The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 02, 1897, Image 2

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ft?e (?etuartisex t** ? .? ??,= ?absorlptlon Prio*?It Mouttio, $1.00 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. W. W. BALL. EDITOR. Bates for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad vertisements, per square, one Inser tion, fl.OO; each subsequent insertion, SO cents. Liberal reduction made for large Ad vertisements. W. W.BALL, Proprietor. LAURENS, 8. Cm Feb. 2, 1897. OUR SOLON'S. We noglected to mention in its pro per place last wook tbat Col. Neal had been re-elected Superintendent of tho Penetentiary. No matter what tho vacancy bo, there is usually a man for ^he/-placg. Col. Noal had no opposi tion. A Mr. Robinson wants to repeal the Act, (and has introduced a Bill to that effect) preventing United Slates Senators, members of Congress and members of tho Qonoral Assembly, from using freo passes, express and telegraph franks. We are fortunate In never having heard or read of this Mr. Rob?inson before or since, and we do hope that the Legislature will mako an excoption as to tho gentle man, tbat ho may oxcurt freoly as far as he lists. Just tho otbor day wo read of a Georgia Judge who rofusod a free rail road pass. Tho House of Re presentatives accepted an Invitation to visit on Saturday last Winthrop Col lege?"way" up at Rock Hill. Thus was a cool thousand of tho peoples money spent to gratify a crude cu riosity to see brick and mortar. No doubt it was ploasant to soo a great aggregation of protty Misses, but these are overy where and a staple production in this latitude. A Mr. Robinson led in the idoa and a Mr. Klnard opposed It. Hero now: Dr. Prince ? To establish a State Board of ombalmlng; to provide for tho better protection of life and health; to prevent tho spread of contagious disease and to regulate tho practice of embalming and tho caro and disposi tion of tho doad. This gentleman has probably boon roadlng Shakespeare's gruesome grave digging scene in tho play of Hamlet, and it is certainly discouraging. As thus: Alexander died; Aloxandor was burled; Alexander roturnod into dust; the dust is earth; of earth we mako loam, and why of that loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer barrel? "Imperial Caezar dead, and turned to clay, Might stop a bole to keep the wind away." But there aro many subjects of im portance and vital concern to tho Stato before the body and many men of ability who appreciate tbat they aro chosen for the welfare of the State.? The subject of text books for children in the public schools is ono important matter. Let thero bo generous sup poitof the Colleges and men will be doveloped to make docont, fair and in spiring books for our childron. Mr. Rainsford's anti-trust bill?a true blue roform bill will likely become a law and it so deserves. Mr. Simkins' bill providing tbat Grand Jurors should bo drawn and re quired to 8orv? In such way that tho term of service of a certain number should oxpiro at a given time and others hold over, and thus contin uously havo in that body experienced Jurors is likely to become law. A Bill to provide a Labor Commis sioner, and an eight hour and ten hour bill aro under discussion, but those are not needed at the South?the timo may come when this sort of legislation may be needed but not yet. The subject of froo tuition in State Colleges continuously rises to plaguo tho country?liko Banko's ghost it will not down. Tho State should be libaral in the support of public schools, and is liberal, and while education comes high, Governor Ellerbo put tho matter well In his Inaugural addross and tbo country should have a rost from the everlasting Whitman cry. A resolu tion was passod to buy a now gown for the Speakor and this we guess was to put this ohicor upon equality with tho President of the Senate. "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none." By the way, bo it known to all that tho Lieutenant Governor and tbo President of the Sonate, is a country editor, was a poor printor, is solf-cducated, has made a hard fight, and deserves a mighty deal of credit that bo has won honorable placoin tho public service and esteem. This is moro creditable than in times past when College edu cation was the excoption, as in the days of Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson, whereas this is an ago of Colleges and Universities and tho world is packed full of what thoy call learned mon. Lioutenant Governor McSweonoy's case is in lino with tho poet's thought: "Glvo mo ono spark of natures fire, It's all tho learning I desire." Judge Earlo reoelved overy vote for United States Senator with tbo oxcop ?*TlttB of Anderson, colored republican of Georgetown, who voted for Murray. Representative O P. Goodwin ropro sonts Laurens on tho special committoo of thirty-seven to roport on dispensary and pension legislation. Tho Laurens delegation has submitted the follow ing gentlemen for ofllco and tho Gov ernor will so appoint: Treasurer?Messor Babb. Auditor?John R. Finloy. Magistrates- Jool Ellison, Sullivan: John C. Cook, Cross Hill; John M. Hud go ns. Laurens; J. M. Gray, Young's; J. W. Donnon, Scufflotown, G. W. Moore, Waterloo; Wm.McMillan, Hunter; GcO. P. Woods, Dials; J. 0. McMillan, Jacks Township. Ex-Judge Thos. J. Mackey petitions the Legislature and presonts a claim against the State for services in sc ouring a claim against the United States government for the occupation of the Citadel property in Charleston during the reconstruction period. It will be recalled that the State re ceived on account of this o'aim $77,250 appropriated by Congress in 1888. The Legislature will look closely into it ll^atui pay it if it is just. (Every honest man will pay an honest debt, provided he has the money, but this unfortu nately is not always the ease). After a hard tussel the House passed a bill au thorizing counties to borrow monoy from the sinking fund commission, pledging county taxes as security. This commission now has two hundred thousand dollars now lent to banks at a low rate of interest on State bonds as collateral. Tbo measure la sound and the Laurens Uonorablos voted for it. A committee will probably be appointed to investigate during the recess the question of robates in the dispensary purchases. Senator Wallaeo very properly voted against tbo measure All junkoting committees are bad as a rule. The Hall of tho Houso of Repre sentatives was allowed to a temper ance lecturor. (A capital place for such a performance.) A Bill Is pending requiring all coun ty officers to keep a book showing by items all monies received by them?this book to bo open to any body's Inspection. The bill requiring railroads to check byclclcs as bag gage looks as if it would become law; all wrong; tho railroads should havo a fair hack; this Is going "bike" fash ion; presontly they will be required to cheek donkeys, drags, drays and dogs. Mr. Ragdalo's bill to elect Judges by tho peoplo was postponed to noxt ses sion. On Friday last tho Solons oloctod J. O. Klugh, Judge of tho 8th Circuit In placo of Earlo roslgnod. Ho Is thirty nine years of age. Mr. Magill In nominating him said: "Ho Is a man of preeminent literary and legal ability." "Preeminent" is good, when we remem ber In youth, how our preceptors cau tioned as to tho danger of adjootlvcs On tho 1st boat It was neck and nock betweon Ansel, of Groonvllle, Klugh, of Abbevlllo and Brazcalo of Ander son, on the second, Klugh led away and tho count resulted: Klugh 79, Ansel, 59 and Brazealo 7. Nodoubt a good choice has been made, and It Is to bo assumed that Mr. Magill in his use of tho torm "literary" is entirely innocent, as no groat Judgo has been gulllty of decent english. Let there bo no encroach ment upon professorial precints. Mr. Klugh Is of "old Abbevlllo." In tho group of some dozen districts (now counties) called into existence by tho same stroke of tho pen about 1785 wo havo two dignifiod with tho ondoaring quality of ago? "o'd Abbevlllo" and "old Edgo6eld" ? and accordingly should they be tenderly nourished aud stroked with tho hair. Mayflcld, Senator, wants anothor Judicial Circuit and Judge. We have eight; it might be well as there Is luck in odd numbers. Mr. Childs, of Co lumbia has introduced a prohibition bill. It Is a waite of stationery and patience. There seems to bo nothing pending affecting the fortunes of the State and an early adjournment Is expected. Our own Representatives aro not in troducing foolish bills. ##* Wo did not comment on tbo United States Supremo Court opinion con firming Judge Simonton's decision that liquors could be brought to the State (or personal use. We think the decision will not materially intluence tho operations of the Dispensary law. Tho "people" don't care so much about it, but politicians will continue the experiment. That s'-oras to bo settled. Tho peoplo will take it in hand and kill it before a thousand moons. * * * * Editor J. C. Garlington, of the Spar tanburg Horald, wins a prize, offered by tho Southern Stock .Mutual Fire Insuranco Company of Greensboro, N. C. for articles on the dovolopomont of South Carolina. Mr. Garlington writes a oapital article which does crodlt to the author. V Grovonor Ellcrbc seems to have brought business habits to his ofhee. His appointments aro made with promptness and despatch. DANGEROUS but not more so than the quickly advancing diseases caused by bad blood l More people die from failure to take simple healthful precautions than from lawless people. The first sign may be a weak, tired feeling, lack of energy, dizziness or headache. DON'T neglect that sign l It's easier to prevent than cure. Get at once Dn. CLARK JOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP It's the best blood remedy. It's a Cure, not for a day or a week, but a permanent cure, prompt and sure. Over ao,000,000 bottles sold. 50c. per bottle; all druggists. ' Short-length Carpoting at a bargain. Come see our prices. ?. M. <k E. II. Wllkos A Co. A good young county-raised mule for sale at reasonable prlco. L. W. SlMKINS. Rood's Cure All liver ills, bilious- ? ? ? ocas, headache, sour atom- If M m I I ach, inul?estlon, coiistlp.v W~ I I %i tion. They act *a?lly, with ? ? ? ? out pain "r grip*. 80M by ?II drtiKfrUt*. v, cant*. Tha only rim to take with Ho?4a Saraaparllla. i w Oman's ork Is never dono, and it is especially wearing and wearisome to those whone blood la impure and unfit properly to tone, sus tain, and renew the wasting of nerve, muscloaud tissue. It is more because of this condition of the blood that women are run down, Tired, Weak, Nervous, Than because of the work itself. Every physician says so, and that the only rem edy Is In building up by taking a good nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizor liko Hood's Sarsaparllla For the troubles Peculiar to Women at change of season, climato or life, or resulting from hard work, nervousness, and impure blood, thousands havo found relief and cure In Hood's Sarsaparilla The Ono True Wood Purifier. ?1; six for |5 1'reparcd only by 0.1. Hood & Co-., Lowell, Mass. Sil? mil are the only pills to take nOOOl b Kll IS with Hood's Sarsaparllla THE RETIRED BURGLAR. Ells Most Unexpected Itvcovery of a Long Lost Dog. "Speaking of watchdogs," said tho retired burglar, "I never owned a watchdog, but I did once own a jolly littlu mongrol dog that wo called some times Nibs, but mostly Nibsy, a lively, Sensitive littlo fellow, but no watchdog. You might have played a brass band outride, and he'd never iicar it, but lot anybody that ho knew walk across tho floor, and ho'd wag his tail in his sleep. "Well, aftor we'd had Nibsy a num ber of years wo lost him. IIo just disap peared ono day nud didn't como back, nud wo didn't know whether bo'd boon run ovor by a train of cars or strayed away and got lost, or whethor somebody had picked him up and onrried him off, or what was tho matter, but ho didn't como baok, and wo xuissod him very much bocaufio we all liked Nibsy. "Now, maybo you can guess what happened. Ono morning early, about 2 or half past 2, sonio months aftor that, as I was moving slowly in tho dark across a room on tho second floor of n houKO that I had called at some GO miles from whore I lived, I folt the legs of a small dog thrown against mine. I couldn't sco tho dog nt nil, hut it was standing on its hind legs and resting its fore legs against me, and I could toll by tho movement of them that ho was wng ging his tail violently. It was Nibsy, of courso. Ho'd known my troad, soft as it was, and woko up to receive mo. "Well, you know, glad as I was to find Nibsy, I'd rather not havo found him right there, becauso ho was almost certain to mako trouble for mo. Ho bo gim to whine with joy tho first thing, aud then ho gavo n little yolp. That was just what I was afraid of. Ho didn't want to make any troublo for mo, but that onu yolp wus enough. A man in tho bed sits up and pulls a string und turns on a light and says; " 'Now, what's the mntter?' "And I puts up a great polar bluff and says, ' You swiped my dog, and I've como to get him.' "'Swipod nothing,' ho says. 'I'll swipo you in a minute,' and ho wasn't slow in getting at it either. Ho was getting out of bed and coming for mo all tho time he was talking, and a good healthy, powerful looking man ho was too. But Nibsy was bright. Nibsy made just one divo at tho man's feet, but that was enough to sdop him until I'd got turned and started, aud a minute later I was going down the road, with Nibsy coining on behind."?New York Sum. ?AT? BIG FIRE SALE SS S? [CONTINUES.! S? SS Soven moil busy waiting on tho Customers. The greatest opportunity over offered you to buy Goods CHEAP. Our ontiro Stock of in this Salo?Get Prices at onco. Seo tho lino of 75cts and $1.00 Pants; Boys' Suits all going. Boxes broken up but good shoos all the same at tho biggest Bargains over offered. Now is your time. Just take time to como and soo for yourself. You can afford to buy and keep thein until you need them. ' Whole Stock must go at once. Spot Cash, No Goods Charged to anyone. *}SKiX**H Jt-*-/.:.~rtr. DAVIS & ROPER. LAURENS , S. C, Jan. 21, 1897. TO THE PUBLIC. For the next Thirty Days we will sell at cut prices: Ovcroats, Blankets, Shawls, Laprobes, Wool Jeans and some Job lots of Shoes. J. it* M1NTER & SON. NOTICE Of Settlement and Application Jor Final Discharge. Take notice that on the ijfd clay of Feb. 1897, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Administrator of the estate of Mary I'-. Spencer, deceased, in the ollicc of Judge of Probate, for I,aureus county at 11 o'clock A. M.. and on the r.umc day will apply for a final discharge from my hut as such Administrator. Ail pcibons having demands again-1 said estate will please pre sent them on or before that dAy proven and authenticated, or be for ever barred. L. P. ARMSTRONG, Administrator. Jan. 15. 1897 ~4t Veterinarian. I will make Laurens my homo horoafler,and can bofound at Chil droes' Stables, where I will be pleas ed to servo the public in my capa city as Voterinarian Surgeon. I I tnako specialties of Castrating j Ridgllng Horses and Old Stallions, removing fungus growths, warts, tumors, etc. M. P. KENELEY. Nov. 0, 1890-tf Petition for Homestead. Notice is horoby givon that Caroline Meadows has applied to me by poto tion for a homestead in the personal efftcts of Whltmorc Moadows, de ceased. John F. Bolt, c. c. c. p. l. c. MONEY TO LOAN (>0 improved farms in Laurens Coun ty at seven (7) per cent, intorest. Long time. iRoasonablo terms. Simpson & Barksdale, Jan. 4, 1897?3m. Attorneys, NOTICE. All persons having accounts* ?with us will call and settle same< at our office over J. R. Minter &< )Son's store. Yours truly, L. E. BURNS & CO., ? Laurens, S. C.< AH Liquors bottled under the Dispensary "Red, White and Blue" label are distilled and guaranteed by us. We have been selling to the South for FORTY YEARS and we know what you want. Ask your Dispensary for " Red, White and Blue" label liquor and insist on getting it. FREIBERG & WORKUM, Distillers, Lynchburg, O. Petersburqh, Kv. Cincinnati, O ? \ i V ... $14.88 (Old Price 991.00) For an Oak Suit Furniture with Large German Bevel Glass, Hand Carved (not Band sawed carving) DELIVERED FREE AT YOUR DEPOT -FOR 9 ?ays Oply S \.>l SUNNY SOUTH STOVE. S. ffl, & E. H. Wilkes & CO. Frieght Paid. House Furnishers. Laurens, S. C, Jan. 25th, 1897 ^^MONEY IN^r*-^ THE MISSING WORD. arc pleased to make an entirely new offer to our subscribers, in which every one may have a chance to name the missing word in tliis sentence : " SUPPLY AND DEMAND ARE AS INTIMATELY '-1 AS CAUSE and EFFECT." It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects. In making your guess it is not necessary to write out the full sentence?simply write: 44 My guess for missing word for MARCH is _ mm Constitution PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GA., IN CONNECTION WITH Z0ZB^ THE LA?RENS ADVERTISER AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF ... . q And send your guess with it, and we will forward all for you and thus <*4 Give You a Chance to Mako G??lI Money. t? THE CONSTITUTION guarantees that the amount of the award will not be less than $590 in Cash, and it may he as much as $2,000. It will be io per cent of all subscriptions that we, and all the other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months of January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record of last year, the sum to bo given will Exceed $2,000 cash. If the sub scriptions arc doubled, as they were in January, just past. The Consti tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest. Jf more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. The Weakly Constitution is the Greatest Weekly Howspaper in the World, with a circulation of 1 56,000. It covers the whole world in its new.4 service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to the page, 84 Columns Every Week. AS A NEWSPAPER?-The Weekly Constitution has no equal in America! Its news reports cover the world, and its correspondents und agents are to be found in almost every bailiwick in the Southern and Western States. AS A MAGAZINE?-It prints more such matter as is ordinarily found in the great magazines of the country than can l>r gotten nnin even the best Ol tlicin. AS AN EDUCATOR?It Is a sctionlhoiise within itself, and a year's reading of THE CONSTITUTION is a liberal education t.. anj ?11 . AS A FRIEND AND COM PANK ?X - It brings cheer and c< in foil to the fireside every week, is eagerly sought by the children, contains valuable information for the mother, and is an encyclopedia of instruction for every member of tire household, ITS SPECIAL FEATURES?Arc such as are not to be found in any other paper ii America. THE FARM AND FARMERS' DEPARTMENT, TilE WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT, THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, Are all under able direction, and arc specially attractive to those to whom these dcpartmei are addressed. LET US HAVE YOUR SU3SCMIPTI0M AT ONCE And with it your guess?for the guess must, in every case, a< company the yearly subscription sent in. Yon cannot do with out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great, general newspaper, in touch with your section. VVe cover the local demand?Till-: CONSTITUTION .overs the world. If you are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution, send us ?1.00, and along with it v om guess in the missing word contest. VVe will forward same and duly record your guess. THE CONTEST CLOSES MARCH I, 1897. Send us your money and get both papers one year, and per haps got enough money to clear you of debt, or buy you a good home. Now is the time to subscribe. Address all orders to? The ADVERTISER, Laurons. S. C.