HOME AFFAIRS. As to Obituaries. The rule of this Office as to the pub lication of Obituaries, has always been that such matter in excess of ten lines was chargeable, at the same rate as advertising?one dollar per square, up 106 of one inch. We now extend the limit to twenty linn. All obituaries exceeding this limit must be paid for at said rale. TO .subscribe its A great many of THE Advkktikkk's subscribers are in arrears, manv more than usual. It is Impossible for the pa per to get along unless its subscribers pay. During tho year we have endeavored to give you the worth of your money. Your county paper publishes news that you can get in no other paper. The big weekly editions of dally papers published in Atlanta and other cities that you get for a low price niako you think that the price of your county pa per is high. But these big weeklies do not toll you who is on the jury in Lau renf. They do not tell you who of your friends are married anil who are dead, You cannot call upon thorn to publish the rolls of honor In your schools and the announcements of your picnics and clul) meetings. Even the advertise ments In your county paper are valua ble to you?thoy contain information which every mau In Laurons county frequently needs. This year is elec tion year and vou will need a county paper moro than usual. A county papor cannot have a largo circulation like tho papers that the dallies publish and tho dallies can pub lish weekly editions much cheaper than wo can of course. Wo havo boon indulgent?too much bo for our good. Wo can indulge no longer. On the tlrst day of March we expoct to stop Bending the paper to those who havo shown no disposition to pay anything this fall Between now and then, tho sooner tho bolter, wo ask paymont from all in arrears. If you can't pay all, aad will pay a part, you will find us ready to meet you half way and to continue sending the papc Tho price of tho papor is One Dollar and a half a year._ Cards are out announcing the mar riage of lion. J. C. McDaniel. of 1.au reus, to one of Greenville's bellos on the 23d.? Troy cor. Greenwood Index. Dr. William Ball, of Laurens, was in town last week on professional busi ness.?Slmpsonvillo cor. Greenville Mountaineer. Rev. X. J. Holmew olosed his meet ing hero on Monday evening. Much good was done during tho week'.- sor vlcos. About twenty cadots united themselves to some church. Rov . and Mrs. Holmes left yesterday for Green ville. ? Clemsou College cor. tho Register. tt is certainly a groat pity that a telephone line is not constructed bo twoon Owings and Fountain Inn, a dis tance of llvo miles. The building of this line would place Greenville in communication with Gray Court, Lau rens, Harris Llthla Springs, Gross Hill, Clinton, Nowberry, Ninety-Six, Greenwood, and a score of other towns. ?Greenville Nows. COUNTY ALLIANCE. Tho Laurons County Allianco is hereby called to meet tho first day of April next, at 11 o'clock with Power Alliance. All sub-Alliances aro ro quostod to Bond full delegations and all Alllancomeu uro invited to attond. M. A. SUMMERELt, President, L. 0. A. Shall We Have Baseball. Now that the baseball Reason is draw ing near, the question is being asked if it would not be much better to go doWll to tho ball gronn I and sit in the shade and look at a good game of ball than to try and kill time on the square during the hot summer afternoons. Laurena .has Borne good material for a ball team rfhis season, and if the citizens of the town will show the boy? that they ap preciate their ollbrts wo will have some good games during the summer. So, when tho list comes round do your best, and show how much public spirit you have. A good, winning baseball team advertises a town much mor.- than some people think. Let us have a good team. Kverybody interested in baseball ia T??jiO.(:sted to meet at the court house rto-nl?ht at 8 o'clock._ Beoryani/iny the Police. At tho annual meeting of the City Council for the purpose of reorganizing and reducing the Police force, held last Wednesday, the following were re-elec ted : L. A. LA NGSTON, Chief. \V.,M. IKBY, A. It. SIMPSON. The irrmAxir of the force was reduced from four to three policemen. Encampment I. 0. 0. F. An Encampment of Odd bellows was Organize''i and the following officers elec ted and installed Wednesday night by W. E. Avery, Deputy Grand Master, and W. S. Brown, Grand Secretary of South Carolina, under tho name of Lau rens Encampment: Chief Patriarch, J. L. M. Irhy. .Senior Wardon, Henry Norman. Junior Wardon, W. It. Anderson. iQeribo, J. s. Davidson. Treasurer, W. 0. Winters. High Priest, J. E. Croshy. gjMr~ if you want a fine St. Bernard or Newfoundland pup call on W. H. Martin, Esq. They are lovely little jfellows. Job Printing. Wring your Jobs to Tint ADVERTISER office. Executor's Notice. AH persons having claims ?vgsi.'ist the estate of tho lato Capt. Albont Dial will prosont them to vtho uiniUrsiKned dulj proven. W. H. Dial, Jam im a. Dial, Executors. Martli 21, 1898?St. Take Notice. Perry Hill, colored, and family aro undor oontraot with tho undersigned rto serve me as laborers for tho current year. Persons employing, hiring, or '.harboring them, or any ono of thorn will be procoedod against according to tar. LEWIS ABERCR0MBIE. Mar. 21, r?9ft?2t . Attention, Veterans. A meeting of Camp Gat lingtnn, Con Tedorate Votorans Is hereby called for April l?th noxt, at 10 a.m. All the members are expected to attond. B. W. BALL, Mar. 11th, '98. Commander. Hood's Stimulate tho stomach, ? ? ? rouse the liver, blllou.i _ I ? ? ness, headache, rilzzlneM, W*^ I I ^ ?Our ttotrtftch, conitlpatlon, H ? ? ? +amW ?to. Price 2? cent*. Hold by ?II druwrUL. lThe only Villa to tfck* with Hood'. SerMptrUlft. til DAUGHTERS OF TUE CONFED ERACY. Twenty-one Indies of Laurens and the county have recently applied for and been granted ncharter to form tlie Laurens Chapter of tho Daughters of the Confederacy. The. Aral meeting of the Chapter was held uii Saturday af ternoon, and the following olllcers wereeleoted to assume Us guardian ship. President, Mrs. w. K. Lucas; first Vice-President, Mrs. .). A. Copolnnd; Second Vice-president, Mrs. J. P. Dolt; Secretary, Mrs. J. O. 0. Fleming; Treasurer, Mrs. II, K. Aiken. To thoroughly complete their organ ization and to gel the work of the Chapter underway another i.ting will be held at the Ucu-Della Hotel at ?"> o'clock on the afternoon of April the Oth. The Chapter will be glad bo re ceive at this meeting applications tor membership from any ladies in the city or county who wish to join. Washington Post Almanac. A groat hook of 1898 of Weather Forecasts, of Facts for tho Office, Home and Farm. It is Issued quar terly by thu Post Company, Washing ton. Price 36 cents. To thoffo who have not libraries, it is Invaluable In fact you can find 111 its 512 pages almost any thing you want to know, past, present, to say nothing of the fu ture. See vho copy on our tab! ? and you will not he long without it. Wo met Capt. John U. Williams, of I.aureus county, recently. He Is de lighted that the new iron bridge con nects our two counties again. II?' says ho traded at Ninety Six for many years and always with perfect satia tion. Wo hope he will renew old re lations by OOmlng hack. Ninety Six cor. Greenwood Index. Tho compliment to the Col. is de served, but ho lives and helps along ono of the best towns in tho State now, Cross Hill, this side tho river. President J. 0. Wilborn of the State Far mo re Alliance lias heen receiving reports from the many sub-alliances throughout the state which met last Saturday and reorganized in response to a call issued by him. The out-look of the order is most oncouragtng, de clared President Wilboru yesterday. The regular quarterly meetings of the county alliances will ho held the sec ond Friday in April, the 8th, and at each a lecturer will be on hand.?The State. JAMIESON'8 LOCALS. Ladies are requested to vi?<"* directly on the blood and mnoous surfaces of the systom. They oiler One Hundred ' >r any ease that it fails to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, P. J. CHE NICY, & CO., Toledo, 0. 0^ Sold by Druggists, 75e. OAfiPFORXA. Hw* ^ KM Yo? Have Always Bougut The prottiest line of Knee Pants for Boys ever shown in the city. Davis, Roper h Co. Wo hayespent two weeks in the Northern markets and are now ready to show" you all tho up-to date things in Clothing, Hats, Cents Furnishings aud Shoos. Wo bought them cheap and can do you good. Davis, Roper h Co. See Daviu, Poper & Co.'h now ad. Call at their two largo stores and soo their stock and prices for yoursolf. Why take Johnson9? Chill & Fever Tonic? Because ft cures the most stubborn case eiFever in ONE DAY. NOTHING OF GREAT NOTE-SPRING SEASON BRINGS BEAUTIFUL GOODS AND A RUSH TO TUB STORES. Col. H. Y. Simpson is In Baltimore on n business trip. Attorney F. 1*. MeGowan is In at tomlanoe upon Court at Greenwood. A foretaste of sweet summer?at noon yesterday mercury marked 7C>. President VV. F LueftS went to Co lumbia on yesterday. Mrs. I.ottio .Tones has returned to Spartauburg after a visit to Mrs. J. A. Oopeland. Mr. Albert 0. Todd, of tho South Carolina College is at homo for a brief rest. Mr. and Mrs. lt. W, Simpson, of Pendlotou, aro In the oity, the guests Of Mr, and Mrs. < 'rosswell Garllngton. Mrs. J.A.White? of Spartauburg. has heen visiting her daughter, Mrs. j. A. Copeland, . We desire to call special attention to the call of Chairman Darlington found elsewhere. The 17th, St. Patricks day, was duly observed 111 Charleston, by the sons of Frin. Special attention is directed to the call of M. A Summerei, President of tho County Alliance. Candidates arc a littlo slow to show their heads. Only one fellow citizen has told us he would be in the hold and only unu that ho would not. Miss Mary H?tts, a daughter of Rev. H?tts, died on the 21st at her homo, Fountain inn. She was an accom plished and lovablo young lady, en deared to all who know her. The Sonato has failed to confirm tho treaty annexing Hawaii. Two-thirds were necessary. Congress will under take the job. A majority of both houses can uo the buslnoss. Greenwood made a contract with one Partee to build thoir Court llouso. It was to havo boon completed by the 1st of January. He surrenders the job to the County Commissioners and they expect to complete the House by the lirst of May. Uncle Samuel*8 boys in blue passing through Clinton and other Southern towns to the coast dofoncos during !a*t week wore heartily cheered. The evidence of a rounited country accu mulates. Mrs.S.P.TeagUO died at her home near Waterloo on tlio 14th instant and her remains were buried at Beaverdam cemetery. She was during her long life a consistent member of Beaverdam Baptist church and wt's a beloved Christian lady. The Prohibition Convention meets in Columbia, the 1 Ith of April. They will nominate a full tickot?that is what they say. L. D. Childs, of Colum bia, and .1 A. MoCullOUgh, of Green ville, are discussed for first place The order of United A. Mechanics celebrated their anniversary on Satur day evening last with a beautiful banquet and delightful assembly. Wo regret a previous engagement fore stalled our attendance In obedience to a kind invitat ion. Col. T. J. Lipscomb was elooted Mayor of Columbia in a heated contest on Tuesday last. Great complaint Is made of demoralization and a down ward tendenoy of moral tone in that groat capital and tho battle was for re form ? which won ? up to the serenade which followed in the evening. We hope it may last. Miss- Carrie M. Godfrey and Mr. .ino. B. Mayos, of Nowbery, woro driving Oil tho 171 h instant In a buggy when the horse taking fright they were thrown to the ground and Miss God frey killed. She was a teacher In tho Graded School. She. had visited till city where sho had friends and ad mirers. Her homo was Cheraw. Intelligence, reaches us of the sudden death of Mr. R. II, McOrary, a promi nent gentleman of Clinton on yester day morning. Ho was reared in the vicinity of Clinton, was about forty years old, and a leading citizen of that town. His death will provo a great loss to nis community. Ho was highly regarded in this city. His remains will be buried at Clinton at 3 :80 o'clock this afternoon. "Am I my brothers keeper." This was the subject of a beautiful sermon preached on Sunday last at the Meth odist Church "to" the Odd Fellows by Kev. It, H. Jones the pastor. The unity of the human race, the father hood of (rod, and the brotherhood of man were leading thoughts of the able discourse. The leading scientists are coming back to the Genesis of the bible. Miss JaoksOll, Of the Cotton Mill Store, arrived from the North yester day. For several weeks past she has been in New York ami Baltimore and comes thoroughly up in all the latest devices in t he construct ion of adora ble hats and bonnets. Mr. .1. F. Bass, manager for the store returned home one day last week, and the results of his visit to the great markets are arriv ing and h, ing put on inspection daily. John Johnson at October Term was sentoncod to bo hung. He appealed to the Supromo Court. At the Feb ruary term tho Solicitor movod for ro sontence, his counsel objecting that the Appeal had not been dismissed and was pending. Judge Bonot ovor ruled objection and fixed April 8th for tho execution. Hb counsel appoaled. Thus the mattor stands and is tangled and may have to he decidod by tho Courts. The mattor of suspending is a matter of suspenso. Will Get to Omaha. Mayor "Hub" Fvans, of Wowborry, has been appointed by Governor Filer be. a delegate to tho Trans-Mlssisslppi Fxposition at Omaha. Nlmrods. John W. Watts, Albert Toaguo, Con way Dial, Luther Roper, Marvin wolflf, Jim Todd and Theodore Garrott played havoc with the donlzons'of the fields and woods on tho lfith instant. They bagged .'{'.) squirrels, ? cottort tails, and 10 quails. Waterloo, This growing and patriotic little city on our Southern borders and on tho < 'harleston and Wostorn Carolina Kail way had its municipal election of Intendant and Wardens on the 12th In stant. Col. J. II. Wharton was chosen Intendant and tho h ardens aro J. W. Washington, J. It- Mixon. C. C. An derson and J. N. Griffin. The city is on a fair way to progress. I AN ICE FA BUNK NE>BR AGAIN. ii seems now t hat Laurens win have an Ice factory before many weeks of the spring have passed. Messrs. J O. G. Fleming and R, If. Hudger.s went to Atlanta in regard to the scheme last week and think that the arrangements for the factory are about complete. The plant will be run in conneotion with the Oil Mill. v Double your dollars by buying our slides. Davis, Roper A Op. I BREWERTON. We were somewhat disappointed when we received our Advkktiskh this week and found no news from any of its correspondents. Let us divide up and write alternately and not all write the same week. We are as busy as any man, but we will send in the news every two weeks. A good many of our people went over to Due West on the i Ith inst., to hear Hon. W. .1. Bryan. Among the number was old father, Louis Martin, who is in his 77th year.? Thny were well pleased with the appearance of the man and his speech. We learned however, that there were some who wero not so well pleased, as they did not get to hear him for the lack of 50 cents, or the disposition to give it?one or the other. Mr. W. 1). Washington and family of Owensville, were the guests of\V. S. Knight on Saturday and Sunday last. Dr. Ball, of your city, was in our neighborhood last week on profes sional business. And by the way, there was a certain widower who lives not far from your city, around in this community Sunday. I guess he was on important business from t!:c distance he came. Dr. .T. C). Martin preached two very interesting sermons at Mt. Gal lager church on last Saturday and Sunday to a large and orderly congregation. Before preaching on Sunday the door of the church was opened ior the reception of members and two were received by letter. The farmers are hurrying to be ready to plant, and some have plantet! corn and others are ready to plant when the land gets dry enough. If Uncle Sam gets into a fuss with Spain we had better plant our cotton land mostly in corn. Wheat and oats on a boom now ?growing since the late rains. On Dit. WHEN YOU ABE TIRED Without extra exertion,languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles aud other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they re quire. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that t ired feeling by enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood's Tills aro easy to take, easy to operate. Cum indigostion, biliousness. 2? cents. HONOR ROLL <>f the Huntersvillo School for Iii?? month beginning February I I and ending Ma roh 11th: Sallie Cook, Neva Cooper, Gonia Gray don, Rosa Graydou, Mollio Stevens, Estollo Philips, l):ii>y Philips, Lidie Cooper, Bertha Finch, Mamie Patton, 1511a Thackston, Ethel Brown, Bessie Sloan, Daisy Balcorab, Delhi Gwinn, Bitha Stevens, Pink Pat Ion, Robert Bond, Palmer Patton, Jim DeBard, Case Stevens, Marvin Patton. Annie Clardy, Teachor. OASTOI1IA, Boars tho j? K'ni1 You Havo Always Bought REEDY GROVE DOTS. On the night of the 5th inst., the closing exhibition of the Reedy (irove public, school was held. Quito a large crowd was present, the children did them selves credit by acting their parts well, and the audience showed their appreciation by their excep tionally good behavior. Upon the whole we had a very enjoyable oc casion. Mr. W. A. Anderson lies been very sick, but wo are glad to say, he is now a great deal Bettor. G. W. Hughes, who has boon lying very low with pneumonia, seems to he slowly recovering. Johny R. Crawford, son of Mr. J. A. Crawford had tho misfor tune to get his right oyo severely hurt, on the 18th inst. while play ing ball. Wo aro sorry to report the death of Mr. and Mrs. John Dav enport's baby. They havo the sin cert; sympathy of their many friends and relatives in their be reavement . Mr. Oxner and family have moved into a house located near Where Mr. G. W. Hughes lives. Mr. John Davenport and family havo movod into the house for merly occupied by Mr. Walter Madden and family. A subscription school taught by P. J. M. Osborno will begin at Reedy drove school hotiso on or about the 21st inst. Miss Davenport, daughter of Rev. Pinkney Davenport, of Mountviljo, was visiting relativos in this neighborhood recently. The tanners pre getting their land nicely prepared for another crop of cotton .. You Know Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. ? Are- you run down? / Catch cold easily? y No onorgy? (* Poor appetite'.-' s , Rheumatic pains? You need Blood and muscle-makera Seo our oast win ' dow. 77 Laurcns Drug Co ALL CAN GO. From tho Greenville News we BOS that the city of Charleston has made the follow ing generous offer! CHARLESTON, S. C , Mill*. 5,'08. To Commanders of Camps United Confederate Veterans South Car olina Division: It has been called to the atten tion of the Young Men's Business League, that there is in this State some Confederate Veterans who would like to attend tho annual reunion of the South Carolina di vision to bo hold in Charleston, commencing April tho '27\h. 181)8, and only could do so if during their stay in tho city would bo pro vided with lodgings and meals. The Voting Men's Business Loaguo, representing citizens of Charles ton, extend to all such a most cor dial welcome. But it will bo necessary, in order that adequate accommodations should bo provi ded, that they should know, ut least, approximately, how many Hindi would he likely to como. They can provide places to .sloop, hods und meals, tho veterans bring ing their blankets as in the old times, whose recollections they are renewing. To ('liable t he Young Men's Busi ness League to estimate t he accom modations required wo would bo obliged, if you could advise R. H, Simons, chairman committee on entertainment, how many you think from your neighborhood, so circumstanced, and needing si|ch accommodations t<> enable them to attend, will bo apt t<> come. j'hmsii reply promptly in ordor thai the ^ Oting Men's business Loaguo may know, if they can ar range, and how they must arrange for the comfort of Blich veterans, whom the pooplo of Charleston would like to d<> honor to. W. H. Wki.oii, President Y. M. \\ L. p. (. Walken, Omnmnndiiur S. C. Div. I . c. V. JOHNSON'S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Cures Fever In 0$e Pay. I ? ?? 1 RAPLEY'S DOTS. I whs glad tu s?'.? that my last ittlo contribution did uot Hud its way to tho waste basket. It is a great pleasure to write and then to read tho news from the differ* out parts of our county and Statt;, liut an old farmer don't lind much time for the real enjoyment of lifo?that is to foel himself a gen tleman of leisure l'( ?r there is al ways something on the farm to ep a fellow hustling. Of course there are some pleasures with the toil?sometimes just enough to enliven life and encourage us just a little?or in other words ouougli to oncourage us to raise a little cotton. But I do not believe that we ought to grumble, booause all of ns have something to be thank ful for and our condition could he much worse. Life is short, SO We we must alone; doing our duty, und making tho best of it. Hut,I dare say that the farmers, mor chants .and all classes will grad ually enthuse as the approach ing campaign draws near. The by-ways ami high-ways w ill doubt less be filled to over-flowing with candidates for the many ofticos, and the same old song (hat has boon echoed and re-echoed i h rough out the past ages ? "Howdy, howdy do, how's your wife anil how are yon" will l?e hoard at the many gat borings. The candidates! God l?l"-is them! They are a good set of fellows generally and we earnestly wish that all could he elected. Intt it is mighty hard to tell who the lucky man will be in politics. We know t hat patriot' m burns in many noble hearts of I.aureus county and many of t hem would make spend id officers, but salary helps them or rather en courages them to make good offi cers. If it were not for the money in these offices there would indeed he few candidates. So we see that it is the salary and the patriotism mixed that makes us such good men. But our county, yes, dear old Laurens is the han ner county of the State. Kverything around our little vil lage is calm and quiet. People busy hauling fertilizers and heels over head in work. Our friend and neighbor, Mr. Jaspor DuPro was married a few days since. Mr. Dupro has won a most excellent lady and we heart ily congratulate him and gladly welcome Mrs. Dupre to our little village. Mi". Dupre is a most es timable gentleman and we are glad that helms taken this step. God has said , "it is not good for man t<> live alone.'' Some of the hacholors around town will doubt loss follow this example. We are very much pained to learn of the serious illness of Mis- Mary Putts, daughter of Rev. ?I W. Putts, formerly of our town, now of Fountain Inn. We sntcoroly hope [that she may soon recover. Rev. D. P. Iloyd preached a splondid sermon on last Sabbath to a large and appreciative andi ene.'. The Lord's Supper was also administered. Good luck to Tin: Akvkktisku. 0. Johnson's Chill and Fe? ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of Fever iu 24 Hours. A GR E AT 1 N1) 11 ST RIAL CON P LICT. Tho coming century is to bo re markable for an intense industrial conllct between the most advanced nations. It has already begun bo twoon Germany and England, and the obvious gains of the former are ascribed olliolly to her system of industrial education. The gov ernment has established, and it maintains trade schools in every section for the. special training of future workmen. Reports ^on the work of thoso schools and reports from British consuls as to the en terprise of Gorman manufacturing agents seeking new markets have raised almost a passion for indus trial training in England. \t \s urged that in the rnattor of ma chinery, no nation can have any pormnuent advantage: and that while English workmen aro su perior to the Gorman for the mo ment, if is booause they havo been better paid, a condition thai can not continue when the rivalry for cheapness of production bee ?nies sharper. Therefore, the tip; of battle will turn in favor of the na tion whose workmen have had the Lest special training.?-Washing ton Post, Johnson's Chill nr. d Fe* ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of Fever in 24 Hours. Furniture?The Vacant Spot. Your home has some spot that needs a chair, Wo supply com fartahlo, odd chairs at oomforta blo, odd prices. S.mi' IS'.is spring selections. S. M. & E. II Wilkes & Co. mmwm t asily,Quickly, Por-manently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE nntcotot ur< Insomnia, Pits, Dizziness, Hysteria Nervous Debility, l ost Vitality. Seminal tastes' Kalling Mentor) the result <>i Over-work. Worry' Sickness, Rrrors <>i Vouih or < ><.. i m tuu.,,.,-,. Price 60c. and $1; 6 boxes $5. K por quick. puMiivf and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, Imnolency, Nervous Debility and l o?t Vitality, u - Blue Ladel speo|Ai.-f America speak to the biggest crowd over assembled at that place, he said, the next President, William Jennings Bryan. He said ho lis tened to him for an hour und thirty minutes, though it seems hut s very short while, lie says Bryan is no doubt tho finest orator he ever heard or expects to hear and wished that every farmer or Other wise OOUld hear him speak. He also said otlauH made their little talks, to compare with his, though not expected, as ho was the speak er of the day. Well, we would not object to Bryan, hut it will he along day when Bryan in Preni dent. William McKinley is the President and if we havo war with Spain wo may never hear of Wil liam .leaning again. I expect I would havo more respect for these big office-holders if they would give me Homo leg office. Knowing that will never be Is my only ma son, I guess. One great objection I have to McKinley is that he doesn't respect a Southern m ill's feeling--. Tho Post olliees down South could be filled by good respectable while men, hut to show the had feeding that exists from the North to the South he will place a black negro in these offices to wait upon wdiite ladies ami perhaps not to ho treated as ladies should he, 1 never did hear while Cleveland was President of him putting >i negro in office t< wait upon Northern white ladies, and while the negro might have been a good Democrat ho would havo hau more respect for their feelings. Mr. ESdilor, I see every indica tion points that we will have war with Spin), but let your humble writer say in plain English, I am not going if there i.s any other chance. I am very willing for those boys that General Gary Watts bus been furnishing uni forms and guns to go upon the wa ters and fight to their hearts con tent for Cuba, and when it conies that old South Carolina has to be protected I am et your service. I hoard an old comrade say a few days back that ho wan itching lor war. I (old him that I may be itching, hut not for war, for I can imagine Unit war is anything else but pleasant. Mrs. Oora Wharton and Master Walter, of your city have been vis iting relatives In this community, Mrs. Kate Holmes, ofyourcity, is visiting her son, Mr. A. it, Holmes, also Mrs. Clatworthy, of llonca Path. The fiiriu work is going along very nicely. A good many aie ready to plant cotton und some havo already planted corn, while others have not put in one pound ] of acid mid cotton seed meal or guano. Well, there is plenty of time if the spring rains don't pre vent in from ploughing. Last year our first furrow was inn on tho 8th of April, and I neve r did boo so much cotton made to the aero. Wheat anil onls are "out of sight" and bid fair to nuke a good yield if nothing happens to prevent.? Kail oats are exceedingly Bne. Miss Carrie Parr went hack to her home in Clinton last week on account of being unable to carry on her school. Mrs. A. St. Hollie s will touch while Miss Fai r is ab sent. We hope to set! hor back soon. Miss Matllo Teague, the charm ing daughter of. Mr. T. s. Teague, of M.iddei-4 is visiting her many friends in this vicinity. TKIjKPIION k. America's greatest medicino is Hood's Sarsaparille, which euros when all othor other preparations fail to do any good whatovor. "As tl n brick were lying in my stomach" is tho description by a dyspeptic of his fooling after eat ing This is one of the Conine most symptoms of indigestion, rf you have it. take Shaker Digestive Cordial. Not only this sympton, but ail t ho symptoms of irtdigOation are cured i>v Shaker Digestive Cor dial, So many medicines to cure this one disorder. Only one that can bo called successful, because only <>no that acts in a simple, nut ural, mid yet scientific \vay,Shak or Digestive Cordial. Puro^y vegetable, and contain ing no' dangerous ingredients Shaker Digestive Cordial tones up strengthens, .and rostoros to healtl all the digestive organs. Sold by druggists, price 10 cent, to $1.00 a bottle. \Vli 00 '-,:'-cr Btipply <>ur 8CC?0 to dealers tJ sellI again. AI Ihc same time, anyl :.? who h:is bought our seeds ol tijcll ell Itcr 1806 or 1897 will " iuual el "Dprytulng tor the ' : ? ' rJPPr?T'ovided they apply by letter * iVEZL/ cjve the f ? heal merchant from wbom Iron : ?. To all others, this inngni?? i,!'; Mai ol, every copy of which costs ui ,iii centu lo l'l i v i:i your hands, will be sent fr..' on receipt -1' 10 cents (stamps) to covet I >st ige. Nothing like this Manual has ever been se 11 here or abroad ; it is a book <. f 2C0 p ages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 lull size colored plates of the best novelties ol the season, tin illy, OUR -SOUVENIR" SEED COLLECTION will also be sent wltl lout c harge to nil appllf C .ni i sending 10 cts. for the Manual who will state where they saw this advertisement^ Postal Curd Allocations Will Receive No Attention, i fl i ?eterHendersqn^Co bfwCoM-ANOTSTNEWYORK The linn of Laudreth & Son have beoii in the seed busiuoss for ever 100 years. Such a long and successful career could not havi been laid except upon a founda tion of honesty, merit, and worth. We have their seeds for sale here and can save you postage charges. The Lumens Drug'Yo. Collect your thoughts about the scare over the Cuban Waa, und soe if it, wouldn't be well for you to give your wife a Sunny South Stove to cook on, while von uro lighting for your country. Sol)'' -y 8. M. & E. II. Wilkes & Co. Quinine and other fe ver medicines take from S to 10 days to cure fever, Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic cures in ONF DA K Dr. Rolfe E. Hughes, OfnoeS?Todd Building, Phono 7'.'?: and Laurens Cotton .Mills Store, Phone 100. Specially prepared for ESxaining and Treating diseases of Eye, Ear, Thr<>at and N ^ \. * v Made a ' > >;. S Well IVfarr the of Me. GREAT tfUKNCII REMEOVAiroduccs the ?bove result *; m JO clays. CurfcNervous Jh'h ..??,/?;'?../,?. ?? f'ancocflt', h'ailnig Vhmory. Su>|>s (ill drains nmi losses caused by errors ol eoinli. It wards oil In sanity nud Consumption. S'ouni; Mi n ivcnlii M:,n hood and KM Men recover Yoiillihil Vigor h ,,;\ "s \ and si-:.; t? shrunk., n m imiis, ;u .1 fie a man lot hushing or marriage, linsilj carried ii I evi limcket. Price Cf| PTp i Koxesi l?y 'ii. in p an. pack- OU L I O. a cc . u ;'.'.i wrlueiiguarantee. OK. JEAN 0'HAKKA, I ari6 Or. lt. V. Posoy, Druggist, s..'" igcnt, Uuurons, S. C. School Teachers AND Trustees! AS the tlmo is drawing near foi clow ing the public HChools, I wish to speci ally call your attention to Section t2, page 12, of School law which requires everv tetichor to furnish a coinploto roll of all pui>ils that have attended School, diving name ni pupil and number days the pupil has attended school. Thin roll must accompany teacher's last, monthly report, und truslo s aro earn estly requested to insist on the. before approving the (losing repod of each school, thus saving trouble ami exo?>nse. L. T. Ii. DAN I Kb, County Supt. Education. March l?, 18?S?St. School Books Of all kinds. New Book* at Publishers prices* 6rood se cond-hand books at about half price. New Home Sewing Machines. Not at Agents figures but at Itrices to suit the hard t i mes. We lave a first-class machine we sell for $25.00 with a guaran tee for 5 years. Will sell on easy terms. , J. pf^FLEMIHL& CO