THE ADVERTISER. Subscription l'rlce-12 Months, $1.60 Payable lu Advance. B. W. ?AI.L, Editor. Bates for Advertising.?ordinary Ad vertisements, per square, one lusor tlon, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 60 conts. Liberal reduction made for larye Advertisements. w. w. Ball, Proprietor. LAUKENS? s. c., NOV. 7, 1000. The Columbia Fair. Our fast developing sister city de served to bo complimented and eon gratulatetl upon their grand "Carnival" of last week So also the guests and visitors from the coiltt'0 t<> the circum ference of t he I i t tie St ate. Hut in the midst of splendid triumph and brilliant success! it i.-. wise t<> pause and reflect and take note of calmness and modera tion. They had In I tome In ye ancient days:.' 'in in A lex, de si Min im's, to restrain the expenses that attended public festivals and entertainments and limit the number of guests which gen erally attended them,no* only In Home, but in all the provinces of Italy, l'.y it, not on'y those who received guests in these fostlvo meotlngs, I it the guests themselves woi'0 liable to bo lined. Sometimes a cautionary word is well And tho danger is enhanced. Says the Spartanburg Herald of Nov. 2nd: "Mr. .1. .1. Burnett) muster-elect, ro turned from Co'unibia yesterday. Mr. Burnett says that Columbia is full of visitors, but be interest in the occasion and the visitors does not to any extent compare with the Spartan burg street carnival.There are scarcely any decorations on the stores and busi ness houses. There was scarcely any arrangement for amusement of strang ors, according to Mr, Burnett's impres sions. This is far different to the treat ment visitors to the Spartanburg street carnival received. The stock show people who went from hero to Columbia were loud and enthu siastic in sounding Spartanburg's praises in Columbia. They were de lighted with thi- tremendous business they did in this city and the courteous treatment they received at the bauds of the Spartanburg people." ? * The Hi:: Columbia Fair. Laurons took a commendable interest in the great Mate Fair, Among tin many Laurens people in attendance we note the following: I>r. H. F. Posoy, Col. J. H. Traynbani, Mr. W. P. Har ris, Hon. O. P. Goodwin, Mr. W. P. Brown, Hon. II. W. Nichols, Mr. Dan iel Varborough, Mr. and Mrs. W 1'. Hmlgens. Messrs. H. 0. t'risp, T. Lane Monroe, VV It. Hiehey. Jr . S. HTodd. Eugene Liudgons, David Martin, Mr. and Mrs Monroe. George Forguson. Miss Mattie Nichols. A Laurens man reports that tho car on which he code returning homo on Thursday night was cleverly jolly and convivial He attributed the conditions to blind tigers i" Columbia and not to the chemically pure. Hut still he says thotrond is not overwhelmingly towards the whtto ribbon platform, as far as ho observed while on this holiday outing. There was a grand ball on Thursday night, where youth and beauty met to chase the glowing hours with Hying feet. The attandance was large, ac cording to the printed lists, about one hundred of the belles from all parts of t he StatO,o'egant ly at tired and one hun dred and fifty brave bio's in white kids, French calf skin, while chokers and ra zor tail coats. But the ads were Hot all of our day. We observed the names of many who reminded us of Webster's Speech at Hunker Hill in 1S24 when the old continentals were arranged before him. "Venerable men, you have come down to us from a former generation. Heaven has bounteously lengthened out your days to behold this joyous hour." ft should be remembered that tin; great. Greeks, old and young, attended the Olympic games every four years and contested for the laurel and the bay. Laurens, we observe, was not repre sented in this gay and happy throng. Charleston was gloriously represented by bor best men?having her best foot foremost. Her militia, horse, foot and dragoons carried oil the honors and her heroes wen- crowned accordingly. A lino impression was made and from the mountains to the sea all hands are pledged to make the Exposition of 1001 02 a triumphant winner. There is to be no upper, no lower country any more in tho hereafter in this State. Hlue Ribbons for Laurens: W. F.. Chapman, of ?abbtown, first on 3yoars and 2 years old Hen-herons: J. H. Wharton, first ou 1 year old Pereheron. Tho horse department is said to have boon very excellent. In the cattle department Col. .1. II. Wharton on bis beautiful Jerseys hail 2 first and 2 second. .1.1). W. Watts, I first and 2 second. Col. Wharton had a lino young bull severely gored by a bigger animal thai broke his halter and went around hunting up a light. Mr. McCuon, of Princeton, had a line show of horses, capturing the blue. Col. J. Wash Watts, T. D. W. Watts, 13. A. Wharton, of Mountvtlle, won trophies on sheep, goats, pigs and high bred poultry of many favorite strains. ? "The Strenuous Life." The popular phrase was well in vented to lit conditions at the closo of the century. Consider if you please, Santiago, Manila,South Africa and the wild riot in China. Bryan and Teddy, Colonels in the Spanish-American inci dent, campaigning in New York, aro fairly exemplars of the happy phrase . Fortunately there is usually somebody to hit the nail on the head with a *^t>hraso for tho occasion. * * Thecensusof n)00gives South Carolina 1,340,312, as against 1,151,140 in 1800, a gain of 180,103. This is a gain of about 15 per cent, while other States havo gained 25 per cent. 170,000 entitles at present to a member of Congress, but If the iloiue of Representatives Is to remain numerically tho same, this State will do well to hold her present status. Texas makes a clean gain of 813,305. Sho will probably gain two inembors and possibly three as Ihe House remaining the samo numerically about 200,000 will give a member. ? * Subscribers are Invited to send to The guesses as to the population of the county. Subscribers In the city as to tho city population. The usual estimate for tho city Is 4,500. As wo remember in 1800 tho county was about .'IS,000 and it should now be 43,000 to 45,000 Tho count will ?be reportod soon. We had (ho largest fraction in 1800. If wo hold our own we will e,u, another inomber ol i he House of Bepre .mtat ive i. I ntil 180* we had four. And thore aro those who will still [trouble thomselvns as to how Grovor Cleveland voted vesterday. And thorr are those who still believe it Is hotter to take account of a live dog than a ?ead lion. ?? * Remnants at prices nover before, ittempted in Laurens. Some people ?Ik a great deal, but havon't the roods to show for it. Wo havo the ?oods to back what we say. Come soe >r yourself. 1^, Davis, K?per Ar Co. Seventh Judicial Circuit. Tim Legislature which convenes In January will elect a Judge of the ~th Circuit to serve for the ensuing four yours Several candidates are discussed in connection with the succession,Judge Townsend being the incumbent, ami among them the Hon. .John W. Fergu son, of this city. Without disparage ment of the merit of any aspirant, we cannot forego the opportunity of speak ing ;cs to the oininent qualIdeations of Col. Ferguson. For twenty years he has boon in as full general practice US any lawyer in the Slate, and has been constantly before our higher .Judicial Tribunal in s tiling important prlucl pies. A r'pe lawyer, ho is in the very prime of life, and full of energy and the General Assembly will do the State eminent service In placing Col. Fergu son on the circuit bench. Fverythlng at The Fair at first cost. Good heavy .leans at The Fair. Only 10 cents a yard. Everything at manufacturers cost at The Fair. Hlg values, small prices, ought to be enough, but we have more inducements to offer. Fresh new goodp, stylish goods. Big assortment to select from. Davis, Roper & ('o. A Card from n Teacher. List winter when "Dashing Derby" made the charge, that "nine-tenths of the (caohors of Laurens County didn't care a cent whether tlteir pupils learned any thing at all or not," we were very indig nant, and justly so ; i'nr the charge was extravagant beyond all reason. The very extravagance of the charge killed the force of other assertions that he made which were probably true. Among oth er things he said, was, that many parents had complained that their children were not learning. The fault was, chiefly, must li'tcly with the children and the parents. As I am writing this article lor the beuelit of the trustees and teachers, I will endeavor to show wherein there was, at least, some ground for complaint against them ; aud just here 1 would state, that "Trustee," iu his article, con demned himself in condemning the teach ers. Trustees are appointed to secure competent teachers, and to sec that they do their duty ; so a teacher cannot utter ly fail, without bringing home condensa tion od the trustees, 'flic trustees should ho careful to select for teachers those who take a deep interest in educational al f?irs. Those teachers who take no inter est in school work, except during school hours, give just grouud for suspecting that they are teaching only for the money, ami no oue should be more cognizant of this fact than the trustees themselves. There is a Teachers' Association in Laurens County, and very few of the teachers attend. There is no admission nor incidental fee, and all trustees and teachers are urged to become members. The. trustees can greatly assist in the work of the Association, by calling the attention of tboir teachers to the time of meeting, and aiding them in making ar rangements to attend. -Many lady teach ers board away from home and cannot attend, unless some way is provided lor them to come. Generally, sonic of the patrons or trustees can make this provision with little or no inconvenience to them selves. 1 believe that there is not a community in the county but that would bo proud to know that their teacher is a regular attendant u the teachers' meet ings and lakes a prominent part in the proceedings. People like a live, progres sive tcaclur. Another way in winch teachers can greatly assist in these meet ings is by having it understood that, in employing teachers, they will sock to se cure the services of those who arc wide awake and have a mind to work. If ev en one trustee from every school district would be present at. each meeting, what a help it would be to them aud their schools in getting the right kind of teachers, and what an awakening there would soon be among the teachers! Trustees, I make an earnest appeal to you to be present at our next meeting, and if possible, induce your teachers to come. The next meeting will be the 10th of November. Now, my fellow-teachers, I turn to you. Do you realize what a responsibility you assumed in becoming a teacher ? Do you comprehend the dignity of your pro fession'.'' This is the most progressive age the world has yet seen. Doctors, lawyers, preachers, arc studying as never before. Farmers, mechanics and men of every class arc beginning to study. New inventions, new ideas, new thoughts, arc constantly brought forth. Some of the new ideas are positively injurious, while some are the noblest conceptions of man. Are. the common schools to keep abreast of iho times ? If the teacher is alive and up to date, the best thought of men will bo inculcated. We have taken upon our selves to train boys and girls for right living. How many boys and girls arc made better by your training and influ ence ? How many arc made worse ? How many might have been made nobler still, if you had properly prepared yourself in every way for the work entrusted to your charge ? Let us, then, awake to a souse of our duty. Let us roalizo the almost ovcr powciing responsibility that rests upon us. . Let it not be said of the teachers of LauretiS County, that they arc satisfied with any tiling but the very hist results. Lot us show to the trustees and patrons of our .-chools that WO are willing to make sacrifices to better prepare ourselves lor the work we are doing. I make this tamest appeal in behalf of the children whose whole lives will be influenced by our teaching. May wo not expect at least one hundred trustees and teachers at our next meeting. tkaoiikr. The Man with a Cold Is a nuisance to othors as well as a BUtToror himself. He Is inoxeusahlo when he can llnd so many excellent remedies at I'aimotto Drug Co. True, if he has asthma, it's doubtful if he can obtain a perfect euro. Hut it's rather lato for asthma, and thoro Is relief for even that annoying all* mont. Stop sneezing and coughing. Stop at Dalmotto Drug (;o. and got something to help you out. Our White Pine Compound with Am monia will do it. Henry Timrod. * When thy pure spirit passed UntO "'the white courts beyond the stars," The angels know that earth, at last. Had given back to God U soul, Who passing through life's fiery fur nace, Came forth at last triumphant) with no strain < >i earthly dross upon it Ami back into the presence of Its Maker went As pure a thing as when it eanie. ?buk Savaoe Farrow. Copied from The Keystone. Clothing and Shoes at first cost at The Kuir. Save your money by trading at Tho Fair during their great cost sale . Teachers' Assoolal lou, The Laurens County Teachers' Asso ciation will meet In the Court Hons*'; Nov. loth at 11 o'clock. The following is the program. Benefits of Teachers' Meetings.? 0. B. Brooks, 11 to 11.15. Notation and Numeration Miss Ag atha Davis, 11.15 to 11.30. Addition and Subtraction Miss Mertie Culbcrtson, 11.30 to 11.46. G. C. M and L. C. M. Mr. A. 15. Rlley, 11.45 to 12.10, Short cuts in arithmetic?B. Y . Cul bortson, 12-10 to 12.35. Miscellaneous, 12.35 to l. Trustoos and teachers are earnestly requested to be present on time. J. B. Watkins, \V. 1*. Culbertson. Minnie ('lardy, Executive Com. Our underwear keeps out cold win ter blasts and It makes a very small bolo in your pocket-book. May savi you a doctor's Villi. Bettor buy. Davis, Honor & Co. Catarrh Cannot he Cured With local applications as they can not roach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, ami In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It wus proscribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purillerp, acting directly on the mucous sur faces. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O . Sold by druggists, 7f> cents. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ATTENTION. ATTENTION!! Teachers and Scholars of Laurens County. Wishing to savo you money, as well as to supply you with the latest books, we have put in stock Johnson's Read ers, Doe's Histories, Cinu's Arithme tics and l-'rey's Geographies. Clad to have you call. Palmetto Drug ('o. State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF LAURENS. In the Court of Common Pleas. J. Wistor Golding and others against W. C. Golding, Defendant. Pursuant to the decree of the Court In the above stated case, 1 will soli at Laurens Court House, on Sulosduy in December next at public outcry to tin? highest bidder, tho following tract of land, to-wit: All that tract situate in the county of Laurens. in said Slate, on the waters of Reedy Kiver. contain ing One Hundred and Thirty-Six Acres, more or less, hounded by lands of William C. Colding, James A. An derson, Austin Anderson, Witte Bros, and others. Terms?One-half tho purchase money cashi the remainder on a credit of twelve months with in terest from date of salo secured by bond of the purchaser and mort gage of tho premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. Pur chaser may pay his entire bid in cash. John F. Boi.t, Clerk of the Court of Common l'leas for Laurons county. Nov . llth, 1900?41 State of South Carolina, COUNTY ok LAURENS, In Court of Common Pleas. Piedmont Savings and Investment Company, Plaintiff, against J. II. Garrison, Defendant. Pursuant to tho decree of the Court in tho above stated action, 1 will sell at public out-cry at Laurens Court House, South Carolina, within the legal hours of salo, on Salesday in De cember, A. D., UlOU, all that lot or parcel of land, Hltuato in tho city of Laurens, in said county and State, con taining Five Acres, more or less, and bounded on tho North by Farley Avenuo, on the Fast by lands of Uosa I. Calno, on the South by lands of H. K. Cray, and on tho West by lands of W. L. Cray and a public street, being the land purchased by the uefendant of A. V. Kiohclbertfer. Torms of Sale?One-half cash, the ba'ancc on a credit of twelve months, I with interest on credit portion from day of sale, with leavo to the purchaser to pay the ontlro bid in cash: credit pot tlon to be secured by bond of the purchasor and a mortgago of the premi ses sold and by tho insuranco of tho houso. If the purchaser fails to com ply with the torms of sale the premises to bo re-sold at his risk on tho same or Rome subsequent Salosday upon tho same tcrma. Purchaser to pay for pa pers and stamps. JOHN F. Bolt, Clerk of Court Common l'leas for Lau rens county. Nov. 6th, I?00?it. State of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY, In Court of Common Pleas. W. W. Simpson as Administrator of tho estate of J. P. Simpson, deceased, against H. M. Sparks, Defendant. Pursuant to the decree of this Court in the abovo stated action, I will sell at Laurens, C. H , S. C, within the legal hours of sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, on salesday in Decem ber l?00, being tho 3rd day of the month, the following roal cstato: All that tract or parcel of land, lying, being, and situate in the city of Laurens containing < )ne and Throe- eights acres, more or less, with dwelling house, bounded as follows: on the Fast by Walter Cray and S. S Boyd, on the West by the late Dr. J. P. Simpson, on the South by Main street, and on the North by a branch, being a lot pur chased by Defendant from N. .1. Holmos. Terms of sale?One-half of the pur chase money to he paid in cash, re. mainder on a crodit of twolvo months with interest from the day of sale so Oured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premisos with leave to pay tho ontlro bid in cash, the purchas er to pay for papors and stamps, and If tho purchaser fail to comply with the terms of salo the property shall be re sold on tho same or somo subsequent salesday at the risk of said purchasor. John F. Boi.t, Uov, 0, 11)00 c. c. o. p. CUBES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sorc?, Bone rains Ti ial Treatment Free. Pirat, second or third stages pos itively cured by taking B Ii. B. (Bo tunic Blood Balm.) in.i Balm kills or destroys the Syphilitic Polsou in the Blond and expels it from the system, making a perfect cure. Have you sore throat, pimples, copper colored spots. i>lil festering eating sores, ulcer-,, swel ings, scrofula, itching skin, aches and pains in hones or joints, sore mouth or falling hair." Then Botanic Blood Bnlth will heal every sore. Stop the aches and make the blood Ptlt'O and Rich and give the rich glow of health to the tkln. Over 3.000 testimonials id Cures. B. B. B. thoroughly tested HO years. Drug Storos $1.00 'Trial treat ment of B. B. B. free by writing Blood Halm Co. Atlanta. Ca. Describe trouble and froo mod leal advice given. Don't despair of a cure as 1'.. B. B. cut OS when all ol.SO fails. The Entering Wedge To your consideration is gen orally the cost, though cost should always bo relative to value t?> a fair test. The lumber wo sell may not always be the cheapest in price, but it's always ch< post in the long run, because wo give the bosl value. Thoroughly kiln-dried,pro perly sawed and planed, you'll lind it. "matches" well, and will bo a life-loug source of satisfac tion, R. H. Hudgens & Son. A Shirt SPOILED liy mischievous boys, mud ? throwing lads is scarcely worse than one spoiled by poor or indifferent laundry work. Our reputation for first-class work is well known. We air doing a great deal ol cleaning and pressing just now. Let its clean up your winter suit. Hello No. 6(i and our wagon will call. LAUKENS LAUNDRY CO. T. K. 1 Iuogrns, Manager HALL, SIM KINS & HALL, Attorneys sit Law, Laukkns, South Carolina. We practiee in all Stato and United States Courts. Special attontlon given <*ollection*>. Several town lots for sale. Sales of lots on monthly installments nego tiated. w. w. Ball. Dr. Hofe E. Hughes, Dllices? Todd Building, Phone 75; and Cotton Mills Store, Phone 101). Spocially prepared for Examin ing and Treating diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Noso. NOTICE ?OF? County Treasurer. The County Treasurer's Books will bo open for the collection of State, County and Commutation Road Taxes for fiscal year 1000 at. the Treasurer's office from Octo ber 15th to Docomber 31st, 1000. All persons owing property or paying taxes for others in more than one Township am roquostod to call for receipts in oaclt Town ship in which tnoy live. This is important as additional cost and penalty may not, be attached.? - Prompt attention will bo given those who wish to pay their taxes, through the mail by chocks, money orders, etc. Don't, forgot to stamp chocks. Persons Bond ing in lists of names to bo taken off are urged to send in onrly as the Treasurer is vory busy during the month of December. l ax Levy is as follows: For State purposes, - - - 5 mills For Constitutional School Tax, - - - - } mills For Ordinary County Tax, 2\ mills For Interest on Railroad Montis, - - - it mills For past indebtedness, - - \ mill Id mills Lt mills A mills 2 mills - 3 mills mill extra Total County and State, - Bxtra Tax for I.aureus Cily Graded School, - Extra lax Fountain^ inn Special Scho ol, Bxtra Waterloo Special School, - - - Cross Mil. Special School, ? For Sullivan Township 1 for Attorneys fee. on Railroad, making a total lor this Township 15 mills. All able-bodied male citizens be tween the ages of 21 and HO years arc liable to pay a poll tax of $1.00, except old soldiers who are exempt at 50 years of age. Commutation Road Tax $1.60 in lieu of working the public roads to be paid at the time as stated above. Come early and avoid the rush. It Is said there will be no extension this time Mkssku Babu, (N>unty Treasuror. Laurens, S. U., Sept. 27,1000-tf. Pays whoii ono has cotton to Boll and much buying to do, for it means saving DIMES and HH.LARS, which in the aggregato represent a large sum. Lauren* Cotton Mills Store oilers splendid opportunity for the study of values. People who lind out what other buyers pay for cotton and what other mer chants ask for goods, mid then oome here, loam that their dollars will go further, and everything that thoy buy i* ontirely reliable in quality and correct in stylo. Wo therefore invite til' the peoploof this vicinity who want to soil right and buy right to pay a visit to THE LAUKENS COTTON MILLS STORE. d. h. wadswohth, Manager. YOU flffive ! at the conclusion to buy when (Quality is mudo the Prominent Kontore, you will make your purchases at Till-: HIB. What WO oiler you is Now, Stylish, Up-to-Date, and tho Prices are just a Little Lower than soino Goods can bo had olsowhero. Everything in Dress (iootls, Millinery, Notions, Capes, Jackets, llcady-to-Wear Skirls, Etc. :?>> nri:3Na:T>:i.^.n:Tn.^ /[BB"~ Cull aud see ns and our prices will do the rest. Polite and courteous attention whether you buy or not. Respect ful ly, Under Bon-Della Hotel. all the new Weaves and Shades. 1 inspection solicited . We have secured ?3]p@oieLl "Vsti "ol? in Table Linen, Napkins and Towels. These goods can not be duplicated at these prices. New Hosiery and Underwear. Host brands of Sheetings and Shirtings known to the trade. Ladies and Misses Shoes direct from the Manufacturers. From many quarters you will hear of advanced prices this Fall. rCxaminc these goods and see the latest styles at the Lowest Prices, whether you buy or not. Respectfully, W. U. WILSON & CO. Lauren.-,, S. <'., Sept, is, L900. ATTIRE! NORTH CAROLINA Ithfct to the Consumer front Hie Distiller. ? #MT" Information and price-list nt upon application. Address? II. Clarke & Sons, Statosville, N. C. Glenn Springo Hotel 0 GLENN SPRINGS, S. 0, LEADS ALL OTHERS. Thon; is but. ono Glonn Springs, and it has no equal on tho Continent for tho Stomach, Livor, Kidneys, Rowols and Blood . Hotel Open June 1st to Oct. 1st. IfltW* Cuisine and Service Bxcollont. 2fi2g ?reatgst Resort id LBb fioatfi, ..gkW Kor Board apply to SIMPSON iv, SIMPSON, Glonn Spring South Carolina. Water $1.75 por case, bottlos to be returned. Water for sale by Tho Lauron? Drug Co., Koi^uody Bros., Dr. B. F. Posoy, Laurons, S. 0. HUTS! H?TSI1 THAT IS SOMETHING THAT IS OF INTEREST TO EVERY LADY. Wo invite ovory lady iu this county to call and price ?>ur Hats to ho oonvinoed that bhia is the plaoo to l?uy. Full lino of Notions, Cloaks, Furs, Corsots, CilovoB, Neckwear and everything to bo found in a ladios store. MRS. J. D. ADAMS. It) fo?ildif^ Every item counts. Consult ns and t^et the best Nails, Hinges, and all Hardware at the Lowest Figures that they can be furnished. Our lino of Farm Implements, Tools, Chains, Locks, Wire for Fencing, Horseshoes and all kinds of Hardware are full and UP-TO-DATE. We are Never Undersold. Our Paints arc the most reliable. Examine our Cutlery line?it will save money. Our goods are first-class always. If you buy cheaper , you will buy shoddy stuff and lose money in the end. I Brooks y if you will only givo us a trial. Dig Stock of Stallt *H? Vtn^r ^fc^i^ at Rock Bottom Prices. Wo havo something in this lino that will suit your appetite. Laurent* Mercantile Company. The Place?Todd Building:?formerly Todd