THE ADVERTISER. Subscription l'l*tcc>*12 Months, $1*50 Pat able in Advance. ]{. W. BALL, Editor. Kates for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad verti ements, por square, one inser tion ,*1,0O; each subsequent insertion, no cents. Liberal reduction made for largo Advertisements. \v. w. Ball, 1 'roorlotor. LAU HENS, S. ('., May 20, 1001. Prom Urccnvlllo. August Kohn Bonds to the Charleston New-, and Courier from Greonvlllo an ox'ract of MoLaurin's points: Second. "I bavo broke up," he said, "negro government and carpetbagism In South i larolinn." Third: I am a Democrat, in spite of all the slanders that havo boon oireu lated again&t me. Fourth. I recognize no hos-, in or out of the Stale, and I bill free fi\ m Tillman's coat la I. Fifth. Nobody but a fool would now make? a spot eh on free silver. Sixth. I am an oxpnmlonist. Seventh. I favor tbo principle of ship subsidy, but am not comm'ttod to any part icular bill. Kignth. A "steal" is not a "steal" when it is going the way of other folks. Ninth. The Isthmus Canal means Southern prosperity. Tenth. I an: in the Senate for what I can get for South Carolina, not to further my personal interests. Eleventh. The friend and advocate of Capers and Chaffoci Twelfth. Ho has kind words for the Charleston Exposition. Thirteenth. He insists the only way he can bo defeated Is to he forced out of the primary. Fourteenth. "I sin honest." Honest, in the belief that lie is right in princi ple and that principles are above party lines. ? News end Courier, "i killed < lock Uobiuiwlth my little ar row I killed Cock Kobin. There was an old improsslon that Hampton and the red-shirters bad something to do with the exodus of the "carpet-baggers." Again, Tillman's coat-tail of old time was of some service and the young Senator is in danger of being charged with a short memory, "Nobody but a fool would now make a speech on free silver." This comes after the funeral and looks like gazing Into another pair of bright eyes. "The only way bo can be defeated is to be forced out of the primary." But hasn't the Senator voted himself out of the ' primary"? Ho is certainly cam paigning on his own hook now?no democrat ic committee is making his ap pointments here below seem to be the potsonel chaporonlng him: They hail from the East, they hail from the West, they hail from the North and from the South and a goodly number of thorn are at present banging bard and fast to Uncle Sam uel's calico eo-.t tails and have been for goodly days. Hero they are: Of course the feature of the day was the speech of Senator McLaurln, but quite a neat speech was made by Capt. J. a. Mooney in Introducing Mr. Mo Laurin, Capt, Mooney first. calleO on Dr. C. s. Gardner to open the meeting with prayer, which he did, and then Capt. Mooney made a glowing present ation of Senator McLaurln. There was quite a large number on the stage, among them wcro Dr. Bay Us, New York "iine?: Louts Appell, Manning Times; George K. Koestor, Columbia Record: Ed DoCainp, GalTney Ledger; John A. Morose, Greenville News: Dr. C. S. Gardner, Col, .las. Munro, Un ioir ( apt. Ilrecdon, Bcnnettsville; Col. .Jaine^ L. Orr. l>r. J. I-. Baker, Alken; Capt. J. II. Maxwell. Dr. Smith, EaS ley: L. VV. Darker. Capt. MoDavld, W. C. Sirrine. \V. A. Metis. N. Whit inire. Krank llumtnond, T. <,>. Donald son, A. Shumate. J. II. Morgan, Capt. .I.A. Mooney, I'ost masters Kamnuel, Bonnettsvllle; Chaffeo, of Aiken; Fair, of Nowborry;A. N. Wood, of GalTney; Messrs. A. ?. Fiirman, Jell F. Kion ardson, Frank P. Capers, Dr. A. J. S. Thomas, Col. VV. A. Neal, C. II. Henry, Spart an burg.?EDIT< >K A DVKU TIS Kit. Tlllmnn find Mc ha it rhi as a Itesiill of Joint Dehnte at Uall'ncj Kestgii. The joint debate at Gafl'iiey on Sat urday resulted in mutual hi till' be tween the two Senators and both re sign. As the dang-whankers say there was "hot Stull "a lid itwas llnally agreed that both Senators should send their resignations to Gov, McSwccney to take elleet In September and a Demo cratic primary to be held to determine between Tilhnan and MoLaurin before Congre.-s assembles in Dteomber, Both places will be vacant and any Demo crat may run. It is all wrong. Tilhnan is not under lire, but MoLaurin is, the indictment being that ln> stood and stands with the Ucptlblicans upon all national questions. Tilhnan, nodoubt, felt safe in submitting bis course to the issue of the ballot and in this he is safe. Hut at last the issue is?decs MoLaurin repre sent the Democracy of South Carolina and this Issue alone should have been submitted. The situation is unpre cedented even in South Carolina. * * * Southern Industrial Convention. This body assembles at Philadelphia Juno llth-lltK .Motto Business. No politics. No sectionalism. Hon. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta. Is one of the speak ers. The rCCOUrces and advantages of ea^h BtatO will bo presented by the Governor of that state, or hlsollloial representative, setting forth in a clear, COnolse anil authentic manner just what his 8tnta possesses for the In vestment of capital in undeveloped wealth, as well as its inducements to thrifty settlors.Theso addresses limited to fifteen minutes each. * * From I he Shoulder. MoLaurin at Groonville Faid that a big element of thoso who formerly de nounced Tilhnan now fawn upon* him for crumbs falling from the rich man's table, or lingo to that effect. Hut using the Senator's own figures It is dollar.-, to doughnuts that, 80 per cent, of the omnium gatherum that.swelled hlstl'l unphant entry into Groenvlllo, were expectant statesmen ' bonding the pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift (may) follow fawning." Ten are for expanding their trousaloon pockets where one loves expansion for the country's sake. * Mndoinosello Rumor, the Jade, has it that MoLaurin's friends in these dig gins are bidding for the Post Office and Other Ollt-lyingsotip. Further,that as a condition an organ must be sup plied to fight the Senator's battle in this county, ami that an option on a county paper has been secured. "I tell the tale as it is told to me, 1 cannot tell how the truth may be." * Tho Christ ian Scientists claim that they cured M rs. McKinley of her re cent illness. They practiced tho long distance treatment. The claim needs authentication, it would seem, as tho President had a Washington Doctor along and caded in the San Francisco contingent. Jubiter noils. It was a weak thing in Senator McLaurln to tack Crenshaw's grueeomo epistle at the ond of his speech, making Bryan responsible for the death of bissen in the Phillppllnos. On the Hun. The speech of Senator MoLaurio at] Greenville on Wednesday last, adver? tisid with flourish of drums and trumpets was delivered before a very mixed audience. A white quail, a black swan or an albino raven is classed us freak a cage of parrots, monkey anil other birds and rare animals sometimes j make a happy family. Tho inimitable and nondescript regiment Jack Pal s'aff raised for young Prince Hal was a I motley col ection Indeed. Sir Jack says himself of his collection of worth ies "motley Is the only ware." So all shades of opinion and all avocations were represented In th's audience. Foremost wore the Republican olllco* boldors, Websteritva (of old) died-ia the wool, especially the wool-died, Lilly White Ins and out?, prospective Republican oflioe-boldors, watchers and waiters, manufacturer?, bankers, plu toerats, lawyers, teachers, preachers, merchant8, farmers, c'octors, McKin ley democrat?< gold democrats, silver democrats, Cleveland democrats, fol lows without politic?, a'l made Into a pie, Truly "motley is the only ware " "Black spirits and white, red spirits and gray, mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may." It was as mixed as the witch's cauldron and we can't re fra'n from reference to the weird dam e of the sisters when round and round they kept timo to their charmed re frain and poured Into the uiohan'ed vessel: ? I witch Round about tho cauldron go In the poisoned entrails throw, 'l oad, tnat under the coldest 6tone, Days and nights hast thirty one Swelter'd venom, sleeping got, I to" 1 thou lirst in the charmed pot. But to McLaurtn's speech. They say that Brevity Is tho soul of wit. But] this address covers as much ground psJ tho bull's bide of Dido was madotOI tako in under the trade with the fa thers of Carthago. We cannot give space to an analysis of (be world-wide talk. It has been said that MoLaurin's speech at Charlotte has not been an swered. Tho Greenville speech is a re-hash end and etdarged edition of the Charlotte speech. It is neat'y enough done with a touch of tho literary cast and in tho closing paragraph-, smacks of tho pathetic and the appeal. Mr Laurin favors expansion, a large army, an imposing navy, imperial domain, (like the old fellow who wanted all the land that "jined" him) ship subsidies, territory around tho globe, that the sun may never cease to shine upon it, the Yankee drum-beat following his imperial round from tho rising to his going down a dominion, upon which there is eo such down-going. The ar gument for all this is specious and plausible and will tickle the Col lege Sophomore end the proverbial In nocent, the impecunious or "unscrupul ous" hopeful aspirant to office. The [omnibus position of McLaurin may be [answered as all Republican platforms have been answered for a century. Mc Laurin favors a high tarilT. a tariff for protection -hieb unties on imports. A hieb tariff with 76 million of people, buying liberally from abroad of 1 Everything that a woman can put from the crown of her head to the sole of her foo'." and a man too, must pile up millions upon millions of money t hat can only serve ss a corruption fund or a fund for tyrany and oppression. TarilT, extrava gance, standing armies and waste arc correlative. But The Advertiser has ahvadv over and ovt r again said that tho South is a buying section and while we make at Richmond and Atlanta our cooking stoves aud plow shares, it will be a half century with all the thrift we can muster before we becomo otherwise than consumers of tho thousand pro ducts of daily use among us from a pin to an engine. Until th?n wo arc as ora/y as loons to adopt or listen to ar gument suggesting a tarill And it inns', be noted th , "my threo years of suffer ing from Kidney troubles. I was hardly over free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or I.ft mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about ready to give up, when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and mado mo Lei like a new man." They'ro unrivaled to regulato Stomach, Liver, Kidney* and bowels. Perfoct satisfaction guar anteed by The Liurons Drug Co. Only r>0 conts. We call your attention to our Le monade Sets, consisting of 1 large pitcher and 0 tumblers for ?M cents. S. M. A K. H. Wilkes. If it's millinery you wish, wo are very apt to have what you aro looking for, and the prices will please you. The Hub. The Wot Thickens. Col. Wilic Jones, State Democratic Chairman, is of opinion that a cam paign for tho Senatorial places will be held in August. Tnis means a primary al>out the la-t of September At this writing the understanding is that Till? man and McLaurin wl'l contest for the long term, (Tillman's, until March ll)<>7! while a half do/en will content for MoLaurln's term, expiring Murcb 1003. for this race It is understood Latimcr, Col. Wilic Jones, of Colum bia, D. S. Henderson, State Senator of Aikcn, and Col. George Johnston.', of Newbcrry. aro s'ated. It is announced that the Stato newspaper will urge a third man to run in the held with 1 ill man and McLaurin. Gov. McSwconoy is talked of as a possibility and l'rof. Means Davis has been mentioned. As far as we can see ahead Tillman and McLaurin must share the Hold for the long term and the signs are that thi ne w McLaurin movement is already on the rocks anil the wreckers must soon be out saving livoa and baggage. Till man will go back. For the short tsrin I til-. auvkktiskk Would like to add another Kdgolield man John C. Shep pard?in whose keeping the Stute and all parties and a'l interests would be safe. ' Sing a song of six-pence, pocket full of rye, Four and twenty black bi'ds made in'o a p e, When the pic was opened, the birth began to sing, Wa-n'i that a dainty dish to set bef. ro the King." P.S. -(tov.McSwceney may be added to tho list of probabilities. Kx-Gov. John Gary Evans; L. W. Voumaos. of Barnwell: and Ansel, of Greenville, to the list of possibilities. Olil Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25 cents at Laurens Drug Co. Till'. SEWS AT CLINTON. Dr. and Mrs. Sliands gave a lawn party to a number of the young people Friday evening. Mrs. Joe Dai ley held a reception Sal urday afternoon. l'rof. Spencer paid a Hying vis't to Columbia Saturday. Miss Ellene McCaslan is quite III. Miss Janie Vance is in Memphis at the Confederate Ke-union. Rev. J. K. Jacobs has been away for some time attending the General As sembly of the Southern Presbyterniti church at Little Rock, Arkansas. Tho Senior Class of the Thornwpll Orphanage were given a rce-ption 1>y Dr. Jacobs Friday evening. The corner-stone of the new Presby* terian church was laid Tuesday with very impressive ceremonies. Tho old est member of the church and only survivor of the lirst congregation occu pied a conspicuous posit'on. Misalbblo Fulton, or as she is usually called "Aunt Ibbie" is ninety-three yea-s old and until a week ago sho had never had her p'eture taken. Her photograph was wanted to put in the corncr-stono. Itcv. J. II. Tbornwell delivered the address. Misa Mary Ann Wright is very ill. Miss Addie Horton will return from Virginia, whore she has been attend ing Mary Baldwin Seminary s nee Sep tember, on Thursday. Rev. W. F. Strickland has accepted a call to the Presbyterian church at Pendleton and has removed his family there. Ho will remain here until af ter Comraencomt nt. The College Commencement takes place next week. Rev. Melton Clark will preach the sermon before the graduating class in the inornii g and Rev. J. P. Jacobs, the V M. C. A. ser mon in the evening. On Monday evening the. dedalmer's contest tflk's place, and Tuesday eve ning the debate, which bids fair to/be very interesting. Tuesday morning. Rev. R. I*. Walker will de'iver (he alumni oration. Wednesday is to be the chief day?Commencement Day proper. The eight graduates will de liver their speeches and receive their diplomas the four medals uro delivered, honor roll read, announcements made for next year and Ibo commencement oration delivered. This year tho Hon. C. C. Featherstono has been elected commencement orator. Wednesday even'ng the alumni re ception takes place at Dr Bean's. Roth fraternities in the College will have banquets during the week. BltEWEKTON ITEMS. A good number of our community went over to Jones' on thelyhinst. pienicinp, it being the closing of the Jones' High School. All report a good time and a large crowd present?more than 1,000. As your corr. spondent was not present only reporting from hear say, we know from expedience that it is noted for large crowds on all such occasions in the past and the good and polite Dr. Wil ie T. Jones always mak ing everyone feel at h' mo and to enjoy themselves. Fishing excursions are daily occur raccos, excepting Sundays, now on Ware Shoals. On last Friday there was a crowd of young people from Owingsville neighborhood, consisting both of male and female. I o*a't say whether they were llshing for the llney trlho tr something greater Mrs. I) L. Balentine, who bus been quite sick at her son's, I). I-',. Halen tine, of Ow ingsvi-le, is now convah-s ing and will be brought back to her son's, near her old home in a few days. John W. Peeks and wife visited at Mr.Frank Medlock's,of Morna,last Sat urday and Sunday. Ploughing and chopping out cotton is about the order of the day now. Some few farmers complain of not having good st ?r.ds. The most of tho bottom lands has been planted to corn. We aro looking forward soon lo har vesting tho best wheat crop over grown in our county and we think outs aro very promising Indeed. Nlram Agnew, u respectable, whito man, with a family near Donalds, Ab beville county, 8. C , committed sul cide lust Friday night, by shooting himself. Wo have been in tho dry for some time, but. it is not the case with us now. Wo had a line season to full on Sunday, lilth inst , with considerable wind and some hail, hut not enough to do any damage to the growing crops and it rained all day Monday, and Tues lay It poured all day, consequently crops 8ro badly damaged, a good quanity being intirely washed away and the soil gone to purls unknown to us. Paul may plant, and A pol his may water, but God must glvo tho increase. "If (Jod be for us who can bo against ua. So then wo should always be on God's side, In Ills army. Mrs. Polly Reeks is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Ida and Ella Simp son, noar Irbv, this week. on Bit. Pure ami Wholesome. Bread is tho chief food used to sustain life, therefore have it good. The U30 of "Clifton" or "Snow flake" and "Spotless" mado at Bransford Mills, Ovvensboro, Ky? will iusuro tin's, as oithor Is nb*c. Iitlely puro and wholesome. Insist on your grocer Bonding you ono ol these brands. Sold by M, II. Fow lei- and T. N. Barksdale. U1U> COURT NEWS. Th< heavy ruins of last week did errat damage, washing tho uplands badly and washing away all tho corn plant?.d on crocks and branches, but it It is not ton lato to be plant* d again. There is too much rain for cotton, but tllO grain is doing llnely. The Gray Court High School closed on last Friday. Prof. M. A. Cox has been Principal of the BOhcol for two years and has given entire satisfaction. At a meeting of the trustees and pa Irons last week, steps wore taken to wards establishing a graded school here. Iho Gray Court (Quarry has i n order for a lot of paving b ocks from tho city ef Anderton. The tjuarry is getting along nicely now. Mr- T. A. Pccocli. of Spartanburg is in charge and undo. ? Stands his business. The Methodists hero have purchased a new bell for their church. Mrs Earlo,of Landrum, S. C, is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Chris tophi r. Mr. I). I), Peden is attending Com mencement at Chicora College. Gre< n vllle, s. C. ? Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Christopher have gono on a ten days' visit to their paronts at ivy bog. Ga. Mr. It. H. Gray went to Greonvlllo last week to hear McLaurln. Mr. It. 13. Parksand family ol Wood ruff, .visited at Prof. Cox's last week. Mr. S. ball's family are getting along very well with tni'dUpox. Messrs. 11. Ii. and C. W. McPhcrson, fruit trees agonts. are stopping at A. c. Owlngs' boarding-house. Our town council has been doing some good work on our stroets. D. Fought For IIis Life. "My father and sister both died i f Consumption,'1 wilt s .1. T. Weather wax. of Wyandotte, Mich., and I w.i> paved from the same frightful fa'.o only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help,but a few months' use of this \V< n derfui medicine made mo as will a^ ever and I gained much in vvoight ' In faldble for Cough-,('olds und all Throat and Hung trouble. Trial bottles free. Quaruntocd bottlos 60 conts and $1.03 at Lain ens 1 h ug Co. CA It It OL L. Died, Friday, May -Ith. little Sue. tho throe year ohl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,lim Hill Her remains were laid to test In the old Soil's Chapel bury ing ground on Sa unlay. Tho larg i concourse of relatives and friends pres ent showed how greatly the ontlie com munity 8) in pal hi/.od with tho bereaved family In their great loss. Several of our youilg people weal to Mountvillo i'Mday night to attend the closing exercises of the .Mountvillo IPgh School. Mr. S. I . Tumor and family have been visHing his brothor, Mr, W. P. Turner, Miss Char'.lo Hill has roturn il home after spending quito a pleasant week in Mountville. On Saturday, Juno tho ^th, ihero will b' at Wa ts1 Hridge, on Sallldil River, a basket picnic. Lot evorybody come and bring woll-llllod baskets and have a got d t i i 0. PAN Van. Hahii.S FOOTWEAIl ? Till kind of footwear I am showing this Spring for ladies is far superior to any yon can find elsewhere. Try a pair of iho fa mous Zeig! or Hros. Slippers. <). 11, Simmons, Mr. Editor: Y? ur correspondent understand* Ihn I tho law rMjuites every person llahlo to road duty < Hier to work as the law directs or pay his commutation. Road di . iriots arc formed and tho over- v ei s j should havo complete lists of nil I liablo to Ibis duly. Tho impression of Iho writer is that many escape I the duty and the payment of the commutation dollar. This ?heule I he corrected and the luw aliictly enforced, litis don,- ami there will l)o Ie8fj complaint ol bail ro:idj. J. W. IJliAKHI.KV. It Saved His Leg. P.A. Dan forth, of LaGrango, tin., iMUlTetel for six m nths witli a frightful ' running Mire on h:.s leg, but writes that llucklon's Anden salve wholly cured it in llvo days. For U.'cors, Wounds, Piles, it's tho best salvo in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Aii Interesting Volume. Wo havo before us a small vo! uine entitled ' History of Greei wood" by C.M.Calhoun and printed at the Index office. To tho chroni cles of Greenwood there is added something of the causes of seces sion" a description of "the early battles of the wnr" find some ''sketches of Butloi's brigade Tho hook is bound in papi r neatly printed and contains li'< pages and is adorned with a mini ber of portraits. The book is a valuable contribu tion to South Carolina history and worth Iho price at which it is sold. It is written by one of our citizens and should meet with ready sale. In our judgment it Is a much hot ter book Hi hi the forty eight do' lar history in which many of our people invested good money more than n year ago, In the chapter devoted to the history of Greenwood tlr-rn are many interesting facts narrated, n is slated that Gen. McGowan whi n a boy went, to school at that place. He lived in Hniircns county and would oftentimes walk from there hero barefooted with homespun] |c>pperas cloth's on Monday morning, returning after school, some limes Friday or Saturday."? Abbeville Medium. Iionlnoss L'anilOl he Cured Ry local applications as they cannot reach the di ovod portion of the ear There is only c no way to cure doaf nC8S, and that is by constitutional reme dies. Deafness is caused by an in llamod cenditonof the mucous lining of the Ii istaohlan Tube. When this lube is Inllamcd you have a rumbling sound of Im per feet hear tig. and when It is entirely closed, Doafi o-s is the result, and unless tho it nomination cm be taken < utand this lube restored to i's normal condition, hearing will bo ilc Blroyod L>rov< rj nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which h noth ing but an Inflam? tl condition of the mucous surface-. Wowillgiv* Ono Hundred Dollar.-, for any cas" of Deafness (eau-e I by ca tarrh \ that, cannot be cured by flail's Ctt'arrh (hire Sond for circulars tree. F. J. OH EN IiY ?v CO., Toledo, O. NOTICE, NOTICE! We have Qfttabll bed at tiro PulmcttO Drug Co. a Look Depository. All par* ties wishing to buy or exchange book-, can get them at the list price. Ciias. f. Brooks, C. S. E. HUE UM ATI SM CATAKK1I, AHE ULOOI) DISEASES CUKE FREE. It is tlx* deep-sealed obstinate cases of Calarrah or Rheumatism that Ii. I?. iI. (Botanic Mood Halm) cures. If doc tors, sprays, liniments, incdlculod air, blood pui'lllers have failed I). 13. 13. drains out the spedllc poison in tho blood that cuusos Rbcvunutlsm or Ca tarrh, making u per feu I euro Ifyou buvo pairs or uchos in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, tainted breath, noises in tho head, discharges of mucuous, ule< ration of the membranes, blood tli n. gel easily tired, a troatmont with 11. 15. I'- will stop ovory symptom by making llio blood pun- und rich Druggists II. 00. Trial treatment freo by add tossing ljj.< ?< >D HALM Co., Atlanta. Oa. Describe trouble aod fl'00 medical lldvico glvou. Nut a ( heap l lniii . There i- ho rofU30 from tho glc coso frtel Ties in "Clifton" tl >ur in nlo it Rrnnsford Mills, Owen* boro, Ky. 11 is a ptiro winter wheat il >ttr, niol cannot bo sold at the cheap prlcu t)f adulterated stull". If you want n cheap ll->ur, buy "Snowil.tUt" or "'Spotless" They aro just as pure, though nol so while Hi tot.' Ask M. II. Fow lor or T, N. Harksdale for Ihom. ATTENTION! ATTENTIONl! Teachers ami Si liotars of Laurcus County. Wishing to savo you money, as well a? to supply you with tho latest book-, we have put in stock Johnson's Read er?, Leo's Histories, Gi mi's Arithme tics and Froy's (J cog rapides. Glad to have you call. L'ulmctto Drug 'Jo. Notice -> 3& Klcclioil in District, No. r?tv""' II unter Townsliip, Whereas, a written petition ol one tllil'd of the elect irs and a like pro portion id the frce-holdors of the age if twenty-one yea -, residing in School District No. ?0X11 unter a,ml4taM?'.Hill Town.-hip\. Lirurcns County, has been tiled with the I O'ln'y Hoard of Ed ucation ol sa'd ; i uiry, asking that an annual tax i I tlfB and one-half mills bo levied nnd collected on property In said District to Bupple inonl tin school fund of sa'.d District, It is Ordered - That the Hoar l of Trustees of said School District shall hold an election nt Mowotvtll? 1'ioohic' ill -a d D'strict, on the liifciihsy of .lut e, A. D., 1001, t>r the purpose of deciding if said tax sb ill be levied atid eollceti d. At Siiid eh ctlon o?iiy such elect >rs as I'Otur.i roil or pora nal property for taxa'lon, and v. bo exhibit their tax receipts and registration oorUficatoa as required in general elections shall be allowed lo \ ote. At s. id clccton the said Hoard of Tru.-t e- shall act us Managers and tho election slii I! be conduct od tu i-pro v id od by law for tho conduct of gen eral clcct'ons. At said election Ci < h elector favor lug the propos d levy shall cast a bal lot containing the word "Yes" written or printed thereon, und euch elector opposed to s iid h i*y shall cast a ballot containing i he word ''No" written or printed then on. Within ton days n't or - id election,if the mnj irity of those vo'.ing shall voto for said levy, the said Hoard of Trust ees shall 111 r ?> i -11 Iho County \ lid I lor with llio ital incut of tflo amount levied. Ity order of the County Hoard of Education of Laurens County. CllAS. I'\ UlU 'i 'KS. Chairniun. W. M. Hrvson, IL E. Hahii, County Hoard of Education. May-18th I1HM. ?ALL, SI M Ii I INS ?S: HALL, At lorncj h at Law, Laukkns, South Carolina. \Vc praetlco in ;ill Slate and United States (,'ourls. Special attonllon given ollcelioiip. Several town lota for sale. Sales of lots on monthly installments nego tiated. \v. W. Hall. TO Till] PUBLIC. Wo It ivo one ol the largest slocks of General MerchundLo in laurens and will soil either for cash or on time as ehenp as anyb dy. \lsoa full bno of Wagons, Huggiua, flarncsa and Undor tak r's Suppl e-. See i before buying. Will buy all ll o pea- you have to SolL H is pectfully, it P. .\ Ci i. Real Estate. Houses and fvoid and Farms for sale Tenants placed and Itcnls Collected, Terms reasonable. KENNEDY K 0000ANS, Kcal Agents, S mi h .-iilc I 'ubl'c Square, Laurens, S. fj., Jan. ?'!, I'.Mll?(Jin. Olliicc Days. I'orsons having business with ,tho Supervisor will Und him or his Clork in the Dllleo Mondays and Kridaya h each week. ?I. s. Drum mom i>, Supervisor L. c. Ma-. 2(1, 1001. Notice. Ovcr-scei'd of till public roads nro horcliy ordered to call out their bands liable to road duly, and put their re spective Loads in fair condition. Two days work will be demanded by tho 1st of July 1001. Ovor-eeora holding Com mission under tho ex-Supervisor will p'caso to continue unless super seded by a row commission. J. S. DllthMMONIi, Supervisor L. C. NOTICE I rustt oa are iv r|U(;ste I to fill Olli blanks in their Record Hooks prop . rly and turn over to ollleo of Su per intoiidont of Education aa soon ns tho Schools close, it. will not bo necessary for them t<. make any other report. IMoasodon't noglect llii.s mattoi". Tlioy should bo in oillco tho day tiller llio rcIiooIh close. ( li VS, K. I'ltOOKH, Oounty Supt. Ivl. May 28, 1001? 2t. TAKE NOTICE. All persons uro borohy forblddon from hiring or employing Jumper Mc? Coy orany mender of bis fum ly. in my employment, or they will bo held p r-onal'y responsible lor duinngos. \V. B. * >\VKNS, Kdc n. S. C. You are No Exception. No one <. .in tell \\ hen the seeds of disease are planted in the human system?we know they are there only when they fructify. Germ killers arc well enough, germ preventers belter. Wc offer in ibis line several standard blood cleansers, blood purifiers and Spring resolvents. A dose in lime, like the proverbial stitch, saves nine. Wo sell U. 13. 1'.., S. s. s.. Hood's Sarsaparille, Ayers' S?arsaparilla, John son's Sarsnparilla and Palmetto Sarsa parillo. Palmetto Drug Co. Lumens, S. C. Pure Water, Uoo finish, are llic features ol our laun dry ihal get and hold custo mers for us. The cleaning and pressing of Men's suils is, also, one if the features of our busi !ss. You do not have lo ait a week, and Ihen get disappointed, before you !g;et the w ork done, either. Shall we have your ncxl bundle : LA UK ENS LAUNDKY CO. 301) V). Main St. Promoters of Kino Ltiundoring. Holl,.; No 00. ? ? - * ?: The Entering Wedge To your consideration is gen erally f ho coat, though cost, should always bo rolativoto value to boa fair tost. Tho lumber w< soil may not always bo tho choapost in price, but it's always cheapest in tho long run, because we give tho best value. Thoroughly kiln-driod,pro perly sawed and planed, you'll And it "matches" woll, and will bo a lifo-long source of satisfac t ion. R. H. Hudgens & Son. THELAURENS BAB A XEW LAW IT KM. The undersigned have this day on 1011 d into a partnership for I ho pract ice ol law in the Courts of t Irs State, under tho name of Simpson & Cooper and will promptly attend to all business on trusted to them. ii. v. Simpson, It. A. COOI'kr. W. lt. knkiii1*. u, i;, HA iui, KM (HIT & IIAHK, Attorneys at Law. ti ? Will practice In all the State and F?deral Courts, strict attention to all business Intrusted to them Olllce up-StalrS, Simmons' building. SPECIAL SAL 1st, 1901 of Mrn's Straw Hats, Ribbons, Ladies' Untrimmed Hats, and we will sell above named goods at cost. Don l fail to coino to tlie sale. Wc have all the new styles in Men's Slaw Hals at c O S T. h~~ come : come :: come ::: Laurens Cotton Mills Store. T. J. LUCAS, Man?fjer1. 10 HAT SATZ Friday, May 31st. Sale begins at 9 o'clock, a. in., and closes at 5 o'clock, p. in. Every Hat in the house to go at COST! Now is your chance lo get a bargain. No goods charged or taken out on approval during this sale. Remember the dale, Firiday, lylay 1st. MRS. M. ADAMS ^ YOU In the habit of buying your Dry (ioods and Milliner)- at It not, we are anxious to secure your business, and oiler you bio . clucements to get it. .}<> inch Colored Lawns only 8 cents worth 10 els. Yard-wide Percals, standard quality, only S els. Yard-wide (Sheeting, heavy, only 5 els*. Standard Prints, desirable patterns, I els. Good Brown sheeting , yard wide, only .> els. Beautiful line of Drop-stitch Hose, ui and els. The Prettiest and Cheapest Millinery in the cily. Salisfac faction with eve'ry purchase or your money back. Respectfully, I nder Bon-Dolla Hotel. fl rjeat ar)d Stylish Sr)Oe, "A Shoe As (Jood As its Name." and Oxford ; It comes in all sizes ; It is well made Ol good leather ; It is comfortable, econom ical. The price for this shoe is and $2.00 lb 1 ihe < ).\lords, Everybody should try a pair. sold and guaran teed by J. E. Minier vSt Bro< $2.50 Notice to the Dear People! i One car of l I no white, strong. M L,mo m One car of No. 1 and 2 Shingles, ? have to day arrived and ready 'I for sale. Call to see and got yn what you need and commence 1 the Now Year with the best o building material. i Icspoctfully, II. H. OKAY. Dr. Itolfe E. llu^lics, fjroillccln Dial Block over Pal? motto Drug Store. Specially prepared for Examin ing and Treating disoasoB of Byo, Kar, Throat, and Noso. WaNTKD?You t) order your whU key for "personal Uto" from Coopor Farming Distillery Co., Hrevard, N. C. Corn whiskey from ll.Ofi to (2 00 nor gallon; vessel Included- live from |2.15to$3 16. Poach bri.ndy $2.05. Ap ple $2.15 per gallon. a. p. Cooper, Proaldont. For SALE Iteal Kstate in and Near the City of l/inrons. House ami onoi.alf Aero lot Ott Main Street, otic-hall rnllo from public square House ias seven rooms. House and i'Mfti Aci'OS, on Main Street, one mile from public square. IloUSO lltlSSOVCn room-. Will soil US a whole or In lot<. < ?n t ils proporlv ihoro are six lots of ilbottt noi ucres each, fronting on Main Streot, ranging in price from $150.00 to $500.00 Small lot on Main Street, Wost of and adjoining Chlldross' stables. One Hundred and Mixlj Acres with front on Main SlI'COl one mile from gquuro. One Uundrod ami Sixty -in A< res on Greenville road partly within City limits. FOUl' Hundred At re- at Lisbon, Luti rens County, set in hcruiuda grass and will make a lino StOOK I'arm. Lots on Kast Main Street have been sohl. Special attention is called to the lots on west Main. Tho*o aretho most desirable lots in the city and contain from two to live Acrei. SIMPSON A COOPKK, Attorneys at, Laurens, s. c,