<|%3 Ctetuertiser. LAURENS, S, C, Oct. 9, 1894, "Columbia, S. C., Oct. 6, 'P4. To Advertiser: ??The Supremo Court yesterday de clared the Dispensary Act of '93. Gary dellvors the opinion, Pope coneurB and Mclvor dissenting. ~*'J* "W. W. Ball." r1 a t 1 ? ~ Constabulary made a grab of whis key In Charleston said to bo worth $5,000.00. Verily the State Is in the swim. Some ono gave the snap away. A brother of Congressional Nomlneo Wilson, who killed a policemo rx at Lan caster, was tried and acquitted last week. The Laurens Advertiser is again agitating the question of a better sehedulo on the Laurens road?and the Laurens people should havo It.?New berry Observer. "Under tho title of "Issues of the Coming Elections." tho October num ber of tho North American Rovtaw contains two important anticlos writ ten respectively hy tho Hon. William L. Wilson and Ex-Spoakor Rood, in which the principles on which both tho groat parties will go before tho na tion in tho approaching campaign aro outlined with precision and authority. Charleston has a now daily paper, ?'Tho Evoning Post." Its editor is Hartwell M. Aver, late of Florence, a very bright and spirited young writer, who has had oxperionco on tho press. Ho will mako tho paper a wolcomo vis itor everywhere and wo trust a busi ness succoss. In Aiken a policeman has boon con victed of manslaughter and sentenced to tho ponitontiary. In Marlboro a prominent citizon has been conviotcd of manslaughter for killing his brothor in-law. It will got to be dangerous aftorawhilo to kill a man in South Carolina. Good folks who aro genuine Democrats aro funny people? Thoy wish to down Tillman in this State and to olect Hill in Now York. That is, those horo aro vexed hero be causo thoso there don't favor a bolt horo, and thoso there aro vexed be cause thoso horo don't favor a bolt thoro. A bolt against Hill Is mado by tho samo kind of pcoplo thero that a bolt bore would bo mado by against Tillman.?From the Sumtor Freeman. Beforo sotting out on his long jour ney to the seat of war In Asia, Julian Ralph evidently rocolvod a pleasant impression of tho Japaneso In New York City. Harper's Weekly for Oc tober 6th contains a description of tho Japanese club-houso In West Twenty fifth Street; and the appreciative tono in which this Is written augurs well for tho succoss of Mr. Ralph's under taking in the far East, where ono must havo dono with narrow prejudices in order to draw near to the native life, as Mr. Ralph purposes, with comfort, or ovon with safety. In Richland a jury staying out some time and falling to return a vordict, Judge Bonet had them brought into Court. His Honor ollclted tho fact tUat thoy stood eleven to ono, whoroupon ho withdrew tho caso and ordered tho , minority juror discharged and sont to W his homo And now pooplo will bo after likening tho Judge to tho son-in law ono of tho Astor family was afflicted with. Confusion as to tho choice of a blood purifier Is unnecessary. Thoro Is but ono host Sarsaparllla, and that is Ayor's. This important fact was rec ognized at tho World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, boing tho only blood-purifier ad mitted to bo placed on exhibition. Comment is made upon tho suspen sion of tho Dispensary business dur ing three months of this year. If tho law was of force then Its suspension was Illegal and an abuso of power. Taking tho facts Into vlow tho follow l.ig seems to be a roasonablo solution. On tho promulgation of tho opinion of tho Supreme Court, Gov. Tillman and his Attornoy-Gonoral determined to wind up tho business and stand by tho decision that tho law was unconstitu tional. It was subsequently ascer tained that tho nowly olected judgo would sustain tho law aiid thoroforo the business was ro-openod. So lot thoro be no doubting Tnomas as to tho outcome of the decision. Hot Supper. Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Mounlyille Presbyterian Church will givo an entertain ment at Mount vi tin on Wednesday, Octo bor 3l8t inst., comprising choice recitations, music and Hot Supper. The public is cor dially invited. Don't forget the time Wednesday, Oct. 31st. Commuter Ladikh' Aid Sockty. Business Notices. Two houses just beyond city limits to rent, with or without small farms at tached. W. II. Martin. Lime! Lime! Lime! Tho best ovor made for sale by H. E. Gray. Wanted to purchase old United Stato and Confederate States Postago Stamps used if on old original onvclopos. Will pay high prices for Confederate monoy also. Address with stamp. E. C. Loo an, Jr., Greenville, S. C. Seo the handsomo all wool sorgo 44 ipphos wldo for only 50cts at W. A. Jamiospn's cheap cash storo. Samo goods sold last year for 85ots. You have nevor scon such a lino of Dress Coeds us we aro showing this season. Tho quality of which is high but prices low. Simmons Bros. 36 inch cashmeros that sold last year for 25cts selling at Jamieson's cheap oaah storo for only lOcts. Tho greatest lino of Silks and Vel vets'over shown in this market can bo soen at our big storo. Simmlns Bros. ^6 inch plaid dross goods soiling every where for 25cts, soiling at Jamio-. sou's for only l?ots?choapor than ficta ' ootton, A big lino of Silver, suitable for wedding prcsonts, at low prices. Simmons Bros. Handsomo lino of cloaks for ladios, mlssos and childron at pricos to suit Slots cotton at .Jumleson s choap cash store. A groat line of ladies hats in tho highost styles at tho lowest prices. Simmons BrOs. We ask oyory lady who has a hat or Sonnot to buy to seo our lino boforo uying. Stylo, quality and price to suit everyone at W. A. Jamloson's. For special bargains in clothing soo our big room. Don't forgot our lirto if you want to savo ^noney. Simmons Bros. To reinovo the constipated habit, the only safe treatment is a couarso of 'A.yor'8 Pills, followed by a laxative let. Most other cathartics do raioro ?rm than good, therefore loalling Mans rccommond Ayor's Ifills, "~ ?i atomlly ph - 'c. I Newsy Notes About You. Miss Maggie Finloy, of Greenwood, Is on a visit to Mrs. J. T. Johnson. Miss Ida Fuller has returned to school at Groonboro, N. 0. Cotton was a little more lively on Saturday. The Georgia Democracy wins with hands down. Mrs. Nix and sister, Miss Fannie Maxwell, are on a visit to Walhalla. Mr. W. W. Ball and his friend, Mr. Will Butler, came, up from Columbia on Saturday. Mr. L. W. Boyd and friend, Mr. Wostfield from Spartanburg, spent Sunday In the city. Mrs. Raworth and her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Brown, of Augusta, are vis iting the family of Mr. H. A. Webb. Miss Hattie Frierson returned on Friday from a visit to Cincinnati and Nashville. Mrs. J. H. Traynham and son Ryland are visiting relatives near Princoton, S. C. Mrs. Creighton, of Rutherford ton, N. C, is at tho residence of her fathor, Dr. J. T. Poole. Read the Advertiser to know whoro to get your wants and tastes supplied to a nicety. Mastor Dugas and Bon Martin havo gono to one of North Carolina's educa tional Institutions. Thoro will bo fine racing at the Woodruff Fair?running and trotting. Liberal premiums to winners. Bicy cling will bo an Interesting feature. Mr. Gus Hart and family formerly of Laurons, passed through tho city last weok on route to Slmpsonvllle to visit friends. Tho North American Roviow for Oc tober contains an intorostlng article by Dr. Louis Robinson on "Tho Primi tive Child." Mrs. W. N. Wright and Mlssos Lu clllo and Nannlo May Wright left on Saturday for Branchvlllo where thoy will attend tho wedding of Mr. Archio Wright on the tenth. Mr. B. 0. Crisp has purchasod the old Presbyterian Church lot and pur poses to Improve it. No prettier slto for a i*08ldence could bo found in tho city's procinots. Mastor T. R. Wobb has embarked in a mercantile ontorpriso in tho storo room adjoining tho Wllkes emporium. Candies and pindors are tho lines of goods chiefly carried. Encourago tho young merchant by your patronage. Confusion comes with five cents cot ton. But lot us not looso our heads. This Is tho fall to sow largely of wheat, Oats, barley, ryo and crimson clover. Thoro is a way to indopondonco insplto of ill winds. From now until tho 15th of Novombor. Saturday was a ltvoly day. Cotton rolled In and crowded the square. Buncombe sent down her wagons laden with cabbages, potatoes and tho savory apple. Ladles crowdod around the counters of smiling merchants and all in all it was a rod totter day. You should havo tho Premium List of tho Woodrnff Agricultural and Stock Show tho 25th and 26th inst. Apply to Secretary S. M. Kllgore, Woodruff, S. C. Wo havo not room for tho enticing Premium List. It will bo tho finest thing of tho season. Lanford, Ora and Laurens take notice. Mr. Jefferson Fullor, a farmor living a fow miles out of town, died at his homo quite suddenly on Thursday evening at tho ago of sixty-three. Af ter a hard day's work, supper being ovor ho lay down and presently tho family calling htm found him dead. An inquest was held on the day following, tho jury returning a vordlct that death resulted from natural causes. Brilliant chateau toilettes from Worth, drawn by Sandoz, are tho prin ciple fashion features of tho Harper's Bazar for October 6th. Thore Is also a vai loty of Redfern's newest tailor gowns and coats. The literary features are "A Spoilt Child," a parlor play by Caroline Tlcknor; "Book Cluhs and Homo Libraries," by Eleanor V. Hut ton, and "Tho Comto do Paris," an il lustrated article, with text by Lillio H. French. Klectlon Commissioners, Gov. Tillman has appointed tho fol lowing election commissioners for this county: State?O. P. Goodwin, J. C. McMil lan and A. C. Owens. Federal?S. W. Lowe. G. W. Cul bortson and W. L. Cunningham. Marriage. M iss Sara Shell, daughter of Con gressman G. W. Shell, and Dr. Eugene Martin, a son of Mr. Ambrose Martin, woro married at the Chestnut Ridge Baptist Church on theovonlng of Wed nesday, tho third of Octobor. The Advertiser oxtonds its best wishes. Mountville, Cotton is rather a shabby king at this tlmo from tho prosent price. I think It Is like Dr. Coloman8 bacon if it moves at all it will be obliged to go up. Marcus Watts thinks it Is likoly ho will save his for spinning and knitting purposes. Notwithstanding a financial gloom pervades tho whole country tho hearts of the farmers aro beating bravely, facing disaster, calmly. Our Baptist Church is rapidly ap proaching completion. Evidenco of progross all around. Cross Hill is soomingly on a boom. That genial operator and railroad agent, Capt. Cooglor has thrown opon tho doors qf tho Ponciana t-o thp travr oiling public, wherb you w?} And the host attention and table loaded with all the subtuiitiul? and delloaolos of tho season. Tho good ladles will find at tho "old reliable," tho Davonport House, Misses Emma Neoloy and Annlo Cook who aro well skilled in all that pertains to tho mystery of dress making from tho simple wrapper to tho most elegant and costly costume. They proposo to ploaso every one in work ana price. Tho Cross Hill School will soon opon under tho management of competont teachors, and wo will say that partios who dosiro board can find good placos. Mr. M. T. Slmpspn and his good lady can accommodate several. K. Deafness Cannot Be Cured Hy local applications as thoy cannot reach tho diseasod portion of the ear. Thoro is only ono way to euro doafness, and that is by constitutional romodios. Doafnoss is causod by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of tho Eus tachian Tube. Whon this tube is in flamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whon it is en tirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless tho inflammation can bo takon out and this tubo restorod to its normal condition, hoaring will bo do. stroyod forovor; nine cases out of ton aro causod by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mu cous surfaces. * Wo will give ono hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars: freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ?rSold by Druggists, 75o. IWe aro headquarters for quality, quantity, variety and low prices. 81 Another Hurricane Approaching. The following dispatch will bo road with interest: AUOUSTA, OA., Oct. 8th, 1894. To Postmaster: '?Tropical hurrlcano approaching Oentral Gulf Coast, likely to pass over East Gulf and south Atlantic States, attended by heavy rains and high winds. "D. Fisher." IiODg Branch. A few things that everybody ought to know: Master Larry Todd came up from the neck and organized a mink hunt, and routed one near Blakeley's store. After an exoiting chase of about three miles the mink was forced to take to a tree and was brought down by a shot from Mr. J. T. Toad's unerring rifle. The first inst. was quite an Interest ing day at the residence of Mr. Robert Frank's, where a family ronunlon was held. J. L. Sloan was there with his camera and photographed the family of six brothers and sisters, the young ost of whom Is In hor seventy-sixth year while the oldest is in her ninety third year. The recent lawn party at J. W. Clark's was a grand success and Bill Peterson was there. Wo wonder why? Mr. James Meadows and wlfo wore down from the mountains last week visiting their old homo and fr'onds, after beim? gone twonty-ono yoars. Miss Salllo Hannah, of Cross Hill, who has boon visiting rolativos and friends in this section for two weeks, has returned home. Miss Octavo McQuown has boon so journing for two weoks in Groonvlllo county. Miss Alice Blakoly has gono to Now borry to teach school. We congratu late her patrons on securing so accom plished a teacher. Miss Mat t ic Blakoly Is also visiting In that Dutch country. L. T. Benjamin's now dwolling Is nearlng completion and it will bo quite an addition to the doighborhood. W. A. Pool is the contractor. The oditor of tho Laurensvlllo Her ald is good at giving information. What about Larry Gantt.1 Slocum GlLSON. It Is Important to keop tho liver and kidneys In good condition. Hood's Sar saparilla Is the romody for Invigorat ing these organs. STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA County of Laurbns. Court of Common Pleas. H. W. Anderson, as Recoiver of J. T. Poolq, Plaintiff, against J. H. Powers and J. W. Todd, Defend ants. Pursuant to the docreo of tho Court in tho above stated action, I will sell separate! v at public outcry at Laurens C. H., S. C., on Salesday in Nov. 1894, during tho legal hours of sale, tho fol lowing threo lots of tho Defendant, J. H. Powers, to wit: 1. That lot or parcel of land, situnto In tho North-Eastorn portion of tho city of Laurens, In Ahe County and Stato aforesaid, containing Four Acres, more or loss, and bounded on tho South and West by lands of Mrs. Mary Y. Garlington, on tho East by tho public highway, known as tho Union Road, and on tho North by street forty fret wide running parallel with tho Green wood, Laurons and Spartanburg Rail road. 2. Also that lot or parcel of land sit uate in tho city of Laurens bounded on tho North by lands of Mrs. W. L. Boyd. on tho East by lands of J, O. C. Fleming, on tho South and Wost by lands of Alsoy F. and Ora W. Cole man, containing Four-tenths of an acre moro or less, being tho lot purchased by tho said J. H. Powors of the De fondant, J. W. Todd. 3. And also that lot of land situate In tho North-oastorn portion of tho city of Laurons, In tho County and Stato aforesaid, containing Eighteen one-hundredth8 of an acre bounded on tho -West by Laurens street, on tho North by the lot purchased by tho said J. H. Powors of tho Defendant, J. W. Todd, on tho East by lot of J. O. C. Fleming and on tho South by lot of Miss Lou Fleming. Terms of Sale: Tho purchaser will be required to pay ono-half of tho pur chase money cash and tho other half at twelve months time from day of salo, with interest from that time, giving his bond and mortgage of tho premises sold to secure tho credit portion. Tho purchaser however will have the privi lege of paying all cash or as much moro than half cash as ho may desire. Pur chaser to pay for papers. J. H. Wiiarton, c. 0. c. P. Oct. S, 1894-4t._ STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurens?Court of Probate. H. G. Coloman, as Administrator &c. of F. D. Coloman, dee'd, Plaintiff, against O. D. Coloman, ot. ah, De fondants. Pursuant to docroo in the above stated action, I will sell at Laurons Court Hou8o, S. C, within tho legal hours of saloonSalosday in November, 1894 (being tho 5th day of tho month) tho following roal ostato, of which F. D. Coleman died seized and possessed, situate In Laurens County In said state, to wit: 1. That tract known as tho Doll Nel son place, containing Ninety (90) acres, moro or loss, and bounded by lands of Mrs. ot India D. Coloman, estato of Mattle J. Coleman, ostato of Estolla Fuller and others. 2. That tract containing Sovonty nlne (79) acres, moro or loss and bound ed by lands belonging to tho estato of Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Othello D. Coleman, J. D. M. Shaw and others. 3. That tract known as tho Coloman tract containing Two Hundred (200) acres, moro or less and bounded by lands of J. D- M. Shaw, H. Y. Simpson, Mrs. Amanda Coloman and others. Terms: One-half of tho purchaso money to bo paid cash and tho remain der at twolvo months tlmo from day of sale with Intorest. Tho purchaser giving his bond and mortgago of tho Eremises to secure the credit portion; aving leave howevor to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. If pur chaser falls to comply with torms of salo, tho promises to bo resold at his risk on tho same or somo subsequent salosday. John M. Clardy, Qct. 8. 1894?4t ' J. l>. u. 0. STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA County of J,aurkns. Court of Common Pleas. C. L. Fullor, Individually and as ad ministrator of Carrio B. Fullor, lM'ff, against Bonjamin R. Fullor and othors, Dofondants. Pursuant to tho docroe of tho Court, I will soil at public outcry at Laurons S. C, within tho legal hours of sale on Salosday In Novombor, 1894 (bolng tho 5th day of tho month) all that tract of land situate in tho county of Laurens, Stato aforesaid, containing ninoty sovon (97) ncroa moro or loss and bounded by lands of Poggy Mills, Rob ert Jonos, Dollio Crawford' and othors. Torms: ono-half of tho purchaso money to bo paid cash and tho re mainder at twolvo months from day of salo with intorost?tho crodit portion to bo socurod by tho bond of tho pur chaser and his mortgago of the prem ises. Tho purchaser lias leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papors. If the terms aro not compllod with, tho preiii ises tO bo resold oil the garQO or some subsoquon salosday at the risk I of tho former purchaser. Sheriff's Sales ?FOR? NOVEMBER, 1894. STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurens. In Court of Common Pleas. Sarah L. Frlerson, Plaintiff, against Lucy W. Martin and The People's Loan & Exchange Bank of Laurens, S. C, Defendants.?Judgement of Foreclosure By virtue of a decree ip the above stated case I will soll at'Laurons C. H., State aforesaid, on Salesday in Novem ber next, the 5th day of tho month, during the legal hours of salo in front of the Court House door, all that tract, pieco or parcel of land, situated lying and being in the county of Laurens, Stato aforesaid, containing Two Hun dred Acres, more or loss, bounded by lands ? Albert Dial, Elizaboth Teaguo, A. W. 'oague, J. D. W. Watts and others. Terms Nne-half cash, balance on credit 01 ono year with interest from day of sale to bo secured by a bond of tho purchasor and a mortgago of the premises sold. Purchasor to pay for all papers. If terms of salo are not complied with tho land will bo rosold on samo or somo subsoquont salosday at risk of former purchaser. Also In the caso of? J. J. Pluss and J. W. Forguson, doing business undortho firm name of Pluss & Forguson, Plaintiffs, against J. H. Scott, Dofondant. By virtuo of a decretal order in tho above sthtod caso, I will sell at Laurens C. H., stato aforesaid, on Monday tho 5th day of Nov. next, during tho legal hours of salo In front of Court Houso door, all that tract, plceo or parcel of land situated, lying and bolng In tho county Laurens, Stato aforesaid, con taining Ono Hundred and Thlrty-sovon acres, moro or loss, bounded on tho North by Cook Placo, on tho East by H. F. Boland, on tho South by Mrs. J. Clardy, and West by Henry Smith. Terms of salo: Ono-half cash, bal anco on credit? of twolvo months with intorost on credit portion from dato of salo, socurod by a bond of tho pur chasor and a mortgage of tho promises sold, with loavo to tho purchasor to pay entire bid in cash. If terms of salo aro not complied with tho land will bo rosold on samo or some subse quent Salosday at risk of former pur chasor without further ordors from tho Court. Purchasor to pay for all papers. Also In the case of? T. A. McCarloy, Plaintiff, against M. C. Oxnor and others, Defendants.? Judgment of Foreclosure By virtuo of a decretal order In the above stated caso, I will sell at Lau rens C' H.. state aforesaid, on salesday in November next, being the 5th day of tho month, during tho legal hours of salo in front of tho Court House door, all that tract, pieco or parcel of land, situated in Laurens county, stato aforesaid, containing (132) ono hundred and thirty-two acres, moro or less, bounded on tho north by lands of Thos. Hatton, on tho east by Ninety-Six pub lic road ? and Thos. Hatton, south and west by lands of Thos. L. Johnson. Terms of sale: one-half cash, balance on credit of twelve months with in torost on credit portion from dato of sale, secured by a bond of the pur chaser and a mortgago of tho premises sold; with loavo to tho purchaser to pay ontiro bid In cash. If terms of salo are not compiled with, land will bo sold on samo or somo subsequent salesday at risk of former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for all papers. Also In tho caso of? McGhan, Brown & Evans, Plaintiffs, against Melmoth Hooker, Defendant. ?Judgment of Foreclosure. By virtuo of a decretal order in the above stated caso I will soil at Laurens C. H., state aforesaid, on salosday in November next, being tho 5th day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales in front of tho court houso door, all that tract, piece or parcel of land, situated in Laurons county, state aforesaid, containing twonty-live acres, moro or loss, bounded by lands of Ludy Mills, John D. Mills, Lewis Burns and Samuel Franks. Terms uf sale, one half cash, balanco on credit for twelve months with interest on credit portion from dato of sale, secured by bond of tho purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. If terms of salo aro not complied with, land will be resold on samo or some subsequent saleday at risk of former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. Also in tho caso of? Tolivor Robertson, Plaintiff, against J. P. Boyd and othors, Defendants. By virtuo of a decretal order In the above stated caso, I will soli at Laurens C. II., stato aforosaid, on saleday in November noxt, boing tho 5th day of tho month, during legal hours of sale, in front of tho court houso door, all that tract, pieco or parcel of land, sit uated In Laurons county, stato afore said, containing ono hundred and eightoori acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Johnathan Abercromblo, J. R, Fowlor, J. M. Gray and others, known as tho Honry Thompson old homo place. Torms of salo, one-half cash, balanco on credit for one year: credit portion socurod by a bond of tho purchasor and mortgago of tho prom ises sold. If torms of salo aro not com plied with land will bo resold on same or somo subsoqunt salo day at risk of former purchasor. Purhcaser to pay for papers. G. S. McCRAVY, Oct. 8th, '1)4. Sheriff L. C. STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA County of Laurens?Court of Common Pleas. Georgia Chemical Works, Plaintiff against Mattlo E. Goldon and Charles W. Goldon. Pursuant to thodocreoof foroclosuro and salo in tho above stated caso, 1 will sell at Laurons C. H., S. C, on Salos day In November noxt, being Monday tho 5th day of tho month, at public outcry, during tho legal hours for such sales, tho following described property to wit: All that tract, lot or parcel of land, lying and boing in Laurons County and Stato aforesaid, boundod by lands of Elizabeth Hurdotto, Dr. M. C. Cox, Bora A. Nabors, John O. Farmer and J. P. Garrott, and othors, containing Ninoty-flvo Acres, moro or less. Torms: One-half of tho purchaso monoy tefbo paid in cash, and tho ro romafnder at twolvo months, with In torost from tho day of salo to bo so curod by the bond of tho purchaser, and a mortgago of tho promisos sold, with leave to tho purchasor to pay the entire bid in cash. Tho purchasor to pay all expense of papers, and if the purchaser falls to comply with tho torms of salo tho property will bo re sold at his risk on the same or somo subsequent Salosday. J. II. Whahton, v Oct. ?, 1894?It. U.C.6.V. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Laukkns. In tho Probate Court. Mary F. Yoargln, as Administratrix of R. H. Yoargin and individually aguinst Beatrico Yoargin, ot al. All persons having claims, against tho estate of R. H. Yoargin, decoasod, aro required to ostabllsh thorn in this court In tho abovo stated action on or before tho 15th of Novomber noxt or thoy will bo barrod. JOHN M. CLARDY, Oct. 0, 'M-JL?n /. f. i* o. I4?t of Letten Remaining in the Post Office at Laa rens, S. 0., unclaimed, for the week end ing Oct. 8,1894: A?Ambler, John?3. ? B?Barber, Mrs Rebecca; Blakely, Reed; Biandon, Mre Oracle; Butler, Miss Cerrle. G? Oulbertras, Parky. G?Gllyard. Miss Maggie. M?Madden, Miss E P. N?NaborB, R D. R-Randall, Philip; Richard, Willie; Ram ago, Henry. 8?Sacklson, T; Stokes, Miss Corrle; Smith, ^.ev L T. W? Watts, Henroy; Whito, Sim; White, Kev I H. B-Byrd. Mrs L G; Broox, Willlo 0. G-Glllorson, Miss Phills. H?Hunter, J H; Humbort, Honry. J?Johnson, Tom. M?Montgomery, John; MoNlnch, T S; Martin, Alfred; Mooro, Lou, col. P?Plntnerr, Pearl. R?Robinson, Rev A R. FOK Tin-: WEEK BNDINO oct. 1, 1894. Persons calling for any of above let ters will please say, "They are adver tised." T. B. Crews, P. M. notIclT3 Of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 7th day of Nov., 1894, I will render a final account of my acts and do ings as Administrator of the estate of J. W. Goodgion, dee'd, in the office of Judge of Probate for Lau rens county at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as such Administrator. All persons having demands against said estate will please pre sent them on or before that day, proven and authenticated, or be for ever barred. TIIOS. McCOY, Qct. 9, '94~4t Administrator. police OF SETTLEMENT AND AI\ UCAHON FOR FINAL DISCHARGE, Take notice that on the 7th clay of Novembor, 1891, I will render a final account of my acts and doing as Ad ministrator, de bonis non cum tosta mcnto annoxo, of tho ostato of Matilda Goodgion, deceased, in tho ofllco of Judge of Probate for Laurens county at 10 o'clock A. M., and on tho same day will apply for a linal discharge from my trust as such Administer. AH porsons having demands against said estate will plcaso present them on or before that day, proven and authen ticated, or be forevor barred. W. B. GOODOION, Adm'r, do bonis non cum tostamcnto annoxo. Oct. 8, 1894?4t Liquor Cure Co. "The Columbian Liquor and Opium Cure Company of Laurons, S. C," Is now ready to troat patients for tho cure of thoLlqxior, Opium and Tobacco habits. Tho Curo guaranteed. Vor terms seo the Prcsidont or Socretary. L. W. Simkins, Prcsidont. W. II. GilivF.rson, Suo'y and Treas. Sept. 24. 1894-4t. For Yomiir Men and Ladles. Book-keoping, Stonography, Pen manship, tho German language and other practical branches taught by mail. Students given diplomas and as sisted to obtain positions. Thorough instruction, shortest time, smallest cost. Atlanta Commercial Cot.t.kge, Box f>45. Atlanta, (ia. Aug, 27, 1894-3m. Yes the world docs move said Gallileo after the inquisitors had removed the thumb screws, and L. E. BURNS & CO. move with it in the onward inarch of LOW PRICES and BIG BARGAINS. We have moved our entire stock at Barksdale to Laurens, No. 503, Trayham & Dial's Sun Block, where we are to be found with a full line of Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Woolen Goods, Sewing Machines, Hardware, Bio Line of Stoves and Furniture. New Goods arriving every day and we expect to sell them at a sacrafice. We arc sole agents for Dobson's Carpets. Come see our samples and let us quote you factory prices. L. E. BURNS & CO., Undor Buyors and tinder Mollers. J. C. Burns and J. T. Garrett, Mgr's. Sopt. 14, 1894, SOUTHERN LAND ADVERTIS1NG AGRNCY -and Real Estate Exchange. A Bureau of Information ami Hxchaiitfo Contra! Oltloo, Columbia, S. C. C. D. STANLEY, MANAGER. Real Estate Register and Descriptive Circulars Eroo. (Send two cents to cover postage.) 1>AKT1ES wishing to buy, soli, loasc A or oxchango lands should send their address at onco to this Agoncy and Bccuro Roglstor and Doscrlptive circulars, giving valuable information of improved and unimproved farm lands and roal estato of kinds for sale, also the address of parties wishing to buy. Inqulrors should stato whothor th?y wlBh to buy, ?oll or oxohango, and whothor for cash, lands or marketable Bocurittos. Branch ofllcos to bo oatab lishod in overy County in tho 8outh. S. D. Garlington roprosonting Lau rons County! Bureau, Laurens.jH. C. ly 30 Ifj 1 ' v J^^^F^ ^UtF^ Ffiepds ?* C?stotpefs OF Laiirretjs Cotiijty a?}d. CityT I have bought tho entire Stock of Laurens Cash Company at a big bargain, and I am now in -i p sf? tion to offer to my friends and customers unheard Bargains in IressBoofls.ffiilliDgrg. KgntsEarnisfiiDg BooflsJ^sans, Hats ao? Sin - a specialty. It seems as if I had enough of Shoes for every man, woman and child in Laurens County. This week wc make some unheard of Low Prices on a line of Shoes for SPOT CASH. I haven't room in this space to quote prices, but would request you to see a nice button Shoe we sold for $.'.oo, now reduced to $1.25. Neat button Shoe for ladies only 75 cts. It will be to the interest of every one who has a pair Shoes to buy to sec my line. I have got the Shoes and they must he sold, I mean business, I am not talking through my hat. Come to sec us and we will make it interesting for you. Thanking my friends and customers for their very liberal patronage in the past twelve ( 13) years I respectfully ask a liberal share of your valuable patronage in the future. I will spare no pains to please you both in quality ol goods and prices. Very Respectfully, Lender of Low Pries . hocus neos jy9 " And all sorts of trick and humbugs are resorted to by some dealers to catch trade. They profess that you can get Cloti^itjg, Si?oes, Hats t0f" for nothing. .Such absurd adver fjtit~ tisemcnts are of no value any more 00f than cheap Goods are. Davis, Roper & Co. ^?T* ' Don't make such offers. They jJ?T" have been here too long to have to fl?F~~ resort to that sort of thing. Their trade is established and reliable. Davis, Roper & Co. Sell Goods at Small Profit. You get what you ask for and pay tOW* the least possible money consistent HMT" with excellent values. DAVIS, ROPER k CO., The Famous Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store. Ii? GRADED SCHOOLS! Next session begins September 17th. Kxponses for thoso outside tho district: Tuition four weeks, Primary, $1.00 " ?' " Intermediate, 1.60 " " " High School, 2.00 Board " " oro Pupils may board with Superinten dent or in private families. J. B. WATKINS, Superintendent. NOTICE I Tho fiscal yoar of 1893-'i)l will ond 81st Oct. I list.; and parties holding claims against tho County must present them on or before that time. It. P. Adaih. Chairman. Oo? 4. 1 ?94?47?It. Road Overseers. All road overseers will take due notice that all roads of the County that have not been worked by Oct. 20 inst. charges will certainly be preferred against each and every ono of them and that they must abide the consequences. By order of the Hoard. LI. P. ADAIR, Chairman. Oct. 1, 1804?17?3t, Notice. Parties wanting Quano and Add dc llvcd anywhoro In LaurensCounty will savo money by seeing or writing to P. I). HOLT, ? / Alma, S. C. rf?T I soli six dift?ront braads. tf TO Tax Payers, Treasurer's ?kkiok, / Laurexs t'. II., s. c. September U, 1801. ] Tho books for tho collection ol Stul ami County Taxes for th? I'Tseal yeai commencing \'o\oic!?or : f '?? \. i < ho open from Monday, oolabs*; l?tl 1804, to Docombor 31st, I SIM. For the couvonienco of Tux payer I will uttor.d iho follow in ? the days designated for the ? of the same, vise; Pleasant Mound, Octohor the in the morning. Young Store, October the loth, In tho ovoning. Parson's Store, October tin the morning. White's store. Octobci Iho i the morning. Dials Church, October the 17th. the evening. Tumbling shoals, October th ? ! in the morning. Broworton, October tho ItHh, i morning. 15. L. Henderson's. October Lli ; in the evening. Watorloo, Octobor 11>. ? noili morning. Cross Hill, Octobor I he morning. Millen, Oetohor the - I. in th ingi Goldvillo, October the ovoning. Clinton, October tho -? morning. lien no, (October the morning. Josoph Duncan's Store, < 20th, in tho morning. Tyloi'svilto, October Iho . morning. TAX LWVY. Stute Tax.? i iounty Tux,. :.' Railroad Tax. I School Tax. Total.IM Speeial for Laurens Graded School,.v ?? Entcrost on School Bonds. I Total,..+ - Total for Laurens City Cii'i led School, State und Co Tax,. IV Poll Tax (tl.OO. Kvi ? ii ? ? botween tho ages < f Tw 1/ Oi I'Mfty years, except tho earning a support from ? or from other can e -. and I i are now exempted by law, deemed Taxable I'oils. Tax payers owning proper!; different Townships are quested to call for re ?? 11 ? ill Township, therein, - perhaps nonaltios and .1. I). Nli - . (Iounty Trea Sept. 14, I8IM If The undersigned would ? inform the people of I .a ron 1 and surrounding country thai accepted tho ageticy for the a kinds of Mnchiner, sueh a i In I loiters, ('< i ns, Ke jders, < > ?n< I I 'owors und I land I 're ?, 'J Cane Mills. Saw Mills. Boltil fact any and all kinds, of Mai and llxturcs needed, and is propti till nil orders at short not It; i ai prices, tuking the quality ii the chinory into consideration. S'< lind it to your Interest t<> see me h haying. U-.ti Ginn repairing a spoohi .1. .i. PLl) Laurons, S. C, July 30, ixiii ti NOTICE! TlI?RK will ho mi i le< i Trustoes ot the different Sc In trie Is for Laurens County, lo throe Trustees lor each S< triet to serve for a pfil Ii year, except I ho School I)] Cross Hill. Princeton, La uro and Lantlford, Thoy have I laid off. by apodal net of (In 1. laturo (0 govern Iheni??< lv election to ho held on Tu IOlli proximo, The tru lees School District to verve tu n gern, and (he election will be In Id at their respective School :'. clnct; and they will report result nt (his office. TIlOMAs J, DUCKRTT, School Commissioner Laorens t Sept. 20, 1804?45?41 The Sea Hoard Air Litte. Parties going East or West will do well to write or so/( < % j J. N. WBIOOT, * I^urena**