The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 11, 1901, Image 3

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Minier -Gelder. There wero ever so many oharmlng aiT.tir- (riven this week for Mies Gelder, who next Tuesday evening is to be come Mrs. Mlnter. Tho bridal party numbers 12 and tbo woddlng will bo one of the prettiest this season. Tues day evening Miss Gelder herself start ed tho ball rolling by having a dinner party at which the guests were Mr. Mlutcr, tho bridosmalds and the groomstnon. Tbo tablo was exqisitely 3( coratod Id pink, with a great center of pink rosebuds. Tbo budawcrc t red over the cloth and light fell from pink .-haded oandlestlcks. The name eards showed a novel idea. They bore band-painted (dusters of Colorado's statt- flower, the columbine, and of the Mower of South Carolina, tho yellow jasmine, caught together with a wed ding ring. Besido tho hostess and her llaoce, those present were Miss Anna MoNamara, Miss Permella Curtis, Miss Nellye Oase, Miss Cornelia Caldwell, Miss Josephine MInter, Mr. w. W. Simpson, Mr. Wilson Hirkmyrp, Mr. McNamara; Mr. Russell Chapin and Mr. Barlow. Wednesday Miss Caso gave a dove lunoheon, to which were bidden Miss Gelder and tin; maids and Mrs. Alvin B I laniols, M rs. William B. Lewis, Miss (lertrtldo Morris aud Miss Flora Woods. The table was beautifully dressed. For a centre piece, was a large basket tilled with pink asters, above which were perched two white doves Pink safn ribbons gave tbo finishing touches. The placo cards bore doves done in water colors and the leos ami Oil) foot ions were in the shapes of doves. Miss McNamara was hostess at a din ner Friday night. Tho color schemo of lier decorations was red and white and sweet peas were the Mowers employed to beautify tbo tablo. Prom tbo chan delier swung two largo hearts, one of rod blossoms and tho other of whlto I llowors, Bolow on tbo tablo was a bank of red peas and in this wandered little white ouplds. Hearts and oupids were on the placo can's aud gave form to the i.?es. The memborsof the bridal party, Miss Cooper and Mr. David Welch were the guests. Lavt night Miss Curtis entertained, Only the bri dal party wus prosent and tbo table decorations wero alb in pink. There were two large baskets of astors and tho blossoms wore laid all over tbo ta ble. It was in the name cards that Miss Curtis pave evidence of much originality. They wero fancy postal cards, ana Lore the name anil address of their ow nor. A f tor the dinnCr, tbeso were nil triven the bride, who while on her wedding journey is to return them with a little note on each as to the suc cess of the trip.-Denver Republican, Sept. 1st. Wealth and Fashion at Uclder-Minter Nuptials. Representatives of two old Southern j families were united in matrimony last evening when Miss Liillyan Gelder be came Miv. ICdward Ferrin Minter. Central Presbyterian church was idled with the wealth and fashion of the city. At 8 o'clock tho bridal cor tege proceeded down tho aisle, the march from Lohengrin pealing from the organ. Tho brido walked with her father, William Gelder. She was rolled in a heavy ivory satin. The skirt was made with a deep yoke of real Duohesso lace and tho bodico was formed entirely of the laee and chiffon. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Her veil was fastened with a pearl brooch loaned by Mrs. Howard Brooks and which has been worn by a long list of brides and is thereby supposed to j bring some mysterious good luck to the J wearer. Miss Anna MoNamara was maid of j honor and wore wlutfj chiffon. Pho I carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds I tied with satin ribbons and with strea mers of pink tullo. The remaining maids, Miss Permelia Curtis, Miss Nellye Case, Miss Cornelia Caldwell and Miss Josephine Minter, wore pink mousseiine trimmed with cream lace I and carried whito roses. Two little maidens, Marjorio Gelder and Dana J Martin, acted as Mower girls and woro whito organdy gowns and carried ?large leghorn hats filled with Mowers j which they strewod in tho path of the brido. Dr. Coylc performed the ceremony I and tho church was decked with palms and cut Mowers. Mr. W. W. Simpson, of Augusta, Ga., was best man. "Ino ushers wore: Mr. liarlow, of New York; Russell Chapin, Wilson Birkonmyre and Joseph Mc Namara. A large reception, at which about 200 guests were present, was bold at the gaily-decked residence of the bride's parents, 1859 Gaylord 6trcet. Those assisting wero Mrs. George I Begole, Mrs. Joseph C. Colder, Mrs. Henry Brooks, Mrs. Charles Toll, Mrs. M. J. McNamara and Mrs. W. C. Brad bury. Miss Mollle Richardson and I Miss Vera Van Fleet served tho ico?, I and Miss Perm .Ma Curtis, Miss Nellye Case and Miss Cornelia Caldwell the punch. Mrs. William Golder was at tired in pink brocaded satin. Tbo bride aud groom are related to I the Sblrleys, the Lees, tho Custis fam ily and many others famous in tho I South. After the coromony they left for I Laurens, S. C., where they will reside.? I Denver (Colorado) News, Sept. 4th. Mr. Minter and his fair bride reach ed the city on Sundry evening last, I whero they meet congratulations and a thousand good wishes. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Miss Pawnee Jones will teach music j at her borne on Main Street this fall and winter. Miss Jones was eduoo od at Winthrop, I graduating high, then made music a I specialty and graduated in that branch at Limestone, teaching a year in that college. She lias the highest testimo nials from Professor Wade ft. Brown, I Director of music, of Limestone College, and also President Johnson of Win throp. Terms made k?own on application. Missionary Society. To tbo Woman's Missionary Socloty of Laurens Baptist Association: The Association will meet on October 1st., at Friendship Church. AH Missionary Socloties are expected to send a full delegation, and Churches having no Society connected with thorn are re quested to bo represented by at lea9t ono delegate Mas. JOSEPHINE Watts, Vlco President, L. A. Remember that we carry the largest jAnd most cotnnleto line of shoes sol'*, in Laurens. They woar and g1 sat isfaction. Sevoral lines ?'..<;iidy in. Call n?d see. Yours f .<- good shoes. Dr *is Roper U Co. Knd of the sorson bargains in all Summer Goods. They are so cheap you can afford to buy for noxt Summer At Tbc Hub. Gentlemen fine ovory thing they need In tho way of fur dshings at tho cloth ing Btoro of J E . Minter <fe Bro. There isn't a swell ?Vesser in town too Swelled for our new au'ts. Davis Roper A Co. No. (10 dining tablo, ru bed and pol ished to a piano finish. H fei?, long. This tablo Is worth anywhere * 17.60; our price |l6.7o delivered to yon* nearest depot. B, M. & E. IL* Wdkes. There will bo several weoks of slip per weather yet.' Wo'll soil you i pair at your own price. Tho !/ub. Dum'i buy shoddy made clothing When you can get the good here. DavIh Roper & Co. Famous Clothiers. K?los t? Uoverii Wheat Growers Contest. Rules governing contest for prises in tho Laurens County Wheat Growers Convention: Rule I. i'ri/.es shall bo awarded for tho host crop on live acres, three acres and ono aero, to wit: $.">0.00 first pris on 5 acres; $20.00 second prize on .r) acres. $20.00 first prize on :> acres; *15.00 second prize on 3 acres. *15.00 first prize on I acre: $10.00 second prize- on I aero. Hulc 2. Tho land entered for the prizes must be measured by two com petent disinterested persons, who shall certify lo same. Rule 3. The grain shall be cut and shocked in tho presence of two disin terested witnesses who shall make cer tificate, of same. Rule I. A certified statement from two disinterested witnesses of the number of bushels threshed: the wheat to he dry and measured by weight, Kule?. Bach contestant shall make a report of mode of cultivation and cost. Ruled. All papers and reports ?ball be tiled with the .secretary of the asso ciation on Or before 20th of duly, 1002, which will be placed in the bands of committee to award the prizes. Kulc 7. Each contestant shall notify the Secretary of the Association of his intention to con tost for prizes by De cember 20th, looi, designating what prize lie will contest for. Hulc s. Identical land tobe in but one contest, except for First and Se cond prizes of that class. R de 0. The Committee to award the, .i/.es shall he appointed by tho Convention. Rule 10. Fach contestant shall bo a resident of Jaunens county and a mem ber of the Laurens County Wheat (;rowers As;oeiation. J A RDINIERS FOR HOI'S K PLA N TS. It will shortly he time to tako up some of your oholco plants, transfer them to pots, and take them in doors. We have beautiful and artistic Jardi nior8of many sizes, shapes, colors and grades, from famous Potteries. Will you come and make a selection? S. M. & K. 11. Wilkcs. Tho Philippine exhibit at tho Buf fola Exposition is the subject of an Interesting brief article In The Outlook for September 7, accompanied by several heretofore unpublished pic tures which show the types of tho na tive public school teachers in the Phil ippines, the dllierout nationalities rep resented among the people and some of the more notable of the picturesque school buildings, Tho article Itsell is decidedly picturesque in its presenta tion of the possibilities of education in the Philippines. $3 a year. The Out look Company, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York. (loo. lt. Wendling. The Laurent Lyceum will open the Season on Oct. O.h with Ceo. R. Wen1' ling, tho prime of American Orators Hi-s subject will bo Stonewall Juckson. This lecture never fails to stir a South ern audience. The neatest compli ment to Mr. Wendling is the frequent recall to a place, and all who hear him once desire the more to hoar him again. This season ho lectures at Savannah, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbia. Spartan burg.Greenville, Clcmson Co'.lege, Win throp College, etc. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, who has hoard the lecture on her famous husband, says that she would travel, if she was well enough, many miles to bear It again. This lec ture Is worth the cost of a season tick et. Secure your ticket before October 1st, from W. H. Washington. A $10 Bluff. ' The visit of Hart the Laugh King, Hypnotist and Thought Reader to Suf folk, Va., has boon worth $ 10 cash to one local home, says tho Virginian Pi lot." It happened this way : "The lady of the house loll a *1() bill on the table, and after looking out for sonic household duties she got back and found tho "long green" gone. The lady has three servants and she didn't feel like accusing any of them. Then the news was broken to the servants that the money was lo.;t, and it was mentioned incidentally that the hypno tist and thought renter who was ap pearing nightly at the theatre could come there and locate it in three min utes. One of the ladies went to the 'phone, presumably to oa'l up Dr. Hart, the ruse- had the looked for effect. When the mistress of the place whore the hill was left she saw it lying there placidly. Tho h'utl' had worked." Hart the Laugh King will ho the at traction at the Opera House for one night, Wednesday, September 18ih. Popular prices will be the rule, BOc, Hoc. and 2.0 cents. Scats on sale at Pal metto Drug Co. The South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition. We are nearing "the home sirctch" In our exposition work and there is no time to lose. By the middle of Novem ber all exhil its should ho In Charleston, ready lo p .t up. The committee has secured two china closets and two largo show cases in which will bo securely locked the loans of lino china and all loans and all valuable rolics, colonial, confederate and family. In these will he placed also all kind of fancy work done by women : showing twentieth century progress by the side of the in genuity of the grandmothers in the long ago. Canned fruits, jollies, etc. will ho givon a safe place. For tho walls in our booth in Waman's Build ing, niomhers of Committees all over tho county are requested to secure the loan of pictures of ar.y kind old or uesv. These will bo packed by experienced hands in this place and in Clinton so that they will not be Injured. Laurons county proposes to compete for ono of tho prizes offered] with her good re sources along all tho lines end hor peo ple of splendid ability thorc is no roa son why she should not tako first prize. It is proposed that at least throo Booths be arranged by this county: in agricul tural, Manufacturers a n d Woman's building each. Sp'aco in each of thoso Is given free of cos.fc and the exhibits will bo put together in car loads and shipped froo of cost. This Is a raro privilege for our county to advertise its resources to the world. All mcm borsof commlttooa all ovor the county are urgontly solicited to work for this jjood cause and to moot here and fully report at our County Fair. Committee. Why So Popular. The popularity of "Clifton" Hour is | due to !i* nnequaled quality?-absolute ly pure, retaining all tho nutritivo and healthful qualities of the finest soleotcd wheat. Call for "Clifton" if you want the purest and host. Mado at Brans ford Mills, Owonsboro, Ky. Sold by T. N. Barksdalo and M. II. Fowler. hales to Buffalo Croatly Reduced via The Sea Board Air Line Railroad. Tickets aro now on salo from all sta tions on the S, A. L. railroad to HalTalo and return, at one faro for tho round trip (half rates) plus $1.00, limited to twenty days from dato of Hale, These tickets aro good for llvodays in transit, la each dlrcotlon, allow f>top-overs within that limit. Cholco of various routoB offered. Call on your nearest agont, or writo to Win. Butlor, Jr., Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Oa. ir You Know! t If you know what tho milier knows, and what your physician knows about adultoratod flour, you, too, would in slst on your grocor sending you "Clif ton". Try It! It Is tho host and pur est. Mode at Bransford Mills, Owons boro. Ky., and sold by T. N. Barksdalo * ml Mil, Fowler. FACTS PERSONAL AND BRIEF NOT KS OF RECENT EVENTS. The latest news from the President is favorable. Mr. J. M. MurfT, of Brewer ton, spent Friday night in tho city. Col. W. H.Martin visited Grecnvlllo Monday professionally. Miss Nets Tburston, of Greenville, is visiting Mr?. J. M. Phllpot. Miss Bessio Kerrlson, of Charleston, is visiting Miss Muttle Kern. Mr. Albort (Jarlington was down with as Saturday. Hon. 0. It. Wallace, ex-Senator, was in the city on Monday. See R. I'. Milam iV Co. before buying bagging and ties, Big lot on hand. Miss Rosa Hart, of Cokosbury, is in the city visiting Mrs. Oscar Babb, her sister. Miss Fnnnio George, a bright aud sprightly belle, of Llthonla, Ga , is vis iting the family of Mr. H. 13. Kennedy. Mr. Livlngton WoltT, one of tho ad vanced farmors of the Rabun, was in the city Saturday. Mr. S. D. Child r ess has 20 acres of grass, estimated to yield two tons of hay per acre. Mr. Nat Franks, an old eiti'/.eUi now of GreenvillOi was in the city and coun ty seeing friends during last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. 11 ee'? visited Mrs. A. L. Adams in U ruen villo on .Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Saxon, of Huntington, spent several days In the city with her son, P. Li. Saxon. Mrs. M. L. Owlngs returned to-day to Columbia after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. R. 1'. Milam. Much correspondence and interest ing matter is out this week for want of space. Services at tbo Episcopal Church, at the usual hour, morning and evening, Sabbath next. "Langhtor is the tonic of the soul." Sec Hart the Laugh King and be happy. Tbo committees and officials in chargo of our Fair report good progress, and our readors may bo assured of a do lightful event ahead of them. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Simpson and tho children, and Mrs. Tune, bavo return ed from a delightful sojourn at Porter Springs, Ga. The Masonic Festival at Wallace Lodgo on Thursday last is roportod most delightful for its graceful hos pitality. Every farmer should strain u point and help out the wheat growers asso ciation. Many a little makes a micklc and a small contribution wdll help the good cause. State Geologist, Karle Sloan, Is In the county, inspecting minerals and mineral formations. His visit will be short, but he will return to the county and look carefully into our minoral re sources. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Adams, Mrs. T. II. Nelson, II. Terry, O. B. Simmons and W. G. Wilson it Co., are back from the great markets. Their spondid se lections of stocks are finding tho shelves. 1'resident Miller, of the State Color ed College, made an admirable talk to an intollegant body of colored people in the Court House on yesterday. Ho spoke In the Interest of a colored ex hibit by Laurons colored people at tbo Charleston Exposition, J. E. Norment, representing the | News and Courier, and one of its ac complished correspondents was In the city on Thursday last. Ho bad lately done some globo trotting, seeing what was to bo seen In Buffalo and over the lino among the Canadians. Hon. D. H. Henderson, of Aikon, sends us a pamphlet copy of his beau tiful speech at Chlckamauga May 27th. He was orator chosen to ropresont tho State at the dedication of tbo State's monument to the Carolina fallen on that battlefield. The oration was worthy of the occasion. The catalogue of Winthrop College for 1000?1901, very handsomely gotten up and giving full details as to tho re quirements, and expenses of attondlng the institution has just been issued. Mr. D . B. Johnson, the president, will send a catalogue to any applicant. Winthrop has nearly four hundred pu pils from nine different states, and is unquestionably a great Institution. To-morrow. Remember tbo mooting. Speakers, Congressman Johnson, Evans, Wilson, Liitimor, Johnstonoand perhaps others. First Bales. Mr. B. Bailey sold tho first bale of cotton on Friday. Weight 115, and he got 8 cents. Ho should have had 0 cts. Mr. John W. Hanna, and Col. J. H. Wharton, oach sold a bale Saturday. Theso got 8 cents. All are hustling farmers. Fairview Stock aud Agricultural Shovr. Tho lfith Annual Fair of this eplen. did Association occurs Sopt. 27th 1001. Only the Stato Fair equals it in attrac tion. It Is a part of our great town ship, Dial. All tho west of tur county will take part, and no man, woman, or child should Miss this delightful event of tho yoar. Write J. R. Wasson, Sec rotary, Falrview, for Proprium List. Plant a Tree. An old fanner friend says if ho had but one aore of ground ho would plant it in roasting ears; another that he would plant it in sweet 'tators. Our old friend B.C. Davis,of Huntsvlllo, brings us dolightful poars and applos and we are not bothering about the 'tators aud tho grcon corn, Assault on the President. The assault on tho President, at Buffalo, on Friday last, by one Czolgocz, an Anarchist, was the most flagrant in all history. Tho prayors of all tho world appeal at tho throno of AH Mercy, for tho recovery of the Pr?Si ? dont. Tlje sympathy of the Southland as much as any olhor part of tho coun try aro oxtwnded to tho President and his tondor wUo. f Masonic Picnic. A correspondent of tho Greenville News, writing of tho picnic of Ornan Lodge, Greonvlllo Co., last wcok, has theso oomnllmontary words of repre sentative Cooper; Hon. R. A. Cooper of Laurena, de livered a most interesting address up on Masonry and Its origin, trapdng It back to the days of Noan, and also its influence in the advancement of civili zation, aud intelligent government everywhere, and Its greater power that of charity towards all mon. Good Things to EAt. Aromado of "Clifton" (lour-a pure product. If you don't oat broad mado of ?'Clifton'^ you don't eat the best broad. 8old by T. N^Barksdale and - M If You Wait. You will learn that the palsy of life is ilc lay, If y< u wait. That Fortune will beckon anil then fleo away. If you wait. For this is tho mystical edict of Fate; lint once Opportunity knocks on your Kate, And after that call 'tis torevor too late, If you wait. Get the Children Ready for School NOW?DON'T WAIT. Wo sell the Hooks you are obliged by law to use at prices fixed by the same law. All kinds of School Supplies at Tho Laurens Drug Co. 103 West Main St. ?Phono 75 Qoods delivered. A Night op Teklor. "Awful anxiety was fell for the wid ow of the brave Gcnora' Burnliam of Maohias, Me., when tho doctors said she would die from Pneumonia bofore morn ing" writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured licr of Consumption. After taking, she slept all night, Further use en tirely cured her." This marvellous medi cine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Cheat and Lung Diseases. Only 50 cents and 81.00. Trial bottles free at Laurens Drug Co.'s drug store. look-out" -FOR Who will open up In a few woeks, next door to J. O. O. Fleming & Co., with a first-class and nicely selected stock of AM) Wo will also fit you with a first-class pair of Spec tacles just to suit tho eyes. Ono of tho firm has graduated as an Op ticlan. ?*|H Wo will also havo a first class Jeweler to repair yout Watches, Jewelry, Etc., in a work man liko manner. FLEMING ItltOS. Liiurens, S. O. Stockholders' Meeting. A mooting Of the Stockholders of tin Laurens Furnlturo Manufacturing Co. is horeby called to be hold at tho Com pany's office, at Laurons. S. C, at 11 o'elock, a. ra., on tho 17th .lay of Sr.< tembor, 1901, for tho purpose of con sidering a resolution of the Hoard of Directors passed on August 15th, 1001, recommending that the Capital Stock, of said Company bo increased to F?rty Thousand Dollars.' E. IL WILKES, President and Troasurer. NOTICE! Bids for Laurons County 4 ppr oont, ?",0 year bonds, payable semU annually, tq the amount of $75,000 00 to he. issued for the purposo of refund ing bonds Issued In 1882 by tho County of Laurons In aid of tho Qreonwqod, L$u,reps, und Spartanburg Railroad Company, will he reoeived at the office of tho undersigned and duo and paya ble January 1st, 1009. at Laurons, S. C up to tho 30th day of November 1901. Money for tho purchase of esc bonds to be piaced at the People's ?an A; Ex change Hank of Laurens, 8. o. without cost to the county. Right rcsorved to reject any and uh bldg, J. S. ORUMM?ND, Supervisor L. C. NOTICE, NOTICE! Tho building of one rook pillow will bo lpt to coutraet at Goougloas en Saturday, the' ljth day of 8ept at 10 o'clock, Qn tho same day at H p. tn. tho bridge near Glenn Fuller's will he lot. Commissioners will attend. .1.8. 1 Htl IM MONI), Sept. 8? 1901. Supervisor L. Om I II. 12. lilt AY. J. 0. SHEALY, GRAY & SHEALY, Mantels, Columns, Fancy-turned 1 Scroll Work a Specialty MEN of good judg ment own thoir own homos, antl eoino to US for materials, too. They realize that THE LIFE and satisfaction ot their property dopend upon the materials that go into it. They buy tho best?the kind WE noil. Come to soo US. First-cluss Fire-proof Paints?gtiaran teod not to crack or pool. Cold-wa ter Paints for Choap Houses and Fences. GRAY & SHEALY, Laurous, S. C. ^.IlIST OPENED* -tJgJS* Five grades in nice sheer white India Linons at 10, 12 15, 20 and 25 cts. Lawn Edgings, Insertions and All-Over to match. In colored Organdy and Dimity yon can lind here the Quality, Color and Price you desire. Only a limited quantity of those heavy all-Silk Gloves, the 75 cents quality, at 40eta. while they last. .Special Value in Sunshades at ^ W. G. Wilson & Co. "Be It Ever so Humble, There's No Place Like Home. Everybody's Csming Msme frsm Everywhere from the lake, from the seashore, from the dressy hotel, from the fishing camp, from the old farm, from a few days 'off and from all sorts of OUtlngS, and mighty glad to got back. No nicer town to como bock to, and we all help to make it so, if we do say it ourselves. Now you're home again how about clothing? Isn't your wardrobe a little depleted after the hard racket you have given your clothing during your outing? I f m>. we just want to remind you that our FALL AND WINTER S?ITS arc arriving every day. More desirable suits you never feasted your eyes upon. This is the MOMK of new ideas and we ;now you will n<>t complain at any price wo name. Come and see. "BEVERLY" going to buy I lopcr& Co.'s? $f Bo^s' anb Gbilbren'8 ^Department ; m 1st Boy "SAY1 Is your mother your School Suit at Davis, 1 2nd Hoy "Why certainly?mother know-, her (nt\ business?sho always goes thcro tor inj clothes." ri This Is the way the hoys cilU it. Mothers and Boys both know that wo are headquarters In I.aureus for jjjfc Boys' School Clothing. vff\ Splendid variety bore?School Suits hj\ from $1.50 to 13.00. Fabrics durable. 3* il" Parents know how good our School Suits arc. we would sell all the ^ School Suits sold in Lauren-. ? DRY GOODS and LADIES' ^ READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. In this dopartmont wo will have and uro rccoiving every day the groatosl variety ot pretty made Skirts, Suits, Cloaks, ever seon In Laurons. Wo will toll you more about this dopartmont in our noxt add. Don't stop till you see what wo have. DAVIS, ROPER & COMPANY'S Famous Clothing, Dry Goods, ?Hoe and Hot Store. H Little ?ea?ty That's what eveybody thinks the Buck's Junior Range is. Its worth your best efforts, girls. Contest Cot,tii,?es Of>til Octofoef 1st. TH L under 14 years of age who brings us the greatest number of names of people using Buck's Stoves or Ranges, gets the prize. t?f Freight Paid on all Purchases of ?10.00 and up. HAVE YOU BEEN to the Hat Sale yet? It's the talk of the town. STAW HATS WORTH #1.50 going for )lh cents. Come before they arc all gone. Laurens Cotton Mills Store. T. C. LUCAS, Manager. CUSTOM ? .1. C. SMITH, the oldost dealer in MonumontH in Lanrons county, still has his placo of husinoas in Clinton. Dcalor in the best native ami Imported from Italy and abroad. Tho latost designs, work done in tho most artistic fashion, promptly, and forms reasonable and satisfactory. He solicits your patronage and thanks you in advance. Your attention to the fact of Clinton's exoepti?nable railroad facilities. Call and examine hia yard. J. C. SMITH, Clinton, S. C. Glenn Springs Hotel, Ulenn Spring, S. C. (JUEEN OF SOUTHERN SUMME? RESORTS. There is but one Glenn ?Springs and ii lias no equal on the continent for the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood Hotel Open from June 1st to October 1st. Cuisine and Service Excellent. It is up-to-date and Everybody Goes There. For board apply lo Simpson & Simpson. Water for sale by Lauten.-. Drug Co., Palmetto Drug Co., Laurens Cotton Mill Store. tho Undertaking business at the old stand. COFKINS, OASKRTrt and ROBES, and HEARSE, at tho < ?LOWEST PRICES. ^ A oontinuanco of tho gouorou patronage hitherto oxtondod til solioitod. Uootfully KENNEDY BROS., Laurens, 8. 0