Tho Aillcd Powers have Pokin, but it may prove an elephant. There is no telling what must happen in tiie near future There is but one tiling that seems settled as to the policy of this Government?China must not be par titioned. Postponed, The proposed mooting at Wood's Grovo, n tar Mt. Bethol, by Revs.Todd and Holmes is postponed. We make the announcement at the request of Messrs Jamoa Bramlett and Jerry Stone. \ Card from Col. Tlllmau. My attention has been called by several frietidi to a report that is being olroulatod In Laurons county to the offoot that at tli" I.aureus meet ing I hol I Mr. Patterson in order that Mr. Gary might strike him. The re por. Is i bsoiutoly untrue and and is so characterized by Mr. Tlilmao him if. I am a friend of both gentle men and did what I did to end an un fortunate quarrol. The only blow that passed after I caught Mr. Patterson Strut k me and not him. Very Respectfully, I ames M. TlLLMAN. .1. s. W?lls is superintending the brick word for i S. Blulock's cotton mill, fort) tenant houses and a twenty live mom hotel, which Mr. Blnlock will have erected in the notgborhood of his cottonseed oil mill already In opera tion en bis large estate at Goldvlllo. A deep Artesian well i- being bored on the |ilaeo. At last accounts tho well was ever 280 fool deep, but Mr. ilia loek will not lie satisfied until water Hows, so ho will continue boring. Mr. Bhilock is the only man in this section who uses t be round bale In the cotton business lie had over 1,500 such bales lust your. With a cotton mill, oil mill, Arusian well, hotel and a large num her of houses on estate Mr. Blalouk will liuvo a thriving village of bis own lie will turn bi's big crop into the manufacturing industries at bis own doors. Nowborry cor. News am Courier. Borrow Advertiser:? In printing the list of subscribers lust WOOk you omitted the following naino Albright, Dr. G. C.*10.00 Armstrong, John A. 5.00 I'Yierson, Manton It. 2.60 Minter & Uro . .1. B. 10.00 Stone .v ( ampbcll. 2.50 Please give this ;i prominent position in your noxt Issue otherwise an injus tice would hi- done these gentlemen. The list I made out for your printers wasebecked over twice by inc. Yours respect full v. II, K. AiKen. Sec'\ Laurons Co. 5Vg. and Mceh.Asso. These mornings arc too warm and yoil are in need of one of our Wickle s Bine LeJnmo Stove. s.M. a R. II. Wilkes & Co. At Clemson. Tho meeting of tho Farmers T nstii ute at Glemson has been largely at leildi d by intelligent and progressive farmers 'and will eventuate in great good. At a meeting of the visitors in attendance Col J. I). M. Shaw was called to tho Chair and had this to say up n tho rdvantage of fanners gath erings and exchange of ideas as re ported for tho News and Courier: ? In somo parts of our country they have compulsory iducatlon for their child ron. We farmers are simply children of larger grevth. Wo need education?we mod to tie taught how to farm li tter. It is mi undisputed fact that these '.p-.;.iutcs all gather orings where farmers can meet lo gethor and exchange ideas are bene ficial ami educational. A great many of inn fanners ami I hate to admit it arc so lazy or so blgotty, or something, yen can't teach them anything. They ought to he msdo to loarn how to farm. These Institutes and the county in stitute- . re I'd that purpose. 1 for ore am in favor of cramming education on farm topics down the throat* of tli.-.' blgotty ignoramuses." Thus breezily did Col. John D. M. Shaw, of the county of Laureus, de liver himself yesterday afternoon at the "farmers experience meeting." hold in connection with the institute, which began its sessions in Chapel Hail hero on Monday night i ol. Shaw was prompted to this ex prossion of opinion, because some of the tlolegatts had been wrangling for the matter of an hour over the ex pediency of holding county institutes, the discussion starting because of the simple question of Col. U. W. Slmp -on. chairman of the board of trustees of t ho College. ? Count> Finances* The thormointor is .standing 00 in the shade and it is too hot for SO much fig tiratlen! I still stand to tho text that we are too extravagant in our county ail airs. L?nens county is expending t bis year. $38,380 Abbeville county is expending this year, 1.'1.700 Difference against Laurens, 24,080 Take od' Laurons Ballroad debt. 10,315 11..171 Take oil past Indebtedness, which will equalize tho two coun ties, 4..MI0 11,871, and leave i.aureus spending $!I.*7I, more than Abbeville which amount is against us in nicely managing our county government. I am glad our Supervisor is not a candidate What has been said is for tho p.lot our county not to injure ;m\ candidate in the field. I bavi always voted for. talked up the finan cial abilit\ of our Supervisor, lie has made out his ease and proved that Ltiu rons is run cheaper than Abbeville. He has completely inystlilod mo with long tabulation. "The horse stands 10 foot high," still I cannot exactly un derstand how $38,000 and 0 mills are cheaper than $ I.!.Olio and 31 mills. wm. i). Sullivan, August nub. Notice to Capitalists! Pursuant to an Act of che General As embly of South Carolina Bonds of the county of Baurens to the amount of $15,000 Issued in aid of the Green ville and Laurens, and Greenwood, Laurons & Spartanburg Railroads, and ? lue in December, P.KK), will be refund ed and to run for thirty yoara. See Act, page 583. Statutes at barge, A. D. WOO. Seal bids invited until Octo ber 1st, 1000. B. D. A i >.\n;, Supervisor and Chairman Board of County commissioners, L. C. "Toilogc ofCiwicstonT CHARLESTON, S. C. Pounded in I 785? Board in the College Dormitory, In cluding furnished room and lights, can be obtained at f 10 i month Tuition, WO session, payable in two Instalments. One scholarship giving free tuition is assigned to each county of South Caro lina, the bolder to be Appointed by the Ci iunty Supt. of Education and the Judge op Probate, ah candidate s for admission arc permitted to compete for Boyco Scholarship, which pays $150 a year. Strong faculty; well equipped chemi cal, physical and and biological labora tories: observatory, ilbrary of 1-1,000 volumes: and the finest museum of natural history in tho South. K.lcctivo courses leading to the de grees of It. a. and M. a. i'alogue, illustrated .circular .?>j>n in full address, ION RANDOLPH, President. County Canvass. Tho Editor Is disappointed In not bo iri?_r able this week to give tho positions of candidates for theGonoral Assembly on public and live issues more fully. He has been unable from feeble health to attend tho meetings and his friend has lisappolnted him :is a reporter. Wo wani to sav now for all. that tho poli ties, outside of being dyod-lo-the-wool democrats) of candidates for tin- local OfTlce8 is no matter- business qualifl cations and a determination to reduce ? he exposes of the county adminls'ra tion count. Wro are to watch our county expenses?tho Stato levy being ?r> mills and the mills and poll tax being con stitutional and Irrevocable. Wo fool some delicacy in undertaking to locate tho candidatOS for Senate and House on public issues, hut so far as wo gather thoy aro nearly together. They arc all for the Dispensary. Mho only issue in the state canvass), Mr. Cooper modi fying his views with tho idea of local self-government, the county to replace the State and manage the sale of li quors and control it entirely. Mr. Goodwin, for tho Sonate, urges the sale of convict State farms and em ployment of convicts on public works, State phospha'o works, eto. Dr. Wollt unsworod "Yes" to ques tions propounded at Hopowell as to la bor contracts- very much on the line i recently suggested by TllK AOVBR Tisr.u requiring labor contracts to ho indexed. H< IS strongly In fttVOl' of hotter road laws. Mr. Siuiklns has in his platform two salient |>oints, one to abolish stat< farms, and put long term convicts on public works: another biennial sessions. Strongly urged hv TllK ADVERTISER during tho last session This will re quire .oo. One schob ship giving free tuition is assigned to each county of South Carolina, the holder of which is appointed by tho Probate Judge and the County Super intendent of Education. TURNIP SEED. Crop of 1900. BREADS TONE, EARLY ELAT DUTCH, EARLY PURPLE TOP, LARGE RED TOP GL< >HE, SOUTHERN SNOW WHITE GLOBE, EARLY WHITE EGG, POM K RAN E A X Will T11 G LOB E, WHITE NORFOLK, Y ELL< >W GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, V ISLLOW STONE, RUTA 15 AG A, SEVEN Tor. All the nbovo in bulk or in scaled packages holding l, A uncl 1 pound each. Soiul us vom- ordors. Wo sell "SEED THAT GROW." The Laurons Drug Co. Druggists. 'Phono 7? Goods dolivorod. Your Shirt Will Suit When We Send it Home! We arc careful about the de tails of our business, careful about the washing, starching anil ironing, about the button holes and brands, about the color in colored goods. WE LEAD, OTHERS ARE TRYING TO FOLLOW. LAUREN'S LAUNDRY CO. 'Phone 6<> will brine; our team. T. K. Hudgrns, Manager Spectacles. Don't throw them away he cause they arc broken. Per haps it will take hut little money to make them as good as new again. It your watch does not kecj time take it to WA JOHNSON, Laurons, tii. C 3P unices IReduLcecaE on Everytliing in. Sixrqrq^t Goods. Ihg Line or 10 cents Muslin to be closed out at 0 cents. Lot of Scents Muslin to be closed out at 3 cents. T H K S E AHE BIO V A L U E S, Ow El? Willie Tl>e Sale Goes Of)T "Wmie "We are Oloeing o\xt Summer Goods at -aw^ "WAY DOWN PRICES We will have a GUessi*)** Contest. We have glass decanter filled with Peas and with every Negligee Shirt,Straw Hat or Tie, you buy for cash, you get a guc? at the number o( Peas in the decanter. i st Prize i pair #5.00 shoes. 2nd. Prize 1 pair $3.00 shoes. 3rd. Prize 1 pair #2.00 shoes. 4th. Prize 1 pair #1.00 shoes. Call and wo will explain it. 9 Laurens, S, C. BEST PROOF We can give you of one Opinion of tho Famous BUCK'S STOVES & IS, THAT AFTER YEARS IN THE BUSINESS We Sell Tfjeirb ASK ANY WOMAN TN LAUREN'S WHO OWNS ONE, AND SHE WILL TELL YOU THAT we T?M -.' (Freight Paid* K. of on i I $10.00 ? 1 ' Purchases, a 1" WOULD KIND A WELCOME IN it ER HOME. Laurons, S. C. ICE, ICE Tho Oil and Korlilizur Co. will delivor puro Io<> mado from Artesian wator i? following rates: 4,000 lbs Hook, 200 lbs a day, $10.00 -j.Vts. per Hundred, ftOcts por day. 2,000 lbs I look, 100 lbs a day, 0.00 SOct-i per Itundrcd, 30cts per day. 1,000 lb- I look, 50 lbs a day, .5.">i)o lb- Hook, 25 lbs a day, 2.50 ln<-ts. j>or Hundred, lOcts por day. 200 lbs [look, bt Ii?, a day. 1.00 ?Oets. por llundrod, 5ots por day. (?mW* Soouro coupon book at ouco, as drivers arc not allowed to dolivor ioo oxcopt for coupons. Oil ai?d Fertilized Co. It is conceded by lady experts in shop ping that for White Pique und all the diver sified weaves in White Goods, Embroideries and Laces, quality and price considered, this is the place to buy. Another lot sunshades just opened from 35 cts. up at Lanrena, S. C.f May 7th, 1000. WILSON Laurons, S. C, June 0, 1000 Wo olTer our IMMENSE STOCK 0f Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats and Shoes at greatly reduced priors. Wo bought bhoso (roods before the recent hoavy advance and can save you monsy if you will only give us a trial. Big Stock of Stallt mfr? Wmt$?% ^m?%$lz$ at Rock Bottom Prieos. Wo havo somothing in this lino that will suit your appetite LaurciiH Mercantile Oompany? The Pi/aoe?Todd Building?formorly Todd & Muff's stand. tho Undertaking business at the old stand. COFFINS, CASKETS and ROBKS, and HEARSE, at the . ?sftfc LOWEST PRICES. ? A continuanco of tho gonorous patronage hitherto oxtoi pectfully solicited. KENNEDY RROS..T