The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 28, 1900, Image 3

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Bill Arp, who recently lectured both at Clinton and I,aureus has written up his visit In u very interesting manner for the Atlanta Constitut ion. W e would like to reproduce the whole, but can only give the following extracts: "While In Clinton I was the guest Ol Mr. Bailey, the banker and mill man, a model gentleman of too old school whose maxims arc truth and honesty, Whoa ) sons und daughters are like olive plants around his table and have never given him a moment's grief or anx iety. And now that they arc all grown tip and est ?1)1 ishad in their ow n busi ness, ho has adopted several hundred factory children and is delighted every day to visit thorn in the cotton mill and place bis hand kindly and gently upon their heads as he passes them at the spindle or the loom. Ho has built for them a church and employed a preacher and established a Sunday school and it has awakened in his bosom a new love for his follow creat ures and he is growing young again. "The traveller is hardly out of sight of u smoke slack here in Carolina. I am just from the good old town pf Laurens, onlv ten miles away, and they have a 'mill there with ' 80,000 Bpllndles and 8(10 looms. When every county spins and weaves all tho cotton it grows Iben will the South bo truly independent." .! GUN 11. SI' Lb I VAN. The subject of this sketch was barn in Greenville county, March Sth 1H21. When quite young his parents moved to Tumbling Shoals,in Laurcns county, near which place he spent most of his life. On duly 4th, 1814, lie was married to Miss Mary u. Curcton and together they lived happily for nearly fifty-four years. Early in life he united him self with the Raptist ohuroh and re mained a constant, member until the time of his death. A few years ago he met with an accident that caused him to remain a cripple.He suffered a great deal of pain, but bore it, with a Chris tian's fortitude. lie was unable for several years to attend church, but his pastor and friends were very kind to him and preaching ami prayor-meet lng were occasionally held at his home and on such occasions be would get full of the Holy Qhost and shout Cod's praises. Only a few days before his death be called his wife to bis bed, and in the most tender words told her that be would roon leave her, but that separation would not be lonjj; and that they would be again united in God's house never to bo separated again. On the morning of .Inly 20th just as the sun arose his soul ascended to Cod whom be loved and served. We miss our father and when we look on the dear old homestead our hearts sadden, but when we look up to the blue sky we know that father now rests in our Heavenly Father's hand. Farewell! dear father, may thy wife and all thy children meet 111 heaven and behold thee awaiting thy loved ones. Daughter. TilKUlTfli FROM CHILI. A continuous series of laughs and shouts marked the initial performance of Fit/ and Web ster's offorvesceut farce at the High Street theatre yesterday.? Tito Performance inaugurated a half woek's engagement and if the laughter continues for the rest, of the week as it began, there will be thousands of sore sides in Co lumbus by the time the curtain rings down Saturday night. Filz & Webster tre well remembered as the stars of "A Breezy Time," and their comedy company pre senting "The Girl From Chili*' not only have a breezy time them selves, but they create a cyclone of merriment in the audience. "The Girl from Chili," is a tan gle of ludicrous situations, a con glomeration of odd circumstances and a medley of mirthful mis haps, all rolled into one big dose of laugh!her. The skit has a numbor of bright specialties and has about as much plot as the usual farce.?Colum bus, (Ohio) State .Journal, Sept. 22nd, 180?. At the Opera House, Thursday, March 1st. Admission 85, 50 and 75 cents. Wanted ? Reliable, energetic salesmen to sell Lubricating Oils on commission with a view to per manent salaried positions as soon as ability is proven. References. Tho Euclid Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Tho man who is unable to write seldom poses in a breach of promise?never enjoys the good things of this house, because while waiting and hesitating the other fellows walks off with the prices. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. Our prices are as low as ever. Fear ing that there was going to be an ad vance we bought all we wanted early. So come and let us sell you at 5 cenU cotton prices. J, E. MInter & Hro. - REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF LAURENS, at Laurons, in tho State of South Carolina, At tho Close of BuslnosB, FEB. 13, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, $74,221 i?l Overdrafts, sooured, 1,202 44 U.S. Hoods to securo circula tion, Ili.OOO 00 Stocks, securities, etc. 0,018 30 Ranking-house, furniture, ami tlx turns, 8,901 Other roal estato and mortgages owned, 4,082 60 Duo from National Hanks (not Reserve Agents) 56 28 Duo from State Banks and Man- ? kers, GO Duo from approved reserve audits, 4,784 70 Checks and other cash items, 111 Notes of other National Hanks, 310 00 Fractional paper curroney, mokels, and cents, 153 06 Lawful Money Reserve in Hank, viz: Specie, 6/174 25 Legal-tender notes, 000 (10 0,574 25 Redemption fund with IJ. S. Treasurer (6 per (rout, of circulation,) 720 00 Total, $122,208 86 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $ 68,C00 00 Burplus fund, ltvwo oo Umllvbled profits, less oxpon hos and Laxen paid, 000 72 National Hank notes outstand ing, 12,440 (h) Duo to Other National Hanks, 4,084 .'50 Duo to Stato Hanks and Han Uers, 108 Its Dlvl lends unpaid, 32!) 00 i lull .'id u a I (lopOHltH HtlhJOCt to olieck, 18,808 r>:t Tim* cortificatos of deposit, 0,447 03 Total, $122,208 8(5 I, J to. An..-. Karksdalc, Cashier, of the namod bank, do solomnly nwoar that H o abovo atatotnont in true to tho boat ol my knowledge and boliof. John Auo. Daukhiiai.k, Cashior. SubSOl'ibed nod sworn to bofore mo, this the 'A)th day of February, 1000. O. G- Thompson, J. i\ L. 0. Cokhkot. -Attest: JNO. A. RARKSDALK, B. F. PORKY, }? Directors. T. B. TODD, B, I A Cotton Mill. Energetic young mon of the city aro prospecting to build a cotton mill In th<> city. There is little reason why they Bbould not BUCCOod. Dr. 11. F. I'osey and Mr. C. 1). Barksdale are en orgeCic, competent gentlemen, worthy of all conlldunce and if success Is rea sonably within reach they will win.? These arc moving in the matter. heath or Mrs. Dorothy Moseley. Died at her home in Altus, Ark., on the 13th inst . Mrs. Dorothy E. M080 ley aged about 71 years. The de ceased was the relict of the late Thom as Mosely, who went from this county to the West in 1*01. She leave? many friends anil relatives here as well as friends find two sons and one daughter at her home to mourn her loss. Washington's IMHhdii) at Cross llliu") Washington's Birthday was made notable at Cross Hill by a delightful entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. .1. VV. Simmons' ac their charming and hospitable home. The quests were bidden to come in costume of the George and Martha Washington period ami representing some particular obaractor. The uharactors were Impersonated dcverU end by tlio pretty girls beau tifully while there were also QUIllorous gUOStS in tho evening dress of to day. The guests and some of their fm personations wert: as follow.-: M'ss Sarah Austin, "Flowor Girl"; Miss Lula Leainan, "'Helen of Troy": Miss Mllie Browu, "Morning star'-: Miss Andorson, "Winter": Miss Hos tie Crisp, "Widow"; Miss A Heine Miller, "Oyp-y Maid": Miss Willie Ward law, "Poeahontas": Miss Ressio Brown, "Scotch Lus-ie": Miss l.i/./.ie Carter. "Summer": Miss Sarah Keek-, "Show '; Miss Kittie McGowan, "Red Riding Hood": Mr. .1. K. Willoiltt, " Cornwnllis"; J, Crisp, "Fat Man' : Dr. .1. M. Owens. "Judge"; .1. 11, Mill r. "Henry clay": I'. H. Good man, "Clown"; II. 1. McSwaln, "Scr* gennt Jaspor"; J. H. Pitts, "Count Ptila-ki": J. C Austin, "Countryman": A. B. Ki ey. " I nelo Sam." The Best of All. of the many pretty calendars for 1000, tho "LITTL K s VY E BT 11 E A 1 MM" AKT OALEND \(; i- tho besl for the home. Its six sections of bright, pretty chl dron's faces will cheor and gladden any household. There are six beautiful troupes, in water-color dosigns, by Frances Hrundago, tho famous painter of children; each group in 12 colors and si/.o 10x129 inches, on tine Whitman paper, bound together at top with silk ribbon, making the prettiest and most artistic collection of water-color reproduction ever is sued. Each of the six sheets co itains two months'dat<8, being a complete calendar of tho year UMX) This calen dar is sent free to nil subscribers to Krank Loslie Popular Monthly for 1000, the giant of the one dollar maga zines, together with tho November and December numbers, 1899, or the January and February issues, 1000. FRANK LESLIE " PUBLISHING House, 111-1 hi Fifth ave., N. Y. ( BOSS BILL NOTES. Winter has been very cold. Nothing has been done on the farms, but we trust that spring is near at hand. Washington's birthday was duly ob served by our young people with a fancy dress party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simmons. The cos tumes of ladies and gentlemen were unique, interesting, striking and char acteristic. We would be glad to go in to detail and describe each, but twin and space forbid and will only say al were good, some better and some best, but a great deal of taste w as shown and tome skill and much knowledge in the various costumes Dr. L M. Owens has opened a full line of drugs and sundries. The exercises at our school on Wash Ington'sblrthdny wereofan interesting and instructive character, consisting of songs, recitations, etc., all of a na tional and patriotic character. Our teachers, Prof. Ililey and Mrs. Mi Swflin are do:ng everything in their power to instruct the mind and train the niora's ami patriotism of our chil dren. The Legislature has met and ad journed and much wind has been ex ponded, not much done which is well, and a great deal left undone which is better. Now the political caldron will begin to boll and with trust-, dispensary,free silver, gold standard, Porto Itico, Philippines and the Boer war there will be abundant material for candi dates to make speeches to the dear people. Scriiik You can get embroideries at the right prices nt O. B. Simmons. Bargains in pereals at (). B, Simmons. Do you need a suit'.'' If so, Mi liter's prices will make it to your interest to buy them. New lino of Spring pants just In at J. E. Minter & Bro. Seems wo are the only store with new neckwear. It's tho way nowaday? for us to set the fashion. Davis, Roper & Co. Remember?that on March 1st the most stylish Spring and summer shoes that has ever come to Laurens, will be on exhibition at the store of Davis, Roper A Co. Children's Vestcc Suits. A wealth of beauty in them. Prices right. Mothers, take a look. Davis, Roper & Co. Wo are sole agents in Laurens for the famous Jcnncss Miller shoos for ladies. Ladies call nt our store and ask for a .hook on the health of the feet and why you should wear tho denness M iller shoe. Davis, Roper it Co. Men's Spring Suits at any price you care to buy. Every suit a bargain. Davis, Ropor Sc Co. All our seeds aro fresh and wo have a full stock. "Everything for everybody." Palmetto Drug Co. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winter tit Aiken, H. (!. Weak nerves hud caused se vere poinsin the back of his head. On u ing Electric Hilters, Ameri ca's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him.? Ho says this grand medicine Is I what his country needs. All America knows that It cures liver and kidne> troubles, purifies the blood, (ems up the stomach, strengthens the nerve.--, puts vim, vigor and new life Into < very mus cle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, lired or ailing you need it. Evory bottle guaranteed, only fit) cents. Hohl by Tho Laurens Drug Co. Early season actually is ?uro to break tho linos a little. So don't bo ltttor than you ean help. S. M. .v E. H Wilkcs & Co. Somo babies are brought up by the bottlo and a good many men aro brought down by it. Our low pt ico dynamo sonds a curront of bargains through our onormous Istock ovory sixty minutes. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes Sc Co. FACTS PERSONAL ANT) BRIEF NOTES OF RECENT EVENTS. Lent begins with to-day?Ash Wed nesday. Miss May mo Forguson loft ?>o Sat urday for a visit to fl 1. ml- at Acton. Mi.-s Julia Gorry, of Enorcc, was the guest of the Bilssos Holmes last week. Mr. W. Wi Simpson, of WoodruMs. was in the city on Friday. Miss Fllzhugh, a oharming Alabama girl, will arrive in the city this week to visit Mi-s I.aura [rby. Mr. George Duvall, Ol Oklahoma Territory, is visiting Iiis father and other relatives at Burksdale's. Mrs. J. O. C Flein inn has returned from a visit of several weeks to New York. Mrs. .1. K. Crosby and Miss Lillian Crosby, of Walhalla, arrived in the city last week. Messrs. I>. A.Davis and Manton Fri erson spent several days hunting in the lower part of the county last woek. Miss Kittie Ma/.yck, of Ncwbcrry, was in the city for several days la-t week, the guest of the Misses Holmes The County Pension Heard convened In the city on yesterday, There is a large volume of petitions. Ex-Auditor ?'. R. Flnloy had a se vere fall some days ago in his barn, and was severely hurt, but is recov ering. Miss Josephine Mieter, one of the most accomplished pianists in the city, went OVOr to Ninety-six last week to play at a concert on Friday evening. President C. I1'.. Pogg, of the Foun tain Inn Cotton Mill has resigned and a controlling interest in the mill has been bought by the Oralia n Bros., of Greenville. Largo quantities of dogwood ami porsbuniou are be ng exported from this point to in; made Into bobbins.Tho friends of the savory 'possum are se riously discussing getting out an in junction as to tiio persimmon. Dr. and Mr ;. < >. 15. May r, ol New berry, were in toe city n fow days hist week on their way boom from the North. MissCi rnolfr, und Master Bone* diet Mayer, who ha\o been visiting in the city for Borne weeks returned to Newberry with them. Messrs. G. L. Johnson, J. R. Mieter and.I. F. Tolbort, tiro members of the comtuittoe to arrange for the enter tain men t of delegates to the state Sunday School Convention which meets in this ei y from the 20th to the 22d ol March. The North and South Carolina girls at the Woman's College, Baltimore, have formed a Carolina Club. We note that MissJoslo MoSwain,n bright girl of Cross Hill, who recently grad uated with the highest honors from Winthrop, i> a member. A severe storm accompanied with lightning and rain passed over this section a v/cek ago today. At Ora lightning was quite sovoro striking tho residence of Mr. .lames MoCHn tock and performing some fantastic tricks. A double barrel shot gun was discharged tnd the barrels burstcd. The School Law. We arc indebted to Hon. J. J. Me Mahan, the accomplished and zealous Stato Superintendent of Education for a copy of the School Law of the State, compiled with great cai'0 and making a pamphlet of t."> pages. Also a copy of :Ust Annual Report showing the wonderful work in education doing in South Carolina. The Prohibitionists, A committee consisting of Joel E. Brunson, Chairman, S. S. MotTatt, R. 1). Smith, .las. A, Hoyt. F. H. Hyatt. W.C.Thompson ind Jeremiah Smith have issued an address "To the people of South Carolina." This means that the Prohibitionists will atloast con test for the Governorship, if not to control the Legislature. Several gen tlemen are mentioned as standard bearers of the temperance column. Miss Camp Fntertaius. The parlors of the Ben-Delia Hotel last Monday afternoon between the hours of four anil six was the scene of a delightful gathering of the young people of I.aureus, til occasion being a progressive whist party given by Miss Mary Waller Camp to Mrs. Rolfe F. Hughes. A'-out a dozen couples were entertained and the. hostess Miss ('amp, assisted by her friends Mrs. Hugbes and Mrs. F. M Mathews made the oventono of tho motlt genuinely en joyable of the winter. The ivy deco rations lent a very graceful and artis tic elTcct to the rooms in d particularly appetizing refreshments were served. Tho winner of the Urs I ladie's prize, a pair of silver scissors, was Miss Lutio Jones. The gentleman's prize, i silver stamp box, was achieved by Mr. Jack Slt greavos. Those present were Mi.scs Lutlo 0. Jones, Emmie Meng, Lll Harris, Amy Nolan, Sara Ball.Perrin I'arrow, Mary Waller Camp, Laura Irby.Mrs. (.Maude Fuller, Mrs. W. E. Lucas, Mrs. T. I). Darlington, Mrs. R. Mathews, Mrs. R. R. Hughes. Messrs. Jack Hltgrcavos, Jesse Vance, W. H. Wash!ngton ,R. V. Irby, E. M. Matthews, Or. R. F. Hughes and W. W. Hall. Convocation The Greenville Convocation of the Episcopal Ohuroh held its winter ses sion with the church of tho Epiphany, this city, during last week. There wore in attendance the Right Rev. Kllison Capers, Bishop Of the Diocese: tho Rev. J. D. M.Cullougi, D. I?., Archdeacon: the Revs. J. W. C John son, W. 1'. Wltsuli, w. T. Capers, s. R. Gulgnard, J. c. John es, W. s. Holmes, J. M. Mcgrudcr, Edward Mc Ciady, O. T. Horcher and ?) N. .loy ner. Preliminary services i/ero hold on Monday evening, continiing dur ing the entire week, the presence of the distinguished Bishop contributing to the deep interest of tho occasion The business meetings and services were largely enjoyed by our Christian people with a large attendancens a rule. A small class WAS Confirmed bj the Bis hop on tho morning of Friday last. On Thursday afternoon the V/oman's Auxllliary tendered a IVCCptlOO to the Bishop nnd visiting clergymen at the Hendella Hotel, which wa- largely attended and much cnjnyul. Light refreshments were served The body was adjourned Friday evening to moot at Glenn Springs in July rt-xt. Hev. W. T. Capers, the brilliant ymng roe tor of Anderson, son of the ? ishop, re mained over and conducted ssrvlces on Sunday morning and aftercoon In tho church of tho Epiphany k:,d in tho evening at the MothoJist inuroh. Tho occasion of the visitation 'if this bril liant and consocratod body of Christian gentlomen has been "great\y onjoyed. and a largo and genorous Ibspltallty, characteristic of our tOWfJ heartily extended thorn. In taking loavo ap propriate resolutions roeounizing tho kind hospitality and graejolul atten tions shown them woro <B||Cd, with I hapii.v expressions from 'JBI visit ing If You Ever Use Medicine It is well for you to remember that thcro is very little use to have n (irst-class doctor to write your prescription if the medi cine is put together by an in competent or oaroless pharma cist, or with drugs which have lost their strength. It is just us important to have a good druggist as it is to have a good doctor. A Man Who Knows pure drugs from the other kind is in charge of our prescription department, consequently, pre scriptions tilled by us contain only the purest, drugs obtaina ble. This, together with our care and accuracy, makes every bottle of medicine that goes out of our store absolutely roliablo. It contains just what the doctor orders in its purest form, and in just the right proproftions. CmW^ We keep in stock everything that belongs in a perfect equipped pharmacy, all of which wo sell nj LOWEST prices. No one under soils us quality for quality. Kosnect fully, The Laurons Drug Co. Druggists. 'Phono 7.") Goods delivered. $100 Howard $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at loast uno dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catairh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's catarrh Curt; is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case t hat it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. WE iRejoair Spectacles. Don't throw them away be cause they are broken. Per haps it will take but little money to make them as good as new again. If your watch does not keep time take it to W. A. JOHNSON, Laurons, s. C. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OK LAUREN8. Ex-parto Agnos Leaman. Notice Of Application lor Homestead. Notice is hereby given that Ag nes Leaman has made application to mo to set her off a homestead in both nor roal and personal prop erty, tho petition therefor having been duly Mied in my office on Fob. 8th 1000. John F. Holt, Clork Court Common Pleas for Laurons County. tttaie Made\in nil of the newest toes. Mado in one button vesting tops. Made in one strap pattent leather sandals. Made in oxford ties, with pattent tip . Made in one strap kind sandals. Mado in all kid one strap button. Mado in oxford ties with vesting t< made with white kid linings,'for ladios'that wear flue shoes. Made all sizes and of the vory best stock. Warranted to wear well. ps in 0. B. SUMMONS. )>Jobby Spring Suit Y<>u see pictured to the left is only one of the many handsome styh > that comprise * ur Spring Stuck. There is not, a more select stock of Spring Suits in Laurene than ours; and nowhere can more satisfaction be found for the money. They Must Fit, or You Can't Have Them. We w'.lljiot sell a man a suit that does not lit. We want to satisfy every in tu w< man und child that trades with us?this means that you will keep coming. Look at your Hat! You neodgEven your sister would think you :i new one don't you? ? handsome in one of our Ties. Vain-, Comfort :,.,d Boauly are!Remember we are solo agents for .... ... . , the famous Jeuuoss Miller combined in our Shirts. Shoe for Ladies. t0F~ Our Spring Shoes will arrive March ist, Wait foi them . yon will not recret it. DAVIS ROPER & GO Don't attempt to mond your broken China and Glassware. It's not worth while, when we have Buch a complete assortment of. everything necessary to make your table attractive and beautiful at such LOW PRICES. fl Buck's \t>itit\zt Sets Stove or fvai?s*e will make your kitchen a place to enjoy life in, rather d u handsomely decorated, or plain, any style you want n and every one of Iho best tpiality. n (!) iOcLd Pieces B than the most unpleasant corner of the houso. Call ?J q of every description. Nothing in table ware you and 3.'tir line. cannot lind in our stock. b ? n ? UJJJJj..t.\LlJ.LLJ-JJJUUJJJJJJJJJJJL^t;UL'LLi;ULL-LL'i;UUrjU'JU[jrJn $10.00 and more Lau re us. s c. Don't Try Experiments on Your Crops, -?U?t BUY FERTILIZERS That have been tested with satis factory results. ? IP YOU WANT THESE, CONSULT? AUGUSTUS HUFF, who sells the following* well-known Brands of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, and who will be glad to'seo you : Groenvillo fertilizer 0>.'s ? CHE HOK ? E A M M O N1A TI?: I) FERTILIZER, ALLIANCE GUANO, SOLU ABLE GUANO, DISSOLVED BONE, CHEROKEE ACID PHOS PHATES, with POTASH. Allison & Addison's Celebrated STAR BRAND Gl'ANO, Chioora Fertilizer Co.'s CHICORA AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE. Buy early and get in your Goods before the Rush. AUGUSTUS HUFF, AGENT, Laurens, S. C. T. N. Barksdale begs to announce thai ho ' n i added to Iiis business a fully equipped and well-appointed line of A handsome HEARSE has been purchased. In tho conduct of funerals, good taste and judgment will govern and patrons aro promised efficient and prompt sorvico. A vory largo stock of Caskets, all prie s and sizes, kept on band T. 1S(. Barkselale. East-side of Public Square. Tho stock of funeral supplies is kept on the lloor with Mr. Barks dale's line of vehicles. Mr. K. P. Sil lam iiu* general charge of theso do pat I montsaml calls, day or night, Sundays and week days, will have Instant atten tion. At nights or Sundays, 'Phone Mr. Milain's rcsidonce.