FARM ? Before You Buy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. Garlington & Co., Lau reu s , S. C. VOL XIX. LAURBNS, S O.. WEDNESDAY, FEB. lO. 1904 The Greatest Game on Earth! Mrs, Wiggs and Panic, Palmetto Drug Co, NO 27 STATE HOUSE WORK A FRAUD. The Report of tho Legisla tive Committee. STATE IMPOSED UPON. What the General Assem bly is Doing. The Bill to Fat Telephone Wires Under Control of the Hallway Commis sion "assed?Other Matters. The oommlttoo of senators and rep resentatives appointed to report on the work done upon the State House re ports that the State has been grossly swindled and the work botohed. Sen ators Manning and Aldrioh and Repre sentatives Patterson, Williams and Rawlloson are the committee. They report that the contract speci fications were not met in numerous particulars, that the work was defec tive, bad materials used aud the archi tecture miserable. They deolare that not only Ib the new work on which the State has spent hundred* of thousands of dollars inferior, but that the con tractors have actually destroyed much of the good work that had already been done. They had the help of an archi tect; in making their report. Mean while, it i* stated that Governor Mo Sweeney, on the advice of his Attorney General, released the contractor's bondsmen. The work on the Sta*e House was I done under the eye of a commission which employed an architect named F. P. Mllburn. Former Secretary of State Marshall, who served under Governor Richardson, was a member of the com mission. He alone and repeatedly pro tested publicly that the work was being fraudulently done but the majority of tho commission stood by Milburn and the contractors. THIS Advertiser, among other papers upheld Marshall. Now it develops that Marshall was right and that hundreds of thousands <>t dollars of the tax-payera' money ha9 been wasted. The legislature has parsed the bill placing telephone lines under the su porvlslon of the railway commission and fixing rates. What will be done with the corpora* tion tax measures and the new circuit; bllla Is not yet determined. Tho logi? laturo will adjourn in two weeks. The former hay passed the house. The house Monday passed by a vote of 01 to 30 a bill to tax all dogs at the rate of 60 cents each. The house also passed the bill re quiring a record of marriages to be kept, The bill to Increase tho pay of the members of the state pension board and to pay mileage to tho members of the county boards was killed. Rer. Tom Lelth's Work. The many friends here of Rev. Thom as H. Leltch will be glad to hear of his | success in a revival just closed at Main Street Methodist Church, Columbia. Mr. Leltch is closing his fourth week preaching twice and at times three times daily. Many have been turned away for want of room as the beautiful church is taxed for seating room. The altar of the church was crowded at . every service and the converts will run up Into hundreds. Fifty have united with Main Street churoh. Soveral will j connect with other churohes. Mr. Leltch has the support of weveral pas tors, which adds much to the interest | of the meeting. This is the last week of our Speolal I Sale. Don't you think yon bad better sooure some of tho bargains offered. The Hub. ONE CENT A WORD 0 choice hens for sale, throe for J $1.00. A few cocks $1.00 each. J. Wade Anderson. Shaw's Fore Malt. Its value in sickness has been tried and proved. In the home it is not safe to be without it. Absolutely pure. On sale at all dispensaries. Adv. WAN TED ? Persimmon, Dogwood Hlokory and Holly Logs. Freight paid on carloads. James Cockshott, Char leston, 8. C. State of South ?Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY. JFSff Court of Common Pleas. Piedmont Savings and Investment Company, Plaintiff, against W. it. Saxon, J. M. R. Saxon, J. T. Saxon and W. H. Abrams, Defendants. Pursuant to a decree of the Court in tho above stated action, I will aell at LaurensO. H., S. 0., on Salesday in March, it being the 7th day of the month to the highest biddor,the follow ing lota to wit: Tract No. 1: That lot containing one half aore, more or less, bounded on the North by lot of Starling Owings. East by lands of Janie C. Clarke, South by lot of Gray, Sullivan & Co., being the same lot conveyed by W. H. Abrams to W. R. Saxon et aL, er. February^ 23rd 100*2. Tract No. 2. That othor iot of land, containing one half aore, more or less, bounded by lots of Atari Ing Owings, the lot first descrlbod herein and by Jots of D. P. Goggans, Jim Blaokstock, $tal. Terms of sale?One half cash, bal ance on credit of one year, the credit portion to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premi ses and draw Interest from da e of sale, with leave to the purchaser to pay all cash. If purohascr falls to comply with bid, win re-sell premises at his risk. ? ' JWO. F. Bolt, AMONG OUR FRIENDS. Miss Katherino Jones is vleitlng hor sister Mrs. Brunson at Manning, S. C. Mr. J. H. Motes of Mountville was here yesterday, Mr. W. P. Hudgens has gone to At lanta for a few days. Rev. S. C. Todd, the missionary, is stationed at Macao, China. Representative Cooper came up from Columbia for a day during court last week. See Gilbert Waiden, the Cowboy Orator, at Opera House, Friday night, 12th. Magistrate John M. Hudgens now has his omco9 in the Traynham Build ing, south elde of the square. There has been considerable activity in local cotton mill and bank stocks lately. Mrs. B. C. Hart and Miss Corrie Hart, of Cokesburry, are visiting Mrs. W. O. Babb. Mr. J. C. Hugor, of Charlester, a well known cotton buyer, wa9 in tho city Ia9t week. At Opera Houao Friday night, Gil bert Waiden, Cowboy orator, scholar, rifle-shot and rough-ridor. Rev. W. S. Holmes attended the Greenville Convocation of the Episco pal Church in Union last week. 8. M. Wllkes will loavo for Now York Saturday, to buy goods for S. M. & E. H. Wilkos. D. A. Davis and W. H. Anderson are in the Northern markets buying goods for Davis, Roper & Co. Mr. Joseph Simmons, of Greenwood, Is visiting his brother, Mr. O. B. Sim mons. Gilbert Waiden, the Cowboy Orator, will exhibit at Opera House next Fri day nignt. Popular prices. Miss Rebecca McCollister of Colum bus, Ga., is on an extended visit to hor brother, Mr. Walter A, McCollister. G. W. Shell, the well known broker, aow has his office) in the Minter build ing. They are handsomely fitted up. The little daughter, Charlotte, of Mr. ind Mrs. F. P. McGowan is quite ill irith pneumonia, but was some better yesterday. Rev. E. C. Watson, pastor of Ohost mt Ridge, Rabun and other Baptist Dhnrches in tho county, is with his family occupying the Fowler cottage n West Main street. Sunday afternoon, February 7, Miss Lizzie McKeo, daughter of Mrs. An Irew McKee and Mr. Nathan B. Hill tvere united in marriage, the ceremony taking place at the home of tho bride. Rev. M. 0. Compton officiated. Mr. and Mra. H. W. Anderson gave a small but specially pleasant tea party Friday night. Tholr gues's were Rev. and Mrs- W. B. Duncan, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Bolt, Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Babb and Mr. and Mr3. W. H. Anderson, Mr. W. L. Ferguson and family will leave to-day for Atlanta, whore th ey will make tholr home in future. Lau rens regrets to give them up and thoy will have tho best wishes of the com munity. Mr. Ferguson has a daughter, Mrs. Aroher, living in Atlanta. The Newborry Herald says: "Mr. Guy Daniels has associated with him in his jewelry business here his broth er-in-law, Mr. E. E. Williamson, of Laurens. The stylo of the firm will be Daniel & Williamson." Lex Captured. Lex Sullivan, the shooter of Tom Coon, was 6a{. Palmatina When You Cut Get PALMATINA THE FUMST vegetable VAT on Tint MARKET 'I The Wesson Company ? ?V4NMiM4 A?J BALTIMORE SWEPT BY MIGHTY BLAZE. The Loss Two Hundred Millions of Dollars. AWFUL DESTRUCTION. The Chicago Conflagration Rivalled, Ono Hundred aud Fifty Splendid Busi ness Buildings Burned or Brown Up by Byiiumite. Tho larger part of tho business sec tion of Baltimore was destroyed by liro wbicb bogan at 11 o'clock Sunday morn ing and was not under control before 4 o'clock Monday P. M. The loss is es timated at from ono hundred and fifty to three hundred million dollars. At least eight liremen are reported killed and the loss of life will bo greater. The lire broke out in tho store of John E. Hurst & Co., in Hopkius Place, the heart of the wholesale dry goods district. In half an hour half a dozen great buildings were burning. Tho Aromen were practically helpless and 400 streams of water turned on tho flames had no perceptible uffeot. Fire departments from Washington, Phila delphia, Now York and numerous sur rounding cities and towns sent assist ance. At least 150 acres of splendid brick, stono and iron business build ings wero destroyed. Every prom inent newspaper in the city v as burned out. The Baltimoro Sim got out its Monday's issue from tho Star office in Washington. To chock tho flames, scoros of build ings, somo that cost in tho millions, wore blown up with dynamite by tho firemen, but cvon this did not stay the flames' progress. All the drygoods merchants in Lau* rons are familiar with the locality des troyed. In the loss of property tho fire will rank next to tho Chicago fire, which burned th?eo days aud left 70,000 peo ple homeless. Suffering will rosult in Baltimore from tho loss of employment by thous ands of people. Tribute to Deceased Lady. Mrs. Virginia Hunt Owings, wifo of of February, at Crccnvi lo, where she had gone for medical treatmout. Only seven or eight years ago she camo to us a stranger, but during this time she had greatly endeared herself to tho people in this community. We rarely meet with one possessing more culture, refinement and womanly qual ities than were displayed in her char acter. When we reflect how doir sho had become to us who only knew her as an acquaintance, we cm have somo idea how much she must have been to thoso who knew and loved her best. Truly her life has been ono of ser vico. She seemed to make it a study to bestow her oharlty ou the unfortu nate whom others might neglect. Wo believe she entrusted her loved ones to her God In whom she trusted, and is Ho not "able to keep that which is committed unto him." Since sho has crossed over tho river may the memory of her life, so pure and unselfish, be a constraining i' flu on