The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 23, 1904, Image 2

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Tllfc ADVERTISER. ubsoription Prlcc-12 Months, $1.00 Payable In Advance. Bates for Advertising,?Ordinary ad- f - vertlsuments, per square, one lusor tlon, 91.00; each subsequent insertion, 60 oonts. Liberal reduction made lor large Advertisements. W. W. BALL, Proprietor. Entered at the postofflee at Laurens, S. C, as s coml class mall matter. LAUKKNS, B.C., Nov. 88, 19U4. Wo Lope that theoity of Laurens will ba careful to put In a good sewerage system. ? We repeat that the peop'.e of Chore kee wanted prohibition enough to pay for it. Mr. E. G. Saudifer, a br'ght young man, has established The New Era lo Yorkvlllc. There were already four newspapers in tho coun'y. fie ie un dertaking a daring rxporiment If he makes as good a uewspaper as The YorkvlHe Enquirer be will make one of the best ip this little world. * Where Murder Is aCiIme. In Ocmee County within the p?st twelve, months two whito men have been found guilty and sentenced lo be hanged. * What About a Third Ter ml In tho mld8tof the riotous and con founding cackling of the South Caroli na newspapers over who shall be our next governor, we rise to if quire What Is the raattor with Duncan Clinch Hoy ward, the Colleton farmer and Oconee commuter? Ho la the best governor that South Carolina has had since that noble gentleman, tho late. Mr. John Potor Richardson, retlied from office in 1890. Two terms aro only four years In the governor's chair and half aa loug a* presidents of the United Statos some times hold ofiice. We may not commit ourselves on the subject of tho governorship until our good friend Mr- Hey ward Indicates that he will not bo a candidate again in 1900. It Is possible that we may not commit oursolves then. Why Not Manufacture! If tho State of South Carolina finds it profitable to sell whiskey why does it not make whiskey ? Why the corn whiskey distillery In Columbia be a private concern with dispensary effi cials, perhaps, stockholders .in it? If Ihe Stato must buy.two million do' lara worth of whiskey each yea**, why should it pay a big profit to dealers and manufacturers In other States? The loving father of tho dispensary, our noble leader B. R. Tlllman de clared at Qaffoey that the purchase of case goods should be st pped and what our noble leader says usually goes?ex cept In Cherokee and Greenville, some times. If the dispensary should sell only ' fuss X", two X, three X and four X, the manufacture of the whiskey would be simple. With a peck of nub bins, a bold spring, a washpot, 40 foet of gas pipe, a little nitro-glycerioe, strychnine, petroleum and hell, any inunOnt o/.^va.Fittt^-vv'-'rOMW- /taring CM1 and they can blow as many X's as they choose in the bottle. ? About Immigration. Each worthy immigrant who makes his homo in South Carolina helps to mako this a white man's country. We are prone at times to be boastful about our peop'.e, our State and our country. A reasonable amount of 6uch pitting of ourselves on the back is ex cusable. Perhaps it Is even beneficial. Nevertheless, we are not the only peo ple In the woi Id. We have In mind two immigrants who hnve lived in thin town 30 or 40 years or longer. We do not remember a good came in which they have not been enlisted. Our county is Inhabited by good peoples. The natives will average with the best in tho world. Nevertheless, we believe that every thinking man in Laurens will agree with us when wo say that If 1000 men of the stamp of J. J. Pluss and L. G. Balle should settle in Laurens county in 1005 the average of our citizenship in intelligence, sobriety, iudustry, honesty and tho other manly virtues would be so dist'netly raised that no othor county in South Carolina or in the United States could risk compari flon with Laurens. Moreovo;*, they are not the only Im migrants who have been and are valua ble clt'/.ens. Wo think that the older people of Laurons recalling the for eigners who have lived and died In Laurons County within the past half century, will bjar wl'ness that 'hey have as a rulo been good men and true. Law and Order Leagues. Thp forming of law and order leagues Is not an idle proceeding. Nearly two years ago the substant'al peoplo of Saluda county, a/ormed at the fre <l icney of homicides, held a meeting. They formed an orgsnizHlon, The re s ilt Ir s not been as jet to lessen tha njmbcT of homicldf a but this year con victions have been frequent in the Courts. Two woll-t"-do white mon who butchered a young morchant are un der sentence of imprisonment hi the penitent'ary, one of them for life Three joung whlti men who cruelly Killod an unoffending ne/ro are under ?entero. When convictions have be <;o ne the rule, when men find thrt they cannot murder and go free, they will csbso to mimW. No Intelligent man will k.ll another man without ex u e with the certainty of a term in the pen itentiary b.'fo e h'm. T i many coun ties thoro ISt o such co talnty Tio organlz'ng of 'In lo^gue In flftloda Caused the le'.ttr man of the county t > "feel tho elbow touch " L emboldened them. It gave courage to official \ It In said that tho Jury com m'sg'o era of Sa'tida are vory rarefu' lO'fee'.eaiiug rame-? f >r the jury box. Tho tlmo ha*i nr.ived when the pret ence of n man's name in iho Salnda jury box is a testimonial of hh integrity, h!s bravery, his sons* of truth and howr There tire men in Saluda county who can't get on the juries for the i jury list is Iho list of the decent and re ? Hp.etabo. This has been brough ibout very largely by this law and or der league. lu Laurent county lawlessness has not been common In recent years. Our juries lav. l uen as a rule good juries. \\ ben, however, one guilty man gees unpunished the orimo of the jury Is Bure to bear fru t in many other coun ties. If t*r.o readers of this will run over in mind (he ead tragedies that have o>used deep and unending sorrow in this county, they will recall more th d on? that v. us caused by effort* to re dr 8s grievances by other moans than those knowu to ihe taw. Mr. Fleming In Charleston. J. O. C Fleming of Laurens, was in the city yes'.erdiy and attended ihe meeting of the b>ard of directors of the Charleston at d Westorn Caroiiua Railway, held yeslirda>. Mr. F.eraing is one of the leading business mon ol the up-oountry and is a c lector in tho Laureua Cotton Mill an 1 in the Waro'r SIioaIs Cotton Mill, a'.d Is connect d wlih numerous bank* and other cor porations. 1 Tho city of Lsur hp," said Mr. Fleming ytserday, "Js ge' tlog its share of the p?-osp~iiy wboh the whole Piedmont ??.e'lon Is now on joying, and many public improvein uits are boing made. Tho farm rs are in a better condition than usua' un 1 as a rc I suit the merchants are prosper ng? Ndws and Courier, 17th lost. ONLY MAKES A BAD MATT KU WORSE. Porhaps you have novor thought of It, but the fact must be apparent to every one that constipation Is cau-ed by a lack of water In the system, and the us) of drastic cathartics like the old fdbhloLed pills only makes a bad matter wors?. t haniberialn's Stomach and Liver Tablets are much more mild and gentle in thoir rdect, and when the proper do e is taken their action Ik 80 natural one can hardly real'xe It is the ?fToct of a medicine. Try a 2;"> cent b >ttie of them. For sale by Lau rens Prug Co snd Di, 13. F. Posoy. -? ??? ? Cotton House Bururd. Thursday night about 11 o'clock a co ton house on tho placa of L S. Madden, four miles South-east of the city was destroyed by Ore, including a bale of cotton and a quaniity of cotton seed. NO FOISON IN CHAMBERLAIN'8 COUGH REMEDY. Fioji Napier, New Zealand, H< raid: Two jears ago tho Pharmacy Boaid of New South Wale?, Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medi cines that were sold In that market. Out of the euli.'o list they found o.ily one that thoy declared was entlroly tree fron all poison. This exception was Cl amberiain's Cough Remedy, made by the chamberlain Mtdiclne Company, Dos Molnies, U. fc*. A. The ab ence of all narcotics makes this remedy tho safest and best that can he had; and It Is with a feeding of security that any mother can give It to her lit tle ones. Cbamberlaiu's Cough R-m edy Is (special^ recomm-nded by its makers for cough?, colds, croup and whoop'ng cough. This remedy ts for sale by Laurens Drug Co. and Dr. D. F. Posey. ASSAULTED BY A NEURO. W. 1?. Coker of .Yonags Had His Arm Broken by Negro Farm Hand. W. P. Coker of Cedai Grove wa9 in the city Thursday, carrying his left stui soirwrliiV" ? J.t<V.b?8tJiujXf red.Apd.l8 result of an assault made on him about two weeks ago by a nogro tenant. It seenn that Mr. Cokor with the consent of the negro, had started to move some cotton from the negro's house to his own. Before reaching the tenant's house, Mr. Coker met the ne gro who now defiantly objected to the removal of the cotton, Qnally attacking Mr. Coker, jerking him from the wagon and causing him to fall heavily to the ground with the result as stated above. LOST THEIR GRIPS. S. T. John?on thought himself a goner when Grippe took hold of him last fall. A 25 cents bottle of Dr. King's Wild Cherry and Tar made it turn loose. Dr. King's Wild Cherry and Tar is a great La Grippe Medicine and seems to cure all who take it. Fort Mill Mf'g Co. Fort Mill, S. O. Tastes good and sold by Palmetto Drug Co. Have Betured to Culm. Messrs. Mills and Omer Halentine, sons of Mr. D. F. Balentineof this city, accompanied by their sister, Miss Mat tie, left la?t week for Cuba, whore the young mon expect to resume the work left off last summer, that of building chapela and churches, while Miss Bal entine will continue to do missionary work. MR. WADE RUN DOWN Down at Hasty, N. C , lives a w ll known planter, J. D. Wade. Says he: ?*I was run down a'most to the point of giving up. I took two bottles of King's Iron Bittern and now am as arood ai over. I took other tonics but found nothing to compare with King's." So'd and guaranteed by Palmetto Drug Co. WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD TOLD. You want a remedy that will not only cive cjulck relief but cIT? ct a per manent euro. You want a remedy t^at will relieve the lungs und keep expectoration easy You want a remedy that will conn 1 toract any tendoncy toward pneumo nia. You want a remedy that is and safe to take. l hambcrlaio's Cough Remedy meots all of these requirements and for the sp30f!y and permanent cure of bad co'ds s'and? without a peer. For sale by Laurens Drug t o. pj)<] Dr. It. F, Posoy. ThniikHgiving Day. As usual tho banks, stores pnd nil other places of 1 U'lness will be closed t lUiurrow in objervance of lho day s?t apart! r Thanksgiving. Atllo'c ock Union services appro- j prl??e to the day will ho hold at the : Firht MethodM Church aid at the| same hour iho r. guLr Thank giving norvlcd will be conducted at the First Baptist Church. The collections wl 1 go to the various orphanages of tho rt'Hi?. ''TVIIEN YOU'RE IN DOUBT, LEAD, TRUMP3." Dr. King's medicines are prescribed by doctors. Do y<.u know any other they recommend? A connle'o Irs kept by Palmetto Drug Co. CHAPTER VII. ND you will not Btay?" "I cannot, mademoiselle." They stood a little way from the inn porch between low box rows, and the young Frenchman's eyes looked back the stenciled moon light. "Yet," Anue continued, "lust time we met monsieur, I should not have deem ed It too much to ask of you. There are those of your sex who would not scorn the tedium of an evening with me. Would I bad spared my invita tion and my blushes!" "CruelI When you know I would glvo so much?anything?for an hour with you." She touched his sleovo lightly. "We ?hall sit beforo the fire," she sntd, "and you shall tell us tales of France and of the life In your own country. 'T1b chill here." "Mademoiselle, I cannot I have a tryst tonight." "With beauty? Then will I not de lay so gallant n cavalier." She left him and walked toward the porch, but her steps lagged. Turning, ?ho saw him standing still, looking after her, then came back, lacing her Angers togother. "You will not stay?" He shook Iiis head. '1 know why you go," she said after a moment's pause. "I heard it?I saw it" "You saw"? "The quarrel In the parlor. 1 was in the courtyard by the window. I know what you would do." He looked at h^r uncertainly, his eyes dark and bright. (i 'Twos a craven thing," she went on, "a dastardly sneer at a brave, true hearted gentleman. My Lord Fairfax 1? old, and the cowards, the pitiful ; cowards who knew him and have eaten at his table, they sat and heard and tit tered behind their hands. But you must not tight! You must not!" "And why not?" he asked. "An old 1 man, a noble baited by a swine! Should not such be resented by gentlemen? And shall I, who have struck that scoundrel, refuse to meet him?" "He has killed before!" she cried. "He has the quiekest rapier In Vlr ginin. it would lie murder." "Mademoiselle. 1 ask yon -would you have me fear?" '? 'Tis no question of courage," she went on hurriedly. "Must not I, who saw It, know that? Only you of tin-in all dared to resent it. Monsieur, you are brave." "Mademoiselle!" ' Hut it was In my lord's cause, and I ask It for bis sake. If?If you fall, he would sorrow for It till bis death. And ?and"? "And you?" lie had bent forward eagerly. "Would yon sorrow, made moiselle?" "My lord's grief would be mine." The young Frenchman drew a deep breath. "That Is all?" be said sadly. "I am nothing bntvnih\v^,W'gfhnH?'*t!h"h': not make your heart beat one bit faster or nunc slow? Because our ways have crossed but one.', shall you tell me I cannot know your heart'.' Wo are like stnrs. mademoiselle, we human ones little stars wandering In a vault of blue. When one star has found its mate, about which Coil has made It revolve, shall the star refuse to obey because It has never known that star before? Hnvo I found the one woman In the world tor me, and she does not see I he divine in it V" Somewhere far away n whlppoorwlll began to call, a liquid gurgle through the clasping dark. There came the stamping of horses and n whinny from the stables. "Tell me, am I no more to you than thai at ranger passing by?" Anne's voice held a tremor, but she spoke earnestly and softly: "You are more than that. Von are one who once guarded me from danger one whom I have Ibis evening seen do a gentle deed (hat I shall remember always." "AS. it was nothing," he answered. "Was it more than any gentleman might do? They were not gentlemen there. Hut I would he so proud of It, mademoiselle, if It made you care ever so slightly, as I have said. If It made you think of me not as a stranger, but ns Ruddenly a little nearer, a little clos er than all else besides. Do you re netuber what I told yon that day as we rode In the wood? That a man has a want f ir two things?n cause to tight for nlid some one to wait for him? It Is near the time now, and I must go, mademoiselle, out into the moonlight. I should go Joyful If you but told me tint lost waul was mine. You?you cannot give me that?" Anne did not answer, but she was trembling with a new sense of Intoxi cation. "I ask you to give me a token, soinc thlug to carry with me as I ride to keep the memory of always, to"? "Monsieur!" "I love you!" "No, no!" Rho cried. "I cannot listen! I"? "I love you!" "Slop!" "Once to touch your Hps"? II?; was leaning near her, so near she could feel his breath warm upon her cheek. In a sudden surge of revolt she thrust out her arm as If to further the distance between them. "No!" she cried. "No! How dare you ask me that? How dnrc you?" "Ah, mademoiselle!" "Count you me so cheap?" site asked, turning halt way, but she did noj hasten, lie dropped on 01ju knee and lifted the hem of her skirt to his lips. She let her hand fall upon bis head with a fluttering gesture. Then, ns he started up with a Joyful exclamntlon. she ra.n back toward the porch. Standing with bared head in the moonlight, he saw her pause on the threshold-?MW tin- heavy door close be hind her. "Kptl clod!" bubbled a furious voice behind hlin. The young man turned composedly as (he figure came out of the darkness of the highroad behind him, "Ah, my Jarrnt," he said, "is it yon, then?" "Look yon!" .larrat's voice was hoarse with passion. There are Rome Illing? that are denied you. This is one. Be warned!" "Warned? And by you?" laughed the other. "You lay a law for me? Wherefore?" / "Our coiupact"* "Ami ilu 1 nut hold to tt, monsieur? Dkl you not tell nie to Bcnroh out the bright oyoa nnd red lips? Did you not Bliy to tuo thtlt love wns full* In the middle plantation? Did you not whis per of proud Indies waiting to ho klsr, cd?" Jarrnt burst Into a laugh. "You! Why, you pitiful fool! So tins is tho why of sueb brave daring! Insults, forsooth, anil duels will) goil tlemen! A line nobleman it Is. to be sure! Think you the toast of Virginia is to be charmed by your tinsel swash* buckling? Think you that Mistress TUlotsou would lower her eyes to you?" "She hns already lowered her eyes to me. monsie ur." "I tell you I will have you keep your clerk's l uce elf nvhere!" "Clerk?" repeated the "No, no. Not a clerk; a nobleman, a marquis one of the high blood u title guaranteed mo this morning by my lord the Barl of Dunuiore." "So tintl Is p.," jet red the other fierce ly. "You think *o wed a lady by this bravenuir.pi . >. You dream"? "Not by this masquerade?no," said the Frenchman, :> brightening stain coming to his face. "By only my heart. By only what It holds, monsieur. I said she had already lowered her eyes to me. Yes, the fairest lady In Vir ginia, and still she does not guess of our plan and of my bargain this morn ing with his excellency! Ah, such hap piness! I did not even dream It would bo so?that she would regard me, mo Just ns I am. When his excellency has returned?when I am a nobleman?I shall have this to remember that It was so. That when she (Irst gave me her hand to kiss It was to me. just to M. Anr.itnd?not to the marquis which l ?hitll become." "A title." prompted "good only so Ion;: as I please." ' Yon will not tell her otherwise. No. Hocnuse you wish me to carry out tills purpose--this pretty play the plan of which has so Joyed the noble earl In the fort yonder and made him smile upon you and swear you were tit for a cardinal. You would not cloud this beaming favor of his with early fail ure. No, you will tell no one. A man serves either love or ambition, and your ambition Is master. And IV I am not worthy to kiss her hand. No one on earth, rich or proud as be may be, could think himself that. Hut I could olTer her more than you, for If I had the whole world 1 would give it nil? wealth, name, ambition Just to be but a vagabond on the street witlt her! No, you will not tell her, monsieur, that I ant not what I may como to seem. You will not tell her." Jurrut's fuco purpled, "Beware, you spawnI" bo Haid In a choked voice. "On other points you are free while you serve In this. Hut go not fur along the way you have chosen "S? I?WSWoW?^ answer^ Dl" *.? r renchinan. The clatter of horses sounded, and the lank Qgurc of Henry came from the stable yard leading two mounts. As the pair took saddle and rodo away Jarrnt stood looking after them down the highroad. "So tho lady has lowered her eyes to you?" he scoffed, with a dark smile on his arrogant lips. ' And 1 dare not spoil your gay masquerade? I wouldn't give u pistole for your chances with Foy, He will end you as he would undo an oyster. You made it mistake, niy now la ill innrqills, in soaring so high, and a worse one In bragging of it. Hut for that touching scene In the yard 1 had stopped that blundering idiot, but now he may spit you and welcome!" The rattle of departing hoofs had sc?tree died away when Anne crept softly down the stair of the ban. She had donned a long cloak, and from tin der the edge of its hood, drawn over her hair, her blue eyes looked out with a feverish brightness. The hall was lighted with a great lantern, whose yellow Mood added to the (lower white pallor of her counte nance. The clock was striking 10. The soldiers had sought the fort to gain early rest, and the tOWIlfolk were gone home. The long parlor was still and dark. Through the open door Anne could see the litter of tankards and pipes and n lean dog, stretched with black muzzle laid to the threshold, asleep. She slipped through the door and to the highroad, and then, with tremu lous tits of fear at the shadows, ran at her best pace toward the fort. It was n good half mile, and she reached it out of breath. A sentry at the gate stopped her, and to him she said she Wished to see the governor on Impor tant business. "I know not If In; will SCO you," hn objected doubtfully. "It Is late, and the march is to begin at sunup." "But ho must sec me," she told hint. "Tell him he must!" Ho left her for a moment, then, re- | turning, led her across a court of hard beaten earth Into a log building con taining a single room. At tho far end was a table strewn with papers and i maps. A sword rack was nnlled to the wall. In nn armchair before the table, his plumed hat and sword tossed across It, Sat the governor, heavy, coarse fontur- ' ed, with reddish, muddy Bkinncd coin plexlon under a black curled wig. He was pig necked and his eyes were bloodshot. Slut came into the center of the room and COUrtested slowly, while thp oor| rose clumsily, his red eyes flaming over j her lithe young beauty, and sat down 1 again, tilting back his chair. "Your excellency," she began, "will pardon this Intrusion and my haste. A duel Is to bo fought this night on Loudon field, and I?I appeal to you to i prevent It." "A duel?" The earl bent his bulky neck. "V faith, this Is not the court at Willlamshurg. I havo weightier red skin matters at present to fill my time. ' But 'tis truly a desperate encounter to cause such a pretty interest from Mis tress Tlllotson. And whot light they , over, pray? I warrant mo they have , seen your eyes eh?" "At the King's Arms tonight," she said, flushing, "nn affront was offered to a gentleman who wh)i absent." "Who was this gentleman?" "Colonel Washington." "The Mount Vernon farmer whom the rebels bespeak to drill their hinds. HumpfiT And" whoso WU the affront, eh?" "Your excellency's aid, Captain Foy." The governor slapped the tahl*, high ly amused. "'Twns Foy? 'Od's fish, but he has a high stomach. Ho carries a pretty point, though, and has used It too. Ha can tnko tare of himself. And why think you I should trouble myself over auch playful bloodletting, mistress? Soldiering makes one not so squeamish. Huitb, but 1 hove had affairs in my day. When I was a braw young blade ?aye, and there were pretty eyes went red then, too," he added, with a boister ous laugh. Anne's lingers quivered with resent ment, and storm came to her eyes. "Your excellency," she cried, "the thing was but a trick to wound and llout a loyal hearted gentleman!" "Ah, Indeed! And who this timer" "My Lord Fairfax." The earl chuckled In his chair. "So the baron took up for his farmer friend, eh?" he asked, shaking his sides. "I scarce assume that Foy is going to light the old man." Anne bad drawn herself up, her face pale with this added humiliation. She replied with dignity: "No, your excellency. The affront was answered by a French gentleman named Armand." At the name the governor dropped his feet shuttling, and a quick gleam darted across his Uorld face. "ArmandI" he cried. "The devil, eh? Foy to fight him?" He struck the bell for the orderly as be spoke. "It shall be stopped," he weut on. "An uffront to lx>rd Fnlrfux, you say? a king's man, aye, and a loyal. Lou don Held, Is it? Foy shall bo disci plined, the rascal! I thank you, mis tress, for this information. I ahull send at once and put a stop to the meeting." He was leading her to the door ns he spoke, not waiting her thanks, and as she went out she heard him rumbling angry instructions to his orderly. Before sho had gone from view of the fort guto four mounted men pour ed out and cluttered down the high road at a planter's pace. Later, in her own chamber, Anus opened her window and, leaning far out on the ledge, gazed Into tho night. " 'Like little stars,' " she murmured, " 'wandering in the blue.' " Then, after n pause, " 'A little nearer, u little closer ! than all else besides.' " To be continued. ONE BOX FIXED HIM. Shopton, N. C. "I have had kidney 'rouble for tho las', four y>ars, and got .'o relief until I tried Dr. King's Blood and Liver Pills, and one box entirely cuud Franklin Watt." $1.00 REWARD For Any Person Who Takes a Bottle of OUR NEW DISCOVERY (Nature's Remedy. ) The Groat Blood Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator, and Beeches NO Benefit. A Guarantee Goes With Each Bottle. And tho druggist signs the guaran tee. You run no risk in the trial. Our Now Discovery is not an alcoholic stimulant, which Is worse thau no stimulant, but it is th * great building J>ttjpi(y I OX JSmJv VH urj&\ftE from all Impurities, which gives new life and vig >r to every organ. It pos itively euros all blood diseases such as Itching skin, Pimples, Eczema, Blood* Po:son, Scrofula, Rheumatism, and it restorer tho Nervous System to its Normal condition, produces a healthy app. tite, tones and regulates tho heart, and It regulates the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. The use of a single bottle w.l! convince any one of its wonderful curative properties. For sale by The ! Liurons Drug Co.; W. W. Dodson. Nervous and t'ou'd Not Sleep. Columbia, S. C, April BI, 1904. De'ir Sirs: Aftor a fevore attack of g' ip. I waa all run down, and no appetite and was exceedingly wo*k, \ and could not sleep. I sought relief in Dr. Jamos' Iron Blood and Liver Tonic, i?n I tho money was well Invested? ! never got such gooJ returns for money I hives-od before. Beiore I had finished , ihe lir->t bottlo my appetite was goo I, a1 d I could rcet well at night. I can rot nay too much In prabc of Dr. James' Iron Blood and Liver Tonic. This testimonial is unsolicited, Respectfully Yours, J . S. Hot;AN, 228 Marlon St. NOTICE OF County Treasurer. Tho County Treasurer's Books will be open for collection of State, County and Commutation Road Taxes fo<* fis cal year lUOHat the Treasurer's Ofilco, from October l?th to December .'II, 1004' Those who pr. fer to do eo c?tn pay in January, 10t r>, wlthono per cent, ado! ional; those who prefer paying in February, 10?T>, can do so with 2 per cont. additional; those who prefer to p?y in March, 1!)0T>, to the 15th of Faid month, oho do so by pajirg an addi tional 7 percent. After said date tho books will close. All pers ns owning properly or pay ing 'axes for others in more than one Township are requ? st-d to c II for re ceipts in each townsh p in which they live. This is import-ant as additions! cost and penahy may not be attached Prompt attention will be given those Who wish to p*y their taxes through the m 'li by checks, money orders, etc. Persons a nding in lists of named to bd lakon off", are urged to send in early ns theTiettf u-er is very busy during tho mon li of Decembsr. The Tux ij-vy is as follows: Slate Tux, ? mills f'ounty Ordinary, 2% mills Spoclal County, 2\ mills Public Bond, If mills Sshoo', ;i mills Total 15 mills Spchll School, Loren?, 34 mills --pee ul School, Wil Orloo, 2 mills Sp oial School, Cr<?y Court, 2mB!s 8p< eiul 8ohi o', Cross Hill, \\ m ils special Sell ol. M .untvllb', 21 in Us <\> e'al Schoo', l-'onn ain Inn, 4 mil s Npt olal School, Hunter, il mil s AH ab'< -b died male citizens botwe n \ he. ag. s of 21 and 00 years aro liable o pay n i oil tax c f $1.00, except old soldii rs, who are exempt* st BO yeari>. Com mir at on Bo.d Tax *l 00, ip ) pu ' of working the pt}b)ip toads, to bo najd at the i inie Mu'o'l ab vo, Com s early and avo d the rush J. IL COPE LAND, Coun'y Trea urer. I.minus 3. C, Sept. ft,, 1004 d, SPECIAL NotIOB?1 have just recoived a fine line of fill Hnd w-nter samples of all tho hi'est styles. Price* to suit the timos. Paints made to order from $4.00 up. Suits made lo order from $12 oo up. A lit Is Alwr.ys guaranteed I also invite you to join my pressing club, only $1 oo por month. Phone 18o, Min ter bu'ldlng. E. J . BANCy, Taller. Safe and Sane INSURANCE We will vote for Parker and Davis We believe in "Safe and Sane" Democracy, and "Safe and Sane" Insurance. The best is none too good. Call on us to write you a line. A. . TODD & O. "Safe und Sane Insinance." SIMPSON & COOPER Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all Stole Courts. Prompt attention giver'to all businees. Dr. ChasfX^ElTctt, DENTIST. Law Rtutxc. W.U. KNIGHT. a. k. mm II KNIGHT & KAMI, Attorneys at Law. ??r Will practice In all the State and Federal Courts. Strict att< utlon to all biibiness Intrusted to tlic^i Office nr-sta'r*. Simmon"-' Dnildlrg ??.nn in ? i?WMMW-** Money Advanced onCollou. Wo arc prepared, as usual, t-i advance money on cotton stored with us. Lauhens Bonded Warehouse, N. B. Dial, President. J. I. Coleman, Man ff* r. For Sale 116 acres at Power's Shop, Dials township. 47 acres one mile from Gray Court. 70 acres close to town of Fountain Inn. Fine Rock Quarry at Qray Court. Hous and Lot at Fountain Inn. 171 acres one mile from Gray Court. 8 acres at Fountain Inn suitable for residence lots. The above can be bought on reasonable terms. J N. 1 HAK Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, Gray Court, S, C HINDI THE NEW NERVE TONIC AND KIDNEY CURE. OfennsM tlie Kidneys nnd Mnddor, purifies the Blood. Pu?? Flosh on thin people. strengthen.' 'mm0"'?- c,w!? '""-?Ii. <:..ivh N?rv?US pebllliy, Insomnia, Pnlltnn Momorv h.moiiw tho Vim, Viaor, Vitality and Strenath of Youth In both wenR Mon nn.l Women. ?cum, TIiIh New Remedy WOrknllkO Kfajrlc. hut Ih <il> eolutcly barmlew. Wolgh yourself Sfero taking] \vPr,0,?f B.? filW ,a *?o*??, SB.00. by mall. 5? ?lL?^"?J^nd M? money || you an Oot beuWlttcd. Try It and bo convinced. Laurens Drug Co. J. N. LEAK, Auctioneer, ?fters his services to the peo ple of Laurens County. f|r Wnnllov'c HKNT UKK ,0 aU Uli IfUUIISl 0 users of morphine. PAIMIFAR opium, laudanum, on. of b la m n elixir of opium, co OD ? Bt KB calnoor whiskey, a a M ? ?M 'nrKO book of par wL I HVB dcularson home or ? I HJB HVB sanatorium treat ? B.rLB ? ? mont. Address, Dr. AND ?. m. woollky, Whiskey Cure Atlanta, Georgia. W. Y. BOYD, Attorney at Law. Will practice In all Stale Courts, Prompt attention rIvku to all business. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law, LAURENS, S. C. The Bank; of.Laurens / * Laurens, S. C. ESTABLISHED NOVEMBER, 1 B?F3 $50,000 $10,000 Surplus iVlin-s / in a strong hank is better than government bonds, because ! it earns more and is quite as rife. This BanTc allows interest in its savings doparlment at four percent. peraniMM, compounded January and July. Its ample capital and surplus and careful c uVservative management affords ib3olute safety. Deposits received from one dollar up. O. tf. SIMMONS, President. J. Pluss, w- * Cail,e' CASHIliK. ASST. CASHIKK. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. I have bought out the Livery business of C. S. Fuller. I will conduct a First Class Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Always on hand safe horses and nice, turnouts at reasonable rates. Kentucky saddle and harness horses. Give me a trial. J. H. Davis. 'Phone 81. Fuller's Stand DYSPEPSIA CURED FREE! Wanted! 100 Genuine Cases of Chronic Dyspepsia, Who will each receive, free of Charge, a regular bottle of the vS. GROVFR GRAHAM REMEDY for DYSPEPSIA. The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee that it will cure Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Gastritis or any form of stomach disorder, no matter how chronic or severe. The very first dose removes all distress, tones the weak stomach, pre vents fermentation and restores digestion. Every nerve and fiber of the body depends upon the stomach for its support. When di gestion ceases a slov; form of starvation begins, and the vital or gans, deprived of their subsistance, become debilitated. Good di gestion is essential to health, proper assimilation of nourishment means pure, rich blood, strong nerves, sound sleep and makes life worth living. The most chronic case of stomach disorder is imme diately corrected bv our remedy. Write for Lecture on Dyspepsia, free, VS. Grover Graham Co., Newburgh, N. V. Remember! The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy is Guar anteed to cure, and in evidence of the desire of the proprietors to convince the public of the wonderful remedial properties possessed by this preparation, they have ma le arrangements to distribute, FREE OF CHARGE, ioo of the regular bottles to genuine cases. Cut out this advertisement and present at the druggists mentioned below. LAU RENS DRUG CO. L_AU RENS, 3. C. 5$ I Since the Cotton Season Started J? we have been unloading- on an average of one car FLOUR per week last week we unloaded two cars of 1st and 2nd patent. That Means Something!! We have never learned (he candidate's hearty handshake, nor do we pretend to love the "dear people" so much but we do claim that our methods are saving the farmers money, and making some for oursleves. Get our prices, and see quality of our goods. COTTON MILLS STORE < T. C. LUCAS, Mana ger ) DR. J?WIES; >R0N BLOOD The only Iron Toniowhloh itoH no? (??,,, ruin compound hns ourcd liumtrVX /'"''i people, ft inorcMOH iho ?netii?. ?ti '? tho,treulMi.,n. I f yon nrt> luilo ui,,| \v!> ,,'J! " For i no by PALMETTO l)i?U0 ?AN Da wf ulc,don't com LIVER TONIC The Best Tonic