The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 27, 1901, Image 2

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THE ADVERTISER. Subscription Prlco-18 Months, $1.50 Payable in Advance. U. W. BALL, Editor. Bates for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad vertisements, per square, ono inser tion , $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50 conts. Liberal reduction made for large Advertisements. W. W. Ball, Proprietor. LAUBENS, S. C? Nov. 27, 1901. Hard Times. Nobody oan explain this periodical cry. Now and then tblsgs tighten, the purse strings tighten, and money is al leged to be scarce, and yet nobody can explain or tell the reason why. The usual remedy?economy ?- necessarily enhances the difficulty, and makes mat ters worse. When nobody buys and nobody lends of course there is paraly sis, and business is stagnant. When times get better and easier and confi dence is restored the reason is still bard to Und, tho solution difficult. This Beems to be the situation at the South at this juncture with no particular rea son to bo assigned. There is one way however to partially relieve conditions. It may not always booonvenlent to pay large debts or to pay all small debts. But things can bo kept alive and mov ing by every man paying as far as he can. A morchant having a hundred claims of a hundred dollars each if he is receiving daily ten. twenty-five and fifty per ce~nt. of them, oan keep up his bank oredit, keep his business alive, and accomodate his eustomera with credit. And so with overv Hoe of bus iness. "When the cry of bard times comes then lot overy man who can, help to relieve tho situation?it is no time to retreat to the cellar when the cry ot fire tills the air. * * Thanksgiving. Tho President and our good Gover nor MeSweoney, set apart to-morrow as a day of Thanksgiving for all our people. We all have reason to be thankful?and for a thousand thing?. Some will go to the ohurch with grateful hearts for untold blessings; Some will tenderly remember tho poor ot God's creatures and contribute if never so little towards helping them to think better of tho world; some, young, strong and hopeful) under the restraint of usoful employment, will go out to take in the (ields, tho woods and tho glorious sunshine. The Adveutibkk bespeaks for every one a day to be chalked with glowing color. **# A New Treaty. Lord Paunceforte, Minister from Great Britain to this Goverment, brought over a New Treaty, abolishing the Lytton-Bulwer treaty and giving the United States control of the pro Fiosed isthmian Canah It now looks ike tho canal might be built. How far the great Railroad lords who own and control tho trans-continental lines to the Pacllic may be able to persuade Senators, remains to be seen. Should the enterprise be carried out, In mag nitude, it will eclipse anything in the past, and set the pace for tho 20th cen tury on a mammoth scale. *** Broom Corn. A broom Factory has never been known to fail. New brooms sweep clean. Laurens could run a magnifi cent factory on a Email capital. A few hundred acres of land could supply the raw material, and ilfty men and women havo lucrative employment. This should be a day of small things, and the day of big tbiogs would follow. *** Don't Be Afraid. Our cotton market during the season has been ?rstrato und as a result our streets have had the staple from far and near. Let our buyers stiffen the back bone and hold out to the end. Wo be lieve, as sure as a gun, there is no dan ger, and that tha price will advance, as the season advances, and developes that the crop Is short. Congross nssemblos at noon next Monday. Tho Republicans have it all their own way, as tho majority Is big, Henderson, of Iowa, will be re-elected Speaker. Kiohardaon, of Tennessee, Democratic leader, will havo tho com plimentary vote of the party. This makes him leader of the Democratic skirmish line. Little will be done be fore the Hollyday recess, which will bo about the Kith of December. "Citizen" Josh Ashley, of Anderson, announces that he will next year be a candidate for the Stato Senate. He is a "Commercial Democrat," socalled, and the "oltizen" has been so interest ing a character that it is sad to feel that we.are soon to hear no more of him. #\ Our farmer friends tell us that the wheat aroa will be increased, and ono enthusiastic wheat raiser commends The Advertiser for pushing this vi tal subject. He will double his crop and tells of a neighbor who will sow fifty aores. "Allendalo" Is another new county scheme, n dipping from Barnwell and Hampton, having the Savannah river for tho Southern boundary. *?* It ic hardly necessary for The Ad vertiser to caution the "cannie" Lau rens ladies against the seductive "cherry tree" schemes. Cures Cancer, Blood Poison, Eating Sores, fleers.Costs Nothing to Try. Blood poison and deadly cancer are the worst and most deep-seat ed Idood disoaaeg on earth, yet the easiest to cure when Botanic Blood Balm is u.vmI. It yon have blood poison, produoing ulcers, bone pains, pimples, mucous patches, falling hair, itching skin, scrofula, old rheumatism or offensive form of catarrh, scabs and scales, deadly cancer, eating, bleeding, festering sores, swellings, lumps, persistent wart or sore, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It will cure even tho worst case after everything else fail '. B. B. B.drains the poison out of the system and the blood, then every sore heals, making the blood pure and rloh, and building up the broken-down body. Botaulc Blood Balm (n. it, d.) thoroughly tested for 510 years. Drug stores, $1 per largo bottle. Trial .treat ment free by writing Blood Balm Go.. Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and ftvfo medical advice given un til cured, n. b. d. does not contain mineral poisons or mercury (as so lany advertised remedies do), but imposed of Pure Botanic Ingrc nits. Over 8,000 testimonials of res by taking Botanic Blood lm (n. h. n) AND STORE YOUR C WITH COLEMAN. ive charge of the Laurens Bonded /areSHouse. I want to weigh your cotton. ' Honest weights and courteous treatment will be my motto. Give me a trial. AHept. 10, iflOl. .L IRVIM COLEMAN, RAPLEY DOTH. Hardtimes, is the cry with every body these days, but we can console ourselves with the thought that "wo are all in the same boat.'' Miss Mittle Putman, of this place, who is teaching at Narnie comes home every Friday. You may be sure we are all glad to soo her among us. Miss Lucille White, who is now at tending school at Chioora College, vis ited her home not long since. Xmas will soon be here, don't know whether "Santa Claus" can get here though. Uope| Laureos will bo successful in I getting the Columbia Female College moved there. It would be a great thing for Laurens merohants and citizens as well as for the surrounding country. Our school here is progressing very nicely under the management of Mr. H. P. Coker. Miss May Henry is quite siok at this time; hope to see her up again soon. At last the long drouth has bjuen broken and farmers are taking ad vau nt it to sow wheat and oats. Guess "Thanksgiving" will not bo very generally observed this year, be cause most of our people do not feel very thankful over the short crops and prices of cotton. Somo of our farmen are so blue that you could almost dye ..loth In the water they wash In. No deaths, in our hoaltby litt'o town, except that of some hogs killed by the butcher. C. ? A Pertinent Question. When you are offered "flour that Is just as pure as Clifton", ask if the sack or barrel has the Antl-Adulteratlon League traue-mark on it. That will sottlo it. 8old by M. H. Fowler and T. N. Barksdale. CARROLL DOTS. We may say with the poet: Summor joys are o'er, Flowerets bloom "no more, Wintry winds are swoenlne Through the snow-drlfte peeping, Cheerful evergreen Rarely now is seen. We all enjoyed the snow, and it look ed quite strange to see snow, while some of the trees were still green. Misses Lillian, Annie and Alice Grif fin went to Greenwood last Monday shoppit g. Mr. H. M. Turner spent last Monday in Greenwood. Miss Bettie Hill is visiting relatives at Chappells. Rov. B. F. Corley, the oldest pastor in the Stato Baptist Convention, Ereached a very interesting sormon at cthabara last Sunday from Pa. 18?1. Miss Ell Burta Turner and little sis ter, Nonle, spent several days In Green wood last week. M iss Ida Turner is teaching the Pine Bluff school this term. Mr. Frank Simmons spent several days here last week as the guest of Mr. H. M. Turner. Pan Yan. Purity and Quality. 1 Clifton" flour has gained the lead by virtue of purity and quality. It proposes to keen It against all comers. "Clifton" Is backed by a guarantee that Is unique in its completeness and strength. No other such Hour sold In Laurens offers such a guarantee. Sold by T. N. Bark8dale and M. H. Fowler. Iu mentioning the work done by constable Coleman last week, we gave the facts as related to us by Mr. Cole man. Mr. Jno. T. Langston of Laurens, has been assigned here for work also and in relating the case to up Mr. pie man failed to mention Mr. Langsijn's name, who really did much of the work. It was not done to take credit from anyone, but purely an oversight In Mr. Coleman in not mentioning Mr. Lang st on's name to the reporter.?New berry Herald and News. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any csse of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, having known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by the'.r firm. Wept & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. W aldi no, kinnan & marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nall v, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the bo6t. VOTING CONTEST. g o 1 ?8 ? a ? ?i ? I' 0) ?3 w 8 M ?S 05 * a a ? I 111 w *-> S a 5 >, I a I I ?a <j & 2 .9 3 > K .2" 5 ? VOTIN? CONTEST. The Most Popular School Girl und Boj. Round Trip Tickets to the Exposltlou Offered. The Advertiser has decided to have anothor voting contest, this time for tho most popular school girl and boy in tho county. Everybody remem bors the contest in the Spring for the "most popular young lady", and this contest will be conducted in tho same way. The prizes offered aro two round trip tickets to the Charleston Exposition, one for the most popular schoolgirl the other for the most popular school boy in Laurens county. The contest will last November, December and January, and It will close at 4 o'clook on Tuesday afternoon before the first issue of tho paper in February. A moro extensive explanation of the plan is given below. Send in your votes at once. At the top of column appears print ed ballots with a blank space in which the name of tho girl and boy you wish , to vote for may be written in ink or pencil. Clip these ballots and band them or send them to The Adver tiser office by mail. Any person may vote as many of there ballots as be chooses and persons living out of the county may votp, but tho girl and boy voted for must bo residents of the coun ty. Tho ballots can be saved and voted altogether or each week as it suits the voter. The Advertiser prints each week about fifty papers which are for sale ' and are not sent to sub scribers. These papers may be bought for 5 cents each now as heretofore, but no orders for [ extra papers outside of these will be received. There will ha made a reduc tion to parties buying a large number of papers Tho voting will be practi cally confined to regular subscribers and the persons who subscribes now will have that many more opportuni ties to vote. No one In any way con nected with Tue Advertiser will bo allowed to vote. Each week the names of the girls and boys voted for and the number of votes will be published. It will be a good idea to begin *your voting next woek. the voting contest! Frank Dorroh. 21 Lillian Burns,. 11 Belle Madden,. 3 Uugh Fuller,. 3 Arthur Pouche,. 2 Charlie Kern,. 1 Ben Anderson. 1 Wilma Ramey. 2 Marie Philpot. 3 Jockey Murff,. 2 Ruth Crisp,. B Bera Bailev, . 8 Willie Sm,.b. 4 Bruce Hollams. (5 Hammond Adams. 6 Olle Adorns. 6 Ray Simmons. 1 Gary Brown,. 1 ARE YOU DE*F? ANY- . HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WEHM AN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: Baltimorr, Md., March 30, 1901. Gtntltmtn 1 ? Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now gire you ? full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began t> sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could holp me, and even that only temporarily, that the bead noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I bad used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has fcc?n entirely restored. I thank you heartily aud beg to remain very truiy yours, P. A. wkrman, 7308. Broadway, Baltimore, Hd. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation* **3%X?* YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME IKTCRSATIOKAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAUE AVE., CHICABO, ILL. You May Have Trials of Your Own, but we want to propose a trial of our Imperial Maple Syrup. $1.00 and $2.00 per can. A little high in price, but Laurent* Cotton Milk Store* T. C. LUCAS, Manager. An Ancient Foe Vw health and happiness is Scrofula ? as ugly as over since time immemorial. It causes bunches in the neck, dis figures tho skin, inflames the mucous membrane, wastes tho muscles, weak ens the bones, reduced the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, nivd devolops into con sumption. "A bunch appeared on the left side of my neck. It caused grenbpain, was lanced, and became a running sore. I went Into a general decline. I was persuaded to try Hood's Sarsaparllln, and when I bad taken sift bottles my neck was healed, and I bavo never hud any troublu of tho klud siuce." Mrs. K. T. Snydk?, Troy* Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills * will rid* you of it*, radically and per iminently, as they have rid thousands. Post Ofllce Robbed. Tho safe la the post office- at Jones ville was blown opon last night and $200 in stamps and cash were takon. Tho town marshal had a light wl'h the robbers, who escaped. Tho postottlce is in the store of Williams Bros. About a month ago this store was broken opon and robbod. Night Marshal Clande Walker was about 200 yards from the store when ho heard an explosion. Ho hurried to the store and found three men whom ho tried to arrest. After a fight with pistols tho men got away, starting in tho direction of Union. Dynamite bad been used In getting tho safo opon. Three strangors, whose business was not discovered, wore seon about the town yesterday. Safo blowing ba9 become as common as chicken stealing in the up-country. Scarcoly a small town has (scaped in the last year. The impression is de cided that a gang is at work, but so far no clue has been found and no one has seen tbo robbers until last night. Safes have been blown In Pacolet, Fair Forest, Welford and Converse. Two attempts have boon made on Benson's store at Welford. A later report from Jonesvillo says the amount takon from the sa'o was $400. Tho safo was ruined. No ono was hurt in the fight between tbo watchman and the robbers.?Spartan burg Journal. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in loooking at A . T. Hoadloy, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, 111., that for ten years bo suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful cbango followed his taking Electric Eittors. "Two bottles wholly cured me'" he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." Thoy regulate the Kidneys, purify tho blood and cure Rheumatism, Neural gia, Nervousness, improve digestion and givo perfect health* Try them. Only Tu) cts at Laurcns Drug Co. HOUSEWORK Too much housework 'wrecks wo men's nerves. And tho constant caroof children, day and night, is often too trying for oven a strong woman. A haggard fauo tells tho story of tho overworked housewife and mother. Deranged mouses, leuoorrhooa and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulato her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. WINE" CARDUI is doing this for thousands of Amorioan women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why sho Writes this frank letter: Olondcane, Ky., Fob. 10,1001. I am bo glad that your Wido *>f Card id is helping WS? 1 <un ftoling bettor tlinn I have folt for years. I am doing ray own work without any help, and I washed last week and was not ono bit tired. That nhow.i that tho Wine is doing mo good. I am getting floshler than I over was before, and sleep good and eat hearty, noforo I began taking Wine of Oardui, I used to havo to lay down (Ivo or six Urnen overy day, lAit now I do not think of lying down through the day. Mas. Richard Jones. 91.00 at ?ruuoihtn. For adrlee anil literature, nililrcM, riving Symp tom?, "The iJirtlfi'Advl.orr Di-narTinenT", Tho Chattanooga Mediclna Co., Chattanooga, T?nn. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAURENS, In Court OF Prorate. Whereas, John F. Bolt, Clerk of | Court Common Pleas, has applied to me to grant him Letters of Ad ministration, on the Estate of Mar garet A. Hut ton, deceased. These aro Therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kin-j dred, and creditors of said Mar garet A. Patton, dee'd, that they bo and appear before mo, in the Court of Probate, to be held nt r.aurens C. H? 8. O., on tho 26th day of December, 1901, after pub lication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adminis tration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand, this 12th day Of November, 1901. O. G. THOMPSON, J.PL.O. Nov 12, 1001?0t. St a to of South Carolina, . COUNTY OF LAURENS, In Court of Common Pleas. Piedmont Savings and Investment Co., Plalnt'ff, against Roborb W. Comp t on and others, Defendants. ? Pursuant to the Decree in the above stated action, I will sell at public out ory to the highest bidder, at Laurens C. H., 8. C, on Salcsday In December next, 1001, all that lot or parcol of land sltu"te In tho city Laurons, in county and State aforesaid, containing one half (4) of an acre more or lees, and bounded on North by Harper Street and on the East, South and West by W. W. Jones, being the lot conveyed to tho lato Mrs. Nannie J. Compton by the sstd W. W. Jones. Terms: Ono-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and tho re mainder on a credit of twelve months time from tho day of t>alo with Interest, credit portion being scoured by bond of the purohaser ana a mortgngo of the premises, tho house to be insurod'In a sum equal to the mortgage and policy assigned to Clerk, with Teavo to pur chaser to pay the entire bid in cash. If the purohaser fails to comply with tho terms of sale, the property to bo refold at h!s risk on the eamo or tome subsequent Salcsday. JOHN F. BOLT, c c. r. and o. s. for l. c. Nov. 6th, 1D01 -tt. Stute of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY, In Court of Common Pleas. Piedmont Sav'ngs and Investment Company, Plaintiff, against Walter P. Gray, Defendants. Pursuant to a dyoroo of tho Court in the above stated action, I will sell at Laurens Court House, South Caro Una, on Salosday in December, 1U01, it being the 2nd day of the month, to the highest bidder, the following tract of land, to Wit: All lhateortatn lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and b^ing in the city of Luircns, in suid State and county, containing Nine-ieuths (9-10) of an uore, more or les?, and boundod on the North by a public street separating It from lot now occupied by W. K. Crawford; on tho East by Sullivan Stroot, on the South by lot of J. H. Sul livuu, and on tho West by lot of John T. Lingtton, Sr., b Ing tho same lot couveyed to W. F.Uray by S. S. Bo>d. Also, all that lot, parcel or piece of laud eituate, lying and being in the city und county of Laurens, in eald Stu'.e, containing Five-s'.xth (5 0) of an aero more or less, and bounded on tho North by lot belonging to the estato of G. M. Langston; on East by lot of Thomas Wright, on tho South by lot of S. S. lioyd, and by Main Street and on the West by H. M. Soarks. Tornas of Sale-Ooc-half- of tho pur chase money to bo paid cash and the other half at twelve months time from day of sale with interest. The credit portion being secured by bond of tho purchaser and a mort gugo of tho premises sold; with leave to the purchaser to pay "his entire bid in cash. if tho purchaser fails to comply with tho terms of tho cale tho P'emises will be rosoldon tho same day without further notico or on somo sub sequent Snlcsd ly, on s imo terras, at his risk. The houses on tho promlsosto bo insured in u sum equal to tho mortgage debt and policy assigned to the Clerk. John F. hol/t, c. c. c. p. Nov. 5, 1901. The State of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY. In Court of Common Pleab. Piedmont Savings and Investment Co., Plaintiff, against Casper Watts, De fendant. Pursuant to decree of tho Court in the above stated action, I will soil at Laurens Court Home, dur ing the legal hours of sale, on tho first Monday in December next, being tho 2d day of tho month, to highest bidder, (jhe following lots to wit: All that lot In tho city of Laurens, In said State and county, containing four tenths (1-10) of an aero, more or loss, boumlcd by lands of Martha Davis, Laurens Oil and Fertilizer Co., Flem ing Steeet, Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad Co , and others. Also that lot In said city of Laurens containing three-tenths (H-10) of an aero, more or less, boundod by of Charleston and Western Carolina Kail road Co., by the lot above described and by lands of Martha Davis and Eli jah MoMorrls, Terms?One-half tho purchase mon ey to bo paid In cash, the remainder on a credit of twelvo months, with inter est from dato of sale, secured by bond and mortgage of tho premises sohl: and the homes on premises boing in sured in a sum t-qual to mortgage debt and policy assigned to tho Clerk; with leave to purchaser to pay all cash. If tho purchaser fails to comply with the terms of salo, tho property to be resold at his risk on tho same or some subsequent Salcsday. JOHN F. BOLT. 0. o. p. and Q, s. for l, o, Nov. 5th, 1901?4t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. LAURENS COUNTY, COURT OK COMMON PLEAS. Piedmont Savings and Investment Co., Plaint'.ff, agnlmtj. M. Owings, De fendant. Pursuant to tho (b crco in tho above Stated net.on,I \\ 111 soil at LaurensCourt House, S. 0.| on Salesdny in December, next, being the 2nd day of tho month, during tho legal hours for sales, to the highest bidder, that lot of land sltuato in tho town of Cross Hill, In tho coun ty and State aforesaid, fronting on Main Street twenty-two (22) foot, and running back therefrom sixty (t>0) feet, bounded by lots of. I. C. Hutchison, es tate of J. O. McGowan, Mrs. E. R. Grant and Main Street, being the lot conveyed to tho dofondant by J. C. Hutchison March 1898. Terms of Sale ?One-half of the pur chase money to bo paid Cish and the balance one year from dato of sale, with Interest on credit portion at 7 per cent and a mortgage on the promises to se cure it. Tho building to bo insured in a sum equal to the mortgage debt and policy assigned to tho Sheriff, if the purchaser falls to comply with terms of salo, the property will bo resold at his risk on same terms, immediately or on somo subsequont Saleday. T. J. DlICKETT, Nov. 0. 1801-4t Sheriff L. C. Doing Perfect We Scour and Press Men's Suits, Overcoats, Ladies' Skirts and Jackots beautifully. Wo have a special department for this lino of work and do it with the same careaud precis ion as our Laundry work. Our Prices are Very Moderate. May vvc not send our wagon for a packago of this kind? We guarantee to please yon. Laurens Steam Laundry. ' rhone 410, 80? E. Main St. A NEW LAW FIRM. Tho undersigned have this day en tered into a partnership for the practice of law in thro Courts of this State, under the name of Simpson & Cooper and will promptly attend to all business en* trusted to them. h. y. Simpson, r. a. coopbr. -V turn l>OH?? Mint ifaftK.'" Art'dr!*!'* "" mff tS.?. IVOOULav, Si. Atlanta. Oft. A School Exhibit. Yesterday Superintendent Evans tin Mied tbo exhibits of the city schools for the Charleston exposlth n. They will bo shipped to Charloston to-day and Prof. Evans will go to Charleston on Thanksgiving day to soe that tin: school exhibit is properly placed. This display of the schooL embraces maps, drawing?, exercise?, etc., from both white and colored schools, also a cabinet with glasi covor containing a specimen of every known mineral In the co in'y. A numberof nl?o walking sticks from Cowpens, Fori Prince and Kings Mountain battle grounds aro also secured. A palmetto troo formed of mica is one of tho many rare curios ities. A silk map created by the fc ma'o students of tho ninth grade clear ly and Ingeniously depicts the 1'uited Slates of America. The boys of tho ninth grade constructed Ctosir's bridgo, after the one the Roman con queror used in crossing tho Rhine. This cleverly constructed wooden bridgo is 18 Inches high und six foet in length. A sample of every specimen of wood in county Is also in the exhibit, along with countless othor things, all valuable und in'eresting.?Spartanburg Herald. tOuii auu oee That is what you will do if you let fkBtlng Mm Fit a pair of glasses to your Eyes. We are permanently located in the city, and guarantee all glasses to give satisfaction. FLEMING BROS. Laurons, S. C. State of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY. In Court of Common Plkab. Piedmont Savings and Investment Co., Plaintiff, against J. M. Owens and A. D. Owens, Defendants. Pursuant to the Decree of the Court in the above stated action, I will soli at public outcry, to the high est bidder, at Laurens C. II-, S. C, on Salosday in December next, being Monday, the 2nd day of the month, du ring the legal hours for such sales, all that lot of land situate in tho town of Cross Hill, in the county and State aforesaid, contalnlngone (1) acre, more or loss, beginning nt corner of Mason Hill's lot on Mam Street, thence up Main Street thirty-iivo yards, thence East to oak three at corner of pines, tbon in a straight lino to Mason Hill's line; bounded by Main Street and lots of Mason and Susan G. Simpson; being lot conveyed to tho said J. M. Owens by Susan G. Simpson, Sept. 21, 1897. Terms: One-half of tho purchase money to be paid in cash, and tho re maindor on a credit of one year, credit portion to bear interest at seven par cent, and to be secured by tho bond of tho purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Buildings to bo insured in sum equal to mortgage debt and as signed to tho Sheriff. If purchaser falis to comply with terms of sale, premises to bo resold at his risk on the same, or somo subsequent Saltsday on tamo tei ms. T. J. DUCKETT, Nov. 2, 1001?4t Sheriff L. C. Dr. Rolfe E. Hughes, HSr OOlce in Dial Block?over Pal motto Drug Store. Specially proparod for Examin ing and Treating diseasos of Byo, Kar, Throat and Nose. chichester'8 english Pennyroyal pills I <"??v Original and Only Urnulaa. P-O?>KbaKE. AWMirdtibTl I.adle?. Oruenl.t for OHICIIKSTBK'S I'.NOI.IHII k In III II and (lold mttatllo boiei. icalM Kith Slur ribbon. Take no other. Krfuac I lrmn'rona Huballtutlon. and Imita tions. Huy of jour Droftglat, or .en>l lr. la ?lamp* for l'arltciilttra, Teatlraonlala and " m il. I for Ladlea," in Li?*?-, by re turn Mall. 1 O.000 Te.llroonlal?. Sold by all in .i- Chti'lit-atcr Chemical t'n., Mention thtt paper. Madlaoa SQuare, 1*11 ILA., 1'A. NOTICE ?OF? County Treasurer. THE County Treasurer's Boo!;? will bo opon for collection ;;f State, County and Commutativ-o lload Taxes for fiscal year 1900 at the Treasurer's office, from October 15th to December 81st, 1901. All persons owning property or paying taxes for others in more than one Township aro requested to call for receipts in each Town ship in which they live. This ir important, as addition;) 1 cost and penalty may not bo attached. Prompt attention will be given those who wish to pay their taxes through the mail by checks, money orders, etc. Persons send ing in lists of names to be taken off aro urged to send in early at the Treasurer is very busy during the month of December. The Tax Levy is as follows: Liurens Special Sohool. 3} mills Fountain Inn Special School.. 4 " Waterloo Special Sohool. 2 " Cross Hill Spcoial Soho-1. 3 " Momit villi: Special Sohool. :", " Spcoial Railroad Tax, Sullivan, 18 " Ordinary Tax.11} " All able-bodied male citizens between tho ages of 21 and 60 years are liable to pay a poll tax of $i.OO, except old soldiers who aro oxempt at 50 years of age. Commutation Road Tax. $1.00 in lieu of working the public roads, to bo paid at the time, as stated above. Come early and avoid the rush. It is said there will be no exton? sion this time. J. H. COPELAND, County Treasurer. Laurons, S. 0., Oct. 9,1901-td. Guano and Acid. I ean supply Ouano and Aold in any quantity. Tho best grades that are made and cheap as the cheapest. Call and s^o our gcods before purchasing olsewhero. Messrs Johnson & Godfrey havo Guano and Aoid stored with us, also. So you see you can get any kind by oalling on J. Wirdo Anueroon at the Merchants and Farmers Bonded Warehouse. aQijQQQQQQQoooBiODDaaD a a a jj ---o n Asthmalene Bring3 Instant Relief and PermanentCure in all Cases] a -o Sent Absolutely Fhee on Receipt of Postal. flstijipa Cixtz FfeeT There is nothing liko Asthinalorie. It bringen instant rolief, even in tho worst cases. It curesg when all else fails. The Rev. C. P, Wells, of Villa Ridge, HL,g says: " Your trial bottle of Asthmulano received n in good condition. I cannot tell you how thank-g ful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a r slave chained, with putrid sure throat and asthma g for ton yearp. I despaired of ever being cured, n I saw your advertisement for the cure of thisfl dreadful and tormentiug disease, asthma, and n thought you had overspokon yourselves, but rt>g solved to give it atrial. To my astouishuTent, the n trial acted like a charm. Bond mo a full size bottle." g We want to send to every sufferor a trial treatment of Asthma- g B line similar to tho oue that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by H u mal! Postpaid, Absolotely Free of Charge, to auy sufferer whog n will write for it, even on a postal. Nevor mind, though you are I 1 despairing, however bad your case, tho more glad we an; to sond it.n I Do not delay, write at snce, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDI- g I CINE CO., 79 East 120th St., N. Y. City, Sold by all Druggists. ^nnEEPEPOPPPPBPOPagiaagaia^ We have purchased a large stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' apparel for this Season than evor bofore as there was every indication that our past efforts iu your behalf would be ap probated, and these indications have fully mate rialized. Our old customers stick to us and we gain new ones daily, because it is a known fact that tho Latest and Most Fashionable creations of leading Manufacturers are always to be found here, BECAUSE it is a known fact you always get more for your money here than in any other establishment in this section, ami BECAUSE it is a known fact that you take absolutely no risk in buying here. We feel sure that you will bo perfectly sat isfied with every purchase, but, if you arc not, re turn the goods, and your money will bo refunded. Our largo stock enables the most particular man to lind exactly what he wants. Men's Sack Suits made from Woolen, Worsted, Cheviots, etc., by famous Man ufacturers. A largo assortment to suit nil tastes and purses: $\8.oo down to $2.q8, Boys'short trouscr suits, age S to i5 years, g?.oo down to 98 cents. Juvenile Suits, dainty and dura ble as well as exclusive $.|.o,S down to $1,25. J. Er. Ifliijter & Bro. F?LL DISP UT. 2bl<-LADinS' WAIST. BIZC8 oJ.ol, ?l?, 38. 10. Mrs. Adams will show the Finest and most stylish line of? JDrcss Goods, Millinery and Notions, ever shown in this city. Everybody como and see the best selection of all the newost Goods in Ladies Dress. Very respectfully, RS. HVi. ADAMS. g0T I am agent for New Idea Patterns. Only 10 cents each._ 26U-OIRLS' DRESS. Sizes, 4, 0, 8,10 years. H. B. GRAY. J. C MIKAIjY, GRAY & SHEALY, No Joke to buy and use a lot of paint and find that the color fades or changes or the surface cracks, blisters or peels. No trouble of this kind with our paints. They are satisfaction givers. They are not high priced. They cover a larger surf ice than ordinary paints. They will defy sun and storm for years. Try some. Mantels, Columns, Scroll Work a Specialty. GKA\ & SHEALY, Laurens, S. C. THE OLD FIRM KENNEDY BROS. will con tinuo. the Undertaking business at tho old stand. COFFINS, CASKETS and ROBES, and HEARSE, at the ? " ***** LOWEST PRICES_^ A continuance of the generou patronage hitherto extended us Jolioitad. ReetfuUy KENNEDY BRO?.,Laursns, S. C