THE ADVERTISER. Subscription Price-12 Months, $1.0 P.iyabl iu Ahl nc. Kates Tor Advertising.?Ordinary Ad vortisoments, per square, one lnsor tlon, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Liberal reduction mado (or large Advertisements. W. W. Ball, Proprietor. LAURENS, S. 0*i July 20. 1904. Patronize the Banks* On more than one ocoaslon hereto fore The Advertiser bas called at tention to the wisdom of all people who havo spare dollars depositing them iu the banks where they are safest from burglars and incendiaries. We do not care to repea t the arguments?but they hold good all the time. * To Improve Free Delivery. To make the free rural delivery ser vice of the greatest value to those whom it serves should be and doubtless is tho aim of the post ollico depart ment. This value would be materially Increased If on many#routes the mat's could be delivered in the afternoons In stead of in the mornings. As a rule the farmord receive a great deal more mall than thoy send and for that paya ble reason the hours of delivery rather than the hours of taking up the malls should be first considered. Therefore, it Eoems that there should be no fixed rule as to tho hours at which the carriers leave the distributing point but those hours should be determined by the ar rival of tho mall trains. To illustrate: If the daily papers from Columbia, Charleston aud Augusta are delivered by train at Waterloo or Mountvillo at noon the carriers should make their trips in the afternoons si that persons living on tho routes could receive daily papers on the day they are published. At present most of the carriers leave in the oarly morning and the conse quence Is that nearly all dally malls are delivered a day late. We do not mean to suggest that car riers should be compelled to leave at un reasonable hours. Wo should not wish that a carrier be forced to leave at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in winter, which would compel him to bo out long after night, but it happens that there are several routes in this county the convenience of which to the farm ers would hi vastly enhanced if the carriers began to deliver somewhere between the hours of noon and 2 o'clock In the afternoon. It is possible that this matter could be taken up with tho department at Washington by tho member of congress from this district with marked result ing improvement. * The Pitifully Powerless Commission. Tho passenger depot in this town was located during the existence of a rail way commission and it has continued and is continuing a standing menace to life, limb and property while railway commissioners draw salaries. Of course it is not the fault of the railway com missioners. They do their best. The pity is that the railway commission is so pitifully helpless. The explanation is perhaps that the railway commission has not power enough nnder the Jaw. We fear that the railway commission is the most powerless creature that the law-makera have succeeded in devis ing. Assuming that the members of the commission are rational, that they have as much intelligence as the com mon run of men, their incapacity to remedy a situation like this at Lau rens, their inability to cause the re moval of a nuisance and a death trap, must be an ever present source to them of sorrow and humiliation. To be re sponsible to the people for their safety and impotont to correct so shameful a neglect of duty as is shown by tho rail roads in this matter of the Laurens passenger dopot, wou'd make it difficult for self-respecting men to accept and hold the office of railway commissioner. If the laws clothe the railway commis sion with no power to abato a flagrant peril to the public, then the railway commission is useless and worse than useless. * Repeal the Lien Law. If tho thrifty, hard-working and debt-paying farmers of Laurens who are ambitious to improve their condi tion and leave something tn their children are wise they will insist upon sending members to the legislature who will vote to repeal the lien law. It is necessary to ropeal the lien law in order that the farmers may control their labor. Porhaps tho law should be repealed gradually. An act might be passed limiting tho amount of liens for ono year, fixing a lower limit for tho next and again lower for tho next with completo abolition of the eystem after four or five years. In this way the poorest people could adapt them selves to the chango without suffering hardship or even inconvenience. It is the poor man, tho man who has no property who would be the chief gainor in the end. With the Hen sys tem eliminated, ho wou'd find that he could buy oheapar, that he wou'd no longer suffer from the great profits that merchants are compelled to Charge in order to protect themselves from the improvident and unreliable,? provided of course ho showed a disposi tion to meet hisobligatlons. Under the present system the honest and hard working man is often compelled to pay two prices for goods in order to mako up to the merchants the losses which the latter suffer from tho Idlers and dead-beats. On a number of Hen cus tomers every merchant must and does lose. In flx'ng his profits he must allow for his average losses. Consequently, tho industrious class is contributing all the time to tho support of dead-beats? that is what it "comes to." When the time arrives that the merchants will soil to tho idlers only for cash (which the repeal of tho lion law would effect) the losses will cease and the merchants will be glad to have tho trade of the industrious and to make only small profits upon it. There Is always keea competition for the man who is prompt to pay whether ho can give security or not. Thousands of our people have thep noses to the grindstone because they are indirectly preyed upon by their neighbors. tiulped The Dose and Baa to Cover. Tub Advertiser would not detract from the good work done by "Brave Ben Ttllman" when iu the St. Louis Convection he turned bis back 01 Bryan and all his works, swallowed tbo gold standard, gulped down the slanders that he uttered a few years ago agalu&t gold Democrats and freely, loudly aod effectively gave his fine speaking pow ers to acqulesoenco in the Parker tele gram. In that Convention, Ben Till 'rnan, nullifying himself, making the tens of thousands who trustod him in South Carolina eight years ago know that they had been misled and be fooled by him, was a useful figure. There is no denying that Tillman was most influential in driving the Conven tion to swallow the gold standard and there was no denying that he was right. Moreover, he was probably houest in his view. Whethor or not ho was hon est in 1806 when he swore by all the gods known to his elastio vocabulary that all political rlghteousnoss was in volved in "16 to 1 or bust" and that all others were hirelings of a Wall street robber band Is another aod a hopo lessly different question. It Is the re ligion of some men to b l'ove in his honesty through all the t?ugled twist ing* of the most devious p th that any South Carolina politician evt r trod. With theso wo have no eontent'on. In national affairs the jrowd today is for tbo gold standard. Benj wniu f lows the crowd. In South Carolina the crowd, or a largo part of it, fol'ows Benjamin. But while this gllb-tongued paltcrer with all principles was ab'y defending tho gold standard and loading the Con vention to sanity?let us suppose for an instant that he hadn't that he had persisted in tho vulgar and disorderly "damns" which ho bestowed on Parker when the news of the te'egram was first received. It will be remembered that he "cussed" sonorously and grand ly at first and of course iu the hearing of tho newspaper reporters. Had he persisted, what would have happened? Why he would have presented tho bed raggled spectacle of a so-called leader discredited and repudiated by his own delegation. Under the unit rule, oven his vote would have counted against his utterances. Much and mightily could ho have "cussed" but the men whose voices would have mado South Carolina felt in the Convention woro Duncan Clinch Heyward, Goodwin Rhett, Coker, Aiken, Springs, Sawyer, I McGee, Smith, Tindal, Moses, McColl and McLeod and perhaps others. The simple truth is that without in cluding any of the delegates at large a majority of the delegation wore gold bugs and In no sense under Tillinan's influence. They were not and have never been his political friends. Num bers of tbem were at heart Grover Cleveland men. South Carolina would have stood by the Parker telegram though Benjamin bad "cussed" the roof of the coliseum to tho Congo Free State. So Benjamin's "cussing"' ceased. John Sharp Williams pointed tho way and apt Benjamin, with one glance at the lash of the South Carolina delegation, qulvoring above sneaked to cover in a quick trot and got busy being good. A lovely spectacle ho would have made in chorus or "cussing'* with Weaver, the populist, and tbo balance of the Convention with the South Carolina delegation laughing at him! Who in such circumstances would hesitate to swallow all his years of bad languago and stultify himself to boot? The sincere free sliver people who had trusted hiuo down in Soutli Carolina might go to the demlnltions. "Bravo Ben" was in a corner. He had to get out with as much dignity as possible. And he did very decently. * Parker aud Davis. When the St. Louis Conveuti in nom inated Judge Alton B. Parker for President, wo believe that it did for tho Democratic party the best thing possi ble. Perhaps in more than one sonse it was the dawn of a better day for the Democracy and the country The Convention, at tho instance of W. J. Bryan?doubtless an honest and sincere man of strangely foolish no tions?bad refused to doclaro for tho gold standard though bent on nominat ing a gold candidate Such is the freakishness of human nature. Iu the afternoon of the day of the nomination Judge Parker telegraphed tho Conven tion that lie was a gold standard man, that he wished tho Convention to koow it and if they wished to act upon it by nominating some other who was not, they were still free so to do. Judge Parker knew well that only a gold man had any chance to carry Eastern State?. He knew that tbo re fusal of the Convention to declare for the gold standard would be the first point of attack for tho Republican party. Indoed on Saturday morn ing the great Republican papers, such as the New York Tribune, began this attack, 'declaring that the position of Doraosraey as to silver was declared in tho plat forms of 1896 and 1000 and that thoso platforms were stiil of force bocause tho Convention of 11)01 had refused to reject them. Having the burdon of the fight upon him Judge Parkor sent his te'egram?destined to bo his'oric?and drove, compelled, cornered, pilloried the uncertain Convention into an atti tude of endorsing a gold standard can didates in that character sharply do' I fined and almost defiantly proclaimod. Judge Parker vory well understood that tho Convention could not "back I down." To surrender the nomination would be to invite chaos, to doclare again for fd'ver and so commit party suicide. It was merciless on the part of Judge Parker but it was right. It was a bitter dose tha'? he hold to the nose of Bryan and T llman and all of their stamp, but ho would havo beon trilling with his party, and com promising himself to have dono otherwlso. it was imperative that ho silonce the charge that "Die Democrats had dodged the money issue" and silence it he did. When the Parkor telegram becamo public in St. Louis that keen-witted man of common sense, John Sharp Williams, instantly saw the whole situation. There was nothing to do ex cept to tell Judge Parkor that the Convention would take him with all his olearcut gold standard views. Wil liams set himself at once to the task of .accomplishing th's with us little frio t'on as possible anil gruoofully he did accomplish it. Menuwhil ) Tillnian, our 0*0 South Cuvollru Til'man, u bright man, iiad found the situapou too big. InstautJy that tho telegram was received ho had begun to "cuss." What it all meant ho really diJ cot perceivo?a National Convention Is beyond a Tillman's depth? so he floundered around and talked like a rag baby in "cuss wordj" ?to reporters. He always talks to re porters. Then Mr. Williams and Da vid I >. Hill took him aside to a quiet OOrner a d lot tho light into his poor, puzzled head. Whereupon ourTillmuu becumo useful. With a guido like Wil liams our Tillman's really ready tongue Is a handy and effective tool. Properly coached by Williams, the Till man mastery of strong language was valua ble in aiding tho Williams leadership In doing tho only thing that could be done. Wo do not mean to disparage Senator Tillmun's ab.Iitv--he is u most iu'ercstiug personality and a most strik ing public speaker, quite clever enough to eot tho averago crowd wild, hut in great emergencies how pitiful, how smell, how puny, what a toy man is ho by tho side of thosj who measure up to the lirst class?like .John Sharp Williams! Tho Convention nominated Henry G, Davis of West, Virginia, a life long Democrat and formor Senator, for Vice President. Ho is very rich?ho has a fortune of many millions and pro bably thero aro those who will for that reason regard him a creat sinner. He is gooil enough to bo Prosidont of the Doited S ates or Vice Presldeut either. We think that the Republicans by this time feel stealing up their back bones the chilly conviction that they have ahead Of them such a light as will rtquire all tbo "epileptic st'cnuosity" (thank you Senator Carm?ck) oven of a Rrosovelt to maintivn. BRUTALLY TOUlTltHI), A case came to light tha'i for persis tent and unmerciful torture lias per haps never been equaled. Joe Colo bick, of Coins?, Cal. writes. "Kor IG years I endured insnlTe able pain fr ?m Rheumatism and nothing roll \-d me though 1 tried everything kn'wn I came across Eleo'rie Bitters and its the greatest medicine on mrth for that trouble. A few bottles of it, c< mpleto* ly relieved and oured mi." .Jus', as good for Liver and Kidney troutdes and ?oneral debility Only 60o. Satis faction guaranteed by Tho Laurens and Palmotto Drug Go's. State Campaign Meeting Saturday. The State campaign meeting will be held at Holmes Park Saturday. The candidates for railroad commissioner will bo joined by Messrs. Seaso and Cooper, candidates for Solicitor and Congressman Johnson, candidate for ro-oloction. It is understood a barbe cue dinner will bo served 00 the grounds. CURED OP CHRONIC DIARRHOE V AFTER TEN YEARS OP SUF FERING. "1 wish to say a fow words in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," savs Mrs. MattU: B?rge, of Martinsv 11 le, Va. "I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medicines with >ut obtaining any per manent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of ibis remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief. 1 then de cided to try the medicine myself, and did not use all of one bottle before I was well and . have never since been troubled with that oohaplalnt. One can not say too much in favor of thnt won derful medicine. This remedy ii for sale by Laureii3 Drug Co. W. R. Crawford Passes Away. Mr. William R, Crawford after a lingering illness passed away at Iiis home in this city Thursday night. He was about 45 years old and is survived by his daughter, Miss Mury Bello Crawford, a young girl of fifteen He was the brother of Messrs. LaFayette and Khctt Crawford of Milton and Miss Dolly Crawford of this city, with whom the de-jeased and Ills daughter resided. The burial took place Friday afternoon at tho city cemetery. qood spirits. Good spirits don't ailooma from Ken tuckey. Their main source is tho liver and all the fino spirits ever made in the Blue Crass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred-and-ono ill effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be In fine shape if you would feel bouynnt, happy and hopeful, bright of eve,light of step,v g orous and succor si ill in your pursuits. You can put your liver in flue condi tion by using Groen's August Flower tho greatest of all medicines for Ivor and stomach and a certain cure for dis pepsia or indigestion. It h .s been a favorite household remedy for over thirty-five years. August Flowers will m ike your liver healthy and active and thug insure you a liberal hiipport of "Good Spirits." Trial -size, 20c; r.*gu lar bottles, 75c At all druggists. Card of Thanks. To 'I'm: Advertiser:? During tho lingering illness of my ivcontly deceased daughter, my neigh bors and friends were faithful and un remitiing in their efforts to assist US in every possible way. For this aid so considerately rendered, I deslro to thank one and all and to assure them of my deep appreciation. .j. l. Hkfkernan. To Meet at Highland Homo, Tho Union Meeting of tho Second and Third Sections of the Laurens As sociation will meet With Highland Unmn Baptist Church, Friday before tho 5th Sunday in Juy, being the 29th day, program, Friday, 10 UO-Introductory sermon, by Rev. T. E. Seago. M. C. Oompton, alternate. 11.110 Organization. E>.0() -Recess. l.iJo?Discussion of queries. 1st: What are sonio of the devices Satan is using to retard tho Christian's influence??0. B. Bobo, M. W. Hill, A fl, Martin, T. E. Seago. '2nd: Aro not our pastors larg.dy re sponsible for the loavoning inlluonco tnat lias gotten into tho ohuroho*?- T. It. BrOWD, E, 0, Watson, ('. II. Hop r and .1. W. Nash. Saturday, lo a. m. Devotional oxer* clsos conducted by T. B. L?ngsten, 11 o'clock, 8rd Query?Arc wo, a Baptists as interested in evangeliz ing tho world as we AhnuH bo, If not how shall this interest he awakened? Jeo. VV. Simpson, J. D. Pitts, J. D. Powor, J. R, Wood. 4th: What influence does a moderate dram driukiug Church mombur havo on the world??John Moore, J. E. Mar tin, Johu M. Woo I, J. W. Oarrett. 5th: Was the Pentecost a more re vival??M. C. Compton, 1. E, McDa vid, .luo lialdwin, II. II. Malion. Sunday, lo o'clook, Sunday School addresses by C. B. Bobo und Jno. M. Hudgens. 11 o'clock?Missionary Sermon I. E Mo David; alternate, E. C. Wat6on. W. E. Washington. For Coined t ? o Assiguiueiit to Homes. Delegates who attend tho l uion Meotiug at Highland Homo Church havo been assigned to following homes: Mt. Olive, W. II Baldwin; Mt. Galla gher, w. A. Garrett; Prospect, W. A. Putman; Princetou, J. A. Owens; Pop lar Spring, J. T. Garret ; Rabun, D. C. Burnt; Union. J. It. Calbertson; Chest nut Ridge, w. B. Putman; FPst Lau rent", Miss Mary Darksdale; Second Laurens, W. H. Harksdale; Beulah, W. T. Cob'man. For a lazy liver fy Oham'iprlain's Stomach aiul Diver Tablets. Th >y in vltfOrate iho livor, ami the digestion, rogula'es the b wo 8 and prevent bi - ious attacks. For s ilo by lb i Laurens Drug Co. FAIREST KIND OK OFFER If Ml-o-nn Dues Not Cure Dyspepsia, ih i Your Money Hark al Laureus Drug Co. YOU run n> risk whatcv* r la pur chasing Mi-oua, Nature's cure for dys pepsia. We hereuy agree to ivim.d the money paid for Bdl-on t on return of tin enipn boxes, if tbo purchasor tcl's us that h ias failed to eure dyspepsia or stom ilch t^oubl This guarantee covers two 50 cents boxe-, or a nion h'? treat ment. Signed. l ake Ml-o na fur a month (a f>0 cents box co tains t wo weeks treatment) and if So oos uot help you, bring back tbo empty boxes to Laurons Drug Co. and ihey will r turn your money in accord ance with tho guarantee. Woodys Seeds. Crimson Clover Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, can he plowed under the following April or May in time to plant com or other crops the same season. Crimson Clover prevents winter leaching of the soil, is equal in fer tilizing value to a good application of stable manure and will wonder fully increase the yield and qual ity of corn or other crops which follow it. It also makes splendid winter and .spring grazing, fine early green feed, or a good bay crop. Even if the crop is cut oil*, the action of the roots and slubhle improve the lain! to a marked de gree. Write for price nnd special cir cular 1< 'Hi, ??. about seeding etc. T. W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, ? VIRGINIA. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog, ready about August 1st, tells nil about Kann and Vegetable Seeds for Kail plant ing. Mailed free on request. SEVEN BARKS never sickens (ho patient nor loaves its work half done It is an absoluta cure for J?;id Blood, Kidneyand Liver Troubles and ailments emanating from impaired digestive organs. For Over 35 Years Tins king of remedies has been ma king steadfast frionds. It is not a l> u nt medicine, but a pure vegetable extraction from a species of Ifydran gca plant. If the hot tie does not prove its cfllcacy k" buck and got your money. fcOLU BY Laurens Drug Co. The Best Insurance Is the Cheapest When yon go away for your Summer vacation, take with yon the knowledge that your property is covered in the very best old Hue companies. Von will enjoy your outing all the more. A. C. TODD <& CO. Fire Insurance. HINDIPO THE NEW NERVE TONIC AND KIDNEY CURE. C'lcntiRca llio Kidney a mid nindder, nuriflcR the IK.I. I'hIh Flash on thin pooplo. Strengthens I ho Norvea, ('lenro Ilm llrnlu. ('uro? Nervous Dohlllty, Inxoimiln, Kalling Mernorv. Itcntorcfl (Ik- Vim, Vigor, Vitality nnd Strength of Youth, in both >m'uk Men nnd \V.on. Tliln Ni w Remedy irorkallko Mnglc, IntHa ab solutely I nrnilcHH, Weigh youraelf before ? tklng. Prien, 50 ots.i 12 bONOs, S6.00. by mull. Wo uI cheerfully reftiml llio money If you uro Oot boiicfltlod Try II und bo convinced. Laurens Drug Co. TAILORI NG. I conduct a flrst-claSJ tailoring shop. Cut, Make and Guarantee a fit at rea sonable prices. You are invited to join my pressing club. E. J. Dancy, 'Phono iho. M uter Building, Dr. Chas. A. Ellett, DENTIST. Law Range. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Bignatur? of Kennedy Bros. In order to close out a few cas s of the celebrated California YELLOW CRAW KORD and LEMON CLING PKACHKS, we have reduced the price to 20 cents the can or 3 caus for 50 cents. This fruit is put up in heavy syrup, in 3-pound cans. Also, a few cases ofthat delicious Maine packed CANNED CORN?tender and sweet?15 cents per can. KENNEDY BROS fe? *>? 8 **' ?R.B BR'fl lt?ll!L?liJ PUREDRUC5 RR Pi ft 81 [---I PJfifelPffiK Triast a Well-Bred Woman to know where to get the best of every thing. She knows that, especially in drugs, medicines, toilet articles and sta tionery, there's never anything gained and frequently much lost by using something cheap and in ferior. We have quite a crowd around our place, but, there's always room for one more, and our clerks are of the spry kind. They don't keep a customer hanging around half a day before being waited upon. Dodson's Drug Store. R P. MILAM & GO. Your stock, and poultry need dosing. Now is the time, pro vided you use the International Slock Food Company's Products* None better on the market. Here are some of them and the prices: International Stock Food.25c and 50c. Colic Cure.50c Gall Cure.25c Poultry Food.25c Louse Killer.25c Silver Pine Healing Oil.25c Now, we will give with every 100 pound purchase a premium of 16 pounds of any of the above products ; and a 25-cts package with every 25 lbs. purchase. This is your opportunity ; A small investment may prove ;i profitable one. OUR UNDERTAKERS' STOCK Our Undertakers' Stock as usual is complete. We carry everything from the cheapest Coffin to tho best ? METALIC CASES. Ptrst-class Hearse when wanted. At night :>r .Sunday 'Phone H. M. Wright or R. P. Milan] at their residences. R. P. MILAM & CO., LAURENS, S. C. STERLING VALUE. * One lot plain White Organdy JL 10 cts the yard at Wilson's. ^ Have you seen those four grades iii Sheer Plain White Lawn at 10 cts, 125.4 cts, 15 cts and 20 cts the yard at Wilson's. Before they arc gone secure one of those Silk Sunshades, Par agon frame and steel rod. Price X'i .00 at Wilson's. What makes a prettier Dress for the Season than a White Dot or Colored Swiss? Price I3^?c the yard at Wilson's. Handsome patterns in Lawn and Swiss Embroideries at Wil son's. Another lot Satin Taffeta Ribbons iu desirable shades just opened at WILSON'S. < .4, A; ;a; ^JL'jA', ^ ^ JL'.fL'M'JL: \ - /ws /ws /w\ /ws /ws /ws /ws /*s /ws /in/ws /ws /ws /ws /ws t \\'orni wealhor hringadnnjjor to Imli Keep a bottle of Raby Knso- the world' ? boat baby inodlclno ? on hand. It i; 1 In' fnfo,sure, harmless remedy for all Btimmor bowel and Blomach troubles. At aJl p:ooct clruf* stores, 555 cents. Manufactured by RA IVY RASH CO., Maoox, (U. m^ \?' \t/ yj - \s/ \i' st/ \a./ \i/ m/ viy \?/ vj/\a/ \a/ \a> m/ vj/ \? - m > vi.- \a- -1 - m - /?^/ls^ls/ls/|s/|s^Js/ls/l\/lfN/l#\/^^l\/^/^.^/^s^/fs/^/f N/W\'lsJfwWs}fs THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ' BETWEEN itwM Jacksonville, Fla., Charleston, S. C, and New York and Boston, Mass. The Favorite Koute Between the South and North. Only Am, Watkr Link Without ChANOK. Three or more sailings weekly iu either direction. Every convenience known to modern ocean travel. Un surpassed accommodations for first-class and steerage passengers. Close connections with all railroads and .steam boat lines out of New York. Most accessible and con venient route for travelers to all New England, Northern and interior points. THEO. G. EG ER, G. M. Wm, P. Ci.yi>h & Co., Gen'l Agts. 19 State St., New York F. M. Ironmonger, Jr., A. G. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla M. B. Hutchinson, D. F. & P. A. Charleston, S. C. ./w\/ws'/ws/ws/ws/ws/ws/ws^rs^ws^rs^R^rs^ws/ws/ws^fs^ws^k^fs^R^K TwsJJs Profession or Trade Whether the practice of phar macy be classed as a profession or trade, it is undoubtedly true that the public?being without special knowledge to guide themselves in determining the purity of drugs and medicines?places a reliance upon the skill and integrity of their druggist akin to the confi dence which they repose in their physician. When purchasing medi ine, the public expects the best; qual ity is the fust requisite; hence, every drug sold by us for the al leviation of disease , is sold on Honor. We have an ambition to be successful but above and beyond that we want to be known as the "Dependable Drug Store" If anything, regardless of price or quality, bought here at any time proves other than as repre sented bring it back?tell us of it?pleasantly if you can?if you can't do it pleasantly, do it any old way?just so you let us know. We want to correct it. Just now we want to call your attention to the fact that it is time to plant Turnip Seed. We have just received a large supply of the new fresh crop, of all the best varieties, and if you buy of us you will get seed that you can depend upon. Laurens Drug Co. 'Phone 75. Our Messenger boy is at your service. SHI BtM STOCK and Stock and p ultry have few troubles wliieli are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It pn*s the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and fanners keep their herds and Hocks healthy by giving them an occa sional doso of Black-Draught Stock ami Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25 cent half-pound air-tight ran of tins medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Iteders gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, 'Ihe Chattann >rra Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, renn. Rooiibm.r, Oa., Jan. 30, 1902. niftok-U.-atigbt stuck and Poultry Mcdl :Ill6 Ii 111 ? best I ev r tried. Our ntook won looking bad when j <>u h int ma the, modicino and now they ?re getting tu. til.-. They aro looking 90 per cent, butter. 3. P. BllOCKINOTON. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law, LAURENS, S. C. FOR SALE .lohn L. Balontine'ti lot at Fountain inn.?$126.00. New room Cottage, with one-half acre lot, on Academy st, *7tM 00. ? i room house ami ?ood 2 room ser vant's houso 011 WeH Main Street One of the most attractive locations in the city. $2,100. Store house and lot at Mountville, a bargain. $<;oo. FOR RENT. 8 room house on West Main Street. $12.60 ft room house on Simpson Street. $7. ? room OOttage on Simpson Street. $5 o.i. Als.) several houses for odorod peo ple, from $2.00 to $8.00 par month. Plaoe your proper y in mv hands to handle I will save you both money and nnoyanoe. M. L. Copeland, REAL KSTATK, STOCKS, BONOS? FIRE INSURANCE. ECZEMA A Hoiy Horror The agonizing torture of this itching, burning disease has at last been conquered. We have secured the selling privilege in this city for a medicament that not only relieves the awful itching and burning sensation of this terrible disease, but roots it all out of the skin entirely, leaving a clear, smooth, healthy covering for the body. Conclusive facts indisputa ble in every particular, have been presented to us, proving beyond the per-adventurc of a doubt, that Eczema, ^ Eczema of ^Infants, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Ring Worm, Scald Head, Pimples, Barber's Itch, Milk Crust, Dan druff, Itching Piles, and all dis eases of the skin and scalp can be quickly and permanently cleaned out of the skin by The D. D, D. Remedy. "Aliout five years ago I noticed a slight eruption on my limbs, but in a very short time 1 was a sight to behold, from my head to my fcjt, and my nights were terrible. I was simply on fire. I tried a number of doctors here in this city, but with absolutely no rcstdts aside from easing the burning pain a little. A friend of mine who had hecn cured of a very bad case of Eczema by the 1). D. D. Remedy advised me to try it, which I did, feeling good results from the first. I have been using the D. D D. Remedy for about three months, using in all, about fifteen bottles, and to day I am a well man. I also had dandruff in its worse form, and found the D. D. D. Remedy to be a wonder in curing this disease." F. M. NICHOLS, Moore Apartment House. James St., Syracuse, N. Y. The D. D. D. Prescription comes in a sealed bottle with authentic label on each bottle; it is a liquid applied externally, does not grease nor will it slain or dis color the most delicate wearing apparel. This prescription has our un qualified indorsement. For a con siderable period of time we have been recommending it with most astonishingly effective results. The cures already effected are having a wide-spread influence in this community. If you have a skin affection, come and inquire about the D. D. D. Remedy. - It will be the means of making you a happier human being. Laurens Drug Co. nORPHINE Opium, Whiskey and All Drug Habits Cured Without Pain at Your Home. If you are addicted to these habits you think you will quit it. You won't; you can't unaided; bat you can be cured and restored to your former health and vigor without pain or the loss of an hour from your business at a moderate cost. Toe medicine builds up your health, restores your nervous system to its normal condlti n; you feel like a different person from the beginning of treatment, LEAVING OFF THE C) FIATF S A FT E K T11 E FIRST I >OSE. You will soon be convinced and fully satislied in your own mind that you will be cured. Mr. '1'. M. Brown, of DeQueon, Ark., says: "Over seven years ago 1 was cured of the opium habit by your niedi oine, and have continued in the very best of health >ince Dr. VV. M. Tunstall, of Livingston, Va., say.-: ??! am glad to say that I firmly believe that 1 am entirely and permanently cured of the Drink Habit, as I havo never even so much as wanted a drink in any form sinco 1 took your eradicator, now eighteen months ago. It was the hist dollar I ever invested." Mrs. Virginia Townsand, of Shreve porfc, La., writes: "No more opium. I have taken no other remedy than yours and 1 make no niistttka when I say that my health is hotter now than it ever was in my life, and 1 osve it to you ami your remedy. It has been twolvo years since I was eurod by your treatment.'" For full particulars address Dr. B. M. Woolley, 801 Lowndos, Bldg., At lanta, Ga., who will send you his book. light, cool, En?y to Wcor. sum: on or P.Tck. > unilersiraps, jvci moves. Wo guarantee a lit or money refunded. PALMETTO DRU(J CO., Laurens, S. C. THE PRETTY GIRL Is fond of pretty jewels . The sensible man looks lor t h e establishment where he can get the best Jewelry for the least money. Our Jewelry is the best, il is new? new in manu facture and new in de sign, It won't cost a cent to look at what we have. Fleming Bros. O rp c> XT. X J\. . Bear? tho II? KH YOll llftvtl Always Bought