Mrs. Emma Taylor und two pretty little children ol Liurons, uro visiting her i'ler. Mr*. Hob Arnold.?Honca Path (!hronio!o. Tho prospect for II dh in the fnluro is nut good. Dynamite bun'.ors have ruined tbo famous EdlstO and Its tribu taries, while carp are driving away or destroying all better fish in the Savan nah river und Its lakes. The carp wore put in the river several years ago by the govt iT.inent. Sonic of them WOlgfl 26 1 onnds now. but they are poor oat log, compared with bild bream and blue cats.?Burnwoll People. 11 Saved Ills beg. l\ A. Dan forth, of LaG range, (.a., sulforud fors!.x uu.nths with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bttcklon's Arn leu Salve wholly cured it in live days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Tiles, it's tho best salve in the world. Curo guaruntced, Only 25 cts. Th ? diroclera of the Crponwood Hardware Co, hold a mooting Tuesday afternoon. VV*. I. MoBrldo tendered hi- resignation es Manager, t. id the olllco was done away with. The only ofllcors now are 11. 1-'. PudUison, pres'dcnl; N A. Crnig, secretary and treasurer Tho report of the company's business for the past year was sathf c tory to tho Stock holders. Greenwood 1 ndcx. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, illd., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spito of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured t?\ Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do, Try them. Only 26 cents at Laurens Drug Co. Waul Hie (Jang. Hunter township pays more taxf-S than any other, save Laurens. Why then does tho obaingang not come to see us, and coining, slay awhile. We aro assured that In ease our invitation is acooptod, the reprosontutivos of our COUtlty interests at this end of the line will givo personal supervision to all work done am) that the people will ro turn thanks must cordially to the pow ers that be. By the way. who routes Die chain ?ang anyhow'.-' Clinton Chronicle. Konsul Tor Mis Lifo. '?My father and sister both died of Cor sumption," wi it: s .L T. Weather wax. <-f Wyar.tlotte, Mich., and 1 was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. Kind's New Discovery. An at tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, out a few months' use of this won derful medicine ma le me as well as ever ond I gained much in weight ' in fallible for Couch-.( 'olds and all Throat and Lung trouble, Trial bottles free. Guaranteed bottles 60 cents and $1.00 at Laurens Drug Co. Attention, Camp UurliugtOil! A special meeting of Camp Qarling ton will be held at 10 o'clock Friday, 24th Inst., to complete arrangements for attending meeting at Momphis, latter mooting beginning on the "_>sdh inst. A prompt and full attendance earn estly requested, wind her members ox pei t 1.' go to Memphis or not, as other important business is tobe attended to. T. 13. Cur.w-.s, Commander, May 21, HK)1. Ribbons, Silks and Velvets at cost next Saturday at 1 aureus Cotton Mill Store. We bought t hem because wo knew you wanted them. Davis, itoper A: Co. The best goods for tho least money is our motto. J, E. Minter & Bro. Your wlfewlll feel proud of you with one of our new suits. (Jet into one quick. I lavis, Roper ?.v Co. Wilbur's new ntyle collar for niPii ami women only L> cento at J. K. Hinter & Bro. How about your shirts ? We have n beautiful line of $1.00 .shirts that will please you) also an elegant line of shirts for 50 cents. J. B. Minter & Bro. Nkckwkau X< >?, ki.tiks ? Beauty and use combined, no vor was and never Wore better bargains than at O lb Simmons' Are you ^'o!n>j to tho special sale next Saturday at the Laurens Cotton Mill Store'/ HOW is the time to buy your summer clothing . We have a nice line of serge coats and ve.-ts which will please you. J. F.. M inter & Bro. An olegant lot of goods at cost next Saturday at Lau eons Cotton Mill Store. Buy your goods while the selling in creases daily at our store. I )a\ is, 1 toper & Co. Conic to us for good, solid Shoes. J. F. Minter & Bro. Ten .Million a Year the Extent Of Her Ability, She Says. Washington, May 11.? A cablegram from Mr. Rockhlll, our special com missioner at IYkm received at the State Department to day, mentions the receipt by the Ministers of tho re r^l>onse of the Chinese Envoys to the Ministers' demands for indemnity. The dUnactcli Indicated briefly that the Chinese represent that an annual pay ment oi 910,000,000 ?0 is the full extent of their power, 10 d it will take thirty years to discharge the debt at that rate without inter, st: nor does ho touch upon the im aus by which the money is to be raised by China or say woo is to guarantee a loan. It ap-enrs that the Chine j feel themselves obligod to submit to the powers in this question , und ending August 15, 1001, have bei n made out ami are now ready for de livery. I'lca.-c. t; ko I hem up prompt J when delivered and Obligo, I ,auret s Tolephono C<>., Hy W. It RlCHKV, See'y and Treasurer. M.-.y 17, 1001. TAKE NOTICE. All persons aro hereby forbidden from hiring' or employing .lasper Me '?fty ni' any membor of bis family, In (mnloy merit, or thoy will bo held K 0?|(. for damage. TllC Votlug Contest. In the next Usuo of the paper the re sult of tho voting eon tost for Tin; An vkktiskk'.-. rocking-chair will bo an nounced. All vote-, must be III hy live o'clock on next Tuesday afternoon, the 28th inst. Votes coming later will not be counted* The count wlH bo matte and the result announced In Wednes day's paper, the 20th inst. Contributions Appi eclated. Tho L&dioS Auxiliary of tho Kpl co pa! t hurch have rcquostod us to extend their thanks to the community for the liberal contributions made at their re cent church entertainment. A Scrap. A little scrap occurred one day last week in the Clerk's Olllco in which Col. MoCravy, District Deputy Mar shal for South Carolina and Clerk J, l'\ holt, were the actor- 1 here was a passage or two growing out of political talk. Bystanders promptly intcrforod. Wo mention tho Inoidont as going to , show, what wo have urged, that it is a in Is take to tako too "strenuous" a view of things in th'n short life. At Dial's Church?I Hill lust. Prof. H. W, Nash's school at Dials' was elosed on Saturday last after u successful term with a beautiful picnic and tho fcooinl features usually incident to them. But the andiene: WHS large, consisting of pupils, parents and friends and they had the pleasure of hearing a number of oh quent and Instructive ad dresses. I'rofoSSOr Nash rend letters from dlstlngu'shed g< ntlemon answer ing Invitations lo ba prosent. Uo also thanked and praised t tie pupils for their good deportment, diligence and pro gross. Hon. V. p, Mctiowau, of Laurens, was then lot oducod and spoke upon the import n ee and rower of the coun try school In contradistinction lo tbo city school and tho College.In the early history of our country these were foun tains from which went the great stream of knowledge and power wired largely developed our early civi i/ation. lie inttaneed MrDolll", the Ward laws and others of our ow n State, whose early training was had at tho '"country school." Its loiluencs extends out to the patent and is relleotod hack upon the pupils, Stimu'at'ng them to exer tion and development. The State Is in recent times appreciating its Intluence, and within twenty \oars appropria tions for tho common schools have in creased one hundred per cent, and largely in excess of the Increase of population. For- our civi'i/.-ition the school must b i brought to the doors of the child ren in the country districts. In remote districts the State must bring its bonollc nt intluence and de vulopo the iatent faculties that may lie dor.rant and forever undelvelopod. "l'orhaps In this neglected spot Is laid Some heart once prcgrant with celes tial li IV, Whoso hacds tho rod of empire might have sway- d, Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre." lion. Hubert A. Cooper followed Mr. McCowan and in an admirable, practi cal and poot'.c talk discussed vl?ho Pos sibilities and Opportunities of tho Hay." lie was happy in Ids illustra tions instancing Columbus who with a knowledge of Geography persistently pursued hlstlnory of great discovery by a cruise wo-tward instead of the heat en track of a thousand years east ward. The ways are still open and opportunity for the aspiring adven turous mi ml. Merit docs not always win, disap pointment follows upon the noblest struggle?the highest place can only be occupied by one- at a lime, the great er rcas. n for Watch fill nets and prepar ation for tho Btrutfglo and, which as a ru'o are rewarded with vic torious success. Cpl. Wharton who was present made an bntortaip^pg talk, replete with an ccodote ar.ii e'mphaslxlng the thought that thh. is an ago of vast strides in education, intense compo ition and thoroforo tho greater n ices ity for tbo im pertain propurat'on alone to i?: had in the sen* ol - Then iho Inner man was attended to ?the delightful picnic. All this talk about fcod for the head is very well, but "civilized man cannot do without dining." We have not space to give ihe menu in justice to fair la lies and lassies. After tho dining Hon. lt. W. Nichols was introduced. Ha mis a fine voice and made an admirable speech. He enforced the necessity of education knowledge is largely founded upon It ?knowledge is power there are many force- wiiii which to work Olltthe pro blems of life, but to knowledge and all other lorcos must he buporaded chn racier. Mr William M. frby, of our city, though modest from youth, and b?lng just Called out. made an interesting talk, and spoke? upon the importance of "A Purpose In Lifo." Hisillustra lions largely historic, and drawn from lessons In our own country, were high ly interesting and greatly enjoyed. We wish we had space for a fuller Byn psis of these truly f-dmirabie ad drossc s. Rev. s. K. Has-, was the Inst speak* er but. one and discussed that, whl e the mind and the. body \ycre 10 bo trail, od, the s?ul must no) b? neglected and its care must not be ignored by the t< acher. Towns Willis, (a bright youth and blind) declaimed -'Simon Slick's Kick ing Mule' with great spirit lo the de light of the audience. 'Ihe proverbial hospitality of the Dials' people wag delightfully ilius traiod and Dials' school closing mud bo. marked with white chalk. Til'man, Latlmor, Wilson and .loo Johnson, the hoavv artillery, were not there, but the audience lost nothing. Wc are indebted to a friend who was present for an outline of what was said. Beautiful stiehed sat!a bolts and all the latent in neckwear ut Airs. Ad ams. My Bnrlr.g fJul.o?They ir. Thoy wear. They hohl t heir shape. They fairly bristle with style. They are made Of the best, material obtainable. They are cut according to the latest designs. Thoy uro made absolutely right, inside and out: no hit or miss policy, but right in every way. (>. B. Simmons. The "Dexter .Mattrisa" is manu factured from South Carolina cotton, pure and clean and guaranteed for 1H2? nights. If properly aired and sunned it will remain ill perfect shape for years. Covered with lirst-class quality ticking. In one pice, *i2,00j in two piece, ?'12.1)0, S M. ,V R. II. Wilkcs. I'ndkuwkau Health and comfort, many descriptions and various prices for real value underwear. (). B, Simmons. Lost A few days ago a Hank NotO signed by J. D. Terry, endorsed by .1. It. Weathers and B. F Terry. Amountof noto $65.00. Drawn on Tho Poople's i.oi n .V Kxehange Hank. The linder will bo suitably rewarded by returning same to us. Ropoctfully, Davis, Hopor .v Co. Money to Loan on improved farms at 7 por cont. Long time?easy payments. No commission. Bmall cost. Apply to? C. I). BARKSDALE, Laurens. H. C. FACTS PERSONAL AM) BRIEF NOTES Ol RECENT EVENTS. Mrs. LyleS Irhy visited friends in Spartanburg lasi week. Mr. M 11. Ilurdino, of Gray Court, was in tho city on Friday. AuutloQCor J. N.Leuk, of Gray Court, visited the eity on Friday last. Mr, I.. M, Moaros, of Florence, wai in the eity on Monday, Pension money will he ready in a few days. Mr. Charles Simpson, of Dial-, was suflioionlly up with his crop to sou his friends in tho city on last Friday. Mis. Clarcnco Poolo and cbildrou -pent last week with relative- in Green ville. Dr. (). 13. Mayer, of Newbcrry, a prominent mcuibor of tho medical pro fession,was in the eity Saturday . Mrs. G. VV. Shell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. 0. Dlllard, in Spar tanburg Mr. \V. W. Simpson, of AllgUSttl, spent Sunday with bis father, Mr. T. F. Simpson, Mrs. C. II. llopor was the guest id Mrs. L. M. Ropor, of Spartanburg, last weok. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Craton, of Uutll" orfordton, N. ('?., arc visited Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Poolo, this week. There will be an examination at An derson. May 25th, for a V. i.-.'. I'o'i.l ci detship from l.atiiner's District. MeLaurin passed through the city yesterday on-routo to Greonvlllo, whore ho addresses the New Issue to ?iay. Messrs. J, S. Saxon and A. F. Cleve land, young gentlemen of Huntington, enhanced the eity with their presence On Saturday. ilev.and Mrs. s it. Bass, of Aikon, with their little boy, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Hlakcley, Mrs. Bass's parents, at Tylorsvllle. Mr. fOdwin G. Simpson loft on Mon day f r Union where ho will bo asso e ated with Captain J, W. Clarke In the management of the Union hotel Miss Leila Wllkes, cl Charlotte, and three of Mr. P. 11. Wllkes littlo son are at Col. II. Y. Simpson's for the summer. Dr. II. K. Alken. Messrs. G.G. Feath ertt-jre and Hubert Davis are dele gates from tue I.aurons Lodge to tho Stale Convention of the Knights of Pythias in session at Spartanburg, The graded schools close on Friday for the holidays. There will be no com* monceinent exercises this year. Teach ers and pupils will welcome the holiday s after faithful work for nino months. Mr. James T. Harris-, of Spui tan burg, was in tho city Saturday. Mr. Harris expects to make a splendid thing of Irs recently purchased min oral Spring near Spartanburg. Mr. A. L. Turner, of Babbtown, died on the 8th inst., and his remains were buried at Fork Shoals. Ho was a vete ran, a good man and citizen, leaving a wife anil three children to mourn their loss. M'ss Lei/.e Holmes went to Columbia on Monday as a delegate from the La dles Auxiliary of the Church of the Kpiphany to the State Convention ol Church Auxiliaries. A fried ol Tni. ADVliUTifsIon has u hnlf very vigorous apple trees that neither bloom nor bear fruit. He wants ij know the causo and remedy. Can any of our rondors answer from experience not from hearsay.' News reached the city vesterday ai tornoon of tho death of little Aiuv Johnson, oldest child of lion Jos. 'I. Johnson, at Spartanburg. The grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Ander son, reside in this city. 'Ibree great Presbyterian bodies ii..1 in General Assembly on the Kith inst., the Southern Prosbyterian at Little Rock, the Northern at Philadelphia, und the Cumberland at Wosl Poln?, Miss. Rev. Mr. Adams, of the Prpsby'or lan church, hss boon appointed one of a committee of ministers to install Uev. I), s. McAllstpr. as pastor of tho Pair view and Lickvillc churches. The in stallation will take place on the lifth Sunday in .June Invitations are out for the com mencement exercises at Converse Col lego on June 2nd, Miss Louise Dean Itichey, tho bright and charming daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. VV. It Kichey will receive her diploma with the de gree of B, A, ft is not wi i! to put till Our OggS in the same basket. There are plenty of well-to do farmers who can make ex periments. Fvery farmer should to some ?xtent look to the best mean1) of fertilising our lands and making two blades of grass grow where ope grow before. Hob Harris, colored, whoso home was In this city, where he bud a wife, whl'o working on a trestle in Greenville city on Thursday last fell a dlstflnco of thirty fi et and d:cd of h's Injurios dur ing that day, Ho bore a eharac!;r for soberness and industry. Miss Katharine Jones, the charming daughter of Mr. J. W. Jones i f this city, guve a piano recital at Union Fe male College, lauanla, Ala., hist even ing. The program mo ombracod selec tions from Beethoven, an 1 best of the modern composers. Miss Jones is a very talented young pianist. Mr. A C. Todd, of this city, and Bon of Mr. J. W. Todd, Grshicr ol the Peo ples Loan nnd Exchange Bank, grad uating from the. Law Depart incut M the South Carolina College, was ud mlltcd and sworn In in an Attorney of tho Courts ill this State on Monday last. Tho Women's Department of the Charleston Exposition will publish soon a splendid edition of the News and Courier. All the reading matter will bo contrlbu'od bv womou and Gortrudo Athorton, Eli/.abctli Cndy Stan ton and other well known writers will be among the contributors. What the women aro dpi rig (or (he Imposi tion will alto bo graphically told by the lady Commissioners of tho Woman's Department. '1 ho price of this paper will be only ten cents, putting it within the reSO'l Of all. Any one desiring copies should leave nAme and address at thin oilioe, with remittance f< r numl or of copies desired, or eoniniun eate at once, w Hi cither Mi^s Martha Washington,Chair man Press Committee, US Chalmers St., Charleston, S. G., or Mrs. J. M. Vlsanska, Business Managor, .5 Bull st:, Charlestoo, s. c. Mrs. Adams can show yO'J the pret tiest trimmed hats and at tho lowett prices. r . Wo have a quantity of Unknown and Speckle peas tor sale. AUo a fow Black pens. Call oarly. lt. 1'. Milam & Go. 'dm HalfnSick People Just siik enough' feel heavy-heeled, lazy and listless, to have no appe tite, to sleep badly, to have what you cat feel like lead in your stomach. Not sick enough to lake to bed or call a doctor, but just sick enough to not know what to do. Take a Totjic That's what you ought to do?a good sensible tonic thai will sharpen your ap petite anil put new "go" in yotti nerves and mus cles. Come to-day and begin taking it right away. You'll lind just what your system needs right here. The Laurciis Drug Co. 103 West Main St. 'PhOllO ~i<> Goods delivered. A Sit|> 11 i*t? Grip ClIl'C. Johnson's Tonii' is ft superb Grip cure. Drives V, 15, 25 and 40 cents per yard. UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Jersey Kibbed Vests, Low Neck atul Sleeveless, at 05, i?; am! 15 cents. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests at 25 ami 50 cents each. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, High Neck and Short Sleeves, at 25 cents each. Ladies' Fashioned Gauze Vests, no Sleeves, at 10 cents each. WHITE GOODS. bull lines ?)i all that is New and Stylish. Figured White I'hjues at 11?, i s, 20 and 25 Cents? Hemstitch Piques at 25 cents per yard. India, Victoria and French Lawns, French Organ dies. French Batiste, lue. Immense Line of Laces and Embroideries. O. B. Simmons. CLINTON ?&m? ? i.e. SMITH, tho oldest dealer in Monuments in Laurons county, still has Ids placo of business in Clinton. Dealer in the best native ami i up 11 d from Italy ami abroad. Tho latest designs, work ? lone in lh.' most artistic fashion, promptly, and terms reasonable and satisfactory. He solicits your patronago and thanks you in advance. Your attention i<> the fact of Clinton's exceptionable railroad facilities. Call and examine hi 1 yard. J. C. SMITH, Clinton, S. C. That's Foolish! Clothing Department! No sensible man "throws good money after bad" after he realizes what lie's doing. And no sensible person will continue to deal elsewhere after having seen our Mock and learned our prices. You will never be able to secure such ample returns as we give you for your money. Come here and save your good money. We are one ring some extraordinary values in Men's and Hoys' and Chil dren's Suits thi-- week. A big lot of Men's $15.00, (12.60 and' $10.00 now $12.50, $10.00 ami $7.01).? Children Suits (Big Values) from50c. up to $5.00. A great line of men's Odd P.mts from T?c to $7.50. To Suit you fSuitH I is Men's Furnishing Department! Let us Collar and CuiT you and you won*I mind the Pun i. Negligee Shirts in great variety. Our Undewear is perfect?25c. to HATS! Well you know we sell more> than all of them. What a Man Says and What He does Ake Two Things. WE DO AS WE SAY! PRY US! Shoe Department! Just thrown on the table a big loi ol Ladies', Children's ana Wisses' Oxfords, worth J5L00 to $8.00, all going at 7?c. We cannot make money here it" you don't; su come at once. Ladies' Dry Goods, Shirt Waists and Skirt Department, This department is one ol the special features >'i our immense growing business. Everything that a lady needs t>> make up or t<; buy ready-made is here. A style for every woman's taste. Thirty Dozen Ladies' pure Linen Handkerchiefs only 7c. Come quick I Our trade is increasing every day. Secret; Best goods loi least money. Agent for? Standard Patterns. Scriven Drawers loi Men. Jeness Millet Shoes, Subscribe lor Standard Magazine. Respectfully, Davis, tar k k f ? \ REEZ1 Has been discovered in Iho White Mountain Tripple Motion i (REAM Tf)e l^ofti? Pole ist om Rtesm? A very important and exclusive feature of the White Mountain Freezer is its duplex V. . : vf, malleable iron dasher, being made in two parts entirely distinct and independent of ; . /;q> each other in their operation. Whereas in other freezers 111 *? dasher is a single one, " being made as one piece. From the construction of this double beater the White Mountain Freezer derives its tripple motion. It's just like this?The can turns in one direction, opposite to which revolves the outside dasher with double sell-adjusting scraping bars, which scrape the cream from the inside of the can as it freezes, and at the same time an inside beater-rod w ith (loats turns in an opposite direction to the outside dasher referred to, thus producing three distinct simultaneous motions Actual experience has demonstrated that the tubs \ised in the manufacture of our Freezers are the best?they are strong, wa ter-proof, and bound with heavy galvanized iron hoops, that protect the tub and do not fall oft*. All outside work is ol gal vanized iron to prevent rusting. As shown in the cut, the gearing is completely covered and nothing can gel between the cogs. ?Froight I'aUlX h on A 9 $10.00 h v Purchases. t? NOTICE Ol' Klcctiuii in School llistriel Nu. '?'>, Dials Tom ushlp, Whorcas, a written petition of one* third of t.ho electors and n 11 ko pro portion of the freo-holdors ol the age of twonty-onc years, res'dlng in School District, No.;;. Dials Township, Lau rens County, lias been IIloci with the County Board of Education ol said County, asking that an annual tax of two Mills ha Icvlod and collected on property in Bald District, to supplo mont tho school fund of said District, It i.- Ordered: That the lioard of Trustees of said School District shall hold an election at Shi loh l'roolnt In Haid District, on the2.Mli day of May, A l>., 1001, for the purpose of deciding if said tax shall be levied and i d; sctcd, At Paid e'<-e !on only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, find who uxhibit their tax rceoipls iiiai rogistrat ion cort ideates as rcquirod in general elections, shall he allowed to vote. At >;i'm. Olliicc Days. Persons having business witli tho Supervisor will Und him or bin Clerk in tho Ofllco Mondays and Fridays of each week. j, s. Drummond, Supervisor L. C. Mar. 20, 1001. NOTICE, NOTICE! We have established at the Palmetto Drug Co. a Hook Depository. All par ties wishing to buy or exchange l>ooks can get them at tho list price. Chah. P, Brooks, _ o. s. E. Notice, Trustees Election. Hy resolutions of tho Hoard of Kdu cation an election Is hereby ordered to bo held on tho 25th of May 1901 for the purpose of recommending suitablo per sons to succeed tho preHont Hoard of trustees In tho several school dis tricts Thi' Trustees in tho various Dis tricts are hereby appointed to act as mnuagcrs, and (ordered) bold said elections as near centre of district as practical, governing said elections by the rules and regulations relating to Democratic primaries. cmas. P. Brooks, Co. Supt. of Education. May 7, 1901?8t. 0 COCAINE*"" WHISKY mm, In BO ili>,. of rofxronc??. 2fi , ld stand. COFFINS, OASKETd and ROBES, and HEARSE, at tho LOWEST PRICES. A contmuanoo of tho gonoroug patronago hithorto oxtondod res ifcotfully iolioited. KENNEDY BROS.,Laurous, S. ?