The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 30, 1895, Image 2

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<?>?e ?etuertiser tabsorlptlon Price -13 Montln, $1.(50. PA YABIjE IN A?VANCK. W. W. BALL. EDITOB. Rates for Advertising. -Ordinary Ad verUsomenU, per square, one inser tlon, 11.00; each subsequent Insertion. 50 oeuts. Liberal reduotlon made, for large'Ad yertUements. W.W. BALL, ? Proprietor. LAURENS.S. C, April 30. 1805. Nervous People* We have observed among our oxr changes ? criticisms upon Judge Golf who has^^DatfOntly signed' several In Tdn orders, and also certain Attor neys at law who wont bofore tbo Judgo upon eertaln showings and asked rellof for their clients. Certain editors and others set up a howl at tho Institution of those proceedings; thoy are adverse to all action or proceeding and are en amoured of tho status quo in all olvil und political affairs. Complaints are J| .made against Messrs. Pope and Cald well and Douglas ?fc Obcar, that thoy have rushed into tho courts and dis turbed the stagnant political waters In South Carolina. Thoso nervous peoplo are greatly to bo pitied; in some cases the condition results from the natural organization; In others It is the rosult of some abnormal complaint that has become chronic for want of prompt ' treatment; In others it prococds from an exagerated egotism that would dony to others the liberty of action, politi cal or otherwiso, that they assumo thoy . ntonoshpuld be. endowned with. Just so. Charles the Second was content with the status and Cromwoll and his Ironsides stalwarts kept things stir ring and tho good ordor was broken; biter .Tohnlo Wllkos made a to-do and kept lip a monstrous disturbance; tho American revolutionists had an Inning, and George 3d had his siestas brokon upon by disturbing accounts from tho in his colonies, and lator tho ioh revolutionists wont With all tho item world Into hysterics ovor tho ling of a King, and some throe mil ions women and mon. All this rost |nes8, and as you may suggest, outru iaoh of proprloty culminated in giving to tlvLs_genor^Jyj^j|}oiwiinlJ women tho HttloliTjor'fy^ncy on joy.-^i The world will not stand still. Tho status quo was a good thing for Charles 2d and Louis XVI. But in this ago of schools and colleges and philosophy, why should there bo such a furor ovor tho doings of a fow lawyers and a doz en or so judges. Thoro should bo some manhood, somo show of oquablo de meanor, somo grit to endure and keop cool, when only a tomtit Is struck by lightning. Tho readers of tho Adver tiser will not go Into fits at high jinks by Tillman, Evans, Irby, Samps Popo, Goff, "Tray, Blanch, or Sweetheart," big dogs or little dogs. Calmly, coolly and? straight-forward, tho world moves, and men who are men will not, consider or regard your passions or your proju dloos or your Interests. Ono other point, it may bo woll to note right here: this is a thinking ago; It Is ontor prlslng,courage has not fullod mon nor wbmen and all around us stand horoos and heronlos who will not yield ono *\_inoh of honest consclonco in tho fane of millions In opposition. In tho mean while if Goff'8 injunctions hold, lot them hold; if your judges are dishon est remove them; if your course is right and tyranny oppresses it, light it out. As you travel through this life you will oncountor much Ii 1th nnd ras cality; much cleanness, noblo virtue and generosity. Complaining and howling will do no good; boar tho ills or remove thom. Stand for tho right nnd the fight Is finished. White Supremacy. Ex-Governor Northorn, a farmer, is bringing ten thousand white farmers to Georgia, as pormanont settlors from the north-west. Thoy will bring down fifty thousand moro. Tho fow of us in this State must bo pitch-forking onch jftfcor, and how can wo bopo to havo Hiers join in tho cat fight. Pcaco Hu reignod in Georgia when Tom t^kon' gooso was cooked^ every republican In these Statos is really a rascal, wo must havo a stumpy road to travel, indeed, as our junior Senator, would remark. Cleveland is tho only man in thirty 11 vo years who haa managed to ride It rough shod without stumbling or halt. What ro llet huvu Tom Watson and Tillmah brought to their confiding following? Whero are wo at anyway? * * A lawyer Governor, n lawyor supor intendant of education, a lawyor At torney General, a lawyor at tho head of the rum bureau, no wondor at tho rum timo wo aro having with tho Courts. Vory fow can divlno how all thoso law-suits como upon tho state and on tall upon hor so 'many assistant coun sol (Charleston kldglovo lawyers) at beautiful figures. He has boon in tho ring and knows all about it. Samps Pope's four years training with T?lman makes him an ugly cus tomer to doal with. It Is not tho first e of the pupil gcMing tho whip and of tho mastor. ftCa;; Tho white motal soems to gain strength In tho north-wost. This may be a sheen tho light of which Senator Tillman has been anxious about. ?*? The identity of tho "orlglnall" Doll Boyd is still a puzzling point. Now isn't it about the same thing if sho Is or if she isn't. * ? * They talk of honest olectlon laws. Of what avail without honest officials to enforce thom? * ? ? Gov. Evans was tho archlteot of tho Dispensary law, though not tKo author, Why should ho not be the finisher? * ? * Gov. Evans has appointed ton addi tional constables to stand off Goff. * * ? There is nothing liko whistling to keep the courage up, except tall talk. Ever since Tillman came, ti.o poor old State has got Into so much law i ng and trouble that sho has had to employ lawyers from Newborry,- Barnwoll, York, Charleston, Klchland and old Virginia to support the knees of her many Attorney Genorals. And still thoy have no mercy. "Lay on Mo Duff" Is the motto of the cruel minori ty* And the poor old State that in the good old days was won't to defy a Jack son erl?s in her agony: "And when I stoop to beg for mercy, I meet with none, but wfee versa To the Memory of My Dear Father, Hubert Franks. Our dear departed on the morn ing of the 20th of December, 1894. | How hard it is, dear father, to say thou art gone?yes forever gone from earth. His death was caused by an injury received live days pre vious to his death. He bore his suffering with the resignation and fortitude of a true Christian. We ministered to his every want, but all that kind and loving friends could do was in vain. He was so weak toward the last he could not speak to us, but he replaced every tender caie with a glance of unut terable gratitude. He was a kind and loving father, and the void made in our household can never be filled. In vain do wc listen for his footsteps, but it is for ever hushed. Farewell, dear father, wc know thou art gone from us never to return, but thank God wc can go to you where there will be no more parting, no more tears. May we all bo able to say, 4'Thy will oh Lord be done," and think that death did not come too soon to one so kind and gentle. His attending physician was with him when his spirit took its flight. Wc arc all immersed in sorrow at his departure. No more will wc sec his dear face, or hear his loving voice. I will miss you, dear father, but I will endure the separation, knowing that God docs all things well. A light from our household is gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vncant in our home Which never can be rilled. Wc miss thee from our home, dear pa, Wc miss thee from thy place ; Oh life is""ttrenry without f The sunshine of *thy face. We wait for thee at eve's sweet hour, When stars begin to burn ; Wc linger 'round this lonely place And look for thy return. But all in vain thy coming step, We list through all the hours ; Wc only hear the wind's low voice, That whispers through the flowers. We do not sec thee now, dear pa, We do not feel thy love; But on our wounded spirit falls A blessing from above. To luce, oh ! it will be so sweet, With all our sins forgiven, To mingle with our loved and lost, In our sweet home in heaven. Sue. PRAISE, ONLY, FROM ALL WHO USE AYER'S Hair Vigor "Ayer's preparations arc too well known to need any commen dation from me ; but 1 feel com pelled to state, for the benefit of others, that six years ago, 1 lost nearly half of my hair, nu&^vliat was left turned gray.NaMKef using Ayor's flair vigor several months, my hair began to grow again, and with the natural color restored. I recommend it to all my friends."?Mrs. E. Frank iiAusKit, box 305, Station C, Los Angeles, Cal. Ayer's Hair Vigor PliRl'ARKD 11V DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. g means so much more than you imagine?serious and fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift?health. If you arc feeling ??'..I of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, havo no nppctlic and <an't work, begin ;it htg the most rclln i v itrtiigthonjiiK r.icdrclne.whlcb hi -.Jtiown'? Iron Hit. Itcrs. A few bot etk-:i cure?beiiant jcoinc.i from the vtiy litst (tote- it WCM'i stain \vur 1 . and :,t tO UB?, t Cures ; Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood 1 Malaria, Nerven.; aliment*' Women'.*? cotuphthitc. fiel only tho r.cnulnc -li ban crossed red llrpMon tho wrapper. Ali otliei Htosub Stltutcs. On receipt r.( ft 07 c', Meint 1 tva will t?n<| set cf 1o 1 [tcautihil \v F?lf VIoWl dud Look--iMo. ( BROWN CHEMICAL CO. i:'.".TlMORe, MD. Mr. H. T. Avctjy , Lovojoy, Georgia. Spring Medicine Hood's Saraaparlllu Is Just Right " I om happy to state tuni I am convinced Hood's Snvsaparllla la the bcut> medicine that I havo over taken. Last spring I wao completely worn out. I Had No Strength to do anything. Tho least work I did fatigued me very much. I also came very near losing tho sight of one^t my eyes. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla, nnd health, utrongth, appetite and clear eyesight were restored to me. I 9g Sarsa have tnkon other/f^UI^^C in o d i o i h c'aj bu 1 & j * found no relief un- ^fe^ til l gavoHood's BarsaparlUa a fair trial, j cm o rvl iced it Is superior to nil Other1, i ho good it did me is inexpress ible." If.AvrciiY, Lovejoy, Georgia. .:.> >?; Plllo :'"? purely VOgOtablO, and do no! purge, palu or gilpo? Bold by all druggist*, J. B. PAltK, Attorney at Law, Laukions, - - South Cauolina. Special attention given to tho in vestigation of titles and collection of olaims. STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurbns. Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to Decrees of foreclosure aud sale, in tho following stated cases, [,will sell at public outcry at Laurens Court House, on Salcsday in May next, bolng Monday tho 6th day of the month, during tho legal hours for such sales, tho property described in each caso as follows, to wit: In tho caso of J. W. M. Epton vs. B. W. Lanford. All that tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in tho county of Laurons und Stato of South Carolina, und having the following motes and bounds, courses and distances, to wit: "beginning at a stone on loft hand side of Poolotown public road loading from house occupied by myself to Lanford Station, thonco N 1811 E to Walnut, thence N 001 E to Red Oak :ix, thence S. 08 K 2725 to a stone il x, thence S 48 W to stone, thonco I W to stono In road, thonco N 72 W f>0l) to stone in road, thonco N <i(ij, i)..'t0 to stono in road, thonco N 50 3 W (>.20 to stono in road, thence 185 E 1.55 to Stone iu Hold, thence N til! W to beginning corner, containing Forty Acres, more or less, and boundrcd by lands of John Lan ford, Sr., and estate of James L. Hill, deceased. Terms?One-half of the purchase monoy to bo paid in cash, and tho re mainder on a credit of twelve months, with interest from tho day of sale, to bo secured '?y tho bond of the purchaser and and mortgage of tho premises, with leave to the purchaser to pay tho entire bul Ir. cash. Tho purchaser to pay for papoi'8, and if the purchaser fails to comply with the terms of salo tho property to bo re-sold at his risk on tho same or some subsequent con venient Salcsday. In tho case of Charles O. Witte vs. Armin E. Witte, as surviving part ner of Witto Bros, ct. al. All that tract, or parcel of land, sit uto in tho county of Luurens, Stale aforesaid, containing Ono Hundred and Eighty Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Mrs. Sullivan, James Martin and others, known as the Daniel Mar tin place. Also, all that other lot or parcel of land, upon which formerly stood tho two story brick building, known us tho Harris Block, situated in tho town of Laurons, County and Stato aforesaid, containing one-fourth of an Aero, more or less, bounded by J. O. C. Fleming on tho North, J. S. Craig on tho South, R. Curry on the East, and public square on tho Wost. Also, all that lot und parcel of land, and the buildings thereon, in tho town of Watorloo, County of Laurens, Stato aforesaid, containing One and One-half Acres, more or loss, bounded on the North by lands of D 0. Smith, and S. J. Evans, Wost by Main Street, South by Laurel Street, East by lands of M. B. Harris, as will more fully appear by roforencc to plat made by C. L. Fike, February 0th, 1887, nnd known as tho Hotel lot nnd building. Also, all that tract or pa reo I of land situate in tho county of Laurens, State aforesaid, containing Two Hundrod and Twenty-two Acros, more or loss, bounded by lands of D. C. Smith, P. H. Anderson, and others, on tho waters of Reedy and Saludn Rivers, known us tho Gcorgo F. Anderson place, and for merly tho property of I). C. Smith, and deeded to him by Boyd Harris. Also, all that tract of land lying, be ing and situato in tho county'of Lau rens, Stato aforosaid, containing Ono Hundred and Sovonty Acres, moro or less, and bounded by lnnds of B. A. Wharton, F. O. Fulior, !?'. M. Fuller, and others, and known as the Boavor Dam tract of the Hill ostato. Also, all that tract of land lying, be ing and situato in tho County of Lau rons, State aforesaid, containing Eigh ty Acres, moro of loss, and bounded by lands of Josoph I'earco, G. W. L. Tongue, Mrs. Jano Knight and othors. Torms of Salo?One-half cash, bal anco In ono and two years, with Inter est from day of salo at tho rato of soven per cont por. annum, payabloannually, socurcd by the bond ol tho purchaser and u mortgage of tho promises, build in g"? to bo insured and tho policy as signed. Purchaser to pay all taxes duo and payablo In 185)5, and for papors. Purchaser to have tho privilege of paying all cash should ho so elect. J. H. WlIAKTON, April 8, 1805 C. C. 0. P. Ih.tKH of Ointmniit. .. (ivory nuluro nnd <lnaroo. It makes nn openitlnn with ?ho Knlfo or InJoctlonH ct inrholln noid, which urn f.iinful nnd wildom n ixirmunenr. euro, nnd nttnn 10 ci.ltlnp in cW'i "innocowiiry. Why enclyro thill terrible cilsnnue? Wo Riinrnntoo O lioxos to Our? nny CUBO. You only pny for tiOUoUU re ceived. $1 n box,6 for to. mill. JAPANE8E PILE OINTMENT, 26c. a Box. PflMQTIPATinCUCured. Piles Prevented, wUfl? I IrM I 1UWh.Japanosoliver I'Mlets ?tPJWlAMYFIL0?d UTOMAt'U ItllOllf.ATOlt nnd 1U.OOO rijjUKIKH. Hrntill. mild nnd |.t take,oipeohuly adopted (or children'* uco. Co Doom 26 oentn. For Salo by Tho Laurons Drug Co. Laurons, S, O ?JAPANESE* piLB ' CURE A Now nnd pomphtto Treatment. cnn?Mlnn ol UFPOhXtoBIbS, Cnponln? of Ointment nnd two If.fflH of Ointmnnt. A iiovor fnllhiK Cnro for Pit ? ??> NOTICE Of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge* Take notice that on the 16th day of May, 1895, I will render a final account of my acts and do ings as Executor of the last will and testament of Fannie A. Goodgion, dee'd, - in the office of Judge of Probate for Laurcns county at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apply for a linal discharge from my trust as such Executor. All persons having demands against said estate will please pre sent them on or before that day, proven and authenticated, or be for ever barred. THOMAS J. SULLIVAN, April 15, '95~5t Executor. L. 13. & B. C. BURNS. ?Tew York Bargain House. Mas Bargaits for U. We say Bargains \vc mean this that \vc will sell U goods cheaper than U ever dreamed of.? ist. Our Business being back ed by Skilful Buyers at Head quatcrs and all over the Conti- j nent. 2d. With Bullion the allmighty Dollar. 3d. Ambition Backed by an unquivering nerve. 4th, Our Motto is Under Buy and Under Sell. Cash before delivery, no time no discount no olie Bible to Chuck down 50 per cent on $ 1.00. We simply ex change goods for money and give you full value for every Dollar. The time has when the poor needs. Double duly of every dollar and the rich have none to throw way. U will lind us at our post soon and late. Call and make yourself at home when in Laurcns and we will lake pleasure in showing U through witli best wishes for 189S. . * .Yours truly, L.*E. & B. C. Burni,. j. C. Burns, Assistant Manager. tfaT Traynham & Dial's Sun Block. IS JUST A3 GOOD FOR AOULTfJ. WARRANTEE}- PRaCEBOeio, galatia, li 1.3., nov. It', U\ '. PnrloMcdicIno Co., Kt. Loula, Mo. (Jpntlfunen: ?Wo sold l.-.-'t >C.u\ f<0 Iv.U'oa ol OKOVK'S TASTHI.KSS CJIII.I. TONIC cu'I hnvo boiuiiit. rlirco ftrosa alroiuly tlilfl yo:ir. 1>\ nil our >?'. porioiK-o of 11 yours, in tho drus buslnoss. hnvo novorsuiunnprtlolothatBfivobmcd unlvor!nlBatli? faction tu? you.- Tunic, xoura truly. Anxrv.CAnn &co For sale by Du. B. F. Posey, "Laurcns, S. C PURE DRUGS Arc very essential when a person is ill and adulterat ed medicines cannot possi bly have the curative powers like wholesome medicines but i. B. F. POSEY keeps nothing but the best and purest Drugs and Medicines and people wanting anything in my line will do well to call. I also carry i\ large stock of Teilet Articles, Slaticncry, acca, Cigars, Colognes, Toilet and Laundry Soap and a hundred and ov*j?Kother things kept in a first-class Drug Store. I k.nen 8AR?EN IEE03 of reliable houses constantly on hand and sell them at reasonable prices. Yours for mutual benefit, o Fo F?SEY9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST ?FOR THE? LIVER AND KIDNEYS Wards olf malaria. Is a pleasant and invigorating medicine. Par ticularly effective in tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nausea, Sick Ileudaeho, Sour Stomach, otc. A valuable llvor rogulator. Cor rects nil disorders of the kidnoys. Wonderfully beneficial in female eoni plaints. Taken along with quinine, is an effectual euro for Chills. A great appetl/or whon taken before meals. After monls aids digostlon. In largo 25 cents, 60 cents and ?SI bottles. Sold wholosalo by The Murray Druo Co., Columbia, S. C. Sopt. 24, 18lU--ly. Nobby Men's Suits $3.00 to $16.50. Big lot Pants worth 85, cts., 1.25, 2.00 and $4.00: We are offering the 65cts., 95cts., 1.65 and $2.75. rr^5^r> Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, U-o3* all sizes. CT?? m?*s>m& ?ale but honest GOODS at honest prices which arc lower than they have ever been sold?cost or no cost. Sec for yourself. Laurens, S. C, Mar. 5, '95. Famous Clothbrs. ?wasuagaiatam Harris Lithia Water. The most remarkable Water on the Market to-day which is Shown by its Analysis and Testimonials of the Most Noted Physicians of the Country. Read what a prominent merchant of Columbia, S. C, has to say for Harris Lithia Water. "I had long been affected with kidney troubles. I had tried all the mineral waters from Saratoga to Porter Springs. I had tried the Western waters and all others that I could hear of, and I have no hesi tancy in saying that none have benefited me even approximately as much as the Harris Lithia Water. I was using the Buffalo Lithia Water when I heard of this. I do not expect to use the Buffalo Water again. "When J went to Harris Lithia Springs, I had to be assisted out of my chair. After remaining two weeks I could get about as^good as anybody. It acted on me like a charm?quickly and effectively. This water is now being largely sold in Columbia, and I think every person who has tried it will agree with mc in the belief that it is the most re markable water in the country. From a simple interest in suffering hu manity. I would like very much to see it given a trial. 0. A. BALDWIN, Columbia, S. C. Harris Lithia Water Co., Harris Springs, S. C. A&hevills, N. C, September, 9, 1893. Mr. J. T. Harris: We have, been selling the Harris Lithia Water for some time, and find it a ready seller; those who have tried it arc loud in its praise. The doctors here regard it superior to cither the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Wc predict for it a wonderful sale when the merits become more generally known. Yours very truly, RAVSOR & SMITH, Prescription Druggist. Prosperity, S. C. Feb. 28, 189.1. Mr. J. T. Harris: I have been under the treatment of several physicians, and been to different watering places during the last ten years for kidney disease. It affords me pleasure to say that I have received more benefit from the use of Hanis Lithia Water than all remedies combined. Respectfully, G. D. BROWN. g0T For Sale by The Lanrcns Drug Co., und Kennedy Bros., Laurens, S, C. South Carolina Calcined Kuild up your Land. # # Improve Your Crops. For Bweetnlng .sour land and building up poor : nil it has no equal) and its cheapness enables every body to uso it. ' Combined with Cotton Seed) Cotton Seed Moal or Stable Manure, it makes an excellent complete Fertilizer for small grain or cotton. " ?X Send i;s a Trial Order! i INGLBSIDB Minim; and MVC. C(>. Julius t). Kostkk, Sec. and Trous. Feb. 20, 'l)5-m. Charleston, S.C. southern 1jani) AI)VKinisIN(; AGENCY -AND Real Estate Exchange. A Bureau of Information und Hxcliuntro Con trat OHico, Columbia, K. c. C. D. STANLEY, Manacjer. Real Estnto Register und Doscriptive Circulars Krco. (Send two conts to cover postage.) J>ARTIES wishing to buy, sell, lease or exchange lands should send their address at onco to this Agoncy and secure Register and Descriptive circulars, giving valuable information of improved and unimproved farm hinds and real estate Of kinds for sale, also the address of parties wishing to buy. Inquirers should stato whether thoy wish to buy, sell or exchange, and whether 'or cash, lands or murkotable securities. Branch Offices to ho estab lished in every County in tho South. S. D. Garlington ropresontlng Lau rons County Hureau, Laurons, S. 0. July 30, 1804?ly Better Crops . _I?^J* result from use of fertilizers rich In potash. Most fertilizers, sold do not contain Sufficient Potash" to insure the best results. The results oi the latest investigations of the use and abuse of potash arc told in our books. - - They arc scat free. It will coit you nothing U) road tlicm, and they will save .you Ellars, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. If You are .Looking for a Circus YOU ARE IN THE Wrong Place. But if you are looking for STOVES then we can interest you. We show Goods and Prices. Let others show up or shut up. We Show 21 Styles of Stoves and at all Prices. SUNNY SOUTH STOVE. Furniture, Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Matting, Glass China, Crockery, Tin Ware, Stoves, and. Lots of Other Things. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & CO. tfflT* Mintcr's New Building. kit QB ^mg;? Wfetel 4jJ - ' ? This Favorite Resort for Health and Pleasure is now Open to Visitors. For Hates of Board, apply to SIMPSGJV #> SIMPSON. Gle?)t) Sprigs urtatef V^IXuJ-i OTJIFtES Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic Hcplatitis, Jaundice, Torpor oi Liver, and general debility following upon malarial diseases. Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,Constipation, Hemoirhoids, Uterine, Renal and Cystic Diseases, Ileamatutia and Cntanmnial derangements, FOR SALE BY? 1, f? Wmm t0r For Circulars giving certificates, etc., apply to PAUL SIMPSON, Glenn Springs, S. C.