The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 03, 1904, Image 3

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Royal Baking Powder Saves Health and Saves Money ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK, WHAT GRAND JURYSUGGESTS. Presentment to the Court Last Week. THE COUNTY HOME. Does Newberry Claim Laurens' Lands? Believed that l'art of Laurens Is As sessed for Taxation in Another County. To His Honor D. A. Townsend, Presid ing Judge at tho January Term of Court of General Sessions, A. D. 1004. The Grand Jury beg to submit the following as their final Presentment for this Term: 1. Wo have passed on all Bills hand ed us by tho Solicitor. 2. We recommend that the recom mendations heretofore recommondod hy the Grand Jury us the repairs in the Offices of tho Auditor and Treasurer be made as early as is convenient. 3. We recommend that the ceiling in tho County Jail be repaired and made more secure. Also, that a new dining room be built. We also recom mend that a new stable be built nearer the Jail. 4. We recommend that the waste pipe loading from the water spigot in the Court House, be continued to a more appropriate plaoe than where it now empties. 6. We also recommend that repairs be made in the Court Room, such as re-plastering, putting in electric lights and that now blinds be put on the win dows of the Offices and other euch ro pain as are necessary. 6. Tho attention of the Grand Jury was called to a certain nrticle publish ed in the Clinton Chronicle, Dec. 10;h, 1003, which contained an article writ ten by Thomas C. Scott, of Clinton, in which he exaggerated very much the state of affairs existing at the County Home. Our committee visited the Home and report that the Houses are' in very good repair and well furnished, the inin seem cheerful and well cared for. The Keeper, Miss Jane Sturm:?, deserves much praise for her management and other valuable ser vices rendered tho County Homo. 7. It has beea reported to us that certain lands lying in Laurens County on the old Nlnotysix road, near tho Newberry line, are being assessed in Newberry County and tho taxes being paid in said County. We recommend that proper authorities investigate the same and adjust the matter at onoe. 8i Our Committee visited the County Offices and report the same neatly kept. Also, bag leave to submit that we ex amined the records, documents, etc., in Clerk of Court's office and find them in excellent condition and distributed in their various proper plac2S. In conclusion, we desire to thank your Honor, the Solicitor and other officers of the Court for various courte sies shown us during this session. Respectfully submitted, L. Abercromme, Foreman of the Grand Jury. CATARRH. Which usually commences with cold la head, Hay Fever, rapidly infects the mucous membrane of the throat, and leads to graver complication', unless Sroraptly attended to. We recommend [tog's Sarsaparilla internally to purify the blood, and direct treatment with Dr. King's Catarrh Remedy (a douche comos with eaoh bottle). It gains a foothold from which it is bird to dis lodge. With treatment of these two medicines any ordinary case will yield quickly?the very worst oases will be greatly relieved. The price $1.00; three for $2.50, and guaranteed. Sold by Lau rens and Palmetto Drug Co. WHY RENT? When you can [own your own home with the same money? The Piedmont Havings and Invest ment Company will enable you to do this. Instead of Paying Bent for years and owning nothing at the end of the term tho property is yours, Meanwhile, you have had the home from the first?with the motive to im prove it. Owning one's home does more to make an independent man than any thing else. Aman with little or no property finds It hard to borrow and build. Huoh men this company provides oredit for. There are hundreds of working men in this town paying rent on houses that are not cosy and comforta ble, they have no conveniences, that ?re not kept op and that are not Im proving in value Lots in Laurens are cheap. These same men, with the rent money they are paying, can all own homes fr? whioh they will take pride and which will grow more valuable esoh year. The Piedmont Savings and Invest ment Company is not a building and loan association. Why? Beoau-e the contract is certain and definite. The borrower knows to a day when his debt will be due. Moreover the rate of interest is lower. W. BALL and M. L. CQPELAND THESE AUE 11KIUHT CHILDREN. Lads and Lassies in Eden School Who Most Excel. Ttio following is the Honor Roll of Eden High School for month ending Jan. 22, 1904: FirstGrado?Booth Gray, Lilla Babb, Margie Holder, Vena Martin, Ruby Babb, Lola Martin. Second Grade?Alpha Martin. Third Grade?Horace Gray, Frank Gray, Gibbon Armstrong, Ralph Mar tin. Fourth Grade?Vance Gray, Grady Babb, Floyd Armstrong, Clay Babb. Sixth Grado?Haskell Gray, Muiphoc Mahalt'ey, Sallio Brownlee, Ethel Arm strong, Vivian Owens, Robert Gray, Maude Nash, Geneva Wallace. Eighth Grade?Ben Rooves, Ernest Reeves, Carl Reeves, Lura Nashf Con way Gray, Claytie Babb, Uroadua Gray, Jim MahalToy. Sara Copeland, Teacher. Tribute of Respect. Daath has again entered our midst and claimed one of God's little ones on the 0th of January, 1004. The dear little son, Earnest, of Bro. Alford Coleman, was called from his short earthly home of three years, seven months and eleven days with his do vottd parents, to his eternal, happy home, with our blessed Lord, who 3aid as ho blessed the little children, ''Suffer them to come unto rro, for of such is the Kingdom Heaven, May our blessed Lord's spirit give comfort to the bereaved parents and send forth its light into their hearts in this sad bereavomen1. Our loss is hia eternal gain. Let us say, with David, ho cannot come to us; but wo can go to him somo sweet day. J. A. Martin. RADIUM Radios Radios Radios Stupendous Offer Made by a Well Known Phila. Firm. Radios Radios Radios Thousands of Persons In all flections of the Country Have Boen Healed by this Wonderful Discovery. Dear Friends: Don't read this advertisement if you expect to get something for nothing, because you won't. We have a good ar ticle and we want money for it. Be son slble. If you had something that was worth a dollar would you give It free? When yo? read an advertisement whore you get something for nothing, that some thing Is either no good or else they are up to some "11 un ilam" gaino, Wo are not running a patent medi cine business, so rest easy on that sub ject. We do no4, know the word failure? never have and never will* Tho edu cated and higher classes are the ones we want to reach. Wo reach men and women in all walks of life. Men and women, who to-day are before tho pub lie as national characters have had our confidence and the benefit of our ex perience. It is a 20th century product, one that will be more appreciated (ho more it is tried. ??Fre3h from the bath and ai goo.l as she looks." This old say ing describes our clients to a T. We have a VITAL IZER?not a patent medicine. It tones the system, centralizes weaknesses of all descriptions?makes an even tera fierature all over the body avd in fact t makes a new man and woman. Ra dios will within a few years bo a part of every hospital and surgical institu tion of our land. No germ can stand the force of contact with this now dis covery. Rheumatiam and doblli'y (lee bsfore it. The mighty force of tho tur bulent waters of Niagara are in com parison with this now product as an old fashioned CANDLE is to RADIUM. One person writes, "Why did not some one dlsoover it before?" Another says, "Sosimple, it is hardly credible." From the far West comes the unso licited response, "A God-send to hu manity." Wallcott Christie, of New York, the well known author, says, "My sucoes3 in a groat measure is due to 'Radios.' " Weakness of certain organs is re sponsible for all dlsepsos We build up your system so that a disease is fin im possibility. If your digestlvo organs are out of order, If your blood is im pure, if you can'c sleep, eat or attend to business, I will cure you and gmr .antee to do so. I will give you a writ ten guarantee. Could you ask any thing more? "RADIOS." RADIUM RADIUM RADIUM Delight your friends, astonish rela tives, and make wonderful experiments with this new metal?RA DIU3 SUL PHIDE of Zloo activity 600,000, mgr. 0,800,500, We give you this as a pres ent when you order "RADIOS. This alone is worth several dollars of any man or woman's money. Acts the same as X-rays. Simply wonderful. Remem ber this is a present. OFFER OFFBR OFFER RADOI3 CO. 812 Drexol Building Philadelphia, I'a. Sirs: Enclosed ono do'lar for which send me a treatment of "RADIOS" in a plain sealed wrapper, and oho one Radio Sulphide of Z'nc activity. If I am not entirely es'.isfled aad if 1 am not oured you agree to refund the money and one dollar extra for my trouhlb You are to send me a written con tract to tbat effect. Name_. Address. City. State. OAQITOniA. Bmti tfao fto Kind Yoo Hi?w Always BougM g AMONG OUR FRIENDS. ?as&s??sK : ss s a 8 8 ?3 S ! J 8 Miss Paulluo Su dorn, of Sumtc-r, is visitng the family of Dr. .J. Ii. Teague. Dr. H. E. Hughes has returned from the meeting of tho Tr!*St*t) Medical Association at Paovllle, V?., of which he is Secret r.-. From Danville he went to Ntw York where he spent s v oral days delightfully. Mr. Hubert Haw kin*, of this city, 's the agent of the Kobens Mnrb'.e vVorks, of Ball Ground, (!.i, and is proparod to oiler good prices in mouuuaen s. tomb stones acd olhoi* marble and s one work. Died in (faorgla. Mr. Jno. Dove \ C'ralg,a notive of Lau rens county a?-d formorly a resident, died at his boms in Tcccoj, (!?., en the l(5th of December last. Ho was about G8 years old and will be remembered by many of the older people who will hear of his death with grea' regret. He bad many relatives in this county. Mr?. Dorsey Gary of Gaiy'd Lane, was his sletor. MERCHANTS NEWS. Rugs?They aro all marked at a new price. Our complete lino of rugs will ho offered at a cut prico for tho noxt fifteen days. Eettor get one. S. M. & R. H. Wilke?. A hanging lamp gives comfort to your room, makes your reading a pleasuro and satisfies your artistic sense, why not let us sell you one from our stock of unusual v .Ines. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes. The art's'ic kind, furniture with full quality and with a touch of Tightness in cvory lino and each bit of material, und still ours are the lowest prices to be found. S. M. & E II. Wilkes. The best physic, "Onco tried and you will always u?e, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Wil liam A. Glrard, l'oaso, Vt Thesj Tab lets are tho most prompt, most pleas ant and most reliable cuthartic In use For sale by Laurons Drug Cj. flORPHINE Opium, Whiskey and All Drug Habits Cured Without Pain at Your Home. If you are addicted to theso habits you think you will quit it. You won't; you can't unaided; but you can ho cured and restored to your formor health und vigor without pain or the loss of an hour from your business at a moderate cost. The medicine builds up your health, restores your nervous system to Its normal condition; you fcol like a different perron from tho beginning of treatment, LEAVING OFF Til E OPIATES AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. You will soon bo convinced and fully satisfied in your own miud that you wl'l be cured. Mr. T. M. Brown, of DeQucon, Ark., say?; "Over seven years ago 1 was cured of tho opium habit by your medi cine, aud have continued in tho very best of hedl'h since Dr. W. M. Tunstal', of Lovingston, Va., says: "I am glad to say that I firmly believe that I am entirely and permanently cured of the Drink Habit, as I have nevor even so much as wanted a drink in any form sinco I took your eradicator, now eighteen months ago. It was the beat dollar I ever invested." Mrs. Virginia Townsend, of Shreve port, La., writes: "No more opium. I nave taken no other remedy than yours and I make no mistako when I say thit my health Is better now than it ever was in my life, and I owo it to you and your remedy, It has been twelve years sinco I was cured tr your treatment." For full particulars address Dr. B. M. Woolley, 301 Lowndes, B'.dg., At lanta, Ga., who will send you his book. ?-v ?on't Give the Km toy Dangerous Drugs. Tlicro Is one 8iif<\ sin e and abso lutely Imnnlos.i roniody for in fant's Ills. It is Baby Ease THE WORLD'S BEST BABY MEDICINE. Cures every form of bowel find trouble, brings i ofrosh IngRloep, nmkos bnblos fat. 35 CENTS EVERYWHERE. made dy Baby Easo Manufacturing Ca., Maoon, Oft, NOTICE of Election. Notice is hereby given (by reason of the death of Dr. T. E. Todd, thoro be ing a vacancy In Council) that an cipc tlon for Alderman to suocesd the paid Dr. T. E. Todd, d ice^ed, will ho held in the City of Laurens on Tuesday, Fobruary. the Kith, 1004. The polls will bo opened at the Coun cil Chamber, in tho city of Laurens, at 0 A. M. and close at f> I'. M. Only qualiflod voters from tho said 0th Ward, who were duly registered for the last general municipal election will be allowed to vote. Messrs. H. W. Anderson, W. H. Gar rrttt and W. P. Richardson have baen duly uppolnted Managerj of said elec tion. By ordor of tho City Council of Lau rens, this tho 18th day of January. 100 O. E. GRlY, Mayor. L G. Ballk,[l. s.J City Clerk. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law, LAURENS, S. C. J. N. LEAK, Auctioneer, Offers his services to the peo ple of Laurens County. Dr. Chas. A. EllettT DENTIST. _Law Range. NOTICE TO EXECUTORS, ADMINIS TRATORS AND UUARDIANS. Executors, Administrators, Guar dians and Trustees are reminded that the time to make annual returns bo gins with the let day of January of each year. q G. Thompson, j i*. i.. c. Deo. 1st, 1903. Did You Know? That "Red Flax" Cough Syrup will cure any cough if taken in time. Everv bottle guaranteed. The Laurens Drug Co. Notice of Sale VALUABLE TOWN LOTS. On the 2")th day of February, 1004, I wl'l sell at public outcry at ham-ens Court IIouso during tho legal hours of sale, 65 lots and brick residence, the property of J. L. M. Irby, deceased, known as tho Irby homestead. Flats can bo had at Pa'metto Drug Store from 23rd of January until sale. Streots have been opened and lots numbered. Persons can look over the property and solect lots. Torms of Sale?One-third oash; bal ance in ono and two years. Bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises for credit portion. Pu-ehaser to pay for papers. w. c. Irby, Jr., Executor. Jan. 10th?td. Assessor's Notice. THE Auditor's Office will be oner from the 1st day of January to the 20tl day of February, 1003, to rccoive re turns of Real Entate and Personal prop erty for taxation in Laurenj County. It will save much time to taxpayers also greatly facilitate tho work of the As3r88or, if evory person before leaving homo will make out a complete list of fivtry item of personal property in tho following order : Horses, cattle, mules, sheep pnd goats, hogs, organs and pianos, watches, wag ons and carriages, dogs, merchandise, machinery and engines, monoys, notes and accounts above indebtedness and all other property, including household It is always required that tho Auditor ?et the first givon namo of tho tix-pay er in full. Under tho head of "placo of resi dence" on tax return, give the town ship. All male citizons between tho ages of twenty-one and s'xty years, on the 1st of January, except those who are incap ablo of enrning a support from bein? maimed, or from other cause) are deom cd taxablo polls, Confederate veterans oxcopted. And all taxpayers are required to uive the number of their sc'.iool di?trict. They aro a'so requested to state wheth or the property is situated in town or cjuntry. After tho 20th day of February next, fifty per cent ppnalty will be attached for failure to make returns. In every community there aro per sons who cannot rend or that do not take a newspapor. Those more fortu nate may do such persons a great favor by lolling them of the time lo make re turns, or by returning for them. The assessing and collection of taxes aro done in the same year, and we have to nggregato the number and valuo of all horses, mu'es, cattle, and all othor piecos of rorsonal property, as well as the acres of laad, lots and buildings and their value, that there are in this Coun ty, and have the same on file in the Comptroller Goneral's office by the 30th of June of each year, and Irom that time to the first dav of October the Au ditor's and Tiea<mrer's duplicates havo to be completed and an ahst'sct of the work in tho Comptroller Goof ral's office by that iime, which will show at a glance that the Auditor has no time to take returns, or anything else much, be tween the 1st of October, but work on tho books end the blanks. We hop*, therefore, that all taxpayers will make their returns in time. C. A. POWER, Ocunty Auditor. 1)(0. 7, 1003?tf._ Notice of Final Settlement Take notice that on the 16th day of February, 1904. at the office of O. G. Thompson, Probato Judge of Laurens, South Carolina, I will settle tho estate <>f Elbf rt O. Rowland, deceased, and at same time will apply for a thisl dis charge. All persons Indobted to said estate muBt settle same before said date and all persons holding claims against raid estate must present and prove the same or be forever barred. m Mil HA E. i tow LAN !>, I Administratrix. Beautiful Line to Select From. RUG PRICES That will surprise you for the Next Fifteen Days. To Intending Purchasers of Rugs. This sale will prave a saving of 25 to 35 per cent, below the prices asked by others for the same Rugs. Read the following prices, size and quality, and see if you can duplicate the values elesewhere?we don't think you can. We invite your careful consideration of this List: ALL WOOL SMYNERS 18x36 in. size.$ .72 20x48 " . .97 26x56 " . 1.43 30x60 " . 1-79 36x72 " . 2.45 48x84 " . 4-37 16x43 in Brussels.36 22x56 in Velvets . 1.15 27x60 in Velvets . 1.45 27x67 Axminster . 2.45 36x72 Axminster. 3.47 9x12 f. Brussels Drugget #15.30 9x10 '* " 10.40 9x104 Two-face Bressels 9.15 9x9 ft Ingrain Drugget 5.08 6x12 Ingrain Drugget 7.40 HERE IS A PAIR, You rarely find yoked together?absolutely pure drugs and reasonable prices. Our drugs are always pure. We buy none but the best, and we buy in small quantities, so that they are always fresh and of full strength. Our prices are modest because we are satisfied with one profit?we don't want a half a dozen profits on one sale. DODSON'S DRUG STORE. WE take this method to thank our customers for their liberal patronage dar ing the year now drawing to a close. Hoping by strict alten tion to the demands of the trade to merit a continuance of the same. May the dawn of the Neu) Year usher in Happiness and. Prosperity to all. lies pect fully, w. a. Wilson & co. ATTENTION, FARMERS! I am now prepared to ship goods for next year's crop, and we guarantee our goods to be delivered in good condition, and also to come up to analyses branded on Hacks. Those farmers who are interested in reliable fer tilizers are requested to read the annexed certificate. A. HUFF, Agent, Laurens, S. C. m Clinton, S.. C, November, 23rd, 1903. Mr. A. Huff, Laurens. S. C, Agent for V. C. C. Co., Dear Sir: I report to you the result of the 8-4-4 goods 1 purchased from you last year I tried on our experimental "j patch along side of a Competitor's 8-4-4 goods with three (3) rows left between each sample used. Result: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.'s 115 lbs seed cot ton on tutor's 82 pounds, and the Virginia-Carolin a Chemical Co.'s goods were in a much better mechanical^ form and distributed to more satisfaction and the same amount of goods were used in each row and same weighed and cultivated alike. J. H. Huntbk. Witness, W. II. Gilkerson. ' lifci ?A> W "Jki sAi ^jji !&? m^m ij? -A- '"d* iifW Wb' 'ift? 1A1SA" *A'< ?I? ^ W ^A' ^tf +mm we are looking mm JF-fc- FOR YOUR ORDERS ? VS The CELEBRATED ROYSTER GUANOS. After all is said in praise of other Guanos, the glaring FACT still remains, that the ROYSTEE, Guanos ?ARB THE? Wherever used they havo givon universal satisfaction, aud oven whoro the odds were against them, they havo hold their own under the moBt unfavorable conditions. The manufacturers of the Koyster Guanos aro always willing, anx ious aud ready to meet all fair competition, both in prico and quali ty of their goods, and the farmers of Laurons county can confidently expect honost goods, fully up to the required analysis, and tho man ufacturers guarantoe that where a fair trial is givon their goods the results will bo suoh as to give perfect satisfaction to the farmer, and make a good cuatomor of him for all time. We are dealers in this celobrated Gaauo, and our friends and the farmers generally, are requostod to givo us a call and mquire into the merits of our Fertilizers, beforo placing their orders elsowhero R P. MILAM & 00. ? Why Use Many Words to Tell You That J The Best FERTILIZERS On ILartH 4 3 ARE HADE BY f$ TKe Virginia-Carolina ? Chemical Co. j| They have the Best Facilities, use the Best Materials, $ and maintain the highest reputation for the ?l evenness and value of their Fertilizers. - 3 T5hQ Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. ^ CHARLESTON, S. C. gk i Did it Ever Occur to You That you need not deny yourself and family all the luxuries of life while you live, in order that you may leave your survivors sufficient substance on which to live after you cease and determine? Did it Ever Occur to You That it will take less money to hire a life insurance company to look after your dependent ones than it will to leave them sufficient goods, chattels and real estate from which to draw a living? Did it Ever Occur to You That life insurance is non-taxable ; that you don't have to keep up repairs, or pay insurance on it, :vi you do on real estate? Did it Ever Occur to You That the State Life Insurance Company paid larger dividends last year than any other Company the United States, and that every policy is secured by deposits with the State Government? I hope it will at once occur to you to write me to send a representative to tell you what I have left out. D. SAH COX, General Agent, Columbia, S. C.