The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 04, 1905, Image 3

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A CHRISTMAS KILLING. Ball? Park? la Jail Charged With Shooting Jim Williams. Balle Parks, a young negro of Dials Township, was committed to Jail last Wednesday, charged with killing an other negro named Jim Willlama. The killing occurred at the home of an un cle of Parks, where a crowd had as sembled to oelebrate Christmas. A row started up during the progress of which a fusllade of shots was ex changed. When the smoke of battle had cleared away and the lights had been restored the lifeless body of Wil liams was found upon the 'loor. He was shot through the hea \ Magistrate Hellams, acting ooroner, held the In quest Thursday and the arrest of Parks followed. Parks admitted that he did iiniio of the shooting, but denies shoot Ing any one. He made no attempt to escape SECRET OR DEB KLECTFOJiS. Officers of tbe 1. 0. 0. F. and Jr. 0. V. A. M. for Ensuing Year. Two of the leading and most popular fraternal ordere of the city have elected officers for another year as follows: CALicouN Lodge, no. 47,1, o. o. v. W W Griflln, noble guard; O W Babb, vice guard; R STemploton, Sec retary; H. Terry, treasurer; J D Moore, outer guard. laurkns council, no 24, jr. o u.a m. W C Winters, councillor; O W Babb, vice councillor; J F Bolt, reco-dlag secretary; J W Hellams, assistant sec retary; R S Temploton, financial secre tary; T C Lucas, treasurer; Plnkney Rhodes, conductor; Joe Wood, warden; J A Martin, Inside sentinel; J O Jenes, outside sentinel; H B Humbert, chap lain; H Terry, trustee. At the next meoting of the Odd Fel lows a full attendance Is desired, as eonm degree work will bo put on. W. M. Allen, assistant editor of The Tri State Odd Fellow of Greenville was present at the last meeting and made an interesting address. NEW HOPE FOR CONSUMPTIVES. King's Wild Cherry and Tar, for coughs, oolds and I ? grippe. Even for consumption In its early stages, this wonderful remedy Is a nnnaoea. Have you a cold and cough? Stop it now. Have yon tightness in throat and pain in chest? Get rid of it now. Are you hoarse? Do you fear bronchitis? Don't wait when you can get relief so easily. 25 cents. Taste Is good and always guaranteed to cure or money back, by Palmetto Drug Co. A Masonic Feast. Ghat Court, S. S., Dec. 31st, 1904. We were invited to take dinner with the Masons at Gray Court last Satur day. They certainly had a fine feast. These Masons are a jolly set of people and they know how to ontertain a fellow and make him feel at home. They beat tbe band talking and eating. May they livo to give many more such feasts. At a negro dance a few nights ago on Mr. G. F. Dorroh's place two darkies were shot, one in the !eg and the o'her In the arm. Will report all the Christmas casual ties when tbe full re'.urns c^ine In. L. Joy and happiness ofttlmcs In mothers hearts are brought to dwell Because ?'TEETHINA'S" brought to bloom To baby's cheeks and made it we11. Anodynes only soothe and lull to sleep. "TEETHINA" cures the child, regulates tbe bowels and eaves the pa rents many sleepless nights of care and anxiety. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAU REES, City of Laurens. An Ordinance to Raise Supplies by taxation for tbe City of Laurens, for tho year commencing January 1st, 1DD6: Be it ordained by the City Council of Laurens? 8ec. 1. That a tax of fifty cents on every one hundred dollars worth of the assessed value of all property, real and personal, not exempt by law from taxation, situated within tbe limits of tbe City of Laurens be, and the same Is hereby levied, for corporate purposes to defray the current expenses of said City for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1005, and to meet such other Indebtedness as has been con tracted by said City, for corporate purposes. That an additional tax of fifty cents on every one hundred dollars worth of the assessed value of all property, real or personal, not exempt by law from taxation, situated within the limits of tbe City of Laurens, be and the same Is hereby levied to meet the Interest to h?i>nmn ?lim unon ?11 tY>a nufof? ??f*l f> rr bonds, and to pay one-fortieth pare of the entire bonded debt into a sinking fund to be used in aid of the retirement and payment of said bonded debt. Sec 2. That the Clerk of the said City shall enter said levies and assess ments upon the books of said City and receive said taxes. That tho said taxes herein levied sha'l be paid to the said Clerk In lawful money of tbe United States, on or before the first day of March, 1005, and any person failing to pay said taxes shall be liable to the penalty now provided by law for the faliure to pay State taxes. Sec. 3. Done and ratified by tbe City Council, of the City of L>nreus, and the corporate seal of said City af fixed, this the twenty-ninth of Decem ber, in the year of our Lord one thou sand nine hundred and four, and in the one hundred and twenty ninth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. J. C. OWING3, Mayor Pro tcm. [l s.] L. G. Balls, Olork Council. 22-at. SCHEDULES C. N. & fi. Railroad Co. Schedule In effect November 21st, 1004: No. 52 No. 2t No. 86 PaftMnger Mixed ex- Freight ex Daily ceptKun- cept Sun day day Lv Columbia 11 10 a m 6 16 p m 1 00 a m ar Newberry 12 36 p m 7 0S pm 1146 am ar Clinton 122 pm 8 16 pm 6 26am ar LaureiH 142 pm 846pm 600am No. 63 No. 22 No. 84 Lv Laurens 202pm 700am 6 20pm ar Clinton 2 22 pm 730am 6 00pm ar Newberry 3 10 pm 8 36am 7 05 pm ar Columbia 4 46 pm 10 30am 915 pm C. If. CASQUE. Arent. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PEBSONAL AM) OTHERWISE. Master William C. Byrd la visiting relatives in Columbia. Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Jones will ro turn today from a visit to Atlanta. John D. Owings visited at Gray Court and Owings Station this week. The Advertiser earries an ad today telling jou where to get your cabbage plants. Miss Lillian Children* of Fountain Inn visited relatives in tho city Christ mas week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oathcart of Co lumbia spout the holiday season with their daughter, Mrs. W. I). Byrd. Misses Alice and Luollo Meadows of Goldvllle visited friends in the city Friday and Saturday. Prof. B. J. W?lls of the Hopkins school, Kicliland county, spent tho holidays hero and at Cross Hill. Tho two months old infant of John Bishop of the Laurens Cotton Mills, died Sunday, Jan. 1st. David E. Burnett of Chapln visited friends in the city from Thursday until Saturday. Miss Mary Flke of Liberty visited Misi Annie Clardy and other friends In the city this week. J. Alviu Curry of Darlington visited his parents in Dials, during Christmas week. Misses Daisy and Eliza Sullivan vis ited Dr. Culbertson's fa-nily at Owings Station, the first of tho woek. Auditor C. A. Power an! family visited relatives in Greenvlllo and Owings Station during tho holidays. J. A. Clardy and duughter, Miss Pearle Olardy, vielted Mrs. A. B. Kay at Easley during tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jonos of Cokes bury wero the guests the past week of Dr. and Mrs. B, P. Pose/. Tom Jeff Hughes of Jachin spent a few days In the city during the holi days. Jas. M. Clardy of Union visited his parents, Mr aud Mrs. J. A. Clardy, during the past woek. Mrs. J. C. Burns of Greenwood spent several days this week with relatives here. Mrs. J. C. Owings and children, ac companied by Miss Beulah Balle vis ited at Fountrin Inn and Jachin this week. Miss Theresa Criep of Cross Hill has returned heme, having been employed at the Red Iron Racket during tho fall season. Mies Grace James, who had charge temporarily of the millinery depart ment at the Red Iron Racket has re turned to her home In Greenwood. The next term of the Court of Gen eral Seesions for this county will be held by Judge R. C. Watts, commenc ing fourth Monday, Jan. 23rd. Misses Nannie M \y Iludgene, Lulec Martin and Loulio Eichelberger spent a few days last week with friends at Maddens. Wm. Kelly Hudgcns, a prominent young business man of Pol/.er, visited his brother, J. N. Hudgens, Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Stewart Jones and children of Fountain Inn wero In the city Friday, returning home from a visit to rela tives at Brcwerton. E.E.Pitts of Brewertou has moved to Chester1 to eugago in the marble business. He was in the city Friday on his way over, accompanied by his family. Rev, J. Melvin Shell has accepted a position w"tb M. H. Fowler, where he will bo glad to see his numerous friends. M?93 Vaughn Gritton, the accom plished daughter of Mrs. Virginia Gritton, left Monday for Grays, Hamp ton county, where aho will have charge of a nice school. Prof. W. P. Coker of Sprlnglield and Prof. H. P. Coker of Carlisle wore in the city Saturday, returning from a visit to their father, W. P. Coker of Cedar Grove, where they spent their holiday vacation. Dr. T. C. Lucas, who ha9 been the manager of the Laurens Cotton Mills Store for the past several years has resigned his position and is succeeded by G. P. Smith, who has been con nected with the store about four years, Cannon?Dendy. Miss G. E. B. Cannon, daughter of John Cannon and Whit C. Dendy wore married at the homo of tho brido Christmas Day, the Rev. M. C. Comp ton, officiating. Wedding near Fountain Inn. Last Thursday afternoon at :i o'clock, Miss Nina Owings and Mr. Bryson Cox were married, tho Rov. Mayfiehl Rich ardson officiating. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REME DY THE BEST MADF. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best mado for colds," says Mrs. Cora Walker of Porterville, California. There is no doubt about its being tho best. No other will cure a cold so qulokly. No othor is so sure a proventive of pneumonia. No Other is bo pleasant and safe to take. These ate good reasons why it should bo pre ferred to any other The fact is that few people are satisfied with any othor after having onco used this remedy. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. and Dr. B. F. Possy. J5 CENT WANTED Everybody to know I have just re ceived a car of Tonnesseo Horses and Mules and want to sell them at onco cheap. k W. Martin. TRESPASS NOT1CE-A11 persons are hereby warned not to hunt, fleh or otherwise trespass on my lands. W. Z. BALL, Lanford, S. 0. For Sai.k ? Thoroughbred, single comb Brown Leghorn and Barred Ply mouth Rock Cockerels, at ?1.00 each. J. Wade Anderson, l aurens, 8. C. State of South Caiolina, COUNTY OF LAURENS, city or Laurens. Aa Ordinance Imposing a special Li cense Tax on occupations and busi ness proseouted or carried on within tbe corporate limits of tho City of Laurens: Be It ordained by the City Counoil of Laurens of the City of Laurons.? Se<\ 1. That no person, firm, com pany or corparatlon,shall after tho first day ot January, 11)05, engago In, prose cute, or carry on any business or pro fession horoinafter named within the corporato limits of the City of Laurens, without having first paid a special 11 conso tax therefor. The amount of said special license tax ahull bo the amount p'acod oppo site eaoh occupation, business aud pro fession herein below named, and the said amount shall be the cost of said special tax per annum, unless otherwise specified: Auctioneer, per annum,. $ 15 00 " " day,. 2 CO Ball or dances, when admis sion fee is charged, per day, 1 00 I Boarding bouso, under live boarders, por annum,. 5 00 Boarding house, ovor live boarders, per annum,. 10 001 Beef market,. 25 00 Beef or hog rotalling on wag on, eaoh per day,. 75 I Calf, mut'.on, shoat or kid, each per day,. '10 Blacksmith shop, ono forgo, per annum,. 5 00 Blacksmith shop, each addi tional forgo, per annum,... 2 00 Boot and shoo shop, per an num, . 3 00 Boot and shoo black, per an num.. 2 50 Barbor shop, one chair per annum,. 5 00 Barber shop, each additional chair, per annum,. 2 50 Building and Loun Association or their agents for business done within this State, and not including that done with out tho State, p r annum,... 15 00 Bill posting, distributing and sign tacking, per annum, . . 10 00 Bonded ware houses, eaoh, por annum,. 10 00 Brokor, merchandise, per an num,. 10 00 Billiard, pool or bagatelle ta bles, or ten pin alley, per nnnun,. 15 00 Billiard, pool or bagatelle ta bles, or ten pin alley, each additional, per annum,. 10 00 Bank, for every $1,000 capital stock, per annum,. 1 00 Cotton seed oil mill, p.r an num, . 100 00 Cotton ginnery, each gin, per annum. 5 00 Cabinet and general ropair shop, per annum,. 5 00 Coal, kerosono oil Company or agency, per annum,. 25 00 Candy Manufacturing, per an num, . 5 00 Cotton weigher, per annum. ... 10 00 Dealers In wagons aud otber vehicles, other than manu facturer, per aunum,. 10 00 Dealers or agents in the sale of fertil'/.era over 1,000 tons per annum,. *~0 00 Dealers or agen's of less than 1,000 tone, per annum,. 10 00 Dealers in pianos, organs, sow ing machines, iron safes, tomb stones or well fixtures, per annum,. 10 00 Dealers transient in soaps, jew elry, patent medicine, or other goods, on the street', par day,. 10 00 Dealer) in green groceries, grown outside tl.e county of Laurens, the license for each wagon, per day,. 50 Dealors in green groceries, grown outside the county of Laurens on Saloalay ai.d tbe week before Christmas and Court week, per day. 1 00 Dogs of all kinds, each por an num, . ?. . 1 00 Dinner house, per annum,. 15 00 Express Companies for busi ness done within the Svite, and not including that done without the Stato, per an num,. ... 25 00 Exhibition, performances or show of any kind, the liconso to be fixed by City Council, except circuses tho license shall bo per day not lo?s than $100.00; nor more than $?200 00. Fire, lifo or accident Insur ance Company, each having an agency, or doing busi noss within the city, per an num,. 5 00 Fresh fish, or oyster dealers, for first three months, Janu ary, February and March nnd last thrco months, Octo bar, November and Decem ber, . 2 50 Gri?t or Hour mills, or both, per annum, . 35 00 Harness shop, connected with store or separate, per an num, . 5 CO Horse trader?, transient, per day, . 1 CO Horse traders, translont.salcs day,. 3 00 Horse traders, transien?, per month,. 10 00 Hog drovers, who offer their stock for sale, within cor porate limits of city, per day,. 1 00 Hog drovers, eci., per month, b 00 Ice cream, bonbons or milk shake saloons, per annum, .. 2 00 ice dealers, p3r annum, 2 50 Jewelry shop, watch aud (dock repairer, per annum,. 5 00 Lumberyards, per annum, 20 00 Laundry run by hand, per an num,. 10 CO Laundry 1 un by machinery, per annum.. 38 00 Lawyers, per annum,. 10 00 Merry go round, per dar, . I 50 Machine shop, per annum, 10 00 Pawn shop, per annum, . 25 00 Printing ollico, per anmim, 10 00 Photographer or artist, per annum,. 10 00 Photographer or artist, per month, . 5 00 Physicians, each, por annum, 10 00 Physicians, itinerants or ocu lists, por day,. 2 00 Heal estate business per an num,. 15 00 Eich railroad corporation for business dono In this State and not including that dono without, por annum, for tho lir^t road?$100.00; each ad ditional, $50.00 each. Soda fountain, connected with store or not, per annum,. 3 00 Survoyor or architect, per an num,. 5 00 Stable, feed only, per annum, 5 00 Stable, livery only,per annum, 15 00 Stable, sale only, per annum, 20 00 Stock yard, per annum,. 5 00 Streot haca, or carriage, two horse, per annum, ft 00 Streot hack or carriage, ono horse,. 4 00 Street wagon or dray, two horse, per annum, .. 7 50 Streot wagon or dray, ono horeo, per annum,. i> 00 iTnl'or shop?, or clothes clean ing, per annum, . It 00 Tin or tinker shop,perannum, 7 50 Tolograph Co. or ngency for business done in this State, and not including that dono without! per annum,. 25 00 Telephone Company, per an num, . 15 oo Long distanco, or agency, per annum.. 16 oo Undortakor, per annum,. 15 00 Word jard, per annum,. 5 00 Wholesale establishments, per annum,. 75 00 . Src 2. Merchant* or all persons' flrms, companies or corporations, buy ing or selling any article of trade or merchandise, shall pay a license tax according to the following sohedu'e: Gross paioi under $300,00 p;r aonum,. 3 00 Gross sales from 300 00 to 1,000.00. 7 50 Gross sales from 1,000.00 to 2,600.00, por annum,. 12 50 Gross sales from 2,500.00 to 0,000 00, per annum,. 20 00 Gross pales from 0,000.00 to 10,000.00, per annum, ?. ?0 00 Gross suits riom 10,000.00 to 15,000.03, per unnum,. 40 00 On each additional 1,000, per annum,. 3 00 Sko. 3. For any buslne3P, occupation or profession not onumeraled in tho foregoing rseoilons tho 1 oenso shall ho fixed by tho OHy Council. BEG, 4. That all licenses Issuod under and by virtue of thh Ordinance, shall bo uon-transferablc, and except lioense for a day, a week or a month, shall ter minate and end on the 31st day of De cember of the year in which they wore issued*, but may be revoked at any timo by the City Council of said City for satisfactory oauso. Except lioense issued for a day. a week or a month, annual rates bha'l be charged for all licenses issued botween Jan. 1 and June 30th of oach year. Threo fourths annual rato shall bo charged for all licenses issued between Ju'y 1st and Septembor 30th of oach year; and Half year rates shall bo chargod for all licenses issued i' 'tween October 1st and December 31st of each year. BKO. 6. Any person, linn, company, or corporation prosecuting or ongaging In any business, occupation or profes sion, or koeptng any establishment named In this Ordinance, without lirst having pai I the asocial license tax im posed, 8hnll upon conviction, bo fined uot oxceedlng ono hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, at. tho discretion of tho said Mayor, and during said imprisonment shall in the discretion of said Mayor or City Council, be required to labor upon tho streets, h'ghways and othor public works of the City of Laurens under the supervision of said City Council. ?EO. <?. Tho foregoing Ordinance shall go Into clTcct immediately, and all Ordinances Inconsistent herewith are ropealed. Done and ratified by the City Council of Laurens, of tho City of Laurens, at the City of Laurens, and tho corporate seal of said City 8nixed hereto, this the 20i-h day of December, In the year of our Lord ono thousand nine hundred and four and In tho one hundred and twenty ninth year of tho Sovereignty and Independence of the United StLtes of America. J. C Owing: ., Mayor Protein. [l. s.] L. g. Balls, Clerk Council. Nervous and Could Not Sleep. Columbia, S. C, April 13,1904. Dear Sirs: After a sovoro attack of grip, I was all run down, and had no appotlto and was exceedingly woak, and could not sleep. I sought rolicf in Dr. James' Iron Blood and Liver Tonic, an1 the money' was well invested? never got such good returns for money Invested before. Beiore I had finished tho first bottle my appHite was gool, and 1 could roet'Well at night. Ican not say too much in pralco of Dr. James' Iron Blood and Liver Tonic. This testimonial Is unsolicited. Respectfully Yours, J . S. HOOAN, 228 Marion St. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The Auditor's ollice will bo opeu from the 1st day of January to the 20th day of February, 11)05, to receive re turns of l'cisonal Property and Real Estate where any changes have been made since lust return for taxation in Launns County. For the conven'enoe of tho Taxpayers the Auditor or bis deputy will attend tho following named places to receive returns for said year, to wit: Scullljtown Township, Tykravillo, January Oth, from 10 am to 2 p in. Jack's Township, Dr. F. M. Set/ler's, Jan . loth, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Jack's Township, Rcnno, January li, from 10 am to 2 p m. Hunter Township, Clinton, January 12ih, from 1U a m to 2 p m . Huntor Township, Duck Young's res idence, January 13th, from 0 a m to 12 m. Cross Hill Township, Spring Grove, January 13th, from 1 p m to I p m. Cross Hill Township, Cross Hill, Jan uary 14th, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Waterloo, Jan uary 10th, from 10 a m to 2 p in. Waterloo Township, J. 1). Culbert son's Store, January 17th, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Watorloo Township, Mt. Gallagher, January 18th, from !) a m to 12 m. Sullivan Township, Brewerton, Jan uary 18th, from 1 p m to I p in. Sullivan Township, Princeton, Jan uary 10th, from 0am to 12 m. Sullivan Township, Tumbling Shoals, January 19th, from 1 p m to I p m. Dial's Township, Abner Babb, Jan uary 20th, from 10 a ro .o 2 pm. Dial's Township, D, D. Harris, Jan uary 21st, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Dial's Township, V. A. White, Jan uary 23d, from 10 a m to 2 p m . Youngs Township, Cook's Store, Jan uary 21th, from 10 a m to 2 pm. Youngs Township, Youngs Ft ore, January 25th, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Youngs Township, Pleamit Mound, January 20th, from 0 a m to 12 m. Youngs Township, Lanford Station, January 20th, from 1 p m to 4 p m. It will savo much time to taxpayers, also greatly facilitate the work of tho Assessor, if every porson before leaving home will mako out a complete list of every item of personal property In the following order. Horses, cattle, mules, shecpand goats, hogs, organs and pianos, watchos, wag ons and carriages, dogs, merchandise, machinery and enginos, monoyp, notes and accounts above indohtulnosa and all other property, ino'tidlng house hold. It Is always required that tbo Audi tor get tho ?first given name of tho tax-payer In full. Under tho head of "place of resi dence" on tax return, give the town ship. All male citizens between the ages of twonty one and sixty yearp, on (he 1st of January, except tho::0 who arc in capable of earning a support from bo Ing maimed, or from other causes aro deemed taxablo polls, Confederate veterans excoptcd. And all taxpayers aro rcqulrod to give tho number of their school dis trict. They aro also requested to state whether the property is situated in town or country. After the 20th day of February next, fifty per cent penalty will bo attached for fail mo. to make returns. C. A. BOW KU, County Auditor. Dec. 7, 1004-tf I W 111 ? I Start 1905 With A I 01^^ BUCK'S RANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^f=3=N^^ ^ a,lti make thc entire New Year a I Y^j^^^S i ^^^^ ? A BUCK'S STOVE or RANGE simply can't I (QL_-r|p j* wear out. It's built through and through of I pXvjif? fS^5^^^^7" *ne verv highest grade material by best I J fe^S^p S^^=sd^y workmen and lasts a life time. ^^^^^S ^ Has White Enamel lining to Oven, Doors^ Just a Word To You About Steam Fittings and Plumbing Materials. We have the largest and best assortment of Valves, Packings, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Steam Guages, Oil Cups, Bolts, Nuts, Babbit Metals, Cap Screws to be found in Laurens oun ty Get Our Prices before You Buy? HUDGENS BROS, LAURENS, S. C. Foundry, Machine Shop, Building Material. W ._====8 CASTOR! The Kind You Have Always Bought* and which has been in use for over 30 years, has horno the signatnro <>.t" ?i,i- and has been made under Ids i>or? tfj?^^j&^?~/*^f~A, sonal supervision sine? its infancy. yft&zjrf, *'CtKCAx4* Allow no onotodeccivo you ill tills. All Counterfoils, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment? What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric* Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance* Its ago is its guarantee* it destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh and Dowels, {riving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea?The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CTNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY nTRTCT. NCW YORK CITY. SIMPSON & COOPER Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all State Courts. Prompt attention givou to all business TTINDIPO THE NEW NERVE TONIC AND KIDNEY CURE. CtofinMA Itio KhlnovH and Mnditer, purities tin* Mood. I'iiih Floith on (hin pooplo. BtrenRtlionH tho Nerves, Clesrs ihi- Rrnln. Cure? NorvouH Debility, Insomnia, I'hIIImk Memory. itestorea Hi" Vim, Vlaor, VUollty ana Slrenath "f Youth, In I,olli weak M.-n nnil WODJCII, Thin Ni'w Remedy vrorks like. Maple, hut Is ah aoiutc'b' harmless, WHuh yourtoll before taking, Prloo. 60 o(?.| 12 boxes, SS.OO, l?y mall, >\o will rlitHTlullv i-i'IiiikI IIh> money If you ?ro OOt I ? in IiM< (I. Try It oml be COrtVlBOOd, Laurens Drug Co. W.U. K.NKiHT. R. R. UA UU KNIUUT & HAHIS, Attorneys at Law. WT Will practice In all tho State and F?deral Courts. .Strict attention to all business Intrusted to them. Office up-stalrs, Simmons' Building n. it. Dial. a. 0. Todd. DIAL <& TODD, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law. Fulerprlse Bank and Todd Ofllco Build tog, Laurens, s. C. fpf ?rat-. V:"- '" . . . ^J^S^^k wry. John Y. Garlington & Co DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Laurens, South Carolina AGENTS WANTED It is not necessary to remind you of the near approach to the Holidays when your customary Gifts must be selected. While we do not dictate to you what to buy wo suggest a few Miscellaneous Articles that bear the Stamp of Utility: A pair of large White Wool Blankets. A nice Marseilles Counterpane. A handsome Linen Damask Table Cloth with a dozen Napkins and Towels. If the above Articles arc not consistent with your ideas, then a good SILK DRBSS in fancy or plain Black, and a Cloth Wrap of Latest Styles. You say none of these? Then a pair of Kid Gloves. A Dozen nice handkerchiefs Or a Silk Umbrella cither for Sunshine or Shower, at W.G.WILSON <& CO. Final Settlement. Take notice that on iho 17th day ol Jantury, 1035,1 will rondo? ? llaal i ??? count of my acts and dolngi na Admin* ist rat jr of tho estate <>; Kami n- <'. Parks, decoasod, in tho i flleo uf I? I of Probate of Laurons county :u II o'clock a in ., ami 0:1 tho same dato will apply for a linttl discharge from n?\ trust as such Admlnls'.ralor. AH pornom having demand 1 ngalnsl said estate will please present biioni on or before that, date, proven ami authen tic iu d, or bo forever uarrcdi and all persons iudeblod to s.thl OStttlO inns', make payment to tin- undersigned be fore that dato. W. M. HUiNTlJR, in in Administrator, <y ju. js* n? c.? 2Gi. :r. , rs., n no Iho Kind Y. 1 Itovtj Mwng DoujW we want all interested in MACHINERY " TO HAVE OUR NAME D E FOR K THEM DURING 1905 Writo us stating what kind of Machinery you uso or win install, nod wo will m m you FREE of ALL cost A HANDSOME AND USEFUL POCKET DIARY AND ATLAS OR A I.AROK COMMERCIAL CALENDAR (iibbes Machinery Company, COLUMBIA, S. C. A STOCK OP HORSE POWER HAY PRESSES TO BK OLOSEO OUT AT SPECIAL PRICES