FARM ? Before You Buy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. Garlinoton & Co., Laurens, S- C m~ PART TWO ? A SUPPLEMENT AlyL KINDS OF TURNIP SEED ?AT? Palmetto Drug: Co. Get them while stock is complete. vol XX. no. io ACTAEON BOOK CLUB ENTERTAINED New Books Received and Discussed by Guests. MEETING OF SYNOD. Pl*7 Fonse Made More Comfortable ?am Attractive?Opera Season Opens Tonight. Clinton, Oct. loth ?Miss Robert son of Waterloo is visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. M. Bord. Dr. and Mrs. Grey Bilisor arrived in town Friday and will spend several weeks with Mrs. Elliior's parent", Mr. and Mrs. S, M. Vance. Miss Lil Irby returned home Friday after a pleasant visit to Miss Laura Vance. Solicitor Julius Boggs of Pickens spent Saturday and Sunday with his alster, Mrs. H. I. Horton. Miss Lula Moseley was the guent of Miss Annie Copeland for several days during the past week. Mrs. Charles Moody and little deb tor will leave this week for their homo in Florida, after a visit of two months to Mrs. Susan Leake. The Synod of South Carolina meets here on the 18th. There will be from 160 to 200 delegates present and sev eral important questions are to be dis cussed during the week, one of which is the removal of the Seminary. On Friday afternoon Miss EUene McCaslsn vas hostess to the Aotaeon Book Club. The hour was very pleas antly spent in discussing eight orten new books that had been recently re ceived and planing for the winter read ing. Those present were Mro. J. VV. Copeland, Miss Laura Vance, Miss Kennedy, Miss Boia Bailey, Mrs. C. M. Bailey, Mrs. W. B. Owens, Mies Anna Booser, Miss Clara Duckett, Miss V. Copeland of Statesvllle, N. O, and Miss Katherine Copeland. Miss Addle Horton returned with Miss Nell Bolt to Laurens on last Wednesday, to attend the minstrel, re turning Thursday. The first of the series of attractions for this winter at Cope-land's Hall will be on Wednesday night. The hall hts been very much improved during the summer by the addition of large dressing rooms and stage scenery. Wal ter Bentley Ball and Company will open the season. Mrs. O. C. Peake left Thursday for Elber ton, Ga., where she will take charge of a hotel. Mr. Tom Leake will spend this week in town visiting relatives. Mrs. Almon Spencer and daughter are visiting in Spartanburg. State Mews. Hoyt Hayes, the condemned wife murderer, whose execution was to have taken place Friday, has been granted a two week's respite by Gov. Hey ward on account of the Governor's inability by reason of illness to review and pro perly consider the petition asking for commutation. Henry Bradshaw, colored, was shot and killed on the streets in the town of Darlington Saturday morning. It is ?aid the negro stopped on Kelly's foot and when Kelly complained the negro cursed him. Kelly caught Bradshaw's arm and shot him three times. Kelly was promptly arrested and carried to jail. Noah McCoy Burned Ont. At 1 o'clock Tuesday morning, the house of Noah McCoy, located on East Main Street was destroyed by fire, which is supposed to have broken out in the kitchen. When discovered the whole top of the building was in flames. The house was the property of McCoy, who is an industrious and hard working negro, His loss which was almost total, as very little was saved, amounts to about $000. It la un derstood that he had $400. insurance. Death of Mrs. W. P. Cooley. Mrs. Cooley, wife of Mr. W. Cooley, of the Tylersvllle section, died at her home Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. She had been ill about a year. Before marriage she was a Miss Rob ertson of the county, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurens. Report of the Supervisor of Laurens Conaty for the Quarter Ending, Sept. 80th, 1004. County Auditor, t 88.60 County Commissioners and Clerk, 326.01 Interest, 1,120 00 8herlff, 686.65 Magistrates and Constables, 449.80 Coronor, 68.00 Poor House and Poor, S78.80 Roads and Bridges, 653.80 Books, Stationery, etc., 210.16 Contingent, 790-00 Cbaingang, 1,896.20 6,061.91 Commutation Road Tax, 3,114.00 Court Expenses, July Term, 1,268.70 Total, $10,434.61 H. B. HUMBERT, Supervisor, L. C. J. D. MOOK, Clerk. October iOtb, '04. titan th? TN Kind^ou Have Always Bought BigaaisfS of YOUNU MAN SUICIDES. Mr. Goldsmith Thompson Eudod His Own Lifo Monday Night. The friends of Mr. Goldsmith Thomp son, son of Judge and Mrs. O. G. Thompson, were shocked Tuesday to hear that he had committed suiolde by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. It seems 'that he had boon in ill health for sometime and had become deapondont, but there was no thought by members of his family or bis friends that he ever oontemplated self de struction. He was at the homo of his father, five miles South of the city. He oooupled a room alone and upon in vestigation after the startling report of a pistol shot at one o'clock at night the young man was found in his bed In an uncon8olous condition. He lived about four hours, dying just before 5 o'olook. Dr. A. J. Christopher of this city was summonod and he hastened to the wounded man's bedside. Mr. Thompson was about 32 years old and was unmarried . The sympathy of every one goes out to Judge Thompson and family in their sad aflliotion. Money to Loau On Improved farms, in sums of $300.00 and upward, at 7 per cent, and 8 per cent, interest, repayable in easy annual installments. "No commission. The borrower simply pays a reasonable ex pense of negotiating the loan. C. D. Barksdalb, W. Y. Boyd, Attorneys, Laurens, S. C. Call on W. Y. Boyd. 10-131 Jail Birds. Last week In addition to landing an alleged murderer in jail, Sheriff Duck ett ha l Jim McCiintock brought from Asheville and To n Jones from Union. McCiintock will be tried uoxt week on the oharge of assaulting an oillcer whom he was resisting. Jones will have to answer to the charge of obtain ing goods under false pretenses. Bf P. Mllaiu & Co. As will be noted In their ad today K. P. Mllam & Company now occupy the store room of W. L. Gray, South-east corner of the public square. Mr. Milsm, as formerly, is in charge of eveiything and to assist him he has a courteous and efficient corps of salesmen. Complete, (rcsh stock o( General Merchandise, new goods and they are reliable too, always on hand at R. P. Milam & Co. Visit their store and eee how well you will be received and treated. Mr. David Whiteford of Cross Hill spent last Thursday in the city. He is one of the oldest men in tho county, having passed his 84th birthday, yet he is active and vigorous. This year he cultivated seventeen acres of cotton doing all the ploughing himself and he says his crop is very good. Jas. T. Hill, an enterprising young farmer of Cross Hill township, was a visitor to the city Monday. Look Out for a list of properties for sale in next week's Adver? tiser. I am in the business to stay and guarantee service. good J. N. LEAK Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, Gray Court, S, C. ft The 5s &MUTUAL? *2 Life Insurance Co. %f g OK g g New York $ Richard A. McCurdy, Pres. |J t3? Oldest in America ?I Largest in the world ^ 5 W. W. DODSON, gj 3p Agent for Laurens County ^6 Laurens, S. C. fff O C NOVEMBER 3 AND 4 ARE THE DATES. The Chrysanthemum Fair Will he Held First Week Next Month Over Palmetto Drugstore. The Chrysanthemum Fair, which is to be given by the ladles of the Metho dist and Presbyterian Ghurohes, will be held Thursday and Friday, Novem ber 3 and 4. Tho rooms over the Palmetto Drug Htore will be used and the Fair promi ses to be a fine sucoess. Don't forget the date and don't fall to come. In the printed list of premiums last week the firm of J, E. M inter & Bro., who offer a handsome fascinator for the best grapo jelly, was inadvertently omitted. The dried fruit, peacho3 and applos should have beon half pcok instead of half pound as stated last week. See our line of ladies', misses', nnd children's oloaks and jackets. Tho greatest values In the city. The Hub. Try us for your needs In ladies' and children's shoes. Our line Is complete. Price from 76 cents to $3.00. The Hub. L. Broadus Clardy has gone to Co lumbia to accept a position with tho McMillan Drug Company. ?9999999999999999999999999 AMONti OUR FRIENDS. 9?K????S?J???S9SSSSSSS?9*tt? Mrs. Clifton Jones is visiting at Foun tain Inn this week. Mrs, H. E. Thames of Charleston is spending sometime \vl?h her daughter, Mrs. H. K. Aiken. Mr. and Yn. J. Douuom Withor spooa of Cross Hill were in the olty Monday. It will pay and interest you to peruse the page ad of the Palmetto Drug Co. Mrs. C. W. Tune has returned from an extended visit to relativos at Oar tersvllle, On. Mi's. William Gelder and daughter, Miss Marjorle Gelder, who have boon spending ther summer with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mintor roturncd to New York yesterday. You have had Tue Advertiser for a year at a cost of leBs than a postago stamp for each paper?now send un the' stamps. In a county paper we are giving you the be6t in "our shop". Show your Ap preciation by paying for what you get. Look on the label and see what you owe?wo want it. 25-CENT COLUMN. To Pent?Two horse fnrm, with four room dwelling with two ohlmuoys und tenanthouHe Applv to Mrs. Lola Den dy, Mountvllle, S. C. For Kent?Several rooms over our stoiM, suitable for olllcos or bed rooms. Apply to Oeings & Owings. When it comes to fancy groceries of all the good kinds J. S. Dennett and Kennedy Bros, can intorost jou. W..G. Wilaon &Co. You have traded thcro and found it pleasat". It is al ways thii3 a* more pooplo caoh s'-ason can testify. The Famous Outfitters for men, wo men and children?ovm*y body knows at once who they are. They uro doing lots of advertising, likewise lots of bus iness. Watch 'cm ovory week Simmons & Co. keep right on at it, and you know to kct'p up with their ads. from week to week will bo profitable to you. Ono of tbo pretty aud attractive ads InTiiic ADvEHTISl?R today is that of Tbo Hub . Boars the ?8 Kind ,,av8 MwaifS Bought The Ted K. Faust Minstrels. La?t Wednesday ovenlng the Ted B. Faust Minstrcb opened tho reason at tho City Opera House here. This high olasB minstrel was here last season and played to a crowded house. This year tho poople were looking forward to this date and were not disappolmod in hav ing a good outcrtainmont. Tho Grand Ensemble was grand and wus tinished midst muoh applause. Crip Rogars had to give an enehoro, so uito did Mr. Pattl* Hobby DeKuo knew his busincsi too. As Mr. Clen Dellruin rose, the applause was doafoning, ho being an old favorite and well bered as having snug in tho Presbyte rian ohuroh when bore last 'sca-on. Mr DoBrulO) after singing hla first numb.r, w.^s eo applauded bo gave severe' ?nohores. He still holds his place With the Laurens audionce. Bil ly Heard, (hi South Carolina fun maker und j >k oraoket1 was at his best and met with mach favor. We hope Mr. J. K. Vance, manager of lb"1 heute, will continue to get such hiK'h class dhows as this. Notice.?We forbi 1 all persons irom huii ing, QshintT or otherwise trespass ing on )ur IrihIh. T. j. Hughes, A . J . Hughes. it was rumored on tho streets of Lau renfl last woek that there had becu a shower in Dial'p. IF WHAT ALL THE PEOPLE Say is true, we make no mistake in claiming one of the largest and most complete lines of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes ever shown in Laurens. People not only say we have the goods but show their conviction of this fact by liberal buying. We desire to express our hearty appreciation of the many compliments paid our store, and to thank those who have patronized us so early in the season. It is our purpose that every time we sell it shall go out as a proclamation of the great values we are offering, and act as trade winners through this entire season. Some Shoe Facts. There are some facts about our Big Shoe Department we want to im press on the trade. We want to say, First: That ours is one of the larg est stocks in the County. Second: That it is one of the most complete in variety. Third: That it contains some of the best lines manufactured. But all this can give you no real idea of what we have. The Great Activity In our Dress Goods Department has not depleted our stock. Our eyes are wide open and as lines are closed out they will be re placed by as good or better things, if such are to be had. We are showing now: Double width Flannels = 25c 36 inch All Wool Cheviots - 35c 54 inch Coat Suit Cheviots = 50c Novelty Manish Cheviots, flohair, Camel's Hair, Imported Tweeds and many other New Dress Goods from 50c to $1.50 per yard. We want to invite every shoe buy er in the County to inspect our line. Put your hand on the goods, rest your eyes on the workmanship and open your ears to the low prices we will name. Do this and we will sell you your shoes. Children's Shoes - 10c to $2.25 Ladies' Shoes - 48c to 3.00 Men's Shoes - - 08c to 4.00 Model 610. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Everything New. One lot new style coat in oxford Cheviot - $2.00 One lot high novely coats - - 3.50 The best line coats to be had at the price for - 5.00 Blegant coats, short, medium and long, $6.00, $7.50, $8.50, $9.50, $12.50 and $15.00 In our line will be found some very hand some silk coats. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is positively loaded with hundreds of copies of ^he very latest productions of the world, 'vonic make yourself al home with US, whether JrjU wish to buy or not. O. B. SIMMONS CO. Laurent, S. C m Moro Local Oarpontors are said to be scarce hi Lumens. J. Broadas Knight, private socretaiy lo Congressman J. T. Johnson, has been in tho city two or three days. Mr. Thos. P. Byrd a good cltlzon of Ora was in 'own yesterday, Mr. M- B* Poolo of Tylorsville has returned from a visit to the World's Fair at St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Klchard Anderson re turned to the olty yosterday from a visit to Greonwood. They expect to leave sometime next week for Central America where they go to engage in missionary work. Mr. Coke Gray returned from a visit to Tt?lremove yo3terday. Miss Carrie Bay, of Huntington, spent yesterday in the olty. Mrs. Robt. Adams went to Green ville yosterday afternoon to attend tho sessions of Iho Woman's Missionary Union now In session in that olty. Tho D.xlo Clothing and Shoo Store is ' saying something" this week, In convincing terms J. E. Minter & Bro. toll you today in an excellent half I j? suio at J. E. Minter & Bro. Our $i0 and $12. f>0 suits are. walking advertisements, J. E. Minter & Uro. Swell neekwoar at J. E. Minter & Bro. We waut your trade and if Inmost goods and low pricos count we will get It. Give us a trial and be convinced . J. E. Minter and Bro. Cotton Market. Tho Greenville News of Tuesday gives me cotton quotations as received from it? correspondents in the sur: rounding towns as follows: Greenville, 9 75. Anderson, 9.75, Westminister, 9.85. Seneca, 9.90. West Union, 9.82 1-2. Pendlet on, 0 S5. Central, 9.87 1-2. llonea Path, '???7r>. It will do observod that not a slnglo town is paying ten rents for cotton, while praotloally every balj sold at Lamers Cotton Mills last Saturday brought that price and it has continued to bring that price thero and over In town as woU on Monday and Tues day, and in tho afternoon it brought lu 1-10 at both places. And yet any person familiar with cotton will i>cll you that tho grade of cotton producod in Andcr-on and Greenville comities is superior to that produced In this county. In viow of the above facts we have just cause- to bo proud of our cot ton market. ? m Of course evorybody calls at Cope laud's to got a now pair of Shoos and a Shoe shlno free. S. M. & E. H.Wllkcs Co. tell their own etory better than wu can but you' II certainly miss something if you do no*, call at once and see tho things they talk about and writs about. Note carefully what Mr. L. A. Mc Cord hns to say about> organs and pianos to-day, The appearance and convenience of Fleming Brofhors Jewelry Store have been greatly improvod by tho addition i-ccontly of sove.-al handsomo and up to-date show ci>ses. Former Senator Matthew W. Ran som of North Carolina died suddenly of hoai t di^oise at h:s home near Garysburg Saturday morning aged 78? Five men wcro drowned in Pensa Colo Bay las') Saturday by the capsiz ing < f a stil 1 o\t. BOMB SEASONABLE ADVICE. [t may bo a pieco of superfluous ad vice lo urgo people ?*t?. Walter What style will you have your eggs, madam? Mrs. Parvenu? The latest style, of course!?Nevr Or leans Tlmea Democrat. There Is "a time to keep silence and n time to speak." Never is this truer than when wo are In tho presence of thoso who sorrow BnllBhlened. "Auntie, do you always say expire 1* "AVhy do you ask, dear?" "Oh, Just because papa said you were ono of those people who never say die." A Certnlnty. Caller?I nm so sorry your mistress la , out. Do you think ?h