PYTHIANS ENJOY ANNUAL BANQUET. _____ Delightful Refreshments and Good Cheer. ELOQUENT TALKS. About 150 Guests in At tendance. Speeches from Mr. Sununcrsett, Mr. Hay nes worth, Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Feathcrstone?The Committee. Laurens Lodge, No. 43, Knights of Pythias, had its annual banquet in the dining room of tbo Bendella Hotel Wednesday night. It was one of the brilliant soeial events of the year. About 160 knights, ladies and guests wero present, and a delightful supper was served by Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Mar tin of the hotel. Turkey salad, fried oysters, various other accessories and coffee and punoh wore included in the menu. Mr. W. R. Rlohey welcomed tho guests in an appropriate manner and Dr. Hugh K. Alken gracefully presided as toastmas mastor. The divine blessing was aksed by the Rev. Robort Adams of the First Presbyterian Churoh. The toast, "Our Sistor Societies," was eloquently responded to by J. A. Summersett, formerly a member of Lauren* Lodge, now of Columbia, and ono of the grand officers of the order in the State. Mr. Harry J. Haynesworth of Greenville responded to tho toast "The Ladies" In a manner which cap tured bis auditors. It was clever, hu morous and pointed, and made a de cided hit. Mr. J. B. Carlisle of Spar tanburg responded to "Our Guests" brlelly but happily. "The "Babies" was an impromptu toast to which Mr. C. C. Featherstone responded with fer vor. The committee in charge of the ban quot consisted of M. L. Nash, W. R. Riobey, M. G. Jeans and Johu B. Brooks. Mr. Cleveland's Daughter Dead. Ruth, the eldest daughter and child of Ex-President Grover Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland, died at their home in Princeton, N. J., of diphtheria last Thursday. She was about fifteen years old. Copelaud's Announcement* The storo of R. E. Copuland has al ready won a gocd ropule in Laurens County. Its customers will find it a good pluco to visit?especially will they be pleased with the the quality of goods to be found there. Read their advertisement. Look Out Next Week. ,T. E. Minter& Bro. today havo some thing interesting to say to their num orous customers and the public generally. Thoy will have more in the near future. Keep an eye out for them. FARMERS AT WORK AROUND ?RAY CUURT Social nod Personal Items?Marriage of Prof. Stephens and Miss (Barrett?Other News. Gray Court, Jan. 11.?Mr. Joe A. Chapman, the man who buys poplar trees, has moved here with his family and is occupying Miss Dorroh's house. Mr. W. T. Coleman, with his bride, who was Miss Frennle Fair Stewart, I daughter of Dr. H. B. Stewart of Fair view, has moved to bis new home at Knight's Station, which he recently bought from Mr. M. A. Knight. Miss Janie Fulmer of Peak's has moved here to make her home with Mrs. A. Q, Rice. Mr. Willie Rice of Union is bore go ing to sohool. He Is boarding with his uncle, Prof. A. Q* Rice. Messrs. W. A.Putnam, Jr. and E. V. Carrott have returned to Clemson and Misses Eula Check and Luoile White have returned to Limestone College since the holidays. D. J. Entrekin is building a dwelling on his plantation near the rock quarry Tbo formers are making prepara tions for another crop. The plows dur ing that nice weather last woek were just going like it was planting time, and they are ploughing deep too. Rev. J. F. Anderson has been sick for two weeks, but is able to bo out now. He says be hopes that none of his congregation will ever have grip. Miss Anderson has gone back to her school at Whltmirss and Mr. Cosey Anderson has gone back to resume his studies at Wofford. On December, 80th at the residonce of the officiating minister, Prof. A. E. Stephens was married to Mies Annie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Garrett, by Rev. J. L. McLln, D. BOLL WEEYIL GREAT FOOD FOR TURKEYS. Latest Report Concerning the Pest of Texas Is That It Has a Value. A boom in turkeys is roportod from Texas as a result of the boll weevil plague, and that State, particularly in the boll weovil section, will produce from three to four times as many tur keys as heretofore. The shipment from Giddlngs amounts to 6,000 tur keys. The town had never shipped any before, all those raised there being j used at homo. The raising of the turkeys is the di rect result of the boll weevi', tho farm ers holding that the turkey is a fine bird in the cotton fields, boiug able be cause of his long reach, to get at the top of the stalk during the season of greatest activity among the infects. Then the boll weevil will bo exter minated and the turkeys fattened at the same time. The extermination of birds in Texas la claimed by some to be largely responsible for the increase of the weevil nuisance. The turkey is the only domestic fowl able to get at the weevil easily. Those who wish to have the Semi Weekly News and Courier and Tiik Advertiser?three papers a week? can get them through The Adver tiser for $1.60 for both papers. tf. . Shaw's Pare Malt. Its value in sickness has been tried and proved. In the home it is not safe to be without it. Absolutely puro. On sale at all dispensaries, Adv. LIFE AT SIMPSON. A Worthy Colored Man Has Iamb By Fire. Simpson, Jan. 11. Wo uro having some fine woather now and the farmers are beginning to prepare their laud for another orop. Everything is gotting along nicely, with no sickness to report ut present. Mr. Wylle Dolt and charming sister, Miss Sallle, of ltibun, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W? W. Sbono last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. CaldAoll, also Mr. J. I). Chancy and wife, visited Mr. E. H, Adair, of Holly Grovo, last week. Mr. Arthur Owens aud family and Mo3srs. Herbert and It jx Simpfon, of Bitrksdale, spent Friday night and Saturday at the home of Mr. J. A. Stone* Rlley Johnson, colored, living on Capt. J" M. Phllpot'a p'aco, lost his dwelliog and con touts by 11 o last vVcu nesday afternoon. Mr B. F. Terry is suffering with rheu matism. Mrs. J. P. Caldwoll is spening a while with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Pitts. Misses Minnie and Maude Stono vis ited Misses Magglo and Mattio Co'oy, of Alma, Tuesday Mr. H??nry Pitts is all smiles. It's a boy. Yucatan. Rloh, warm, healthy blood is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla and tlius coughs, colds and pneumonia are pre vented. Take it now. Our New Discovery is sold by W. W. Dodson, Laurons Drug Co. and Youngs' Pharmacy under an absolute guar antee. "Tho nicest and pleasautost modicino I have used for indigestion and consti pation Is Chamberlain's Stomich and LIvrr Tablet?," says Melard F. Craig, of Middlegrove, N. Y. ,lThey work like a charm and do not gripe or have any unp'easant offect." For sale by Laurens Drug Co. For a bad taste In tho mouth take a few do^os of Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablots. Price 2f> cents. Warranted to euro. For sale by Ltu rens Drug Co. Notice of Dissolution. By mutual eonseiH tho firm old his interest in said business to J. C. O.vlogs. The business will bo carried on at old stand by J. C. Owings. Uotll the 27th C. B. Bobo will bo In Laurcns settling up affairs of said Urin. Aftor which timo tho affairs will bo be loft in the hands of J. C. Owlnga. J. C. Owings, C. B. Bono. As I now retiro from business lifo, I can but roturn my sincere thanks and gratitude to all with whom I huvu had business relations. As I now enter in to a now field of lab >r, I earnestly re quest the prayers of all God's people, that I may bo kept at the foot of the cross, where I may bo effectual for tho spiritual welfare of mankind at large. My friends and brethren shall each have a warm my heart while laboring In tho Master's vineyard. Sincerely, C. B. Bono. ONE CENT A WORD $5000 to loan In next ten days; 8 per cant straight interest. In snms of fclCOOandup. Terms to suit the bor rower. Ferguson & Featherstone. Thoroughbred Registered Berkshire Boar, Lord Sanford, will make the sea son at my lot, Gray-Court, S. C. J. N. Leak. Jau. 0~4t. WAN!ED ? Persimmon, Dogwood Ulckory and Holly Logs Freight paid on carloads, James Cocksbott, Char leston, S. C. DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It is exceptional to (lnd a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but the^e can be lessened by having Dr. King's New L'fe Fills around. Much trouble they save by their groat work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure.- 25 cents a'. Laurens Drug Oo. und W. W. Dodeon. Go Williamson's for Silverware. Torriblo plagues, those Itching, pes tering diseases of the skin. Put an end to miserv. Doan's Ointment cures. At any drug store. Women h?ve a clear, healthy com plexion. Pu . blood makes it. Bur dock Blood Bitters makes pura blood. \V. B. KNIGHT. R.F.. BABB KNIGUT & BABB, Attorneys at Law.