THE HUB II THE: HUB Low Prices Linked With Seasonable Merchandise We are already looking ahead to Fall; and the first preparatory act toward the Fail campaign is to clean out, as far as possible, all balances of Summer Goods. We have had such an excellent trade this season that we are not very heavily stocked for this time of year; but still we wish to run the stock down to much lower quantities before Summer is over. Therefore, we shall materially lesson the prices on a great many lines from now out; and offer you a chance to buy the best of seasonable merchandise at a good bit less than ordi nary prices. Whatever you need to buy in our line during the next month, it will be a sad mistake not to see our of ferings before you purchase. We can mention only a few of them here; but there are hosts of others that are I equally interesting. [ High Tide of Demand Low Tide of Prices Wash Goods arc now in the very high tide of de I maud. It is a happy time for many a woman that, in I this store at least, they ate also at the low tide in price. To clean out all Summer Stuffs, we are willing to I sell at far below true worth. Note these interesting ex , amples. I Silk Novelties in desirable patterns, worth 25c, I now, - - - - - 19C . Victoria Lawn, 40 inches wide, special value, 10c White Stripe Dimities, small patterns, worth 1 ioc and 12 i-2c, now, ... - ^C I White Checked Nainsook, good quality, worth Sc, now, - 5C Colored Batiste, in great variety of patterns, ! worth up to i2^c per yard, now, - - 8c I Colored Batiste, desirable patterns, value 8c to ioc, now, - - - 5c Round up in Millinery Every unsold Hat, and every yard of Ribbon or Tri minings in our Millinery Section is booked for clear ance at from a third to a half off previous prices. The astute buyer will find it a splendid time for investment. We prefer to sacrifice rather than carry anything over. A Budget of Big Values Every one of these items is well worth the atten tion of whoever loves good bargains. Lot of Thompson's and .American Beauty Corsets, the Dollar Kind, at - - 79c Ladies Bleached Vests, taped neck and sleeves, ?c Ladies lisle finish, lace stripe Hose, worth 25c, 1 Qc The latest novelties in Kid and Silk Belts, 25c and 50c All Ladies, Misses and Children's Oxfords, actual COST. ;=the: hub 1 THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. jj- BETWEEN i $ Jacksonville, Fla., Charleston, S. C, and $ New York and Boston, Mass. 3> The Favorite Route Between the South and North, jti Only All Water L,ine Without Change. 'JLt Three or more sailings weekly in either direction. ym Every convenience known to modern ocean travel. Un ff? surpassed accommodations for (irst-class and steerage passengers. Close connections with all railroads and steam boat lines out of New York. Most accessible and con venient rou-.e for travelers to all New Eagland, Northern and interior points. THEO. G. KGKR, G. M. ?j> W.u. I?. Clydk& Co., Gen'l Agts. r9vSt.ite .St., New York ?j^ F. M. Ironmonger, Jr., A. G. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla JL M. 15. Hutchinson, D. F. & P. A. Charleston, S. C. ?j? s?/ v/\m/ v/ \ms v/ \*/ nJ/ v/ m/ \?/ m/ vJ^ v?/ v/ m/m/ ^f/yi^'i '-fc; UL^li fin~ ft'?"IT.MP.? ?"STtT\?. !Ts/i\?w%^/Fn/Us/I\? ^ ?. ~ Tin rTT R P. MILAM & GO. Your stock and poultry need dosing. Now is the time, pro vided you use the International Stock Food .Company's Products' None better on the market. Here are some of them and the prices: International Stock Food. .25c and $oc. Colic Cure.>..50c. Gall. Cure.25c Poultry Food.25c Louse Killer.25c Silver Pine Healing Oil.25c Now, we will give with every 100 pound purchase a premium of 16 pounds of any of the above products ; and a 25-cts package with every 25 lbs. purchase. This is your opportunity ; A small investment tnay prove a profitable one. UNDERTAKERS' STOCK Our Undertakers' Stock as usual is complete. We carry everything from the cheapest Coffin to the best m METALIC CASES. First-class Hearse when wanted. At night or Sunday 'Phone II. M, Wright or R. P. Milam at their residences. R. P. MILAM & CO., I,AURKNS, S. C. .?JPXaLBJ'? Koonahottloof UnbyKnno tho world'u boat l?:ii>y niodloino ? on hmul. It i>? flit! rnfo, Pure, luirmle^s remedy for nil Bummor bowol and gtomaoh troubles. At nil r(oo J drujf storot, 25 c?nd School Elected Successful Social Event. Ol?\, Jul) lil Mr-. 1,'j's i'ressly of Due \V ?s a flno bottom of corn. Both of thoso gentlemen are pushing, energetic farinors, Mr. J. T. 1'? den was in town one day lust weok. Hev. Mr. Simpson of Hickory Grove will oouduot a sing'ng S3h >o1 in tlic A. It. P. Church hero ne\ wci k. MUs Lizzie Cr&ig returned t> Aabo yille l>si week She will ho there some time. ryji>s Liz/.'o McCllntook is visiting relatives in Sparenburg. Mr. J. 8. Craig of Tyler?vlllo tvna lu town tliis week. Miss M?nte", a*j eflloiont teacher in the graded school at Weod? ruff, is in Knoxvillo, attending the summer school. Mr. James A. Copeland and childron woro the guests of Mr. T. A. MoOnrloy last weok: also, fvlr Thero Garrett. Miss Plaxco of York county was with Mrs. S. F. Blikely sotno days ago. Mr. J. 1*. Dillnrd, one of Tylersvillo's mos', successful farm< rs worshipped with the Prosbytorians last Sabbath. Ono of the most dollghtlul social events of tliis season was th-< roc ]> tion given at iho resilience of Mr. T. A. MoCarley last Thursday evoning. Mi-s Alice Agnew McOarley, the ac complished hostess, displayed artistic taste in the manner in which every thing was arranged and gave a most enjoyable evening to all present. A beautiful table Inden with cakes.ices and elegantly prepared delicacies lent a glowing enchantment to the scene. Among thoso presont wer? Misses Nannie Teilen West noroland, Eva Simpson, Nannie [ypoClitUock and Messis. George D. Blakely, David Mc Olintock and .1. Y. ?ryson. Mi-> Maggie Huddon, who hua boon attending a college of music in Nash ville is at home for the summer. Miss fladdon is taking a four years' course there. Notice. On Saturday, AugustOth, at 11 o'clock a. m., dontract will he let f >r re-build ing bridge on Rabun ('reek. Also at 3 o'clock p. m. contract foi building bridge at Orumblo's old mi l. Con tractor to n'tvo b ?nd in doubl i the sum bid Right to rojoot any or all bids. H. B. UUMUKUT, Supervisor, IC. July 10,?2t. Fire Buijs in Jail. Honry Hamilton and John Owlngs, colored, were sent to j vil last wook by Magistrate P. M. Heliums of Dials to await trial at the next term of Court on the charge of having burned Mr. R. J. Wood's crib last Christmas. It is said tliev have confessed to being guilty of the charge. SIMPSON & COOPER Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all Stato Courts. Prompt attention givonto all b.isinoss. N. B. Dial. A. 0. TODD. DIAL & TOD I), Attorneys and Coun= sellorsat Law. enterprise Bunk and Tod l oillj; Build lug. f, A II K KS S . S. ('. J. N. LBAK, Auctioneer, Oilers his services to the peo ple ot Lfiurens County, L. M. SPEARS, deal IZ r in Marble and Qranite MONliriLNTS Designsand Estimates furnished on application. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Benrfl t ho Signature ot 1)11. SAMUEl/LANDKK. Founder und President of WMIUuistou I V in si i c College l'nssea Away. Dr. Humnel T.undor, president of Wil liamson Female College and onoof the most prominent oduoators in South Carolina) died at Williamson Thu s day inorniog last. He was 71 years old and for HI yours he bad been at the head of Willlaimtou Fema'o College. Uo was a great und Fiicccssful teaih'-r, a good in in whtso strong Obrls'lT ohiiruetor has mudo its impress Indeli bly on the lives of hundreds of young women \VbO luivo gone out from his in stitution during bho past th eo ?i cades to take up life's work in the various walks of liunian endeavor. Dr. Landor had finished b's work at Willlame too, so far a-< the Coll go w::s coucorued, and the next sosslou of the Institution was scheduled to open i i the now College buildings, now rear ing completion at Greenwood with Dr, I a' dor still at its head. He att ndod tho laying of the corner stone of the new College in May. At tin t, time he Wrt8 rather feeble, and since Iiis health steadily declined. The oau?e of religion and education lias sustained a great loss in the death of Dr. Samuel Lender. N I man or woman in tl.c sttite will hesitate to spruk woil of ( hum e - lam's Stomach ?nd Liver Tablots after onco trying them. 'They always i>:v duce a pleas.nt movement of t^e bow els, improve the appot'te and sii-t n fifth en the digestion. For sale by the Lau rens Drug Co. To Preach on Sniictlilciation. At tho First Methodist Church on next Sunday morning at U o'clock, tho pn tor will preach on "Sanctillcation" The public is ( ordially invite I. WORKING NIGHT ANO DAY. Thobuslost and mightiesl ilttle thing that ever was made is Dr. King'-: Now Life Pll's. These pills change weak ness into strength, listlessnoss Into en ergy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful In building lip the henlth. Only 25o p;r box. Sold by liio i mi ens and Palmetto DrugOo'j. Dr. I. K. Criium. I he woll-known Spoolallsl In Refrac mii will bo in Laurens for ten days only. From Wednesday, July -7 to Sat urday, Aue list tho Oth. Positively no longer. Olllee Ben-Dolla Hotel. If yon or your ohi'd have trouble with your oyc don't miss the opportunity local) on Dr. Crlmm. NUill T WAS 11LOH TEUROR. "1 would cough nearly all night long'' writes Mis. ("has. Appiegate, of Alex au iiia, Ind., "and could hardly go: any sleop. I had consumption ho bad that if I walked a block 1 would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when other medicines filled, throe fcl.00 hot th sol Dr. King's Now Discovery \v,ho' ly cured me and I gained ?S pound*." It's ab-olutely guaranteed to euro cou ghs, colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis ajid all throat and lung troubhs. I'rc) 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles froc a" 'The Laurens and Palmetto Dm 4 Go's. Death or .Miss Annie Beeks. The announcement of tho death of Mis- Annie I3eeks, which occurred yes terday morning at 0.80 o'clock at the home of her uncle, Dr. J. D. Austin of Coronaca, was a great stuck to her rollplvos and numerous friends in Lui rens. She was ill about two weeks with anuttickof fever. Miss Heeks was tho eldest daughtor of Mr. and Mr*. Krank Books, both deceased, and she w:is a young lady who was greatly beloved and admired by all who knew her. Sjio was the noico of Messrs. John M. and Jas. A. Clardy anil Mrs. () B. Simmons of this city. She leaves a brother, Daniel Backs of Koanokc, Va., and two sisters, Miss Sarah Beeks of Cross Hill and Miss Prankio Becks of Browertom 'The body will be brought to Lui rons for burial this afternoon at 2.30 o 'clock. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIO, OJl< >!. ERA AND DIA Kit HOE A REMEDY. 'This remedy is certain to ba needed in ul nost every home before the sum mer is over. It can always bo depend ed upon oven in tho m ist severe and dangerous eis is. Ib is especially valu able for summer disorders in children. If is pleasant to lake and nowr f dls to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It. may save life. For sale by The Laurona Drug Co. Mayor Snmttol M. Jones of 'Toledo, Ohio, known the country over as "Guidon It-lie Jones," died last Wed nesday. I nder bis administration Toledo was a "w'do open" city a? Jones believed in Ictt'ng everybody do us they pleased. st ocklioldoi'a' Meeting. 'I he Annual Meeting of the Stock ho'dors of tho Peoples' Loan and Kx Chan - t.1. :t y> , TWti.o 11*0 Kinri YcilliW ? . i Don't fail to read this ad. You may miss something i f you don't read it. DAVIS. ROPBR Si CO.'? Visit Davis, Roper ? Co. during the Big Sale. Never such bargains and never such values to se lect from. Sale of n?ilt Ergots Still Corjtirjdes KM We are offering at this sale the right goods at the right time and at the right prices?aii absolute necessities for this season of the year, and priced low enough to make you glad. Think of what you need, avail yourself of this splendid opportunity to save on every article you have to buy. Come to our store and see for yourself the many bargains we have to offer. Don't think because you did not get here the first day that all the bargains have gone, but come and join the thrifty buyers at the Sale of Hill Ends this week. We mean business, and are going to move the goods if prices will do it. WE OFFER SOME REMARKABLE VALUES in Gents' Shirts, Elastic Seam Drawers, Suspenders, Men's and Ladies Hosery, Umbrellas, Parasols, Towels, Table Lin= ens and Embroideries. NOTE THE GREAT VALUES HERE Me n's Elastic Seam Draw ers, extra good quality - 39c Men's fine Madras .Shirts, a big variety of styles to se het from made of elegant material. The jjk.oo and $1.25 kind - - 7Qc Men's Neck Wear, the kind that sells at 50c, in the most, beautiful line of colors, 39c A beautiful assortment of 25c Neck Wear at - 1 9c Men's Hose, in ?splendid quality, tan, black and fan cy colors, none better at 25c. You can get them at { 9c Boys' 50c knee pants, sale price - 19c Good value, black and tan Half Hose, remarkable value ?,c Men's Solid Leather Ox fords - - - 99c Men's Line 1 Collars, the very latest styles and fresh stock, 15c kind - | I C Men's Pants, worth #VS(). - ' $2.49 Men's special value Bal brigan Under Shirts, 25c kind - - (9c Men's bleach Gauze Vests, the kind that sells at 50c, now 39C The white goods depart ment is full of special bar gains. White dimities, the kind that sells for 1 2 )/. and 15c, now - |()C India Linon, full width and values that sell for and [5c per yard - 9c Kllll bleach Dress Linen, every thread linen and qual ity that sells everywhere at .i.S?'- Ask to sec it. - | 5C A few handsome patterns ill Shirt Waist Suit Silks, a splendid #1.00 silk, a great bargain at - - 7*)c '/.; inch half bleached Da mash - 3QC 90 inch pure Linen Sheet ing, splendid value and sells everywhere at ^i.ou to ?1.25 7?c Beautiful white mercer ized waistings, values that sell at 50c, now - 25C 40 inch Sea Island - 5c Beautiful white madras, .1 great value at 25c, now - 1 9c Beautiful sheer striped Waistings, regular 1 2 ? ?c and [5c values, sale of Mill Ends price - - |()c We are continually on the alert to give our customers just what they need. In White Goods there has been a tremen dous demand for this class of goods and we arc equipped with a tremendous stock. Bargains in ladies and child ren's Hosiery and Underwear. .Silk Gau/.c Hose, the best we have ever sold at the price - - 42c Ladies'gauze lisle Hose, regular 25c kind, sale ptiec 1 9c Ladies' fast black seamless [-lose 8c Misses line tabbed Hose, extra value 9c Infant's Socks, very line lisle thread in till colors, now J Oc Ladies' lau I lose, lace lisle, 25c kind, now 22c Special taped < iati e Vests, now 5c Lull taped blenched \est-., now 8l Extm fine gau/.c Vests, worth 15c and ioe, now lie' Exltii On ilu\ Ladies' Gowns - 3Qc 3 >e \ nine in Tin ke> Red I, now 22c l/tlll blenched Linen I >a mask, now ji)c Ladies' Drawers, Corset Cov ers, Chimese and Skirls at prices that will please you. Silk values that will attract attention. We have at all times the best line of .Silks to be found in upper Carolina, and now we have bargains that you should not miss. ()iu' 36 inch black Taffeta, regular $1.25 goods, at the sale for 89c A value in black Taffeta Silk, 36 inches, regular price $1.50, sale price ' - $1.19 All colors in elegant qual ity China Silk, worth 50c the world over, price, now 39c S5C Crepe de Cheuc, in all colors, just the thing for a swell dress. Von can save money here and get choice for 59c Extra special values in Towels, Table Linens, etc. Extra large size Cotton Towels, sale price - 8C Very line Muck Towels, a great value, a pair for - 3QC Extra value in ted and while bordered Muck Tow els, sale price - f 2c Extra heavy Turkish Towels, good value at - 22c A great assortment of Wash Silks, a t?te bargain, .u onh 1 9c Beautiful soft Jap Silk, the mv kind, now 36 inch black Lean de Soie Silk, regular price $1.25, at the sale of Mill Ends - 90c #1.50 Damask, 2 yards wide, very heavy quality, $1.10 Don't iui->s the Lace Curtain Bargains, If you have not seen them, volt should. Attend the Sale of Mill ends. Its money to you. We mean business. We will continue to put prices on everything that is staple. We want to make this the largest sale we have ever held. Don't fail to see the shoe bargains. You know what kind of values we sell and you should see the low prices we have put on them. We will announce in next week's issue of this paper what day the /Mammoth Sale will close. Bargains all the time as long as it lasts. No advance in prices from the time we mark them down until the sale closes. DAVIS, ROPER a COMPANY