Mis. Kato Bobo Married to Joroiao Uafntey. Mr. Jorome GatTnoy and Miss Kato Uobo were married yesterday after noon at tho Methodist parsonage on North Church streot, by the Kov. M. b. Carlisle. The bride is the popular ami accom plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bobo, and in tho past was engaged in the Southern Boll Telephone Ex change. She la a favorite in tho city. Mr. GutTuoy is one of Undo Sum's letter curriers. Ho is a young gentle man of much talent and ability. Hundreds of friends of the contract ing parties wish for thorn all happi ness and success in lifo.?Spartanburg Herald. Miss Bobo formerly bred In this city and has numerous frionds here who wish bc.r all happiuoss. Remember 1 sell tho very best grades of Guano. Acid and Cotton Seed Meal at Laurons, Maddens, High Point and Harksdalo. J. II. Sullivan. NOTICE. FOR 8ALK?Desirable residence and lot on Main Street, in tho city of Lau ren-, S. C. ' Terms easy. Apply to JNO. A. BAHKSDAIjK, At National Hank. Listen to the Kacket?Wo are nice quiet people, but our prices won't keep quiet. No. !$!?!) Oak Gentleman Cane Seat, bolted arm, making It a iloiibly strong Hooking Chair.Others sell it for $2.75; our price $2.25 . S. M. A: K. II. Wilkes & Co. Big lot molasses in barrels, half bar rets and k< gs?cheap J. II. Sullivan. I Strayed or stolen. From the premises of dames P. Oil - lard, 7th of January, 1 dark bay ntulo, 7 years old, weight about 1)00, behind knet-S slightly knocked, and unshod, crook in tail. Suitable reward will be paid. Address, a dolphus Cheek, Tylorsville, S. C. .lust received a car of seed oats; will soli low down. J . II. Sullivan. Mantles can be put In your homes with a small cost and you have no Idea how one wil! add to the beauty of a room. Wo have them In oak, well finished and of seasoned lumber ready to set up from $3 7") up to f J LOO. S. M. A E, H. Wilkes & Co. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Buck len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tho pain and pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, fol ons, corns, all si .i eruptions.Best Pile Cure on ea' j. '25cents a box. Cure guarante . Sold by The Laurens Drug Have you oi.o in your hall? No. 0 Hat Kock, height ?> feet, 8 inches, with '2 feet, in inches French B vel Mirror, brass trimmed and with an umbrella holder for $4.49. S. M. & 10. n. Wilkes & Co. )on't forget I carry the biggest Ick of Groceries, Flour, Corn, Sugar, flTec. Bacon, Lard, etc., in the city will not be undersold. J. H. Sullivan. |00! The la3t of the l?th century ? time for opening new books and [ing new years business. You now Ledger, Day Hook, Jjur Cash hook. Examine our id got our prices. Palmotto Drug Co , New Drug and Book Store. M. & E. H. Wilkes urens, S 0. Fly to your letter as to Ire pleased with the stove ?f you, over a year ago, that my daughter says, quickor and with less wood any stove wo ever saw. Don't want any thing better. Yours truly, J. B. Wright, Enoree, S. C. Ober and Pocomoke. The Two Best Fertilizers. I havo bought largely of these cele brated brands of fertilizers and can sell my friends and tho public gen erally at the lowest prices. The Po comoke brand, manufactured by tho Pocomoke Guano Company of Nor fork, Virginia, Is one of the most ex cellent of high grado fertilizers. More over it is one of the oldest brands and 6in< c before tho war It has been con stantly sold throughout Virginia a:ul North Carolina. I aiSO handle the acids of tho I'ocomokc Company. The Ober fertilizer is recognized as one of the best guanos on the market and tho people can rest assured that i will furnish it at tho very lowest fig ures. Having purchased quite largely, I am content to mako only a small profit on these goods in order to assist tho people and my old customers, espec ially, and I ask that they givo mo their orders with tho assurance that they will tecolve the best fertilizers at the lowest prices. W. G. IKBY. Why Not Patronize Home People? We have opened up one of] the most complete laundries in the upper portion of the State, and are in a position to give you k ^4 Perfect Work with prompt service, and our PRICKS RIGHT. Work called for and delivered in the city. Laurens Laundry Co. 'Phone No. 60. T. K. HuDGKNS, Manager. for Sale at public auction. One Hundred and Twenty-five acres of land, one mile from Clinton, In cluding two fino building lots and twenty aces of original forest. Will by sold on the third Monday in this month at tho old Ferguson place. Torms?One-half cash, balanco lb one year, with mortgage over said land to secure balance Also for sale separately on same day, 10,000 feet of lumber. ft. P. Fkrouso n. " LOANS on long time and socurod by mortgago 5 farms, Apply to pson & Barksdalo, Laurens, 8. C A Big Dividend. "While tho Laurens Cotton Mills have declared a very handsome divi dend to the shareholders" remarked a leading banner of this city last week, "Its largest dividend /ras to persons who owned not ..ollar of stock, the farmers all over the county received a great deal moro money from tho in creased prices of cotton, brought about by tho mill buying, than the share holders have gotten from the stock. Tho Hhareholders are of course more than satisfied with tho mills' pros perity, but the farmers aro oven more indebted to it and should appreciate tho obligation." The Clinton Cotton Mill. The Clinton Cotton Mills hoard of directors held u meeting last week and declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. This mill was built through the enterprise and public spirit of Mr. M. s. Bailey, who is tho president. Mr. Bailey had long before acquired reputation as a successful hanker and all-round business man, but when the progressive business men of the South embarked in mill building Mr. Bailey determined to as sist in the development of his town and state. Under his able direction the mill has been steadily successful and in bringing population and busi ness has been <>f great value to Clin ton. The president of the mill has ef ficient assistance In the secretary, Mr. Cad Bailey, who though a young man has demonstrated marked ability in his choseu line of work. Death of Col. Win. Mmiro. The death of this noble citizen of Union, s. c, is reported to have oc curred In Florida, where he had gone to recuperate, lie was a veteran, nn officer In Buyer's battery, serving with great gallantry, lie was about 60 years old and two months ago was in this city in the highest health. ITo was a very prince of good citizenship, a re presentative of the very highest type of manhood. South Carolina could ill spare, hon and his death will bo la mem., ' >m mountains to sea. We aro very sorry that Mr. Aber cromble as > ur correspondent has written his farewell and all our read - ers will join us in regret. He says he enjoys handling "the gray goose quill" and that is the reason he writes so well. Wo will i xpect him to resume it at an early day, and we will need his philosophy, his humor, his pleasant fault-finding, his sound criticism and good advice. Last, hut not least, his pleasant words for THE ADVEKTlSBtt. Will Teach Stenography. Miss Sara Ball will take pupils in stenography and will give lessons in a room in Col. Ball's office building on the square. Terms, three lessons a week1 $'5.00 a month* A Compliment. E. P. Minter, of Laurens, was last Saturday evening at the regular meet ing, chosen President of the Clariso phic Society of the South Carolina Col lege. Deceased Hats. Mit. EditOH: I have seen a larger number of dead rats on the public square lately th?n arc absolutely ne cessary. OUSERVEIt. NOTICE. A Special meeting Of the sharehold ers of the National Bank of Laurens will be held at their hanking house in the city of Laurens, S. 0., on Tuesday, tho 20th day of February next, to de termine the question of amending the articles of Association, so as to provide for a Board of nine, instead of eight Directors, and iT so amended to elect one Director. Jno. a. Barksdale, President. Jan. Kith 1!R)0. Mr. J. O. Meredith, of Laurei.s, has been here for several days placing the machinery in the oil mill.?Honca Path Chronicle. No 200 Oak Writing Desk and Book Case combined: height 6 feet; 2 feet, 7 inches wide. A very handsome, large and roomy piece of furniture for only $6.95. S M. & E. IL Wilkes & Co. ( BOSS HILL NOTES. Christmas has come and gone. The occasion was commemorated iii the usual way with us. Turkoys met their fate. Social gatherings were in evidence and all seemed in good spirits, and good nature and merriment made the hours pass morrily. C. II. MeLaurin, of Marlboro, ">ont several days in town visit ing friends and one other one, ru mor says nearer than a friend. W. A. MoSwaiu and family of Winston, N. C, was in town visit ing relatives and friends* J. .1. MoSwain. of Honea Path, was in town visiti- g relatives and friends. Mr. Taylor Nichols and wife of Oklahoma, formerly of this place, are now hero visiting relatives, af tor an absence of a good many years. Mr. Gus Richardson, of tho Southern railroad, is in town vis iting his mother, rolatives and friends. Mr. John Richardson has re moved to Columbia to go into business. M. A. Lea man has commenced opening a stock of goods in his new store near the depot. Revs. N J. Holmes and S, 0. Todd with some assistants con ducted a meeting in our town last week. Great interest was mani fested and wo trust much good was done.' Rev. W. C. Winn is Pastor of tho Methodist church for tho pros ont year. Rev. H, B. Ford is Pastor of the Baptist church for the prosont yoar. Our Schools havo opened well after tho Christmas holidays. Mr Riley, tho Principal, and Mrs. Mc Swain, assistant aro woll pre pared and outer on their duties with energy and good will to work. Aaron Wells, otio of our oldest and host known citizens, died De cember 28th,aftera long and pain ful illness. Ho loaves a widow, five children and a largo circle of relatives and friends tQ mourn over his grave. William Ward, tho oldest man in this township, died January 10th, ?fter a vory briof illness.? Ho was born in 1811 and spent his whole life on the farm. Ho was a good neighbor, an indus trious man and did no ono any harm. John Todd, son of tho late P. H. Todd, died at tho Thornwoll Orphanage, at Clinton, on tho 10th of January at tho ago of 18 years. John was a good boy, loved by all and his sistors and many relatives will mourn his untimoly doath. Scnbo. FACTS PERSONAL AMD BRIEF NOTKS OK RECENT EVENTS. Mr. J. Walter Simmons, of Cross Hill, was in the city Monday. Miss Ina Vance, of Clinton, is visit ing her sister, Airs. C. C. Albright. Dr. and Mia. C. C. Albright spent Sunday with relative? at Clinton. Messrs. A. J. Sltgreaves andT. G. Watts visited Greenville last week. Mr. 13. R. Morrison lias returned to the city after visiting in Abbeville. The Prohibitionists Will run a can didate for Governor. Magistrate J. S. Dniinmond repre sented Youngs in the city, Monday. Mr. Wes Harris visited Spartan burg last week. Mr. Jeff Connor, of Crceuwood, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. ft. W. Brown, of Cross Hill, was in the city Friday. Mr. J. P. Dlllard, of Tylcrsville, was In the city Saturday. Miss Alma Nash, of Walhalla, Is tho guest of friends In the city. Mrs. J.H. Traynhatn spent last week with friends in Clinton last week. Mr. II. R. GrittOD made a business trip to Charleston last week. Major Robert N. Cunningham was in the city Thursday. Send in your vote for the most popu lar veteran pensioner for tho Louis ville trip. Mr. J. D. WltherspOOn, a prominent young planter from near Mountville, was in the city iast week. Messrs. M. T. Simpson and A. B. Riley, of Cross Hill, were in the eity Saturday. Senator McLaurin introduced i Hill to pay *f>00 for services of Capt. G. W. Shell, deceased, as census Supervisor. Mr. John C. Davis, a prominent planter of the countv. wan In the city last Wednesday. Mr. Y. S. Simmons, of Charleston, is on a visit to his sister, Mrs. S. L. Saxon. Misses Bessio and Cona Bramlette aro visiting relatives and friends in Greenville. Clerk of the Court John P. Holt has returned from a short trip to Colum bia. Mr. J. Lee Langston is to be found at J. H. Sullivan's store, where he will he glad to see his numerous friends. The National Hank of Laurcns hold its annual meeting of directors last Tuesday. The old board of directors and officers were re-elected. Superintendent J, U. Martin at tended the meeting of County School Superintendents at Columbia on Mon day last. Interest is aroused in the old sol diers vote announced last week. We arc in receipt of several votes and they wi 1 be announced next issue. Mr. T. P. OwingS, a well known and popular citizen of Owens Station, wus in tho city Friday and called on THE Advertiser. Messrs. John A. Moore and G. M. Anderson, prominent gentlemen of Ninety Six, were in the city on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. S L. Saxon, after a pleasant visit to their father, Dr. C. A. Saxon, of Huntington, have returned to the city. Laurens has two editors on the staff of the South Carolina College Maga zine. B. J. Wells, from tho Senior Class and A. C. Todd from tho Law Class. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet in tho parlors of the Ben Delia at 1 o'clock on Friday afternoon. A full attendance of the membors is urged. Rev. It. H. Jones has moved into the house next door to the Methodist church on Main street, which the Methodist have purchased as a par sonage. Just as wo go to press we learn that the following eity police force is elected for the year: Albert Hughes, Chief; Oscar Babb and Frank Duvall, Assistants. Hon. C. C. Featberstone was at the capitol Monday on professional busi ness His great race for Governor two years ago makes him a promising fac tor In tho near p dltloal future. We arc not advised as to what he may do. Miss Estollo Weathers, a bright belle of tho Ridge, succeeded nicely in her mission to get help for tho erection of a Baptist church In her neighborhood. We all found her irresistible asido from her good mission. A movement is on foot to establish a Normal School for colored youths at Grcenvillo to teach industrial pur suits, having reference to Greenville, Laurons and othor Western Piedmont counties. The white people are asked to help and they will nodoubt respond. Mr. John Todd died at the Clinton Orphanage last week after a brief at tack of pneumonia. Mr. Todd was tho grandson of Mrs. Hilary Bryson and a brother of Miss Jessie Todd, of Cro.-a Hill. Ho was a very promising young man and hisdeathis groatly regretted. Tho burial took place at C.ros? 11 ill. Gov. McSweeney has commuted the sontenco of Bill Jackson, sontonccd to 18, to 17 months He infringed upon the rights of tho State as a vender of spirits. Now by the kindness of His Excellency his spirits are improved for a few days. John Barks, housebreaking, sen tenced to 18 months, has it softened down to 15. Tho commutation will not help him to vote. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Simmons cele brated their crystal wedding with a reception at thoir beautiful homo at Cross Hill between the hours of four and sevon on yesterday afternoon.? About sovonty-llvo guests wero pres ent, delightful refreshments wero served and tho occasion was in every way most onjoyahle. Almost every thing conceivable in handsome cut glass could be found among tho pres ents from frionds far and near, charm ing tributes of tho regard In which Mr. and Mrs. S.mnioiis aro held wher over known. In another column will bo scon the advertisement of Dr. Irby who soils those celebrated brands of fertilizers, Ober and I'ocomoke. Roth of Jheso have old and woll established rota tions and Dr. Irby guaranteos satlsfnc tlon to his friends, both In the merits of the goods and in tho low prices at which he will tlispo.se of the largo quantities that he has purchased. Dr. Irby has had long exporlonco in the fertilizer trade and his porsonal re sponsibility Is a full guarantoo to any body In Laurons county that what ho soils will bo all that Is claimed for it. Purchaser of fertilizers will consult thoir own Interest by consulting Dr. Jrby. Weather Forecast: -kok January lTih, Cold, .Ianwary ISth to 20th, Wanner. January 21st to 23rd, Stormy and Cold. When Baby is Sick Don't grope in the dark or trillo with Symptoms which may be misleading to an unpraotlced eye. Send for your physician and leave with him the responsibility of de termining what the symptoms mean, and what the Remedy Should Be. If he writes a prescription, the re sponsibility rests upon you of having it promptly and accurately filled, We are in business to meet just such emergencies. Our store is never without an experienced prescrip tion 1st, and our drugs are "the liest only". Wo base our claim to your patronage upon merit only. The Laurens Drug Co. D-uggists. 'Phone 76 Goods delivere d. Teachers' Association The Laurens County Teachers' Association will meet in the Ora ded School building at Laurens, Saturday, January 20, IflOO, at 11 o'clock a. m. programm K. 1. Moral Training in the Schools ?J. B. Pitts, John M. Iludgons, J. Laurence Boyd. 2. Object. Teaching?Charles B Brooks, Misses Bessio Iludgons and Emmie Meng. 3. Christian Education among Toachors?Rev. J. B. Parrott. ?L South Carolina History since 1805?recitation to be conducted by Prof. J. B. Watkins. 5. Address of President, and an nual election officers. W. p. culbertson, Jas. A. Madden, Mamie L. Pitts, Executive Com. Blood Cure Sent Free. By addressing Blood Balm Co, :ih5 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, (la., any of our readers may obtain a sample bottle of their famous B. B. B.--Botanic Blood Balm, the greatest,grandest,best and strong est Blood Remedy known. Cures when all olso fails, pimples, ul cers, scrofula,eczema, boils, blood poison, oating sores, distressing skin eruptions, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Free medical ad vice included, when description of your trouble is given . This gen erous oft'or is worth while accept ing.Sample bottlo sont all charges prepaid. Largo bottlo, (contain ing nearly a quart of medicine) for salo by all druggists at $1.00 per bottlo. Try B. B. B. Make Both Ends Meet and JLap once is what you can do at our Store. If our prices aro f-mall it is not because qualities have boon slighted. It is simply bee"" e wo sell lots more by soiling cheaper. For? ?GO TO? W. A. JOHNSON, Laurons, S. C. TJ?e Fleece of trje Lairjfo W<>vir)kir7d Will go a long ways towards making lean Purses fat. If you could put all the money away you make and let it stay there you would soon be rich, but as you c an't we will show you the next best way to save money. Btick's Steel IRarjges ISURPR18K no. Sideboards, Oak, $8.95 Suits, Oak, large mirror, good work and finish. ft 12.98 to can be operated by a child, always re liable. A cast iron guarantee mould ed into every one of them. laaaBaaauoBnannnBBBOOBBBEuaaaaaaaaw RsURPISE NO. j larger* Bed Room si/.e, well finished andn good workmanship, bevelpj It u u 'UP TO |l" $80.00 $99'98' ^SURPRISE no. 3 BSURPRISE NO. 1 Couches, upholstered in{^ Go-Curls 1 I best velours some 40E your inspection styles. P r't i' to r. $24.00 ? $'4'95? ijjjujuiiiijjaauuuutm j j'ju^j j j inaijaaaaa joauuaaaajaaaanaau w?te Styles for 84.25 TT TO WJlJUi Laurens, S. C. 1900 1900 Clearance Sale! We Inn o resolved to clear the decks, and when we determine to do a thing we enter into it heart and soul. We want to clear every heavy weight garment out of our store in the next 30 Days. During this sale no goods will be charged to anybody, so do not ask for credit, or to take goods out to look at. Pay for what you get and we will return the money if they do not suit. We inaugurate this sale for two reasons: It gives us time to balance our books for 1899 and get our breath before launching out in the year 1900. With the ringing of chimes we bid good bye to 1899, and extend to the new year a hearty w elcome. This store is very grateful for the generous patronage it has enjoyed, and we (rust that we have earned your confidence by deserving it. So good bye 1899. You gave us many new friends, and made us more solid with the old ones. You proved again that such merit as lies in our business methods is bound to win. We part with you gratefully but expectantly, for we are sure 1900 will do more for us than you have done. DAVIS, ROPER & GO, T. N. Barksdalo bogs to announco that he has addod to his business a fully oqilippod and well-appointed 1 i11?> of l?Mll il^l?I? A handsome 11K ARSE lias 'neon purchased. In tho conduct of funerals, good taster and judgment vn'11 govern and patrons aro promised ofiiciont and prompt service. A very large stock of Caskets, all prices and sizes, kept on hand. T. JSJ. ?af ksdale. tf 85 cents. Those Goods are raro Bargains. Wo handle tho ( Ims. Hisor's, hand-mado, in all tylcH of toes formen. Tho Cincinnati Custom, mado in all shapes for Ladies?this Shoo is a boauty. Son our line <>f TRUNKS all sizes mid pricos. Boys' Suits from $1.00 to $4.00; Ladies Capos from $1.00 (o $5.00 Just receivod another shipment