The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 14, 1903, Supplement, Image 6

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8 a 8 8 I K We want to beg you as you Value your own interest that you read every word of this advertisement. There is a good deal of it but nothing N short of this great volume of "store news" could do justice to the Grand Outlay of merchandise we are showing. We want to say further that what we say here is only an intimation of what you will see when you visit us. We can write about the Goods but y?ur eyes must see and your hand feel the quality and your ears hear the prices before you can realize what values we are really offering. 38-ich Sea Islam},. Heavy Sheetings,. ?>V\ Bleached Homespuns,.,5c, 6c and 7 J... Home-made soft finish to cts Bleached Homespun, 8 36-iuch 10 and 13 cents Percale, . <s izyl Figured Oxford for Shirt Waist, . 8 One lot Red Flannel all-Wool,. 20 WThitc Flannel, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25cts, 35 cts, 4octs and socts HOUSE ace Striped Scrim,. lue Sheer India Linen,. \ cents and 20 cents Curtain Swiss,. ic best line White Quilt at $1.00, $1.25, \ #2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 \ line Table Linen, 25 cts, 50 ets,.*75 cents and #r.oo cireat Towel Values, 5 cts, to cts, 15 cts, 25 cts and 35ct.< 614"cts to iocts A PEW ONLY OF OUR UNK OF DRESS GOODS: V? 11 > 2.S 40 One lol Wool-filled Dress ()ne lot Suitings, . One lot Double-fold black DressGoods Wool-filled, One lot 36-inch Brocaded Dress Goods,Wool-fillinf One lot 44-inch, Wool-filled DressGoods,... One lot genuine Jacquard Figured 38-inch, lilaek Skirting and vSuit Dress Goods,. One lot 36-inch All-wool Serge, . Elegant Venetian, Camels Hair, Zibilines, Cheviots, Serges and Granite Cloths, 38 to 44 inches wide at. A Great line of Whip-cord, Venetian, Cheviots, Camels Hair, and other Stylish Weaves in Dress Goods,.75 cents and S5 A Magnificent line Imported Henriettas,Tuffed Zib ilines, Canvas Cloths, Voils, Oxford and other Novelties at.$1.00 to $1.50 Silk Values in PeaU De Soil, Satin Dutches and Guaranteed Taffetas from ,..75 cents to #1,00 Buttons, Drops, Tabs Fibre Brand and other new Trimmings to match all Dress Goods MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The great popularity of Our nillinery Department is evidence that we have the correct styles and right prices. Our business in Millinery has been great and we promise that under the able Management of Mrs. Willie Anderson and Mrs. Thos. Downey, nothing will be left undone to have the latest in style and at the same time the Lowest in Price consistent with first-class quality. GREAT CLOAK SALE. Although we have already had two shipment of Cloaks this season we find our business has been so good that we have found it necessary to recorder many of the most popular sellers. Our line of styles and prices, cover a large range of varieties: Can show Cloaks at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50 $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $10.00 and up to $16.50, in all the new styles. Also, a complete line of Furs and Skirts. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Children's School Handkerchiefs,. 01 One lot Ladies' Kmbroidery Handkerchiefs,. 05 All Linen Handkerchiefs,. 05 One lot Kxha Valuer, in Ladies' Hakfs ro, 15, 20 and 25c FUegaut Dress Kid Gloves, . 75 Ladies' Gun Metal Hose,. 15 One. lot Men's large White Handkerchiefs, . 64 One lot Men's large colored Handkerchiefs,. 04 One lot Men's all-Linen Handkerchiefs,. 10 We Want Shoe Business and a Heap of it. These Prices Should Brings It! One lot Ladies Shoes, sizes 3, y/,, 4 and 4^. ?Sold from #1.25 to #2.00. Prices now 48 cents. One lot Ladies Dress Shoes, 3, y/2 4 and 4^. Sold from $1.50 to $3.00 now 75 cents. One lot Ladies up-to-date Dress Shoes, pretty as$2.00 shoes. Our price $1.50. One lot Ladies Dongola Shoes just received, $1.00. One lot Ladies Patent Tip, solid Dress Shoes, $1.25. Men's Vfci Shoes, Si.50. Men's Solid Dress Shoes, Sr.25. Men's Fine Welt Vici Shoes, $2.50. Men's Patent Calf Dress Shoes, the newest, at $3.00. I OTHER BARGAINS. One lot R & G and other good makes of Corsets in odd sizes, slightly soiled, at 25 ()ne lot R & G and other good Corset odd lengths and sizes at. 39 A Great Line of Ladies'Jersey Glove at 10, 15, 25 and 50 One of the best #1.00 Kid Gloves on the Market. m>- WK CALL SPECIAL A'FpKNTlON To THK WORLD R KNOWN KD Kippendorf, Dithman Ladies' Shoes a full, line of which will be found in Our Pig Shoe Department. t A Clothing Closing-Out Sale. We find it necessary to have all the space in our big store for our big Dry Goods and 5hoe stock. Consequently we are offering all Mens' and Boys' Suits at prices to move them quick. A good time now to buy all the Clothing you will need for a year. Come to see us. No trouble to show Goods, if we have not good values don't buy from us. If we have them act wise by giving us your business. Laurens, S. C O...B. Simmons Company. ? 8 8 8 i 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8