The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 16, 1903, Image 4

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SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK REPORTED. The Convention at Sandy Springs. WHAT WAS DONE. The Officers and Commit-1 tees Named. Financial Report Showing the Monies Collected aud the Disbursements? Delegates to State Contention. Tho following roporta aro presented by Socretary and Treasurer Tolbert of j tho County Sunday School Convention: The twenty-llffch annual meeting of | Laurens County Sunday School Con vention mot with Sandy Springs M. E. Church, South, Thuriday and Friday, August 13th and 14th, 1903. VinST DAY?AUOUST 13TU. 10 o'clock a. in. Devotional exorcises wore led by Rov. J. G. Hugglns. 10.20?Address of welcome by Su perintendent W. F. Wright. 10.30?Response by J. P. Saxon. 10.10?Roll call. The following schools made reports and contributed amounts opposite their names. Bellvlew,.* 1 f>0 Bothel,. 1 00 Beinah,. 1 00 Bramlotfs,. 1 00 Central,. 1 00 Clinton Methodist,. 3 00 Clinton First Prosbytorlan,. 5 00 Friendship,. 2 00 Gray Court,. 2 00 Gresn Pond,. 2 00 Hoad Springs,. 1 00 Hopewell,. 2 00 Huntington,. 1 00 Hurricano,. 1 00 Jaoksonyillo,. 2 00 Laurons Presbyterian,. 2 00 Lauren) Methodist,. 6 00 Loesvillo,. 50 Lisbon,. 1 50 Now Harmony,. 1 00 O'Doll's,. Old Fi old,. 2 00 Riddlo's Old Field,. I 00 Providence,. 1 00 Sandy S^sings,. 2 25 Sw-iiTs,. 2 00 Shi lob, . 1 58 Union,. 1 00 Waterloo, Baptist,. 2 00 Waterloo, Methodist,. 1 00 50 33 j The usual committees wore ap pointed. 11.15?Address by Prof. A. G. Rom bcrt of WofTord College. Convention adjourned for dinner with toncdlction by Rov. J. G. Hug glns. AFTERNOON?FtBST DAY. 3.00 Devotional exo clios?Dr. F. M. Sot/.'or. 2.20 Verbal re?>orls fiom Sunday Schools. The reports this yotr wer.' unusually Interesting and showed much improvement over the past. 4.30 Children's service?Re*. W. B. Duncan. First Methodist Church, Lau rens. Adjournment wi h benediction by Rev. W. B. Duncan. 8.30 Sermon, Rev. J. G. Hoggins. SECOND DAY. 9.30 Devotion il exorcises ? G. C. Your;*. 0.50 Hard problems: RcvI jw Sun day?Hon. J. H. Wharton; 2. Mission ary Sunday?T. C. Scott; 3. Collection ?J. P. Saxon. 11 20 Address-Rev. W. I. Herbert, Columbia, S. C. AI-TERNOON?.SECOND DAY. .1.00 Devotional exercises ? Rev. Burns. 3.15. What good is Interdenomina tional work? Ganoral discussion?Dr. F. M. Setzier, T. C. Scott, Rev. J. G. Hoggins, J. H. Wharton, R. O. Hairs ton, Rev. Burns and J. F. Tolbert. Address, by Rev. J. G. Huggins. Tho committee on nominations re ported as follows: Rov. W. A. Plaxco, President. W. F. Wright, First Vice President. G. O. Young, Second Vice President. C. B. Bobo, Third Vice President. J. F. Tolbert, Secretary and Treasu rer. Financial Committee ? O. B. Sim mons, W. P. Patterson, E. G. Mitchell. Dr. F, M. Setzier, J. P. Saxon and J. F. Tolbert were elected delegates to the State Sunday School Convention which mot in Greenville, August 26tb, 2Gth and 27th, 1003. The committee on resolutions offered tho following which were adopted: Resolved, That the hearty thanks of this Convention are due and are here by tendered this Church and commu nity for the hospitable manner in which they have entertained us during our stay among them and to the choir for their moat excellent music. Tho following constitute the Execu tive Committee: J. P. Saxon, G. C. Young, B. L. King, Milt Summerei and Maok Bryson. After singing,."God be with you" In which the whole congregation joined the Convention adjourned with the benediction by Rev. J. G, Hugglns. B. L. KING, President. J. F. Tolbert, Seoretary. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR 1903. To balance on hand, 1902,. I 18 98 Collected from gchool, 1903,.... 60 88 69.81 By ctsh postage and envelopes, 3 50 Printing and stationary,. 5 25 Dolegatos railroad fare to State Convention,. 3 70 Balance to State Convention, 40 00 Expenses speakers to Conven tion,. 3 05 Phono message in securing speakers for Convention, 1 60 Balance on hand,. 12 31 _ ?0.31 Have you seen Williamson's new Jowelry Store? very is sold by W. W. Drug Co. and Youngs' an absolute ffuav THE JAILER'S DAUGHTER [Original.] Tho in..on looked down on tl\c little at L-, In the ?t?te of Georgia. Thero were but two persons on the premises, one a prisoner, the other the Jailer's daughter, aged eighteen. Her father had been obliged to leave her lu charge to go and attend to business that would not wait. Suslo Lcadbetter had seen the prisoner brought In, a devil may care looking young fellow whoso appearance had taken her fancy. Now she whs wondering what ho had been brought thor? for and what he was thinking about nud whom he was thinking about. Sin? wont to tho door of his cell and stood llsteulug. Presently she called softly: "You uns want anything?" "Want anything? Why, yes. It's lonesome In here. I want you to talk to." "What were you put In fo'?"' "Shooting. A man called me a liar." "Did you shoot hint fo' that?" "Had to. A gentleman can't stand to be called a liar. I say, If you'll un lock the door I'll come out and toll you about It." "No," she said thoughtfully. "I couldn't look pop in tho face If I did it. He'd never trust me ag'ln." But she stood with each hand on a bar of the cell door and listened to his story. When ho had finished she thought It very unjust thnt ho should bo thero for resenting an Insult. Ho had a winning way with him, making light of his misfortune, but when he told her that-he fancied some of his enemy's friends might get up a party to come to tnko him out of the Jail and hang him a serious expression crossed his face which was reflected lu that of the young girl. Then she wont away to sit on tho doorstop and think about the prisoner. She looked out on tho moonlight streaming over tho meadow on the shimmering river beyond, at the queen of night, and everywhere sho saw those dark eyes, that pleasant smile, and thought what a dreadful thing It would be If a mob should como to haug the handsome prisoner. Presently she saw a dark figure emerge from a wood and survey tho Jail. Then another came out and In a few minutes half a dozen men were moving stealthily toward her. Her heart stood still. There are faculties that at times seem to bo sot In motion to act Independent ly; a sort of hypnotic condition In which the mind Instead of being under tho control of another mind Is domi nated by a force of circumstances. Susie arose from her seat on the door step, went Inside, took from a corner of the room her father's rifle and, pull ing a bureau out Into the center of tho room, took position behind It. Sho had barely time to examine the cartridges to see if they were In condition when the advancing men came up to the open door. "What you want?" called a soft voice. "Wo want that murderer, ltoger De Ford." "You can't have him!" "We'll see nbout that." The man took a slop forward. "Stop thar! If you come a step fu'ther I'll shoot you!" "Come out of that, Bill," called a voice from behind. "She's go In* to shoot; I kin toll by her voice. Women's wo'se 'n men when they git the devil In 'em. There's been one ef us killed today. Wo don't want no mo' klllin'." The man In advance drew back and thero was a consultation. Tho Jail was not easily entered except at this one opening and the problem was a puzzle. I To go In by the door they must shoot at random, and if they hit any one It would 1k? a girl. But the most effective argument was that the enemy, being In shadow, could pick off one or more of those out In the moonlight. The situa tion was not Inviting. After a pro longed discussion several who favored avoiding any shedding of blood except that of tho prisoner prevailed and it wus decided to give the matter up. They turned and went away. Susie watched them till they passed Into the wood from which she had soon them come; then her old self resumed control. She did not faint, but sho dropped to tho floor and leaned for support against the bureau. She was revived by the prisoner's "Hello!" Ulslng she went to the coll door. Roger Do Ford had heard the demand made for him and tho refusal. Ho was a brave man, but It takes more than a brave man to hoar without ?ptalling a mob calling for his life. Tho pris oner had only rocovored from his ter ror when he called for Susie, and was still trembling when she came, but tho Blghl of her brought back his youthful sang frold. "Come, let me out of this. You're the girl for me. Wo'll run away from here and not come back till this has blown over." "I couldn't." "Not If you knew they'd come back Again with a big crowd, make a ram of a telegraph pole, batter down tho door and"? Before lie could finish the key was turned in ihe lock and In another mo ment the two were* speeding over tho um.mill meadow. Though the man was fleeing for his life, It was tho girl who In hor heart experienced a wild gladness. She had met and loved and saved tho life of her lover all within a few hours. Half a* dozen years later, when, at the clof e" of the war, the Confederate Colonel Boger De Ford returned to jris native town, his "ehoofJ'og" was for given if not forgotten, while in tho new south his wife, the Jailer's daugb S, was not refused admittance among r husband's friends, as she would ve been under the old regime. WINSLOW T. JENKINS. JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE 1847 Rogers Bros.9 * Knives, Porks, Spoons, etc. Hy*? carefully examined ami property fitted to tha beat trade [of aiaaaea. Fine I Repairing. Williamson Co., Jewelers.^ Larnapps Kuggies and Wagons - m" Cheaper than Anybody. Come and See. m LALHRENS, S. C._ D. m? COUNTS MERCHANTS NEWS. See what J. O. C Fleming & Co. has to say this week. Tlioy always mean and do just what thoy s*y. It it doesn't, try Burdock Blood Bi ters. Seo our Portia shoo for ladies, Styl ish, comfortable, durable. The Hub. Torrlble plagues, those itching, peB tering diseases of the *kin. Put an ond to misery. Doan's Ointment cures. At any drug store. Ladies who desire a well rounded, graceful figure should come or send to us for an American Beauty Corset. The Hub. We havo secured the exclusive agency for the famous Dorothy Dodd shoe for ladles and will havo them on sale next | week. J. IS. Minter&Bro. See our line of Umbrellas. We guar arantee them to withstand sun, rain and almost anything except getting lost. The Hub. Go where you can get the best in everything to wear for men, women and children. Then too tho stylo right and the price is right. You will do right in culling here for your fall goods. Davis, Holier & Co S. M. & B. B. H. Wlikes, Gentlemen: I am vory highly pleased with the Buck's Stovo bought of you some timi ago. I have never used a stove that worked as perfectly and with as littlo wood. 1 can recommend tho Buck's Stove to overv ono. Yours truly, Mrs. M. A. Jones. Wo aro now showing Hart, Sohaffnor and Manx lino clothing for men, If you want to see perfection in good clothes, call and examine these hand some garments. All hand-tailored, and thoroughly guaranteed. J. E. M Inter & Bro. Just think of it. A large brussels ] drugget 1? by 10 feet, t> Inches,in beauti ful pattorns. Only $10.90. They aro very cheap. See them. S. M. & E. H. Wilkcs. Beautiful skirts, lovoly and artistic ladies suits aro hero in groat variety and lots of other goods that will inter est tho feminine public. Call and sec them. Davis, Roper & Co Just received a full line of boys iron wagons and Velocipedes. All si/.^s and prices are low. Call and see them. S. M. & E. II Wllke*. We aro exclusive agents fo- tho famous Fl?rsheim shoe for men and aro now showing a full line of these shoos. J. E. Minter & Bro. The largest and most complete stock of everything for men, women and children is being secured daily at Davis, Roper & Co. What do you think of the new line of busts in our show window? They are tho latest. Prices very low. Get one now before the selection is broken. S. M. & E. H. Wilkc?. The new basket weave waist-goods in all the popular colors at J. E. Minter & Bro. Our millinery will certainly interest the ladies this season and then too we have all the other nice things that will match up and go with a beautiful hat. Be sure to see our line of dress goods otc , beforo you buy. Davis, Roper & Co. This is school time. We havo every thing in clothing and shoes for the lit tle ones. J. E. Minter & Bro. Just in Buist New Turnip Seeds. Ono fourth pound package 10 cent?. No danger of getting the wrong kind. Kennedy Bros. Now is the time to use International Stock Food to prevent your stock from dying by use of damaged corn. Every package guaranteed. R. F. Milam & Co. J. O. C. Fleming & Co. have tho new crop turnip seed in all the varieties. See their ad. REPORT OFTHE CONDITION ?OF THE? National Bank of Laurens, At Laurens, in the stale of South Caro lina, at Close of Business, September, 0th, i no:;. RESOUROKS. Loans and discounts, $93,007 o7 Overdrafts, noourod 1,418 03 U. S. Bonds to eocure circula tion, 10,000 00 Premiums on U . S Bonds, 740 On Stocks, securities, etc. 3,037 41 Bauking-houso, furnituro, and Hxturos, 3,091 55 Other roal estate owned, 8,860 00 Duo from State Banks and Ban kors, 242 45 Due from approved reserve agents, 320 00 } Checks and other cash items, 17 50 Notos of other National Banks, 14*0 00 Fractional paper currency, niokels, and cents, 77 07 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie, 2,58150 Legal-tender notos, 635 00 3,110 50 ] Redemption fund with U, S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation,) 800 00 Total, 1133,420 23 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, f 63,000 00 Surplus fund, 12,600 00 Undivided profits, less expen sos and taxos paid, 1,419 05 National Bank notes outstand ing, 16,400 00 Due to other National Banks, 1/244 50 Due to State Banks and Bankors, 351 25 Dividends unpaid 5R 00 Individual deposits subjoot to check, 10.83S 48 Timecertifleatosof deposit, 8,07000 Bills payable, including certifi cates of deposit for money borrowed 11/100 00 j Total, 1138,420 231 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) County op Laurens. ) I, Jno. Aug. Barksdalo, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. John Aua. Barksdalb, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me| this the 16th rinv of Septomber 1003. O. 0. TBOMP50N, j. p. t. c. Corrkot. Attest t 0. B. BOBO, B. P. POSKV, JNO. A. BARKSDALE, Directors. OABTOXI.Z A I Bewatho Kind Yoti Haw Ahra ANNUAL REPORT -OK COUNTY TREASURER ?FOtt? FISCAL YEAR, 1902. To Ilia Honor, the Presiding Judgo of the Court of Genoral Sossions for Laureus County, October Term, 1908. School ms. Laurens?No. 5. G B Hunter, * 25 00 R E Simms, 2 00 O B Si turns, 3 00 Palmetto Dai? Co., l Bo Georgia Oopeland, 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3) 00 ) do do 3o 00 Sue Iludgons, 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 28 00 do do 28 00 do do 27 00 do do 23 00 Laurens?No. 0. Sara Copeland, <lo 00 do do 4 25 do do 4o 00 do do 40 00 do do 4o 00 do do 4o 00 do do lo 00 do do 4o 00 do do 4o 00 MOL Uoi6loy, 2o oo do do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 22 00 J P Sloan, 1 5o Latrons?No. 7. Maggie Sullivan, 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 2o oo Mamie Clsrdy, 4o oo do do 4o 00 do do 4:) 00 do do 4oto do do 4o 00 do do lo co do do 4o 00 do do 4o 00 Brooks & Jones, 10 35 Youngs?No. 1. E M Dial, 30 00 do 36 00 do 3(3 00 do 30 00 do 30 00 do 36 00 do ,30 00 do 80 00 do 18 00 J 0 Morton, 15 60 do 26 00 uo 25 00 do 34 76 Youngs?No. 2. M J McErtdden, 4o 00 do oo 00 W A McCiinlo.'k, lo 00 J C Martin, 5o 00 do loo 00 do 4o 00 Sue Martin, Oo 00 do 42 00 Seawright Sullivan, 2o 00 do do 2o co E L Barksda'.e, 20 00 do do 2o 00 Mary H Thomason, 60 00 do do 35 00 Youngs?No. 3. A O Stephens, 25 00 do 3 00 Mattie O Martin, 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 S J Martin, 5 08 do 35 00 do 15 00 do 25 00 do 12 88 do 25 00 Mattio I'u tm a a, 25 00 do do 26 00 do do 26 00 do do 14 o3 W M Rhodes, 85 do do 100 Youngs?No. 4. 11 A Cook, 10 00 do 2o 00 do . 2o 00 do 2o 00 do 2O 00 S M& E H Wilkes, 7 26 Brooks A Jones, 90 9o B P Cooper, 2o 00 do lo 00 Neva Coopor, 15 00 do do 3o 00 do do 30 00 do do 48 00 do do 60 00 * do do 60 00 do do 5o 00 do do So 00 Youngs?No. 5. Kate S wink, 15 00 do do 31 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do 2o 00 L V Hnnter, 26 00 do do 26 00 do do 26 00 Youngs?No. 6. Carrie Bradford, 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 Maud Drummond, 3o 00 do do 3o 00 do do So 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 A L Iludgens, 17 4o Dials?No. 1. j A Stoddardi 50 qo do dp So 00 do do 60 00 do do 5o 00 do do 60 00 do do 27 08 Dials-No. 2 Lydia Sprlght, 2o 00 do * do 2o 00 do do 2o 00 do do 16 00 L B Armstrong, 60 00 L C Armstrong, 232 10 Nettie Jones, 30 00 do do So 00 do do 3o 00 do do 80 00 do do 3o 00 do do 3o 00 Harvey Wood, a 5o 55 O Reeves, 6 9o L R Brooks, 1 60 Dials-No. 8. William Sullivan, 16 00 J F. Thomason, 35 0o H 8 Wallace, 8 25 W W Kennedy, 44 16 do do 4416 do do 4416 do do 4416 do do 4416 do do 4416 B E Lanford, ? 35 do do 25 00 do do 25 00 do do 25 00 do Uo 1(3 74 J F Bolt, 75 Ida Lease, 15 00 do do 15 oo M G Wallace, 2 00 do do 2 00 Dials?no 4. C D O wings, 41 05 50 00 ? " 56 00 57 2s 55Tb 41 " 10 00 " " 40 00 II E l.owD, 25 (JO 25 00 " " 30 00 Dials?No 5 Sa'lie A Robertson. 25 00 25 00 " " 25 00 12 50 W A Will s, 22 50 T F Jones, Ki7 00 " " 100 00 " " 100 00 " " 100 00 " " 10 00 Alice McCarlcy, 20 00 20 00 11 " 20 00 " ???? 10 CO A Q Rice, 40 00 " " 40 CO " " 40 00 Annie Putnam, 20 00 " " 20 00 " " 20 00 A O Stevens, 29 15 L ? Dorrob, 57 00 Dials?No. 0. LollaStowart, 30 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 20 " 30 10 Brooks ?fc Jones, 8 80 A G Bast, ] 5 00 15 00 15 00 " 6 00 Levi Watson, 20 00 " " 20 00 " " 10 00 A O S'.ovons, 15 00 " u 18 00 8 80 " " 2 50 FJoronco Ho'lams, 11 00 Dials?No. 7. L D Ourrv, l 85 Wm B Moore, 23 00 Maud Coly, 30 00 30 00 " " 50 00 " " 80 00 " " 30 00 " " 30 00 S M ?to E II Wilkee, 18 38 Drucllla Moono, 19 03 WR Harri?, 3 10 Dave Harris, 1 oj Minnie Bolt, 20 00 " " 10 00 Dials?No. 8. Ulla Martin, 30 00 " " 80 (K) " " 30 00 " " 30 00 " " 0 00 A K Eicholbergor, 15 00 " 15 00 W M Nash, 3 21 Sulllvans?No. 1. J M Wood, 4 00 E Robinson, 10 00 O L Moseley, 50 00 75 00 " " 75 00 Lucy Sloan, 30 00 83 00 " 30 00 35 75 Jno W Sullivan, 25 00 " 25 00 " " 25 00 5 00 M A Sulhvan, 20 00 " " 20 00 J 0 Rush, GO 02 W A Cheek, 1 25 J T Crane, 5 10 Sulllvans?No. 2. Mary W Carter, 20 25 Lula Beoks, 15 00 " " 15 00 Alice Ferguson, 30 00 " " 30 00 " " 30 00 " 30 00 " " 35 00 11 ti 25 00 Sulllvans?No. 3. J E Arnold, 40 00 " 34 00 42 25 " " 40 CO " " 40 00 " 40 00 - Ida Books, 16 00 " " 17 00 " " 17 00 Sulllvans?^No. \. Li^lo V Sm ith, 31 00 R L Wolff, 30 00 " " 30 00 " " 65 50 Sulhvans?No. 5, Margie Sullivan, 25 00 " ?? 25 00 " " 25 00 " " 25 00 M " 25 00 " " 25 00 J W Humbert, 15 00 - " " 10 00 Sulllvans?No. 6. Clesto De Moono, 25 00 " M 25 00 * M 2h 00 " 18 76 L D Ii?ledge, 41 60 ? a 53 60 ?? ?? 40 00 ? ? ?? 10 00 " ? ? 40 00 ? < ?' 10 00 .< ?< 40 00 Maggie Garllogton, 12 ">o u ii 12 T)0 ?? ?' 12 50 Sullivaus?No. 7 B p Caldwoll, Rufus Harris, W LBoyd, Todd. Simpson & Co., Eva M Kmglil, J ? Martin, ii <i ii ii ii ii it it Waterloo?No. 1. Mary Smith, 22 00 ?? ?< is oo ?< ?? 20 00 '? 20 00 Brooks & Jones, 06 Francis Langoton, .'Iii CO <? " 35 00 '? ? 35 0?) ?? ?? 35 00 ? ?? s:> oo Watorloo-No. 2 Carrio Gunnels, n ii ii ii ii it (i it A E Washington, it ii ii ii B K Wells, (to de continued). ONE CENT A WORD. Foil Sale?300 busho's of Hod Apple Rust Proof Oats. 80 cents per bushel. Wm, p. Hahris, Rapley, s. c. Foil Sale ? 500 bushels red rust proof oubs. J. D. Watts, Laurens, S- O. Foil Rent?My Reody Hill's farm to ivnt for 100? Mrs. K*te Lark Clement, Williams ton, S. C. Emphasizes Its Superiority. The best test of the merit of an art i cle is tho way it sells. Bransford Mills, at Owensboro, Ky., where "Clifton'' Hour is made, run night and day, and yet they cannot supply the demand for "Clifton." In this city, as elsewhere, it Is tho standard by which other Hours arc guaged, and the statement that "it Is just as good as "Clifton,"only makes its superiority the more pronounced. T. N. Barksdalc, j M. II. Fowler. TRAGEDY AVERTED. "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wat Kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoc with bun and a terrible cough set in besides, Doctors treated him, but he grow worse every day. At length wo tried Dr. Kin;;'s New Discovery for Con sumption and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung dis eases. Guaranteed by Laurens Drue; Co. and W. W. Dodson. Trial bottles free. Price 50 cents and $1.00. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of On Storage and for Sale. Guano, Hay, Brick, Wagons, Hay Presse?, Mowers, Hay Rake, Corn, Ce ment and a fe": barrels of Coal Tar, and havo plonty room for any kind of storage J. Wade Anderson, Manager. J. N. LEAK, Auctioneer, ?fters his services to the peo ple of Laurens County. Address: Gray Court, S. C. Goo. Johnstonc. R. H. Wolch. A. C. Todd. Johnsone, Welch & Todd, LAWYERS, Will Practlco in all Courts, Stato and Federal. Office, Law Range. fST Money to Loan at reasonable in terest. Laurens, S. C . 20 oo 2 00 2 32 65 10 00 38 oo 35 oo 36 oo 36 00 30 00 30 Oo 30 0() :to oo 30 oo 30 no 18 oo 18 00 IS 00 0 00 We give the Whip to Prices to Double the Sale! PRICES ATTRACT, J? X QUALITY DECIDES, Look as closely to quality as you do to prices. Measure your purchase by the satisfaction they yeald and you will say this is the best place in town to buy. ), O. G FLEMING & CO, o Arrival of Fall Goods! j{ The last few weeks have witnessed great changes in out ^fe stock. Our store is brimful of new, bright and stylish |^ goods from the great manufacturing centers of the coun- Jj[ X We have paid particular attention to our stock of ^0 CLOTHING and SHOKS, which will be up to the high- A est standard of excellence, and unsurpassed by any. Are We are exclusive agents for the following specialties: A Hart, Chaffncr 6c Marx's Hand tailored Clothing for nu n; 8the Fl?rsheim Shoe for men; the Dorothy Dodcl Shoe for fLg ladies. The very name of these are sufficient guarantee of 8the very best quality. BLjf We shall be glad to have von call and inspect the new ?fe ?^fe things in CLOTHING and SHOES we are showing. ? Watch us! It will pay you to read what we have to lay sav in this space this fall. 5^ @ J. E. MINTER & BRO., 1* NEW DRESS GOODS! The Latest Styles as Seen on the Counters at W. G. Wilson & Co. CRAPESCULA, this cloth resembles the Mclrose but of a smoother finished surface where dust will not penetrate nor the brush roughen. MAJESTIC SUBLIME, this is an even and exceedingly line twill and cquisite shade destined to keep pace with the quickest sellers of the season. IN THE HEAVIER WEIGHTS IS SHOWN; Granit Suiting, Prunella, Sharkskin, Cheviots, Storm Serges, Venetian and Broadcloths. FRENCH HERI ETTAS, these goods while they cannotjbc classed among the newest weaves are always sought after?pure dye and high finish, exposure to the elements fails to change the color. .Sterling value is offered in three numbers 36 inch Black Taflcta silk. The prices are $1.00, #1 25 and $1.50 the yard. Table Li nen, Hosiery and Underwear. Each department represents its special values. Inspection cordially solicited. Respectfully, W. G. WILSON & CO. Till Each day witnesses fresh arrivals of early Fall ?Stock, com prising all the newest weaves and colorings, in both cotton and Woolen Fabrics, adopted for Stylish Suits. We are also showing a beautiful line of Ladies Ready-to-wear Hats. You arc cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. Respectfully, THE HUB. Dial Corner. \ 608 STUDENTS. 66 INSTRUCTORS. University of North Carolina. Collegiate, Graduate, Law, Medicine^Pharmacy. Thorough Instruction, High Standard, Strong Faculty, Fine Equipment. ,/New Dormitories, Address ' SlSl, svalem F- p- Venable, Pres., Central System. Gha&l ^ ^ ?