The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 29, 1904, Image 3

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CITIZENS SIGN STRONG PETITION. Has Been Presented to Bailroad Authorities. COMMITTEE ACTIVE. Situation Briefly Reviewed and Urgent Appeal Is Made for Change of Depot Location The Committee selected at a recent in eting of tho citizens to represent the city in tho elt'ort to induco the railroad authorities 13 move tho passengor de pot, has prepared and presented to President Childs and Superintendent Anderson tho very strong petition, which is prin:ed balow. As will ho noted the peti'ion carries tho signature of practically every business and pro fessional man n tho city. To Mr. W. G. Childs, President C. N. & L. Kail way, and Mr. A. W. Ander son, General Superintendent of the] C. & W. C. Railway. We, the undersigned citizens of Lau rens, South Carolina, respectfully ro presont:?That the present passenger deput facilities ara exceedingly dan gerous and insufficient to meet the de mands of the traveling public, and the ] citizens of Laurens generally. The putting in of several new side tracks on the Western side of the pres ent passenger depot, and the conlem-1 platsd erection of a new freight depot between the side tracks and tho main business portion of the city of Laurens will all tho more render the said pas senger facilities dangerous, inconven ient and in8utllcient. So therefore, We, the under.-ignod, would respectfully urge upon you that | a new passenger station be erected on the Western side of tho trrcka and op posite to the present station, nearer to tho business portion of tho town, and also more accessib'o and convenient to the citizens gonerally of the said town. Not only v. ill it be more convenient I and afford better accommodations but| it will render traveling on the main street loss dangerous. Wo urge that these changes be made before tho con struction of the new froight depot has begun. The growth aud increased business of our city and tho interest of tho pub lic generally make the abovo changes necessary for the convenience aud safety of tho public. T N Barksdale, W C P Robertson, Kennedy Bros , PASimpsoD, H S Kennedy, M G Joans, R P Milam & Co , Davi-, Roper & Co., Win, Lancaster, D A Davis, Jno. W Ferguson, C M Miller, T D Darlington, Laurens Drug Co., C H Roper, EO Anderson, Palmetto Drug Co.,A J Christopher, W II Washington, A II Sanders, Brooks 8wygort, B F Ballew, Jr., J H Boyd, W P Cbildress, L G Balle, S D Ohildress, J Y Wallace, J D'Childrcss, W R Richey, W C Blakely, Chas F Brooks, C E Hicks, BL Clardy, W W Dendy, W P Thoraason, J I Coleman, J O Teague, H B Grltton, S M Wilkes, J 8 Hicks, J 7. Leverett, J R Moseley, T L. Monroe, A P Moore, J E Mlnter & Bro.,J A Austin, W E Clardy, A L Mahaffey, T E Swltzer, O B Shell, T E Bahb, Owings & Owings, J M Barksdale, W B Sloan, F.eming Bros.. Frank B'.shop, E D Langstoc, J C Henderson, Jno. A Barksdale, ?T H Fowler, Jno Aug Barksdale, J Warren Bolt, Jno. M Clardy, J H Sprouse, W P Hudgens, Jno M Hudgens, T M Roundtroo, J M Philpot, 0 M Clark, J E Philpot, W D Ferguson, E T Babb, B E Martin, R K Howoll, E P Simpson, W H Garrett, J W Eichelberger, E B C Wat's, M E B Owens, R L Henry, T D Lake, Coko Gray, J W Fowler, C R Bishop, T L Douglas, W L Gray, D C Martin, W B Knight, C K Ray, Clifton Jones, Isadoro Scbaycr, R B Childrcss, J K Vance, J B Brooks, F M Smith, R F Jones, R E Copoland, J H Parks, M B Hipp, J W Payne, T H Nelson, Thos. Downey, R W Willis, J A Simmons, Fuller, Darlington & Co., JOG Fleming & Co. Jno Inman, O G Thompson, J R Hellams, J W Hargrove, D C Barksdale, G W Copeland, H Terry, T J Duckett, T C Switzor, Messer Bab?, J N Richardson, J B Cosby, W G Wilson, P M Hellams, C W Taylor, J F Kern, M L Roper. Chas Ellett, W H Anderson, A E Hill, H M Shell, L R Roper, M H Holdor, A N Bram'ott, M P. Frlerson, J C Owlnga, i; A B*bb, H B Humbert, C M Babb, A C Todd, W A Watts, W 8 Bagwell. J D Watts, Qeo S McCravy, W R McCuen, H P Burdette, L W Bernhardt, J W Abrams, W J Benjamin, W B Clark, O W Babb, .80 McDaniel, T K Hudgens, A D Barksdale, M L Copeland, J J Dendy, J W Todd, O B Simmons, T B Crews, J 8 Bonnott, B H Grier, C A Power, E H Crews, Jas A Clardy, J S Young, OPGoodwlu, R H GroDeker, J D Pitts, J F Tolbert, J A Armstrong, B A Sullivan, W H Dial, E Wilson, J H Dow, J L Hopkins, Brooks Sull'van, W T Dorroh, A Sbayer, R E Babb, Geo L Pitt?, S 8 Boyd, J W Dunklin, E W CoDeland, M L Nash, J J Plus8, Jno Y Garllngton, WPCaine, L> G Bal.'e, Jr., J 0 Shell, E W Martin, M Taylor, G T Galnc, S D Garllngton, H D Mahaffey, W H Godfrey, J It Flnley B F Posey, Jno F Bolt, J H M>ers, P E Young, Jno A Franks, G W Ferguson, Laurens Hardware Co. W.W. DodsoD, L. D.Pitts, Alex Long, R. B. Pitts, W, E. Lucas, B. L. Jones. OA?TORIA. Bm? the _/) J hs Kind You Haw Always Bou?M Bkiaiori lh? Kind You Haw Aiwajs Kov. H. it. Grler of Ora was io the city Thursday. Mr. James S. Drummond visited rela tives in Spartanburg last week. Rev. D. P. Boyd, Fountain Inn, was in the city Saturday moroinK* A prominent visitor to the eity Sat urday was Mr, P, R, Owluge, of Rap ley. Dr. O. B. Mayer of Newberry was called to tho city professionally last week Col. J. Washington Watts of Mount vlllu was a welcomed visitor in the city several days tho past week. Mr. J. G. Cunningham, of Green villo, paid a brief visit to the city Wed nesday. Mr. Carl Barksdalo went up to Greenville for a few days' visit last weok. Mrs. J. T. Poole and Miss Irene Ray have gone to Rutberfordton, N. C. to spend a mouth or so with relatives and friends. Mrs J. D. Watts loft Wednesday for Ilendersonville to spend the summer. She was accompanied by Mr. Watts who returned Saturday. Little Misses Cornelia and Kltt!e Mayer of Newberry, Lois Young, Trene McCain and Ruth Todd {f Due West are the guosts of Miss Jennie Fleming. Misses Ella and Malile Brown re turned to Spartanburg on Saturday, af ter a visit of two weeks to their aunt, Mrs. B. W. Ball. Misses Mary Sue Walker, Ellie Walker and Andreila Buchanan, of Knoree, visitod in the city during the past woek. Miss Mamie Cummingd, stenographer at the Liaurens Cotton Mills, will spend the Fourth of July at her home in Winnsboro. Miss Meta Sullivan wept to Bennetts ville last weok to visit Miss Louise Broeden. Miss Brecden gave a large reception in her honor on the evening of the 21st. Mr. John 0. Allen of Waterloo, has been elected superintendent of the Vorkville Graded Schools for the en suing year. For the last threo'years Mr. Allen has been principal of a high school st West Palm Beach, Florida. He is spending the summer at Water loo and will probably attend the ses sions of the County Summer School which oponod Monday. Miss Harris Wins. Mips Willie Gray Harri*, daughter of Mr. VV. P. Harris, of Young's, was tho winner in Laurens county of the freo trip to St. Louis, offered by the Spartanburg Dally Herald to the young lady who should receive tho highest number of votes In a conte?t conduct ed by thit paper during the past four months. At the expense of The Her ald four young ladles of Spartanburg and ono each from Laureos, Cherokeo and Union, will go to the exposition July 4'h. Connection can be Made at Greenwood. Through the persistent olTort9 of Mr. N. B. Dial, President of tho Wares Shoals M'f'g. Company, arrangements have been made whereby connection can be made at Greenwood by the South bound passenger over the C. & W. C. with the North bound afternoon train on tho Southern. Tino ADVERTISER called attention to this matter several weeks ago and it is glad satisfactory arrangements have been effected. Death of Mr. W. E. Gray, Sr. After a brief illness, Mr. W. E.Gray, ono of tho oldest citizens in the county, having passed his 84th year, diod at his home In the Eden section, Dials town ship, Friday night last. Saturday af ternoon he was laid to rest at Rabun Creek Church. Mrs. John Armstrong of this city, was a daughter and the other members of tho family are: Mrs. W. Belton Owlngs, Mrs. Emma Reaves, Misses Sue and Charlotte Gray; Messrs. W. E. Gray Jr., Walter Gray, Ruf us Gray and Billiard Gray. Laurens Cotton Mill Notes. Mr. Charles Templeton, who has been quite sick for sometime, has about recovered his usual health. Mr. Eugene B. Sloan, who has a'so been sick ot pneumonia at Clinton, we are glad to say has recovered and was in our town a day or two last week. Mr. E. A. Franks, who has been over seer of weaving at the Watts Mill has resigned and accep'.ed a position at the Saxon Mills in Spartanburg. Mr. John Tidwoll takes his place at Watts. Mr. Smith, weave 100m overseer hero has resigned and Mr. E. E. Bis hop who formerly held the position is again in charge. Mrs. Andtew McKee and family have moved back here from Newberry. Mr. George A, Franks has moved from the Watts Mills back here. Mr. Ludie Riddlo, who has been in Darlington for sometime, has returned to Laurens. The young people here are practic ing for a musical entertainment and minstrel which will be given iu the new school house on tho 4th of July. Mr. William Walker has his house freshly painted, whioh adds to the ap pearance of it very mooh. Tho Laurens Cotton Mills Is having about 70 or 80 Draper looms put in now. There will be 600 or 600 put in altogother. The now Artesian Well on this side is a favorite resort after mill hours. Miss Holmes Gone Abroad. Miss Mary Bell D?lmes of this city, has gone on an extended European trip. She accompanied her friend Miss Flostrom, of Columbia, who goes back to visH members of her family In Ger many nnd Sweden. They will go first to Berlin whero a sister of Miss Finstrora rendep, thence (o Stockholm, the home of hor parents. Bofore returning in the early Fall tbey will probably visit a number of other Important eitles in the East, including Paris. L. B. Blaokwell Goes to Laurens. Mr. L. B. Blaokwell, who for the past seven years has been foreman of the Allan Nicholson Pross, has resign cd his position to be associated with Mr. M. L. Copeland, of Laurens, as publisher of the Laurons Advertiser. Mr. Blaokwell thoroughly under stands almost all lines in the printing business, and is a young man of steady habits aud line character. It is with sincere regrets that his associates In this ofllce and his friends in the town seo him leave Union, but they follow him with their best wishes for his hap inessand material succoss.?Ualon Pro gress. Big Itevfyal Meeting. Rev. 15. C. Watson assisted tho Rev. J. 11. Aiken in a great revival meet ing at Tucapau, Spartanburg county. Fifty five candidates for baptism and sixty ono members by letter wore re ceived into the Baptist Church and eleven joined the Methodist Church. Dounon-Davis. Married on the 2lst. inst. at tho home of tho ofliclatlng minister, Rev. 15. C. Watson, Mr. Jefferson Davis and Miss Alice Donnon, both of the Tylers vllle section of the county. Lnnford's Locals. Lanfoud, June 27 ?Mr. C. L. Wal drop has been quite ill with typhoid fever, but is better. We wish for him a speedy recovery. We aro glad to report Mr. Sam Moore better. He has been sick for quite a while. His mother, Mrs. Lena Moore, of Laurens, and sister, Mrs. Dosia Mar tin, of Tennessee, wore up to see him hist week. Mrs. K. Sltgreave3 of your city ha8 been visiting frionds and relatives at Lanford, Mr. William Thomas is visiting rela tives In Tennessee. Misses Flossie and Ethel Lanford, Messrs. John Cannon and Lawrence Pattetson attended the Woodruff Com mencement exercises. Misses Annie Lanford and Minnie Franks and Mr. Pierce Mooro visited Miss Lucilo White of Gray Court re cently. Mrs. Walter Goodnight is visiting her parents in North Carolina. Mr. Fritz Lanford of Woodruff was in town Sunday. Misses Annie Drummond, Minnie Franks andCentellia Fleming returned from College a few days ago. Also Mr. Clarence Burdette and Mr. Law rence. Wo aro glad to see tho young people home again. Miss Efflie Johnson kindly welcomed the returned boys and girls by giving them a reception at her home last Sat urday evening. It was a pleasant sur prise and all had a delightful time. Lanford is still improving. We are to havo an Oil Mill soon. The machin ery has been ordered and work on the building has commenced. See our line of Ham mocks before you buy. We have them at all prices and to suit any pocket book. The Laurens Drug Co. GOODS DELIVERED. I Beginning Friday, the 24th of June, we will run the following CUT PRICES till July 4th. e EMBROIDERIES! LACES! 5 cents kind at 3 cents per yard 10 cents kind at 7 cents per yard 15 cents kind at 10 cents per yard 25 cents kind at 15 cents per yard CLOTHING FOR MEN! $15.00 Suits at $12.50 12.50 Suits at 10.00 10.00 Suits at 7.50 7.50 Suits at 6.00 5.00 Suits at 3.50 ALL COLORED AND WHITE LAWNS REDUCED. 10 cents Lawns at 8 cents I2tf cts Lawns at 10 cents 25 cents Lawns at 20 cents JL li CT? ?n 22 rn Our Ladies' Skirts are marked down so much that a Ready-made Skirt will cost you less than the cloth to make it. Ladies' Ready-trimmed Hats and Hen's Straw Hats at A "Qet Rid" of prices. Come and see for yourself. O % jflcts MILL CLOTH AT IQcts PER YARD. % ft We started out with new goods and we are going to keep ^ them Nnew--that's why we are cutting prices on Summer ?| Goods. We have only a few such goods left. You can pay cash or use checks and keep your cash for July 4th. LAURENS COTTON MILLS STORE, T. C. LUCAS, flanager. $1.00 REWARD For Any Person Who TakesaBoftleol'OlJK NEW DISCOVERY (Nature's Remedy. ) Tho Great Blood I'uriller, Kitiucy ami Liver Regulator, nud Receives No Benellt. A Guarantee Goes With Each Bottle. And the druggist signs the guaran tee. You run no risk in tho triul. Our New Discovory is not an alcoholic stimulunt, which is worse than no stimulant, but it is the groat building Up and purifying remedy, purifying the b'.ood and cleansing the system from all impurities, which gives new life and vigor to every organ* !' pos itively our es all blood diseases Buob as Robing skin. Pimples, Eczema, lUood i'o son, Scrofula, Rheumatism, and it rostoros tho Nervous System to its Normal oouditlou, produoes a healthy appetite, tones and regulates the hoart, and it regulates tue Kidneys, Livor and Bowels. The use of a single boulo Will convince any ono of its woudorful curative properties. For sale by The Laurens Drug Co.; W. W. Dodsun. THRESHERS. We have a Full .Stock Fj..i'r.x of the well-known Harquhar Threshers and Ajax Portable Engines and can make prompt shipment. Prices Right. Catalog on request. Gibbrs Machinery Co., _ Columbia, S. C. .[ ALASKA REFRIGERATORS lj| ^JB' chilly, doesn't it? And they are?have big roomy food chambers T$fjlr, ttK;' that will keep perishable things sweet and Vml Mf fresh as long- as yon keep the ICE CHAMBER ? WELL FILLED. The most sanitary Wk\ Refrigerators made?have remova- ? ilsM Iv^j; ble waste pipes which keep i'-ral #||^\ them always in a clean | ^^^^^^ ^ Consume Less ICE than any Other. ^ ^ I have bought out the Livery business of C. S. Fuller. I will conduct a First-Class Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Always on hand safe horses and nioe turnouts at reasonable rates? Kentucky saddle and harness horses. Give me a trial. J. H. DAVIS, /PHONE SI._ruIii,Klt'S Ol.I) STANII. TAILORI N<3. I oomluoba li-st-clasi tailoring shop. Out, Make ami Guarantee a lit, ut rea sonable prices You are invited to loin my pressing club. 15. .1. Danov, 'Phono. ISO. * Mintcr Building. THE NEW NERVE TQfiilC AND KIDNEY CURE. Clonuses llio Klilrieyn nml Olnditor, nnrlfloH the Mood. Pins Flosh <>ii thin poopla. HtrciiKthciiH [ho Nerve?. Clears Iho ?riiln, t!urea NorvoiiH Doblllly, Inxomnln, b'nlllng Memorv. UchIoivh the- Vim, Vigor, Vitality mi.i Strength ol Youth, ill lioth ITCAK Moil mill Women. Thin New Itemed? worktillko Mngle, hut in ab solutely hnriuletw. Weigh youracll i>? i< ro taking. Price, 50 ot*.; 12 boxos, $5.00, by mull. We will ehoerfnlly refund tho money If you uro bot bcuclltted. Try Ii ami bo convinced.' Laurens Drug Co. HUDGENS BROS., LAU RENS,S.C. Foundry, riachine Shops, ? [Building Material. \UE HEDAID Engines, Saw Mills, Threshers, TT C KCr AllY Gins and all Kinds of Machinery. Make Cast ings of all Kinds. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Shingles, Laths, Krailling, Moulding, Doors, Blinds, Sash, Lime, Cement and Hair. Selling Agents for The Rapid Eire Hay Press. jgi^t" Mail orders will have prompt attention. HUDG.ENS BROS. When You Insure Your Life .Select a Massachusetts Company under the "Massachusetts System," [which guarantees equity to all. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co OF BOSTON, MASS., ?IS THE? Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Massachusetts Company. This Company offers exceptional inducements to men of energy and integrity who would like to enter the business of life insurance. Write for Particulars. JOHN Y. QARLINQTON, & CO., Department Managers. Laurens, S. C. Kennedy Bros. In order to close out a few cases of the celebrated California YELLOW CRAWFORD and LEMON CLING PEACHES, we have reduced the price to 20 cents the can or 3 cans for 50 cents, This fruit is put up in heavy syrup, in 3-pound cans. Also, a tew cases ofthat delicious Maine packed CANNED CORN?tender and sweet?15 cents per can. KENNEDY BROS I Till] CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ff nrTwrrri m? jjB Jacksonville, Fla., ?| Charleston, S. C, and jh| New York and Boston, Mass. JS jThe Favorite Route 9k 'Between (lie South and North. Jk Only All Water Line Without Change. %J I Three or more sailings weekly in either direction.? (Every convenience known to modern ocean travel. Un ksurpasfed accommodations for first-class and steerage 'passengers. Close connections with all railroads and steam boat lines out of New York. Most accesrible and con venient route for travelers to all New England, Northern kand interior points. THEO. G. EGER, G. M. [Wm, P. Clydk & Co., Gen'l Agts. 19 State St,, New York. F. M. Iuonmongkr, Jr., A. G. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla M. B. Hutchinson, D. F. & P. A. Charleston, S. C.