The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 10, 1898, Image 2

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-7.-7i-i?, (|fie GWusrtiser Bubnorlptlon PMco 12 Months, LAUREN'S, S. 0., MayJlO.lBuo. The Situation* Dewoy Im? sent homo his report.? He oaine, ho saw, he conquered. Ar rived at Mlnila he attacked the Span ish Fleet, and in two hours destroyed It (eleven vsssels) the Spanish having ?100 killed and a largo number wounded. Devrey has possession of the forts and with a force can take possession of the Islands. A sufllcient force will be aent him from San Francisco to make him master of the situation. Dowey has been made an Admiral, the high est naval rank. The completeness of the victory is unprecedented in modern naval warfare. The Spanish Kingdom is demoralized, and the end of the present dynast,, may come by revolution. The Spanish home Meet is probably in Spanish waters. The Is land of Cuba is Invested i>y our ships and unless the Spaniard can send a Heel to clear the waters of American ships the Spanish army in Cuba must soon he starved out and forced to sur render. It is probable that San Juan on the Island, I'orto Rico, has been taken by Commodore Sampson's Heel und thus Spain will he deprived of a coaling station should she send a licet to American waters. in the meanwhile, a force may be sent from Tampa to co-operate with the Cuban insurgents and thus invest Havana by land as well as by sea. In this case t here may be some lighting in Cuba. Kit/. I. and doe Wheeler are now Major Generals of Volunteers, and it is probable that I,ee will be one of the commanding oHicers of the in vading forces. It is more than probable, however, that revolution will occur In Spain, the Queen Regent ami the eleven year old King be driven from Spain, a new government of a military character established and an end come to the war by a concession of the [ndepcti dence Of Cuba and American demands satisfied' It is evidently the policy of the United States to force the lighting and end the war quickly and it is now so evident that the material resources arc so greatly on the Alneri can sido, we can hope lor an early end of the trouble. Latest.? The Spanish licet is report ed in West Indies Waters ami a collis sion with Sampson's fleet reported to the disadvantage of Sampson. It came by "grapevine" ami is not credited, Of course we must have some beating. That anything should be sweet there must be some sense of salt. The Nowberry Voico ?ayo: 'Tho Dlsponsary lasv has not been tho suc cess that Its supporters desired it to be, neither has it been a failure as is claimed by some of tho Prohibition ists The Dispensary law has hit the liquor makers harder than any law ever passed in this State, and they have hown that they were hard hit by tue Here1! light they have waged and are waging against it. If Prohibi tionists and others blinded by politi cal prejudice had been bands olT in tho tight against tho dispensary, leav ing tho lixuor element without aid In Its fight, the degree of success of the dispensary would have been much greater.?Hampton Guardian. Umph! pure love licks. Tho 'liquor makers" outside the Stnto wore made the happiest in the world. Competition was destroyed by allowing none made In the Stato. Thousands of barrels under the sanction of the Stato and by tho Stato are brought into the State dally and sold to tho people. For "makers" outside the State it is do lightfu1, beautiful. Onoe.a month clouds of liquor men Hock to Columbia to sell to the agents of tho State to be dispensed to the pooplo and sample bottles to the politicians as souvenirs. Tho maker's traffickers are made de cent if not respectable by tho Pal metto brand upon every bottlo of tho pure and undeftlod. Should tho present unpleasantness botweon Spain and tho United States eventuate in general national compli cations Involving Croat Britain the South would be In a ticklish condi tion. Britain lakes and spins our cot ton, America spinning but three of eleven million bales Fortunately for Southern planters they have fair no tlco that brof dstull'sand all articles of Southern consumption and non-pro duction arc continually rising. With a big war cotton can't cross tho water. South Carolina's quota of troops has been supplied Governor Eilerb?! showod remarkable grit in persisting that they bo rendo/.vousod In Colum bia, but it now appears that that great city is too small for them. Tuere 's something in giving a town olbow room. Tho following counties have Volun teer Companies for the war: Abbevlllo, Greenville, (2), Chester, Nowborry, Anderson, Sumtor, Rich land, (2), Darlington, Hamborg, Clnr endon, Aiken, York. Charleston, a heavy Artillory Company of 200 mon. The Washington Post lands this so lar plexus blow: "Crovor Clovoland doubtless docldod to pair his lino marksmanship with the puffy targot his form would make and stay at homo. Small wit for a big target. McKinley Beoms to have followod good advice: "Bewaro of ontrance to a quarrel; but being in, Boar it that tho opposer may bowaro of thee." So many of the boys havo been re jected by the doctors, that it would seem the medical mon quickly caught the martinet fever. pianos AND ORGANS. Why not lot mo snvo you money. I o?n positively soil you Pianos and Or gans lowor than any othor doalor, and oti as cany terms. I reprosent Manu factures and have no oxpenso, nuch an aslesmon, wagon and team, nor houso re'it, hence all of this oxponse lowors tho price of an instrumont. Call on . cue. or write for prices and I will as sure this fact. Respectfully, L. A. McOobd. Tho genial Editor of the Abbovllle Medium has boon to Washington and writes to his paper observations on his travels. Hero is something of Green ville people: There are many agreeable people in Groonvllle and we met sevorai of them during our short stay. First of thot>o whs W. W. Hall, editor of tho Daily News who strolled into the Mansion 11 ouso to pick up an item for his pa per. Like othor Groouvllle people ho thinks the town is growing and is hoprfui und contented with the sltua t on. This state of mind hus so lnllu enced his eonduot tbatGonzales speaks of him as "Holy Willie'" We called on Col. James A. Hoyi and found Miss Huberts his capable book-keeper tak ing euro of his business. It is always so that whuii a man can secure a com - potent woman to manage for him ho always has leisure to entertain his friends. Wo also saw Hon J. A. McCullough who was so much talked of as a possi - bio candidate for Governor on tho so called Prohibition ticket, lie had the good sense not to allow tho use of his name among tho "sissers." senator Dean called at tho Mansion II0U8O and wo were delighted to meet him. Many of his constituents wish to Bond him to Congress, but ho ha* not given his consent to make tho race. Ho la in every respoet qualified for the position. Arrived at Washington he mot an old-timer of South Carolina: When wo reached tho city we went to the Metropoliten Hotel and as wo went to tho desk to register our names we found Hon. T. J, Mackey for a long time a familiar figure in South Caro lina, lie I- applying for a placo as Captain of engineer* In the United Slates Volunteer army and showed us a recommendation for the place signed by tho South Carolina Senators and Representatives, They say he is well quail Hod for the position and they earnestly ruquoat his appointment.? He wished us to go with him to call on Goneral Miles and see the new styles of guns. Judge Mackey says he has been to Cuba and is perfectly familiar with Morro Castle having been all over it and examined it minutely. He knows the location of the magazines and othor important facts a* to the strength of the fortifications In gen eral at Havanna. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country thau nil diseases put together, and un til the last years was supposed to 1)0 incurable. For a groat man) yours doctors pronouced it a local disease, and prescribed local r< mo dies, ami by constantly failing to (Mire with local treatment, pro nouced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitu tional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment? I lull's Catarrh Curo,manufaoi tired by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure in tho market, it is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoouful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Tlioy offer Ono Hundred for any case that it fails to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. NOTICE, NOTICE! The law requires all si reams to lie cleared of till obstructions in the month of May in each year. Please govern yourself accord ingly. II. P, Adair, Supervisor. NOTICE, NOTICE. Parties having business with tho County Supervisor will find him in his office on Monday of each week, between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and 4 oclock p. in. R. P. ADAIR, Jan. 20, 1898? lv. Supervisor. mWm Easily,Quickly, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE UStSt antce to ( nr.- Insomnia, Pits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, host Vitality. Seminal Losses, Palling Memory?the result of Over-work, Worry, Sickness, Krrors ol Youth or Over-indulgence. Price 60c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. For quick, posltiveand lastingresults in Sexual Weakness, Imnptcucy, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, ns>- BLUE LABEL SPECIAL?double strength?will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest aiufbcst. tcx: Pills f>y mail. . :.?<^...v>. free?A bottle of the famous Japanese Liver Pellets will l>e given with a $i box or more of Mag netic Nervine. Iree. Sold only by / Dr. B. P. Posey, Druggist, salo Agent, Laurens, 8. C. Southern Railway. Condensed Schedule in KfTaot May 1, I-'.". STATIONS, Lv. CharlcgtonT Lv. CohtmTiin.. " Proaperity. " Nowborry . Nlnety-Hlx. Ar. Oroonwood . " HodgOB. Ar. AbhuvllTe ... Ar. Brtton. Ar. Anderson . Ar. UrcenvTlle ? Ar- Atlanta. 8TATIONH. f.V. YLrennvliTo " Pie " 4 ii j> m ledmont Wtlllnmston .. ?nilor Holton Ar, Donnaids l.v. Abbovllle f7v. Hodgi V itOpm " fia.iy" No. 13. urn a m 10 40 0 rn in 66 in 61) TfTrT n m 11 Ii? ii in U 20 "a in a"R5" 12 ;i5 i> m 12 54 p m 2 01 p m 9 18 p m B 8? p_rn h 00 p m DiiilylDftily 'No.10 11 u?a Greenwood. " Ninety Six. " Nowborry. " prosperity. At. Oolnmbla. Ar Jharleston. feWSi STATIONS. f>:>ip; 7 lQn.Lv. .Charleston. Ar HOOp *8 :?'?!. II Hun " .. Columbia." 8 26p P07n 12 tr.p ". *' ?on ." 2?0p a fV* 1001a; l?6p M.HantOu." 1 2f>p 7<6p 10 Jen1 2t?p ".ITnloi." 1 Ofip 7?)p io:.(?ii ?.??rip " ... Jom-Mviiie. ." 1926p flKip 1064a 287p " ., ..Pncolol . " 12 Up ?42p 11 2.Vi| mop Ar.. Spnrtanliurg. t.v n i;.-> n \hy> 11 4(?ii| ii Jiip Lv . Spart inburg. Ar 11 WM SQQp _8 4?J.I TOUpiAr Ashovillo. _ Ly 8 20a. 8 06p "P," p. in. "Ai" ft. ni. Trains v and to parry elegant Pullman sleeping cars in-1 ween Columbia and AsheviHe, ?iroitto dnilv between Jacksonville ami < lindn null. TiniiiH leave Bpartanburg, A. & c division, northbound. o::i7 n. in.. B:Jfl p.m., fl:lo p.m., (Voxtibnio Limited); aonllilHiuml 12:20 a. m. B:ir. p. in., II at ii. m., i Voattbnlo : .1..1 ? Trains leave Greenville. A, and ?. division, northtxmnd,.">; 16 n. ni., 2:ai n, m. and 6:22 p, m., (VcStlbuled ' united i ; southbound. I a. ni., 4:80 p in , ID Wp, m. ivcMfbalpd Limited) Pnllman Rervloe. Pnlltnan palace sleeping earn on Train?:i6aiid Wt. at mid 83, on A. und ('. (llvl ion KKANK H. OANNON, .1. M.iVI.P Third V P. A-Hon. Mgr., T. M., Wnshington. W. A. TURK, H. H. HAKDWICK, Won i'uHs. Ag't. Aa't (?ion. I'ana. Ag't. Wawhiugtou, D. O._At lauf, gg. LONC1 ?MANCH. For tho la^t week iho weather has boon very fine, and ovorybody is about through planting. A few have begun to work their crops over. The small grain crop is (ho (luost an.I earliest that wehavo ever Been at iIii - sensou of tho year. ,>ir. T. J. Weathers ban a 20 acre field ol wheat, which wo think will make 20 bushels to tho acre. Hon. O. I. Goodwin, who has been quite sick for (ho past week, we are glad is Improving under the magic touch of Dr. uodfrey. Miss OctavoMvQuown,who was VI ry sick for a long lime, wo are glad to say is improving. All that stir at Mr. M. A. .Sum men. I'm, tho other day was caused by the arrival of another little girl who bus come to stay. Mr. 10. T. Taylor's <h>g went wild witli hydrophobia last week, hu! ho killed It before ho di I any dam Up to this lime WO have 110 one in this section who is anxious to run for office or go to toe war. Mr. J. T. Blt?kely,we learn is not done gathering his last vein's crop of corn. Who can boat that? but John is not done planting cotton yet. Tho children of this section are so anxious to hoc cotton that Prof. Brooks has given vacation for two mouths. Dr. (Jodfroy has been on another trip to lOkom. Wo don't know w hy he goes so much, Mr. It. O. Hairston dropped a plank on bis big too and hurt it mighty bad to keep from going to the w ir wo suppose. Mr. I,. W. Mamngo Hays ho don't know whether ho is too obi to go to tlio war or not, but it b is been a long time since bo was a little I boy. rho country people uro glad to see tlio roller mill Hearing comple tion, so (hat they can go lo (own ami the mill on the samo day. We hope Messrs. Machen und Marlin will ! successful in their under taking. Tho oni} I'll Id lo ;.?'??? with llood'i Sartaparllla. Sl.OCU m (111, on. Reports a Wolcome Chang* In Her Condition Statement by a North Carolina Woman. ** Nearly all my lifo I hare had one oolri alter another and the trouble boo mud like oatarrh lu the head. There were diu ohnrges from my earn, and my hearing beciuao affected. I took a number of klndB of mediums but I grew worue In stead of bettor. One day I procured a hottlo of Hood's Saroapurllla and began U-king it, and BOOtl found it wan doing me good. 1 gained strength and whh greatly beucliti-d in mauy ways. 1 con tinued its ubo and now the bad feeling in my head is gone, u 1 the earache with which I suffered hn. disappeared. I am now ablo to do my houHowork without fielp. 1 shall keep Hood's HarHaparilla In ho bouse as long oh 1 live." MBB, T. Q. I'u ?, , Dallas, North Carolina. Hood's' pnrilla Isiiie boHt -in fuel Hi--.? 11 no lllootl Purifier. ? i r>*ii . aro Ute Favorit? family rlOOCl S I IIIS ?H?mme, l'rlce -ibo. Wanted?People of judgment and taste to come to s. M. ? K . H. Wllkos & Co's. Furniture Store. Wo huve many things that will interest you. JAPANESB I LE CURE A New ami 1 omptctc frculnietit, consisting ol sUI'j'OSI I'ORIliS, Capsules ol Uliittlieul and two lloxcsul Ointment A never-falling euro for Piles of every nature nml degree. Ii makes an operation with the knife, whli u is painful, and often results in dentil, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disensof Wc pack a Written Guarantee In saob $1 Uo<. No Cure, No Pay. w. ami p a boa, 6for ?s. Sent by mail. Samples ires OINTMENT, 2fin. and fiOo. rnN'sTIPATKiN Cured. Piles Presented, by L.UINO I lr M I lUIS Japanese Liver Pellets*the Kreut i.ivi-.k ami STOMACH REGULATQRaM fil.OOO it k 11-1 i .k. Small, mild ami pleasant to lake: especially adapted for children'sOM. SO doses ?5 cents. FREE.- > vial of these famous little Pellets win n vviili ;i ;i l>,,x or more of Pile Cure. Sol Ii : i III liKNUINH prush JaPANBSB PlLS ("< H11 I. >i Bali! only l>y Dr. II. F. Posey, Druggist, sale Agont, Laurens, S. C. ISTotice. Will bo lot t<? lowest bidder, repairs ou bridgo across North liabon Orook, known ns tho Dr. Kuller ?ridgo, on Tuesday the 24th of May, 1808, at 10 o'clock. K. I'. Adaiu, 81 Supervisor. fl Sit^le Fact OUT WMGHS A Come and get the facts about A > mm Crescents, Imperials, Columtoias Victors and Waverlys. Drop us a postal and get cata logue and prices. S M & E H Wilkes & CO. Laurcns, S. C, Mar. 14th, 1898. ?For? War, War* Not Uncle Sam's WAR, bul tho Vif Or wo aro making on Hard Times, and we aro do tormincd to win. Wo now have tho largost stock wo liavo ovor car ried, and notwithstanding fcho faol that, all woolen goods and loathor goods have advanood considerably, wo are proparod for it with n Mammoth stock with 110 advance. Clothing; For all the Peoole : Good all-Wool Mon's Suits, nl $3.50. (lood all-Wool Hoys' Suits, at 1.00. Young Men's Business Suits, at 6.00. (lood Uusinoss Suits, at - - .">.<><>. Nobby Dross Suits, at - - - 7.50. Fine Dross Suits, latosl stylos, 10.00 fco $22.50. (lood Knoo Tants Tor Hoys, at 10 confcs por pair. (lood wool Knoo Pants, Tor boys, at 25 cents. The largest assortmonl of Clothing for mon and boys in upper South Carolina. Wo ask every ono fco inspect our stock and Bee for them selves. GENTS' FURNISHINGS! All tho up-to-date novolfcios in Shirts?white Shirts, Nogligo Shirts, Collars and Cull's. Everything new in Neckwear. The Shoe Store of Laurens. Loaded down with fcho best nssortniont of Shoes ever shown in our city. Wo usk every man, woman and child in Laurens and Laurons county to visit our Shoo store and take a look at our stock. All tho lato toes in shoos, all tho now lasts in Tans, Vici Kids, Dongolas, and Call. Tho nobbiosl lino of Oxford Slippors for ladies and children on the market . Wo are proparod to shoo tho poople, and want you to come and see us and give us a fow minutos und WO can convince you that wo uro proparod to knock out Hard Times in the first round Remember, wo will take pleasure in showing you through our stock whethoryou tire ready to purchase or not, ''Honest goods at honest. Prices and honest. Dealing" is our motto. Wo will not be undersold by any house in tho State. Call und soo for yourself, at Davis, Roper & Co.'s Famous Clothing, Hat and ?ig Shoo Store. Laurens, S. C, March 14, 189b'. THAT OUR Sprigs* Stock Is larger and cheaper than ever. Our orders were placed before fcllO Wat Clotids began to gather and will bo sold nt fcho LOWEST prices pos sible J. R. Minter & Son, Headquarters for Lowest Prices and liest Values. ; ? m - 1 .a Great reduction in price of Glenn Springs Water at The Laurens Drug Co., Kennedy Bros., ami Dr. B. F. Posey's* $1.75 per case, bottles to be re turned. JUST OPENED Another lot choice styles in Colored Organdies. Also plain and figured Black Mohair for Skirting. Sec these goods at Wl WILSON & CO. 1 bargains, Bargains! Our Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Milli nery, Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings is now complete. In every Department you can lind lite Latest Designs and Styles, such as was never before seen in Laurens. You are cordially invited to call and inspect our Mammoth Stock. Lav 3ns Cotton Mills Store