FARM ? Hefore You Buy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. Garlington & Co., Laurens , S. C. mvtm Toys, Dolls and Christmas Gifts ?AT? Palmetto Drug Co. I .aureus. S. C. VOL X X. LAURBNS, S O.. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14. 1904. NO. 19 CLINTON YOUTH HURT BY TRAIN. Was Attempting to Cross Railroad Track. SIGNS OF PROGRESS. Town Preparing to Install System of Waterworks?ReY. Mr. Boyd Ketiivs From Ministry. CLINTON, Dre. 12.?On 1 hursday at thn Main Street crossing of the Sea board rotd, TIe-bcrr, the ten year old ton of Mr. Jim Pitts, was badly hurt. The Atlanta-Clinton local was shifting and the boy started to cross, but see ing that he could not get to the other side turned bick and was struck by the car, crushing his foo'. very bad'y. Mrs. Thornwoll Jacobs has as her guest until after Chris1 mas, Miss May Murphy of Morganton, N. C. Dr. Homer Todd has raovsd back to Clinton and will s on build on his Broad Sireet let. Mrs. W. M. McCaslan !eaves this week on a visit of tevoral months to her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, In Greensboro, Ala. The surveying of the town for wa ter works has boon going on during the past week and the work will be pushed forward as rapid'y as posslb e. The outlook for Clinton f. r the new year Is very bright. A number of handsome homes will bo erected in the eaily spring and only tho scarcity of lumber is holding back buildings now. Rev. G. M. Boyd and fam'ly will move to their homo In Spartan bur. this week. On account of his lualth, Mr. Boyd has given up his work in the ministry. Work has been started on the new kitchen at the Thornwoll Orphanage. Tho location has been changed and the old sito will bo used for tho Georgia Home. Miss Bcssio Keys, the popular milli ner of Bailey Bros, will return to her home in Baltimore this week. Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Vance have moved into their handsome new home on Bailey Street. Both Were Shot. Tode Jones and Sam Sullivan, young negroes of the county, shot each other Sunday evening three miles below the city while engaged in a drunken row. Jones who received a flesh wound in the thigh was placed In jail Monday. Sullivan was shot in tho side and is in no condition to be removed. However he Is not considered dangerously shot. It appears that Jones was the aggres sor. Sullivan was sitting or standing near tho road side when Jones oame along and without any preliminaries opened tiro on Sullivan with a pistol shooting him in the side. As Jones was running away Sullivan pulled his pistol and fired bringing his antagonist down with a bullet In his thigh. In Memory of Little Harold Smith, Sou of Mr. ami Mrs. B. C. Smith. One week ago today as tho sun was pushing and edging his way from be hind the bills and plains in the Hast, tho spirit of liitlo Harold slipped noiselessly from under tho kisses and tears of mann, papa and loved ones and rode on the first bright ray thut leaped from the home of h s earthly parents through the beautiful space that intervenes to the homo of his Heavenly Falber. It is said that there aro no tears in Hcavon, but 1 could al most see In my tinlto vision the tears roll down the checks of angels as they stood around the threshold of tho Heavenly City, awaiting and watching for tho entrance of this pure little spirit, es they heard the dear mother pleading with her child in words obar actoris'in of a mother's love, begging God to ppare Mama's baby. Jesus wept on one occasion in the da>s of the prophets and I boliovc that as His infinite iove swept from Heaven to the bedside of little Harold, as In heard tho cry of the mother and loved onos he must have wept again. But God knew be?t. Ho know h w un friendly tbo'worid was, how the great iea of worldly wlckiuuc^s ? ud pleasure daily end hourly gave a great heavo and bjried little oiich in a watory grave of sin and shame. He was not willing to seo this beautiful little lifo treated harshly; so early In the morn ing He plucked this fragrun'. flower and piuncd it upon his breast with a bright ray of the feun. Safo in the arms of Josus, wo can almost hear theso words as little Har old looks back to mama and papa. Do opt cry dear mama, For Jesus is go: d to me'. Let my d( ar, dear papa, Bo a comfort to theo. Moot me in Heavon mama, You wou'd be happy here, Don't forget to bring papa He'll be lonely down thero. A FRl BND, Waterloo, S. C. Doc. ?th., '04. Final Settlement. Take notice that on tho 17th day of January, 11)05,1 will icndor a final ? a countof my acts am! doings as Admin istrator of tho est Ate of Fannie 0 Parks, decoased, in the (Dice of Judge of Probate of Lam ens county At 11 o'clock am., and on the saun- date will apply for a final discharge from my trust as such Adminls rator. All persons having demands Against said estato will pleace present them on or before that dAte, proven And authen ticated, or bo forever barred, and all persona Indebted to said estato must mako payment to the undersigned bo fore thut dato. W, M. HUNTFR, 19-m Administrator. I'EBSONAL AN? OTHERWISE, J. Y. Brysou vhlted a" Ora Sunday. J\rry M. Martin of Mt. Gallagher was In tho city Saturday. John 0? Davis was In the city from Clinton Saturday. Melmoth Fleming of Lanford was In town Saturday. T. C. Swlizer spert Sunday in Green ville. D. 0. Smith of Waterloo was In tho city Monday. Mrs. J. G. Huggln and children are visiting relatives in Cherokee county. W. E. Gray, of Tumbling Shoals, was In town Monday. C. W. Taylor spent Sunday at Prince ton. John Y. Garlington paid a business visit to Spartanburg Friday. Lewis Abercromble of Dials was among the Saturday visitors to the city. M. P. Vaughn was in the city from Fountain Inn yesterday. E. M. Joyce, a promlnot merchant of Mullliis, was In the city a day or two last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Rasor of Mouut villo were In the city for the Broughton lecture. Ollloers for the ensuing Masonic j ear will be elected Friday evening by Palmetto Lodge, No. 19, A. F. M. Miss Nonio Hudgens of Andoreon was tho guest ot Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hudgens during the past week. W. W. Simpson of Woodruff was in the city on business for a day or so tho fast week. Carl Wharton, traveling representa tive of White Stono Springs was In tho city Monday. N. iss Mary Alleu, assistant teacher iu the Barksdale School, visited in tho city from Friday until Sunday. J. T. Crane and little son, Matter William Thurston, wore in town Sat urday from Princeton. Misses MtirioD McCrary, Kathonne ar.d l.i.-a Bean were delightful visitors in the city from Clinton Saturday. Ihs Baptist Church at Enoree has extended a call to Rev. T C. Jack3, in viting him to becomo tho pastor for another year. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Clardy visited Dr. Aus tin's family at Coronaca Sunday am", Monday. Irene, the three year old daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Addison Taylor of Tum bling Shoals, died last Friday and wi's buried at Union Church Saturday. Oi e of tho now and interesting adt proaenteu to our readers to-day is that of Darlingion & Irby, agents for the celebra'ed Peruvian Guano. Monday January 2d being a National Holiday, public sales of all kinds will not b? made until Tuesday, January :id This applies to the sale of the Coripton estate advertised to-day. Hov . Jamos Bradley of tho Seminary was in town Monday, returning to Co lumbia from Lisbon, where he preached Sunday, no has accepted a c Jl to this church. Kev. W. B. Duncan and family left Monday for Conference. Quito a num b'. r were at t he depot to see them otT. Just before the train pulled out the pupils of tho graded school in charge of Supt. Jones and assistants t.iarched to the station and joined the group now quite a largo one, in bidding good bye to the beloved and popular preach er and h s interesting family. It was a very pretty incident and Mr. Duncan deeply appreciated tho compliment Cnpt. Clarke Bled Yesterday. The news of the doath of ('apt. J. W. Clarke at Union yestorday morning at 10 o'clock, was received in Laurens with many expross'ons of regret and sorrow. Capt. Clarke is remomb^red by every one in Laurens ss tho popular and courteous proprlet r of I he Hen Dei n for a number of years, and withal a kindly and affuhlo gentleman. Or. Martin Pass s Away. Dr. Ben E. Martin, the well known proprietor of the Ben-Dolla Hotel, passed away at 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon, just six hours aftor the death of that veteran hotel man, Capt. Clarke of Union and former proprietor of the Bon-Dolta. Dr. Martin's death was duo to a pro longed attack of dysentery. Be was ill about three weeks. Had ho livod until Dec. 26tb, ho would have been 60 years o'd. He leaves a wifo and four ohildron. Mrs. Martin was Miss Delia Anderson of Waterloo. Tho children uro Dugar, of Summersett, Ky., and Missos Corrino, Anna and Deila Marlin, who reside with their paronts. Dr. Martin had boon in the hotel bus iness for a long time having bought the site after the old Continental was burn ed, and erected tho first Ben-Dolla. After it was destroyed eome 12 years ago tho present 'modern hostelry was built. He entered tho army as a boy and was one of Hampton's faithful couriers. Aftor tho war ho studied medicine and was a successful practlctioner up to a few years ago whon ho relinquish ed aotive practice to devote his full time to his hotel. He was a good citizen and as a hotel man universally popular. Tho burlul will take placo at the city "cemetery, to-day at 8 o'clock. Mr. Duncan and Family Honored. Friday oveniug tho pestors and olll cers of ull the other churches of tbe ol y joined the congregation of the First Methodist Church in a reception, givon in honor of Uev. W. B Duncan and family. Mr. Duncan, as all know, is the beloved pastor of the First Church and during his four years as pastor and citizen he has greatly en deared hiiuso'f to all, who sincerely regret that his four years limit is about to expiro. The reception Friday eve ning affordod tho opportunity of meet ing socially tho pastor and family and the occasion was rendered pleasant and enjoyable Tho Ladies' Aid So ciety was in charge. A feature of the I evening was tho serving of dolica'o ro ! f oshmentf. The reception was held In tho Sun day School rooms. A Musical. Mrs. W. E. Lucas, asdeted by Mr. Hmuett, Mr. Hicks and other local tal ent will givo a Musical for tho bent ill of tho Public Library at tho home of Mrs. J. H. Sullivan, on the evening of Dec. 27th. Tho public is cordially in vited to attend and aid a good cause . Admission 26 centp. WOUND PROVED FATAL. Sam Dutiful), IV I red, Killed by Ills Sou. Sim Dunlap, colored, died at hi home two miles from tho cty Sunday morning frc m a gun shot wound re ceived Thursday eveu.n* at the hands of his son, Al Dunlap, a boy about 15 yoars old. Tho boy has been com mitted to jail. It atoms that tho boy bhot hin father while insnnely drunk. Ho had a gun and was making th'ngs pretty live'y. Old Sam tried to quiet him and (lnally undertook to disarm him. Tho boy told him not to come on him, that h ? would shoot him. The old man ?p proachod and sure enough .h i boy fired. The charge took e fleet in the abdomou. The l oy soonis to greatly regret the uflalr. Knights Teuiplar Degree. G. P. Smith ana J. W. Copeluud, Jr., of Clinton wont to Greonville FYldt?y oveniug, where they wore given tho Knights Templar Degree ly the Groenvllle Commandery. They were accompanied by J. S. Machen and M. L. Nash. Successful School Entci tnlninent. A very delightful school en'.ertain menb was given Saturday n'ght by the pupil* of the Laurens Mill School. An Intertsting and highly entertaining programme consisting of song.', racita tions and declamation, was executed under the direction of Mies Harris and her assistants, Miss Simpson and Mi-a Ball One of the ?apeclally pleasing features o( the evening wasa recitation by Mrs. Mary Prentlss which was en thusiastically received. Ladies Will Organ (zu Association. We have been requested to malte tho following announcement; "A meeting will bo hold at the Court. House, on Thursday afternoon, 15th Irs', at four o'cloch for the purpose of organizing an Industrial School Asso ciation. Every woman who has a heart to feel for iho wrongs of children, or who la interested in tho up-bnlldiug of our citizenship is urged to attend ihip moo'ing, whethor sbj expects to join tho association or not." Fire in the County. Mrs J. Thos. Farro.v of Dials lost h r barn by fire one night last week It is not known h w tho fire origi nated. No ii suiunce. FREI) E. KNOX DIES HERE. He Was a Native of Now York and lind Lived Here a Year. Mr. Fred E Knox for the past year foreman of the finishing department at the Furniture Factory, died of pneu monia at his apartments in this city Sunday night at 10 o'clock. Ho was ill about two weeks. Mr. Knox was a native of New York, and during his residence here he had made many warm friends who sincerely regret his departure. Ho was a member of .the Presbyterian church and a Knight of Honor in which order it is utiders'ood ho had $2,000 life insurance. He was 50 years old and leaves his wife and three oh ldren, two sons and a daugh ter. Tho daughter Mrs. W- H. Shear er of New York, and one of the sons Kol la Kr. ox of New Jersey arrived In the city yesterday The other son Gto. Knox llvos in California and of course could not reach horo. Death of an Infant. The sympathy of many frlonds goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of Waterloo in tho death of their Infant son, Juliun Franklin, which occured last Wednesday. Gifts That Women Rejoice to Receive. All thoughts are now turning Christ masward, and THE HUB, you may be sure is making splendid Christmas showings of all sorts of Qoods in its line. The class of Gifts shown here are not, we need scarcely say, of the trashy, perishable sort; but are gifts that women rejoice to receive because in them attractiveness and usefulness are happily combined. Among them we call especial attention to the following: Hand and Shopping; Bags and Belts. A complete line of the latest Novelties in Hand and Shopping Bags, 25c to $1.00 The newest ideas and Nobbiest Styles in Ladies' Belts-=all colors and prices, - -- -- -- -- - 15c to $1.00 Hosts of Handkerchiefs: Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, only Sheer, all Linen, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, only - Fine, Embroideried, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 5c 10c 15c to 25c New Neckwear of the Latest Type. Dozens of new styles for Gift Choosing,25c to $1.00 Ladies' * Buster Brown Linen Collars, neat and comfortable, only. .15 Ladies' Jackets. 59.00 Jackets, Christmas Sale Price, only.$7.50 6.50 Jackets, Christmas Sale Price, only. 5.00 5.00 Jackets, Christmas Sale Price, only. 3.50 CORSETS AND UNDERSKIRTS. Ladies' Underskirts made of Fine Black Mer cerized Satine, cut full and wide, a $1.50 Skirt for.$1.25 Colton's Invisible Lacing Corsets, the Acme of Style and Comfort, made to fit all figures,.$1.00 Shoes for Gifts. For your Mother, your Wife, your Sister or your Daughter get a pair of elegant Regina Shoes. Can't be matched for style and durability, $3.00. Modish Millinery. This has been a very successful Millinery season, we are going to show our appreciation by winding up the season with some extraordinary bargains. If you have a Hat to buy it will pay you to call on THE HUB. Do Your Christmas Shopping at The Hub. I STATE AM) GENERAL NEWS. Seven'eeu young men were admitted to the bar by the Supremo Court lift Wednesday. Twelve charters and commissions, representing a capital in the aggregate of $1115,000 were Issued by tho Secre tary of State last.Wednesday. A board of appraisers has mado a re turn of tho estate of tho lato J. Matt Cooley of Anderson county and well known in this county. Tho total value of all his property is ilxod at $142,710.87. At a mass meeting atHalley, Oran^e burg County, attended by 350 farmers, last Wednesday, all sigi-ed a pledge not to market any more cotton under 10 cents, even if they havo to hold it a year or more. While hunting near Clark's Hill, Edgefield county, last Wednesday, Mr. T. 13. Bailey, son-in-law of the late Geo. D. Tillman, fell from a troo and crushed his skull. Ho was about 40 years old and was a leading citizen of Edgefield. Col. T. Larry Gantt has sold rut bis interests in Spartanburg and removed to Rome, Ga., where he wel bavn edi'orial charge of the Rome lb raid, an afternoon dailyV Col. Gn>U las been engaged in newspaper work in Sp-rtanburg and other places in South Carolina for tho past ten or twelve yi ars. Senator Platt of New York has in troduded a Hill in the United States Senate having for its purpose tho re duction of the representatives in Con gress of Southern States that havo dis franchised the negro voters. If the measure is enacted as introduced South Carolina will havo only 5 Con gressman and tho total membership of the House will be lessened by 19. Last week the Comptroller sent, out to the various counties $75,000 of dispensary school money, of which amount Laurons received $2,040.68. Since tho first of January a total of $276,454.55, besides $5,000 used for tho Summer Schools has been distributed in the >tato from Dispensary funds for Schools purposes. Gov. Hey ward has decided to order an eleo'.ion for the new county of Cab houn, which is to be taken from tho counties of Greenwood, Abbeville and Kdneffeld. If the county Isestablisbed, McCormlok will bo the county s'iat. Tlie Governor issued u statement as to tho e cctlon Friday and appointed Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, as the time for holding the same. At Dal/ell, Surater county, K'.ias R. Moore, a prominent and successful far mer, met his death in a horrible man - ner last Thursday In attempticg to put a belt on while the machinery of his ginnory was in motion his clothing was caught I y a projecting nut and immediately he was joiked around the shafting, beating his body against the ground and timbers. He lived about three hours. Copt. A. W. Hudgens. Capt. Ambrose W. Hudgens died at h's homo at Easley, Friday night, after an illness of several months. He was 03 years old and moved from this county to Easley 27 years ago. During Cleveland's administration ho was postmaster at Easley and his duties In this capacity wero discharged with that faithfulness and efficiency th?.t characterized tho performance of every duty, both In war and in peaco. Ho is survived by his wife, who was a Miss Kennedy of this county, three, one of whom is T. K. Hudgens of this city and two diughters, bes'de.? two brothers, John M. and R. II. Hudgens of I he city and two sisters, Mrs. Wolff, wifo of Dr. J. S. Wolff and Mrs. Moore, wife of Capt. John Moore of ih<- county. Tho funeral conducted by the Masons, took place at Easley Sun day sfteri oon nt 3 o'c'ook and was attended by T K. Hudgens, John M. and II II. Hudgi ns, II. S. If -nn dy and Mr--. I) 0. Barks dale from this city. , CROSS HILL HAPPENINGS. I .Heeling of the Daughters of the Con - federacy. Cross Hill, Dec. 10.?Mrs. ! G. D. Yon tig went to Greenwood Tuesday. ! J. Donnon Witherspoon has bought the store-house owned by ' C. I). Nance, Mr. Nance ex i poets to move to Calhonn Falls where he will continue in the i mercantile business. The Daughters of the Confed eracy had a very pleasant meet i ing at their usual place of meet ing, and the number of articles, both new and old, contributed by the members for the rummage sale gives evidence of much in terest in the work. J. RufllS Wilcutt has been in 1 Union on business this week. i K. C. Davenport of Augusta will spend Christinas Week with I his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Davenport. ^Horse-back riding is the latest I out-door amusement and it is very much enjoyed by all who I are so fortunate as to have a gen tle horse. We arc sorry that Mr. Perm : Goodman is very low with as thma. I W. C. Hill of Carroll will move here next Wednesday. GREAT HORROR STUNS TRENTON. Bc?.B. Hughes and Family Exterminated. KILLED AND BUHNED. Everything Points to the Husband and Father as Perpetrator of this Horrible Affair. In the town of Trenton, Edgeliold county, Hen. 13. Hughes, Iiis wife and two daughters wore killed about 5 o'clock Thursday morning and the dwelling burned to the ground over their dead bodies. It was just at daybreak when a neigh bor discovered the Hughes home in flames. Quickly the inhabitants of the villago were arousud and all hHsteued to the scone. The flro had made such headway however, that it was impossible to en ter the building when the first arri vals reached it. Inquiry soon revealed the fact that none of the occupants of tho house had been seen and presently tbo awful horror that was soon to be known began to dawn on the neighbors. It was too late then to attempt to save tho victims. Of course no one dreamed that tho family had been killed bef >ro the house was set on lire. That they had been unable to escape after tho fire bad started and had simply been suffo cated or burned in their beds was but a natural conclusion. But horror was added to horror when it was discovered that murder had been done, a terrible orlme committed. As soon a i tho flames had subsided sufficiently, tbo investigation commenc ed. Side by side the semi-charrod bodies of the two slslors, Misses Emily and Eva Hughes, aged 18 and 15 years respective y, were found on the springs of their bod, whi'o those of Mr. Hughes and wife were just across the hall from the girls. It could be plainly seen that too young ladles' beads had been crushed in with some blunt instrument and their I,air was matted with blood. Mrs. Hughes' body was so badly burn ed it can not be stated how she met death, like h-r daughters she was undoubtedly killed Ivforo the fire rJset fire to tho dwelling and committed suicide. B B. Hughes who was about \'2 years of ago was regarded as a man in oasy, being a successful mer chant and fanner, and one who attend ed to his own a flairs, Somo of his neighbors recall, however, that ho ap p ared somewhat worried oa account of tho slump in cotton, as he had conside rable holdings. He had just completed '. modern residence only a short distance from tho house in whloh tho awful tragedy was enacted, and the family expected to get moved into their now home by Christmas. The suicide of one of Hughes' broth ers while at college is a fact that has been printed in connection with this horrible story. For Sale ? Ono i? horse power Engine and one No. I I)-loach Saw Mill in first class running order. Will sell cheap. W. 0. Deck Paul. s. ?. Dec. 14, ?03. 2t. QOOOOOOOOOOO* Insure Your Proper ty In Old Line Companies. In case of loss we pay promptly, without discount, and do not claim the b'O days usual to contracts of insurance. Only the best com p a nies represented, city and county prop erty written at regu lar rates. See us. Every courtesy ex tended. A. C. TO DD & CO. OOOOOOOOOOOi gn>N llfAIMttMaao wroj-.-aiau es j] WE want all interested !fj MACHINERY TO HAV8 OUH NAME BEFORE THKM DURING 1905 Wrlto uo stating what kind of Machinery you use or will install, nnel wo will mil you Free of all Cost A HANCSOME AN O USEFUL pocket diary and Atlas OR A LARGE Commercial Calendar (iibbes Machinery Company, columbia, s. c. A 3TOOK OP HORSE POWER HAY PRESSKS TO BE CLOSED OUT AT special prices