The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 20, 1901, Image 2

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THE ADVERTlSElt. rflEbitrrlption Prlce-12 Months, $1.50 1'ayablc in Advance. 1). W. HALL, Editor. Batoi for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad vertiBoments, nor square, 0110 insor ?lon,$1.00; each subsequent Insertion, BO cents. Liberal reduction made for lair.o Advertisements. W. w. Ball, l'rourletor. LAU KENS, S. Cm Mar. 20. 1001. The Has (.'beweis. Now conies the report that Senator McLaurin Inn asked to be str iken from the rolls of the Democratic caucus lf this he true, then Mr. MoLaurln oreases to regard himself a Democrat. He has generally voted with the Re publicans on cruolul party tests. To give the devil his due though the quotation Is not strictly applicublo to as lightly mischievous a politician as th? milk torn peratu red MoLaurln,?his course lias not been inconsistent with his whole cnieerof fantubtio cortor tions. When Mr. McLaurin was a candidate for the Senate in tin: IVU7 primary, his political affiliations and tendencies wer?, pointed out and -trussed by news papers strenuously opposed to his elec tion, lie took the platform declaring with only a gauzy prcfersu of conceal ment for policies that meant the in evitable annihilation of the Democratic party if carried out He was pilloried during that campaign us the friend and er.iis-ary of Tom Ueod and the Repub lican party in the Democratic ranks, ns the receiver and the beneficiary of Re publican largo*?, as the new evangel of every heresy that the spirit of Jef ferson Beeuied to contemn. But?but?bu-?the stentorian voices Of the Democratic Pret?B in the Slate wore for McLaurin. It was whispered that tho almighty deal got in its work and McLaurin WHS elected. True only about hslf the Di mocrats of the State wore so far impressed us to participate In his elootion, true ho received fur less, than half of the state's Democratic vote, but, with a full knowledge abroad In the State of his impudent IlirtationB with the Republican party, be did receive a majority of tho vote cast, those votors being egged on by the most Influential voices that claimed to speak for South Carolina Democ racy. In what has this leopard charged Its spots since then'.-' Who dares Hing the first pebble at Curly-locks? By what token have the members of the Great Society of (lulls to Resolve and Repudiate, fume, spit and stamp, now that nine days have passed and their eyes are opened? McLaurin re sign? Pish! Tush! Hear hi in reply: "Go to! lie you re signed! you that knew mo, you that groomed me, you that invested me with this swo t and smooth dignity, am I responsible that you no longer have tho strong stomachs that you were blessed with in 1807? It is you, I say, that have changed?go R.o, and "chew the rag!" ?*? The Kicker. He has boon on hand from time im memorial. Helen was so beautiful a Princess that all tho Grecian 1'rlncee (rejected lovers) took a solemn oath, if she should be insulted or outraged they would make common cause and vindicate her honor. Paris, a Trojan Prince, captivated by her charms, c n trlved to kidnap and carry her to Troy, the city of Priam, his father. All the Greek 1 Vinci s called upon to resent t be outrage and summoned to bring their quota of armed men responded, except Ulysses, who kicked, and being in love with his wife Penelope bad no smell for tho war, pretending lunacy. They found him ploughing the sands of the sea shore and iueapab'e of coherent speech. They however, placed the baby boy, Tolomaohus, In front of the great Oxteam, when the father puled up and was thus exposed. The siege ol 'jtroy :....i<.d ten yours, Achilles, tin prime hero 0i .bo Greeks, retiring t< his tent In the sulk-, proving a first class klckor and thus procrastinating the war. Twelve years ago Hen Till mau turned up ;.s ;i new factor In poli tics in South Carolina and with terrific kicking for two ye.u s and tho assist ance of Tom Witts n, (no McCuoe, and others (now gone glimmering) "smash ed" existing conditions In South Caro lina, suouos&fu ly kicking everything tc death, even of Iiis own faction who failed to too the mark and tako u good tight hold on the tail of his upper gar ment. Having smoothed tho way in these diggings and having removed ovory obstacle, wo find our Erigclicld hero for six years at Washington, handling his well trained toes, heols and shins as of old. It is melan choly, however, to find thut boyond the Potomac, and tho Ohio, the road has (Continued to grow stumpier and stump ier, and tho army-mule talent of our .Senator of no avail, though Irrosistablo in his own little bailiwick, South Caro lina. Indeed, melancholy to content plate, the talent for kicking would seem no longer t > ayail and wo find our hero reduced to the humiliating Ofllo i of drawing his salary of $5,000 and mile age. Then again, true to tho aphorism ?when tho old cock crows tho young one loarns how?We Und Curly-headed Johny out of tho traces, kicking way ovor the dash-board, utterly oblivious of where ho started, and th? tight hold ho had for years upon tho ample skirts of which wo have just spoke ?. Wo think he wl 1 live to iegret tho letting loose of his hold.It is needless to say that wo a o entirely in accord with Senator Tillman, but we can't forego to remind him that the Augean stables wore at Washington and that ho was m'stukon in locating them nt tho club rooms in Columbia. Neal's Penitentiary admin istration hadn't eventuated. Col. Tol bert's noble oxerotso of both feet of Friday nlg'Hs, when Pensions "was the argument," we reserve for a future oc casion. Death of Ex-Picsidcnt Harrison. The death of this distinguished citi zen, of pneumonia, occurred at Indian apolis, on Wednesday last. He had tho respect of till parties In the United StItcs, though a still-necked parti/in Republican. Ho was a grand-son of William Henry Harrison, old "Tippa canoe," a Whig I'resident, ami his an cestors woro Colonial Governors of Virginia. As an honest man, tho lato President was worthy of his distingu ished ancestry. He was bitterly op posed to McKinley's commercial for eign policies. On (ho evo of leaving for Europe last week Carnegie gave live millions to bo used for tho benefit of the aged and helpless in his groat steel business. And ho gives hundreds of thousands weekly for public libraries. * * (_?_ _ No Right to Ugliness. ThO woman who in lovely in f ice, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would hn t>.t tramivc must ko- p her health? If she Is weak, sickly and all run down sho will bo nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, lior impure blood will causo pimples, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electe e bitters is tho best modinco in the world to regulato stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It given strong rorves. bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will mftko a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Laurons Drug Co. TUE NEWS AT CLINTON. Mrs. F. II. SilllpdCn has been visit tug her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Darby, at Lowryville. Kcv. ThorUwell Jacobs is visiting bis father. Mr. Jacobs is pastur of the Presb} teriun church at Morganton, N. C. Miss Clara Duokett has beeil in Spar lanburg for some time. The (Jollego base ball team went to Newberry the fifteenth, and was de I feated by the Newberry College team. Newberry will come to Clinton for tho second game of the series next Friday, Ilm 2'Jnd hist. The College boys have a good team this year and expect to redeem themselves the next game. Saturday afternoon some small boys playing on the cotton platform set it afire. 'Ihe losers were insured except Mr. Rhett Copeland. There were lif tcen bales injured. Mies Brown, the milliner, with J. W. Copeland Co., returned last week. Mrs. Kd Phi I pot was in town last week. The Sobuebert Symphony Club will appear here the thirtieth. '1 he literary societies invited the public to witness their oratorical con test the Htb inst. Mr, Jackson, of Georgia, won the prize, a set of Dick ens', and the honor of representing the College in the inter-collegiate con test iu (.'bester next April. Mrs. Joe bailey entertained Tuesday afternoon . Mrs. ,J ivi. Philips has returned from a pleasant visit to Ninety-Six, Much sickness has appeared this spring, but no cases of a serious na ture. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but rob life of joy. Buek len's Arnica Salve cures them, also old, running und fever sores, ulce s, boils, felous, corn9, warts, cuts, bruise3, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chil blains. Best Pilo euro on earth Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 213 cents a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold bj Tho Laurens Drug Co. GRAY COURT NEWS. In my last rominunicat on in men tioning our new citizens I failed to mention our good friend J. L. West moreland and bis wife, who have moved in the house with Mr. M. A. Knight and Mbs Lou la for this year. Young Mr. C. L Peden, son of Mr. J. T. Peden, met with a bad accident on last Friday by getting his right arm broken in two places just above the wrist and near the shoulder. Charlie was working as night boss in the Foun I tain inn oil V? ill and got his arm caught I in the steaio former. He was brought I home here Oil Saturday afternoon, and we are glad to report is doing very well at this writing. Messrs. D, J. Entrekin and L. C. Dorroh have formed a partnership for the purpose ot opening Mr lOntrekin'a lino quarry about a mile from Gray Court. They are getting out some fine granite Mrs. H. A. Wright, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Cox, has gone to visit another daughter, Mrs. Win. Goldsmith, at Greenville. Mrs. W. N. Austin visited here last week. Mrs. Dr. R. G. Christopher has gone to visit her mother at Landruni, S. C. Mr. 0. K- Bishop was married on last Sunday to Miss Pauline Swil/.cr, of Laurens, and has brought his charm ing bride here. We are glad that they are going to be citizens of our town. Miss Louise Meredith, of Laurens, is visiting at Mrs. Margaret Patterson's. We were glad to have Mr. and Mrs. .). F. bolt with us one night last week. D. His Life was Saved. Mr. J. K. Lilly, a prominent eitiz n of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death. In toiling of it ho says: ' I was taken with Typhoid Foverjhat ran into Pneu monia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expecfed to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. 1 con tinued to use it, and now am wi ll and strong. 1 can't say too much in its i praise." This marvellous medicine is , the surest and quickest curo in the world for all Throat, and Taing Trou ? ble. Regular sizes f>0 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Laurons Drug Co. Every bottle guaranteed. LAN FORD'S LOCALS. Mr Ford Lanford , of this place, left Thursday for Armour, Texas to visit his sister, Mrs. C. J). Abernathy. If be likes tho coun try ho may make it his home. | Mr. and Mrp. T .R. DeShlelds aro quite sick with grippe. Wo hope for them a speedy recovery. Mr. S. D. II <d to 11, Of Blackburn, N. C., is visiting friends and rola llvea at this place. lie reports everything prosperous in "tho good Did State." Mr. J. D. .Johnson has boon quite sick for a fow days, but Is im proving aomo at present. Mrs. J. W. Lanford, who lias beon visiting her daughter at Parksville, 8. C ,camo homo a few days ago expecting to find Capt. John very sick, but he was im proving fast and in a short time liad entirely rocovored. Mrs. J. It. Franks has boon con fined to hor bed for several day*. Mr. T. It. McCauley now has iho finest pair of mules in this section. Uncle "Tol" is getting to bo a fine Jockey anyway, Mr. Prank Clark and wife of Union, are visiting Mr. T J, Lay? ton. Mr. John Cannon, of this place, has accepted a position with Sloan Bros, at Greonvillo, H. C. John is a is a bright boy and wo wifh him much success in Iiis new home. Mrs. P. M.Johnson hap for sev eral days beon grappling with that mighty monster grfppo, but is some hotter at this writing. Misses Stella and Nora Cannon liavo also had an attack of grippe, but are now convalescent. Everybody is very busy, i. e. tho fow that aro able, but I think our physicians are the busiest of all, as ihoro is a regular opidomic of La-grippe. Wo are beginning lo boliove, as sorao claim, that the disoase is contagious. Mr. M. Fleming and most of his family havo been quito Hick for sevoral days. Mrs. Rti noli Patterson is very sick at this writing, but wo hope sbo may yet recover. Agrieolu. A Night of Terror? "Awful anxioty was felt for tho widow of tho brave Cnoral Hurnham, of Machias, Me., when tho doctors said she could not live tl'l morniug" writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. '"A'l thought sho must soon dfo from Pneumonia, but she b. gg. d for Dr. King's Now Discovery, saying it had moro than one) saved her life, and had cured her of Consump tion. After threo 6mall doses, she easily slop' all night, and its further life complotely cured her." This mar vid'ous modlclno is guaranteed to euro all Throat, Chest and Lung Disease?. Only f?0 cents and $1.00. Trial DO*.f 68 free at Laurens Hrug Co. Rig lot stone Crockery Flower pots, gallon and half gallon sizes, just re ceived at S. M. A' E. H. Wilkes. MADDEN'H. Mr. Lafayetto Moore is kept (juito busy distributing guauu umohg tho farmers, who nro pro preparing their lands for another crop. Mr. John A. Woflord und family who recontly moved horo from High Point, N. C, is erecting a handsome rcsidonco, which will add much attraction to our little city. Wo welcome him back after a departure of about tbreo yearn. An Egyptian trading army which consisted of thirty-six bond of horses and ten wagon loads of pre vlsf us passed through our vicinity Thursday. From all appearances wedding bells will soon begin ringing nt Oakville, but most of us uro old maids and bachelors, but we are honorable,as youth was well spent. Among tho colored class several complain of a ''varmint*' making away with their chickens and are greatly frightened over it, but the whites have no loss so far. Miss Lydia Jerry has returned home after spending a couple of days with her friond?, Misses 8usle and Matulo Whiltcn,of Lau? roils. Mr. Loo Madden and stater, Miss Mabel, of Laurons, spent last Sut duy with Mr. John Martin. Mrs. Margaret Ellison, our kind and obliging postmistress, who has had a sevoro attack of grippe, wo ?ro glad to report is mpidly im proving. yeveral of tho young gents of our neighborhood nro interested In TlIB A DVKRTISER's voting contest. State of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY, Court of Common Pleas. Henry II Pay, Individually,and is Ex ecutor of the will of Nathanlei Day, Plaintiff against Frances Day, Ada l'ne Tompleton, ParahTeinplo'.on, P. Ailie Comp ton, .lohn Helton Day, Samuel Taylor, Telia Wo.L, Maggie Collins, Callie Taylor, Cathalino Taylor, Laurons Mllam. Benjamin P. Mi>am, James Mllam, Jano swansen, Mollio Jones, Turner Jor.cs, Dora Deuten, Ida Jones, Henry Jones, Emory Jones and Van Jones, Defend ants.? Summons for relief. To tho Defendants above named: You are hereby tummonod and re quired to answer tho complaint in this action, which was on Match 10th 1901 filed in tho ollice of tho Clerk of the Court of Common Picas, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your an swer to the said complaint on the sub scriber at Iiis office nt Laurens South Caro ina within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of tho day of such Bervlco; and if you fall to answer tho complaint within the Hum afore said, tho Plaintiff In this action will apply to the Court for tho rollef de manded In the complaint. Dated March 10, a. D. I'lOl. f. P. MuGowan, Plaintiff's Attorney. John f. Bolt, c. o c. i?. Laurccs County, S. C.,(l. s | To Cathalino Taylor, Callie Taylor, Kmory Jones. Ida Jones, Henry Jones and Van Jones : Take notice that unloss you pro cure tho appointment of a guardian nd litetn for Cathalino Taylor, Emory Jones, Ida Jones and Henry Jones with in twenty days from the survioo of thi* summon?, the Plaintiff will apply to tho Clork of this Court for the appoint ment of gome suitable perton to act as their Guardian ad lltcm. f. P. MCGOWAN, Plaintiff's Attorney March 19, 1001?Ot. IM! for Halo here Palmetto Drug Co. l'ulon Meeting. The Uuiou Meotiug of the boc? Olid ami third sections of tho Liui rons Baptist Association will moot with tho Now Prospect Baptist Church, March 20-81. Tho Churches composing tliis Uuiou, namely, Second Section ? Princeton, Boulah, Kahun, Poplar Springs, Uuiou, Mt. Olive, Mt. Gallagher; Third Seotiou?High land Homo, Chestnut It id go, l/ui reu9, 2d Laurous and Upper Dim can, are earnestly requested t<> eleot delegates und urgo them to attend. Let all delegates bring a copy of Gospel Hymns. PllOullAMMK. Friday, It).550 a. in : Soiig and prayer Borvico led by the pastor. 1 I a in : Introductory Soruion l?v Rev. J.D. Pitts. Text: Horn. 1:11 Eurollmeut of Dolegatos, and organization. Reeo33. Subjects for discussion ? 1. Christ in the Horn.- C B Ho bo, Homer L Owens. 2. Essentials of Ohureh growth ?Dr j 0 Marlin, C 11 Roper, Ca pi .lohn Moore. Saturday, 10 to 1080 a in?Song and prayer service, led by T S Lungston. 8. Is the Spirituality in our Churches declining? If s.?, the causes and remedy???! M Hudg (.us, II I) Mahftffoy, A II Martin 4. A Century of Missions ? Rov .1 I) l'itts, W E Washington. Recess. j 5. The growth of the Haptist in ? South Carolina during Inst Century ?Prof. H V Culbertson, Dr Rich ' ard Christopher. b. The neglect of Di icipliuo in 1 tho Church?fa.) C M Complon; (b.) KlVects?Thomas Jacks; (.?.) Cnro--J B Martin. Sunday, 10.00 a m?Sunday school Mass Mooting?Addresses by John M HtldgOUS aud II H Mil lion. 11.00 a in?Foreign-mission ral ly ; Twenty minute speeches by Rev C M Compton, Prof J 11 Wat - kins, Dr J A M-triin. H. J. Woodwa ltD, Chairman Committee. $100 Keward *1<>0. Tho readers of this paper will !>? ploared to learn that there is at lei-;' I one dreaded disease that icicnco ha ngen able to cure in a I its stages and th t Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ('uro ;f; the only positive ciir-! now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hub's Ca? trrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood find mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying tho foundation of the disease, ai.d giving the patient strongih by building ii]> the constHutlon and as sisting nature In doing its work. Tho ! proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One . Hundred Dollars for any oaso that it i fails to euro. Send fur list of testi , monialir. Address, F. J. CHENEY ? CO., i j Toledo, O. Sold hy drticehO?. ?. Hull'* Family Fills are the best. WANTED?You to order your \shis kcy for "personal use" from Coopor Fanning Distillery Co., Urovurd, N. C. Corn whiskey from $1.05 to $2 00 per gallon: vessel included U.VO from $2 15 to$3 15. Peach brandy (>.">. Ap ple 92.15 ps?r gallon. A. F. coopkr, President. to the puhijc. We have one of the largest stocks of General Monhundl-o la I am ens and will Fell either for cash or oil time a ebeapas anybody. Aboa full I no of Wagons, Buggies, Harness and Under taker's Supplier. See us before buying. Will buy all the peas you have to soM. Rospi elfuily, K P. Mil.AM & co. Honest Clay. This well known standard bred W?I do the seasonal I. aureus C. II. and Gray Court--Mondays ami Tuesdays at Laurous other days at Gray Court. A coal black solid color, weight 1,050 pounds, combination gates. Terms $10. J. It. WlI.US, Gray Court. Mandl 1, 1001.?Ot, MONEY! TO BE HAD ON LONti TIME and easy terms. Secured hy Mortgage on Improved Farms. Apply to? C. D. BARK3DALE, Laurons, s. c. Dr. Rolfe E. Iluglios, WOflien in Dial Block over Pal motto Drug Store. Specially proparod for Examin ing and Treating diseases of Bye, Kar, Throat and Noso. ^ead Ti?isT It will interest you. Wo are receiving daily our stock of embracing everything in DRY GOODS, Notions, and Millinery usually kepi by up to-dalc store. Our Stock has been se lected with care and we have secured some excep tional values, ill the various lines, which we oil jr at prices that Will please you. Call and see for yourselves. We guarantee satisfaction or return your money. Prompt and polite attention to all, whether you buy or not. Respectfully, ~? THE HOB Under Ben Delia Hotel. I The Most I 3 Popular Girl P, ? lu tlie Coimly. H Vole for tlio girl yovi like best H in tlio county to receive tho Blloeking-chair now on exhibition at S. M. & Ii H. Wilkes. n r n H n n n u n U Miss.D a r. u r. Tin: A i.\ i K'i isi.u will glvo to the young lady la Luurens oouuiy getting the greutobl number of votes the rock Ing-ohair now on exhibition at Wilkes' store. The content will olOSO on the ftftarnenn ol May 28th ami the result will bo announced in the paper of Wed nesday, May 2\):h. At the ton of the column appears a printed ballot with u blank space in which the name of the girl you wish to vote for may bo written in ink or pen - oil. Clin tbi.-, ballot and hand it or send It to Tub Advertiser oflloo by mall Any person may vote as many of these ballots as ho chooses nnd persons liv ing oat of the county may veto, bat to.? young ladies voted for must bo resi dents of the OOUUty, This docs not ex clude girls w ho are temporarily absent at sohool. The ballots can bo saved and vot.d altogether or each week as it suits the voter. THE advertiser prints each week about fifty pap i s which are for sale and are not sent to sub ertbers. These papers may Iim bought for live cents each now as horetofoiV, but no or ders fur extra papers outside of th03e Will bo rec< Ived. Therefore the votlug will be practically confined to regular subscribers and the person who subscribes ll>w will have that many more opportunities to vote. No one in any way c it ncoted with Till'. Advertisek v. i.I i e a'lowed to vote. Kuoh week tbo names of the young ladies voted for an ! the number ol vote? svill bo published, IK will bo a good idc.i to begin jo?.U' voting next week. the voting contest- l'Hh week! Miss Alleiuo Millor, .88 " Rosa b'ullo ?.?-> u Lau -a V in CO,. 1 " A nlllu o K land, . 2 " Lyd?o Miller. I " Ii' ssi : Mivv.n,.47 " ! a ma Wright,.15 41 Fufior,.13 " II. J. bru'v,.71 " Llllettc Caino,. - " LotiLe Kichov,. 1 " Kva Knight,' .75 " N innlo i urry. I '? Claud la < lopolan I,. ?? Mamie buo Whurton,.. 5 " Lut c Jones,.1 " Maggie Mi bard,.27 " .Maggie' Ibirksdalo. 1 Margie Sullivan.1 21 " Dora Cok-r,.22 " Josslo IIill. :i " Lira 15 lyco,. '1 I 'earl Sul li van. 1 " 11 nin i IIa Igons,. il " Mat lo Koro.38 " Hott o I livni'ctti. " Li! i Hart,. 1 " I A'dla .lorry,.25 '* Ola lllakoly,.2 " Laura Walker,. " Meta smith .160 " thslitvlt llollums, .. ..28 l.i/./.ieCarter,. 8 Vaughn Orltton, . i " Moll lo Thompsou,.18 " II la Kay Tutguc,.ill " Clara Swlucr,. 0 " Sara Heeks.8 '? A nna Woods, . It " M tuuio Turm r,. 1 wrar a?/Wv?***t? Von Might us Well I have iho best laundry work V ?ii cost no more than sc i cond or third rate work, and M yon save the wear and tear 'f of your linen. It's possible J you don'l know which laun lA dry does the best work, ll T you will bt ns have your )i bundle nexl week we will j convince you. We will lake / pleasure in calling for and X delivering your work. Von : will likt: our method ol j cleaning that soiled suit. We don't charge much either. LAU It FAN LAUNDRY CO. 300 H. Main St. Hellol No. 00. Heal Estate in and Near tlio City of Laurons. I louse and one-half Acre lot on Main Street, OUO-half mile from public Stjuare. House has seven rooms. Houso and Fifty Acres, on Main Street, ono milo from public squuro. House has so/on rooms. Will soil as a whole or in loii. < )n tri is property thoro are six lots of about, two aoros euch, fronting on Man sine*, ranging In price from $150 00 to $500.00 Sin Hi lot on Main Street, West of ami adjoining Cblldross1 stables. < )no Hundred and Sixty Acres with front on Main St root one mile from square. Ono HundrOil and Sixty-six Acre, on Qroonvitlo road partly wltbln City limits. Four Hundred Acres at Lisbon, Liu rons County, set in bermuda grass and will make a line Stock Karin. Lots (.ii Rast Main St root have been sold. Special alt ntlon is called lo the lots on West Mi in. Tbo e arc the mott desirable lota In the city and con til n from two to livo Acres. SIMPSON As COOPER, Attorneys at Law, Laurena, 8. 0, RHEUMATISM ? CATARRH, ARE BLOOD DISEASES?CURE FREE* It is tho deep-seated obstinate oases of Qatarrah or Rheumatism that B. H. B. (botanic Mond Halm) euros, If doc tors, sprays, liniments, medicated air. blood purifiers have failed B B. H. drains out tho spectic poison in tho blood that causes Rheumatism or Ca tarrh, making a perfeot cure. If you have pains or aches in bones, joints' or back, swollen glands, tainted breath, noises in tho head, discharges of muCUOUS, ulceration of the membranes, blood th'n, get easily tired, a treatment with 15. B. H. will stop every symptom by making the blood pure and rich. Drugglste f 1.00. Trial treatment free by addressing BLOCH BALM Co., Atlanta, Ca. Describe troublo and free inodictti advico given. OABTOIIIA. Bwuetbe _ a tto Kind You Have Always Bought NOTICE. The undersigood has completed a cotton Baed plsnter that will turn down an, thing of the kind that hos boon put on the market. This planter is the re suit of many yoa's t-tudy. I have been connected with the planter businei i for twenty-five years and feel satisfied that 'he machine that 1 now propO'0 build lag as near complete as possible, short compaot and durable. Tneplant ing part Can easily bo detached from plows. You then have a good harrow or covering plow, a'l iron, that a mule cannot break. Can be examined on square by any one interested in n good I planter. l >. v. Balkntinr, 1 .unions, S. C, State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAURENS, in the Court of ( omm >n Pleas. Piedmont Savirg; aid [uvestraont Company, Plaint IT, against .). M. Owens, Defendant. Pursuant to the decree ol the Court in the above state!1, action, I will sell at i pubic outcry, at Laurons Court Houso, on Ssleeday in Ap-ll next, at tho usual hour of s.lie, the fo I iw'.ng described premise?, lo wit: That lot of land in I the town Ol Cro-s !!il , fronting o:i Mi in Street, twontj'-two >-2> foot, and running back therefrom sixty (HO) feet, bounded by lots of J. C Hlltchin son, estate of J. C. McCowan, Mrs. 1?.. R. Grant and MhIii Street, being h.t conveyed t> I. M. Owens by J. C Hutchinson, March 1, 1898. Terms o.oe half cash and balance on a cred t of ono yoar from dato of rale, w ih Intorest on credit portion at seven per cent and a mortgage of I he prcmltea Fold; Iho buildings to In ln bured in a sum i quill to the mortgage, debt and polloy assigned to !ho Shoriff. If the Urms are not complied with tho premises will be ro old on tho same or som ? subsi <|uent Salos 'ay at risk of former purchaser, on tho samo lerms as above. I'urchasei to pay for stumps a'd papers. T. .1 . DtJl kktt, sheriff for Laurens County. March 0, 1001?It. Slate of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAURF.NS, In the Court of Common Pleaa. Piedmont Savings and Investment Company, Plaintiff, ngalnst J. M. Owensand A. D.O.vens, Defendants. Pursuant to tho decivo of tho Court in tho above stated action, I will sail at public outcry at Lunrcns Court House, on Salosday in April next, at the usual hour of sale, the following described premises, to wit: That lob of laud in lie; town ol Cross IIiljL oon tain'ng ono 'It aero iu-j^-fu"-1,>.? ~. 5r'? -*~?lf''.Ma-i?n Mid'.- lot on Main Street! then up Main Street thirty-live (.'I5) yards; then Bast to oik tree a' cor nor of piues; then in a straight lino to Mason HHPs line; bounded by Ma uStreid and lots of Ma son Hid and Susan Y. Simpma, hoiug lot eonvevod by Susan Y. Simpson Sep tember Iii, 1807. T rms?One-half tho purchase money cash, Ivilaneo on a oredit id ono year fr< in date of salcci'jdit portion to b ar interc.-t at seven per cent, and to be soon red by mortgage of tho premise?, buildings to bo insured in sum equal u> mortgage debt and policy assigned to Sheriff. If the terms ar.- not complied with the property will ro resold on samo or some subsequoot Salesdoy on the same, terms as above, at the risk of the fjrinor purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. T. .1. duckktt, Shoriff of Laurens County. March 0, WOl. Tho ".ntcring Wedge riu ?dir consideration is gen? orally the cost, though cost, should always bo rolativd to value to be a fair test. The lumber wo se'l may not always bo tho choapostin price, but it's e'wnys cheapest in tho long run, because wo give the host value. Thoroughly kiln-dried,pro porly sawed and planed, you'll find it "matches" well, and will be a life-long source of satisfac tion R.H.Hudgeno&Son. Notice to the Dear People! One car of Pino white, strong, Lime. One car of No. l and 2 Shingles, havo to da\ arrived and ready for salO. Call to see and get what you need and OOlinnenCi the New Year with the best o building material. Uespectfully, ILK. '1 IVY. % Wear a Hat or Bonnet? If you wear a Hat you will find tho largest stock to select from cither for yourself or wife, sister, brother or sweetheart at our slot e. just it). Best line of men's shirts you ever saw. Call at the Big Store. Laurens Cotton Mills Store. T. 0. LUCAS, Manager. SPRING OPENING Spring Opening j March 30th, 1901. Mrs. Adams announces her ;>> Spring < tpening on Saturday, March 80th, of Fine Milli nery, Dress floods, Trim mings, Laces, Neckwear, and all tho Novelties <?f the sea son, will be on exhibition. Kverv one cordially invi ted. Mrs. ML ADAMS. c^5^^^ patterns, made in the best Madras cloth, washed and shrunk before made-up?so absolutely fast colors. This line to go at only $1.00. Thirty-five do/.on Madras cloth Shirts to go at l^c one hundred different patterns in this lino. 13o sure to come to us for. your shirts. AN ELEGANT *-* line of Children's Clothing to 'tempt, the most fastidious. Yours for Business, J. E. [Winter & Uro. From Iii? gOmore Shades of Winter Colors ihe shelves are being rapidly filled with new and desi rable Goods for Spring Wear. See tiie New Dress Gooc1 ? from 15 cents uj>. We show a handsome Weave in Crepe Tissue?this is a very showy frabric and only 25 cents a yard. Just opened two numbers in \\\ ick Taffeta Silk?ask to see them. Mercerized Poulard an article resem bling silk so closely but such a difference in price will prove a quick seller. As usual we carry a choice line of plain White Lawns, Embroideries, Insertions and All-Over, With Laces in all the favorite in ikes. An endless variety in printed Pique, li.itiste and Twentieth Century Styles in Lawns, jo- Defer your purchases until you glance over the styles opened at IV. U. WILSON Sc CO. Laurens, S. C, Feb. 20, 1001. NORTHCARO LINA WHISKEY? BRANDY ^ Direct from Disiillor to Consumer ^ Saving Middlemen's Profits. Write for I'rices. J. H. WOOL LEY, CHERRYV1LLK, N. C.