The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 21, 1896, Image 3

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HOME AFFAIRS. TUE RECORD OF LAUBENS UP TO DATE* JAN. 21. Mr. Georgo Holt sold a wagon load of ?moot potatoes at 75 cents as fast as he could measure them. Field peas sold on wagons at 60 cents. A wagon load of chickens sold at 20 und 26 cents. Every thing to oat goes. Wagon loads of hulls went to the country. Cotton Growers. Gov. Evans hos appointed the follow ing delegation to represent this State at the Cotton Growers Convention which meets at Memphis to-day: W. G Hinson, A. B. Watson, J. L. Koltt, J. D. M. Shaw, J. C. Wilborn, J. D. Montgomery, A D. Bates. The Purchase Authorised. The stockholders of the Columbia, Nowberry and Laurens railroad at a meeting on the 17th lnst., authorized the purchase of tho Laurens railroad between Dover junnction and Clinton, a distance of about 12 miles, thus al lowing a connection with the Port Royal and Western Carolina for Spar tanburg and Greenville. We sell the colebratod Jefferson Hat. All warranted. A beautiful line of laundried shirts, ouffs, collars and underwear to arrive this wook. J. R. Minter & Son. Augusta Steam Laundry, Work ppomptly and oflleiontly done. Will bo glad to tako your orders. W. Peter Richardson, at Hill & Martin's Drug Store. Leading Him On. "Joslar," said Mrs. Corntossel, "would you light of thoy was a war." "Yo8-sir-reo," was the earnest reply. ?'Every timo." ?'An'git up In the gray dawn to tho sound of a bugle, an' not make any fuss 'cause yo didn't hov nothin' but hard tack fur broakfas' ?" " 'Course." ?'Well, I'm glad to hoar it. Ef ye're wlllln' tor do all that, yo suroly won't have no fault tor fin' bout glttln' up at 0 o'clock torraorrow mornln' and lightin' the lire, so's I kin cook yesomo pancakes that wouldn't be despised by nobody." Tho man who Is to succeod Hon. John Laurons Manning Irby In tho United States Senato noods to got up soon. Irby is a tough old job. Ho has some claims on tho loyalty of tho Roformors, but It Is doubtful If ho can show them up strong enough to down tho wide spread dissatisfaction existing among his constltuonts But boforo' our young frlond, Evans is through with J. L. M. his contests with his cousin Willlo Ellorbo and tho crafty Sampson will have faded into misty droams of his boyhood days.?Oconoo News. Unwillens Notices. For tho cough of measles or in whoop ing cough nothing Is as good as Rod Flax Cough Syrup. Largo bottles 25 cents at Tho Laurens Drug Co. Wo know you have been looking for it but haven't had timo to toll you about it. But look at ;'Orescut Cyclo" 1896 and you'll bo convincod. Wo soil on instailments. Sec tho one wo aro exhibiting. S. M. & E. H. WlLKES & Co. Look out Tor tho sample underwear at ; Davis & Roper's. J3uists Early Morning Star Pea.? Ready for tablo in 45 days. None so good. Laurens Drug Co. For Rent?Tho cottago opposite Mrs. Rivers' boarding house. Apply to B. W. Ball. Now Stock Flower and Gardon Sood now ready at* Tho Laurens Drug Co. Shoes I Bay State Shoes. Shoes at old prices, at Davis & Roper's. You wont need a search light to lo cate 8. M. & E. H. Wilkos & Co. stores. In fact we aro liable to blind you with tbe brilliancy of our beautiful line of Lamps, Crockery, Furniture, Etc. Wo j pay freight on $10.00 up. We aro saving a calondar for you. Tho-Laurens Drug Co. Big stock good, heavy boots. See tham at Davis & Roper's. Somo women havo It! Moat women have beard of it! All womeu who havo tried them are well pleased with the Sunny South Stovo. Thoy aro per fect cookers. / We pay freight $10 and up. 0 d. M. & E. H. Wilkos & Co. List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Lau rens, S. C, unclaimed, for the weok ending Jan. 20, 1806. B?Blakely, Reed. F?Franklin. Miss Evorlannle. H?Henderson, Laurens, col.; Hig gins. Miss Mittle; HUI, Joseph. J?Jeans, Shed; Jackson, Bailey, col.; Jonhson, M E. L?Laskoy, Pink. M?McDowell, Jefferson. N?Nito, Miss Mavy. P?Park, Mrs. Minnie; Pitts, J., (butoher). S?81ms, W B; Sexton, Jobs; Shop pard, Miss Emma; Smith, Will. W?Webb, Miss Sallle. for thb webk ending JAN. 13, 1896. ? C?Coats, Simpson, L. D?Don oh, Miss Maggie; Donnon, Mrs. GW; Dewaught; J T. H?Hunter, Miss Harriet; Henderson, Laurens; Hampton, Gray B. M?McMoore, Rev. C H; Metz, Aleck. P?Pardy, 8am ; Parks, H J; Powell, R?Reeder, Sallie; Randolph, Pink. S?Saxon, Prof. T A. W?Workman, Miss Mills. Persona calling for any of above let ters will please say, "They are adver tised. T. B. Crkws. P. M. Why eufTor with Coucrhs, Colds and LaGrippo when Laxative Brono Qui nine will cure you In one day. Does not produco the ringing in tho head like sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guar anteed to oure, or money rofunded. Price 25 cents. For sale by i fill & Martin. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Phllpot and Fowlor has been dissolved by mutual consent. The undersigned will conttnuo tho business at the old stand under his own name and takes this occasion to thank the j public for tholr kind patronage. J. M. PhiLpot. 1 Jan. 1,1890. NOTICE TO Won, Administration, Etc. Executors, Guardians, Administrators id othors, acting in a fiduciary capac ', will please take notioe that the law pares them to make their annual re irns from the 1st of January to the 1st of March. O. G. THOMPSON, Judge Probato of Lautem Co. Doc. 2,1895?-1-tl LISBON. The old year of '95 Is now num bered with the past, and we extend to all new years greeting and wish every body a happy and prosper ous seasons. Every thing passed on* very nice ly during the Xmas holidays and with the amount of dispensary that was on hand they acted well, I am glad to state. The farmers have commenced sowing oats and to turning stubble and other out door work as the weather will admit. Be oareful farmers and don't let this eight cents cotton fool you.? You remember what a hard time we had some twelve months ago when we sold our cotton at figures below five cents and a great deal even lower than four cents, Some of our farmers say that they ex pect to um) double the fertilizers that of last year. They expect to spoil a home or make a better one. I am sorry to state that Mr. Reld Anderson Is very low at this writ ing and we hope soon he may be able to be up again. Mr. Joe Pluson Is down with grippe. Mr. F. S. Teague has a very sore throat and not able to be about his farm. Mrs. A. J. Smith is sick with cold and slatlca. Mr. lt. H. Young and son, Josh, visited Spartanburg last week and Mr. Josh oame back via West Springs that being the nearest point to Lisbon. Mr. Oharley Pitts, of Arkansas, has been visiting in this vicinity. Mr. Lee Young has come back home to take oharge of his father's farm. Mr. J. L. Young, of Enreka, Is spending a few days with relatives here. Misses Mary and Hattle Cun ningham, of Maddens have been on a visit to their aunt, Mrs. Teague. Messrs. J. P. and J. L. Hallow, of Spartanburg and Union have been visiting their brother, J. T. A. Ballow. The young folks attended a dance at Oapt. James Deans lust Friday night. A large crowd at tended and reported a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry chape ron the crowd. Mr. Dean has a lovely mansion and some young ladle would do well to get tgaj?e his house keeper. Our efficient school teacher, Miss Mary L. Pitts has a very large school now. Mr. Judson Langston, of Mad dens was the guest of Mr. W. M. Wharton last Sunday. Mr. Oonway Anderson, of your city, was down last Sunday to hear the Rev. Mr. Todd at his church. Mr. Todd preached a splendid ser mon. All who attended enjoyed It very much. llov. Mr. Fowler will supply the Beaverdam chnrch this year the first Sunday In every month. Farmer. CRACKERS FOUND ALL over. Wantleroru of Uio Tribe Jn tho Went and North rs Well M the South. "You'll find crackers in other parte of the country than the south, "eaid the tall, grizzled sea captain like mini at tho inn. "I've ecou them in every land? yof, und on Long Island. I take it the cracker bolongs to a class by himself. Tho cinckors, all the way from the foot hills of tho Alleghanies in Laucaster couuty, Pa., to the mountains of Geor gia, aro, as I tako it, tho descendants of men from tho north of Ireland. Some of thorn reached this stato from Canada and went sonfli by way of tho old Cher ry Valley turnpike into Pennsylvania, and thence into Mary land and Virginia. They are the best of the oraokor tribe. They still havo some of tho religion thoy Ht art cd with and a remnant of en orgy. "You find a southern or western cracker now nud then with a good Now England name. There was an early Now England emigration to the south. I met out in tho mountains of Mie6onri a cracker who wns a direct deecoudant of tho old pro\ jcial governor of Massa chusetts. Endicott. He bore tho family name and had a trace of the New Eng l?nder in his face, though he could nei ther road nor write. He had, however, his grandfather's diploma from Harvard college. Tho grandfather hnd removed to North Carolina, and part or perhaps all of the family had drifted west and finally reached Missouri. The crackers had a way of traveling along tho moun tain valleys from state to state, and a good 'many wcut into Tennessee and Georgia. "?Now York Snn. Brave Sepoy* and Sikh*. Tho siego had lasted altogether 40 days, and there had been 89 men killed and 03 wounded. The sepoys had suf fered greatly from want of food, as to eat horseflesh like the offioers wonld have been against thoir creed, and the ghi had long rnn out They had only half rations of flour, and when the reliof came, they were weak and emaoiated from want of food and sleep, bnt their endurance and plnokwere most admira ble. The sikhs especially showed extraor dinary nerve. The worso tho ontlook the cheerier thoy grow. They would flit all day oloaniug their rifles, with a quiet smile, as though the anticipation of defeat had never entered their mind. They felt sure, they said, that the gov ernment wonld not desert them and that in dno time help wonld come. An ono of them torsely pnt it, "The arm of the government is slow, but it reaches very far." Indeed, no praise can be too great for the Sikhs, who were the very baokbono of tho defeuse. They not on ly endured hardship and privation with out a mnrmnr, bnt they fonght with a qniot, dignified courage that In itself in spired confidence.?"TheOhitral Cam paign," by Thompson. Make Yourself Strong If you would resist pneumonia, bron chitis, typhoid (over, and persistent coughs and colds. These ills attack tho weak and run down tho system. Thoy can find no foothold where the blood is kept puro, rich and full of vitality, the appetlto good and digestion vigorous, with Hood's Barsaparllla, tho one true blood purifier. Hood's Pills oure llvor ills, constipa tion, biliousness, jaundice, slok head ache. '?-Attention, Debtors! Those indebted to tho fl;m of Philpot & Fowler will please come forward and sottlo at once and greatly oblige, PHILPOT A FOWLER. Laurons, Jan. 14, 1898.?lt._ Wo koep on hand or can have*made for you in b days any kind of spectacle over needed! Laurens Drug Co. For ?alk\?Ono eight jc;r.old mule in good condition. Apply at L. E. JSuins & Co.'s Bargain House, Lahrem, LAURENS RUSHItfG. THE NEW TRAIN ON AND UEB NEW HOTEL THRONGED. Am Icjr Blust Thursday?Relaxations of the Week. That bloyole?hustle for It while you can. Mrs. W. O. Prentlss returned to her home at Beaufort on yosterday. Pelzer la now the largest cotton mill operated in the South. Miss Manette Hayno, of Enoree, spent several days with friends here last week. Miss Mame Ferguson leaves today for a visit to friends in Columbia and Charlotte. Mr. Geo. H. Boyd has moved his lino of hardware into the store just undor The Advertiser's office. No new counties, under tho now Con stitution, can be created at this session of tho Legislature. The indications now aro that tho ses sion of the Legislature will not bo as protracted as at first apprehended. Get on a rush and win that whool? you lack enterprise and pluck If you don't win the wheel. Saturday was a most charming day. Tho town was full of people, and busi ness lively. Among the Governor's appointments confirmed by the Senate is that of J. D. Mock as Treasurer of this county. Dr. W. A. Shands, one of tho stal wart workers of tho coming city of Clinton, was in the city on Thursday. Munioipal matters in Charleston aro muddled as to tho'matter of selecting the police officially. After spending somo timo with his family here, Professor T. P. Wright has returned to his duties at Clemson. M. S. Bailey, Esq., Prosident of tho Bank of Clinton, was in the city on Wednesday on business. Bishop Capors will proach in tho church of the Epiphany on next Sun day, morning and afternoon. Miss Thruaton, of Groonvlllo, has ro turned home after visiting her friends, Mrs. J. M. Phllpot and Miss Mary Camp. Honea Path Is to havo In ton days a telephono oxohango to connect that town with Anderson, Greenville, Spar tanburg and othor cities. Court sits for this county tho third Monday in February. Lawyers are get ting ready. Judge Townsend will pre side. Magistrate J. M. Hudgons on Wed nesday last had two eases boforo him for retailing. One he hold; one he let go. ? Mrs. Calhoun, who has boon on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Mc Gowan, returned to hor homo at Nino ty-six, on Saturday. During the important session of the Legislature just commoncod wo hopo to keep our readers thoroughly advised from week to week of what is going forward and what of Interest Is likely to be done. The new Bon-Dolla is being largoly patronized, sometimes to such an ex tent that it is nocossary to connect par lors into sleeping rooms. This is along the line of good news. Thursday last was a rude, savago midwinter day. A cold north-easter with rain and freezing and frosting tho trees and the earth as it came down.? Locomotion and all out door business wero out of tho question. M. L. Donaldson, is tho member of the Democratic Executive Committoo whioh met at Washington on tho 10th and fixed Chicago as the place for the "scrap" for the Presldontal nomina tion. Tho senate has confirmed tho follow ing nominations of postmasters in South Carolina: M. P. Trlbble, An derson; E. E. Poag, Rock Hill; J. P. Little, Clinton; J. F. Gregory, Lancas ter. In the Southern Methodist Review for January and February, is tho ad dress of Rev. W. J. Daniel on Bishop William May Wightman of tho M. E. Church, South, which was delivered at the Annual Conference held In Lau rens In 1894. Sir Henry Irving, tho loading trage dian of the world, supported by Ellen Terry and the London Lyceum Com pany, will present tbe "Merchant of Venice," at Charleston on tho 24th in stant. It will be bewitching of courso. There will bo a fiold full of candi dates this year for tho various county offices. Tne moro the morrler. And The Advertiser at the propor timo will be glad to mako their ambition known. Candidates are now recog-' nized for all the offices. On last Tuesday evonlng a largo number of the young people of tho city attended a dance at Mr. H. A. Wobb's. Everyone had a delightful timo and the music, a guitar and mandolin In the hands of two North Westerners who were making their way back to yan keedom, was very good indoed. Ball Boad Changes. Under the new management result ing upon the possession of tho Now berry & Lanrons road by Mr. W. G. Childs, we feel confidont that our com munity must bo bonoflttod. AH brunches of the service will bo en hanced. Somo changos will result at the Depot, Mr. J. P. Gray, of Gray court boeom i ng the local Agent. It may be that we will lose from our midst, Mr. W. F. Young, who has boon tho Agent of the old company, a most offi clont gentleman, courteous and kind withal, with a delightful family. Our entire community would grontly rogrot ; their loss. The Concert. Tho concert under tho nusplcos of Mrs. W. E. Lucas, assisted by Miss Hayno, Miss Harris, Mr. Wilkos, Mr. and Mrs. Mason, on Saturday evoning, at tho Opera House was a most charm ing success. On account of tho Inclc roenoy of tho weather it had boon post poned until that ovenlng, but notwith standing a largo and select audience attended and there has hot boon so do lightfuI an evening in tho history of our city. Every one seemed to antlcl Eate that it could not be otherwise with Irs. Lucas at tho piano, and presiding, but the enjoyment was unprecedented as tho programme proceeded. Wo fool sure that wo cannot oxaggorate tine pleasure afforded tho comfortably largo audience by any praise wo might ac cord to all who participated in giving this rare entertainment, The proceeds wore generously given tho church of the Epiphany in this city. Look out for colds at this season.? Keek yourself woll and strong by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great tonic and blood puLifter. I 1 Teachers' Meeting The Teachers' Association met in the Court House to-day, nth inst, and was called to order by the President, Prof. J. B. Watkins. On motion of Pr?f. McElroy resolutions were passed by the As sociation memorializing the Legis lature to authorize the County Su pervisor to borrow money to cash school claims as soon as services are rendered, and the following committee were appointed to pre sent the resolutions to the senator i and representatives of this county: T. B. Watkins, W. T. McElroy, Jared D. Sullivan, Jas. C. Hill, Misses (Malic McDaniel and Sallie Brooks, and Jas. A. Madden. The following officers were elected to serve the Association the ensuing quarter: \V. M. Bryson, president; J. B. Watkins, ist vice president; B. Y. Culbertson, 2nd vice-president; Miss Clatie McDan iel, secretary and treasurer; Miss Mary Bramlett, corresponding sec retary ; J. B. Watkins, D. B. Bobo and Jas. A. Madden, executive committee; Jas. A. Madden, Editor Teachers' Column. The following is the programme for the next meeting of the Associa tion, which convenes on Saturday, 15th of February next, at 10 a. m., at Laurcns: Educational Demands?Prof. B. Y. Culbertson. How to Teach History?Miss Perrin Farrow. Is Teaching a Profession??Prof. W. T. McElroy. Ought current Events to be Taught in School??Prof. T E Ewart. AU the teachers are earnestly re quested to attend the meetings of the Association. Every teacher will be expected to contribute to the Teachers' Col umn, when asked by the editor for the contribution. Teachers are requested to endea vor to secure a wider circulation of the papers publishing the Teach ers' Column. Teachers who fail to perform the duty required of them by the A?so ciation, or do not respond to the support of the Teachers' Column, when asked by the editor, may ex pect to sec their names in the next Teachers' Column. JAMES A. MADDEN. The Trustees of the several School Districts will get up a list of the Poll Tax payers of their Districts and be sure to get tho full initials of each name, and not tho "pet*' name. The list must embrace every male citizen from 21 to <50 years of age. Trustees have no power to exempt any one from Poll Tax, and it is their duty to list every one within tho ages and let those claim ing exemption show cause before the proper authority their right to exemption. Trustees will make separate list of white and colored Poll?. Thoy will also make a list of tho children between the ages of 0 and 21 years, distinguishing white from colored, and male from female. Those lists must be sent to the Commissioner at once as the ap portionment of the funds cannot be made until the lists are sent in. Trustees should take notice that the schbol fund for the ensuing year will be larger than for the past year, and School Districts which do not furnish the above lists, cannot ex pect thoir school fund lo be in creased as the commissioner would have no data by which to raise it. Tho people of each School Dis trict should use every effort to have every child within tho school age attend the public school, as here after the apportionment of the public funds will be made on tho school enrollooent and not on the school population. Teachers not holding a certificate from the Board of this County, need not prei-ont their warrants to the Commissioner for his approval until they procure a teacher's certi ficate. The Rev. O. S. Stringfield, of Wakefield, N.C.says: "Five boxes of Japanese Pile Cure cured me after 12 years' suffering." The Laurens Drug Co. Do you want an Organ? Do you want the best? I roprosont tho llnost lino of Organs in America and at fair prlcos, and on easy terms. For Catalogues and par ticulars address? M. A. Malone, Columbia, S.C. STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA, County ok Laukkns, In Probate Court. WHEREAS, Charles Franklin and Wm. H. Dendy have made sait to me, to grant them Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Willis J. Dendy, deceaeod. THESE ARE THEREFOR 15 to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of tho said Willis J. Dendy, deceased, that they be and ap pear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at my ofllco the 21st, day of January, after publication thoreof at 11 o'clock in tho foronoon, to fihow cause, if any thoy have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my hand, this 31st, day of December, Anno Domini, 1805. O. G. THOMPSON, J. p. r,. 0, Jan. 6, 1890.?2t. STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY or LAURENS. In Probato Court. WHEREAS, J. H. Wharton, c. o. 0, p., mado suit to me to grant him Let tors of Administration of the estate and offects of Susan E. Fullor. doccascd. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admoniBh all and feingular the kin dred and creditors of the said Susan E. Fullor,dee'd, that they be and appear before nie, in the Court of Probate, to be hold at Laurens C. IL, S. 07, on the 17th day of February, attor publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the foronoon to show canso, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN undor my hand, this 1th day of January, Anno Domini, 18(><>. r O. G. THOMPSON, Jan. 0, 1890?Ot ? \ j. p. l. C. EXIT THE BLUEJACKET. In Modern Steam ttattleahlpa Athletlo 8*1 lore PUy n Minor Part. A proportion of the bluejackets of any fully rigged ship wero necessarily ath letes. The "npper yardmen" in a lino of battle ship or u frigate were excep tional men in this way, and mnob more so perhaps jrst about the time that sail power was receiving its death warrant (ban ever before. These young men had to raco aloft to nearly the highest points, at top speed, eight or ton times a week when the Khip was in harbor, to keep their heads and tna'ntaiu their breath ?while "holding on by their eyelids," as the phrase went, and niunipnlating with a careful and measured order of notion tho various und iutricato arrange ments for' 'crossing" or "sending down" tho royal nnd topgallant yards. It was all done at full speed, for it was uni versally held that tho nppor yardmen gavo a character to tho wholo ship and that one whieli was foromost in this ex eroiso was ever considered "the smart est Bhip in tho floot. " Tho upper yard mouworo nlways tho coming men. They had moat opportunities for distinguish ing themsolvos, were the best known, mid wore most under the eye of tho au thorities. Thoy dovoloped groat muscu lar power in chest, shonlders and arms. Their lower extrowities suffered, and ouo always knew tho men who had been upper yardmen by their tadpololiko ap pearance when they were bathing. But in tho modern steam lino of bat tlo ship nnd frigate those extremely oth lotio specimens formod a very small minority of tho "ship's company," and nouo of them could lose his turn at be ing uppor yardman so long as tho ship's reputation dopeuded on tho speed with which the upper yards wero crossed and Bent down. In harbor tho rest of tho bluejackets had tho handling of yards and sails for exercise onoe or twico a week, but at sea the uso of sails for pro pulsion grow less nud loss important, and most of tho work nloffc was more of an oxcrciso and loss of a necessity. ? North American Roviow. Pcoplo Who Eat Hair. It is difficult to imagine peoplo eating hair, but tlieio are many, especially girls and young womon, who do so, as experience proves. Doctors conducting post mortom examiuations have been surprised to find a largo quantity of hair in tho stomach of tho deceased per son. Not long ago an English medical mnn found as much as four pounds of hair in tho stomach of a woman about 80 years old, and similar eases havo been officially reported from various parts of tho world. Dr. Swaim lately performed an oper ation for tumor, when, to Ins astonish ment, tho cause of complaint was a moss of hair weighing hot ween four and five pounds. In this caso tho patient confessed that sho had contracted a habit of biting off the ends of her hair, just as soino bito their finger nails.?Pearson's Wcokly. Three si r:ui|:<- hikI Kcinnrknblo Men. As Dumas, tho grandfather, prided himself more upon his wonderful strength nnd skill in athletics than his generalship; as Dumns, tho second, prided himself more upon his knowledge of cookery than tho authorship of "Tho Throo Musketeers,'1 so Dumns, tho third, prided himself move upon ins kuowlodgo of art than upon tho writ ing of "La Dame uux Cornelias, " Thoy wore three strange and remarkable mon. ?Rochester Post-Express. The first manufacturing statistics wore collected by tho government in 18a0, when it was discovered that tho capital invested was a littlo in exoess nf half a billion of dollars. How's This. We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that can tot bo cured by Halls's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props , Tol odo, O. Wo tho undersigned, havo known P. J. Cheney for tho last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorablo in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation in ado by their firm. WEST & Tuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinn an & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. H. Hcincman, Milwaukee, writes: "One box Japanese Pile Cure has cured mc of a case of 28 years stand ing, after being treated by New York's best physicians." Sold by The Laurens Drug Co. |25 REWARD. Tho abovo will bo paid for tho delivery of Arch Johnson, alias Chalmers, an escaped convict, to tho Luurons chain gang, Laurens, S.O. lie escaped Doc. 81, last. Johnson is a negro, 15yours old, flvo feet 10 inches high, ginger-cake color, noarly bald, uppor eye teeth missing, hair inclined to bo straight, turns his foet outward walking and has a drawling ac cont, R. 1'. A da iii, County Supervisor. Jan. 13,1895,?It. Receiver's Notice IN The Matter of Tiil: LA?RENS Railway Company. In pursuance of the decree of tho United States Circuit Court for tho District of South Carolina, made in tho matter of tho Laurens Railway Com pany, on tho IlOth day of December, A. O. 1895, all persons holding any claims or accounts, for obligtionsor liabilities of any kind, contracted or incurrod during the rccoivorship of tho undor slgnod, uro heroby notified to prosont tho sumo to tho undersigned for allow ance, within tho period of sixtv days aftor tho first publication of thisno tlco, which porlod will expire on tho 23rd day of March, A. D, 1890. Any claims for such obligations or liabili ties, so contracted or incurred, which arc not prcsontod for allowance within tho porlod named, will not bo enforcea ble against, or payable either by tho Rocolvcr, or by tho purchasor, of said Laurens Railway Company. mALEX. C. Haskki.l, * Recolvor. Doc. :11st, A. ?. I??"). JAPANESE A N?w and Omnpleto Trontmonr, wniUrtlr.? 01 BDPPORmilllKS. OapmitM of Olnlment fMJ"S Buna of Olntmont. A novor fntlln? dir? for 1'Uaaju awry nnUiro ami il?nreo. It mukf-a nr. OWjUOtJWJW tho Vnlfo or Inlnutloim of onrbollo WMM* JjJ painful nnd ?oldoni n l?>rninnont ciiro, iui.1 oU. n to B.iltln? In denUi, onnewpfftrT. Why endurg this terrible Uleenso? We ?M??rnnt?eJl to oure any ppee. You Tmly iff for bonofll? ro colved. ?1 nbox.oforV. Sontbr mall. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 26c. a Box. CONSTIPATION by JSpanP08o\l*erpBeli^? inpOMjrtWYJSIi OP* STOMACH ?KOIJI.ATOH nn<1 kdM..M?l.fl< fi.Ini.tiid for till dreu'4 UbO. W VOM* IIMXIII ruitlf I r-U. nmilll. inun m? I' tolio.ocjttoUfl? adapt** for chlldran'* m? tb cent*. * . , Ear Sale by the tii-i'oiis Drug Co. jtn flmm Jill Grate On Installments. Easy payments? The Cheapest I handle,.$225.00 The next grade " " . 275.00. " " " " " . 300.00 " " " " " . 325.00 " " " " '?. 4<o.oo " " " " " . 50O.OO See Higher Grades of Uprights and Grands from $500.00 to $1,500.00. Second hand Pianos at ALL PRICES. * Address-? M. A. MALONE, Columbia, S. C. If you desire to learn why legitimate Pianos can not be sold at retail for less than $200.00, and that any sold below that price are without merit or value. Ask by mail The Musical Cou rier, 19 Union Square, New York, the greatest musical paper in the world, and it will explain to you without charge if you send this advertisement in your letter. "I Want It But I Can't Afford It." "p: Good Bicycle." Would You Accept A First Class High Grade Bicycle if it Were Offered You Free? The Advertiser will give a line Bicycle to the boy or girl, man or woman or child who will bring in the largest list of subscribers be tween now and February 1, 1896, the cash to accompany the subscrip tion. ttftyi iB^?ite mim ' .Is an "Acme" Machine made by the Acme Cycle Company, oi Elkhart, Indiana. The Winner of the Machine may make Iiis own selection from their catalogue. The "Acme" Bicycles cost One Hundred, Ninety and Eighty live Dollars each. The winner makes his or her choice from the Catalogue, regardless of price. liitliisi ?1 lit dtatti^ All you have to do is to get cash subscribers to The ADVERTISER. Any boy 01 girl can get subscribers. Any person young or old can get this fine" bicycle by making a little effort. A list of live subscribers may win it. If a lady wins the bicycle she may get a ladies' wheel. Or she may get a gentleman's wheel and sell it if she prefers. It is a good plan to begin work at once. As soon as you get a subscriber send in his name and the money so that the paper may be promptly sent to him. State that you are a con testant for the bicycle and an accurate list will be kept of all the names you send. Two half year or four three months subscribers will be counted in the contest as one. No Loss Possible. Not Even of Time. "If I don't get the largest list I shall have had my trouble for nothing" you say. No you won't either. The Aijver tiser will give at the end ot the contest, except to the winner of the bicycle, twenty-five cents for each subscriber sent in by a contestant. So if you get forty subscribers you may win the bicycle. If you don't you get ten dollars anyhow. No person in any way connected with The ADVERTISER will be allowed to enter the contest. Don't lose a minute. Begin at once. Who gets the "jump'' has a big advantage. ? I WOULD m BURN IT ff INTO THE f MINDS OF PiTHEPEOPJ El That there is not a family anywhere to which money means so much? ten cents means so much?that it can. afford not to ex change ten cents a month for the art, the refinement, the pleasure, and the information that a copy of Munsey's Magazine will bring to the fireside. FRANK A. MUNSRY, l?l Pifth Avc. New York. .'?.i!)if>!o copy free. WE ARE STILL in the With a nice line of Furnishing iGoods, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Tin, Glass and Crockery Ware, Stoves and Furniture. Thanking you for your past favors and soliciting your future patronage. As ever, L.E. & B. C. BURNS, Bargain House. I j, C. Burns, Manager; W. EL Gil rtrorson, Jr., Assist. Clork. Traynhani & Dial's Sun Block. DR. W. H. BALL DENTIST, OFFICE OVER NATIONAL BANK, LAURENS. OmoB DATS?MouUtty and Tuo&uayr. .Jl, . . J. B. PARK, Attorney at Law, Laurens, - - South Carolina. 6iP Spocial attontion given to/ho in vestigation ol titlea and colk/otion of nlaims. / .... Notice! Assessoi The Auditor's Office will be open from the 1st day of January to the 20th day of Februaiy, 1890, to receive returns of Personal property for taxation in Lau rens County. For the convenience of taxpayors tho Auditor will attend tho following name-' places to receive returns for said ye. to wit: Jacks Township, Dr. F. M. Setiler*?, January 13, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Jacks Township, Renno, January 14, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Hunter Township, Clinton, January 15, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Hunter Township, Milton, January 0 from 10 a m to 2 p m. Cross Hill T ownshlp, Spring Grove, Janunry 17, from 10 am to 2 p m. Cross Hill Township, Cross Hill, Jan uary 18, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Waterloo, Janua ry 20, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Ekom, January 21. from 10 a in to 2 p m. Waterloo Township, Mt. Gallagher, January 22, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Sullivan Township, Brewertoo, Jan uary 23, from 10 a m to 2 p m. # Sullivan Township, Princeton, Jan uary 24, from 9 a m to 12 in. Sullivan Township, Tumbling Shoals, January 24, from 1 p m to 4 p m. Dial Township, Luther 0. Owens, January 25, from 9 a m to 12 m. Dial Towuship, D. D. Harris, January 27, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Dial Township, V. A. White, January 28, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Parson's Store, January 29, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Young's Store, January 30, from 10 u m to 2 p m. Young's Township, Pleasant Mound, January 31, from 9 a m to 12 m. v* Young's Township, Lanford Station, January 31, from 2 to 4 p m. Scuffletown Township, Tylersville, February 1, from 10 a m to 2 p m. Real Froperty is not returned this year. It will c-avo much timo to taxpayers, also greatly facilitate tho work of tho Aseeesoi, it' every person before leaving home will make out a completo list of every item of personal property in tho following oider: Horses, Cattle, mules, sheep and goats, hogs, watches, organs and pianos, buggies, wagons and carri ages, dogs, merchandise, machinery and engines, moneys, notes and accounts above indebtedness, and all other prop erty including household. It is always required that tho Auditor get the llrst givonnaine of the taxpayer in full. Under tho head of place of residence on tax returns give tho township. All male citizens between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, on the 1st day of January, 1890, except those who aro incapable of earning a support from being maimed or from other causes aro deemed taxable polls. And every taxpayer is required to give (he number of their school district. After tho 20th day of February next fifty per cent, penalty will be attached for failures to make returns. In overy community thero aro persons who cannot read or that do not take a newspaper. Those more fortunate may do such persons f\ great favor by telling them of tho time to make returns or by returning for them. The assessing and collecting laxes is all done in tho satue yoar, and wo have to aggregate the number and value of all horses, mules, cattle and other pieces of personally, as well as the acres of land, lota and buildings and their value, that there is in the Oouuty, and have tho same on tile in Comptroller General's ollico by tho oOth day of Juno of each year, and from that timo to the first day of October the Auditor and Treasurer's duplicate have to be completed and an abstract of the work in tho Comptroller's olllee by that time, which will show at a glance that the Auditor has no timo to take returns or anything else much be tween tho 1st day of March and the 1st day of October but work on tho books and tho blanke. Wo hope therefore that all taxpayers will make their re turns in time. JOHN It. FINLEY, Auditor. Dec. 3, 1895?4?tf fwe~ Employ Young Men ? to distribute ????*^our ndvcrtlsu moutsJli nipt payment for a Wf[ll ktiuIo Acnjo bicycle, wnli-h vrp k :>t thorn ouapproval. No work cio'.iu until iUo bloyolo arrives atra proves satisfactory. Young Ladies c'^rti??? If boys or ?Irls apply Mwy, must bo wollrcooiu- x in ?):.:? ?!. Nvrlto for particulars. X ACME CYCLE COflPANY, g KLKHART, iND. J South Carolina and Georgia R- R Passknokk Department. Charleston, S. C.,May 20, 1895. DAILY. Lv Charleston 7 20 a ra <> 00 p in Ar Summerville 7 50 a m (> 42 p m Pregnalla 8 28 a m 7 19 p m (leorge'a 8 41 a in 7 32 p m Branchville '.> 10 a ro 8 15 p m Rowesville 9 25 a m 8 29 p m Orangebarg 9 38 a m 8 43 p m St Matthews 9 58 a m !> 01 p m Fort M/>tto 10 10 a m !? 17 p m King\ :llu 10 20 a m 9 2'.) p m Columbia 11 05 a m il) 15 p m Lv Columbia 7 00 a m 4 00 pm Ar Kingvillo 7 45 a m 4 44 p m Fort Motto 7 57 a in i 5r> p m St Matt'icws 8 08 a m 6 09 p m Orangeburg 8 82 a m 6 27 p ra Rowesville 8 48 a m 5 42 p m Branchville 9 05 a m 6 10 p ra George's 9 45 a m o 34 p m Pregnalla 9 58 a m 6 44 p m Summerville 10 82 a m 7 18 p m Charleston 11 10 a ni 8 00 p m Lv Charleston 7 20 a in C> 00 p ni Branchville 0 2) A m 8 15 p in Bamberg 0 47 a m * 8 40 p m Denmark 9 55 a m 8 ~>?, p in Blabkville 10 12 a m 0 09 p m Williston 10 27 a m 9 24 p m Aiken 1103am 1007 pm Ar Augusta 11 45 p m 10 50 p in Lv Augusta 0 25 a m 3 30 p m Aiken 7 14 ft m 4 12 p m Williston 7 57 am i49 p in Hlackvillo 8 14am 5 CO p m Denmark 8 28 a m 5 20 p m Bamberg 8 41am 5 20 p in Branchville 9 20 a m 5 65 p m Ar Charleston 11 10 a in 8 00 p m Connection via A. C. L. Lv Augusta 2 25 p m Ar Aiken 3 05 p m Ar Donmark 4 12 p m Lv Dnmnark (i 10 a m Ar Aiken 7 19 a m Ar Augusta % 8 CO a ** DAILY A VY. Lv Cnmden /? Camden Jun Ar Kingvillo Lv Kingville Cumden Jr Camden i Connections?0' Southern Railwa Connection u W ?