The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 19, 1897, Image 3

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HOME AFFAIRS. ^Ilon. Hugh L. Farley, tho State his torian, is quito nick at his room in the Greenfield building hore.?Tho state Senator Tillman in an interview in a mild-mannered way answers Governor Evans' attack on tbo management of Ciemson. And that settles it. John'8berman, Senator of Ohio, will be Premier, Fecrotary of State, In Mc Klnloy'a Cabinet. This shows thero is nothing tho matter with Hnnna, that ho has Dulldcd well, and will succeed Sherman as Seuator from Ohio. The new county fovcr still bo'ds Its grip on sovoral communities in South Carolina Clinton, however, Is con tent with being tho second city in Lau rons county and is-on this ono subjoct as qulot us a mouse?Clinton Gazette. f A noble town with no small ideas.? Clinton builds factories and estab lishes rail road connections Who would think of hunting a misorablo Court llouso in Paris, Chicago, or Philadelphia. Laurens with hor llttlo Court House will bo content to emu late Clinton in groat enterprises. Honor Roll Of Hunter Academy School for tho month beginning November 30, 1890, ending January 7th, I8!>7. Claud Garrott, Willie Camel, Marvin Patton, Sallie Cook, Wllllo Crisp, Glenn Cook, Annie Garrott, Tommie Gwin, Nannie Camel, Neva Cooper, Rosa Gr ay don, Graves Gwin, Mamie Patton, Palmer Pat'on and Tommie ?Stewart. D. A. Owtncjs, Teacher. MOUM'YILLE MATTERS. Mountvllle, S. C, Jan. 12 ?Death has been busy In our community during the past forty-eight hours. At 4 p, m. yesterday Mrs, lt. W. Pitts died after an illness of two or three weeks. She leavess a husband and two sons. At 0 p. m. Mrs. Mamlo Fuller died from typhold fevor. Her husband is at death's door from tho same cause, and also a young daughter. Mrs. Fuller's funeral sermon will bo preached this forenoon by tho Rev. J. B. Parrott at the Baptist Church. Mrs. Dr. F. G. Fuller died last night about midnight. I learn tho Interments will bo at Boav erdam comotery to morrow. At 8 p. nv yesterday Dr. T. D. Hair eton's elegant new residence with its contents was totally destroyed by lire. There wa9 no one on the premises at the time. Tho supposition is that the fire originated in the cook-room, from carelessness of a negro cook. The prop erty, I learn, was well covered by in surance. Dr. Hairston is just opening up goods in his new storehouse. W. K. Crisp, J. 11. Motes and James Austin left to-day to take a business course at Osborne's College, Augusta, Ga.?Columbia Register. A good young county-raised mule for salo at reasonable priee. L. W. SlMKINS. BARGAINS AT JAMIESON'S. 08 cents still will buy a high cut Kid Shoe for men at Jamieson's, Worth elsewhere, $1.26. 50 cents will buy a solid shoe for wo men. Fot nico dress she es for ladies Jamie son is the place to go. All winter goods must be closed out in next 30 days, to make room for my Spring Stock. See goods and prices at Jamieson's. 26 pairs mens hand-mado $5.00 shoos I am now closing out at $2.90. At Jam ieson's. Ladies from the country ai well as men, are cordially invitsd to make my store headquarters when in town. We will try to make it profitable as well as pleasant. Remember I am next door to People's Loan and Exchadge Bank. Very respectfully, W. A. Jamieson. Davi9 & Roper aro at thoir now stand under Bon-Delia?selling at reduced rates. Ituslness Notices. Wanted;?Beeves and Hogs to butch er?highest market price paid with the cash. Adams & Wallace. on Factory Hill. Davis & Hoper must get rid of their damaged 9tock. Dr. Posey's Cough Balsam cures colds, hoarseness and lo?s of voice. It never fails, if taken as directed. A big bottle for only 26 cents. Constipation and sick headache are cured by Japanese Sives Pellets?pure ly vegetables, small and mild in ac tion. Fifty doses 25 cents at The Laurens Drug Co. A clean, soft, rosy complexion is the desire of every lady. Poor soaps ruin fine skins. Oriental soap is healthy, helpful and healing. Try a cake for 10 cents?regular price is 25 cents. The I.aureus Drug Co. Perfumed hair dressing, the nicest thing in Laurens for tho mdncy at Dr. Posey's Drug Storo. If your system is clogged or your circulation sluggish it will cause dis ease. Don't delay but take Electric Bitters now. They will cleanse the blond and pure blood prevents disease. For sale by The Laurens Drug Co. If you want a good smoke, get tho "Kossuth" at Dr. Posov's Drug Storo, the best 5 cents cigar on tho market. Save monoy in your pants pockets by buying Furniture, Stoves, Crockery, Tlnwaro from S. M. & E. II. Wilkos & Co., who pays the freight. Dr. Posey has received his Christmas Goods. See them before you buy. If you want a nice Calender for noxt year leavo your name with us now. Tho Laurens Drug Co. Wo roll the King and Jefferson Hals. Don't fail to secure one. J. R. Mieter & Son. It should bo borno in mind that 730 Is a good rocking chair to havo in your house. It is cheap. See S. M. & E. H. Wllkes & Co. "Talk is cheap." But at the presont day it takes a "hustlor" to broak 8. M. E. H. Wllkes & Co. buying Furniture. Do you think an Oak Suit Furniture for 114 60 with largo glass cheap?? Frolght paid. Johnson's Oriental Soap leaves the skin softand vevety. A pure medicated soap delightfully perfumed. Trial price 10 cents for a few weeks at The Laurens Drug Co. Havo you cast your oye on the $1.60 mahogany top table with solid brass legs on exhibition at S. M. & E. II, Wllkes & Co. N?TIGE. Parties having business with tho Coroner ploaso tolegraph or phono to Ball fi Slmklns, Laurens, who will communicate with the undorsigned at $ra, S. C M. H. Fkkouson, Coroner, L. C, Jan. IsL.lftftL ':>..;.>>??.>?:*:... A Letter frotrfCapt. Shell. Published in the';g!stor we find tho following lettor fro Ex-Congressman Shell on a very liveubject: Mr. Burns wus k 1 onough to hand Tho Register the flowing communi cation, which wasjceived from Con gressman G. W. St 11, a few days ago, and will explalnjhe Congressman's position on the Diensary system: C. B. D. Burns, h., Columbia, S. 0.1 My Dear Burns?oavo observed with pleasure your in*i>lon to present some needful ioglnlatlo in regard to the management of b State Dispensary. 1 fully concur witjyour opinion about tho constabulurlyjaturos, which moro then a'l ojhor ca^s has brought the law into content and disrepute, in deed, its mlsmanremont has brought strong opposition it throughout tho Stato, anu if eonnued, will cause the moral support a) its best influences to abandon it jio constable feature as enforced untr tho two preceding udminlstratlonsps been a farce, tho latter one, only blamo for trying to imp Tillmnn anjhaving no policy of his own. Tho dgracoful performance of somo of tho pnstablcs, who with out sufficient ipvocation, have hcon guilty of murddng their follow coun trymen In coldilood, stands without parallel in the Htory of civilization, Cuban atrocitiehot excoptod Thoro can be no justitjition for such fliend ish action corunj<tcd by unscrupulous, Irresponsible up, who have (In many instunces) bocnuoson for thoir ospec ial capacity to c dirty work for tholr masters, oncouiged by assurances of pardon when t ? 11 guilt has boen proven. I bopuhat you will succeed in your ondeavonud rollovo tho Stato from this misoiblo crowd of piratos that go prowlinuround with murder ous intent, inllitine death upon inno cont victims, an robbing tho people of tho hard curnl taxes that cost so much toil und sa^ificc. In one otherjnatter I bog your co operation, and hat is tho election of Col. Tom Austinof Groenvillo to the clerkship of tholouso of Representa tives. Col. Ausn is an original Ro former, whilst (in. Gray is only a pro tender; and Gad h no claim on our people for any iMtlon. as tho father and tho whole caw nro blood suckers, Imported from dorlga to do tho bid ding of a few scrvy politicians. Please don't nogloct tjis. as it will have an important bcarbr on tho political fu ture If hcalthwill permit, it is my intention to visitho Legislature sorao time next weokput at prcsont 1 am suuoring with to grippo. Hoping you may havo a lirmonious and pro fitable session, .remain your friond, (Confidential) ' 0. W. SHELL. P. S.?I wantp say it is my opinion that Gov. Ellepo will do his whole duty, and if thuLegislature will sup port him hcarf'y, as I bolieve thoy will, our old fstracted couutry will ere long be rptored to a condition peace, harmon/and good will toward men. Tlic r ehr nary ? umber Of Tho Duplicator is called tho Midwinter ^imber, and Ms artis tic colored latesin litograph, half tone and olpgrnph effects embody the latent fleas in Winter Dress mode?, Fault 9 and Millinery, One of tho mbstjvuI liable artiolos which has ever an>eare?l iu this sterling Magazine Jtroduces a writer new to its page! Nora Archibald Smith ?ti sister rj Kate Douglaa Wiggin WhOft? pa prof tho study of children should be bad by every one who accepts reponsibllity for their pro per dovelqnnont. Dr. Grace Peck ham-Murrjy continues tho Talks on Healttiand Beauty so auspic iousl3T begin in the January num ber. ThoMillen Idolatry, a short story of lew England people, is the worklof Sarah Cleghorn, a young wr|er of brilliant piomise. In diseusjing Social Lifo in.New York, Maty Cadwalader Jones is, of course jit her brightest and best. Carolyn Balsled explains tho won derful grAvth of Stato Federations of Womays Clubs. Lucia M. Rob* bins detals a novel idea in Enter tainments and there is a paper of relativo liierest on Church Fairs and FanoV Bazaars. Maude C. Murray-?|ller contributes her sec ond paper/on Tho Debutante. Em ma Haywbod continues her series of papers on Ecclesiastical Em broidery Jand also illustrates the use of Coronation Cord in Fancy Work. Tue departments of Floral Work, B?ok Iteviews, Tea Table Chat, Sotsonable Cookery, Kult? iing, Tating, Crocheting, etc., are of accustomed excellence. To our rtany friends and customers we extend thanks for past patronage, and promise to push our business with renewed zeal and enorgy, that wo may merit a larger share of patronage In the future. Wo hope that this may be a happy a od prosperous year with all. J. U. Mintkk & Son. Reward Would be cheerfully paid by almost any ono vho has Catarrh to bo cured. You can be cured for loss than half that money by taking (B.B.B.) Botanic Blood Bilm. Read the following cer tificate: cata.'tKH ok the head CUItTCD. I cantot refrain from tolling you what a glorious modioino you havo. For two years my mother has eulTerod with a severe catarah of the head and ulcerated sore throat. Sho resorted to various remedies without otTect, until sho used botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.), which cured her catarrh, and hoalou her soro throat. W. A. Papper, Predonla, Ala. For sale by Tho Laurons Drug Co., and all other Druggists. - MONEY TO LOAN On Improved farms in Laurons Coun ty at so von (7) por cent. Intorost. Long time. Reasonable terms. Simpson ?fc Barksdalb, Jan . 4, 1897?3m. Attorneys. Executors Sale. I will sell at Laurons. O. H. boforo the Court IIouho door during tho logal hours of sale, on Kalcsday in February next, boing tho 1st day of iho month, tho following property of tho e-tato of Simpson D. Glonn, deceased; twolvo shares in tho Peoples Loan and Ex chnngo Hank of tho par valuo each of $100 00; flvo shares of tho Hank of Lau rens, par valuo of oach $100 00. Terms cash. j. Pkuhy Glknn. Executor Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and LaGrlppo when Laxativk Bkomo Qninink will cure you in ono day.? Doos not produco tho ringing in tho head llko Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablots convonlont for taking.? Guaranteed to cure, or monoy re funded. Prico, 26 cents. For sale by Hill & Martin. NOTICE! The attention of Executors, Admin istrators, Guardians and others acting in a fiduciary capacity is called to tho fact that tho time for making annual roturns will oxpiro on 28th day of Feb ruary, 1807. O. G. THQMP80X, ? Deo. 31 1806?2t J. p. r.. o. LATE HAPPENINGS. WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED IN AND AROUND TUE CITY L. W. Simklns, Esq. visited New borry on legal business during last week. Congressman Ktnnyarne Wilson at tended court at Spartanburg during last week. Liliokalani, deposed queen of Uawail, is in Boston. The Bean Eaters in despair call her Lily. The circuit Court for Laurens sits en the 2d Monday in February. Judge Watts will preside. Mr. W. H. Webb, of Nashville, Tcnn., a most pleasant gentleman, Is on a visit to friends in this city. Tho Messrs. Todd are contemplating building a handsome business house on thoir well known corner, which will bo an ornament to the city. Mr . John Oliver, a philanthropist of Columbia, who recently diod.boqueath ed $250.00 to thoTbornwoll Orphanage, Clinton, in this county. Capt. Shell's lotter was not intended for publication. But, as it has scon the light, we think it hotter that it should be read, than discussed without the text. Judgo It. C. Watts, after concluding tho business of Court at Spartanburg, is spondlng sumo days In the city. Monday next he will open Court at Union. Tho Cotton Mill corporation will opon in tho Spring a largo Gonoral Mercantile establishment on Factory Hill. The houso has advanced to tho second story and Is of brick. Mr. L. E Burns, who sufferod so sori ously by tho recent disastrous firo, will at an early day resume his business, and offer to his many customers a splou dld stock of choice goods. Tho Clinton Cotton Mill appllqd yes terday to tho Secretary of State for permission to Increaso Its capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000 tho par valuo of tho shares remaining at $100.?The State. Our handsome young friond Jamos F. Shumate was in tho city last week. His many friends wore delighted to welcome him at his old homo. IIo is now doing well in Anderson, tho At lanta of South Carolina. We call attention with pleasure to tho card of Mr. R. P. Adair, tho re tiring county Supervisor. In doing so wo feel assured that the people of Lau rens appreciate his faithful and efH clont discharge of responsible duties and will bo ready again to call him to more important trusts. Mary E. Wilkins is engaged in writ ing a seri?s qf striking skotches of New neighborhood lifo for the Ladies Jour nal. They will portray a small commu nity's social indulgences, sketching the old-fashioned quilting party, the time worn singing-school and au apple-par ing bee, Dr. Augustus C. Tribble, a son of Col. M. P. Trioblo, formerly of this county, died suddenly on the 11th instant at his father's bouse in Anderson. Col Tribble's many friends in Laurons will sincerely sympathize with him In his affliction. Comptroller Gonoral Norton roccm mends amondment to our Sinking Fund Laws. He says that the gap has been down for thieves for a long tlmo and that If there has boon no stealing, it was not for the want of opportunity without detection. But still there has been complaint about the tax levy. Dr. J. P. Simpson, as Exocutor of Mrs. Annie E. Simpson, :,old on Thurs day last at public outcry, the following socurtle8: 50 shares of Clifton Manu facturing stock of par valuo of $100 at $115 per share: 35 shares National Bank of Newborry, par valuo $100 at $107 50 per share. Mrs. Dr. P. G. Fuller, the wlfo of Dr. 1?. G. Fuller, after a long Illness, died at her homo near Mountvile, this county, on the elovonth Instant. Sho was tho daughter of Mr. John O'dell, a wealthy and prominent citizon who died many yoars ago. Mrs, Fuller leaves surviving bor, hor husband and a largo family of children, who in their 8evero bereavement, have the sympa thy of a large circle of friends. Find us under tho Ben-Deila Muko your own trade?namo your own torms. Wo propose to bo ready for a splendid line of spring dainties. Davis & Roper*. Editor M oore. Angel's visits aro few and far be tweon. Editor Mooro, of tho Ilonea Path Chronicle dropped In a9 It were, from tho clouds, and roliovcd our prosy trea^-mill existence. Harris Llthla. That liberal gentleman, Mr.J.T.Har ris tendors a banquet to tho State Press Association at his famous watering place, during their annual meeting, to take place at Newborry, May 25th, 1807. Wo will bo back at our old and splen did stand on tho corner. In tho mean while our damaged stock mu9t go to our old customers at tho lowest prices. ? Davis & Roper. Annual Meeting. Tho Annual Meeting of tho Stock holders of Tho National Hank of Lau rons was hold at their banking houso on Tuesday tho 12th Inst. The roport of tho President shows: Not earnings since organization, $60.693.40; consisti ng of dividends paid, $-17,250 00; Sur nlus nqd undivided profits, $13,443.40. Tho capital stock of tho bank is $03.000. Board of Directors elected for the ensuing year: John W. Ferguson, C. D, Barksdalo, T. E. Todd, B. F. Poaoy, R. C. Davis, A. R. Fulloi-, J. H. Wharton, Jno. A. Barksdalo. Jno. A. Barksdalo, President; Jno. Aug. Barksdalo, Cashier. "Captain Dick" Was presented at the Opera House last Friday night by a company of Laurcns pooplo. The Horald and Nows was not represented in the audl onco, as the editor was absont from town and tbo local editor was afraid to venture out on account of tho "grlppy" condition of tbo weather.? Bill thoso who worb prcsont say it was lino?somo go so far as tosaythatit was tho "best thing scon at tho Opera House In many a long night." When a gallery boy likes a play ho pro nounces it "out of sight, and that was hi? enthusiastic verdlot last Fri day night. Wo hope this excellent troupo will como again when the weather is pleasant and thcro aro no counter attractions hero to divide the crowd.?Newberry Herald and Nows. Organs and Pianos. I do not beg beg any porson to buy of me, but if you valuo youi dollars, I will positively save you many of thorn on the prico of a piano or organ. See: my Organs and guaranty. Thoy mlk. Call at my photograph studio.' ovor Bank of Laurens Don't buy urn til you see what I can do. I I.. A. MoOORlt/ LISBON. Mb. Editob:? I will begin the new year by wishing you and your valuable pa per much buccosp. I have been readlug your paper for several years and I And it a source of much pleasure. I consider It the best county paper in the State, though other** may differ with me. Our community was shocked yesterday morning by the death of Mrs. Or. F. G. Fuller. While It was not unexpected hor relatives, and friends were not prepared for the sad event. Truly a good woman has gone to her reward. She was a consistent member of Bcaverdum Church. To the bereaved husband and children we extend our deepest sympathy. Messrs L. 0. Wharton and Ed. Teaguo have gone to Columbia to accept a position in ihs Dry Good store of Mr. Fenster. Wo hated very much to give the young boys up lor they were a source of much pleasure to this community, und we trust that they will make as man) friends in Columbia as they had here. Your humble writer hoars that one of the Lisbon buys will soon havo ono of yourcily girls keeping house lor him by the first of Feb ruary next. Wo welcome her in advance. Mr. L, N. MoNoace, of ChcHter, spent Xmas day with hla friend J. T. A. Uallew, Esq. Mr. McNeace is considered one of the finest sales man in Chester. He is a double first cousin of Mr. Wallaco Mc Neace, of your city*-better young men never lived. Mrs. J. T. A. B illow spent last Saturday and Sunday with rela tives and friend* in your city. Mr. Stokes Teague'is at Maddens very sick with pneumonia. Wo trust that ho will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Teaguo will move hick to their old home as soon as Stokes gets well enough. Tho chil dren will remain at Maddens and attend school. Mr. Ed Milam went to Clinton a few days ago on business. Mr..Bloom Milam,of Thornwell Orphanoge has como homo to en gage in farm work. Mr. Robt. Pasley, of South Caro lina College spent Xmas holidays with his father, Oapt. B. B. Pasley. The charming Miss Bessie Whar ton, of Youngs, has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicin ity. Her friends hated to see her leave. Mr. A. J. Smith is out with the washing machine. It is a beauty aud will no doubt give satisfaction. Wo are glad to state that our neighbor and friend Mr. lt. H. Young has returned homo from Eureka, S. C. Eureka certainly did agree with Mr. Young. F, A Card from Mr. Adalr. Dear AdvrbtisRBI Will you pleuse allow mo a small space in your paper to make a few state ments, as I turn over the Super visor's oftlce to-day to the present Supervisor, First, I want to thank the people of Laurens county, both male and female for their kindness and gen eral hospitality shown mo luring the past four years. 1 siucorely thank thorn all. Secondly, Since my administration as county com missioner and Supervisor tho past four years we havo built seven new bridges Jointly with adjoining counties, five of them covered and wealherboardcd. In Laurens county we havo had twenty-eight now bridges, six of th?m covered and weathorboardod, with quite n number of small bridges I make no mention of. Besides a great deol of repairs have been done on other bridges all over the county. I think I could safely say that the county is seventy-five per cent better off in bridges to-day than four years ago, 1 havo also had two flro proof vaults built in tho court home worth $1,000 or $1,200 to tho county and tho records. Tho houses at the county poor house are at least 100 per cent, improved. Wo had two good tenant housos built and all of the pauper's houses sealed all over and four of them recovered. Tho county also has two good mules, wagon and har ness, two wall tents, ono tent fly, tools of all description for building bridges, rock peers and working Iho highways. Wo havo also man aged to have all Court expenses paid in cash, and all claims against the connty have been paid monthly and quarterly in cash. From the Treasurer's report af ter having two months added to the flcal year, we will have enough money to pay all demands against tho county up to January 1st 1897. I Respectfully, It. P. A da ik. UNION MEETING. The 4th and 5th Sections of the Reedy River Association will meet with the Waterloo Baptist church on Saturday before the 5th Sunday in January, 1897. PROGRAMME. Saturday, 11 A. M., Dovotisnal exercises to he conductod by J. F. Ram age. 11.30 a. m. Quory: In dividual Christian, experience and tho effect it has on life. J. B, Whitmire, John Culhortson. RECE98. Query 1 Would it not bo better in our church letters totay, "In good standing" rather than "Jn full fellowship?" Rov. B. F. Corley, O. 0. Risor, P. II. Anderson. Query. Would it ho for the edifi cation of our churches to let all ap plicants rola. thoir own experi ence? Rov. J. E. Johnson, Rov. H. FoWW, T. S. Simpson. Sunday, Sunday School mass meeting, addressed by T, C. Sumc rel, W. P. Turner, II n, m., sormon by J. E. John son, alternate B. F. Corloy. R. C. WALLACE, Secretary. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of tho decree of Iho Court of Common Ploasin tho caso of M. 8. Bailey A Son agaim A. P. Sullivan, et al. 1 will sell at pub lic outcry to highest bidder for cash on Salesday in Februry next, all that tract of land, Twenly-ono Acres,(21) more or less, bounded by lands of J. S.Thompson, P. R. ?) W. O. R. R., and public road iroro Laurens to Milton. Purchaser to pay for papers. Qeo, 8. McOkavv, I Jan. 9,97 Sheriff L. C. I Obituary* I Death, the insatiate archer, has in vaded our community, and snatched away from loving arms ono who was the delight of his father, the pride of his mother, and the beloved of all who knew him,?John Brannon Kay?the bright, promising and exemplary son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bay. Jack, as he was familiarly known, was a regu lar attendant of church and Sunday school, in whose services he exhibited a large degree of loving interest. As the drops of dew, touched by the sun light, upward Hies from out tho morn ing blossoms, so his young, pure soul passed to the glory of the skies, lie who gave the gem which shed the lus tre on affection's diadem bereft the glowing circle of its fondly cherished prize?to bear away the jewel bright to bless its native skies. It is manly to weep over our bereavements. While we drop the tear of sorrow at the grave?drops of anguish wrung from the bruised tendrils of our nffections? all seems dark to us. We think too much of our loss nud not enough of the gain of the departed. As our hearts quiver in the throos of anguish at riven ties may our hearts follow the spirit of our loved one as it enters the pearly gates, and feel a joy unspeakable lining our breast at the consciousness that though he can no more come to us we can go to him and greet one another in that fadeless realm beyond the starry dome where angel voices welcome breathe to "Home Sweet Home." The bell that summons us to attend the remains of loved ones to their last resting place tells of woe and more. It tells of sorrow on earth and joy in heaven; of parents souls Immersed in anguish at the separation, and of the spirit of the child bathed in joy and the effulgence of glory at meeting with the blood-washed throng. It tells par ents not to sorrow without hope; that their treasure is none the less precious to them because it has been moved where chilling winds nor poisonous breath can destroy; to lighten the stroke by drawing nearer to Him who wieldeth the rod. Our warmest sympathy goes out to the grief-stricken family. Great as their gloom is, the rainbow of a glori ous hope spans their tears and illum ines their woe. "Thou wilt heal the broken heart, Which like the plants that throw Their fragrance from the wounded part, Breathes sweetness out of woe." The face of the cloud nearest us may be black as jet, but its inner lining next to heaven shines like molted silver, and its edges like burnished gold, as it catches the beams of inner glory shin ing through the "gates ajar" as the loved one passed through to his ever Insting abode. 'Behind a frowning providence he hides a smiling face," bright with mercy and luminous with love. Jack has been called up higher, and? "Waits our coming in a land where blossoms never fade; Where griefs severe never come, Nor sorrow casts a shade." J. P. Saxon. Huntington, S. C. CROSS HILL NOTES. Messrs. Leamananct Fuller liavo opened a new stock of goods in the store formerly occupied by J. M. Simmons. Wo welcome those young men to our town and wish them abuudaut success. Mrs. Matthews and family hnvo removed to Abbeville court house. We are sorry to part with this good family. L. G. Carter has moved into the rosidonco of P. H. Madden. Prof. II. Z. Nabors will occupy the house vacated by Mr, Carter. Marshall Leamau has moved to town from Mountville and occu pies a residence belonging to W. M. Miller. Mr. I. G. Lowe and Mrs. Emily Austin wen? married on the 9th of January by He v. H. F. Hitt. We extend to ibis couple our congratu lations. Mr. Duffle Stone und Miss Fan nie Hollingsworth wore married on the 6th of January. This young couple have our host wishes for their happiness. A dispensary constable has boon giving this town a good deal of his attention of late, but we have not heard of any success in capturing the contraband article. Wo are a law abiding people, and although there is entirely too much liquor drank yet. it seems that it is done according to law. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Simmons celebrated thoir silk and linen wed ding on January loth. A large number of young people wore in vited, and attended in full force. A largo number of beautiful silk and linen presents wore presented by the guests and the host and Iiis wife spread a sumptous table, and all pronounced it the most delight ful social gathering of the season. We hope that Mr. Simmons and wife may live to celebrate their golden wedding, and may their shadows never grow less. sobibb. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUBED by local applications as they can not roach the diseased portion of Iho ear. Thero is only ono way to cure deafness, and that Is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is In 11 um m you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hoaring, and when it is entirely closed, deafness Is tho result, and unless Imflammation can bo taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hoaring will ho destroyed forever; nino cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but nn inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.? Send for circulars; free. i<\ j. Oheney & Co., Toiodo, o. Sold by Druggists, 15 cents. Bargains In Organs, Organs from $35.00 up at M. A Mulono's, Columbia,8, C. / Cottas Are dangerous if not prompt ly and properly treated. If you have a slight cough now, don't wait for it to get worse before trying to cure it.? Every day's neglect makes it harder to break. It's easy and costs little, if you start in time, Red Flax Cough Syrup Is a Safe and Reliable Prepa ration that we Guarantee. Our old customers use it every sea son. It's the largest bottle of good Cough Syrup sold for 25 cents. Try it. Trial Size free. MANUFACTICRKD BY Laurens Drug Co., //. K. AI KEN, M. D., Managet\ f?tf* Store near Post Office. NOTICE Of Settlement and Application Jor Final Discharge. Take notice that on the ??rd clay of Feb. 1897,1 will render a final account of my acts and doings as Administrator of the estate of Mary K. Spencer, deceased, in the office of Judge of Probate, for Laurens county at 1 1 o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as such Administrator. All persons having demands against said estate will please pre sent them on or before that day proven and authenticated, or be for ever barred. L. P. ARMSTRONG, Administrator. Jan. 15, 1S97?at Yeaf Presents W. A. JOHNSON, The Jeweler. Mills & Robertson's old stand ?next door Ben-Delia Hotel. ' List of Lette s * Remaining in the Post Office at Lau* rons, S. C, unclaimed, for tho week ending Jan. 18. 1897. I B?Blaek. Nathan. D?Davis, J W.J Durham, C Ar thur. G?Garrett, Perry. H?Harris, C. J?Jackson, Alice. L?Long, Mrs Lizey; Lamb, C F Mc. O?Oxnor, Modus. P?-Perland, A J. R?Rackley, L G. S?Sexton, Mrs SAM; Searry. Mrs MF; Senn, James B.-2; Simp son, F P. T?Tucker, Alex; Turn bull, Si mon . W?Waiters, Miss Ella. Y? Yeargin, T B. TOR THK WEEK EXDINO JAN. 11,1807. B?Baiksley, Isaac; Brkster, Miss Marie. O?Cunnlneham, It P, 1)?Davis, Green; Dial, Mr*. L P; Davis, Miss Bittio; Dunnorson, Rev. H. F?1?\' mlng, ; Franks, Mrs. Sallie. II?H HBley, Mrs. Ed. .1?Jon s, Mrs Nannie. M?Miller, Henry: Mahon, Miss S A. P?Poole, J Ci. K?Robinson, Mrs. Elizza. S?Sullivan, Ilerbort; Smith, T C T?Tttmpleton, W E. W?Williams, Jim; Withy, Hilery; Wool, Sohn J W; Word, Miss Mary. Persons calling for any of above let tors will oleaso sav, "Thev are adver tised." T. R. Cr.Kwa. P. M. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Curt1. 26o. For sale by the Laurons Drug Com pany. Notice! Assessor. The Auditor's Office will be open from the 1st day of January to tho 20;h day of February, 1897, to re solve returns of Personal properly for taxation in Laurent) County. For the convouionco of taxpay ers the Auditor will attend tho fol lowing named places to receive re turns for said year, to wit: Jacks Township, Dr. P. M. Solzler's, January 11, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Jacks Township, Ronno, Jan uary 12, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Hunter Township, Clinton, Jan uary 18, from 10 a m to 2 p in. Hunter Township, Milton, Jan uary 14, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Cross Hiil Township, Spring Grove, January to, from 10 a in to 2 p m. Cross Hill Township, Cross Hill, January l<>, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Waterloo, January 18, from 10 a in to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Ekom, Jan uary 10, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Mt Galla gher, January 20, from 10 a m to 2 p m, Sullivan Township, Browortoti, January 21, from 10 a m to 2 p na. Sullivan Township, Princeton, January frop>A"ft Sullivan Townshi Shoals, January 22, ?1 p m. Dial Township,Luther O, Owens, January 28, from 0 a m to 12 m. Dial Township, I). 1). Harris, Jan uary 25, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Dial Township, V. A. White, Jan uary 20, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Parson's Store, January 27, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Young's Store, January 28, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Pleasant Mound, January 20, from 0 a m to 12 m. Young's Township, Lanford Sta tion, January 20, from 2 to I p IT). Scuflletown Township, Tylors ville, January 80, from 10 a in to 2 p. m. Real Property is not returned this year. It will save much time to tax payers, also greatly facilitate the work of the Assessor, if every per son before leaving Imme u ill make nut a complete list of every item of personal properllyin Hi" following order: Horses,Cattle, mules, sheep and gouts, hogs, watche*, organs and pianos, buggies, wagons and carriages, (logs, merchandise, ma chinery and engines, men ys, notes and accounts above Indebtedness, and all other property including household. It is always required that tho Auditor got the first given name of the taxpayer in full. Under the head of place of resi dence on tax returns give tho township. All male citizens bptwoen the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, cm the 1st day of January, except those who are incapable of earning a support from being mainod or from other causes are deemed taxable polls (confederate veterans excepted). And every taxpayer Is required In give the number of their school districts. After the 20th day of February next fifty per cent, penalty will bo attached for failures to make re turns. In every community there are persons who cannot rend or that do not take a newspaper. Those more fortunate may do such persons a great favor by telling them of the time to mako returns or by return ing for them. Tho assessing and collecting taxes Is all done in the same year, and Wohavo to aggregate tho num ber and value of all horses, mules, cat lie and Other pieces Of personal properly, as well as the acres ol land, lots id buildings and I heir, value, that there is In this County, and have the same on file in Comp!roller General's office bj the 80lh of June of each year and from that time to the first day of October tin? Auditor ami Treasu rer's d ipllcato have to bo com pleted and an abstract of the work In the Comptroller's office by that time, which will >how at a glance that the Auditor has no time to lake returns or anything else much between tho 1st day of March and tho 1st day of October but s ork on (be books and He1 blanks. We hope therefore that all taxpayer* will make their rotuns in time. JOHN R. FINLFY, AfVoMtor. Dec. 1, i896^tf. lb' from 12 m. tumbling i) m to Notice is horo? Meadows has applle tiou for u homestead effects of Whltmore SKI .-. ceased. ^?-^V.," John F. ITfcV * c. c. o. i*. r> NOTICE. Ou January 26th, LS?>7, 1 will rondor a final account of my acts and doings as Executor of the estate of Samuel Leainan, deceased, in tho Court of Pro bate,-for Laurons County, and will ap ply to said Court for a final disohargo on same date. Mahsiiall A. Lbaman. Notice to Creditors. Tho creditors of tho ostato of E. M. Calne, deceased, uro hereby notified to render an account of their demands, duly attested to the undorBigned, and those Indebted to said estuto are called upon to make paymont to tho under signed without delay. Frank Hammond, Executor, &C, of B. M. Calnc, deo'd. State of South Carolina, County of* Laurens. Court of Common Pleas. Summons for [toilet.?Complaint not Served. \\"m. Hillary Dendy and Charles Frank lin, Administrators of WiilisJ. Den dy, George Dendy, Francis Dendy and Ida Anderson Plaintiffs against Ernest Dendy, Fed Dendy and Bub ber Dendy, Defendants. To the Defendants Ernest Dendy, Fed Dendy and Bubbor Dendy. You are hereby summoned mid required to answer the com pi dot in this notion. which tins day tiled In the office of the Clerk >f this Court, and to servo a copy of your uu.swor to tli" suid eoinplaint on tho subscribers at ibolr otllco at Lnurona t'onrt IIouso, South Carolina, within twen ty days after tho service hereof, oxolusive of the day of such acrvieo; aud If you fail to answer the complaint within tho time nforesaid, tho plaintiff' in this action will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in the com i hunt. January I'll, i^!?7. * BALL, si \l KINS \- BALL, Pluiiltill's Attorneys. To Krnosl Dondy, non resident Do fondant, Picas"' take notice thai the Complaint iu this action was til il in the ollloe of tho ?Merk ..I tho Court ol Common Pleas for bnuretiH < ounty, South Carolina, ou tho Ith day <>f Jtiniiat \. IS97. ?Abb, SIM KINS & BAL?, IMaintifTH Atoontcys. A Host: -J. F. BOLT,c.< ? r. i. ? . us.] Laurcns, S. C, January 4th, ls.17. Settlement of T^taTeT All persons having claims against the estate of Mr. a It, id Anderson will present th m to \jtbo undersigned by the 2lst of January next or they Will bo barred. AU/pot'sons indebted to the estate will mofee payments forth with to tho undora&ncd. j/XVadk Anderson. Dec. 28tb896;/ ??vt.CnivVou.v.lMMA The tuba'-co habit grqi til his nerv? ua ? r.'.V* oomCc ed, impairm ?)rW pincs?.To .pi ;v;W uJ*TnU hV ?hock to th" ftoo P. .-e.-:* ventorato ust 1 ?.c0*\\l IpAcoo ? -111?" his system continna i> r 8timu;,in( that is ??'>L^e????md-vnvvv. "i'/co ^ravep. .. fo>- flu? t-*IA?/-rru^ habit, in all its forms GuroTully com pounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who baa used it in hie private practice fiiuco 1H72, without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. Ynucannse all the tobacco you want while taking "Baco-Onro." It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to euro permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. "Baco-Curo" is not a sub stitute, hat a scientific cures without tho aid of will power and with no inconven^ ienco. It loaveB tho system as pure and frie from nicotine actho day you took your firnt chew or smoke. CURED uy UACO-OURO and GAINED THIRTY POUNDS. From hundreds <.f testimonials, the origin <lsof which aro on file and open tc ins| ection. tho follow inj: is presented : Clayton, NevadaOo.,. -k.,Jan.28, 1805, FiurekaChomical& .Nif?.,Co., LaCros so, Wia. ?Gentlemen: For forty years 1 used tobacco in all its forms. Fortwenty live years id that tiino 1 was a great suf ferer from general debility and heart disease. For fifteen years 1 tried to quit, but couldn't, (took various remldies, amongotho -: " No-To-Bac," "The Indian Tobacco Antidote." "D aiblo Chloride of Gold," etc., etc . bul none of them did moih.i least bit of gcod. Finally, how ever, I purchai 1 d n box of your "I'.aco Cuio" mid it has entirely cured mo of the h iblt in all its f irtn , and 1 have in ere sod tl rty pounds in wt-ight aftd am reliev ii from 1 !i the numerous achea and pains ol bod* and mind, I could write a quire ol purer upon my changed feel In KS and condition. Yonra respectfully. V. If. MaRhUry. Va tor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. S dd by all druirgislfl at $1.00 per hex; three boxes (.'t<> days treaiment), $2.60 w Ith iron-clad, written uuaranlpe, or sent direct upon receipt <>f price. Write for booklet and proofs, Kureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., LaCrosse, Wis,, and lios ton, Mass. DR. W. II. BALL - DEKTIWa OFFICE OVER NATIONAL BANK, LAURENS Drrion DATs?Monday and Tuesday?. i Do you want an Organ? Do you want the best? I t'oprocent tho linos! line of Organs in America and at fair price-, and 011 easy terms. For Catalogues and par ticulars address? M. a. M aloxk, Columbia, S. C. Veterinarian. I will make Lauren a my homo hereafter,and can hofouiul at Chil li res?1 Stable?, whoro I w ill bo pleas ed to sorvo the public in my capa city ns Veterinarian Surgeon. I mrtko Bpcclanioa of Castrating rthlgllng Horses and Old Stallions, removing fungus growlhs, warts, tumors, etc. M. F. KENELEY, Nov. 0. IMMi-tf Hood's An- nuiolt in Hitlo] always m~-%. ? ? ? ready, efficient, ???> 1 1 i . , |L? m | ^ toryiprerontacoldor fever, I I r*% cur? all llvor 11 U>, xli-k \um\- ? ? ? ? ?cti?, Jaundice, eenttlpatlon, etc. Price 29 r?nti. 'Hi.) only rill* la tnko with Uv^'t K,<r?ApulIlau