IMPHKSSIYF WEDDING AT THE EPISCOPAL CHUKCH. Major {Way of Laurens aud Miss Camp Putted In Marriage This Morning. AI ten o'clock this morning the many invited gu?0t0 wore assembled ill the Kpbcopal churuh to witness tire mar Hagfl ceremony between Mr. Clareuee K Gray und Miss Mary Waller Camp. The church was beautifully decorated with holly and mialctoe and promptly at the hour appointed the bridal party slowly advanced to the altar as the wedding march was played by Miss Bes?te Young. Tho ushers were Dr. Henry M. Holmes, of Union, Dr. W. D. Fer guson, Mr. A. D. Gray and Mr. It. V. Irby, of Laurens. The brldo uttlrod in a brown cloth suit, was led tivtbu altar by her uncle Capt. John Waller Clarko where the gioom with Mr. D'Arcy Gray, awaited bor. Rev. \\ ibnot 8. Holmes, of Luirens, assisted by Rev. Crosswell MoBeO) performed the ceromany, while the strains of "Oh Promise Me" were card as if in tho distance. The soft aed rays of sunlight rested upon the neeling couplo, which gave an added lomnity to the impressive ceremony. Fron, tho church tho bridal party and many of their friends went to the llytel Union whore a dolightful rccep Oon was given by Capt. and Mrs J' W. Marke. - , Miss Camp isorigiually from R?ther fordton, N. 0., but nas made her home In Laurens for the past six years. For soveral years she has been the efficient s'onographer of the Laurens' Cotton Mills and Is a most tal ented young lady. Mr. Gray is a native of i.aureus county anu is in partnership with bis brother, Mr. W. L. Gray, in the mercantile business. Though a young man, he has already risen high iu the estimation of the people of Ids cby, and last Fobruary was elected their mayor by an over wbe'ming majority of votes. Mrs. M. A.Camp, the bride's mother, and Mr. T. B. Twitty, the bride's uncle from Rtitberfordton, N C., were pres old, and amorg the visitors from Laurens were Mrs H, K. Aiken, Mies Lieze Holmes, Mr and Mrs W. LGray, Mrs. C. M. Clarke. Mr R. V. Irby, Mr. VA. D. Gray, Dr. W. I). Ferguson and Kov W. S. Holmes: from Spartauburg, Miss Sallio Carson; from Willlaniston, Mr. D'Arcy Gray. Air. and Mrs. Gray loft to day for "Columbia and will go immediately to their home in Laurens. ' Tho heartiest good wishes to their many friends go with them, and nay thoir married life bo always as blight as Its bappy beginning.?Union J gross, Dec. 18th. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing home, som1 firemen lately dragged the sleoping iri mates from death. Fancied security * and death near. It's that way when yot neglect couehs and colds. Don't do Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption givos perfect protection a gainst all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suf fering, death, and doctor's bill. A tea spoonful stops a late cough, porsistont U80 the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, its guaranteed to satisfy by Laurens Drug Co. Price 50c and ?1 00. Tr al bottle free. A Pertinent Question. When you are olTorod "Hour that is just as pure as Clifton", ask if tho sack or barrel has the Antl-Adultoration Loague trade-mark on it. That will scttlo it. Sold by M. H. Fowlor and T. N. Uarksdale. ni a a-1 |by bbiver with cold when Ofyts. comfort or a pair of razlnes list, tear lor ffr. tan, ft ln rioth. ral. ,''(7 *1.75. S. M. & E. H. Wilko?. All ladios' $2.60 shoes reduced to p2.00. All ladies'$2.00 shoes reduced x) $1.02. Children's shoes at your own irice at The Hub. about a good overcoat. We and at prices to suit your J. E. Minter Si Bro. JNOTIOE. Pal meeting of stockholders /onal Bank of Laurons.S. C, ^.ection of eight Directors, for suing year, will be held at their fng House, on the second Tues day (11th the purchaser to pay his entire ash. If tho purchaser fails to -'Mi the terms of the sale the 111 be refold on the same day "iher notice or on some sub ay, on same terrae, at bis on the premises to be? ual to the mortgage ' ed to the Clerk. / biUUkc. ct p.. !f ?V l'iofv uooeea Col. G. S. MoCrteV'y will soon sucoeei Mr. J. M. Koberhon, as P??at Mnslor in this city. Mr. Kola-rlson bus bohl tho otHco under thu Republican Adminis trations slnco Grant; und has given t-alisfactiun. Mr. W. J. Duffle, a prominent citizen of Columbia, died In that city on the 17th lost., aged seventy-two years. He taught tho Academy in this city before the war, and will l?e remembered by our older clti/.on*. All subscribers wboowoTiiK Aovkk tisek more ilian threo dollars and who will settle by tho 1st oT January will find that vro will make a great reduc tion for them. Wo want to get our nook* 'up to dato. You still have a week in which to settle?bring or send the money. Miss **attio M. Teugue, the accom plished daughter of Mr. T. S. Toague, of Lisbon, was married to Mr. 0. C. Hoberson, of Burlington, N. C, on De cember 18th. Mr. Roberson is a promi nent Railroad man having been iden tified with the Southern Railroad for a numbor of yoars. Tho futuro home of Mr. and Mrs. Koborson will be Bur lington, N. O. Cards are out for tho marriage on tho-list instant of Mr. 1). Broadus Bo per of this city and Miss Mary lieulab Abercrombie, of Bubbtown. The mar riage is to take place at tho home of the bride's father, Mr. Robert Aber crombie, ono of the bost known and most prominent clt'/.ens of the county Mr. Roper has hold a position w'th Mr. M . H. Fowler of thlscity for ?. ..umber of years and has hosts of friouds hore. Rev. Lewis M. Roper,of Spartanburg, the groom's brother will bo the officiat ing minister. At a regular Communication of Pal metto Lodge, A. F. M., hold Friday evening, tho following ottlcors were elected and Installed for the ensuing year, P. M., R. A. Cooper cfllclating at the Installation: C. H. Roper. W. M.: R. H. Davle, S. W.; W. C. Irby, Jr., J, W.; O. R. Sim mons, Treas.; 11. W. Anderson, Sec.;' M. L. Nash, S. D.: J. H. Poteri?n, J. D.; H.Terry, 0. M. Mller, Stewards: W. L. Shockly, Tyler. Manager Nankeville of the "Human Hearts" company, billed at tho Opera House Saturday night, 28th, announces a virtually new production of tho play. He has procured epOoial new scenery to adequately stage It and a company of competent players. Ho has omit ted nothing in tho details. A raro performance Is theroforo assured. Aftor livo continuous seasons through out tho country tho play has lost nono of its magnetism. Like "The Old Homestead", "Shore Acres", and kindred dramas, it appeals forcibly to the human heart. Tho villainy, pathos and 8onsutlonal Incident arc happily blended with spirited high comedy. The Converse Annual, Friends of Converse College and its [delightful girls are pretty apt to have Been copies of tho College Annusl, a most entortalning volume which they fcsue each Spring, ovidencinir great Uevcrness, originality and artistic abil \y. In getting out tho next unnual 'aureus girls at tho College take a 'oni i ihm it part, as Miss Mcta Sullivan ?n associate editor. Miss Kmma Hud glis busiuoss manager, and Miss Calne oi of bor assistants. Extend Taxpaylng Time. Ibas been customary for years to exaid tho tlmo for paying taxes bo yoil the .'list December. Tho Gover norkud Comptroller have tho legal powV to do it. If tboy fall the Leg islalye can on its assembling on the 14th\f January. While we think it bost y eyory body to pay when they can, \ think this is a year when con dition domand that ample tlmo be given k pay without the penalty. II y mental. Miss pulso Meredith and Mr. Dor roh PocVi wero married at ."1.30 Wed nesday Uornoon at tho homo of the bride's ?her, Capt. J. O. Meredith. Tkepiwh wero limited to relatives and intinuo Irlends, Kev. W. B. Dun can of tluKlcthodlstchurch olliciatlng. A dainty hncheon was served before tho cei'einoy, after which the brido and groon loft for Cray Court. The bride is a Vight and beautiful girl and Mr. Poden a successful young mer chant and ranter, very popular in tho section of te county in which ho re sides. \ Mrs. Blshib and Mrs. Robert Wright of NewberryWero in the city for the wedding. 'M-?~ Death of^rs. J. 1). Adams. Mrs.MargarC Adams, wife of Mr.J.D. Adams died at tor home in this city at elevtii o'clock ?|turd?y night after an illness of manyftvooks. Mrs. Adams was a daughter Xt Mr. Henry Hayncs of Greenville, an\a sister of Mr. Rob ert Haynes and o-Mrs. Ina Anderson, of Union. She leftea two little girls, who with her htiotad and other rel atives have the f,0p sympathy of many friends. Mrs,>\dani3 hsssuccss fully conducted a ml*inory store here for several seasons a,i had thus corns in touob with an unm ally large circlo who esteemed her b.-hly and feel a personal loss in her ?jatii. Tho fu neral took placo atVho Methodist Church Sunday aftcrnoW In tho pres ence of a largo erowdWd the Intor mont followed at the iky pemetery, Rev, W. B. Duncan anLMr. Robert Adams conducted tho sorloes, Slurs and ll.ii ? On Friday the 20th, the Vorty-flrst anniversary of Secession Vlay, tho Daughters of the Confederacy beld ono of the most enjoyable meotiiWs in tho history of the Chapter at tholhosplta ble home of Mrs. J. A. Copclam. Tho snowy afternoon was forgotten^ n Mrs, Copoland's cosy parlor, which was softly lighted by candles In beVutiful candelabras, and decorated wit\ Con federate Hags. About twonty Wdits wore prosent and after a short business meeting for tho admission of seWal new members, Miss Pprrin Farrow read an interesting- paper, (.raciogthp Sform of Socession back to the eally orraation of the Amorican governmcH. A social half hour followed and dalmy refreshments wore served by Missis Hattio and Ella Koland and Paullnb Audorson, who assisted Mrs. Copelano, in rooelving. As the guests departed oach one was given a tiny Confederate Hag, but the afternoon will be pleasantly remem bered without tho aid of these pretty souvenios. "Human Hearts" the grpat pipjq dramatlc success that is announced at tho Opera Houso Saturday night, 28tb, is conceded to be ono of the be6t heart dramas ever presented Its success was established live years ago and each succeeding season has demonstrated its great and well-deserved popularity. No play of its kind in recent years ever found such universal favor with the pfa'y-gojng masses. The pure homo lifo of a young southerner aud the villainy of an adventuross and her male "pal" uro graphically portrayed in thib play. It Is as good as any sermon over preaohed. The moral lesson it teaches is wholesome throughout. Comedy is cleverly mingled with pathos forming an attractive combina tion. J?urRy and QualltyT" "Clifton" flour has gained tho lead by virtue of purity and quality, ft n> poses to koen it against all comers. _? A\fton" is banked by a guarantee that yfA unique in its completeness and ^rength.^j^other suoh Hour sold in ^ 'FACTS PflRSONlJL ANS) BRIEF MOTES OF RECENT EVENTS. Mr. J. A. Moore was iu the city Friday. Mr. aud Mrs. J. N. Wright, of Lis bon wore iu the city Thursday. Cadet Marvin Franks, of Cleinson, Is in tho city. Go to Davis, Roper & Co.'a sule. Bargains to be bad. Mr. Ilaskell Dial is at home from WolTord for the Holidays. Attorney L. W.Simkins visited New berry last week. Mrs. J. R. Nolan and Miss Amy Nolan are In Baltimore for Christmas. Miss Eliza Hammond, of Greenville, Is visiting the Misses Calne. Misses Lll and Tallulah Caine have returned from a visit to Greonville. Dr. A. C. Fuller visited the city on Saturday Ex-Supervisor, H. P. Adalr, was on the streets Monday. Miss Mary Belle Holums is in tho city from Atlanta for the holidays. * Col. J. D.M. Shaw was In the city Monday. Mr. I. T. Balentino has taken charge of tho railroad oating-bouso. Mrs. Bol'.e Terry left a few davs ago to spend the winter in Jacksonville. Mrs. J. H. Teague is spending the holidays with rolatlves in Sumter. MissLigon, of Texas, is vial ting at Mrs. W. N. Wright's. Remember "Human Hearts" at the Opera House, Saturday night, 28th. Mr. R. F. Fleming, of Greenwood, was in the city yesterday. Mi6s Hallle Thames, of Charleston, is visiting her ebter, Mrs. H. K. Aiken. Miss Googe, of Allendale, is tho guest of Miss Willou Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wright , of Pac olot, are spending the holidays at Mrs. W. N. Wright's. Mr. W. U. Anderson is occupying the lato residence of Dr. Connor on Irby S1U. Miss Naunio May Wright will leavo aftor Christmas to spend sovoral weeks at Paeolet. Miss Woods, of Texas, will bo the guest during tho holidays of Misses Elizabeth Todd and Meta Sullivan. Miss Ladshaw, of Spartanburg, and Miss Wheeler, of Greonville, aro the guests of Miss Meta Sullivan. Call at this ollice for a large, Mat key found on North Harper Street, Friday morning. Voteran J. A. Fowlor, of Youngs, was on tho streots sociug friends Mon day. The .'list inst. the last wag of tho hammer for sottling with Treasurer Copelandi Mr. Nllcs Craig, a prominent young businessman of Greenwood, was in the city Wednesday. Misses Nellie Bolt and Willou Gray, aro holiday visitors from tho Methodist College. Mr. .lohn W. Ferguson, Jr., of Wal hall?, Is spending a few days with his fat) cr, Col. J . W. Ferguson. Masler.lohn Watts is spending the holidays at Cheraw with his father, Judge Watts, Mr. Charloy VVharton went down to Waterloo for the Wharton-Gray wed ding on the 17th. Mr. "Bunch" Powers, of Powers, has moved to Laurons and will be Sheriff Duckett's deputy next year. Take TitK Advertiser and the At lanta Journal now?after January 1st, the price of the Journal will be raised. Mr. S. M. Moares, of Fountian inn, was in town Wednesday, making a visit to Tuto Advertiser. Mr. Alsey Miller has returned from tho University of Chicago, where he has been taking a course in pharmapy. Mr. Robert Adams, a Davideon Col lege student, Is spending Christmas with his father, Rev. Robert Adams. Misses Lillian Irby and Willie Jones aro at home from tho Presbyterian College, Columbia, for the holidays. Mr. Will Rlchey, a student at the South Carolina College, is at home for Christmas. Miss Leila Thompson, of Spartan burg, and Miss Kittle Tennant, of Co lumbia, are tho guests <, n.l.lres?, giving nymiitoin?, "Hii> I Allies' Advimrv l)ep?tN riicnt'% The Clmiiaiiooga Medicine t'otnpany, Chattanooga, Tentt. nCBUBUODUBCBKUUEB JCl'BBBULL JBUBBEl a ? ? a ? a -o 2 A?thmalene Bringe Inatunt, Relief and Form g -o Sent Ausolutei.y Fuee on Kkckii-t ok n ? i-, CHAIN KD m . > FOR VtN - YCAR& There is nolhiug like Ann instant relief, even in tho ,wjt when all else falls. The Rev. C. P. Wells, v says: "Your trial hottlc of-71 in good condition. I can hot ful I feel for the good derA slave chained, with putrid for ten years. I despaired I saw your advertisement dreadful and tormontii thought you had oversp solved to give it atriul. trial acted like a charm. H We want to send to every sufferer a trh g line, similar to the one that cured Mr. U mail Postpaid, Absolotoly Pree of Char; B will write for It, even on a postal. Never ? despairing, however bad your case, the mon {] Do not delay, write at fence, addressing DR. ? CINE CO., 79 East 120th St., N. Y. Cily. Sol< rJOBooonor.onoorjociraaanaaaisr aaaaaaaart FALL DISPUT. Mrs. Adams will show the most stylish lino of? Dress Woods, Millinery and Noti?l ever shown iu this city. ijJVerylj and sec tho bost seleejj newest Goods 2tM-0IRLS' DRHSS. SUcs, i, 6, 8,10 years. Ml RS. M fJfF* I am agent lor New Idea Pal We afe Cliinawarc, Urookery, (Jlasswaro, Wooden ware, Sllverwaro, French China, Ktc. gJkW Freight Paid on all Purchases of $10.00 and up. dm out Ureat Inducements for you to buy Extra ordinary Holiday Goods hero at Ordinary Prices: A Buck's Range for Mother. An Easy Rocker for Father. A Combination Case for Sister. A pretty Chiffbneer for Brother A Gro-Cart for the Baby. A Bookcase for Uncle. Realizing the hard times, on account of the shortness of the crop we have made our prices on Shoes, Clothing and Staplo Goods so Low that you will not feel it. We have made somo big re ductions on Outfitting, which will moan a saving of $l.oo to $3.00 to you on every suit. Uig lot Suits, $<).oo to $10 50 at $7.95 Another line of $0.70 to $8.00 at #5.08. Tho suits we are offering at $0.00 cannot be equaled at .$(>.oo. Wo have a Big Line of 0 VERfiOATS at prices to please all, Children $1 ..?0, Suits at OH cents. A good serviceable Suit for $11.40. Notice of Final Settlement I Tako notico i Im! on tho 8th day of January, 1002, I will render a final act count of my nets und doing* as Admin istratpr of the ostate of Andrew Phil lips, deceased, in tho office of Judge of ] Probate for Laurons county, 11 o'clock, a. oim and on the came date will apply for a flnal disoharge from my trust as ] auch Administrator. All persons having demands against said estate will please prosent them on I or beforo that day, proven and authen ticated, or be forovor barred. A. C. PHILLIPS, Dec. 2, 1902.?4t Administrator. A NEW LAW FIRN? The undersigned have this jlay en tered into apartnorshipfortljkraotlio 'if law In tho Court* of th^g Rj^ndj ine namej * CHK MCSriH S fcNULISM . .In I: I.Ik M4 ry (nooris, Not ions, Wraps, Underwear, MiIIii