ADDITIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROBABLE. Splendid Spring oil Mr. A. II. Martin's Plantation May be Utilized For The CH7. Thero is some talk among the busi ness men of the city of a projeot of bringing the water from a splendid spring live miles north west of Laurens to supplement the arto-ian well. This spring discharges a large volume of water and is said to be very Hue and pure. It is located on Mr. A. II. Mar tin's p'autatlon. If the plan is can led through, it will give Laurens a good supply of water. As it iiow stands, the question of water Is beginning to be a serious one. Mr, James Allen Parks Dies In Texas. News came to Dr. J. A. Barkedale, a few days ago, announcing the death of Mr. Jas. Allen Parks, of Vernon, Tex. Mr. Parks was a nephew of Dr. Barks dale, aud moved from Youngs Town Bbip, this county, about six years ago to Texas. He was a Confederate vet eran and bolonged tottth S-G.Cavalry. He was r>9 years of age. His wife and a largo family of children survive Uim. Mr. Parks had a host of friends In this county who will be saddened by the news of his death. Mr. Dallentiue's Stay In Cuba. Mr. D. F. Ballentine, who, together with his eldest daughter, Miss Mattie, and two youngost sons, Homer and Mills, went to Cuba last winter, ex pect to return home In about two mouths. Under tho direction of tho Missionary Board of Northern Baptists, Mr. Ballentine is superintending the construction of chapels and churches In Cuba. Ho writes that Cuba is being developed rapidly; that all kinds of improved stock and cattle are being Imported and thero are many evidences of improvement in all directions. He is much pleased with tho Island, but is anxious to get home. Mr. Humbert and Miss Jones to Wed. The marriage of Mr. J. B. Humbert, Jr., of Honea Path, and Miss Hannie Jones, of Cokesbury, is announced to take placo next Wednesday, June 8th. Mr. Humbert is a son of Capt.J. B. Humbert of Princeton, this county, and Is Secretary of the Honea Path Cotton Mills. Tho bride-elect, Miss Jones, Is well known in Laurens, as she is a frequent visitor to her sister, Mrs. B. F. Posey, KEURO ROY DROWNED. Ueorge Walker Lost His Life Monday by Drowning. George Walker, a 111 year old colored errand boy of this city was drowned in Barksdale's pond a mile abovo town Monday afternoon about two o'clock. His body was immediately recovered and medical aid summoned, but to no avail. Goorge, with two smaller boys, was bathing in the pond. All of them had been diving, etc., when it was no ticed that Goorge was strangling and sinking. Efforts wore made by the frlghtoned boys to save him, but he was lifeless when they got him on the hank. Tho boy was evidently seized with Cramps as t he water where he drowned is said to bo not over three feet deep. Tho inquest was held late Monday evening and a verdict was returned in accordance with the above facts. CROSSES TO BE CONFERRED. Daughters of Confederacy Will Present Crosses of Honor to Veterans. At the Clork's Olli e a*, threa o'clock Friday afternoon, the birthday of Jefferson Divls, tho Daughters of tho Confederacy will p-esant crosses of honor to tho veterans whose names appear upjn the list we give below We arj a'si requested to siy that vete rans who had appllod for but were not present to reoivj their crosses on Me morial l>*y are Invited to be present and receive them upon this occcaslm Mrs. J. A Cope'.and, tho president of the chaptor, his a number of crosses still In her possession which should havo bj3n presented on tho 10th of May an] she will bs glad to bestow them on Friday. The Diughters of the Confederacy, veterans and their friends are invited to be present at the Clerk's Ofllce on Friday afternoon. A?L 0 Anderson. B-W L Boyd, M H Burdine, J T Ballentine, John M. Clardy. D?W T Dorr oh. F?John H Fouche. G-IIugh Greyllsh, E W Griffin. H?L A Hendereoa, RO Halreton W P Harris. M?Jas A Martin, A McCoy. N?W A Nelson. O?Mandl Owings. P?J A Puckett, J T Poole, II A Philips, J A Pinscn. R?J K Kamage, S E Hay, V B Rob ertson, Barnett Robertson, SL Russell. S?Warren Stribbllng, W A Stone, J II Summerei. T?John H. Thomason, H S Taylor, J O Templeton. THAT THROBBING IIKADAOHE Would quickly loavo you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Siok and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 26 cents, inoney back if not cured. Sold by Lau rens Drug Go. and Palmetto Drug Co. TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SUR GERY. Wonderful things are done for the human body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they may be removed entirely; bones are s/Vced; pipes take the place of diseased auctions of veins; antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like inju ries before inflammation sets in, which oauses tbem to heal without matura tion and In one-third the time required by the old treatment. Chamberlain's Pain I Ulm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, oauses them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and sorenei*. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you tlm and money, not to mention the inoo venience. For sale by Laurena Dru Cot IN MeAoKIAM. I There is no moro beautiful night for m mortal oyo to behold than a well trained,highly cultivated and Christian youug woman. A yuuug woman \vh 1 scorns the wrong und loves truth, fill log lifo with sunshine; catching the sweetest and most lovable along the journey of life and leaving tho bad to fado and die. Such was tho life, lived and exprossed In the life of Miss Eula Elizabeth Ulakoly who passed from time to eternity on the morning of May ?th. just after the clock had fold of the midnight hours. For nino days this dear young woman sulTercd untold misory and pain, yet bho never com plained . What a great con-o'ation she has loft her home?perfect submission to God' will. For sovo-al years sho has had great comfort lu the service of tho Master at the old home church, Beth any. Sho was a l'rosbyterian, but over sought to bo a consolation to all. The train of attondants upon her burial was numbered by tho hundreds. No doubt tho family remember tho dying words as she turned from ono to another of tho famiiy and seid: "Good-bye," and her words to the Iviby boy will bo moro lasting than marble. To her mother and father, broken hearted and sad, to her loving and devoted sister Emma, who was 8s faithfn 1 us over could be; and all other household b3 this sweet promise of Christ: "I will not leave you com fortless, but where I am there ye shall bo also." No doubt the words of the poet was never better demonstrated as ho sang: ' "Tis so swoot to trust in Josus, Just to take Him at His word: Just to rest upon his promise, Just to know, Thus salth the Lord. "O how swoot to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cloausing blood: Just In simple faith to plungo mc 'Noath the healing, cleansing Hood. "Yes 'tis sweet to Iruat in Josu*, Just from sin ami solf lo ceao; Just from Josus simply tiklng, Life and rest, and joy and peace. ' I'm so glad 1 lcarnod to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend ; And 1 know that Thou art with me, Will be witn me to the end." S. R. Bass, Springfiold, S. C. FOR LADIES ONLY. You have spent day after day, dur ing hot, stilling July and August, stew ing and sealing fruits and vegetables, in air-tight jars, and stewing your selves at ihc same time. We bring you relief. King's Fruit Preserving Powder (largo boxes and low price) will pre serve fruit and vegetables without air tight jars, with snror results and at one-fourth tho pric A 25c. conts box puts up iO pounds of fruit. Note tho great advautage in taste and expense. Get it at The Lau rens Drug Co. Chamberlain's Stomach and L?ver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your appetite, cleanso and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by Laurons Drug Co. Dr. Chas. A. Ellett, DENTIST. Law Range. Charleston and Westers Carolina H B. AUGUSTA and AHHKVTLLB SIIOK'J LINE. Schedule in Effect Mar. 1,1902 2:07 p m 8 80 pm 3 40 pm ;> 32 pra 6 11 pm 1 66 pm 2 61 p m 5 20 pm 2 86 pm 6 30 pm 6 46 pm 2 09 pm 8 26 pm Lv. Laurens Ar 1:30 p n Ar Hpartanhnr*. Lv 1201 pn ((Southern Railway) Lv Spartanburg \r 10 25 an ArSaluda Lv8 80Er Ar Uendernonvill? Lv 8 06 an, (C. A W. C. Railway) Lv Laurena Lv Greenwood Ar Augusta l, v An At 1 46 pi Ar 12 44 i-.. Lv 10 10 am Ac 11 65 am Lv 7 50 pn Lv 7 40 an Ar 186 pre Lv. 12 16 pn __r Beaufort Ar Port Royal Lv Lanrens Ar Greenville For information relative to tiokets rates, sohedules, eto., address GEO. T. BRYAN. G. A. ERNEST Wl I.I A MS, Gen. Pass, Agent, Augusta, Ga. CANDIDATES* Announcements under this hoading must bo accompanied by tbo fee, Three Dollars. Announcements to ruuufcer the first Primary. | FOB STATE RENATE. At tho solicitation of friends I havo decided to announce myself as u candi date for tho State Senate, bUbjeot to tho Oemocratlc Primary. F. P. McGowan. FOR TilF LEGISLATURE. I respectfully myself a can didate for re-election to the llooss of Representatives, subject to tho result of the Democratic Primary. W. C. IHMY, Jit. Tho friends of A. J. Smith, appre ciating his past sorvieos in the inter est of tho peop'o, respio'fully suggest his name to the voters of Laurens County as a suitable Representative from this County to the Legislature, Friends. I heroby announce myself as a can didate for tho Legislature, subject to tho Democratic vote of Laurens county. J. U. Miller, M. I). At the solicitation of friends from the different parts of tho county, I respectfully announce myself a candi date for the Legislature, subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary. W. P. HARRIS. C. C. Featherstone, Esq., is hereby announced as a candidate for House of Representatives from Laurens County, subject to tho uctiou of the Demo cratic Primary election. FOR CLERK OF COURT. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for Clerk of Court for Laurent* county. Will abide result of Democratic Primary. T. Foster Simpson. l hereby announce myself a enndi dato for Clerk of Court for Laurons County, subject to the result of the approaching Primary Flection. C. E. GRAY, The name of John A. Franks Is hereby presented to tho Democratic voters of Lnurons couuty as a candi date for Clerk of Court, subjoct to the rules govorning tho party Primary. Friends. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Olork of Court for Lau rens County and promiso to discbarge the busness of said ollice as in the past according to law and tho host In terests of the people. 1 will cheerfully abide the result of the Democratic Prl mary Election. Thanking all for their past favors, 1 am respectfully. John F. Bolt. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for tbo ofllce of Sheriff of Laurons county. Will abide the result of the Democratic Primary. J. THOS. PEDEN. The many friends of Bee A. Wharton knowing his merit and qualifications combined with his superior detective turn of mind most respectfully suggest blm to tho voters of Laurons County as a worthy and suitable candidate lor the Sheriff's Office in . tho approaching election, subjoct tbHhe rules of tho Democratic Primary. Friends. Being conscious of tho fact that 1 have faithfully discharged the duties ol the Sheriff's ofllco for the present term? to the best of my ability, and believing that I have the endorsement of the ma jority ol the peolo of Laurens County to this end, I would ag.iin announce myself a candidate for re-election, sub ject to the decision of tho Democratic Primary. T. J. DuOKETTi Being solicited by friends from dif ferent parts of County, I announce my self a candidate for the ollice of Sheriff, at the approaching Primary Elec ion, and will abide the rules governing the same. B. F. BALLFW. The many friends of Jas. W. Hen dorson announce him a candid itc for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic Primary. He has served as constable eoveral years and as Deputy SlieriIT one term, performing the dutios to the satisfaction of tho public. s Voters. FOR TREA8URER. Thereby announce myself a candi date for ro-olcction to the oflico of County Treasurer, subject to the Dem ocratic Primary. JOHN H. OOPEL \NI). FOR AUDITOR. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for tho office of County Auditor, subject to the Democratic primary. JOEL. A. SMITH I retpectfully announce myself a can didate for reelection to the ofllce of County Auditor, subject to the Demo cratic Primary. C. A powkk FOH COUONER. I hereby aunounce my candidacy for reelection to tho oflico of Corooor, subject to tho rules of tho.Democratic Primary. W.D. Waits. I announce myself a candidate for Coroner for Laurens couuty, subject to the Democratic primary and party r.les. J. B. coshy. Many friends of Major M. II. Fergu sou, from every Township in tho Coun ty, have solicited him to bteomo a can didate for Coroner at the Primary Flection and he has consented. He will abide the rules and regulations of said Primary. Fhiknds. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. I retpoctfully announco mysolf a can ?lidnto for re-election to tho office of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary. Charles F. Brooks. FOR SUPERVISOR. At tho solicitation of friends, I an nounce inyeqlf a candidate for Super visor of Liurens county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. R. P. Ada in. I rcspoctfully announco myself as a oandidate for re-olcctlon to tho olllce of County Supervisor for Laurens county, subject to the rules of tho Democratic primary. H. p. Humbert. 1 announce myself to tho Demo cratic voters of Laurens county, a can didate for Supervisor, subject to the Democratic primary and party rules. James S. Dkummond. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. George C. Hopkins is hereby an no ineed as a candidate for Countv Commissioner, subject to the result of tlio Democratic Primary. I hereby announce myself a cicdi date for tho oflico of County Commis sioner, subject to tho action of tho Dem ocratic Primary. O. Clatk Cox. nORPHINE Opium, Whiskey and Ail Drug Habits Cured Without Pain at Your Home. I f you are addictou to these habits you think you will quit it. You won't; you can't unaided; but you can be cured and restored to your former health and vigor without pain or the loss of an hour from your busines? at a moderate cost. The mediclno builds up your health, restores your nervous system to Its normal condition; you feol like a different person from the beginning of treatment, LEAVING OFF THE OPIATES AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. You will soon bo convinced and fully satisfied in your own mind that you will be cured. Mr. T. M. Brown, of DeQuoon, Ark., says: "Over seven years ago I was cured of the opium habit by your medi cine, and have continued in tho very best of health since Dr. W. M. Tunstall, of Livingston, Va., says: "I am glad to say that I firmly boliovc that I am entirely and permanently curod of tho Drink Habit, as I have nevor oven so much as wanted a drink in auy form since I took your eradicator, now eighteen months ago. I* was the best dollar I ever inves'ed." Mrs. Virginia Townsend, of Shreve port, La., writes: "No more opium. I have taken no other remedy than yours and I make no mistake wbon I say that my health Is hotter now than it ever was in my life, and I owe it to you and your remedy. It has boen twelve years since I was curod by your troatmont." For fu'l particulars address Dr. B. M. Wool ley, iJOl Lowndes, Bldg,, At lanta, Ga., who will send you hla book. FOR MAGISTRATE. I hereby announco myso'.f a candi date for ro-c!cctiou for Magistrate of Laureus Township, subject to tho Dem ocratic Primary. John M. Hudqens. W, Y. Boyd, Esq., Is hereby an nounced as a caudidate for Magistrate for Laurens Township, subject to the Democratic Primary. WORST OF ALL EXPERIENCES. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such waa the experience of Mrs. S. U. Newson, Decatur, Ala., "For three years" she writes, "1 endured iusufra ble i ain from Indigestion, stomach and towel troube. Do.ith seemed Inevita ble when doctors and all remedies failed. At length 1 was inducod to try E'ectric Bitters and tho result was miraculous, I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For Li vor, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel tjoubles Electro Hitters is the only medicine. Ooly ">0 cents. It's guaran teed by Laurens Drug Co. and Pal metto Drug Co. CASTORIA. ?oar? tho 11,3 Kiiifl Yoti \\m Always Bought MILLIONAIRE'S POOR STOMACH. Tho worn-out stomach of tho over fed millionaire is often paraded in tho pubiio prints as a horritdu example of tbe evil attendant on the possession of great wealth. But millionaires are uot the only ones who are atllic'.ed with bad stomachs. Tho proportion is far n ore among tbe toilers. Dyspepsia and in digostlon are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tor tures than the millionaire unloss tb#y avail themselves of a standard medi cine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite house-ho:d remedy for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five years. August V ower rouses the torpid liver, thus oreatlng appotito and insuring perfect diges tion. It tones and vitalizes the entire system and makos lifo worth living, no matter what your stition. Trial bottlep, 25c; regular size, 75 conts. At druggists. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Winter^iiths CEiii ?b A MEDICINE OF MERIT. Sold on a Guarantee TO CURE CHILLS., CURES AGUE, DENGUE, CaC RIPPE ?ND Ol LI Oll SN ESS. Of All Oru?fists, 50c. s",qo R P. MILAM & CO. Your stock and poultry need dosing. Now is the lime, pro vided you use the International Stock Food Company's Products. None better on the market. Here are some of them and the prices: International Stock Food.25c and 50c. Colic Cure.50c Gall Cure.25c Poultry Food.25c Louse Killer.25c Silver Pine Healing Oil.25c Now, we will give with every 100 pound purchase a premium of 16 pounds of any of the above products ; and a 25-cts package with every 25 lbs. purchase. This is your opportunity ; A small investment may prove a profitable one. OUR UNDERTAKERS' STOCK Our Undertakers' ?Stock as usual is complete. We cany everything from the cheapest Coffin to the best METALIC CASES. First-class Hearse when wanted. At night or Sunday 'Phone H. M. Wright 01 R, P. Milani at their residences. R. P. MILAM & CO., LAURKNS, S. C. Startling Suit Savings IrVf/V II IbyU ? t chil?c;r f. H?rs ?/w\/w\/w\ ^r>^K /^lV,yw\7W^ Never Saw Such an Array of Breezy, Brisk-selling, Joy=giving Suits as are now at Our Store. Thought we had Good Suits last ?Season?and we did. But they weren't within a gunshot of THESE SUITS in ?Style, Kit or Elegant Finish. Ract is, our Tailors have made a special effort on these Suits?tried to see if they couldn't break the record?surpass the best inadc to-ordcr suits ill elegance?and it's our opinion they've SUCCEEDED. We Want Your Opinion. Costs nothing to see the vSuits. Costs nothing to try 'em on. If you don't buy, all right?it's your loss. If you do buy you get the Snap piest, Swaggerest Suits you ever set eyes oil at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 to $20.00. Sec 'cm. They arc beauties. Worth 30 to 50 per cent, more, and WK GUARANTEE EVERY SUIT in every way, shape and manner. Money back if it doesn't suit. A big saving at these figures. SHIRTS! $1.00 I;OR A SHIRT! A SHIRT FOR $1.00! stfP A Shirt that is a Shirt?tip top fit and fashionable design our celebrated "INTERNATIONAL,." None bet ter made. Everything good to wear?-guaranteed?at a tre mendous saving. J. E. MINTER & BRO., LAURENS, S. O. 'wV i?W >il/i A-! W ' mw Wann woathor brings danger to bablos. Keopnbottloof Haby Ease?the world's 'H-*t. baby lnedieino ? on hand. It is ml*' the Haf<>, smc, barinloss remedy for all feJPJL^- sonimer bowel and stomach troubles. At all good drug stores, 25 cents. Manufactured by BABY EASE CO., Mac on,Ga. I have bought, out the Livery business of C. S. Fuller. I will conduct a First-Class Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Always on hand safe horses and nioe turnouts at reasonable rates. Kentucky saddle and harness horses . Give me a trial. J. H. DAVIS, 'PHON ES 81. FULLER'S OLD STAN I). THE HUB! I j THE HUB! The Voice of the Vogue. THE HUB shapes its selections according to the voice of the vogue?the great unwritten dictates of fash ion that originate nobody knows just where and are dissem inated nobody knows just how. We buy with the greatest of care and caution. Everything we show has the sanc tion of fashionable usage iu the larger cities. Whatever's here is correct and whatever's correct is here. Is it any wonder that we are continually gaining a greater share of the town's best trade. Many Touches of Pretty Oddity. There are many touches of pretty oddity about the Hals our milliners turn out, which lift them above the commonplace. They aren't like anybody else's.. They have their own individuality?their own sparkling fresh ness and "dillerenlness." Every Hat we construct is a bit of careful, artistic handiwork, conformed to the face and figure. Will you not try us once, if you have never done so. Hosts of Laurens ladies lind our Milli nery very likable. Hats made to your order at any price from $2 to $10 Ready-to-Wear Hats 75c to $3 Man)- nobby Misses and Children's Hats 50c to $2 A nine of Stylish Suggestions. THE HUB is a mine of stylish suggestions for ?Sum mer Dresses, Waists, Skirt and Shirt-Waist Suits. We have great variety of beautiful light-weight fabrics for these purposes, from the simplest and least expensive of cottons up to the richest and prettiest of Wash Silks. More than this, we show a wealth of pretty Trimmings that will chime in most charmingly with these light, dainty fabrics. No woman tieed look further than here for the right materials for the most pleasing sort of .Sum mer costume. Smart Summer Footwear at Great Reduction. These are our leaders, and you may search far and wide without finding their superiors, or, for the matter ol that, their equals. The latests model in 3 and 5 strap Patent Leather and Vtci Sandals, worth $2*50 and $3.od, reduced to _$1.98._ THE HUB, AT TAPPS Sale of Imperial Imported Black Taffeta Silk. Tliis is not an ordinary silk sale, fitot ?/;/ tariff on the lot. Now llv silks are oars af about h'tXf value, and Monday yon oan bay> on tho same basis ?'at half value and less, Be on hind a! .9 o'clock ant get what i/oio want. The lot Is in three widths, name 19 in. wide, the yard 49c 23 in. wide, the yard 59c 36 in. wide, the yard 79c Black Dress Goods 98c. While in ./Vcw fork Ian days oior ,)/>. Tapp bought from Ik ? best importer of Fine Black Dress Goods in America several thousand yards of the newest and most stylish weaves known this season. The black we guarantee the strongest and best mtde. This is positively lh ? /)??