FARM 1? Before You 13uy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. GakljNgToN & Co., I Main St. Columbia, S. C. vi/M/Stvf /'-1/ ' t'' ^ VM/ v? ^ M?? v*/ M^ vi/ vt/ vi/ '^ v 1 "Jt*' M.: v^ v? 'WVJt ?L1^?1 ^l.^l'M '>&r Vfl.' Vl^ I' ' *'V1' ^1' ^11 Vfli' 11' 'ill V*' * *-' ^/t ^ri^ rlr iA One Dollar Will Start a Bank Account bank: OR LAURENS, Laurbns, s. o. Savings Department Save Your Money, Watch it Grow, ajjjjr'T'-' -OF THE bank: op laurens. IT\S WHAT YOU SAVE, NOT WHAT YOU EARN, THAT MAKES YOU INDEPENDENT. vSave the Pennies, and the DOLLARS Will Take Care of Themselves, The Bank of Laurens Will Loan you FREE, a handsome Private Home .Safe, like the one shown here to hcep at home.? When the safe, is handed you, it is securely locked and the Bank of Laurens keeps the key. Drop your coin or hills into it as you can spare them. Occasonally bring the safe to the Bank of Laurens, where it is unlocked and the money counted in your presence, and the amount, whatever it may be, is placed to your credit on your pass book. The safe is then locked and hand ed you again. Don't put it off, but start while you have the apportunity to get a little safe?the supply is limited. Remember every dollar belongs to you, and is credited on your pass book. The Bank of Laurens is Always Absolutely Safe. Oi-iacKRS: O. B. SIMMONS, President, J. J. PLUvSS, Cashier. W. P. CAINE, AssH Cashier. Directors: H. K. AI KEN, FRANK HAMMOND, J. J. PLUSS, J. H, SULLIVAN, L. IL WILSON. R. T. DUN LAP, W. E. NASH, W. R. RICHEY, O. B. SIMMONS. The Bank Pays 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits in the Savings Department. ,^?ss^>The System Installed Under the Supervision of-^^ C. 0. BURNS CO., 13-21 Park How Unfitting, New York. ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS. GENERAL McCIUDY OF CHARLESTON DEAD Tho Distinguished llisloriau Passed Away Last Sunday Morning. General Edward MeCrady of Char leston died suddenly at his home in Charleston last Sunday morning at the age of 09. Genoral MeCrady wroto tho History of South Carolina, a work ui inestima ble value to the peoplo of this state. It was highly commended by literary critics throughout the country and will have a permanent place In literature. General MeCrady was a lieutenant colonel in the Confederate army and a brigadier in the militia sorvico aftor tho war. He was a man of exalted character aud his death is a profound loss to South Carolina. Have you seen that $22 r>0 Sideboard? Its a beauty and worth $30.00. If you want a board now Is tho time to buy. S. M. & E. U. Wilkes. IF YOU COULD Call at my oOice, seo my equipment, and havo mo explain to you persmally how I do business. I bolfevo you would be absolutely satisfied that I am better equipped to make a quick cash salo of your property than any other Real Es tate Broker In the city. 1 would like to explain to you how I lind buyers for all kinds of property In all parts of the State. My object is to build up an extensive brokerage business for the good of the country and myself. If I fall to do your business, it costs you no money. Describe property so as prospective buyer will not be disap pointed when ho sees It. If you wish to soil for full value it is v.-ry essen tial to lot the world know it, but if you wish to buy cheap tell no one except your Broker. A Broker who can't mako or savo a client more than ho costs don't know tho business and is not worth employing. I wish all the desirable proporty possiblo on my list, and then it is my aim to let as many pooplo know what I have to offer as the business will justify. Lot a Broker lind you a purchaser and change your Investment to some thing more pleasant and profitable to your ideas. I'm in business to do busi ness, I lim not out to blow but to lind a customer for your wants or Otterings. Are you interested in any of the fol lowing? Two store rooms on public square, good location, cheap. T. W. Wright house and lot on Bast Main Street. Good neighborhood, ex cc'lent water, eto. $1,800. One lot in Jersey, "'acres. Good house and good location for poultry farm. ?$07'">.00. 5 three room tenant house on Gray's hill. Rent for $2 50 per month. Will sell sepoiately or all. $270.00 each. 305 acres of splendid land on public road from Laurens to Clinton. Good house and out-housos. Will sell at a bargain 145 acres on Rabun Creek. WiM sell at big bargain, 11 room house, just insido corporate limits of Clinton, new and freshly painted with all modern improvements. Will sell at a bargain numerous oth er tracts in different parts of the county. Anything you desire to buy, sell or exchange?just so it is proporty, let me hoar from you with full particulars. Remember I am writing moro In surance than any other agent in the city. Fall in line if you believe in the rising generation. I do not write in surance to save agents commission on my own proporty liko some others. I write for a living and am still living. Take this into consideration, when you take on your additional insurance. UEO. W. SHELL, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS, INSURANCE. McCord Building, Laurens, S. C. SUGGESTION TO THEJJARlnERS. Why Not Prepare for Sheep Haising. DOG LAW NEEDED. The Labor and Fertilizer (Questions. Solution to Both Might lie Helped if Legislature Would Euaot Statute for sheep Protection. The Advertiser takes the liberty of suggesting that tho farmers at their mooting Friday pass a resolution of tho following purport: Whereas, the increasing prices of com mercial fertilizers and tho increasing scarcity of labor both threaten to re duce tho profits in cotton production. And whereas, a large proportion of the lands in Laurens county aro adapta ble to the profitable raising of shoep, an Industry that would require a com paratively small number of laborers and no commercial fertilizers, thus helping to solve both the difficulties above mentioned. lie it resolved, by tho farmers of this county in muss meeting assembled that they hereby petition tho stato senator and members of tho house of repre sentatives from this county to Intro duce and endeavor to havo enacted at tho next session of tho general assem bly a law that will protect sheep rais ers in Laurens County from shcop kill ing dogs, and so make tho sheep Indus try possible. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO RAILROADS AND THE PUBLIC SAFETY. RK IT ORDAINED by City Coun cil of the City of Laurons? Sec. 1. That on and after November 1st, lOO.'l, it shall be unlawful for any railroad corporation, its agents, ser vants and employees, to operato any railroad trains, engine, or car, within the corporate limits of tho city of Lau rens at a greater rale of speed than four miles per hour. Sec. 2. That all railroad corporations, their agents, servants ami omployees, shall bave a flagman at each crossing of tho rail road tracks ami streets of thi> city of I,aureus, and said flagman shall walk ahead at a reasonable dis tance of each train, engine or car of said railroad corporation. Sec. 3. That any person found guilty of, or of participating in, the violation of this ordinance or any part thoroof, upon conviction, shall be fined i.ot less tbau Ten Dollars nor more tban Ono Hun drod Dollars, or ho imprisoned with or without tho requirement of labor upon tho streets or public works of the said city, for a period of not less than ten nor more than thirty days. Sec. 4. That owing to the dangerous nature of the stroet and railroad cross ings, grades, curves and embankments within the corporate limits of eaid city, it in considered by the said City Council that the acts herein prohibited are against the public safety of the said City. Sec. S. Thai all other ordinances, or parts thereof, iaconsislant with tho provisions of this Ordinance be, and the 8am? are hereby, repealed. l>one and ratified by the City Council ( ^a^, ) of Laurens, and tho Corporate < L.S. ,? Seal of City of Laurens hereto ( ) affixed this the 20th day of Oc tober, 100::. C. B. GRAY, Mayor. L. (J. B.VLT.B, Citv Clerk. A Dainty Foot Is what every woman craves. Every woman can have it if she wears a DOROTHY DODD SHOE The reason is that they Hit. There is no superfluous leath er anywhere. Consequently the shoe is reduced to the .smallest proportions. Every woman in I,aureus should try a pair of our shoes. We can doubtless lit you with a smaller size than you have been wearing. It won't be necessary to get a large si/.e just to ease your foot at some par/in:fur point. Our lasts are wide where they ought to be and nctfl'OV) where they ought to be. They are scientifically made. *HAT\S WHY WE SAY WR CAN FIT YOU WITH A SMALLER SIZE THAN YOU'VE BEEN WEARING. LET US TRY IT. ?* ??* ?? ??'?*?&??fc'i'ik?? MrtH i?*?*I * * * - > '*?? >? i 4 *? t v i i 4 it-irit Ideal Patent Kid Dorothy |Soft, Flexible, Yici Kid, Dodd, '. #3.0o| Dorothy Dodd, . 3.00 ????????^f?r???f,l|????????????*< < * 1 * ************* SOUTHERN GIRL, the Queen of all $2.00 Shoes, in all Leathers and styles. SOUTHLAND BELLE, the best #1.50 Shoe on earth for Ladies. We guarantees abso lute satisfaction with every pair of these ?--SHOES. You can't lose by buying your Shoes hero. J. E. Minter & Bro.