^fe Qduertiser. mjI.m.I., ?:. ?iii ??!.'? -:?-!?'? . ... .Vi;:::'.: ' ?I l??l ' '?':,?.,,', , ?!-???~~?I-r [Tri 3 0 t n.n 111 i y/jj ^ -i.,n.- ?? :-<~- - MB. J. Y. (lAiOJWtON ENGAGES ?1 fcwj IRA ?BW. ENTERPRISE. ? .^jfquictlons Concerning It?j The Southern University Mugavrino n ? journal -for college^fcwJetttHris goon to bo lanto1C Hia.;Honor opened Court at Union on_ye8torday? ?00 SAWfMlMW lITUO'd A friend of tho ADVERTISER in forms us U?at Lpng Uraneh in this county Ift'ltt faS mohd/.tttf Vtrcak and that wo may also listen for golden news in that quarter oro long. Our friends will bo pberul'-jif tbey ''.strike it rich" uniL we rojoico that Slooum Gilson is onrhe border of the now El dorado. Of Deep Importance. b?'- WAlry?^ flret-fclttss'dreBs-rnftk?!"' Is now needed in I ,au ivns, Any lady so for tunate as to bo a thorough mistress of tho art'tf?uM find opo?lYig 'out a dress making establishment lioro an adj vantagous move, tho town,is growing and euatom.Qrs would be found Hocking if such an enterprlso could bb started-. til , i .' . . i i ? i ? i.-r^--. i , i . I I Pun for the Mirthful. ?nco in a life-time, for all thoso wlio attend tho recitals of Prof. Kord on the il\h and 12th of March. DURHAM. N. C, January 31, 1805. ".I havo hoard Prof. Kord in Greens boro, and ho gav? ontiro satisfaction to hl$ audience. He has rare powers of mimicry, and Is free from anything vulgar .and low.". " .jno; C. KlT.go, Pres. Trinity College. , ; Concor?, N. C. Fob. IS, 1895. "I had the pleasure of hearing two recitals by Prof. Ford on tho 8th and i>th of February. ? uHe Is superb as a roader and hu morist. Not tho slightest irreverence or coarseness is indulged in by him. "His rendering of negro melodies carried mo back to my happy boyhood days in tho country, where J so often hoard those happy, joyous songs of tho negroes. I certainly enjoyed Prof. Ford. Iiis every effort, whether of pathos oi" humor, was successful." juouk W. .1. mont'oomkry. Nervous People And thoso who are all tired out and havo that tired, fooling or .sick head aeho can bo relieved of all these symp toms by taking Hood's Sarsuparillu, which gives, nerve, montal and bodily strength and thoroughly purifies tho blood. It rtls? creates a good appetite, euros indigestion, heartburn and dys pepsia. ?tt",v .u 4 ? ? -? i nil ,. ? A New Poem. Wo sMok to business and it sticks to us: Our prices, where knowu, always create a fuss. In fact, thorc rolls not a single minute When the Laurcns Drug; Co. isn't in it. -Moral: Ride with tho Band Wagon. Pawn Office. I have oponod in connection with my other business, in Robertson Building, (next to post oflieo) a pawn olllce. Mon ey advanced on Jcwerly, Watches. Rings; Diamonds, Furniture, Buggies, Carriages and Household Ai'tlelcs for thirty days. If not redeemed in tho time will be sold for loans. w, c. Myers. _r, -;?? Business Notices. Soed Potatoes for sj'ale, Yellow Yams, call at this office. V i, See Davis & Roper's now ud. ?.'{..v. )!.' MHVdl'5 '10 PSMAB ? i J,cut'commenced with, last Wednas-i day-and laatb for forty, tlaysi 5*ni iim i . ; Sonntor J. L.M. I rhy .returned to'.hjs hpruo in tho cii-y oivSMndaytT .?/ i\ Rev. S. C. Todd'Wft od fMiiM !? 'stay of soulo days' ili Rhflad^uli la.,,. Editor A. B. WflliUmsisbp a.vls'it ih MaWland: ' ?? ;; ?; i. i; ?\l nv ail 01 -nallon -fttn-t <(f > ?? There was a groat oroWfl ultf) attend ance on yesterday, saresdayV but" no sales were inado by publie- onteors.n< t*i) h ; 'att tftOJ uii I .d'fljQftl ji.od. . Th? King's Daughters ate requested to moot at tho Baptist-chuV?h 'Oft' Fri day afternoon next, id if u . I ?. -.?'! ? ? .': 1 :.?> Y.:U<> Ji't/t; J ' We learn with rogrel of i tho serious illnoss of Mr. J. Y. Royd at, hi- homo on South. Rabun.< Died Saturday EeWaih'd, 1?!?."?, Rob ert, Arnold, infant so" of .Mr, and Mrs. .?juuios,Wassoji. Aged8, ino.ntb*. , Attorney <5, fr.Rarksdule made, a Hy ing business visit to Atlanta during hist week. " ' '? ??'??? a.i T to ij'.i.. 1)1 ? ' y/107y ">0* "-'M.' ltov. A. G. Wardlaw has accented the call tendered him by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charleston,, i. Mrs. T. F. Jones and Miss T.utie Wright havo returned from a visit to Mr.-. S, .1. Simpson at Spart anbury. .'?.?' Ton per cent. of tho stock "ijiiusoribed to, tho.buiUUng oi' tiie Cotton Milt has boon culled for. . ? . re :*dlnTl mil in >il .? ? ? Ilm an ? '? ??: \ , Hundreds o'f 'no." roes crowded around the registration office On yesterday fok" hours:1 it is said vor'y few 'got'/eertilij ^tcs^'^'-,:;...;-.^;-;'''*'^ \ \ Mr; D. A: Davis, of Davis!?TRupdr's Shoe and -Clothing House is in^rfew York buying up an elegant and exten sive line of {jqods. ? Fl 3 .t; "rti'int? Esq. ?rtni Greenville Bar was cordially greeted in his old home last week. He was attending tho Court on professional businoss, Wc see from the State that Mr. J. j! MeSwaln who is a Lnurens' boy at tho S. C. Collego, bas been elcetod an as sistant editor, of tho South Carolina College'Journal. Tho Mutual Life Insurance Company, through their' agent M. T. Simpson, paid to Mrs. Eli/.a Chapman on :vioivb?v last, $1,000 on the life of Mr. John Chapnian. Tho Directors of the Cotton Mill nave ?purchased''? 1 acres of laud, in the North-Eastern parts of the city'boyoiid tho Oil Mill as a site for the Cotton factory. Situate upon it is a dwelling' und three tenant' bouses. Tho land cost $34.00 per acre. Dr. .1. 1'. Simpson left for Philadel phia on Friday last, lie will bo absent for some days visiting t he city hospitals and taking the touch of "the. e.lbow, with the front rank oi" bis pi'ofe'ssiijli' in the great city of progress in medical spionco and skill.. Sli?'. William Heckler, who recently delighted our people with two charm ing entertainments, will repeat his Performance to-night, Tuesday. The admission fee is 10 ahn IG cents. Mr, Heckler's s how Is a fairly good one, in troducing the latest modern specialties, and ho deserves a "full house,!* Gardening is very kite, this year and the first breaking of dirt occurred dur ing the closing days of last week.? English peas, spinach, onion, lettuce und radish, were looked after. This week irish potatoes will be put into the ground and sweet potatoes will be bed ded for slips,! Let. every gardener bo sure of a supply of spring turnips and ?spinach for tender and juicy salads.? Look carefully into the columns of tho AnvKK Tis Kit for places to lind fresh unfailing seeds. Casli Coinpanj's Locals. The best 10 cents hose for Indies and misses at damieson's Cash Store. New goods arriving daily at Jamio son's Cash Store. Goto .lumicsnn's and secure one. of his premium Cards free ft Is - Laurent*, HpartapluuV aud vlllet" {<\ B^Vj^^mJuUiMHM|xt en /VTI4pB'enjB JBeHdver Jnfbfnt ' "r^l 18 to and have 5. ophj The of this enterprise uj>&i conti 8eW9^^ttinelt oo^Bt? feet*1** r T^tTVi^i>l??e-JAiirens in speaking die* \JA*Jt) with.the people of Spartanburgj I ^''y^XjilPj^QQdT-M^i Plokans, Glenn hS7n*ing8lin(f nearly everybody else. Of cOurso thqlocUl exchange Will bo| of iuiiueuso Valuo and cpnVpnio^ty t? the .people of the town. No ?? eriterprlsj Ing merchant, canait'ord to be without a^phpnx?;; m tira* storfca a phono' will he a necessity A doctOB. without oho nt> hie orHpo and another1 'at1.his hotnd fwii'iidti be ^rh'it'."' A?plMfi uvlatr" -1 i tieal ofabuainoga to livery .stahlen, depots and tet?gr^ph and,express oftlc/eti ; ^lu^?^?^^unlc'?tt^a,'^ wqMffw&j lile, where it is possible. ilA'i 'puOUq should b6 lh db loast ono Of tho ctfur ;il?'?m?, ... . ?-"!?.::;:.:?:. i iro The dispensary should of course have a 'phono TOdjJao should1 qpzert' Uw Tues day's issue, liss tho followinj?.to^pay jn refereijeo to-''Congressman Shells son, I'VankMpi Krp??$entative Shell's scmees to hold a meeting no | provision ffoB ftiftde for a clSrk to tbnt committee. Owing to the disagreeable and u n c l'en a ha ?ft e ? f. SOoie .oL th? 0),em - hern upon the flow;tbto! ventilation of of the vUe-odora 'tyrtt'repitorcd^be 1/oupo sbeir^ned XS^W^m^i^imm p wfirn er? And' i lx?y.V h* a V?'';bad* uu ru?iiot>* ui'4et.iuR9.> Frank Shell noted' 'as clerk of th'ft c;5mh\itte'e'{bVd' ftu'(t.Jh>' cloWVM $HG0 for ' e'i'&'ra: setVieeB.":rltvwaaVAnally redact di ib ^?00, and then< riflM'Ontop extra pay along .with, the. other employ? eefc of i fcbo Hpuse. 1 Tlvhi has' beKnijl ,'? a"A crick in- the. bm-k," n'pah*'under the shbulder-bjhdeS, water- brhshy'blH lotisncss,. ttnil fmW^wmi l^pWBo foms, ot disordered >SLomaeb, 'kidilov9,' liver, and' boy.-*!"WJ^*1ffl;^tty$lg? paginating i,? a\d^iiW?^i4i-W,^rtli0sa organs, take Ayer's lniUs* oiWeitiO ;:? "t ,- i|, -i t 1 I I lit 1 MJwd ifoUffl "-? PSW I nllH 1 [U'.nii?mrrtowT ^tu uO .lhow Uflinaiaiaft u? th'e,p,P?t ??1c?,'atvXaD:' renn, S. 0.s uncloimeUvforiehb Wfcdk end:' nig ?iat'....i. IfflM,.,-)!. uiiwM boIIM .?a oill -Va*ta, ca-aut. Y- Young, Coet-N. :?'.' ?;'?,-:., kou ^it8i waaK^?^DiNo kkh.t/sSj lSf'?. A - Alexanden,. W M -*j. J- -;J.acksi?n; XlovJT. IjLcdbettor, -Miss Ma.ttio. R ?eod- MrsB S. T-vp;.yioi?fJWaltei'. \\- - :\Vi1s:oir, Fjetchor. Persons calling for any- of above let tors will pte|vVevB*r, "Tljey aro adver tised/' rV " ? 'T. ft*. CIthws. P. M. Kutioo, Jiytyittiva Committee! frhoj L'oufity Derrocrulic ICxecu tlve eoiinnit tee in culled to meet nt L urn-lie LV;|L ?>n Friday, 8th lost. A full atlentlaneo Is urgt^d as btHi h??a <>l nnie!f'p(Vlitfc,;i|-importiineo is to bo t.rarisa'cted.' Ry Order WIhe-Ohairtrtan. n.i>X? T: Crews, See. MlSTHWKl'l! . i.-j in.. n,-.viu,:i .V? A ?OTlJt'.'M?ST RE ULILT *S LAU KEJI8.' ^KIuO,aX Building "5teid*d? er an? with more Light than the , ibmdrlia \ im.m.ucr's iiapl-i .. v . i .iiujuunuo iii ww 'in dotd* * 10 WhO'llbiiild it? ? ; -i v. Build what? ?'?-"'' *'" : ' (W,hy,the,new hotol ol coureo. ? . Whotheri.'tho .Bouderlai wilL ,bo re built or, not. THE. Ajdvertibbh| ia uno biotQ- 6,?y.,i But. abatnl.isnoeded.? That's ;a. toot*- Lauren* hue good board ing houses but boarding houses are. not hotojs; >i " You want; ai.hojtolr^oa, th?! publiei ..square," said, ouo ol the most,, popular cominoricul mou on tho . road to. an AD". fiamiigm reporter.. :'(\Aud," he'tcon-t tinuedj iVilt aeed not. bo as larger: as tho .JBendoUui'i...Twenty-live room? . arfc enough, lt> A .smallor,! inoro modern i house with-move light and:iuore air and more comfort would fill, thei bill^i.'It could be pat up for a great doaHess* /monqy than tho Bendolla cost. ... LauretS has,been without a hotel- too loug already, intelligent business men. Know that a good hotol-is the very host advortisemont a town can have, In- ? .deed, strangers, estimate a town by its hotol. "Why,'.'said this same drum mor, "T.nnif ftti..Sim''bW''>"stir She has tho very best hotel in Spufh Carolina.1 iThoi'Smir'tiinii.lhikils' hotter: Vhtihi tho Now Charleston and of courso the pos-i session of thls!li?tbi is* daily making hundreds.of friends for Spartanburg. I^jlVeiOMbuHinoss niuolslioulU1 seel that a hotel is built 'and that quiek. Lau rens business-interests nro sugoring fgy?tl_\e;,want. of. or*er. To.bo:without onoidoee-not look well. ': it'sh^uid r?9t 'be'.f?rfeot.tq'a'. ^haV^u-i re us is not.itlie Lnurens-of .a. month gone. Hho is mow the liveliest't?wn in the'State, a regular junco making town ,tb tho rec?rd-ibreakors, o town with a bettor outlook than -any Other in all; South Off,rpUna'a$tl tyi6'can't;afrbrtl to lay even alittlo just for. tho want of a hotol. -?? i ? ' _ ';; ?;' -.- ' t. I , TT,' ? I1. ?. 1 e 11,'n, I i "ii'.? . '? Honor Roll. , i Honor Roll City 'Graded; Schools'fpf the roonUi ending Feb 15, 1895: m n '. iJPiTat Grade-fr-iCafle' Barksdale, Susie Whitteii. ? '?.' " ?' ?'-??) ? i j fjenonti Gnado^Frankie G ritten^ AbWIe | Ilampion, Lint Jones', Grace Sirpihoj/is, Mol lie Smith, Frank Cpnuor, John Ar 'hui Moselyi. i ? ' . Jf n,frd' Gradc.TT.Vaufikan G ritten, Bessie Hix, Willie Barksdalo, Mnck Irby. ? Fourtli G.radH-r-Ta|l.ulaih Ca'ine? Popo Irby, Lillian Jamieson, - 'Willie Jones, ClaMdla Crows.' ' ...'.'?". - FiTth Gtiute-rrNbra Smith, Lylliau Caine. I ? ??<> 1 Sixth Grade?MaH' Armstrong, Rosa Lee Burton SaUie^jjugstou, Lillu Vis anskn, David AmleTserv"; Yaney^Girker^ i??b, Malcelfn Smith. I . Seventh' ,Grado-r-L\llieiBrown, Olivia jiiurts, Mariegene Caine, Bessie D'^Vid [SOn,1. EnpU.a? HudgenaK ,Mabel' .Harn'e, iLyllian Irby, Gouuio Jones, Paulino Mc jGarloy, LUKtt'\YatfC'ei LI lit'. WilHon, Lau jra .Wright,.' Nahnie May'Wright,, Uuu ben Clardy, Young Fowler,- John Mc ! Ktnley, Wi'lliflm-Meretlitb, Marvin Yea** i??a. .. I Eigth Grade?Bauline Anderson: Kato j Hampton, Louise' Riehey, Klla ltohmd. ! NjjithGrade?Willpii B.oyd, Alue.Iiic.h jelberger, F>ttho body of patriots and-.gentlemen, ?who undertook to counsel the Democra cy of South Carolina, to compose their differences,and unite for- the ;common weal, in view of thesupreme-interests Involved,;? pending the. action of the Constitutional Conventkm-?-soon to as semble. IsdJ lou'dijitos v.!ad*4i'{4.4a;ii : Ordinarily, I should treat With silent contempt, as others have done, tho vile froth and toaiai ajftdjjdiotio stuff, erne nating from.that sheet, but wheu I and otrfettf c'o'ristttfttlng thb bMgTOar Forty aro charged with Trwoxkmg..In, se,prot ?ttnTsoV wiYJi/tb^sQj^ who aro bidding for fbei nogro vote, and thov dal-'q not nntngdhizoany1', measure ?which1 that class proposes,-* ahd' this, "Surely 'SenAtm' Tiffino*. ?na Gov. Rvuns cab sec' '.'.that tad .' "Bavnwellr Hemphlll "faction capnbt 'str?bgthpn .'the ltruc-bhib RofPrnieri-i sufjiefehtly to counteract tho btfcdW Of the Cfon 1 z'ales-Wllllanls faCtibb, fbrty' ti-altOrs -ahd tbo Republican tiegroest''' Decent self-i'cspept and the '-.public, good ro puiro its to speak, and' 'h.urX;;'i5ac^,'ijaose willful, and wicked (danders, into tho ?tooth' of this R,ebpey .'Sitj'nl'o,. Who doubt ' tees' uttp'rs Mfi^v^^r^HWre1^ purposes 'lipd 4s seeking'le keep,', up strife- bud 'bitterness in the'rank's of t)\o Demoe 'i-uey. , Wh'ob, lip ehargos'thp "Forty"' ?'With collusion and'p?nsb'racy with nc jf'irbbs,?h^S0'tp,lp ''tr?p-ldbe-roformer"' ' forgotten or dees he think others have '.sb $oon rprgotlou his deal iit Laurens "Hvitfy 42-ne^'rbps?(b pycr-vido the free ;:BoTu dhiuse of lap Dispensary .Act, and. oy ,>vlne.Jl lie became a member of that tanVous ReuFFstato Syndicate, 'and.a jfrije-hpld^.vptpjt', pw'niug. ohp sixty-three p'av't1 p} ppcJacf^ *pf land. in. a swamp? . raflggbs^as apropos, that'be' >viltthbik ,bt thait/ wlieu bp,Lis, about to phargo J?thers' with, "collusion apd conspiracy ; with/ Rqppbliean negroes. (Now, on .'tppsqu'^ 'dpybu rbturn,' tbat real, estate tp the ,A\ud iterator t'^xatiop"?),, Again,.1 would ,usk.tbis "Trup-Rluo Rpfprmof,;. to re V^lyp in tho prqfou.nd depths of his in npV consciousness,; the query, whethor .Up, wbb.seeks tp harinouuo op au hon-i .prablo apd'' just busis, tho disscntionsi t La tho ranks of tho Democracy for tho, safety of tho commonwealth, or he who. (Stfra strife and bitterness botweon tho ifaetidns.,by falso-hood and slander, is !thp trup ' fYiond of the .Reform move-j nicht apd tbo Democratic party? ..An' .intelligent pepplo cannot ho hum bugged long by tho cry of "Truo-bluej Reformer or,traitor;"' which last term vou So illppantlyi Jling at men who aro by every token better patriots and rp-i formers than yourself. As ono of tho '.'Forty". 1 baye no controversy witbj Senator Tillman and Cov, EVatUVdjuJu, ain glad to know that in lhj^mmmfFm-T ponce and hn.rJHvny tTIey"have not only ? caught ?Ko spirit of tho "Forty" but; havo, outstripped them, and actually! formulated with Messrs. Sloan, Darn-' woll and Hemphill.a plan for uniting the Democracy, and -brown their pow erful influence on the i.'dp of peace and harmony and a non-partisan conven tion, a. c. Fuller, One of tho Original Forty. Acting through the blood, Hood's Snrsnparilla not only cures scrofula', suit rheum, etc., but gives health and Vigor to the whole body. "i'ho man who determines to be blMtrdeless and harmless will bt* SttTO to reach holiness whether he ! ncbipts .anybody'.s theory or not. Our troubles have not come be cause Jbsus was ignorant of our needs, or unwilhng to help us,? Let us have no doubt on this point. Men sometimes get credit for great liberality, when they are really doing very dishonest .tilings ?giving away other people's mon There is more solid comfort in a smilb than In a whole gross of frown?. Xl Is good economy to jsinile. SOUTHERN KEUISTKHTO-DAY! \?iU> iVfiH SENATOH IRBY'S LIVELY LETTER L VSHIN? REFORM. LEADERS, fj ?? ?> t. I i ??? -_) ,i 0 I? Our Cotton Mill~What a Newspaper Does For a Town?One Mill Won't Make a Chicago, on V)~l Uli I ! / ? I :>di ul Ox.vxmx, S, j& m>5. Register. Hi Register to-day. Id And if you nogleot to register today, do not forget to register to moreow. . . Last wook I mado a mistake in saying that the.new registration.would begin on the fourteenth of March, a serious mistake it Was too. The new rogistirn. ;tion boganiyosterday and'it will end on tbo fourtoehth of March. After today but ono week and ono dayI remain but they are ample for all tho people In Laurone, oounty if they aro proporly nt i 1 i But tlioro .is certainly no. time to waate and the importance of so'ciuring a registration ticket is too urgent? to admit of delay. ?ENA't'OU IUBY'S intKAK. Time will show w lie the r or not It was.a break in tho slang souse of the word. It was cortainly a bveakj-^olY from Tillpaan and Evans. Perhaps it will bo inouded,?porhups and indeod I think it quite probable, that the triumvirateJsiJLeoatiuuo in business tqgothovLor some time to come. - The dissolution'will come when the occa sion arrives; to objot a .successor-; to Senator Irby., In my opinion, H will coino i then, iunsmueh as a seat in tlio U. S. Senate will not admit of cutting in half. i THE SENATOR'S DAKINC. Senator Irby's lottor, it must he con ceded, is a high testimonial to his pol itical courage. It is not the habit Of discontented Reformers to attack the ox-Governor. When Mr. McLaurin has dritlci'/.ed him it has been In the mildest gentlest manner conceivable as though it wero "moro In sorrow than in anger." Hut Senator Irby while he Says' nothing that derogates from Capt Tillman as a man of truth and sinceri ty says moro and worse things. Ao cording to vho Senator, Tillman Has been rounded up and operated upon by the vilest of the vile, weak Consorva* fives. According to tho Sonator, Joe Barnwell and CaV Homphill havo made ridiculous little fools of Tillman and Evnns,?tho Senator questions if Evans has not been bamboo/led ?and after all the two mighty leaders of Reform aro no matches for the astute presti glators of Charleston, It is a dread ful accusation tojffiako after alt thoso years,?that thefgamest of tho gamo and the kcenostylLJJiP keen, having been into tho "ml ?^U' "' "'-'?' liianki. Dot? without the shadow of a doubt distinguished Reformer to marsha a company of arguments going to, show that Tillman is sometimes just such a fool as other men are capable of proving thetnsoives. HOW IT WILL END. 1 think that Senator Irby will bo able to inspire Capt. Tillman with genuine "sorrow that ho wandered from bis own lire-side" and that Tillman will re pent in sack-cloth and ashes. Irby will not back down,?but Tillman has backed before many a time and it will come natural to him. As for Evans, that remark that be "lied the State" in tho time of need was too vitriolic; not to bite'deep but there is no reason why a truce should not be patched up. Some men never forgive especially when ci.rcuniStap.CC9 are of a kind to force them into rivalry much as they might wish to shun it. , it will be observed tbat Congressman Staanyarno Wilson while abstaining from Irby's salty expressions bolsters tho hitters position. Wilson is by odds u smarter politician than any of thorn, smarter than Irby, Evans and Till man with their beads altogether. So Laurens is to have a cotton mill. Good. Eor months and years, long yours of waiting, Till: AiWEUTtsEK has deluged Laurens with factory talk. lias dinned and howled and shrieked it into your ears. And The ApVERTISEK never abandoned the notion that Laurens would have a mill at some time or oth er. Whou you have solid, sensible, capable business men to begin with it is no risky ta.-k to prophesy tbat a town will do something for itself. News papers do not build factories. It's the "1111111" that takes. Never yet did a nowspdpor or ', j?, with "sticks' T EAC H ERfr' CplUMN All commupicatlons ..cph should be eent to B. Y. Culberl4en; Msddan, 8. C. . Another' Appeal to the Teachefs. I' I > to ? t h 1 s timo only four teachers in Laurens County have sent' in reports of;their schools. Why this is we cannot say. Surely vac. have more than four wideawake teachers in Laurens County who are willing to say and do something in,,?the interest?o ,f education- . Probably you have' misplaced the queBtlbns that We ?Ske'd-. If so this pha)l nbt bo an excise any .longer.. \y*e,ppb lish I hem one more time tbi6>WecK. Now wbilo you have thenv mid evcrythin'g rs fresh on your mindjs, wr)tc your report, You can do j a great deal bettor after, you get started- than-you think you can'. If you w^h to have the s,u\y|i^er school, now is the tube tb;^?y ^oj-| I'he County Board will not give St unless you Want it. Neither Will they think tbat you apprecitttt;, it unless you are w.illing to;say sp,;. . If you wish the.. conyenliontJ to help our schools pOW js the'tiinb^o say so. : Wi&ito?ffitkty ijM1i$cln this subject the more goqiv it. \vi;ll do. . -. - n' j j>.ir-.i?-- tub oda baa ,?-uo The following is the list of f&b\: lionsi . , ,: . ! ist. Name of school.. :n.. -.h-h \ 2d. When did this session begin? 3d. Length ot term'. ;' ! "! t"1?" 4th. Number of'pupils ?|?{w(gn? studies, viz.: geography*, .'?hjftjpry and grammar, wouhl yon begin |t child first, suul why? . n 8th; When sh-mld a pupil begin the study of Latin? Algebra?' 9'.h. State your opiuipp on..(au length of daily session; (b),literary societies in school; (c) corporal punishment. iptft. What would y.v u suggest to the delegates of lb- Constitu tional Convention? nth. What do you think of es? tablish" teachers ? who have Tiot a decided opinion top'b.p any of the above questions ht them An swer what they can. He sure to send in a report if nothing else Arrange it ready for publication, that it may not have to be rewrit ten. Always sign your name and name of assistants, if any. Mental Arithmetic Questions. ist. A boy was sent to a spring with a live and a three quart meas ure to procure exactly four quarts of water. I low did lie measure it? 2d. A man having a fox, a goose and a peck of corn was desirous of crossing a river. He could take only one across at a time, and if he left the fox and goose while he took the corn the fox would kill the goose; but if be left the goose and the coin the goose would eat the corn. How shall be get them all safely across the river ? 3d. A man purchased a hat for live dollars, and handed the mer chant a fifty dollar bill to payB it. Tho merchant being unnblJH make the change sent the "billflfl broker, got it changed and tfl gayejtheanan sy.ho, bquflht,!^^? forty-five dollars. The urokerjfl ter the purchaser of the hat lfl gone, discovered' that the bill \fl counterfeit, jnncj, jtth^refcujO returJ| it to the merchant and icceivvflj fifty doll.lro of good' money, i Hoffl operation?,,.., .,,,,,':.,i ..ii .'tin 'in aau 1 H As we aio considejahly .wroUglH up In our cotncr',ortll'tfce1 s'ehoJfl question,I'Mfcl^ as the wafceh &n the Aoj^wr^HnoM how we sre getting nlongi:in>l W There ts'a 'section iiv achb^W? trict No; i not with.n 'reactF?fSM school established. Ion annul a fij The abtivo sectipn'bbittfritt?^ tH 38 chil^p; Vv^hir^V#^?^ There is ?Wo, a small actctiQtoiin.lSy.H 4, same township* ridjoining) thdfl above sebtidn in ,No. i, thM'br'veryW inconvenient on account of ?istancefl and mud, and contains from-tori1 tofl twelve children irr 1he'lsxifb?i1 agc.H In the above, community there isfl a schopl bouse and grounds belong in;- to the peoples ambis also acces-? sible to half a dozen ciiihlreii in ? Greenville County which 18 de- flj prived of school opportunities. - jfl Vop \sill very readily see that fl the above school location is in thefl centre of-plenty of-children. fl In consideration j Of1 jttyc>; ftbove fl facts wc went before bur board of fl trustees and asked tho.grant ot our fl pro rata share of the school money fl in order tbat wo might go :to ir fl school more convenient. They te- | fused on the authority, of , Sec- I tion 1013. We went to tho county board,doping they would reverse tbe*dKJisioiiOf the subordinate;-? They denied our petition; on Wpat grounds we know not, except on their own authority to do'as :t^ey Phrase. " ', ;a Since I began this letter ,1-have? talked to one of tber uusteesum-.? school district Nb. t. He Ulls'-rnc 1 that the other two trustees li.'ui fc'p^n J . the honoi ahle School Commiss/ioner, J and he said that what they said jk would be law. fl Mr ^l-'^'- my impi'cssipn fl PUs always iiTenTu; L -the jcgjslatorsfl made the laws, the judicWtabIjnter>fl pieted the law, and the e>;c7utiv<^B enforced the law. ',. ,,' j . ji If Mr. Madden knew all tpe iime tbat the will <>!' the trustees was law, it seems to nie tbat he' treated the contestants vei y badly hv not notifying them and saving them the trip of over twenty miles in t-lect and mud to attend a mock trial on a subject that we were deeply .in terested in. If Mr. Mnddenls plan is to deprive children of educational advantages, then vyc have ch'dugh of Ids plan. We are taunted, Mr. Editor, by our and trustees that it's reform, measures that we are being gov erned by. . . In the general law of 1890 there is a section, 1013, making it the dllty of the trustees, where if is convenient by desirable, to estab-_ lish a school. But 1 suppose the trustees don't desire that wo haven school, and it is in their hands. District Numhi-k One.