HOME AFFAIRS. The best one horse wagon at A. H. Martins and the cheapest. Como to tho Advertiser office and havo your job work done with dispatch and weil done Senator Ben K Tillman spoke Fri day last at Gaffmjy, to help up the new county idea iu that quarter. Clinton Is now connected by tele phone with Goldville, and so we can now talk in that direction. The Clin ton Telephone Company is a growing institution.?Clinton Gazette. Good for Clinton. Foil Salk?At tho l,aureus Cottori* Mill?bagging and ties. . it was a real pleasuro to us to have our stalwart Conference class-mate, Kov. D. P. Boyd In our homo, and also to conduct services In our church, not many days sinco. He will carry to Conference a good report, and will, in tho spirit of tho truo itinerant that ho is, be willing to go anywhere he mav bo appointed?oven to ono of Bro. Wilkos' new districts. ? Southern Christian Advooato. in a tight at Bothamy church, near McCprmick, Edgefleld county, on Sun day,the 30ult., Loon J. Williams, shoe to death J. V. Whito and L. D. White, brothers. Tho altercation grew out ol a feud of several years standing. Wil liams is an cx-mcmbor of tho Legisla ture and a momber of the Stato Board of Control. Williams received knife wounds but they aro not dangerous. According to a Register corres pondent the following bill of particu lars constituted Thanksgiving dinner to tho lasses at the Stato Winthrop College?300 plates: Porhaps our friends will smllo at the following figures glvon by tho house keeper to composo tho abovo bill of fare: Twenty turkeys, 75 pounds of fruit cake,- 120 loaves of bread, 40 pounds of ribbon cake, 840 macarons, 8 hams, 10 packagos of macaroni, 30 pounds of cheese, 54 gallons of milk, 45 pounds of butter; 3 bushes of ap ples, 7 12 pounds of tea, 14 pounds of coffoe, 15 quarts of cranberries, 1 1-2 bushels of ! rish potatoes. Distinguished Visitors. Mr.H. N. Higginbotham, President of tho World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893, Mr* E. St. John, Viee Prosiuent of the Sea Board Air Line rail road and Prosidcnt Childs of the 0. N. & L. woro In Laurens on last Friday. Tho party carao up in Presi dent Childs' privute car. Big Cash Safe. Go to-day to Davis & Ropor's If you want anything in their line at all?In fact go anyway lost you miss a fine opportunity for bargains. You want a now overcoat or now shoos but you think you can't afford to bny them. Try Davis & Roper and got them cheap. Tboy are clearing their store to bo ready for tho now year and now busi ness arrangements. If you call on ihem now you will profit .by their now doal. The Beautiful Snow. We have rarely had in Laurens a heavier snow fall than the visitation of last Wednesday. Tho fall com menced about 7 o'clock in tho morning with sleet but in a little while the fall camo to bo puro snow in great inch flakes and by five in the evening the storm had exhausted itself and was over. A stiff Norther blew all the day and out-door work and movomonts woro substantially out of all ques tion. Tho beautiful stuff measured eleven or twelve inches on the level, but duo to tho strong blow at every turn and Irregula ity in the surface thero was much drifting and in fact tho foot paasongor was in eighteen in ches of snow at almost every step. It was a rare experience, with us so early in tho winter season. It was followed by bright, cold and clear weathor.? The young folks improvised all manner of sleigh, for one, two and four horse and mule teams and took the road bont on fun and made the most of it. Our boya had best nurse their sleighs and bolls, for there is an old saying that a snow in the early winter Is apt to bo followed by others- More than that philosopher Hlx predicts a rough winter. Tbo trains woro hours behind for several days and some damage was dono to telephone and tolegraph poles and wires. Tbo storm largely ex tended In the South. In many places thero has been much destruction of tlmbor, shade and fruit trees. stockholders Meeting. Tho annual meeting of tho Share holders of The National Bank of Lau rens, H. C, will be holden at their Banking House on Tuesday the 12th of January, 1897, for the purpose of electing a Board of olght Directors for said Bank. Jno. A. Barksdale, President. Wo moan business when wo say we aro closing out our entlro stock of clothing. W. A. Jamieson. Children's nhoos from 25 cents up at Jamle80n's. Headqueartcrs for best values and lowest prices in Clothing, shoes and hats. J. R. Minter & Son. Arriving this wook a boautiful line of Clothing, consisting of young mens nobby suits, plain business suits, stouts and slims for thoso who arc fashiona bly made. Also some job lots that will be closed out at greatly reduced prices to make room for tho stock .arriving. J. R. Minter & Son. Easiness Notices. The stroots. w'C.ro a busy look all through Saturday. If you havo not already dono the right thing at tho rljrht timo domo to S. M. & E, H, Wilkos & Co. and see thoir Sunny South Stove. We pay the froight and see "ad." A full lino of Trusses, (all kinds, fd/.os and pricos) can bo found at Dr. Posoy's Drug Store. Great Scott* How Sam doos tal*.? It's all about tho suporlatlvo merits of 8. M. E. H. Wilkos & Co. famous Sunny Houth Stovo. Havo you hoard him? Our Christmas Goods this year will surpass all former offerings In variety, cheapness and beauty. The Laurons Drug Co. It should bo home, in mind that 739 is a good rooking chair to havo in your hoie e. It is cheap. See 8. M. & E. II. Wilkos & Co. if quality is a consideration as well as cheapness, tho Sunny South Stovo is what you want, ask us what our guaranteo Is, and see Ad. Delivered free. S. M. A E. H. Wilkos & Co. If you want a good smoke, get tho "Kossuth" at Dr. Posey's Drug Storno, tho best o cents cigar on tho markeC If you want a nice Calender for next year leave your name with us now. The Laurens Drug Co. ig aud Jefferson Hats. ??fifcMlnhsr 6 Son. THE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. Its Frosperoas Condition?General Satisfaction to the Public. * -_-_ Tho Telephone system In Laurens has been a most pronounced success. ' It has been In operation for only about a year. One dividend of twenty per cent has been paid. The remarkable flnanolal success Of the system is though not to be men tioned when the convenience which it has afforded is considered. Having had the Telephone for a year, the peo ple of Laurens wonder how they man aged to get along without it all the previous years. The Laurens exchange, it is needless to say, has had tho very best possible management. Col. Traynbam, tho President, and Mr. Rlehey, the Secre tary and Treasurer, have given Its af fairs the most caroful attontion and the city owes them a great deal for what they have done. Miss Lena Wallace Is tho "central" during the daylight hours and Mr. Alsey Miller at night. Both of thoso young pooplo understand their business and give very general satisfaction. Tho County Teachers Met here on the 21st ultimo, and wero called to order by School Commissioner Madden, who acted as chairman iu the absence of the president." Prof. lt. M. Logan, who was on programme to dis cuss the subject of "What makes suc cessful teaching," was then introduced, nnd in a very smooth style of delivery made a splendid address. The subject was then discussed at length by other members of the Association. The next part of the programme was the discussion of questions placed in the question box. All the members took part in this, and much valuable information was gained. The next meeting will be held Satur day, December 12th. All teachers are urged to attend, as business of impor tance will be transacted. The following are on duty for next meeting: L. T. II. Daniel, W. P. Cul bcrtson, A. H. Dagnall, Miss Alice Blakely. Now Goods arriving almost dally at Jamieson's. 120 pair of Jamieson's World Beater shoe worth $1.26 going at 98 cents. Right Will Win! Wo havo fully illustrated the truth of the above business maxim. From a small beginning six years ago, wo have built up a large trade until our mam moth store is now recognized as ono of tho largest and attractive in upper Carolina. Whilo we duly appreciate tho liberal patronage bestowed upon us by friends in tho past, wc are still anxious that our business should grow and assume greater proportions. With this object in view, wo will, on Jan. 1, 1807, associate with us as partners in our business, Mossrs. M. L. Roper and S. P. Babb. Of course, this chango will nccessltato tho taking of a com plete and rigid inventory of our im mense stock, and in order to reduce tho eamo to a minimum within the remain ing 25 days we are determined to in augurate a cut-rato sale all along the line. Wo will offer big "drives" on some special lots of Shoes and Clothing dur ing these 25 days, that will completely knock out all competition. During this sale wc will not consider the ques tion of loss to ourselves, but gain to our customers. Remember this is no "catch-penny" advertisement, but a regular bona lido cut-rate sale for spot cash. Davis & Roper, Tho Famous Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store. When you aro looking around for bargains drop in on Jamieson's. Well I am just like all other mer chants. I havo the best line of goods at lowest prices at Jamieson's. For ladies capes and jackots our house is headquarters. Capes from $1 up at Jamieson's. 75 cents will buy a neat button shoo at Jamieson's for ladies. 11. D. Boyd, of Ekom, Laurens county was hero Friday selling cotton. He la ono of Laurens coun ty's leading citizens, and 19 con spicuous in political affairs of the county and is a prominent alliance man. We are always glad to have such men visit our town.?Honea Path Chronicle. Don't delay with rheumatism.? Purify your blood and cure It at once by taking a course of Hood's Harsaparilla. CATARRH IN THJ5 HEAD Is a dangerous disease. It may lead directly to consumption. Ca tarrah is caused by impure blood, and the true way to cure it is by purifying the blood. Hood's Sar saparillu cures catarrh because it removes the cause of II by purify ing tho blood. Thousands testify that they havo boon cured by Hood's Sarsaparille. Talk about Bargains. Do you know one when yon see It? You may, but there are others that do not. See our Oak Suit Furniture for $11.88 and ex press your opinion. 8. M. & B. II. Wllkos Co.?thoy are paying freight, Our stock of shoes Is bolng added to dally. Wc can savo you some money If you will only call and seo our prlcos. J, H. Minter & Son . ^?gL Notice to Creditors. The creditors of the estate of E. M. Calne, deceased, aroHioroby notified to render an account of their demands, duly attested to the undersigned, and thoso Indebted to said cstato aro called upon to mako payment to tho under signed without dolay. Frank Hammond, Executor, Ac, of K. M, Caino, dco'd. NOTICE! I will soli on Wednesday December tho 10th, at tho home of A. Hold Andor son. deceased, tho porsonal property of said dee'd, consisting of ono horse, ono mulo, sheep, two cows, ono two-horso wagon, ono ono-horse wagon, ono bug gy, farmlog Implements, corn, fodder, bay, eto. Sale to bogln at 11 o'clock, a.m. Terms cash. J. WADE ANDERSON, Agont for Heirs at Law. Bargains In Organs. THINGS DONE, SEEN? HEARD THROUGH SNOW AND SLEET?SALESDAY TRADE? OFE TO CONFERENCE. Remember the musical treat at the Opera House to-morrow night. Tbo late election cost the State about $20,000. Pay your taxes by the 31st or the Treasurer will call time on you. Tho Cotton Mill in Charleston which has had a heetic life is finally closed and the property will be sold. Mr. J. A. Motte, the genial traveling agent of the Columbia Register, was In the city on Friday. Mr. Lewis W. Simklns, visited New berry, on legal business during last week. Col. B. W. Ball left on yesterday to attond tho meeting of tho Grand Lodge, A. F. M., In Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frierson, of Cincinnati, have arrived in Laurens and are thinking of making it their homo In future Wo seo with regret In (ho Columbia dailies that Mr. B. C. Bolt, student from Laurens at the South Carolina College, has boen very 111. Rov. A. J. Stokes, Dr. W, IL Dial and C. C. Featherstone are otf to tho Stato Mothodist Conference which meets at Abbeville this week. If you want to clear your counters and tubles of tho handsome things you havo provldod for Christmas advertise them through tho Advertisek. Tho Mozart Symphony Club, of New York, will give a Musical Concert in the Opora House to-morrow night, Wednesday, December tho 9th. Tho Wofford College Students have sent out their monthly Journal, which as usual shows considerable talent and the ability to get up a fair all round Magazine Mr. D. F. Balentine brings us a sam ple of second crop horse applo?fully rlpo from the Yeargin place Tho bloom dates 1st of September. Laurons is up with the processien. An 111 wind that blows no body good. Tho colored men of the citv who could do nothing elso received from fifty to a hundred dollars on Thursday last for shovelling snow from house tops. Tho County Auditor publishes to-day his appointments for official visits. They will appear for four insertions. Keep a copy of tho paper or out out and presorvo and you will know whon he will appear at your precinct. Cbiof Langston nftcr tho circus de parted picked up on tho circus grounds tho biggest horse-shoo over seen In theso parts Ho presented the mascot to Clerk Balle who will suspend it over tho city hall door for luck. A dainty little pamphlet-in tho form of a Christinas Diary has been sont out by the Laurens Drug Company and also a list of the Christmas goods purchasable at that up-to-date estab lishment. Maj. J. K. Vance, tho father of Mr. P. W. Vance of our city is on a visit to his son, Mr. W. W. Vance, in Baton Rouge, La. Maj. Vance was quite fee ble in tho early autumn but wo hope to seo him roturn with renewed vigor and youth. Tho lads in town had a groat battle royal of snow on Saturday afternoon enjoyed with zest by participants and spectators. The fusilade was occa sionally directed to a wayfarer of larger growth?some half dozen pray beards taking a full hand aud fully boys again. Rov. A. J. Stokes, the able and be loved pastor of the city Methodist Church will bo the guest at Confer ence of Mr. George White. Dr. W. H. Dial tho earnest and zealous lay dele gate will have for his host at Abbe ville Mr. W. W. Bradley. Next weeks Advertiser will glvo tho appoint monts. The clothing of a colored child be came ignited on Wednesday last by ap proaching too noa. tho firo. It was in charge of a ton year old boy who en deavored to extinguish tho flames by rolling tbo child in tho snow. It was so much injured, however that it died that night. Whon wo become "grown up chil dren" and the cares of this world are upon us, with all tholr worry, wo joy fully recur to tho few short and happy days of childhood. You will find every thing to mako children dance with joy if you read the Advertiser and seo whero to place a few nickles for useful and beautiful Christmas knick nacks. Cards aro out for the marriago of Miss Caroline Simmons, and Mr. Rob ert Loo Feldor In tho Mothodist Church, this city, on Decombcr the 1 inh. Miss, Simmons is a sister of Pres ident O. B. Simmons of tho Bank 'of Lauren', and has numerous friends here. Mr. Folder, the groom prospec tive, is a popular morchant of Claren don county, this Stato. The December Salosday is usually an immense, occasion. The late down fall of snow caused somewhat of a fall ing off in this years crowd however as tho roads aro in rather a bad way. Enough peoplo woro here though to crowd tho stores, tho post office and banks, and to glvo a very busy aspect to tho square A sale of horses con tercd tho crowd In that locality for a considerable time. Christmas is traveling on our heols and It may snow on Christmas Evo and in any event thero will be a mighty crush; 30 go at once and get your Christmas goods and goodies from Jam ioaon's, Davis & Roper's,.Wilkos', Mln ter'8, Burns', Laurens Drug Company, Wilson's, PoBoy's, and a half dozen othor re I in. hie. housos, all of which you will find down in tho Advkktiskr's columne. Mr. Bray, ole ,i,rlclan, employed at tho Cotton Mill, occupied lodging in tho Gllkerson Boarding Houso on Fri day night last on the ground Door. A setter dog occupied the room with his master. About 12:30 at night Mr. Bray was aroused by tho growllncr of his dog and finding an intruder in tbo room ho fired two shots with his pis tol. Tho burglar eaoaped, but blood stains wore found on tho floor and only tho mark of ono ball on the wall and It is inferred that tho rascal was hit, Two Jolly old vots from Wutorloo, and among thoso wo named last woek as roady to tacklo tho Spanish fleet, woro hore over shoos In snow on last Thursday, paid tholr scoro to tho Ad vertiser, and assured us that wo had not misrepresented them in suggest ing them unready for any littlo forolgn quarrel we might get Into. Ono of those jolly old boys was Dr. J. Q. Wil bur, who fought it out with old John Brown in Kansas and afterwards stuck out tho long tug In the sixties. Ho is to-day as stout and tough as any cen tenary post-oak on tho Waterloo hills. Any ono in need of bagging arfd I tlos will And tho same on pale at the 1 Laurens Cotton Mill. ( I THE STATE BAPTIST CONVENTION - -JiAUKENS COMPLIMENT! O. As aonouoced in our last Issue this great body of Christians through their representatives convened in Charles ton at the Citadel Square Churoh on WcdncsJay morning last. Dr. Gardner, of Greenville, preached the prelimin ary sermon on Tuesday night. Tho ministors's conference which precedes tho organization of the con vention was effected on Wednosday morning. Rev. J. D. Parrott, of this county, was ohoson as moderator of this body. It was a high but deserved compliment to a most zealous, earnest and talented young Minister. The pro ceedings aie of groat interest, but too .elaborate for our space. The subject of State aid to Stato Colleges and schools was one of tho leading topics. Ex-Judge J. B. Hudson, of Bonnotts vlllc, ono of tho ablest men of tho South, was choson President of tho Convention. Prom the News and Courier wo take the following from among personal no tices of prominent delegates In atten dance on tho Convention: "Tho Rev. J. B. Parrott, of Laurens County, is an ardent worker. Mr. Par rott was called upon to preside at tho morning session, which no did to tho perfect satisfaction of all concerned." "Tho Rev. J. D. Pitts, of Laurens, is enjoying the Convention, taking things qulet'y and with great interest. Mr. Pitts was once a business man of Lau rens, and when ho was licensed to prearh his own townsmen, who know hi in host, called him to proach to them. This was many years ago, but he de served this mark of their esteem and confidence and still labors with them, a rising and strong man of his denom ination." And of another gentleman who owes his nativity to Laurens, and we still watch after him and take a lively in terest in his carcor, a worthy son of a noble and patriotic father, formorly our fellow citizen, Col. Georgo P. Mo8ely, "An unusually Interesting member of tho Convention is the Rev. H. R Mosoly, now pastor of tho Rock Hill Baptist Church. For sevon years ho was a missionary in Mexico and his zeal in this work boro decided fruits. Mr. Mose'y left Mexico because of this zeal, tho results of which were too nu merous and apparent to suit his religi ous opponents. Mr. Mosely is a strong man and will bo hoard from later in this Convention and will continue to be heard from when tho strong mon of his denomination aro considorcd." Rev. J. D. Pitts was assigned to proach on Sunday last in Charleston at Spring Street Methodist church at 11 A M. Iu Memorinni. On the 15th ultimo, at the residence of Miss Patsy Griffin, near Waterloo, S. C, Mr. James G, Duncan departed this life. He was considerably past four-score years of age. He died re spected by a large circle of friends as an honest, up-right citizen, a brave nnd faithful soldier in the great civil war. He was a member of Company B, ad S. C. Battalion,?Kershaw's fa mous brigade of South Carolina?and as a matter of fact made an enviable war record. He was a member of Charles Rutledge Holmes's Camp, No. 710, U. C. V.; of Waterloo, S. C. One by one the ranks of our comrades are being thinned. May the soul of each comrade rest in peace in the Great Beyond. Farewell, thou who served thy country well. Comkauk. $100 Be wad $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving tho pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that thoy offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for listof testimonials. P. J. CHENEY & Co , Toledo, O. MW Sold by druggists. G. Pet Smith of Brewerton, ua< here last Friday on business. Mr. Smith is one of the foremost citi zen of his county and 1* very popu lar. He is an enthusiastic sup porter of tho new county and has accomplished a great deal for it In his section.?Honea Path Chroni cle. Bargains In Piano*. Beautiful Upright Pianos from $215.00 up, at M. A. Malono's, Co lumbia, 8. C. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and LaGrlppo whon Laxative Bkomo Qninine will cure you In ono day.? Does not produce tho ringing in tho hoad liko Sulphate of Quinine. Put up In tablets convenient for taking.? Guaranteed to cure, or monoy re funded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Hill & Martin. Make Homo Happy. By selecting one of those beauti ful Pianos or Organs, which M. A. Malone, of Columbia, is offering at great bargains. Notice. All persons holding claims against the county must present (hem to tho county Supervisor on or beforo tho first nnd second day of January or they will not be paid at that lime. By order of the county Board. U. P. A DA IK, 0 County Supervisor. Valuable Land for Hale. The tract of land, known as .tho Wright placo at Lisbon, containing 400 Acros, moro or loss, well improved with good dwelling and out houses. Will sell as a wholo or In lots to suii purohasor. Enquire of J. N. Wright or H. Y. Simpson, Laurons, 8. 0. Nov. 10, 1890?tf Don't Delay, If you desire to securo a flno Piano or Organ at a big bargain.? For particulars write or call on M. A, Malone, Columbia, S.O. BRING The Children to Sec (Life Size) Laurens Drug Co., //. K. AI KEN, Jll. IJ,, Manager. &W~ Store near Post Oflice. Organs and Piano?. I do not beg beg any person to buy of mo, but if you value yoni dollars, I will positively save you'many of them on the price of a piano or organ. Sec my Organs and guaranty. They talk. Call at my photograph studio, over Bank of Laurens. Don't buy un til you seo what I can do. L A. McCokd. #25 Reward Would be cheerfully paid by almost any one who has Catarrh to lie cured. You can be cured for less than half that money by taking (B.B.B.) Botanic Blood Balm. Read the following cer tificate: CAT A HUH QP THE HEAD CURED. 1 cannot refrain from tolling you what a glorious medicine you have. For two years my mother has eulTcrcd with a severe catarah of the head and ulcerated soro throat. Sho resorted to various remedies without effect, until sho used liotanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.), which cured her catarrh, and hoalcd her soro throat. W. A. Papper, Fredonia, Ala For sale by The Laurens Drug Co., and all other Druggists. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using 11. The tobacco habit grows on n mar un til Iiis nervous s> - ,<-m is seriOUftiV ttuect ed, impairing health, comfort and hap pinoss. To quit suddenly is too servoroa shock to the system, as tobacco to an in venterate user becomes a stimulant that his systom continually craves. "BuCO Cure" is a scientific euro for the tobacco habit, in aM its forms -carefully com pounded afto the formula of nn eminent Berlin physician who has used it in Ids private practice since 1872, without n failure. It is purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. Ynu can use all the tobacco yon want while taking "Baco-Curo." It will notify yon when to stop. Wo give a written guarantee to euro permanently any case with three 00x03, or refund tho money with 10 per cent, intorest. "Baco-Curo" is not a sub stitute, but a scientific cures w ithout tho aid of will power and with no inconven ionco. It leaves tho system as pure and (reo from nicotino astho day you took your first chew or smoke. CURED UY IJACO-CUKO ANlf GAINED THIRTY POUNDS. From hundreds of testimonials, tho originalsof which a:e on file and open tr inspection, tho following is presented : Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 28. 1895, K ireka Chemical Sc Mfg., Co., LaCros so, Wis. ?Gentlemen: For forty years I usod tobacco in all its forms. For twonty (Ivo yoars of that time I waB a great suf ferer from general debility and hoarl disease. For fifteen years I tried to (put, but couldn't. I took various remidies, among others "No-To-Bac," "The Indian Tobacco Antidote." "DoubleOhloi Ido ol Gold," etc., etc . but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally, how ever, I purchased a box of your "Baco Curo" and it has entirely cured me of tho habit in nil its forms, aud I have In creased thirty pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon my changed feelings and condition. Yours rospectfully. P. II. Mariiuky. Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all drutrglsts at 91.00 per box; three boxes (30 days treatment), $2.60 . with iron-alad, written guarantee, sent direct upon receipt of price. Write lor booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical Si Mfg. Co., LaOrosse, Wis? aud Bos ton, Mass. AOHING JOINTS Announce (ho presonce of rheu m it ism which causes untold suffer ing. Rheumatism is duo to lactic acid in tho blood. It cannot be cured by liniments or olher out ward application?. Hood's Sarea parllla purifies (he blood, removes the cause of rheumatism and per manently cures this disease. This is tho testimony of thousands of people who ouco suffered tho pales of rheumatism but who have actually been cored by taking Hood's Sarsaparille. Its grei.t power to act upou tho blood and remove every impurity is tho se cret of tho wonderful cures by Huod'8 Sarsaparilla. Extending thanks to cur tnaay friends aud customers for patronage, wc new of f r to the public a laroo and well-solect ed stock of c'othing, Bhoes nnd hats.? Many of them homo directly from the factory, and can and will bo sold an low ai any goods of Baino quality in South Carolina. J. lv. MlNTEH & ?on. Pianos and Organs. McCord will soil you a first-class Piano or Organ cheaper than any other dealer, lie bus the State ugency for tho leading manufactories, and no expense; common sense would 6ay, if you wish to save money, buy from" Mc Cord. These Pianos and Organs arc moth and mouse proof. L. A. McCoru, Laurens, s. O. Notice! Assessor. Tho Auditor's Office will bo open from the 1st day of J ttinary to the 20:h day of February, 1807, to rc joive returns of Personal properly for luxation in Laurens Coutiiy. l'\/r tho convenience of taxpay ers the Auditor will attend, the fol lowing named places to receive re turns for said year, to wit s Jacks Township, Dr. F. M, Sei/.lcr's, January 11, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Jacks Township, Renno, Jan uary 12, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Hunter Township, Clinton, Jan uary 18, from 10 a in to 2 p m. Hunter Township, fvllltoi), J;it. uary 14, from 10 a m to 2 p in. Cross Hill Township, Spring Grove, January l?, from 10 a m lo 2 pm. Cross Hill Township, ?' ross Hill, January 10, from 10 a m to 2 p in. Waterloo Township, Waterloo, January 18, from 10 u in to 2 p m. Waterloo Towhship, Ekom, Jan uary 10, from i<> a m to 2 p m, Waterloo Township, Mt Qulla trher, January 20, from 10 n m lo 2 p m, Sullivan Towti^hip, Biowertou, January 21, from 10 a m f<> 2 p in. Sullivan Township, Princeton, January 22, from 0 a m to 12 m. Sullivan Township, Tumbling Shoals, January 22, Irom 1 j> m to 1 p in, Dial Township, Luther O, Ow ens, January 2:1, from o a m lo 12 m. Dial Township, 1). 1). Harris, Jan uary 2?, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Dial Township, V. A. White, Jan nary 20, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Parson's Store, January 27, from 10 a ra to 2 p in. Young's Township, Young's Store, January 28, from 10 a in to 2 p m. Young's Township, Pleasant Mound, January 20, from 0 a m to 12 m. Young's Towhship, Lmford Sta tion, January 2!), from 2 to 1 p m. Sen file town Township, Tylers villo, January 80, from 10 a m to 2 p. m. Real Property is not returned this year. Tt will save much time lo lax payers, also greatly facilitate tho work of the Assessor, if every per son before leaving homo will make out a complete listof every Hem >f personal propeTlly in tli > following order: Horses,Cattle, mules, she p and goats, hogs, watches, organs aud pianos, buggies, wagons am) carriages, dogs, merchandise, ma chinery aud ongint s, moneys, no(< s and accounts above indebtedness, and all other properly including household. It is always required thai the Auditor get (ho first given name of tho taxpayer in full. Under the head of place of resi dence on tax returns give tho towns'h! p. Ail male citizens between (he ages of twenty-one and sixly years, on the 1st day of January, except thoso who are incapable of Gaming j a support from being mained or from other causes arc; deemed taxable polls (confederate voter in excepted). And every taxpayer is req lired to give the number of their school districts. After the 20? the 80lh of June of eoch year and Irom that time to the lir t day of October the Auditor and Treasu rer':! duplicate hay ? lo be com pleted and an abstract Of the work in the Comptroller's 1 nice by thai Hani , which will ?hnw at a glance (hat the Auditor bos no time to lake returns or anything olse* much between the 1st dsy (I March and the 1st day of October but \oi'k on tho books and Iho blank". We hope therefore that all taxpayers will make their reluns in lime. JOHN U, FIN LEY, Auditor. Dee. 1. 1800?tf. Schedule p. 01. No. 53. Passenger, leaves Laurens, for Columbia, 2 :10 p. 11 OxxllecL Items AMONG THE oods. 46-inch Fancy Black French Satana, $1.00 38-inch Fancy Black French Crepon, .90 45-inch Black French Henriettas, 36-inch '* " 45-inch All-wool Black Clay Diagonal ?75 .60 50-inch Black Storm Serge,.50 36-inch All-wool Black Serge,. 36-inch All-wool Black Flannel,.25 IN COLORED FRABRIC?. 45-inch All-wool French Sorgo,.50 36-inch Henriettas,. f3V* A full line Knickerbockei and Boucle effects from 25 cents up at W. G. Wilsor? Laurens, S. C, Nov. 28th, 1896. s Can you use one of these Rattan Rockers:' Write us or, iconic and ask us what it is worth. i mm wwn asf 0.739 bottled tinder the Dispensary label a p.: distilled and guaranteed b) i h We have been celling to the South 1 1 l;OR'l V VEARS and we know what you want. Ask your l.)isp< nsary for "Red, White and Blue" label liquor and insist <>n getting it. FREIBERG & VVORKUM, Distillers, Lynch urtku, O. Piitkushuruii, Kv. Cincinwati, O General South FULL KEYBOARD, With 84 Lell< I'H and Characters. Price $35. Weight 6 lbs You throw monoy away If you pay in. 1, ihan 935 for n typewriter. Years of Bor\ c< - has pn veil Hi" "Wick" to ho su I>? ->i...- i > any machine. Send for a Btunploof 1 ho work and coinpnroi Kqual . , , I ? !.< 111] Ii I'm e l Machines in (Jupae.lt.v and quality and work, ami Kx col mein In Convenience, Catalogue and samples of work sont froo on appll 0 * lion. K. M. TURNER, 11 N. Broad,Street, Atlanta, Ga tin St. RichmoiuL Va. A 1 1 Hi 11L MB**