labsorlptlon Price?x? Months, ?1.(10 PAYAbTiK IN ADVANCE. W, W, BALL. EDITOR. Rater for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad vertli.?inent^, per square, one Inaer Uon,vt.00; eaohsubsequent insertion, $0 o?nts. Liberal reduction mado for largo Ad rerllsemonts. W. W. BALD, Proprietor ? LAURKNS, S. C. March 1"., IMSiv. The War Cloud. The prospect of war with Spain is a stout stimulus to the patriotic impulses Of the country. The accident of Gen oral Leo, a Southern soldier, and ro presentatlvo of an Ulustrous southern family representing a republican ad ministration at Havana gives addt" tioual impetus to the patriotic pulse of the South. We are not out of the woods and there may yot he war. We want to emphasize that in no con ceivable way can a war benefit our soction. War upon a large scale might and probably would seriously injure us. War is synonimous with waste ? espoclullv of breadstuffs, clothing, wagons, Iron, coal, shoes and animals. The West would be vastly benelitted and enriched. Bacon, beef, mutton, lard, canned goods. Hour, oats and corn would be inflated enormously, d all those at our expense. Cut oft* com mercial intercouse of the South with tho West, beyond the Tennessee and there is not onousrh provision* in the South to keep body and soul together for a month. Tho sugar bagatelle* of Louisiana and the lillputlan rice inter est of the State would ho benetittod.? Our geographical position to the strug gling and Buffering Cubans excites our sympathies. Materially, wo are op posed to war, sentimentally our cry Is still for war. To only the tendency to stimulate the production of breadstuffs at the South could war help us. It ha? been said that God helps those coun tries that he attilets with a barren soil. Tt drives the population to tho seas. It was so with the \theninn maratime Tower of ancient Greece ? that peop'e dominating ancient civ ilization. U was the ease with the groat Italian cities, leading the civ ilization of early modern times. Great Britain is an overwhelming example of to-day. Our Yankee brethren have their mighty ships, the men to man them: they can keep the enemy off our coast. We have th-^ rich deep soil, genial showers and a glorious sun I for seven months in the year. If the war cloud Is not soon dispersed, let us at least produce our own breadstuff* and have our smoke-houses full in our beau tiful land. In the meanwhile if n war comes on a large scale wo can spare at the South a hundred thousand men for tho field and not Piisa thorn and they aro ready to g'.tre a good account of thomsolvos. But, no hurry. As Gen. Hampton ".i-ists, the South must look to her material interests. "Put money in thy purse." Later: The latest reports savor of war. Our Government is using a giants strength in preparation by day and night. We still believe this tre mendous display of energy and resource will have its effect and bring tho Span iard to his senses and that war will be averted. If it transpires beyond "rea sonable doubt," or if tho "preponde rance of the evidence" shows thnt, the Spaniards placed a mine by which the Maine was destroyed, then the honor of this country demands that they light or pay and at once It seems that the evidence points to a "mine." In this contingency It is probable that fifty millions would be demanded of the Spaniards. The Spaniard is a proud personage, is low in funds, and a fight is not Improbable. In this event the rush will bo so mad, that when tho call comos for troop9, you must hustle to gei a place In the picture. * ? * The Hotiao voted unanimously on Tuesday last placing fifty millions at the disposal of tho President to pro pare for war with Spain if necessary. That there might ho no mistake, or nhutlling hereafter, the ayes and noes were called, and overy man voted "aye." Tho House consists of about .'130 Representatives, covoring a coun try vast in extent, 3,000 miles from Ea9t to West, and l.?OJ to 2,00) miles North and South, and a population of seventy million souls. Tho vote stands unexamplod. Tho resolution was offered by Cannon, aud the speeches were short and sharp and pa triotic. Most of tho members of Me Houso are young men and if any pow der is burnt, we shah hear,from them, nodoubt, In the "imminent and deadly breach." The war Is most likely to be upon the ocean wave where heavy guns aro to bo handled. The light weights will be employed most likely in the light infantry along our coast defences. South Carolina is repre sented in both houses by ''a picked nlno" of stalwart braves, every man pulling'JOD nnd over except Wilton of the 1th District, who is llg t enough for the skirmish line. Our near neigh borWof the 1th District, wo must ob serve would never have escaped tho immortal Frederick, for his picked corps of six foot gronadicrs. The gon tlemen of the upper House have not been put upon record, but we recall that our Junior Senator halls from Marlboro, a name whose Inspiration must pale tho God of war riding tho blaet, and tho Senior would not be lag gard to sustain tho martial record of rjrand old fighth.g Kdgotiold. With our "picked nine" woll to the front and in the field and such an array of ?..?Steh ers ab t heir constituency can furnish we have no reason to be doubtful of the game. To put aside joking the House did bravely and on tho right line. Wo of the South want poaco aud to command 51 we must be ready for war. Quinine Mad other fc~ iw medicines take fro The following Act passed at tho ro cont session of our Conoral Assombly will bo of interost to our Magistrates: An Act to require all Magistrates to submit thoir dockets to the county board of commissioners quarterly, and said board to report on same to 'Court. Section I. lie it onacted by tho Gen eral Assombly of the State of South Carolina: That all magistrates be, and are hereby, required to submit thoir dockets to tho county board of commis sioners at their regular quurtorly meetings, and that said boards, re spoctivoly, shall make roport an nually, prior to the fall term of Court, to tho foreman of tho Grand dury as to said dockets, and any irregularities shown thereby. Section 2. That magistrates shall not hereafter be required to make re ports or tile transcript of their dockets in any manner and at any other time than herein prescribed, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved the 19th day of February, A. D. 1808. * ? ? The Hon. W. J. Bryan spoke at Greenwood and Cue West on Friday evening last and at Abbeville on Sat urday. it was an ovation from the crossing of the Savannah -a "hip-hip hurrah" all along the lino?a treading upon dowers?an all bail to the com ing chieftain. The Abbevillians have shown themselves hospitable, a virtue commended and commanded. Spain going to war to savo Cuba with a quarter Of a million of her people on that Island starving. Spain preparing war upon the United States and threat ening to sink tho ships laden with pro visions sent to her starving poople by the charitable of the United States. '?There are raoro things in Heaven and earth. Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. " Some of our contemporaries urgo that it is a hardship to require candi dates for State offices to make tho cir cuit of the State and discuss issues. ? We prefer to see and hear tho boys. IT IS THE GREATEST. was a 111 ictod with humor in my blood which caused me tKli:s. Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes i>i Ointment. A never-tailing cure- for Piles 'i every nature and degree. It makes an operation with du.- knife, which is painful, ami often results m death, unnecessary, why endure this terrible disease? We pack a Written Guarantee in each $1 Uo<. Ne Cure, No Pay.! fi a box,6for ?s. Sent l>v mail. Samplet free OINTMENT, 2fie and 'Miv.. rON^TIPATION Cured. Piles Prevented, by UUINO I irtt I IUIN Japanese Liver Pellet?, the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR ana RLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild ami pleasant 10 take: especially adapted for children's us*. 50 doses j.s cents. FREE.- A vial of lliese famous little Pellets will 1 e given with a fi l?>.\ or more of Pile Cure. SOTICK- I III. CKNUINB PRIUH jai'ankse Pi lb CORK im sale only hy Dr. B, P. l'osey. Druggist, sale Agent, Laurena, S. c. C, N. & L. R. R. Schedule to take effect damn 72-1,18l>x. sou i n nouM i>. Daily EXCEPT SUNDAY, Passenger. Mixet . Lanrens, Lo l 46 p m n 00 a m Clinton, 2 Id a gg New berry, :>. .',7 7 50 Prosperity. a la 8 If, Little Mountain, 8 80 8 Id White Kock, a 66 ?.i 12 Columbia, Ar 1 l() 10 10 NORTHBOUND, Daily KXOICPT SUNDAY. Passenger, Mixed. Columbia, I.e 1100 pm 5 00pm White Kock, 11 28 6 57 Little Mountain, 1] 46 6 80 Prosperity, 11 fin 7 im? Xewberry, \y 10 7 2a Clinton, 12 50 8 60 Lauren's, Ar 1 10 10 00 W. G, OHILD0, Superintendent. J K. Nolan, Train Master. DR. W. H. BALL OFFICE OVER NATIONAL 8ANK, LAUBENS i rrm? ,1.? r-? \t ?(.-Mr ?ml To.-..i .x ? Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves. Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Mood's. WILLIAM S. GLENN, Central National Hank Bullding, Spartanburg, S. 0. Real Estate, Bond and Stock Broker. Persons desiring to soll or buy Stocka will do woll to consult him. *?Rates West, TEXAS, M 15X ICO, CALI FORNIA, ALASKA, or any othor point, with FREE MAPS, writ.' Lo FREI). o.BUSH, District Passongor Agont, Louisville & Nashville 11 It 8O4 Wall St., Atlanta, (in. P Sir^ie Fact OUT WEIGHS A i Come and get the facts about / A Crescents, Imperials, Columbias Victors and Waverlys. Drop us a postal anil get cata logue and prices. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & CO. Laurens, S. C, Mar., 1898. AN OPEN LETTI To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIOHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA." AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. /, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same tr \ has borne and does now //V7r7~7?~~ 0,1 cvcnJ bear the facsimile signature of C&i^/xZ&idt? wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been ucvd in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thai it is the hind you have always bought y/ft?^JT^ 0,1 ^w and has the signature of OSx^^/^^c?tM wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is President. ' /> . Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because Jie makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he de. s not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE f AC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF -For War, War! Not Uncle Sam's WAK, but the VVcir we are making on Hard TiltlOS, and we are de termined to win. We now have the largest stock we have over car ried, and notwithstanding the fact that all woolen goods and leather goods have advanced considerably, we are prepared for it with a Mammoth stock with no advance. Clothing For all the People : Good all-Wool Men's Suits, at $:L.r><). Good all-Wool Boys' Suits, at 1.00. Young Men's Business Suits, at fi.OO. Good business Suits, at - - 5.00. Nobby Dress Su-ts, at - - - 7.50. Kino Dress Suits, latest style-", 10.00 to $22.50. Good Knee Pants for Boys, at L0 COtitS per pair. Good wool Knee Pants, for boys, at -5 cents. The largest assortment of Clothing for men and boys in upper South Carolina. We ask every one to inspect our stock and sec for them selves. GENTS' FURNISHINGS! All the up-to-date novelties in Shirts?white Shirts, Neglige Shirts. Collars and Cull's. Everything new in Neckwear. The Shoe Store of Laurens. bonded down with the la st assortment of Shoes ever shown in our city. We ask every man, woman and child in Laurens and Laurens county to visit our Shoe store and take a look at our stock. All the late to as in shoes, all the now lasts in Tans, Yioi Kids, Dongolas, and Calf. The nobbiest line of Oxford Slippers for ladies and children on the market. Wo are prepared to shoe the people, ami want you to come and see us and give us a few minutes and wo can convince you that we are prepared to knock out Hard Times in the first round. Remember, we will take pleasure in showing you through our stock whether you are ready to purohase or not, "Honest goods at honest Prices ami honest Dealing" is our motto. We will not be undersold by any house in the State. Call and see for yourself, at Davis, Roper & Co.'s Famous Clothing, Hat and Big Shoe Store. Laurens, S. C, March 14, 189S. THAT OUE Sprite Stock Is larger and cheaper than ever. Our orders were placed before the War Ciolids begau to gather and will bo sold at the LOWEST prices pos sible. J. R. Mi liter & Son, Headquarters lor Lowest Prices and Best Values. I i Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings in order to make room for our Immense Sp1^' S^ck, We offer our entire line of Clothing, Shoes and Furnish ings at greatly reduced prices. Dress GOOdsT We are making room in all Departments tor our Spring Stork and otl'er our entire line of Dress Goods, Silks and Braids at prices to suit everybody. Fifty Beet Spreads Slightly soiled, worth $1.25 ; special price 98 cents. g[tF~ A Lot of ladies Undcr-wear at a Bargain. jfJF* Five Dozen Ladies while Handkerchiefs at 2 I cents. fitF~ Our entire line of Blankets and Comforts are going to be sold in the next few days. Now is your opportunity. Yours to please, Laurens Cotton Mills Store YOUf* Chance During the next Ten Days we will offer our entire stock ot Ladies Capes and Jackets at reduced prices. RESPECTFULLY W. 6. Wilson & Co. 1?ZZsk Great reduction in price of Glenn Springs W ater at The Laurens Drug Co., Kennedy Bros*, and Dr. IV V. Posey's. per ease, bottles to be re turned.