$?e (?etuertiser ? ?bsorlptton Vrloo -1J Mouth?, $1.N> PAYABLiE JN ADVANOK. W. W. BALL, EDITOB. Bates for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad V*rtl?oniflntn, per square, one Inaor Mon, fl.OO; each subsequent insertion, ftOosnls. Liberal reduction made for large Ad vertisements. W.W.BALL, Proprietor. L.AURENS S. C. Dec. 10, 1895. The Message* ~ "TPho ponderous paper of the day is the Messcgo of the President delivered to Congress on Tuesday last. Tho speeches of Qovornor Tlllman and Gov ernor Evans and other like light litera ture of the period, are evanescent, feathery and gossamer in comparison. These pass, as of tho day, as the ldlo wind, and are regard od not. But tho message deals with weighty matters. The foreign relations of the govern ment are complex and mixed, but are satisfactory. The President exhausts his powers of statement and argument in disoussing tho llnanoial condition of the country. As a statement, it is proba bly the clearest that has boon given, or can be, of the financial condition of the country; as an argumont sustaining the policy of his administration under monstrous legislation and failure to legislate, It is unansw 'able. He recognizes, and presents with power, our Indisputable flnanoial plight, but blazes a way out if the country should be wise enough to take his suggestion. This will not be done. Tho Republi cans being in power, will never adopt the views of a Domoorat; the Demo crats, if they were in power, would di vide, because they prefer riot, on fu sion and disordor. Southern demo cratic leaders want a sound currency probably, but they want office worse, and they will contlnuo to bofuddle, deceive and hold out false hopos to the people. Abuse of Cleveland they think oheanor^and more promising toUJiuomfaajsM IfcSworing his argu ijW be a contlnuod ihe domoorats do orifcy of tho Senator Tlllman objects that greon baoks should be issued by tho Govern ment instead of bonds. This is equiv alent to putting tho country on a silver basis. It is truo the greenbacks would not bear interest But the Gov ernment issues the greonbaoks, the bolder presents them for payment, and there is nothing to pay with. If silver is handy and Is tendered in redemp tion, It is equivalent to saying?I pay you in coin of a dollar denomination worth In the world's market only fifty cents. Six millions of our nine millions bales of cotton aro sold to England and our farmers now get gold or its equiv alent. They will not accept money worth fifty per cent, of Its faco value. Every cotton producer will Insist on sound money. * The latest iiqwo from Wfcirtdaaiftn senator Irby has not ap peared in his seat and was in the care of a physician. Ben Tlllman had at tended a silver caucus, where the com pany were eight. He immediately at tended a caucus of Democrats. That Benjamin of ours gets around lively and don't you forgot lt? So does Samps Pope. For four years clorkof Tlllman's State Senate at $1200 a year, then inde pendent candidate for Governor, and now trimming hia sails to lead the Re ? publicans in this State Benjamin no doubt rogrets the training ho gave to the wily Sampeon. Believo in every man's honesty, but keep your hand on your pocket book. A negro man and an old colored wo man, his mother, wore murdered by four white men in Colleton county dur ing last week. The man was charged with a petty theft and the woman with concealing it. If the details of the butohery are as reported tho butohors will soon swing according to law, if there be decency, Christianity or civil ization in that region. We trust that the good name of the Stato will be vin dicated?-Colleton being a part of South Carolina. iWe are refreshed and rojoicod to seo ^bbevllle Press and Banner consented to annouce itself out, thick and thin Tillman lut?medlumlng the Abbeville The only objection wo have tho Press and Banner was [nt claim to bo conservative jatlves had a good deal to r, and tho protended alle Press and Banner was a [dition to their weight of illy News, supper. The cons*rvativo press in tho Stato approve th tlonal convention?when tho party has spoken?she and all her people owing illeg!--"- Democracy should { Gov Evans has respited Wash Owens, (who was to have been hanged last Friday,) until the 2d Friday in Febuary next. Ho was convicted of murder nearly twelve months ago.? Some centuries back by tho mouth of tho Lord Hamlet, something was said of the ills that flesh la heir to and among them pr mlnontly catalogued?"the '?law's dolay." Tho convention adjourned hink dik at 22 & 4 mlnutca past 4 o'clock P. M on Wednesday last having adopted tho instrument as a whole by a vote of 110 to 7. Originally tho body consisted of 100; three had died sinco its organiza tion and so there were thirty-four not voting. ? *? As will be soonelsowherothe Clinton Cotton Mill enterprise is a fixture- Tho project is taking shape and there's nothing to do now but move forward and build tho factory. Tako oaro, Lau rons, Clinton is coming.?Clinton Ga zette. Precisely as we expected and as the Advekti8EK prophesied. Aud tho Ad vertisek rojolcos with great joy. And in a little while Cross Hill, Mountvlllo, Gray Court, Waterloo, High Point, Lanfords, Ora, Thomas and Maddon will follow on tho heels of Clinton. A. J. McElrath. killed a wild goose In tho river near town yostorday It weighed 18 pounds and measured seven feet from tip to tip,?Piedmont corres pondence State. Tho constitutional convention declin ing to adopt the fomale sulTrage clauso did a bit of execution in this line. Tho Atlanta Journal hammers Senator Tlllman and Gov. Evans for their speechos at Atlanta. All right. Giants can stand battering rams. When you have 15,000 to hurrah for you and 1,500 molish at your back, you will pay small attention to tho paper bullets of a newspaper. * * * If the government stamps a piece of silver as big as a ton cent pleco as a dollar and it is redoemablo In a gold dollar wortn one hundred cents thon a dime may bo made to pass for a dollar. But do you bollovo it and aro you will ing to so accept It? If the stamp of tho government can add fifty cents to the value of a piece of silver, thon free colnago is right and the mints should run day and night and their capacity bo many times multi plied. *? * Factional lines gone as to the white people In this Stato, surely the peoplo will not fall out on tho question of the ofllcos and who shall hold thorn. Mor it alone?fltnoss?character and abil ity should decide. The President does not care partic ularly about what kinds of money wo have as currency but ho is concorned that tho people handle such money as may bo redeemed at sight in coin equal in actual value to tho nominal value of tho currency. Congressmen Strait and Latimer aro no longer to be black listed by the Postmaster General and will be allowed to control the appointments In their DistriotJ?. Tlllman lo In Washington. Clovoland had better look out. Nobody with good horso sense ob jects to silver as part of tho currency of tho country. But every man of horse sonso wants a dollar which is worth as much as any othor dollar. With the intrinsic valuo of an Amori lean silver dollar at fifty cents the gold dollar worth intrinsically ono hundred cents is the only standard of value. The Columbia Register significantly suggests that Senator Tlllman will bo judicious in tho use of his pitchfork at Washington. But what was ho sent there for? Senators Tillman and Irby occupy seats widely separated In the Senate Chamber. That Tired Feeling So common at this season, is a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It is a sure sign of declining health tone, and that the blood is im poverished and impure. The best and most successful remedy is found in HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to the nerves, elas ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to tho "whole body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's Head's Pills ?re purely vegetable, per? fsotly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. H. Heineman, Milwaukee, writes: "One box Japanese Pile Cure has cured me ofa case of 28 years stand ing, alter being treated by New York's best physicians." Sold by The Lautcns Drug Co. Of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 9th day of Jan. 1896,1 will render a final account of my acts and doings as Executor of the estate of Mary E. LyicB, deceased, in the office of Judge of Probate, for Lain ens coun ty at 11 o'clock A. M., and on the same clay will apply for a final dis charge from my trust as such Ex ecutor. All persons having demands against said estate will pleaso pre sent* them on or before that day proven and authenticated, or be for ever barred. G. W. DUVALL, Executor. Dec. 2d, 1895.--.jt TJ?e Undersigned Respectfully imite the public to call und examine their Stock of( Gencrul Mcri-handUe. We tlo not claim to have better Goods * t or cheaper Goods than any'otie; but we do claim that wc can sell, as LOW as the for the same quality of Goods. i , Our constant aim will be to supply on customers with gooil honett Goods at the Our patrons may rest assured that they will not have lo p:iy any profit for long time or bad debts ; as vre will Buy forspot cavh? thereby getting the largest discounts, and sell for SSjpot ?SLela. giving the purchaser the benefit of our Cash Discounts. tf?W* Mr. Luthe?. McCoitu, the popular and courteous salesman, is with us and will be glad to see his many friends. J. R. WINTER & SON. La.urens C. H., S. C, Dec. 10, '5?3m At the Old Stand. The print is too fine?most of it is nowadays. Don't injure your eyes attempting to read it. We can make it so much easier for you with a pair of spectacles or eye glasses. We have no poor glasses?our cheap ones are good glasses in cheap frames.? There are too many of the other kind on the market?made to look at, not thorough. We test every pair before we let you take them away, and if they don't suit wc change them for you without charge. We want every body to see well because wc have a com plete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, School Books and # Christmas Goods for you to look at. We sell them as low as we can?you always buy as low as you can when you buy from the Laurcns Drug Co. near the Post Office. We have an elegant doll we are going to give away. Each purchaser of one dollar worth of any thing, from now until Christmas Day, gets a chance at it. W e Deliver all Goods to Your Depot Free from $1? and up anywhere in teoutli Carolina. Extra Large, $2.23 Medium, $1.98 Ladies, $1.75 Misses, $1.65 Childs, .$1.50 ft0" Don't wait or you will lose this chance. SUNNY SOUTH STOVE. What Is Our Guarantee? Ask us and you'll be pleased. BONANZA SAL Aid Weather is at Our Doors, and th me WHEN EVERYONE MUST LOOK out for and our Low best efforts to inspect air in store or mm &?& Bjn.fg Oil] anil please tlie public* Come ail see for yourself what we have _L Clothing, Clothingj o AO Suits Meh'slhoviotS and Fancy Ca6simero8, $2 to 5.00. a40 In thie lc^ce our black and grey Cheviolts. r>Afi Men Solu, ine?, B^cks-all colors and textures, at $7.50 ^ A youlh HailH nl, colori! ,?,, w>00 tQ |l? 0*rO to $22.50.]LacK Clay Suits $10. Cheviotts, $8.50. tfiUU 160 Boy kneo suits, $2.00 to $7.50. 9 I ISA Men's Suile in colors and bl ok Civ viol Us, nt $5 to $7.50. I r Final Dltjiarge. Take notice'thapn the 2tl day )f January, 1896, vl will render a final account of |y acts and do ings as Executorthf the eKtftte of Narcisa M. Garngton,-dee'd, In the office of Judfc of Probate ipr I-aureus county ajio o'clock, A.of., and on the samcny will apply lor a final discharge from our trust as such Executor/ All persons naving demands against said est? will pleaso pre sent thcin on orfbeforc that day, proven and auicnticatcd, or be forever barred. I II. H. moUE, A. A.GiK.LINGTON, I Executors. Nov.20, 189o4lt i \ ' . IKTOTIOEJ Of Settlement nud Application for Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 18th da) of Dec, t805j I will render :i final account of my acts and do< ings as .Administrator, with will annexed, of the estate of J. F. Workman, deceased, in the ofKce of Judge of Prol ate for Lau rens county at it o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as switch Administrator. All persons having demand against said estate will please pre sent them on or before that day proven and authenticated, or be for ever'barred. ) A. C. WORKMAN, j Adm'r with will annex. 1 Nov. 12, 1S95~-.it. NOTICE Of Jirll to form a Ncxv County from portions, of Spartan hnrgt Union, L>(iureiis and Greenville Count it-: \V*o will ask the Legislature HI ItH I next session to lay off a now county to bo known as Lnoroo county, with Woo I I ruff as Its cburity soat with the follow ing boundaries: Boglnlng at pr near rPolhain Factory and running thoilcc to tho Union county line at or near j West Springs; thence to fCnoroo rivet' I to a point at or near Whot'Cf tho ' n 'ship lino between .looks ami Scnfllp4 town losvnshl))of Laurens county strike said river: theisoo up said river to where Buckhoud Creek cmpitics into said river; thoneo up said cook t<> Pleasant Mound; thoneo to a point . i tho Greouviilo line ono inilo east, of Fountain Inn: thence a straight liu ? to beginning corner. J. B. KlXXIORR, W. S. (illAY, s. o. Brook man, L. F, Peaks;i.n', Li, ('. WOFtfORD, S. M. PlLOUAM, Comtnltteo for Pctitlouors. Nbtlco 1 ' i ? Ivon that applica lion will bo madoai the noxt sitting of ! tho Legislature for n charter for Rail* ; roftd to run from LaUt'OnS, S. C, by way of Tumbling Shoals. Princeton, PolKct'i In Anderson County, Piedmont in Oroenvlllo County, ami elsewhere. .1. u. Traynham, Albert Dial, J. It. Sullivan, U, <'. IVcathorslonoj Win. I). Sullivan, j; II. Humbert, W, a. MoKolvoy, w. P. Nesbltt, ('. I>. N'e.sbitt, .las. Li, Orr, i:. a. Smyth, Sept. 7, IH'.l.*).?8m, DR. W. H. BALL OFFICE OVER NATIONAL BANK, LAUBENS. *)pviou o\v 8-*Moudttys and TueJ