, high style, good quality, Low Price. 18c, 24c, 39c, 48c and 89c Finest line you ever saw. I've bin to Red Iron Racket You go there too you'll save Money. Prices Down! Down!! Away Down!!! Now for the Red Hot Prices: Special lot Hats, - - - ,10 Newest shapes from the cheapest to the best?John B. Stetson, or a Silk Beaver Hat. (We have your Hat) Come see prices. Only centa to - $3.47 Special lot Silk String and Four-in hand Ties at - - - - .10 2,000 prs Men's and Hoys' Suspen ders. Big bumping bargains John says sell 'em, he can get more, at 5c, 7c, 10c, 13c, 15c, 23c pair Special lot Underwear Knit and Bleached Drill, 18c. 23c, 39c, 18c each. Shirts and Drawers. Fine Line Men's Silk-four-in-hand Ties at..23 Big lot Men's Overalls. - 39c, .48 25 cts Mon's Rubber Collars, - .15 Fine quality Linen Collars, Special lot, each, - - 5c and .10 We have a special job lot Men's Pants (worth regular $1.00 to $1.50 per pair) our special price, .75 Special lot fine decorated' Plates, Cups and Saucers, worth $1.01) a set; Cups and Saucers 63 cents a set. U-Come Sec. We have a full line of line Plates, Cups and Saucers, all shapes and sizes, Meat Dishes, Bowls and Pitchers. Also, full Table sets. All sorts all Glassware, Fruit Sets, Jelly Tumblers,Goblets,Tumbler Vases and Glass Novelties. Lamps! Lamps!! All going out at Red Hot Prices. Come look through our Bargain Basement? you'll be delighted. $3.50 Guitar, Spanish model, fine tone, ..... $2.47 3,500 pounds Loverings' Fine Roast ed Coffee (worth 20 cents per lb) Our price, - - - ,121 lust received a fine lot of Green Coffee 8, 9and 10pound (good)at $1.00 You always get more Sugar for less money. Come and see. Standard granulated only. (See Locals) One set fine Tumblers, - - .18 One set fine Hotel Goblets, - .39 Two Spools Tread (good) - - .05 Ten Balls Thread (good) - - .05 One pr fine Gold-plated Cuff Buttons (worth 50 cents) Our price, - .25 One pr. Men's cool Summer Pats, .48 50 cts pr Ladies' Slippers, - - .39 $1.25 Ladies' Slippers, tan, black, .98 $1.50 Ladies' Slippers, tan, biuok, $1.25 Men's Slippers, 39cts, 98cts, $1.25, $1.48 $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. This lot Slip pers is worth 25 cents to $1.00 a pair more than we ask lor them. U-como see. $1.00 Watch (all over Hie world) Our Red Hot Price, - - - .61 $1.25 stem wind Watch. Our price, .89 $1.00 Alarm Clock, wake up and hustle John, - - - - .00 $3.75 large oak frame, eight day, mantle Clock, "Red Hot" - $1.91 $20.00 Gold-filled (Ladies' or Gent's) Watch, Elgin or Walt ham movements guaranteed by us. Our price $12.97 $3.00 Watch Chain, gold-filled, guar anteed for ten years wear, - - $1.25 One Key Chain (16 inches long) - .01 One paper Needles (good) - - .01 One paper pins (good) - .01 One Thimble (good) - - - .02 One pound lump Starch (good) - .05 Cedar Buckets, three hoop, - - .23 3,600 prs Men's and Ladies' Hose regular 10c quality. Our price, .07 2,000 yards 9 cents Ginghams, - .07 1,000 yards 7* cts Bleaching, yard wide, no jtarch (good) - - .06 3,000 yards Ladies' fine Dress Goods going at special prices 3}ets, 7*cts, 10 cents to 221 cents per yard. Young Men's fine fur Hats, Roll Back Dip Front, Red Iron Racket. Special in black, brown, (worth $1.75) Our underselling price, ... $1.39 Embroidery! See our 5 cents, 7 cents and 10 cents Tables of Embroidery, pretty patterns. Special lot fine Laces, 5 cents, 7 cents up to 20 cents per yard. Millinery! Just received a big lot of Hats, Flowers and Ribbons, fine quality goods. These goods are worth 25 to 50 per cent more than we arc selling them for. Come see you will be delighted. Clothing for Men! We have the finest lino of Clothing we have ever shown this season, neat Patterns and a fit guaranteed. Our suits range in price from $1.89, $2.98, $3.75, $4.89 $6.57, $7.50, $10.00, $12.36 to $14.75 per suit. Boys' and Children's Suits we beat the world on these. 48c to $6.00 per suit. One dozen full size Jelly Tumblers, .24 One set fine white Plates, - - .29 One set 50 cts Plates (white) - .U9 $1.00 Bowl and Pitcher, fancy shape .89 One Lamp Chimney No. 1 or No. 2, .05 One Lamp Chimney, large globe, .10 One Trunk,..33 Trunks all sizes. Just received a car load, all going at Red Hot prices. U-come sec. One Oak Curtain Pole and trimming ,10 One paper Window Shade, Sets and ,10 Fine lot Window Shades, - - .23 Linen Shades at - - 25c, 39c and .48 Sec our 5c and 10c Tables: Tin, Glass, Crockery and Hardware. Special Red Hot Values. Wall Paper now is your chance to papor your rooms at a small price (double rolls, 16 yards) 10c, 12ic, 18c and .23 Eight quart Tin Bucket, - - .10 Ten quart Dish Pan, - - - .10 Three Tin Cups, .... .05 Two Pic Plates, .... .05 One large Rug, 6 feet long, rovers able, ..98 Special lot Checked Homespun, per yard (worth 5 cents) - - .031 Special lot Calicoes (worth 5 cents) Our price, ----- .03} 25ets bottle, French Furniture Polish produces a hard brilliant and durable ,19 ,05 .04 ,04 08 gloss, makes the old new, - 20 fresh Nutmegs for - 5cts package, Black Pepper (whole grain). 5cts package, Spice (whole grain) lOcts cake, Williams' Shaving Soap, Hot SummerTime and Red Hot Prices are Now in Full Bloom. .12 .01 .05 ?J")c box, Mention's Talcum Powders, One cake Toilet Soap, One box, 3 cakes, Toilet Soap (good) Three cakes Toilet Soap, highly per fumed soap, (5c quality) Oriole, .10 25cts Glass Pitcher, pretty, - - .18 One large glass vase, 14 inches high, .10 Ono nice glasn Lamp, - - - .18 35cts glass Lamp, ... - .25 50cts glass Lamp. .39 $1.00 glass Lamp, - - - - .75 $1.00 bottle, (>ur Spavin Cure guaran teed to remove Spavin, enlarge ments of joints and swellings at 69 $1.00 bottle, Seven Sisters, 111 ? worlds greatest hair grower, - .79 $1.00 bottle, 7-Conio-ll, Safe! Sui"! Certain, - 50cts bottle. Kidney Elixir for all kidney diseases! Safe! Sure! - 50cts bottle, Dr. Franks Balsom re stores the nppctitonnd builds up, $1.00 bottle, Dr. Thompson's Iron Tonic for the nerves anil general debility,. 25cts bottle. Vegotablc Worm Sy rup OXpells all worms from '.lie system, - $1.00 bottle. Electric Bitters, (good).79 50c bottle, Electric Bitters, (good) .39 10c. bottle, headache Salts, 25cts bottle. Campholono for burns, bites, blisters and swellings, 25cts box, Carbolic Salve (good) - 26cts box, Itch Ointment (good) 25cts bottle, Beil Bug Poison, sure death to bed hues, - - - ? i Millinery of Latest Creation will bo found at Red Iron Racket this Season $3.50 .79 .39 39 10 .1!? All the latest style shoes ar< here at Red Hot Prices 98 cts to $3.50 $1.00 bottles Standard Patent Medicines only 79cts 50c. bottles Standard Patent Medicines only 39cts 25c bottles Standard Patent Medicines only 19cts 98 cents all solid up to $1.39 5c, 8c, 10c and 13c. Big Values in Towels. We Keep Business Up by Keeping Prices Down 6 4 Six Special Bargain Days in a Week 11 One Price to All. Same Goods for Less Money. Grandest Line of Real Values Under the Sun. It is a strain for you to look for Bargains in others houses, where they are few and far between. It is easy for you here where the Bargains are so plentiful that wherever you turn they are looking at you. Same Goods, Less Money. RED IRON RACKET Two Stores that's Making Laurens and Greenwood Famous by Selling Same Goods for Less Money. We Have 9 Salesmen to Wait on You We are Located 200 Yards West of Public Square Completely Out of The HIGH PRICE District.