FARM VS: Before You Buy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. j. Y. Garlington & Co., Laurens, >S. C. VOL. xix. Wmtm LAURENS, S O.. WEDNESDAY FEB. 17. 1904. The Greatest Game on Earth! Mrs, Wiggs and Panic, Palmetto Drug Co, NO 28. HOW TO COOK THE HUSBANDS NICELY. Recipes for tin Laurens Ladles, TO MAKE MEN TENDER. The Proper Seasoning and Sweetening. Some Sound Advice that Deserves Care ful Attention and Consideration by the Feminine Mind. The following from the Worchester, Mass.,Special is respeotfully submitted to the dear ladles of Laurena town and county: Many husbands are spoiled by mis management in cooking and are not bo tender and good. Some good wives keep their husbands constantly in hot water; others keep them in a sbew by irritating ways. Somo roast them; some keep them in a pickle ail their lives; others think they need 1o be blown up occasionally and others let them freeze by their carelessness and indifference. It cannot be supposed that any hus band will be tender and good, managed in this way. But they oan be made really Qae and delicious when properly cooked. In seleoting a husband a wo man should not be guided by the sil very appearance, as in buying fish, nor by the golden tints, as if she wished salmon. Be sure and select him your self, as tastes differ. Do not go to the market for him, as the best are always brought to the door. It is far better to have non?, un'ess you will learn pa tiently how tt cook him See that the linen in which you wrap him is nioely washed and mended, with the required number of strings and buttons sewed on. A preserving kettle of the finest poroolam is best; but if you have only an earthenware kettle, it will do, with care. Tie him in the kettle with the silken cord ca'led love, as the one oalled duty is always weak. They are apt to fly or get burned and crusty on the edges, s'nee like crabs and lob sters, you have to cook them while alive. Make a bright, steady fire out of comfort, cheerfulness and neatness; set him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes do not be anxious, as some husbands do this until they are done. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call kisses. But u?e no vinegar or pep per on any account. A little spice im proves, but it must be used with judg ment, Do not stick any sha'p instrument into him to see if he is beoomlng ten der. You cannot fall to know when he is done. If thus cooked you will find him very digestible, agreeing nicely with you, and he will keep perfeotly, unless you beoome careless and set him in too oool a place. PERFECT CONFIDENCE. Where thern used to be a feeling of uneasiness ai d worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect c Idence. This is owing to the uniform -.cobs of Cbamberlaiirs Cough Berne in the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford, of Poolesville, Md., in speak ing of her experience in that remedy says: "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I havo used it with perfect success. My child Garland is subject to severe at tacks of croup and it always gives him Erompt relief. For sale by Laurens Irug Co. A KNOCK-OUT. Dr. King's New Medicine for colds, Gold Breaker, is now getting in some fine work. It is speedy, safo and sure. The price is only 26 oents. Convenient package. Find it at Palmetto Drug Co. Laurent, S. C. CANDIDATES. [Announcements under this heading roust be accompanied by the fee, Three Dol lars. Announcements to run until after the first Primary.] FOR CORONER. ~" Many friends of Major M. H. Ferguson, from ev*ry Township in the County, havo solioitod him to beoome a candidate for Coroner at the next Primary Eleotion, and he has oousented. He will abide tho rales and regulations of said Primary. Friends.* FOR SALE. 25 H. P. engine and boiler, in good repair. Also, 21 acre lot of land on Sullivan street, suitable for building lots. FOR RENT. 6-Room cottage on Hampton Street. 8-Rooni house, on W. Main Street. FOR SALE OR RENT. 8-room house on West Main Street. 6-room house on Hampton Street. FOR SALE. ?50 ehares Watts MU1 stock? L 10 shares Enterprise Bank stock. ? 5 shares Laurens Cotton Mills stock. ? 188 acres land in Jacks Township. ?15 acres bottom land near Laurens. E, 8-room house on Jones Street. t6-room house on East Main Street. 8 room house on North Harper St. 3 store lots in Clinton, S. C. M. L. Copeland, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS. BONDS. FIRE INSURANCE. W.B. KNIQHT. R.B. BADB. knight & BAJBB, Attorney* at ]L*w, ar Will practice in all the State and eral Courts. Striot attention to all business Intrusted n splendidly armed and magnificently trained by American and European officers. Admiral Uriu who won tho Port Ar thur fight graduated at tho Annapolis Naval Academy and six other Jap ship commanders are graduates from it. Tho Japs are on the ground and know ground. The Russian land forces must travel from two to four thousand miles. Tho Jap3 have lauded 20,000 more at Dhemu'po. PUTS AN END TO IT ALL. A grievous wail oftimes comos as a result of unbear.iblo pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness. Backache, Llvor complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are (rou ble, but thorough. Try thorn. Only 25 cents. Guaranteed by Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dodson. Letter to Fleming Bros. Laurons, S. C. Dear sirs: Tho cheapest thing in the way of sending any thlug over tho world is a postage stamp; and the oheapost way to shed water is paint. Not whitewash; paint. Do you hap Sen to know?it don't belong to your usiness to know about paint, you know?do you happen to know that most of tho makers of paint stuff It out with lime and clay and sand and water md air? They do stuff It out In tho cm; but not on tho house.-Th'-y make more gal lons to sell or to buy; rao-o uionoy to pay for paint; more money to pay for putting it on; but no more beauty; more rust; decay; disappointment; loss. Devoe Is your paint, because it's all paint, no abam, and fu'l measure. Yours truly, F. W. DkVok&Co., P. S.?Moseley & Roland sell our paint. Tho famous Goodyear Applo Farm, near Waynesvllle, N. C, Is now owned by John Farrior, Esq., ' who said: "King's Wild Cherry and Tar is the beat Cousrh Medicine. It is pleat-ant and effective, and I would not bo with out it." Even a slight cold Is not a thing of no moimnt. It may end In 3?tarrh or pneumnonl*. Keep tho breathing apparatus open and clean. All diseases ol the throat aud bronohial tubes are oured quickly and pleasantly bv Dr. King's Wild Cherry and far. 26 cents no oure, no pay. Sold by Pal motto Drug Co., Liurtns S C. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature State of South Carolina? LAURENS COUNTY. Court of Common Pleas. Piedmont Sa-'ugs and Investment Company, Plaintiff, aga'nsb W. R. Saxon, J. M. R. Saxon, J. T. Saxon and W. H. Abrains, Defendants. Pursuant to a deorao.of the Court in the above stated action, I will eeil at Laurens C. H., S. 0., ou Snlesday in March, lb being the 7th day of the month to the highest bidder,the follow ing lots to wit: Tract No. 1: That lot containing one half aore, more or less, bounded on the North by lot of Starlln* Owing.'. East by lands of Janie C. Clarke, tsouth by lot of Gray, Sullivan & Co., being the same lot conveyed by W. H. Abrams to W. R. Saxon et al., on February, 23rd, 1002. Tract No. 2. That othor lot of land, containing one half aore, more or less, bounded by lots of Starling Owings, the lot first desoribed herein and by lots of D. P. Goggans, Jim Black stock, et al. Terms of sale?One half oash, bal ance on credit of one year, the credit portion to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premi ses and draw iuterest from da e of aale, with leave to the purchaser to pay all cash. It purohaeer falls to comply with bid, will re-sell premises at bis risk. *Jno. F. Bolt, c. c. o. p. u c. BN? Um ^s} Ihe Kind You Always PLAT OF THE IRBY LOTS. AUCTION ON FEBRUARY 25. 11mm LOTB walkt !?. mm at Auction TH?RSOAY ? FEBRUARY 25,1904 n front of Court House ?g ?tu ENLARGED PLATS OP THE ABOVE MAY BE HAD AT THE PALMETTO DRUG STORE. Suggested for tlio General Assembly. T. B. Crow.-", an old friend to the peop'e, is called upon to bacoine a can didate for, the Sonate. There is no risk to run in sending him, as he is always on tho people's side. Friends. The many friends of Jared D. Sulli van, knowlug his qualifications and loyalty to that which is right, hereby urge him to income a candidate again, and we ask the people to help us sond him to tho legislature. VOTERS. The many friends win know the qualifications of R. Edgar Babb, Esq1, would like for him to mako the race for the legislature. ? People. RHEUMATISM. This is often a disease of the blood, though not always. It attacks usually the joints and tissues and causes a de posit of urio acid. In its acute ?tage it is one of much piln and suffering, sometimes affecting a large part or even all the body. Whon near the h? art it is dangerous to life. We are thankful to say tnere i9 a proper treat ment?Dr. King's Sareaparlila?inter nally, to eradicate tho poison from the blood. Dr. King's Nerve and Bone Lin iment?externally, to give life to the stiffened, painful joints and tissue. Soly by Laurens Drug Co. and Pal motto Drug Co. Is it a burn? Uue Dr. Thomas' Eclec tric Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas' Ec eclric Oil. At your drug gists. Coughs and colds, down to the very borderland of consumption, yiold to the soothing healing Inlluenees of Dr, Wood's Norway's Pine Syrup. The host physio. "Once tried and you will always use, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," eays Wil liam A. Glrard, Pease, Vt Thoss Tab lets are tbo most prompt, most pleas ant and most reliable cathartic in use. For sale by Laurens Drug C >. ^| Every Fire Insurance Policy I Issue is backed by many Millions. KO POLICIES BETTER. llcro Is Why, ASSETS Aetna Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn., about Royal InsuranceCo. Livorpoo', U. S. brauch on ly ,about Citizens Insurance Co., Maine, about $15,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 2,500,000 42,500,000 I think this assures you of protection. Let me write you a policy. A. C.TODD, Fire Insurance. Western Assuranco, Canada, U. S. branch only,about TOTAL, WILL ADJOURN AT WEEK'S END. General Assembly Wind ing Up Its Work. YERY LITTLE DONE. Mr. Bryan Invited to Make a Speech. Prospects are that No'Now Conrt Cir cuits Will Be Created?Members Say Bad Words. Tho general assembly will adjourn at the end of this weak. The new circuits bill has little chance of passage. Representative Cooper introduced a resolution 1o invite W. J. Bryan to ad dress the general assembly this week and it passed. M>. Bryan will speak Friday night in Spartanburg. Whon tho state house roport was un der discussion in the house, warm words passed between W. J. Johnson, of Fairlleld,member of tho commission, and Yancey Williams, of Lancaster, of the committee which made the report. The words "Ho'' and '-1'ar" were freoly used. Mr. Irby's bill to make tho metal checks issued by co'ton mills redeema ble in money passed tho house. The immigration bureau bill is re ceiving strong backing from newspa per men. Senator Dean's vagrancy law is still pending in the senate. Some senators claim that it would make a system of peonage. A resolution providing that suit bo brought ngalnst the architect who botchod the State House has passed. However it may be set down that the State will recover nothing. It's too late. Seuator Brlce's blil to allow commu nities to veto away dispensaries is still pending. So is the Doyle antl-treating bill. ONE CENT A WORD Gen. JOHN B. GORDON'S Own Book. Memorial Edition. Agents Wanted in ovory city and county. 100,000 copies will bo sold. Agents should apply quickly for ter ritory. * The Martin & Hoyt Co., Atlanta, Ga. Wanted?Two experienced specialty salesmen. State roferencos, linos handled and territory. Address Box 7, South Boston, Va. 60 choice hens for sale, three for $1.00. A few cocks $1.00 each. J. Wade Anderson. WAN TED ? Persimmon, Dogwood Hlokory and Holly Luoe. Freight paid on carloads, James Cockshott, Char leston, S. C. Make Yourself at ^me. ^ If you're waiting to meet a friend or just sitting down to rest, or only want a postage stamp, or are just looking about, you will be welcome in our store. We desire to have you make yourself at home in our store. Do not feel that you must buy something every time you come here. If you need any drug store goods, we shall be very happy to serve you, but come often to our store anyway i , DODSON'S DRUG STORE. SENATOR HANNA DIED MONDAY. Succumbed to Attack of Typhoid Fever. mournin?geneual. Was In His Sixty-Seventh Year. He Camo Into Prominence lu the Mc Klnlcy Campaign and Wan a Power In Politics. United Sta?os Senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna d!ed at his hotel in'Washington, D. 0', of typhoid (evor, 0:40 P. M. Mon day. Sena'or Hanna came into prominence as manager of Mr. McKinley's success ful candidacy In 1890, and afterwards became Senator, first by appointment and then election. Senator Hanna bogan life as a poor boy and amassed great wealth as a coal and Iron merchant. No man was evor more persistently abused by the newspapers opposed to him in politics and deserved it less. Ho was selected as the "scape-goat" of tho so-called Money Power and ridiculed cruelly. Before ho died tho country had reachod a different conclusion, As a matter of fact, his record as an hon est man was uncommonly cloan, and the only grave oiTonce chargeable to htm was that he usually succeeded in his undertakings. He was an able, In dustrious man, endowed with an un usual amount of brains. Therefore ho made mouoy. Mr. Hanna probably got along with tho labor in his employ better than any great capitalist in the country. Cleveland, Ohio, was his home. SUICIDE PREVENTED. The startling announcement that a preventive of tuicido had been discov ered will Interest many. A run down system, or despondency invariably pre cedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which maks suicide likely. At tho first thoutrho of self destruction take Elec trie Bitters. It bolner a great tonic and nervine will strengthen tho nerves ami build up the system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dod son. COLUMBIA, NEW BERRY AND LAURENS R. R. Charleston, Greenville, Colum bia, Atlanta. SHORT LINE. Schedu'o In Effect January 10, 1004. Eastern Standard Time. North hound. S. A. L. Daily Lv Clinton (Dinner) .2 46 pm Lv Cross mil. 3 08 pm Lv Greenwood. 3 33 pm Lv Abbavtlle. 4 00 pm Lv Elberton.,. 5 23 pin Lv Athens. 0 35 pm Ar Atlanta (via SAL). 8 20 pm Lv Atlanta. 8 30 pm Ar Chattanooga. 1 00 am Ar Nashvillo. 6 40 am Ar Evansville.12 40pm Ar St Louis. 7 10 pm South noUND. SAL. Lv Atlanta. 8 40 am Lv Athens.10 53 am Lv Elberton.12 00 am Lv Abbeville. 1 08 Dm Lv Greenwood. 1 28 pm Lv Cross Hill. 1 52 pm Lv Clinton.2 15 pm Ar Clinton. 2 15 pm Southbound. Dally Lv Glonn Springs (0 & W C). .10 00 am Lv Spartanburg.12 01pm Lv Greenville.12 15 pm Lv Waterloo. 117 pm Ar Laurens (Dinner). 1 30 pm Northbound. c& w c. Daily Lv Laurens (Dinner). 2 07 pm Ar Greenville. 3 25 pm Ar Spartanburg. 3 30 pm Ar Glenn Springs. 4 00 pm Ar Waterloo. 2 20 pm Southbound. a C N&L. No. 22 No. 51 Lv Laurens. 7 00 am 2 02 pm Lv Clinton. 7 80 am 2 22 pm Lv Nowberry. 8 40 am 3 10 pin Lv Prosperity .... 0 02 am 8 42 pm Lv Chapin. 0 40 am 3 51 pm Ar Columbia .10 45 am 4 45 pm Northbound, No. 21. No. 52 Lv Columbia. 5 00 pm 11 10 am Lv Chapin. 6 06 pm 12 03 pm Lv Prosperity.... 6 41 pm 12 28 pm Lv Newbarry.... 7 05 pm 12 43 pm Lv Clinton. 8 80 pm 1 30 pm Ar Laurens. 0 00 pm 1 50 pm Southbound. Lv Columbia (ACL). 1 55 pin Lv Sumter. 0 20 pm Ar Charleston. 9 36 pm NonrnnooND. Lv Charleston (ACL). 6 00 am Lv Sumter. 9 21 am Ar Columbia. 11 00 am Trains 53 and 52 arrive and depart from new union dopot. Trains 22 and 21 arrive and depart ?*om Coast Line Freight Station, Ger vais street, Columbia. For rates, time tables or further In formation, apply to any agent or wrlto B. F. LEAPHART, C. T. A., Bank of Columbia, fl. M. EMERSON, T. M., Wilmington, N. C. J. F. LIVINGSTON, Sol Agt. Bank of Columbia. W. G. CHILDS, President, Columbia, S. C. SIMPSON & COOPER Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all Stato Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. EARLE WILL RUN FOR COMMISSIONER. Able Young Lawyer Who Aspires to Succeed Mr. Harris- Sketch of His.Career. The following is from R. W. Sim sou's Columbia correspondence with tho Greenville News, of which he Is editor: Friends of Major John II. Earle, n well known member of tho Greenville bar, and a son of the lamented Joseph II- Earlo, United State Senator from South Carolina, announced today that ho would be a candidate for railroad commissioner In tho next Democratlo primary. This statement has created unusual interest in political cire'en here in view of Ihe fact that the cam paign has not yet been formally launched, but it indicates a determina tion of Major Earlo's frlonds to make a most aggressive fight. There will pro bably bo several candidates in the field and Chairman Garris, whose term will shortly expire, will doubtless stand for re-election. At this time however, whon tho importance of the commis sion appeals so strongly to tho commer I clal element and business people gen erally, the fact that a lawyer, well vercod in the intrlcaoies of the rail road situation and one who received a practical education as an engineer, will make the race, meets tho approval of that large class which bolioves It not only wise but necessary to have a law yer on the board, a rule which has operated most successfully in other States. Major Earle was born and raised in Sumter. He was educated at tbo Sura ter High School In early life, going from there to McCabe's University at Petersburg, Va., finally graduating from the South Carolina Military Academy in Charleston. Ho moved to Greenville whoro ho has been practic ing his profession for tho past ten yea-s He was priva'e secretary 'o Senator Earle, and when war was de clared against Spain ho was commis sioned a captain by President McKin ley, but resigned that commission to accept the position of major of the First South Carolina Volunteers, this having been tendered him by tho late Governor Ellerbe, served at Columbia, Chickamauga, Jacksonville and Sa vannah, having at, one. time been chief executive officer of the Third Division Hospitals, Seventh army crops and acting inspector general on tho staff. It wa9 duo to the work of Major Earle and Lieut. Wyatt Aiken, now a mem ber of Congress that the rogiment was equipped with new army touts and uni forms when they were so badly needed at Jacksonville. Major Earlo was In partnership with Senator Karlo at the the time of the latter's death, and at different times was associated with the late Capt. Moonoy, Congressman Jos eph T. Johnson, of Spartanburg, and Mr. F. F. Heattie, of Greenville. He organh'.od and la now attorney and manager of loans for the new Loan and Trust Company of Greonvllle. We Stake Our Claim Of Flour excellence upon tho flour itself--it's the very best kind of evi dence. We know that if you will just try our flour once for yourself, you will nover want to go back to the inferior kind:*. It will prove everything we claim for it. Bo sure you got ??Clifton" Hour, If you want tho best. T. N. Barksdale, M. H. Fowler. A GREAT BARGAIN! 6=horse Power Engine. 8-horse Power Boiler. Complete Saw-mill outfit. All necessary equipments for run ning. $250.00 Apply at once. G. W. Shell, STOCKS, BONDS, HEAL ESTATE, FI BE INSURANCE. heqe improved loq-ueam SAW MILL/? with thc Hcacock-Kinq Variable feed Works, it can't be beat. Write "Tho Machinery People" for prices W. H . GIBBE9 fa C O . columbia, 8. c. INOINC8. BOILERS, COTTON OINfl L THC Ol?K? POHTABIK SHINCLC MACHINE W. Y. BOYD, Attorney at Law. Will practice in ?11 State Courts | Prompt attention given to all business MUCH PLEASED WITH FLORODORA. Letter from Capt. Enoch G. Mitchell. MADE BIG YIELD. Something About tho Method ol Cultivation. Plant Has a Largo Weed and Should Have Plenty of Room?Tho Price it tiring*. 13olow appears an interesting letter from Mr. E, G. Mitchell about tho Flo rodora cotton. With short-staple at 13 cents, a half of bale of Florodora cotton at i.r> cents would be worth $37.50. Mr. Mitchell planted on Juno 5th and had a poor stand. His soed are worth $25. However, the premium above com mon varioties is from four to six cents. That is what the originator, Mr. Stonoy, claims for it. This year no ono in this locality hud more than a, balo. No one even had a fall bale. Consequently, it was difficult to find a market. As soon as fifty or a hundred bales are raised in the county there will be plenty of bids for tho cotton and doubtless a far better price will bo realized than was obtained this year. Mills that spin the high-grade cloths are being built. Ono of our own mills is now using a Western long-staple. Tho Apalacho Mill at Greer.s will uso long staple. Other such mills will be built and there are others already built. The cotton for these mills will be im ported unless it is raised horj. Mr. Stonoy has received lettors from reliable farmers in various sections saying that tho yield was double that of common varieties. Even if tho yield is no large-, the ex'ra i>rio< makes .he Florodora a boou 10 cot.on planters. This ADVERTISER has not heard from Dr. Setzlcr, except indirectly, that ho was delighted with the results he obtained. Tho reports of Mr. Georgo Dorroh, Mr. Crows and others have already been published. Tho best evidence that the Laurens farmers are ploased is that none of them have seed to sell?they are going to plant all tho seed they made. Thk Advertiser knows nothing about fanning, but tho results from tho seed it distributed have far surpassed Its expectations. If tho experience of Laurens farmers is repeated this year, tho introduction of this cotton in Lau rens will mean runny thousands of dol lars to the cotton producers. In other words, four cents the pound is $20 tho bale. Twonty dollars extra on tho bale, with the same amount of labor and fertilizer, is wonderful. The following is Mr. Mischcll's letter: Princeton, s. c, Feb. 10, 1904, Editor Advkrtiskr? Dear Sir:?1 promised sometime ago to give my experience with Florodora cotton. Now, to begin with, I wish to say I have no seed for sale, (no axe to grind), but as I obtained the seed from you, and others a'so wish to know my ex peiionce with said cotton, I will en deavor to givo It. I did not get the seed until late in tho spring of la?t year, and had planted all my land, but as I saw In The Ad vertiser that Mr. Stoney said that tho cotton would make after oats in June, 1 planted mine after wheat in June, planting Juno ?th. I had little, faith in it; did not think a long-staple cotton would have time to mako after that date, but I turned my land, planted on a level, fertilized in drill with cotton j-eed meal and aold at the rate of 300 pounds per *c.r*. I planted half-bushel so d on half an acre of land, but did not got over a half stand. I mado half a balo of cotton, and ton bushels of sood worth ao the presont price twent-llve dollars. Tnls cotton makos a largo weed, and I would bay to all who contemplato planting It, to givo good dlstanco in row and in drill. Land that will make ono thousand pounds of the common varieties per acre should havo rows four foot wide by two In tho drill. My cotton grew very large and opened white to tho top. I ginned this cotton with my Hall gin, and found no trouble in ginning it. I have a stun pie of It now, which is vory beautiful, wortn two cents mo*?* p>>r , ound on ihe m rk>-t than the common cotton in flfcy bale lots, so the buyer says. I naw an article in THE AnVERTISBK soraotime ago from Dr. Setzlcr In which he said tie would givo his experience with Florodora. Would liko to hoar from him. Yours truly, e. g Mitchell. The originator of the cotton is Mr. L. A. Stoney, AUendalo, S. O , and he will bo glad to hear from farmer* who want to buy tho seed. The City Market Is the most up-to-date and the only place for you to buy your FRESH MEATS, Sausage and Vegetables of all kinds. Come one, come all. Live and dressed poultry. Hello give 174 please. FREE DELIVERY.